SML Movie - Jeffy Wins The Lottery! - Full Episode

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all right class today you're going to be taking a super huge important test it's an acronym and there's going to be super huge important test all over your desk and you better not fail cuz if you fail you're going to go all the way back to kinder gon so while you taking super huge important test I'm going to go take super huge important test in the bathroom so you have 10 minutes get to work oh no a super huge important test I don't know any of these answers me either dude hey Cody can you help us cheat on the test Junior how am I even going to take the test I'm on a phone Cody you know the rules no phones at class put your phone away before you fail I am the phone no excuses Cody someone turn him off sorry Cody I got to turn you off I I don't want to fail all right CFT one more quick announcement I'm proud to announce that my daughters ping and pong are going to be permanent students here at y you dumb Elementary I know try not to laugh because I I know they're ugly and super huge important test all right ping and pong go sit in front of Joseph oh man I'm going to fail this test so hard dude why don't you just ask ping and pong to help us cheat what Joseph that's the teacher's daughters they might tell on us I mean she seems cool at least the front side of her I don't want to fail it's worth a shot hey ping pong hello what do you want uh I was wondering if you could help me on my test cuz I don't know what I'm doing a you cute you want to be my boyfriend what no I don't want to be your boyfriend you're kind of weird looking I just want to help on my test well if you want help on your test then you have to be my boyfriend dude do it we need to pass this test I I don't want to date or Joseph come on we need a a sure I'll be your boyfriend yay we're dating now give me your test I'll do your test for you okay I that's cool I'll give her my test too okay I'll give her your test too all right class time's up you better be done taking your super huge important test you better not be backed up so come up here and turn in your test even if you Prairie do here's your test back and here's your test back boyfriend dude your girlfriend show Asha I know she did our test for us let's turn him in all right class I just got done grading the test and I'm proud to announce that Junior Joseph and my two daughters ping and pong all got A+ on the test and Cody got a f oh man I can't believe I got an A+ me too dude oh it's totally worth dating Bing Bong I'm going to get straight A's hey Junior let's go tell my dad that we dating now okay excuse me far what you want ping I just wanted to tell you I have boyfriend now I'm dating weird Turtle Man H you have a boyfriend I never thought i' seen a day Junior you are one unlucky M have you seen their faces uh yeah i' I've seen both their faces and I think they're just gorgeous Junior you might be able to ride to their faces but you're not going to ride to my face here my own classroom but far I saw happy now you better stay happy and you better hold on to this one because this is the only boyfriend you going to get now get out of here ping and pong I got to talk to Junior okay okay Junior listen to me this is very serious those are my only daughter and you better not break their hearts or heart I think they share a heart yeah but anyway I've never seen her this happy so you better not hurt her or them you better not hurt them or or else I'm going to make sure that you fail for the rest of your life and if you try to change schools I'm going to make sure you failed in too what so you are stuck with her for the rest of your life the rest of my life the rest of your life now have a good day you shouldn't have said yes I don't want to be stuck with it for the rest of my life Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph dude what's wrong the teacher just said if I ever break up with his daughter he'll fail me forever then don't break up with her dude but I don't want to be with her forever you don't have to just be with her till graduation we'll get all A's and you'll get a scholarship I mean I guess that is a good idea I mean I'm in no rush to break up with her hey Junior want to be my boyfriend dude this Samantha you had a crush on her forever I know and now she wants to be my girlfriend so is that a yes uh uh I don't know oh man I don't know what to do what's wrong Junior I don't want to stay with ping pong for the rest of my life well then play a different table game there's pool or food ball or air hockey you don't have to just play pingpong no Jeffy the Girl I'm dating is named ping pong what type of name is that I just really need to break up with her Samantha wants to date me now but I don't want to fail school okay I just tell her the truth and tell her I don't want to be with her who's that uh hello ping what are you doing here hey T man I came to your house to spend time with you cuz you're my boyfriend yeah you should have called um listen ping come inside I need to talk to you about something okay listen ping pong there's no easy way to say this stop doing the G open G St I'm trying to talk to you about something serious what's wrong Junior all right look I'm trying to tell you that look we we met today like this is our first time we met and we don't really know each other that well and I think it would be best you know if we just stay as are you trying to break up with me no I'm not trying to break up with you because if you are I'm going to tell my Daddy and then you're going to go to detentions forever no no I was just saying that you know today's the first day we met it's so crazy about how in love I am with you and that I want to be with you forever and I I never want to leave you I love you so much you know oh I love you too Junior yeah okay I'll see you tomorrow at school okay okay I'll do your nails then too give pong a kiss come to give me a kiss okay okay that was nice that was nice okay okay leave you go that way go that way bye junior bye what do I do shf baby save me nice and burnt Chef baby chef baby what do you want junior I'm sad don't be I'm cooking burnt mac and cheese your favorite I do love burnt mac and cheese but look chipy I'm dating the teacher's daughter and the teacher said if I break it with his daughter he'll fail me and I really want to break up with her but I don't know how to do it that's easy Junior get her to break up with you I didn't think of that how do I do that that just be yourself just be gross and disgusting that's not hard I get what you're saying Chef peipi I should invite her over to dinner and when she sees how gross your cooking is she'll break up with me that's not what I said Junior thanks for the advice yet PE you're amazing oh God you don't listen thank you so much for inviting me to dinner boyfriend don't mention it baby anything for you what is this oh this is Chef pee's world famous burnt mac and cheese my favorite burnt why is it burnt because Chef peee sucks at cooking and if you're going to be dating me get used to eating a lot of burnt food cuz I love it and I completely understand if you want to break up with me oh no I don't want to break up I've eaten much worse like bats but you eat bats yeah do you eat the baseballs too what and the gloves huh look why don't you try it and see if you like it okay I'll try it oh this isn't working okay sheby says I need to be gross hey baby you want to hear something yeah listen to this oh yeah what you think about that oh that ain't nothing get a load of this oh yeah and that ain't come out of my butt neither what it come out of then yeah use your imagination there June bug mhm e um well you know what I like to do I like to throw my food yeah me to what okay well I think this dinner's over I'll talk to you later see you later I see you later J bus I don't know what to do dude what's wrong Joseph I have to find a way to break it with ping and pong no do not do this to us dude we need those grades and I want to be a doctor and I can't afford College I need a scholarship well then why don't you date them no they like you well Samantha likes me too and I'd rather date her dude if you're going to break up with them at least get it to where they're still going to help us cheat on T I know that's what I'm trying to do I'm trying to break up in her way where she won't be mad and tell her dad cuz I don't want to fail I tried being gross I tried feeding her shp's cooking nothing's worked I need an idea oh oh dude push her down the stairs well the she just get hurt and tell her dad not that she doesn't wake up then how's she going to help us cheat on test dude I forgot about that I need another idea I need a good idea ooh ooh I got an idea and it's real good what uh uh dude how about you uh act like you're really sick and you only got one day to live yeah that's perfect Joseph I only have one day to live and then she'll break out with me because I'll tell her that I don't want to hold her down when I die yeah nobody wants to be with a dead person yeah exactly oh thanks Joseph you're awesome yeah I know all right so Le I'm going to go tell her okay ping and pong get in here what's up boy friend oh no what happened oh baby I'm not feeling too good oh no did you eat a bat yep I I ate the whole bat and the baseball and the glove are you going to be okay well I don't know how to tell you this but the doctor says I only have tonight to live so I completely understand if you want to break up because I wouldn't want to date someone who was dying either oh no J bugs you're not going to get out of that that easily if you only got one nights to live then we're going to make it counts all night long you know what we're going to do G gar you know actually I think I'm feeling a lot better so you know I think I'll just talk to you later all right J bugs oh I don't know what to do hey who's that uh hello dude look who I found at the orphanage wait what do you do at an orphanage oh you know just hoping someone would adopt me well who are you my name is Ding and I'm DG and together we are ding D Dong Ding and Dong what what are you doing here dude I found this freak of nature and I was thinking maybe your freak of nature could fall in love together wait wait that would be amazing J yeah if ping and pong meet Ding and Dong they can fall in love and then I'll be free yep yep that's what I was thinking come inside Ding and Dong okay uh Hey ping and pong I want to show you something what's that there June bug I want to show you ding-dong all right unzip your pants oh no no no no his name is Ding and dong hello holy crap in my under Roose if that's not the hottest mans I've ever seen wait you're saying he's really hot oh that's exactly what I'm saying there Junebug and I apologize but it's not going to work out between me and you there June buug you're breaking up with me yeah I sure am sorry about that all right come here D dog show me how you got that name g she just broke up with me Joseph it worked dude it looks like you can finally get together with Samantha yeah I can I'm going to call Samantha hey dadd watch this thing e Jeffy Jeffy don't touch that it smells bad where'd you find that at I found it behind the toilet well put it back what is it it's a toilet plunger what you do well when there's poop in the toilet you stick that in it why you just flush the toilet because sometimes there's too much poop in the toilet and you have to get it out with that so how do you use this you just scoop the poop out and make a poop sickle no why don't you just use a spoon or a fork or Chopstick because that would be gross Jeffy you're supposed to use that so then how do you use this you stick it in like this that's what she said no JY flip it around what like this yeah and then and then you get on it and you you do this oh yeah Daddy work that pole no no Jeffy look just put it back where you found it why you don't like it no Jeffy I don't like it you like get it away from me Jeff I don't like it I got take shower I got to take a shower e my face e takey put that back I'm going to go wash my face just just watch TV or something St you want to smell it breaking news UK the lottery is at $100 million and the winning numbers are 15 22 25 59 61 and 6 good luck to whoever has that ticket hold on to it tight so it doesn't blow away in the wind and that takes me to the weather forecast it's going to be windy 100% chance of win powerful enough to snatch a lottery ticket right out of your hand $100 million is a lot of money all right I'm back I just took the world's quickest shower Mario did you hear the lottery is at1 million do it doesn't matter it's RI Jeffy stop it go brush your teeth all right it doesn't matter it's rigged no one's ever going to win it anyway they do say it's the idiots tax what's your lottery well Jeffy if you have a piece of paper with those numbers on it you win $100 million all right hold on where's my $100 million bucks no Jeffy it has to be a lottery ticket with those numbers and it has to be before they announce the numbers well how was I supposed to know what the numbers were going to be before they even announced it well you're supposed to guess well I think the next one's going to be four well Jeffy five more numbers and you might have it all right seven no Jeffy there's no point in guessing it has to be 16 Jeffy no go buy a ticket if you get 23 it doesn't matter there's not another drawing 54 the next drawing is next week do it this 16 well maybe you won J Jeffy look look it doesn't matter it does not matter the lottery you have to be 18 to play it anyway what am I supposed to do this thing go put it back behind the toilet go take out the trash do your chores well well if you want me to take out the trash then you got to come with me cuz you're trash take you out Jeff Jeffy look go put that behind the toilet and go take out the trash and do your chores okay Daddy jeffy's so annoying go leave no go I got to take another shower look for something to eat toilet paper oh man oh man I ain't taking out the trash I going to see if I can make it from right here Kobe yay I made it oh what is that let me see what it is what is this thing it's just a piece of paper with stupid numbers all over it I've already had two showers today want to make it three no hey D I just took out the trash good boy Jeffy Mario could you imagine if we won the lottery I know $100 million that would change our lives but how would we have guessed the numbers 15 22 25 59 61 and 6 wait a minute wait Jeffy where are you going Jeffy where is he where is he where's the winning ticket with the number on it what is this oh that's not it those aren't the winning numbers where is it where is it what's wrong Jeffy I won the loty but I lost the ticket sure you did Jeffy yeah you and your big imagination um Daddy what happens when you win the lottery you take it to the lottery office and they give the money Jeffy where are you going he's just being stupid just sit down baby breaking news UK the winner of the $100 Million jackpot has stepped forward come on in Jeffy what Jeffy has decided that he does not want to claim the $100 million in cash but he would rather have a $100 million worth of bouncy balls because he doesn't want to pay taxes what what an eat Jeffy won the lottery but he didn't take the money he took the prize and bouncy balls hey Daddy you like all my bouncy balls J you won the lottery you didn't take the money you took it at bouncy balls Mario what else do you expect he's just a kid he could have taken the money and he could have changed our lives forever but Danny I did change our lives forever we have more bouncy balls now than we ever did before what are we going to do with all these bouncy balls Jeffy bounce them oh Mario I like this one Jeffy we could have been millionaires well we are millionaires we're just bouncy ball millionaires I feel all sticky and gross I I need to take a bath I need to take a bath I had two showers today but now I need to take a bath oh I hate my life I hate my life okay okay I'm just going to take a nice warm bath and hold my head under the water until I can't breathe anymore that sounds perfect yeah yeah d d you put B balls in the B look Mario I'm collecting all the purple ones that's great baby how was your bath Mario I didn't get to take a bath tell her why Jeffy cuz I put bouncy balls in the bathtub he put bouncy balls in the bathtub a that's so cute Jeffy it K it's not cute it's inconvenient the bathtub was full of bouny balls well then take a shower like an adult Mario he's just being creative he's not being creative he ruined my life Jeffy why did you take bouncy balls instead of the money well Daddy what am I going to do with $100 million put it in the bank let it collect interest what happens if the government shuts down or the stock market crashes then I lose all my money so instead I invested in something tangible see these bouncy balls this bouncy ball right here has got gold in it mhm it's going to be the next Bitcoin and when it blows up I'm going to be sitting pretty daddy I'm going to be Jeffy Bezos you are so stupid Mario he is I'm stupid who's the one that doesn't have bouncy balls you okay you know what yeah fine yeah let's let's just sort the bouncy balls and to different colors that sounds fun right okay Mario you can collect the blue ones yeah you already gave me blue balls today so yeah let's start collecting the blue ones oh I found another one yeah let's do that instead of having $100 million in cash let's just play with 100 million bouncy balls like little kids see o look how fun this is O fun it's fun day oh yeah yay M I can't wait to heat up my pizza where did all these bouny balls come from oh God you know what I don't even care I'm not even going to let it bother me I'm not going to clean it up I'm just going to get a drink from the refrigerator all right let's see what we have to drink where are these bouny balls coming from Mario all right I'm almost done with my blue pile I have so many different piles Mario isn't this fun no hey Daddy I'm collecting giraff balls and yellow balls that's real nice Jeffy Mario what's wrong chef peipi why are there bouncy balls in my microwave and in the refrigerator right here that's me right here Jeffy won the lottery and instead of taking the money he took them in bouncy balls that's stupid yeah and he decided to put the bouncy balls all throughout the house cuz he doesn't know where to store him at well get him out of my kitchen I'm not cleaning it up breaking news UK due to people counterfeiting and printing their own money the United States is no longer using cash as currency we will now be using bouncy balls as a new currency so if you want to buy something you have to pay for it in bouncy balls what bouncy balls can be used as money now uh actually never mind I'll clean it up well well well who's the idiot now Mario we're rich yeah we are rich actually I'm rich well I guess that's true Jeffy what do you want to buy with your millions of bouncy balls H take me to McDonald's all right grab some bouny balls welcome to McDonald's how may take your order Jeffy what do you want Happy Meal can we get a Happy Meal uh yeah it'll be four bouncy balls please Jeffy do you have four bouncy balls right here pay the man okay then here's your Happy Meal sir oh thank you mhm that's ridiculous all right we're back did the bouncy balls work Mario what it look like Mommy I got my Happy Meal so I'm happy as insert s word that's so cool I can't believe you're rich Jeffy I stay Rich mommy well Jeffy is there any way that Mommy Daddy can borrow some bouncy balls to pay some bills sure daddy but you can only have the bouncy balls that are not on this couch oh my God has bouncy balls hidden throughout the house he has like a lot in the bathtub where else do you have bouny balls hidden Jeffy um I got the bathtub and um the toilet the toilet oh my God baby we're rich there's like a million in the bathtub and there's probably like a couple thousand in the toilet hold on I'm going to use the ice cream scooper I'm going to get the bouny balls come on all right there it is the gold mine I'm going to start taking it out with my hands no Daddy Let's you just St it you said Works wow daddy it's really getting them out of there isn't it ddy I lied let let's use our hands all right all right baby we just got these out of the toilet we're rich E Mario they're dirty I don't care clean money Dirty Money I Want It Anyway breaking news UK the United States is going back to using cash as currency because we realized that balancy balls was a stupid idea idea what so these these belty balls are useless a but they're pretty to look at Mario hey Daddy I fix your toilet plunger now it's easier for you to get the poop out see if you put it like this you scoop up all the poop look at that that's a lot of [Laughter] [Music] poop got to check the mail you put your left hand in you take your left hand out you put your left hand back in and you take your right back out you do The Jeffy Pokey and you put your left hand back in that's what it's all about come on Daddy you put your left hand in you take your left hand out you put your left hand back in and you take your right back out you're doing your Jey Pokey and you put your left hand back in and that's what it's all about come on Daddy one more time you put your left Jeffy no no Jeffy it's so annoying you're not even singing it right you're just doing the left hand over and over and over you know no no more piano well can we go in your Park no fine Jeffy we can go to the park as long as you don't play with your stupid cat piano but only for 30 minutes okay Daddy that's so inward what yeah we're about to go outward to the park okay well let me go pee first no Daddy we got to go right now but I got to use the bathroom no Daddy I can wait okay fine let's go I'll just be at the park PE PE all right Jeffy we're only going to be at the park for 30 minutes okay Daddy I'm going to ride the F out of this donkey Jeffy that's a duck you like that donkey all right Jeffy well I really have to go pee so I'm going to find a bush dny remember if you shake it more than three times you're playing with it all right oh man I got to pee you found me you Wing hide and seek what wingle this guy's got his wingle out he's trying to pee on me no I didn't even know you were in the bush I was peeing I I didn't see you mommy help me what's the matter sweetie this guy's got his wien or out a you got your wien out why you trying to show we to my baby no no no I was peeing in the bush I didn't know he was in the bush you got we wio Jeffy Jeffy we have to go home like right now Benny it hasn't been 30 minutes yet I've been counting well Jeffy if we leave right now I'll buy you Legos two boxes yes how about four boxes yes whatever let's just go and E I want to show for two come on let's go oh my God what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do well first of all you go get me my Legos hold on Jeffy Daddy will'll get you your Legos just let me see if I'm in trouble first oh it must be the Lego guy bringing me my Legos oh please don't be the cops uh hello ween man that's the ween man uh excuse me sir are you the wiener man but no I'm not the wiener man really cuz this kid says you Whipped Your hog out at a public park my hog yeah you know your pelvic pork pumpkin what you know come on man your your yogurt hose yogurt hose yeah you know your Wang Dang Doodle your your Vienna sausage wa no no look this is what happened I was at the park with my son and I had to pee so I peed in a bush with a kid in it well I didn't know there was a kid okay I thought I could just pee in a random bush in the Park yeah where else am I supposed to pee I don't know in the bathroom like a normal person well animals pee in bushes yeah and that's what you are an animal and you should be locked up like an animal oh come on I just peed in a bush I shouldn't be in trouble for that well that's illegal and now you got to register as a what come on man you know I can't say that why do I have to register as that look I didn't do anything wrong look I'm sorry that I didn't see the kid when I was you know doing my thing in the bush yeah well that's too bad cuz that's illegal and now you got to be under arrest I do yeah you do so turn around look can we work something out well you're trying to pee on me now CU that might work what just come on breaking news UK Mario the face of Nintendo has been caught with his pants down whizzing on a bush that had a boy named Patrick in it Nintendo has yet to respond but Mario now has to register as AO what has this world come to all right you're out on bail but you're not allowed within1 feet of a park or a Chuck-E-Cheese this is ridiculous you want to know what's ridiculous I still haven't gotten my Legos yet you're right Jeffy I'm sorry hey officer can I take my son Jeffy to the toy store so I can buy him some Legos absolutely not you know what they have at a toy store what kids and you know what you like to do when you're around kids what take a leak I don't like that take a leak when I'm around kids look it happened one time I was at a park I had to pee there was a bush right there I didn't see the kid look I I I I couldn't hold it oh yeah and what happens when you can't hold it at the toy store you going to start peeing on toys no it's called Tickle Me Elmo not tinkle on Me Elmo I know that you don't fine look here take my credit card and just buy Jeffy Legos he wants four boxes four boxes dang what did he do to get full boxes I want to do it all I had to do is come home wow you know what I get for coming home what I get burn dinner and saggy ho hoos well I'm sorry about that yeah me too I'll be back with your Legos all right I got the four Lego sets all right Jeffy there's your Legos yes I got my Legos well I actually got five cuz I wanted one for me it's a big space station one of the bricks even lights up and everything it's so cool I didn't say you can get Legos but he got four I know he got four but he earned his you didn't earn yours I earned mine look man I was just doing my job if it were legal I'd be peeing on everything I'd pee all over your house all right we're going to take that back okay fine but we're going to do that after you go door to door telling everyone you're a SN I have to do that yes it's required by law you have to go door to door telling everyone how much of a freak you are so they don't go trick- or-treating here cuz you might pee on them I really have to do that yeah so come on all right Mario we're at your first house so what do I have to do again you just walk up there knock on the door and then tell the person that you're a registered and I have to do this yes it's required by law okay first though you're going to go up and ring the doorbell and then you're going to run away giggling like a little girl what you want me to ding-dong ditch's house yes because it'll be fun okay oh are you sure about this yeah it'll be so funny okay hold on just a sec hello hello man what the helicopters somebody playing a prank on us God dang it you think you saw us no no that was red oh my God what do we do now well now you actually do have to go up there and tell him you're registered I still have to do that yeah so let's go all right let's do this I'm so nervous another doorbell I swear to Jewish god if there's nobody at this door I'm going yank my ear off hello excuse me sir look I don't want your lemonade okay yeah believe me you don't want any of this guy's lemonade go ahead Mario tell them how weird you are well sir my name is freak my name is weirdo my name sick are you going to keep doing that my name is Mario and I'm required by law to tell you that I'm a registered SN Diner wait registered SN am neighborhood M yeah yeah you think you know somebody right I'm so sorry sir to tell you that but I have to tell you that I I peed in a bush at a park we peed on the bush were there in the kids around well there was a kid in the bush what's wrong with you you better get out my neighborhood weirdo yeah you deserve that all right next house all right next house please don't keep making me do this you have to it's the law who's at the door I hope it's a girl scout what hello my name's hello my name is Mario and I'm your neighbor and I'm a registered SN oh cool me too what' you pee on what I peed on a school bus yeah you guys should be friends and pee on stuff together oh no no no no no thank you it was nice meeting you sir oh wait come back we can cross streams or sword fight or something oh my God I hated that that was the most embarrassing thing I've ever had to do God how could this day get any worse hey I'm here to make your day worse Goodman what are you doing here well Mario I came to tell you that your contract with Nintendo has been terminated terminated why cuz Nintendo doesn't want their mascot to be associated with peeing on things well I'm not peed on things I only peed on in a bush in a park one time it was only a one time thing so you couldn't hold it or well I've been holding it all day look it was a bush I had to go I I didn't think there was a kid there it's so stupid well Mario I tried to fight for your case I told him that the reason why you were running so fast through all the levels in your video game is because you were looking for a bathroom but they didn't buy it I can't believe I'm going to lose my job over this yep and uh you're going to have to give me your hat my my hat why my hat well it's property of Nintendo so we're taking your hat I'm the new face of Nintendo now it's going to be super Goodman brothers so have a good day I can't believe this my life I really wish I could be someone else I want to be anybody else but me I wish I could just get out of this body get the new one I don't want to be me anymore I might have a solution but I got to put my doctor outfit on to explain it hold on what all right now that I got my doctor outfit on I can explain hey guys look at my monster truck boom boom that's really cool Jeffy oh yeah that reminds me you're not going to be able to keep Jeffy well I can't keep Jeffy why well you're not allowed around kids so obviously you can't have a kid so he just got to go into a fosta home a foster home Jeffy can't go to a foster home you can't do this to me well I could always give you plastic surgery plastic surgery what would that do well I could change your face to make you look like someone else no one would ever know that that would really work yeah and you would do that for me sure if you let me keep this really cool Lego set but I want to return that well that's the deal I give you plastic surgery and give you a new face and I get to keep this Lego set okay fine let's do it yes yes yes yes all right all right lay on your back I'm going to start cutting face all right the plastic surgery's done rise Lord Vader where's Padme I'm afraid in your anger you killed her no hey Daddy Jeffy I am your father no well that was fun let's get that mask off all right Mario let's see what you look like with that mask off mask off if it mask off oh man how do I look uh you sure do yep what do I look good I mean I wouldn't say that well do I look worse than I did before well no no actually okay so I look better right yeah sure I mean can you tell it it's me oh no no I mean you don't look like you at all okay good so I get to keep Jeffy right uh yeah sure I'll just go ahead and lie to myself and say I didn't just give you plastic surgery so I'm not a registered thing that thing no no no that that's fine not anymore yes okay no more peanut bushes so now I can just live a normal life right right and I can go home and play with my giant Lego spaceship with the light up brick so I'll see you all right all right Jeffy how do you think I look hold on Daddy there once was a guy who peed in the bushes and had to have Sur d a d d y d a d d y d a d d y and Daddy was his [Music] name all right Jeffy stop ity stop stop it I can't believe we're at a skate Paro I know dude skateboarding is so fun and easy really yeah dude they used to call me Joseph Hawk yeah you know cuz Tony Hawk that's my dad he just doesn't come and see me or pay child support but I'm going go ahead and go down oh man he made it look so easy I'm going to try it whoa dude you wiped out shut up Joseph it's my first time oh I can tell but dude look it happens to everybody everybody who sucks dude watch me going grind on this rail watch me do this grind dude Joseph see look you wiped out so you suck too no you don't dude there was a fly in my face and and gum on the rail I don't see gum on the rail look shut up dude I'm the best skater ever my dad's Tony Hawk and I'mma prove it to you by doing the sickest move in the book The Hardest move what's the hardest move the 360 varial MC twist is it hard is it hard is it hard dude look three people tried it and 299 people have died how that many people die if only three people tried it the dude tried it with a chain Shaw and firing in the AK he was doing too much but look I'm a I'm going stick to Landing watch me dude get my board dude I'm so ready so Joseph how you going to do this trick again okay dude I'm going to go down this ramp and then go up that ramp a poing Al 360 spin and then do two back flips while I stick the land and steal all the babes Joseph that sounds impossible dude impossible is my middle name that's why they call me Joseph impossible hwk I thought your name was Joseph his friend from school yeah I legally changed it so I can make friends watch me do the trick [Music] dude dude Joseph are you okay oh no my back oh jph you broke your shell wait what my shell yeah it shattered oh no dude take me to the hospital fast do you have health insurance no no dude I'm poor okay I'm going to take you to my house J we're going get you some help we're you some help okay dude dud I'm in so much pain I can see that why aren't you doing something dude you want a Cheeto no I don't want a Cheeto dude I want a doctor you don't have health insurance Joseph a doctor won see you well maybe he'll do it for free let me FaceTime and see hurry up please hey there somebody FaceTime the doctor uh Hey doctor um I was calling cuz I have a few questions about my friend okay what's going on well uh he was skateboarding and he did a sick trick and he landed on his shell and he broke it ouch that sounds like it hurts uh Joseph does it hurt dude I'm in so much pain yeah it hurts yeah well I said it sounded like it hurt so I'm not surprised yeah so can you fix him well yeah sure I can just give him a new shell you know make him nice and shiny and uh he'll be good as new you know of course as long as he has health insurance but I mean who doesn't have health insurance right uh he doesn't have health insurance oh but I can pay you in Cheetos yeah sorry that that that's not going to work my I I can't pay my bills with Cheetos wait wait what kind uh they're crunchy yeah see that's not going to work my electric company only takes Flame and Hot Cheetos or puffy Cheetos not not crunchy oh so you can't help him no but I mean you could find a good doctor on Craig's List there's a ton of good doctors on there well maybe I can find your mom on Craigslist you little BR is talking about my mother put your face near the phone so I can pretend I'm punching you okay dude guess what Joseph I went on Craigslist and I found you a doctor wait you did he's right here dude that's a clown screw ball his name's screw ball and unlike the other doctor he will get paid in Cheetos mhm so pay up a oh you missed well anyway he can make you a new shell wait really you can make him a new shell right yep I already did it's right here waa Joseph look at your new shell wait wait dude it's a balloon look just be grateful and try it on okay do you love it no dude it's a balloon it doesn't fit I need an actual shell can you make an actual shell mm-m where am I Cheetos here's your payment Cheetos so you don't like your shell no I don't like my shell well I don't I don't know what to do Joseph you got to accept your balloon shell cuz I don't know anyone going give you a shell dude I need an actual shell dude I would do anything for a shell oh no the devil what are you doing here I heard him say he would do anything for a new shell wait wait I didn't say that Joseph don't lie you said it nobody likes Liars okay I said it dude you said it so what would you have to do for a new shell oh he would have to to do is just give me his soul wait my soul that's it Joseph you actually give him your soul yeah I'll give him my soul I'm not using it what do I need it for let's do it okay what type of shell would you like you could get one with spikes on it ooh a spiky one or one with built-in speakers speakers yeah I like that wait I can customize it yeah this is pimp M shell I like this um how about a red one oh I like a red one yeah I know it's going to be cool o a red one with wings oh yeah with wings yeah oh a red one with wings and can I get red shoes to match okay is there anything else you like no that's it this is going to be cool all right here you go BL a dude wait Jose did you say the s word no I said a dude oh okay I thought you said a bad word I was going to have to go tell my mommy no no anyway J that's a cool new shell I know dude it's so red and it has wings wait what it has wings no a what's wrong Joseph I didn't want wings I wanted a plate of wings I'm hungry oh well then you should have specified H too bad anyway thanks for the soul see you later literally oh wait are you going to eat this Cheeto no you can have it thanks oh man Joseph your new shell is so cool I know dude and it's so much better than yours wait what yeah dude mine's is new red and it has wings look yours is just old green and ugly well yours used to be green yeah used to be and then I got cooler and I got a new shell with wings I can fly Joseph you can't fly the hand that's controlling you just hovering shut up dude stop hating on my new shell why are you so jealous I'm not jealous of your new shell J you're just acting mean I'm not acting mean stop being sensitive well you insulted my sh because you got a new one it's just old and spiky nobody likes spikes anymore well you're just stupid yours has wings what are you in a Red Bull commercial look look I'm just going to go and find some new friends since you're so jealous of my new shell well I'm not jealous of it that sh changed you oh it changed me n it just changed the friends around me no no you know what Joseph you're stupid you're not even flying you're just you're just doing this and shut up Joseph I'm going to call Cody hey Junior what's up hey Cody Joseph a stupid poopy butt face why you Joseph's stupid poopy butt face because he broke his shell and he got a new one and he thinks he's so cool how'd he break his shell we're at the skate park and he was doing a really cool trick but he landed on the shell and he broke it ouch yeah ouch but then he made a deal with the devil and he sold his soul for a new shell that doesn't sound like a good deal well his new Shell's red and it has wings that does sound pretty cool it's so cool Cody but but Joseph's acting really mean well how mean is he acting what's up dork wait wait you talking to Cody on the phone are you telling him how dorky you are no we're talking about how you're so stinky stinky really Junior shut up Cody I got this wow your insults are just like your sh bad good one dude yeah that was good thanks guys Joseph who are those people oh they're my new friends this this is goons what's up dude and this is my other friend bully Bill what up yeah they like me they're not jealous of my shell like you are I'm not jealous of your shell your shell is really stupid no it's not my shell is new Isn't it nice guys yeah I like it yeah it's cool see they like it they're not jealous yours is just old greasy dirty it should it belongs in the dumpster that's what it should be you know what Joseph you need to get punched in the face no you can't reach me cuz I got wings hey guys how about we jump him let's show them some power yeah let's leave guys Cody why don't you have my back what Cody uh sorry Junior I I was in the bathroom but I didn't want to take the phone in there because I didn't want you to be shocked by how big it is well Cody I just got beat up by Joseph and his new friends oh that sucks sorry I missed it well why didn't you get have my back why didn't you fight him back well Junior I couldn't help you anyway I'm on a phone well did you see how mean Joseph is being well I didn't really see anything cuz the camera's facing the couch but I heard him and he sounded like a jerk yeah he's acting really mean so so how do I get the old Joseph back I miss Joseph with his old Shell well I think what you have to do is break his new shell what break his new shell that that could hurt him what what if I sell my soul to the devil and I get an even cooler shell than his no no Junior that's stupid just break his new shell and then he won't think he's cool anymore and he'll stop being a jerk I guess you're right Cody I'm going to go break Joseph's New Shell okay I just finished my bird house now I'm going to tell Joseph that I got him a gift and when he comes and sees it I'm going to hit him in the show with his hammer and break it it's perfect dude this is so much fun hey Joseph ow I'm playing with your arus wait what do you want dork what are you guys doing in my playroom playing with your toys what are you going to do about it it's three against one well uh Joseph I came here because I made you and I'm sorry for being jealous gift see guys I knew he was jealous I told you well I'm not je I mean I am am really jealous of your new shell so I made you a gift to say I'm sorry so come in the kitchen I I want to show it to you I guess I could come and see what it is look guys this dork wants to show me something I'll be right back okay all right all right dude what's the stupid gift you made me well since you have wings and you fly around I made you a bird house wait my own house yeah you know you fly around so I thought why don't you live in a bird house dude I haven't lived in the house in years wow you are a best friend wait I'm your best friend yeah dude dud you're my best friend like who makes a house for someone what about those other friends you have they're not really my friends dude they just like me for my shell oh well I mean I was going to break your shell with this Hammer because you're being really mean but I guess I don't have to do that now dude you're my best friend look you don't have to break my shell look I'll fly you around how about that come on okay oh man Joseph I'm so glad we're best friends again me too dude I was so afraid you weren't going to be my friend anymore because then I'd have to hang out with Cody oh dude that sounds awful I know right yeah Junior you never hung up
Channel: SMLs
Views: 117,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SsWYaakslf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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