SML Movie: Junior's Bot Fight!

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so guys what do you want to do today oh dude there's a BattleBots fight tonight on TV we have to watch it what's BattleBots you don't know what BattleBots is it's where robots fight until they destroy each other yeah dude it's destruction yeah and tonight it's Splinter saw versus Tornado tentacles and tornado tentacles has it lost no splitter's gonna win he's gonna kick his ass what the tornado tentacles had tentacles that spin in a tornado yeah well Splinter saw his mom is in the hospital so he really wants to win one for her well let's watch it guys well quick you're yapping and turn it on Junior okay hello and welcome to the BattleBots Arena where tonight we will have a battlebot fight tonight's matchup's gonna be a good one folks first we have Splinter song yeah go Splinter sir and Splinter saw will be fighting tornado pinnacle foreign I'm trying to watch guys my bad let the match begin oh no it looks like Splinter sauce gotten one of tornado tentacles is tentacles he's trying to get away what oh no it looks like he's caught in the Smasher oh he's really taking a pounding there he's getting smashed oh he has it right where he wants them come back splitter shot think of your mom oh it's over dude oh you hear that sound false that means it's time for the falling hammers oh you're so done dude oh no it looks like tornado because was hit with a hammer and another one oh no and a mallet oh it's over folks Splinter saw wins dude Joseph I told you Splinter saw would win but tornado tentacles was undefeated he was undefeated but not now he should change his name to tornado testicles because he sucks balls bro the only reason you do one is because the Hammers came down yeah you're right well that was really cool guys that's like a really awesome fight yeah I just wish I could make my own BattleBots someday have you ever wanted to build your own BattleBots someday well today's that day we're having a battlebot competition and if you can build your own battlebot and your Bot can fight and be the last spot standing you could win five thousand dollars but there is a 500 entrance fee so bring the money and your robot today whoa Cody look we could build a battle bot and enter that competition to win five thousand dollars well yeah Junior we could but there's so many problems with that first we'd have to build a robot and that's hard and then we don't have the 500 for the entrance fee how about you build the robot I'll get the 500 for my dad's wallet and Joseph he can name the robot oh I'm good at naming stuff dude but it seems like I'm doing all the work because I'm the one making the robot no Cody we're all doing equal amount of work you're building I'm funding it and Joseph's naming it that's complicated meaning it's the easiest part no sometimes the name of the product is more important than the product itself like you know how hard it is to think of a name of a product like like think of McDonald's how long you think it took them to think of McDonald's McDonald's is the last name of the guy who made McDonald's it wasn't that hard he just named it after himself Wendy's okay Wendy's is the name of the daughter of the owner of Wendy's uh KFC they're from Kentucky and they make fried chicken it's not that hard to think of Kentucky Fried Chicken um Apple yeah they make they make uh cell phones they're well known dude and they make laptops like what what made Steve Jobs name it apple he could have named it orange or pear or zucchini or watermelon but instead he said Apple see now when you say apple you think of iPhone so the name of the products the most important thing so Joseph he's the next Steve Jobs yep you're welcome dude guys we're not making apple we're making a robot that'll probably just get destroyed anyway look let's all break up and do our jobs and let's all meet back up and we're done okay guys check out our robot whoa you made a robot spider hell yeah I did isn't he sick he's the coolest robot I've ever seen Cody yeah okay Junior so where's the 500 oh uh I don't think my dad has that much money in his wallet what Junior that's your mom for the money oh so I have to make the right I promise I'll pay her back okay Joseph what's the name the what the name for the robot oh yeah uh I but all the good ones are taken McDonald's Wendy's KFC those are all restaurants we need robot names well sorry Cody we didn't get the easy job to make the robot yeah all you got to do is put pieces together dude oh screw you guys I just did all the work and you guys did nothing well look Cody I don't see any weapons on this robot where are the weapons well I didn't add any weapons no weapons stupid oh I'm sorry I'm not as stupid somebody who couldn't think we got the robot we need a name so let's anyone throw out some name suggestions how about daddy long legs oh they're pretty nice that's an awesome name I want to take you come up with that just now I just thought of it it was very easy no it took like five hours definitely okay so I need to add some weapons to this so I got an idea I'll be right back all right Cody I just taped a knife to the top of the spider oh yeah now we do a damage dude so I basically built like half the spider Junior I could have taped a knife to it but did you oh talk that yeah so shut up Cody also Joseph grabbed me the tape so we all basically built this robot we're a team yep so we get to split the prize money if we win right we'll see about that later so let's go interim to the competition okay oh man Cody do you think we're gonna win our first fight we better you see this controller people thought they could control a submarine with this thing hopefully this goes better than that did hello and daddy long legs will be reversing the shark Shield reversing a boat how is that supposed to work well we have a knife on our spider so stab the pool and it'll make the pool deflate and then the boat will like crash but if our spider gets wet it might destroy the battery well it's worth a shot Cody okay let the match begin looks like Daddy Long Legs is going to use his knife oh and he punches the pool oh the water's coming out daddy long legs has got to get out of there what is shark ship gonna do oh no lamb no shark ship can't move daddy long legs wins one yes well I think we kind of got lucky because it was a boat so all we had to do was pop the pool well the knife was mightier so we only won because of my amazing engineering screw you guys whip yeah well we won so bad so who do you think we're gonna verse next I have no idea well get out there daddy long legs when is that money yeah go boy hello welcome back to another battlebot fight today's matchup Daddy daddy legs and he will be versing Hammerhead Sean he has a hammer on his head and an ax on his ass oh oh junior he has a hammer and an ax well we have a spider and a knife bring it chump let the match begin Cody charged him as fast as you can go okay Daddy Long Legs is gonna strike first oh damn Cody get off yeah dude I'm trying daddy long legs needs to get up oh no he's getting the ax Cody do something he's teabagging us I'm trying Emma head's going for the ramp oh damn oh oh this match is over folks Hammerhead win we got completely destroyed we never had a chance hey Chumps what PJ Crenshaw Jamie James Crenshaw hey Jamie's Crenshaw you're the one controlling the hammerhead shark yeah and you guys are gonna need something a lot better than a spider if you're gonna beat my hammerhead shark yeah I can't believe we lost and I still owe my mom 500 because I was gonna pair back with the winnings from the fight well Cody it's actually your fault we lost cause it was your dumb idea to come up with a robot spider yeah that was a crappy idea dude oh I'd like to see you guys come up with a better robot why'd you have to make a robot spider something so small you should have made a robot gorilla oh man a robot gorilla went crazy I don't know how to make a robot gorilla well I have an idea for you to be able to pay your mom back well technically you should be paying her back because you are supposed to pay for it to begin with okay well I have an idea for me to be able to pay her back you go borrow another 500 from your mom and then we'll enter the competition again with a new robot and we'll win why would she loan me another 500 when I didn't pay her back last time tell her will pair back double but we're gonna owe her two thousand dollars is he stupid he's very stupid if we borrow 500 and we pay her back double that's a thousand Cody idiot we already borrowed 500 so if you borrow another 500 that'll be a thousand and double that is 2 000. oh I'm not gonna pay back double for the first 500 I'm only gonna pay her back double for the second 500. that's still gonna be fifteen hundred dollars I like that's a deal yeah that's a deal why would she be okay with that because she's gonna get her money back when we win the competition with the five thousand dollars because you're not gonna make a robot spider this time because it was a dumb idea okay well who's making the robot because I don't want to do it you why you're gonna make the robot and we're gonna think of the names yeah you're not gonna think of a name it's gonna be the best name ever so go make the robot go get the money and we're gonna think of the name I hate you guys so hard to work with right okay guys I got the robot oh you built a helicopter Cody yeah I figured if we can fly the other robots won't be able to reach us and also I built this hook so we can pick him up go really high drop them and then they'll break and we win that's a good idea Cody now you're thinking with your Noggin yeah so what's the name okay well we've been thinking yeah we made a long list and we thought we heard these names before oh yeah you think so we ended up going with an original name gravedigger okay well that's not original because there's a monster truck called that and also a helicopter named Gravedigger doesn't make sense a helicopter can dig a grave Cody like if the blades hit the ground or if they're crash in Calabasas yeah yeah I mean fine I guess we can call it Gravedigger oh did you get the 500 from your mom yeah I got the money all right so let's go let's go time for another battlebot fight folks in this corner Grave Digger the helicopter for some reason and in this corner hammerhead shark again all right Cody you have a plan this time right yeah I'm just gonna hook them fly up as high as I can and then drop him so he breaks oh not losing this time dude yeah we're gonna win let the match begin Grave Digger Digger Hammerhead I got him hooked fly up fly up your head wait a minute looks like Hammer hands caught himself a grave digger and he's running him over oh no this match has got to be over he's smashing into pieces I can't watch this Cody do something Junior there's nothing I can do we're just gonna have to sit back and watch him have his way with us Hammerhead wins that did not go as planned you guys really thought a stupid helicopter could take on a hammerhead shark believe we lost again no my mom 50 hundred dollars Cody why would you make a helicopter what a dumb idea yeah such a stupid idea dude you guys said it was a great idea well we lost so it's a bad idea why wouldn't the helicopter pick up the shark truck the shark was too heavy your mom's too heavy but the Earth finds a way to carry her around yeah why did you just make a gorilla dude yeah a robot gorilla I don't know how to make a robot gorilla wow Cody I used to think you were smart and a nerd but now you're just a big dumb Loser yeah we need a new smart friend dude yeah what you guys want some smart I'll make you some smart I'll make the coolest robot car ever okay guys check this out I call it the Mean Green Machine the what hold on let me turn it off it's kind of loud I call it the Mean Green Machine whoa dude you made this hell yeah I did is that a gun yep military grade we're gonna kill PJ Crenshaw on his stupid monster truck dude we're totally gonna win there's no way we'll lose yeah we we need another 500 to enter the competition again I already got it from my mom now we owe her 2 000 1500 from before and now another 500. well we're definitely gonna win this time and we'll get the five thousand dollars and if every pay your mom two thousand that'll leave us with three thousand dollars a thousand dollars for each of us yeah I mean it should all go to me because I did all the work I mean I even named this one because I knew you guys weren't gonna no we all get a thousand dollars each because this is all idea come on welcome back to another battlebot fight we've done a lot today but this matchup is the Mean Green Machine versus The Undefeated hammerhead shark shark okay Cody we're gonna win this time oh yeah I'm just gonna shoot him to death with my gun let the match begin Cody's coming at us die oh no it looks like the mean green machine is shooting his machine gun hammerhead shark is riddled with bullets oh hammerhead shark blew up mean green machine wins we won celebrate die sweet Jesus everyone run for your lives guys we won and we got five thousand dollars we're rich dude yeah I can't believe we won just because I sprayed bullets everywhere and shot all the other robots unfortunately I also shot 35 people so I will be going to jail I'll see you guys later uh so does that mean we have to pay his mom back [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 6,134,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, juniors bot fight, bot fight, battlebot, cody, puppet, puppets, show, brooklyn guy, laugh, fun, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, pj crenshaw, monster truck, machine, fight, adventure, competition, joseph
Id: -ttqurVt6sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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