SML Movie: The Cover Up!

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alright Joseph are you ready to go to the party drink root beer all night oh dude you know it I'm so ready to take some root beer oh yeah I'm doing bike Cody okay wait y-you know his mom's not gonna let him come out the house well let's at least try okay whatever dude I love looking at dank memes wait guys what are you doing here guys what are you doing here well me and Joseph want to know if you want to go to the park to drink root beers and play you do well heck yeah I want to go to the park and drink root beer but let's go but guys it's a school night my mom's not gonna let me do that why don't you go ask her she might say yes well I guess I could ask just wait here so honey I was thinking about becoming vegan you know since I don't like most foods my sausage oh I do I do that doesn't have to stop okay there babe mom dad wait what do you want waitress be a bad boy yeah Cody this is mommy and daddy time I was just wondering if I could go to the park and drink a root beer with my friends now you know your white boy ain't supposed to go outside oh no school night yeah Cody and you know you're not supposed to drink Ruby either it has the word beer in it mm-hmm but but but guys it's a soda well see that's what he starts you off the government want you to drink root beer so you can have a problem when you owe them yeah you just can't put the bottle down mm-hmm so can I go or not no you cannot go now go get me a room and you don't even think about trying to sneak out Cody we're gonna ground you and then send your little butt to military school yeah just like my mama gave me okay no what about that sausage baby yeah she said no she said no that's lame yeah dude what is Square yeah sorry guys I guess I'm just not gonna be able to go why don't you sneak out I'm not allowed to sneak out Junior my mom said if I sneak out she's gonna ground me and send me to military school she's not gonna find out just lock your door I'm not allowed to lock my door well it's only give you like an hour to walk your doors not gonna Chuck on you come on sorry guys I guess I just can't go cool you're so lame you lose your dude yeah I guess we'll just take our root beer go have fun by ourselves let's go do come on oh wait wait wait wait wait I do really like root beer yeah root beers really good morn is cold don't make you cool convince me I mean we really want your sexy face to hang out with us and drink root beer sure okay all right you guys I'm just up here I just snuck out of my house and I'm living my best life drinking root beer in the pond hey guys you dare me to jump off this thing okay here we go guys I think I broke my tease you did look on the ground oh [ __ ] okay guys what am I gonna tell my mom she's gonna find out that I snuck out and then I'm gonna be grounded well you're not gonna tell her then Cody look we're gonna go back to my house and I'm gonna figure this out okay they'll grab your teeth come on yeah come on Cody stop crime we're gonna figure this out but junior my mouth hurts and my teeth are missing my mom is gonna notice and then she's gonna grab me and send me to military school your mom's not gonna notice cuz we're gonna put your teeth back in your mouth well how are we gonna do that Junior I don't know a glue or tape that's not gonna work Junior okay no let's replace your teeth with something else look like what corn what coin yeah cool yeah your teeth already yellow so corn would look good Jimmy that's gonna look stupid come on let's try it yeah whoa dude it looks so good I can't even tell the difference right but guys how am I gonna eat what how am I gonna eat if I have corn for tea well you have corn for teeth so just eat your teeth I'm not gonna have any teeth then grab some more corn out of the can idiot he's so stupid he's not thinking guys my parents are gonna notice that I have corn for tea how they have noticed the same colors your old teeth yellow so they kept different it looks different Junior okay so what do i do Cody well we need to find a way to cover this side how are we gonna cover this up where you get your teeth busted oh I got an idea guys Oh what if we make it look like it happened at school way yeah so what if we go to school and we bring your tea with you and we make it look like you got your teeth busted out at school then there no they didn't sneak out and they know you didn't drink root beer to this genius I know could work but what am I gonna do about tonight what if my mom checks on me and sees that I don't have teeth so we need some to cover your mouth yeah I got an idea how about that a medical mask Junior yeah my mom's gonna wonder why I'm wearing a medical mask well tell her to flu season and all your friends are trying to make out with you well I don't want to lie so we could make it true try to kiss me Junior Joseph try kissing do I'm gonna get some this gross yeah Cody this whole thing's a lie yeah you're right so look go home and try to avoid your parents what if they try to take off my mask they don't let them okay yeah so what you leave and I'll just keep your teeth safe here with me no no no no I know what you're gonna try to do Junior what you're gonna put my teeth under your pillow and try to cash him in with the tooth fairy well what could is the stupidest thing I ever heard don't you believe in the tooth fairy what what am i five and also the tooth fairy wouldnt want your teeth cuz they're yellow and gross yeah I guess you're right I'll see you guys tomorrow at school yeah could you get out of here with your accusations I would never talk do that Joseph actually I think the Tooth Fairy think is Tita more valuable cuz they look gold so they might be more valuable put them on my pillow I'll see you tomorrow wait wait wait what was that sound what's that it sounded like a window I'm gonna go check on Cody we have some of my blood well I'll have some when I get back I'm gonna be bigger than everything hey Cody oh hey hey mom what do you want well I heard a window noise like maybe you were trying to sneak out no no I've just been sleeping you know till you came in well Cody why are you wearing that mask oh this mask well well I heard you swallow a whole bunch of spiders in your sleep and I don't want that well that's terrifying but I also forgot to give you a big open mouth goodnight kiss well mom I think I'm getting a little old for the big open mouth goodnight kiss well Cody you got one yesterday Oh mom I'm just really not in the mood okay okay Cody I'll just kiss you on your forehead well that was close what do you want dad did you brush Sophie before you came to bed yeah well show me there I can't what because because what because because the water boy I I didn't brush my teeth see I knew it you know hi because I'll check the bathroom and I take your toothbrush it wasn't even wet well you got me yeah I know I've got you can't pull one on your pops now come on come to the back with your breast eat all right boy you don't brush your teeth and I'm not staying here the whole time ok ok let me just get it maybe we don't get a whole bunch of do precious ego principie ok ok ok come on alright boy go to sleep cuz you're gonna have a load a of Percy Oh Pete tomorrow at the school you got me what is wrong with my life Cody shut up Junior my teeth are broken in my mouth it's all swollen well maybe you shouldn't ran in the monkey bars well maybe you shouldna make me sneak out of the house well maybe your parents that they're more cool and let you go out geniu what is happening all right Cody we have to make it look like a happen at school right so when you're not expecting it I'm gonna throw something at your mouth and make it look at your teeth broke out what are you gonna draw on my map I'm not gonna tell you Cody I want to look natural so look just shut up and paint it in class and Joseph you know those of my Cody's face I wanted to go oh his teeth are out dude his teeth are out they make it look make it look believable all right could you just paint it in class okay okay all right class today we're gonna be learning about teeth humans have 32 teeth unless you live in Alabama and then you miss it all your teeth and you're married to your cousin I'm missing three of my teeth whoa dude you broke my nose Wow Joseph you didn't say wow his teeth are out dude sorry do what I forgot Junior it wouldn't have mattered anyway my mom's never gonna believe I get hit in the face with a baseball in the classroom so no baseball no no baseball now I have to explain like broken nose and my broken teeth all right cool I'll hit you with a different object do we just pay attention in class and also know that you okay make sure it's something that makes sense in the classroom this time okay okay no baseball I get it so humans have 32 teeth but how many teeth do short-ass I don't know let me google it oh right here it says sharks can have up to 50,000 teeth in there right time Colorado you can eat a lot of cattle t-shirts it cool Wow Joseph you still didn't yell his teeth are out dude do know is you're surprised that you use a hammer yeah me too Jr why would we be throwing hammers in a classroom well maybe with a science experiment like an object in motion stays in motion until it breaks my know is okay Cody what object would you like me to use any object that would make sense in a classroom just look around and pick it out yet okay cool I'll do it again huh you must remember to take care of your teeth you have to brush your teeth every morning and every night before you go to bed if you don't take care of your teeth then you'll lose your teeth see I have lost my teeth see I brushed my teeth if I still had some Jr why are you picking up your dad oh yeah danced jr. yeah you said she was an object in the classroom not a dance my mom's never gonna believe someone threw a desk at me there what object would you like Cody I don't know like a textbook why just say so all right let's do again he dude I [ __ ] my life though yeah Joseph said his lines okay great but we still have to do it again Joseph I think he'll he likes getting hit in the face well I don't like it you're just doing it wrong all right let's not let's do it again let's get it running fine just get your desk Oh positive George Washington he had wooden teeth but that was because his father wasn't a cherry tree or something I don't know how the story to go hey Cody let's make this more believable asked me to toss you a textbook June 18 Utah whoa dude yeah sorry Cody we have to do it again Joseph didn't say his lines oh dude I forgot my bad no no we're not doing that again I'm done teacher my teeth got knocked down yeah she's got that dude Oh Cody how you lose your teeth do you need me to call them no oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what Cajuns all my parents tell them what happened Cody you teach it told us you got your teeth knocked out at school yeah what your face look like that oh well I told my friend junior to toss me a textbook and here cuz they only tossed it too hard and hit me in the face well Cody are you sure it wasn't on purpose yeah this won't look like an accident this is a look I hate crime no no no no he's white it really it doesn't it doesn't really hurt that much I I just really want my teeth fixed well Cody I think we should press charges yeah we can get him arrest in that no no no that that's fine really I'm not that worried about it oh yeah we could even sue them oh we should see if this surveillance footage Tyrone called the teacher okay I'll do that babe no no we don't have to do all that roll would you walk hey Cody's teacher we were wondering if there were any cameras in the classroom that could have seen what happened to Cody today oh yeah a camera but uh what's it yet you wanna see it oh yeah let's watch it no no that that's okay I don't really want to relive it well Cody I want to know what happened to you let's watch it alright mom so if you watch it dad yeah that's a baseball yeah that's not a big deal oh and that's a hammer yeah he did hit me with a hammer - yeah yeah he hit me with a desk what else oh oh that's right yeah and then then there's the textbook the textbook I told you about oh my poor baby see I knew it was deliberate I knew it was a hate crime Cody he hit you at the baseball was that a novel Cody would definitely pressing charges oh no no we don't have to do that really really III told him to do that it's okay no Cody that kids going to jail I'm gonna go call the police yeah you do that baby huh who could that be uh hello hey there kid mind if we come inside and talk to you for a minute oh yeah what's going on shut up but you know what I'm sorry I I just like to feel powerful what will explain inside okay all right kid here's what's happening this kid's parents want to press charges against you for what you did to his face what's press charges me that means you're getting arrested arrested for what cuz my face is purple like a grape you know I like grapes I eat grapes I don't want to eat my son face thank you Dad you're welcome but didn't do anything oh yes you did you threw a baseball a hammer a desk and a textbook at his face you told on me you Little Snitch they had a video jr. and I want him to get the highest punishment I'm talking about the election [ __ ] he's not gonna get the electric chair but he'll probably get like six months in jail at least six was in jail I don't wanna go to jail cooee tell the truth I don't want to go to jail yeah I don't know what to do well I'm not going to jail oh yes you are now turn around so I can read you your rights alright you have the right to remain silent let's see what else you can remain silent I know that something about a lawyer yeah yeah yeah you can get a lawyer you should probably do that I can hold something against you - what was it length my body no no I can't do that I can't hold that against you that's illegal you look up the rights on your own you're under arrest cooee come on please telling the truth I don't go to jail I don't want to get in trouble Cody be a man I don't want to go to jail hold on I have something to say okay what is it well junior threw stuff at my face because I told him to because we were trying to cover up fact that I snuck out last night to drink root beer at the park and I broke my teeth oh no Cody you didn't okay believe my Jewish ears Cody I can't believe you would sneak out you know what oh my god you are punished for life now now hold on I think Cody's been through enough punishment already just look at his face it is pretty ugly and bruised yeah your face is pretty messed up kid did you learn your lesson yeah Cody do you learn your lesson yeah I definitely learned my lesson I would have much rather of getting grounded than have my face messed up I will never sneak out again yeah you learned this lesson so the lesson is never sneak out Cody no matter how much I try to peer pressure you to do with it yeah [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 26,781,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffy, jeffry, jeff, puppet, supermariologan, sml, movie, bowser jr, junior, bowser junior, cody, the cover up, school, baseball, comedy, skit, entertainment, jokes, laugh, friends, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, teeth, joseph
Id: S3_r7aDV4lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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