Jeffy the prime dealer

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okay Daddy I'm ready for school okay go on get in my car I half time H yeah you do I don't want to go school D well I don't want to live for you but I'm first to okay so uh no I'm not not yeah you do no not uh yeah you do I'm not I'm not dealing with your answers today why cuz well I'm yeah I feel sick and I'm kind of like poor so go on get him car yeah you do oh no no no oh yeah you are okay class it is recess go do dumb [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] okay Joseph what do you want to do I know buddy okay uh let's just go run about and play tag okay let's go okay wait guys wait for me okay Joseph I think we should have a Montag of everything fun we do heck yeah dude what's Cody doing oh he's just sleeping okay let's go y yeah J I am your father wait you're not [Music] black no shut up Cody what do you want to do I want to go inside why you too afraid of a cold yeah okay you got to come come on Joseph nope psych some my ball loser oh okay dude is this joke oh yeah I knew uh-huh go okay then go inside then okay teer let me in what do you want go it's don't go that ha let me in you okay yeah stop my Mall no no no no no no it's so cold out here oh man I'm sad wait what Prim oh man I'm the prime King oh hey Jeffy what is that Prime I well I do want my Prime but you got playay for it how much all right 20 bucks I we got a nickel well you not get any oh wait I still got a ch's card I'll just transfer it you really yeah all right back okay I'm going to have a Tre freeze I not had that one yet I just made 20 bucks I found all stairs sh it Jun okay we up the Cher oh hey Jeffy it is it Prime heck yeah how'd you get him in school I don't know uh well can I have one you want to buy some uh no we not getting any uh you know what how much is it 40 bucks okay I'm going to bring some in I'm going to bring 40 bucks in tomorrow right I'm going to get goldberry tomorrow okay that's going to cost you another 10 cuz I have to be waiting all right fine okay okay thank you going to be an extra $10 no what the I'm sorry I'm Dy you B me cuz you scratch your pain okay I'm just going to bring in like 50 $40 tomorrow okay great that is the tense yep oh man I'm just going to watch some TV relax jeffy's at school hey guys you like Prime yeah do you want some prime yeah come down to my address down here and you can have some prime right B for affordable prcess okay yeah so come on then okay I'm coming now okay Jeffy L the address again Jeffy L the address again for the 16th time and how do you even get back commercial God damn it you we address again ah I'm going to call him in here Jeffy get in here okay Jeffy let me in he who yeah dude what do you mean q I've been in this queue for 4 hours jeffy's Prime chap what's prime you don't know what prime is no you Boomer okay well I'm going in there no dude get out of here before I beat you up you're old you're you don't know what prime is don't make me call the cops on you the the cops are in there buying Prime as we speak fine I'll be waiting thank you stupid okay next person come wi and get some prime yes I can buy myself some own Prime now okay come here lady next person next person Hi Jeffy can I show be watermelon Prime please okay show we give me the money okay sh yep it's real you can get whatever you want okay thank you okay next person can come in only one left next person okay I'm here Jeffy oh hey yeah here's your like 40 bucks now uh I'm going to get goldberry what you do yeah problem this morning wait what nothing thanks Jeffy okay okay shop is closed [ __ ] no oh I've waited like 6 hours in M Glide no no no no no no no d d want put me p on just make them [Music] w
Channel: JRL_puppets
Views: 10,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nyFbg3-OXIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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