SML Movie - Cody The Vampire! - Full Episode

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right I'm pretty sure you won't need me Bowser okay you got those big pink floaties why do you even need those anyway you're like 40 your son swims better than you hey don't judge me shpi just watch me swim whatever I'll be right here if you drown man oh man I'm so ready to swim I haven't swm in years oh I need to test the water out let me stick my toe in oh it's so cold oh man that's enough swimming for today wait what you're tired already you barely even got in the pool well when you get as old as me you get tired easily so I'm going to be in the house watching Charlie you just make sure the kids don't drown wait what I'm not a lifeguard come on Bowser W I love pool parties I love being with my friends Joseph do a dive you know I'm about to dude I had 13 medals in middle school for diving I bet you can't do a front flip though watch me wa wa Joseph that was the coolest flip ever but when you rate it dude uh i r a solid seven a seven I only made 10 you must have miscalculated I did not miscalculate your trajectory of your jump just it wasn't up to pause Junior you can't even spell trajectory uh yeah I can spell trajectory it's uh spell it uh uh t r um mhm um beat you to that side of the pool no you won't I beat you Joseph no you didn't dude I totally beat you you like H my head under the water J no I want fair and square you're just being a sore loser no you didn't win fair and square you're such a sore loser okay then how about let's do a rematch then we'll be a rematch okay we can we do it right now wait hi guys I made it to the pool party dude who invited you sh my dad invited him uh hi Cody um where's your swimming suit dude yeah oh I I can't swim but you came to a swimming party why can't you swim I have cereal posy and also I'm H2O intolerant excuses excuses that's no excuse not to swim come on what's the real reason uh I can't I can't swim either you can't swim come over to the shallow and I'll teach you how to swim come on come on all right Cody swimming is really easy okay I mean basically your body just floats so when you're in the water with your arms you go right left right left right left right left right left right left yeah and and that's basically all it is to swimming yeah it's easy dude I've been swimming ever since I came out of my mom's womb yeah I mean I've been I've been swimming for for a good few weeks so um so what I want you to do is I want you to jump in the water and and don't and if you start drowning just scream help okay and we'll pick you up and put him my there only like a foot of water okay yeah you shouldn't drown okay so you want to try it I'm ready okay go go oh no what going do he's drowning I don't pick him up what do we do I don't know I I don't know get get are you okay Cody that was intense dude thing you almost died oh man my dad would have been mad yeah uh are you okay Cody I'm okay oh well um I I guess you just really can't swim Cody yeah you you suck at this dude yeah but I want to be like everybody else you think you can do these things but you just can't Cody you just can't just go go play with shepe while we swim I'm sorry Cody yeah I'm going to show them oh man I am so tired all I did was swim all day long just backstroke breast stroke every type of stroke I almost had a stroke it's time to watch Charlie though let me turn it on oh yeah Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live [Music] audience oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today I'm going to swim I don't really know how to swim hopefully I'm a natural at it oh Charlie oh man that looks exactly like my pool okay everybody I'm about to jump into the pull from the top of this thing and I've never done that before and it's super scary and I might die so everybody watch okay dude shut up you're making a big deal out of nothing just hurry up and jump well I haven't done this a million times like you cuz you're stupid uh Hey Chef peipi you see me do you see me yes I see you whatever just do your dumb trick already I'm reading a magazine shfp what type of trick should I do what just um trick do do do do the kill yourself yeah that'll be impressive all right I'll do the Queen Elizabeth okay all right England prepare to kiss my ass oh did you see me Joseph yeah your Splash was little but you know I'll give it a five whatever shfp did you see me yeah whatever it wasn't impressive you didn't kill yourself I don't think he likes you yeah well yeah I don't think he liked your butt he shouldn't like my butt creep I'll show them I'll show all of them Cody's going to be the coolest kid ever they'll say they'll be like they'll be like Cody you want to make out Cody you want to spank me for a change I made it I need my inhaler oh well everybody everybody look at me hey everybody I'm going to jump I'm going to do do it it's really deep and dangerous and I don't even know how to swim but I'm going to jump anyway cuz I'm cool hey dude I bet I can hold my breath longer than you can no you can't dude okay let's do it right now 1 2 3 go go guys guys oh well I don't need them anyway I'm doing this for me I'm doing this for Cody yes take that Mom I'm a rebel oh no Joseph can't beat me did It win oh Junior can't beat me oh no oh it must have been a tie you're right a fair and square tie right yes guys it's getting dark it's time for you to get out the pool like now oh no we got to go oh man I had so much fun I wish I had a pool well you come over again okay where's Cody at um there there over there oh man wa Cody dude you really can swim hey he impressed me I'm surpris look how long he's holding his breath for look at his form I know well he can hold his breath longer than any of us yeah you're a pro Cody I got to give it to you go Cody go yeah well anyway Cody it's time to get out of the pool Okay so uh we're getting out maybe you can stay in for a few minutes but you got to get out soon yeah let's go Char you have me rolling man Cody's Mom hello seen my woman can you please stop calling me I don't know where your son is okay jeez I think she wants me the dinner's ready if you can handar me Chef that looks so good good oh oh Junior doesn't that look so good that's just what I said Chef peipi God you can't hear me shpi can I eat in my room silence is the best yes all right Junior you better not eating your room the table's over there Junior all right Joseph the dinner was ready oh man dude Chef peipi went all out and it's burned you know I love crispy food yeah I love it when Chef peipi burns the food it's so tasty and delicious I love it Junior didn't I tell you not to eat in your room wait why does your peee sound like that well I don't think he can hear so he doesn't know how loud he's being oh Junior didn't you hear me go to the kitchen and eat you're so ugly sheipi and dumb I'm not going to listen to you you're stupid wait Junior you shouldn't say that you're going to get grounded shpy can't hear me talk he's deaf dud Junior I know you heard me me go to the kitchen right now do you understand me yes I understand you you big ugly dumb dork okay so you shook your head so I'm going to take that as a yes yes okay so I'll see you in the kitchen yes you're ugly oh Joseph I got an idea what he can't hear hold on oh okay wait dude what are you doing dude je B can't hear me so guess what I'm going to do what see he he didn't even hear it dude that's so sick let's do it again hold on you can't even hear what we're doing hold on he didn't he didn't even hear it all right it's time to clean up Junior did you make this mess SHP didn't hear that mess we just made oh dude it was so hilarious he's going to turn around and be like what how'd this mess get there oh oh dude what if he steps in the glass Chef doesn't have feet he can't step in it junior did you make that mess in the kitchen D Joseph he can't hear us just shake your head no uh yeah we threw our play on the ground cuz your cooking sucks well who made that mess dad uh bu like you did not make a mess in the kitchen yeah he did he he flew down from space and he said to infinity and throw this plate on the ground oh Junior I know you're lying I don't know what you said but I'm going to tell your dad that you're lying to me Bowser come out here now is my piece of steak and shrimp ready wait you didn't cook it oh thank God you're here I told you to fix my food SHP why are you doing this Bower I wanted you to fix my meal and you didn't cook it so cook it right now wait I can actually hear Bowser oh my God he must have hit me so hard that I actually got my hearing back thank God now I'm going to yell at junior junior we told him Buzz lier broke that plate but Buzz lier can't break anything he's a toy sh so stupid dude yeah Chef so dumb oh Chef's coming okay remember he can't hear anything we're saying so let's call him a bunch of mean names oh like the names my mom used to call me yeah I guess I know exactly what to call him then oh okay let's do he can't hear what we're saying Junior what do you want Chef peip you're so ugly gross and annoying and I know you can't hear me but you're dumb yeah get out of here cuz nobody likes you you're adopted wait wait they don't know that I can actually hear them this is going to be fun I'mma like this wait what did you say junior you know I can't hear you well I know you can't hear me but you're so ugly and you need to shave that disgusting mustache but even if you shaved it off you'd still be ugly yeah go and scoop the cat litter with your hands that'll be your dinner for tonight uh and also you know what I don't think you should exist anymore just get off this planet the world would be better without you because how ugly you are Joseph get out of here you know that's how Mama makes her money a what I mean what did you say oh cuz you know I can't hear Chef Pee listen to me I know you can't listen cuz you're dumb but get it through your dumb stupid ugly head I hate you I don't like you no one loves you and you need you need to leave oh I do what yeah yeah yeah I heard everything Junior so guess what I'mma go and tell your daddy oh sh B my fool better be ready wait what food brother why are you beating me up because my food isn't ready well ji you was calling me names where is he who are you uh uh my name is uh uh Steve oh Steve H well uh Steve nice nose I like it thank you Junior where did you get that disguise from who's Junior my name's Steve Well Steve I heard you call me names earlier sir I do not know what you're talking about I just got here my name is Steve Junior your name is not Steve your name is Junior and you're wearing a disguise thanks for holding my spot for me Steve oh don't mention it what were you saying shpi what what I mean Junior I know you called me names earlier well no I mean I I thought you were deaf I didn't know you could hear me I was just saying mean stuff cuz I thought it was silly wait wait so you didn't mean it well well I meant a few things but you know I didn't mean for you to go deaf I just blew something in your ear cuz I thought it was funny well you you still hurt my feelings so I want revenge you know I can't hear sh I don't have ears I hate washing dishes Bower's favorite cup let me make sure I don't get any scratches on it you got to make sure it's very clean oh Angry Birds oh I swear cleaning never ends wait junior is this your bowl of fruit loops I'm sorry sh b i c in my eye I'm sorry you bastard why were you throwing a ball in the house anyway why why did you throw it in a cereal well I didn't get my ball in the cereal the cereal got on my ball what the hell are you talking about Junior well I I thought I was Tom Brady and you were wide open so I threw it to you you just you just can't catch you suck oh my God Tom Brady are you serious Tom Brady you had a basketball I would have understood if you said LeBron James or maybe Chris Bosch maybe even Kevin Durant but but Tom Brady well Tom bra is my hero and you can't catch you suck shpee oh my God I I could strangle you right now you know how many poor African starving African kids would eat this cereal they would die for this cereal the stupid fruity loes right here they would die for the cereal yes that's pretty stupid they they get out of Africa what what anyway my ball is really dirty chpi can you clean it no I'm not going to clean your ball after you thrw the cereal clean it Chef peee do you know what you just did what oh you're in the heap of trouble now you just broke your dad's favorite cup you mean you broke it what the hell do you mean I broke it you broke it no I didn't you broke it how did I break it well you know if you would have caught the ball when I threw it to you and it wouldn't have gotten my cereal it wouldn't have gotten dirty and I wouldn't have told you to clean it and I wouldn't have thrown it over there so you broke it Jun just set the hell up you're [ __ ] all your examples and reasons does not make any sense but you know what I'm not even going to sit and argue with you you're going to tell your dad exactly what you did let's go yeah let's go Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience got poop oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today I have to poop but there's someone in the bathroom please come out whoever's in the bathroom I'm sorry I'm taking a cup well how am I going to use the bathroom I really got a poop I know I'm use the litter box if cat can do it I can too isn't that right Mr Kitty you want to use the with [Applause] [Music] me oh man Charlie you know how to make me laugh go go keep walking I don't want to tell him no you're going to tell your dad you're going to tell him exactly what you did Dad what do you want don't you see I'm watching Charlie at friends uh yeah you're busy you're right uh yep I am I'll tell you later no you're telling him now tell him um Dad I got to tell you something really important what is it is food ready no it's not food it's um um tell them um I went potty all by myself what stop lying no Bowser he did not go to the potty by himself he barely even knows how to go to the potty look he wanted to play Tom Brady in the house so he threw the ball in the house and broke your favorite cup wait you broke my favorite cup no why were you th oh no you should be throwing in the house you no better than that you know better than that I dare you you stupid little boy where's my belt where's my belt no just wait just wait I got the good belt too y Dad it's not my fault can't you ever throw in my house again what is wrong with you jior you're not Tom Brady you don't have four rings you don't to ever go in my house again do you hear me now do you hear me now yeah you yeah you better whine that's a good weapon I need a pat on the back I hate that my dad beat me I hate it I hate it I hate you dad I hate you stupid dad I'm going to call 911 that's what I'm going to do I'm going to call the police and tell them that my dad's been beating me please open up oh that must be the police officer hello mister did you call 911 about your dad beating you yes I did yes I did he beat me all the time you see my bruises uh I don't see any bruises where where did he hit you son he hit me on my face and my arms and everywhere M yeah no I don't see any bruises so you can't arrest him no I don't I did not witness him beating you and I don't see any bruises on your body so I cannot arrest him at the moment well can you at least go tell him that if he does beat me that he'll go to jail forever please because I don't want him to hit me anymore yeah I'll talk to him where's he at he's in his room all right Charlie you and your silly Shenanigans Hey sir can I speak with you oh my God it's the big what are you doing here I didn't give you permission to search my house well uh your son let me in and uh yeah he said that he were uh you were beating him oh is that true no no that is preposterous I would never be put my hands on my child I love him too much well sir I know it's hard to believe I know but but there are adults out there who beat their kids what and I'm here to tell you that's crazy who would do that I have no idea but I'm here to tell you that if you beat your child that's illegal and I I will take you personally to jail you you got to be kidding right like when when has this been legal it it's it's always been the law sir I mean like I've always beaten my child and I never got in trouble for it before oh so you just admitted to beating your child I mean I mean like uh whoopings discipline the the good stuff you know what I mean right no anyway all I'm saying is you cannot put your hands on your child you can you can uh yell and and scream and if he says a bad word wash his mouth out with soap or if he does something bad put him in the corner for 5 or 10 minutes or so but you are not allowed to beat your kid okay well okay I don't see how that is going to discipline him though what is that going to really do what is it going to prove it builds character guess so guess not let me come back here to this house okay I can't beat him no corner or soap in the mouth okay all right yes sir you might want to apologize to him I think you heard his what apologize for what apparently beating him he his his feelings are really hurt he called the police he's a little kid all right I'm I'm out do your I'll apologize stupid big meanie dad stupid mean he's going to be so funny when Junior I like say I'm sorry cuz I know I was kind of harsh on you the first what the hell is this um I'm drawing on the wall I drew your big mean stupid face oh you know what I know how to solve this I'll go and get the bill dang it what you know what even better uh go and stand in the corner what yeah go and stand in the corner what's the corner what's that mean go I'll show you come and stand in the corner go Junior go stand in the corner right over there that corner yeah that corner right there why um because you've been a bad boy oh okay breaking my favorite glass and all that turn around oh oh okay so what what do I do um you stay there look at that wall why um because I said so that's why oh okay what what is this going to prove it's going to prove that you've been a bad boy um okay uh H how long do I stand here how long does you stand here uh 5 minutes yeah okay um all right uh um what what have I to go pee turn around oh um what if I have to go pee well you pee on yourself then or wait five minutes I hope you wait you going to learn today um Bowser what is Junior doing oh um he's just standing in the corner but for what because he drew the wall and he broke my cup yeah he broke my cup but what is it supposed to prove I don't see how this is a punishment that's what I said shut up Junior sorry this is so stupid how long have I been here a little over a minute a little over a minute and I have to spend 5 minutes in this hell hole yep I hope you enjoy it oh this is so stupid it's not going to do anything oh dear God it's starting to get to me I'm going to go insane oh it's like a never ending corner I'm getting claustrophobic I think I'm going to throw up Dad I think I'm going to throw off shut up Junior I'm trying to watch Charlie hi guys I'm [Music] Charlie oh God I'm boxed in oh God I don't feel good oh my god oh I I hate the corner oh God oh God I can't take it anymore I can't take it [Music] anymore oh man that was a funny episode of Charlie and friends all right Junior it's son to get out of the corner um Junior I know you hear me junior junior what what do you want um it's time to get out of corner Junior no come on get out of the corner your time is up the five minutes is up I don't want to leave the corner this is my whole life now Julia what the hell are you talking about you you've only been in the corner for 5 minutes what are you talking about I've changed Dad this is the new me how did you change in five minutes of standing in the corner I've seen things Dad I've seen things you've only seen drywall dad just just let me stay here this is my whole life now yeah Junior if you don't come out of the damn Corner look you can play with your toys now look at all these little beautiful toys Junior used to play with all the time your Pony and your train I don't want to play with these anymore what I want to go back to the corner no no Junior you're going to play with your toys right now h fine I guess I'll play with Thomas yeah choo choo I know you're enjoying it who Could That Be it's probably my stupid friend y what's up Junior yeah hi Junior what do y'all want whoa what happened to you dude uh I spent 5 minutes in the corner 5 minutes in the corner y oh that's a major time bro yeah I got tatted up oh look at this yeah see look at my tat Thug Life waa dude that's cool yeah my man Mac hooked me up I got to admit dude those are hardcore tach yeah yeah I had some serious time in the corner I'm a changed man y'all want to come inside yeah it's freezing out here dude okay um so Junior what are we going to play today well we can play trains I call Thomas okay oh look I have to say this junior what has happened you seem weird something changed yeah y'all guys don't understand what the corner did to me it changed me I'm a changed man I get it I get it the corner you don't get it Joseph you don't get it until you spend 5 minutes of your life that you can never get back out of the corner the constant crease The Never Ending crease in the corner the popcorn drywall wondering why can't be so smooth it just eats at you and eat at you and eat at you you go crazy the constant silence the constant wonder if I don't know what time it is I don't have a clock to look at okay when is my time going to end when's my going to end godam it when is it going to end why is it going to end Junior what is going on in here what's with this big man yes um i i o you're in trouble now you're going to the corner I don't care I want to go back you don't care you come in with me you get in that corner and it's for 10 minutes this time it ain't nothing new this is my home anyway um hi Junior uh we came to visit um Junior I used to think you were cool but now you're just sick you need help junior junior come on speak to us Junior y' are just telling me stuff I already know look Junior I don't know if we can be friends with you anymore if you keep going down this this sick path that you're headed on yeah it doesn't matter you can't change me the corner made me this way and I'm going to stay like this for the rest of my life it's no helping him Cody well look your dad said that we have to go home so I I guess we'll see you tomorrow bye-bye Junior don't let the door hit you on the way out all right Junior your 10 minutes we're up Junior what the hell are you doing come here junior what the hell is wrong with you why were you hang yourself dad the Corner's too much Dad what are you talking about the corner it's too much you're insane Junior I don't give a damn what did you just say I don't give a damn I'mma beat you you know what I'm going just wash your mouth out with soap that's what I'm going to do oh so you like to cuss oh I'll teach you how to cuss then wash that dirty mouth of yours how do you like soap D tastes good doesn't it oh yeah yeah taste the bubble taste the bubble tell me what other cut word do you have to say to me oh none I didn't think so you like the taste of soap don't you Junior I've had worse in the corner what stop out of it Junior jeez stop with all of this attitude look you don't have to see the corner anymore you're going to stay in your room no more corner for you you think you're so tough I've seen drywall tougher than you you know what since you're so so big and such a tough guy I'll show you exactly how to actop you're not big and tough anymore are you that hurt I bet it did stop Wonder belt you're not allowed to beat me anymore well beating you is the only way you respond so to get another woman okay okay I get I get it out I get it I get it I get it ow ow okay okay jeez now you're going to be a good boy yes ow damn my four cheese cheesy cheeses smells so good mle middle midle mle oh my God this the biggest red I've ever seen get out of here R right now what are you doing in my house I like cheese well you can't have it it's my cheese get out of here get out of here right now I'm call an exterminator oh man I need to find a number for the Exterminator hey shf peipi what are you doing on your phone getting rejected by girls on Tinder again no I deleted Tinder so how can I get rejected if I don't have an account hm well then what are you doing I'm trying to call an exterminator what's wrong with your ex what you said you're calling an exterminator don't they get rid of eggs no they get rid of annoying pets like you should you try to get rid of me I should but no there's a big fat old disgusting rat in the kitchen why would you call yourself that Chef peipi I wouldn't call myself that there's an actual rat in the kitchen trying to eat all the cheese there's a real rat I want to see it well let me call the Exterminator first well no no no no no no no shy I'll help you get rid of it I want to see a rat wait wait you will yeah I want to help you get rid of it that'd be so much fun I guess it would save money okay let's do it all right come on all right shfp where this rat he's right there Junior stop eating my cheese you fat rat get out of the cheese are you hungry yes do you like cheese yes do you want this cheese yes do you want this piece right there yes all right you can have that piece right there stop eting going to R my cheese Junior he's hungry well he could eat trash from out of the dumpster well I would rather eat trash out of the dumpster than you're cooking wow you know what you're ugly get out of the cheese I think you have one piece Chevy can I keep as a pet no you can't keep that fat rat as a pet well if you're allowed inside the house why isn't he well what is this roast chefpv day cuz I'm getting real tired of it I just really want to keep him as a pet he's cute he's not cute look look look we have to get rid of him get get rid of the cheese yeah spit it back out how we get rid of them you know I have to get rid of them like are you choking no no Junior I had to get rid of them like oh we're playing charade so you're a tree that fell in the forest no Junior I have to get rid of him like oh you're going to blow his mind no no Junior look just follow me I'll show you all right Junior This is how we're going to get rid of that rat you're going to give him what he wants no these are mouse traps Junior what do they do how about you step on this one right here and find out is it going to hurt nah okay a should me that hurt I know and it's going to hurt that rat all over his body I don't want to hurt him like that well well it's not your fault look look it's going to be my fault he's coming hide hide hide there he is Junior he's going to fall for the traps oh it hurt really bad come come closer come closer I don't want him to hurt hey sh baby what's that what oh my God okay I don't know where to hide you you mean cheese oh okay go in the closet ow ow everything hurts ow Junior uh-uh nope I don't believe that at all Ripley's a liar Junior I can't believe what you just did well I can't believe they make duck diapers it's probably to cover his butt quack Junior you know what you did you pushed me into the mouse trps no it was an accident oh it was on purpose where's that rat oh uh uh I put him outside wait you did you promise yeah yeah I put him outside because I didn't want you hurting him so I wanted him to go outside peacefully well good as long as he's not in the kitchen well he's not in the kitchen he's in my room so that doesn't count all right Junior that rat better be outside like you said or I'm going to tell your dad and get you grounded wa what was that junor I thought I saw the Boogeyman in my closet so I closed the door before I go to sleep cuz closet scared me oh well closet scared me too so keep the closets closed okay I will oh that was close oh man that was so close I just don't want shf me to hurt my rat I'm going to go play with him oh no he escaped oh man now that that rat's gone I can finally get back to making my four cheese cheit it looks like it needs more cheit Junior what was that uh uh I was just eating a plate of cheese what what happened to my cheese uh I ate it I was hungry well don't eat any more of my cheese I'm not I'm sorry look you have to stay in the closet shfp can't find out about you but I'm hungry well I mean you stay here and I'll bring the cheese to you well yeah I'll bring the cheese to you uh look look every time you want some cheese just ring this Bell what where'd you go what all right I got more cheese for my four cheese cheeses yeah that's going to be very cheesy uhip uh is everything okay yeah everything's okay what what's wrong with you wait is that rat in the house no no no no the rat's not in the house he's outside and he um I just want to tell you what's that how great of a how great of a chef you are and that I really love your cooking wait really you don't like my cooking Junior oh no I I really do wait what's my favorite food then uh your favorite food uh is uh to cook what's your favorite food to eat though uh I like when you make uh I like when you make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches oh really I don't remember making peanut butter and jelly sandwich uh you make them all the time and well actually you should start making them cuz they would be they'd be really good keep keep looking at me though cuz you're so beautiful like oh wait you think I'm beautiful look at your mustach I mean I have been you know using moisturizer and stuff mustache how do you oh I I brush my mustache you know I add that sometimes I add strawberry juice you know it makes it grow out St what oh oh yeah well I I really love that and I really think that and and I just want you to know that I care about you so much Chef peee oh you do and you should go to my closet what no no no no no you not you oh man I love hugging you what are you doing get off of me Junior get off of me okay okay I'm done hugging you chip bye what Junior you're so weird wa what all of my cheese but Junior oh man that was way too close we almost got caught did you have enough cheese no Junior hey shy what's up somebody ate all of my cheese oh that was me I was really hungry I'm sorry I don't believe it was you I believe that rat is still in the house well I believe you don't know what you're talking about you know what I'm going to catch that rat and I'm going to catch him with this cheese stick w w w oh that was my stomach well no it wasn't I think that rat is in your closet the rat is not in my closet H how about you open up the closet Junior well I bet you $5 there's no rat in that closet okay then open up the closet you really want $5 that bad open up the closet Junior see I know it Junior please don't make me get rid of him I love him oh I'm getting rid of him I'm calling the Executioner now oh my God he's going to try to kill you uh hello hey uh did you uh call The Executioner yes do you kill rats uh yeah we kill rats snitches NS anything that can t tail wait wait no no I I just need a rat killed you know like a rat the animal oh oh okay okay so a rat the animal oh oh n we going to kill rats what you don't kill a rat nah see I'm a hit man I only go after the ones that owe people money so do you want to put a hit on a rat yeah yeah I can put a head on the rat look he's upstairs he's a big rat I just need you to take him out please okay all right just show him to me all right the rat is in this room in the closet so take him out he's so annoying all right I can do that uh can I make a mess well sure do whatever you need just take him out already all right say list oh Mr red Mr rat where are you oh no that's the Executioner hide wait did you just come out the closet uh I mean does it look like it I mean Cody wants me to but I don't swing that way no did you just come out that closet uh yeah I did so you're the rat well no I'm a turtle nah nah see I know you're the rat and I was hired to get rid of you what you hir to get rid of me oh yeah but by who oh by a chef chef B be hired to get rid of me yeah he H me to get rid of you so uh what's your last words I can't believe shfp would actually hire to get rid of me I thought he loved me I thought he cared about me oh my God that's the biggest R I ever seen oh Chef B hired that guy to get rid of me and you scared them off you saved my life I wish she cared about me but let's get you out of here they're trying to get both of us oh I guess we have to go live on the street since nobody cares about us well yeah Junior come back in the house Chef peee leave us alone we're going to go live on the street since nobody loves us you're not going to live on the street you're going to come back in the house right now no I'm going to go live on the streets the streets are the only thing that wants me I belong to the streets now no you don't get in the house now Junior you hired a Hitman to get rid of me no no I didn't I hired the Hitman to get rid of the rats and and you told him I was the rat no look you're annoying like the rat but look I hired the Hitman for the rats it's just a misunderstanding Junior well you know what I'm just going to go ahead and leave since you don't me in the house I'm going to do you a favor and leave on my own Junior you're going to make me mad get in the house right now well you make me mad by not caring about me and treat me bad all the time I don't treat you bad you treat me bad get in the house Chef peei I'm going to go live on the streets okay you better not live on the street get in the house now Junior wait you don't want me to live on the street no come in because you care about me what what I I wouldn't say all that so okay well I'm not coming inside until you tell me you care about me what Junior get get inside please say you love me no I'm not going to say that say I'm gorgeous what no say it Junior you're gorgeous okay okay I'm getting a little bit closer do you care about me I wouldn't say all that Junior say say you care about me I care about you Junior okay now say you love me I just say I love you oh okay and now say that you'll play toys with me every day I don't want to play toys Jun say it I'll play toys every day and fortnite I guess fortnite and I want you to rub my back at night what I don't know why I would even do that Junior but you'll do all stuff for me yes come inside that's what she said all right so I'm going to say bye to my rat okay yeah you better say bye to him look I guess this is goodbye yeah so you can have this block of cheese all right shfp I'll come inside finally Junior so annoying you said it I can't believe you begged me to come back inside the house like a little girl what but I didn't beg you Junior yeah you're you were like oh Junior please come inside the house I'm nothing without you shut up you're such a s no you're a s try to rub my back I'm not rubbing your back junior oh then I guess I'm going to go live outside then get back here oh God I rub your back yeah rub it mhm a little lower shut up a little lower into the front shut up guys I'm starving me too dude guys why is there toilet paper and mustard on the couch because we're going to eat it wait toilet paper and mustard that's my favorite mine too we can't eat toilet paper well dude not without mustard we can't you have to have mustard no no I mean we can't eat toilet paper at all that's gross have you ever tried it no dude don't knock it if you haven't tried it you have to try everything once Cody mhm that's what my uncle told me yeah I don't really agree with him but that's how he got me to do the Head Shoulders Knees and Toes dance head shoulders knees and toes toes toes toes toes toes toes toes toes toes you got to try the toilet paper it's delicious no Junior that's disgusting well what if the first caveman in 800 BC was walking walking through the jungle and he saw a double cheeseburger and he's like ew don't eat that that's a double cheeseburger but through the jungle Junior where do you think double cheeseburgers come from the ground that's why it's called ground beef duh no no Junior they come from cows so it comes from your mom burn hey hey waiter can I order a Cody's mom Burger bring it on a huge plate cuz she's fat you know what guys we are not eating toilet [Music] paper Cody you did that on purpose but no I didn't yes you did when you thre that toilet paper you said I hope it breaks your piggy bank Junior I didn't say that dude he totally said that yeah you said it Cody and your all four your eyes look really mean when you said it oh yeah he he was looking at you with a Vengeance dude yeah you looked vicious guys it was an accident you were an accident yeah but Junior I couldn't do that again if I wanted to yeah because I only have one piggy bank but if I had another piggy bank you'd do it again because you have laser Precision accuracy mhm Junior you called my mom fat because I wouldn't eat toilet paper oh so since I called your mom a factual name you resulted the violence who's next yeah who's next me yeah yeah you going to punch Joseph in the face what are you going to do you're going to rob me all my money's on the ground in the kitchen you broke my piggy bank what you going to do steal chefy's wallet no no guys all I did was throw a roll of toilet paper oh all I did was throw a roll of toilet paper you make it sound like the bad thing you did wasn't that bad all I did was key a car all I did was throw rocks through your windows all I did was unplug your grandma from life support Junior that's not the same it is the same they're all bad oh you don't know the difference between bad and and right oh okay oh like you know Cody if you hit somebody with your car that's bad yeah I know Junior okay look I'll buy you another piggy bank oh you'll buy me another piggy bank like it's replaceable what if my grandma who you unplugged from life support bought me that piggy bank and it was wor it was priceless well it's not Priceless Junior you bought it from like a dollar store or something okay so I can burn your house down tonight and just buy your new one and everything's better no because my house is worth more oh your house is worth more so now your stuff's more valuable than mine oh oh it's Junior it's not worth anything but since I'm Cody all my stuff's really valuable well well yeah my house is more valuable than your piggy bank you don't know that okay I'm burning your house down T night I'm just going to do that I'm going to go on Zillow look at the estimate for your house and I'm going to burn your house down what Junior I threw a roll of toilet paper so now you're threatening me with arson I don't know who arson is but me Junior I'm going to burn your house down the night Jun if you do that I'm calling the police oh you're calling the police shouldn't you call the fire department it's a fire the police going do arrest the fire like bad fire put your hands behind your back okay I'll call both okay well then go call both cuz I'm I'm heading to your house right now to burn your house down okay I'll do that oh now you're going to run from your problems like I'm just going to leave classic Cody yeah classic Cody breaking people's stuff and calling the police in the fire department for no reason come on Joseph let's give him a reason to call going go burn his house down oh let's do it dude all right Joseph we're at Cody's house try to light it on fire are you sure dude this is not my first time light it on fire I want to see his house burned down okay say less it's lighting guys what are you doing what are you doing here I live here oh oh oh we we didn't know that we thought it was a random house yep yep are you guys trying to burn my house down with a lighter yeah it's going to work J have light it oh I got you dude it's not going to work my house is made of brick well how' the wolf do with the Three Little Pigs he huffed and he puffed and he blew the houses down J start blowing guys it didn't even work in the story it's not going to work now all right Joseph let's rent a wrecking ball and knock his house down okay we can do that dude guys just go home wh why why do you want us to go home do would do do you like your house or something yeah well why don't you marry your house Cody in his house sitting on the foundation k i s s i n g first comes the mortgage and then comes the payment and then comes up with the baby car yeah he go M your house weirdo weirdo can you guys just please go home now you know what Cody you're going to get what's coming from you it's called karma so you're going to get what's coming to you so we don't have to do anything come on Jo let's get out of here all right dude try to light guys stop it just go come on we almost had it dude a Joseph I really want to burn his house down oh me too dude but I guess his house was flame [ __ ] yeah he does love his house it's so special yeah do you know any way to get him back oh dude we could poop in the bag put it right in front of his door and then light the bag on fire he has to stump the bag out and put the fire out and then his shoes are covered in poop well Joseph when he sees the bag on fire he's not going to want to step on the fire he's he doesn't want to burn his foot oh I got a better idea what if we poop in a bag and then we write on the bag with Sharpie please step on bag and he's going to be like oh wait that bag wants me to step on it he's going to start stepping on it and then he gets poop all over his shoes you know what I like that better dude because you ask please he's going to do it yeah he's going to say please step on back I got to do it e poop oh let's go get a bag let's do it yeah I got a poop already all right Joseph that bag's full of poop check okay oh dude yeah it's full of poop oh it smells disgusting yeah it's so gross Cody's going to open the door he's going to see please step on me he's going to step on he like it's saying please it has good manners oh yeah he's definitely going to step on it his foot is going to be a magnet to this bad she going to be like stop stop stop stop stop oh am I stepping and poop I think I like it oh I'm not going door so Cody can answer okay okay dudee okay and run oh Joseph I can't believe we just did that dude that was hilarious I know we literally pooped in a bag and put in his front door dude do you think he stepped on it oh I think he's stepping on it right now he's like stop stop stop and there's poop going every within his eyes and everything my phone's ringing that's probably him oh I bet it is is it him is it him yeah it's him I'm right now okay shut up shut up know you shut up you shut up hello junior did you leave a bag of poop outside my front door that says please step on me I'm going to take that as a y no no we we didn't do that but did you step on it no what then how' you know there's poop in it yeah Turtles turt turt I I just opened it up and I saw there was poop inside no you totally stepped on yeah fees foot I didn't step on it how did you not step on it cuz cuz the bag said said please step on me so you totally stepped on it what no I wouldn't do that just because a bag told me to you totally stepped on it yeah poopy pie poopy poop guys I did not step on the poop bag yeah you did that's why you're so mad con is cuz you're washing your feet I can hear the bathtub right now no I'm mad because you left a bag of poop outside my front door we didn't do that Jia whose poop was that me and Joseph's did you see that in McDonald's earlier no no I I didn't notice it's really bad I'm going to hang up now Junior oh yeah you have to go wash your feet yeah okay McDonald's poop on his foot okay go wash your feet Cody yeah hello he h up oh okay but look I I I don't feel like I got payback completely like he can wash his feet but I can't wash my broken piggy bank that is true dude o what I got the perfect idea I'll download a fake texting app and I'll text him and say he's going to die tonight dude that is genius best prank of 2020 yeah he's going to he's going he's not going to lose all his sleep he's not going to be able to sleep at night he's going to oh who's trying to kill me who's trying to kill me and no one's trying to kill him oh bro that is so smart waste his time 2020 yes let's do it I going to go download a fake texting out come on okay all right Joseph I downloaded a texting app and I texted Cody I said hey Cody you better not go to sleep tonight because I'm going to kill you oh dude I also said I'm also going to eat your pet goldfish oh I bet he's so nervous right now trying to protect that goldfish I know he's so in love with his pet goldfish he won't stop talking about it I know dude Junior oh oh what's up Cody what do you have your phone did you just text me threatening to kill me and eat my pet goldfish no did somebody text you and say that yeah and whoever it was obviously doesn't know me because I don't have a pet goldfish you don't have a pet goldfish no I never have I totally thought you had a pet goldfish and you're in love with that thing nope uh Joseph I got to go use the bathroom dude why are you telling me just go Joseph did Junior text me uh uh no dude why would you ask cuz I know he's mad at me and it seems like the kind of thing he would do and he's done a lot of other really weird things tonight oh he would never do that dude what's this never mind I thought you had a pet goldfish still going to kill you though ha cwee oh man I just got done using the bathroom so what's up cwee Junior you just texted me while you were in the bathroom no I didn't I didn't have my phone get little battery Junior they called me cwee and you're the only person that calls me well code wee that's a really good nickname but Cody I did not text you I didn't even have my phone in the bathroom I was just washing my hands Junior I know it's you it's not me Cody a Scout's Honor you're not a scout that doesn't mean anything to me Cody would I ever do anything mean to you Junior you tried to burn my house down earlier and then after that you put a bag of poop outside my front door okay and you stepped in it no I didn't turn toes turn toes Cody look I did not text you that's not me I promise I swear on my life I did not text you okay so it's really not you it's not me well then I'm going to call the police because someone's threatening my life well at least you're going to call the right person this time you're not going to call the fire department over a crime all right I'm going to go call them he's such an idiot I totally had my fingers crossed when I swore my life you're so smooth dude I know smooth hey there this kid says you've been sending them death threats me no yes you Junior Joseph you've been my boy for years y would I do anything bad like that nope see officer I would not send bad messages like that Cody's a nerd and he wanted to sit at the popular table at lunch and I wouldn't let him cuz he's ugly and so now he's getting back at me by trying to get me arrested why would you lie to me I'm not lying to you he's the one that's lying well I'm not lying I know it's illegal to lie to a police officer yeah that's right we have a pretty easy way of figuring out who sent the messages see I have a software that can track the message to see what phone it came from so whenever we find that person they're going to jail jail yeah jail what you go to jail for sending messages yeah send send in death threats is illegal well well what if it was just a big joke well it doesn't matter if it's a joke it's still illegal well what if the person messages and says this whole thing was a joke don't take it seriously well did he do that no uh well hold on I got to go use the bathroom huh this thing was a joke don't take it seriously huh man I just got back from using the bathroom I was really quick with that huh hold on that guy sent a text message while you were in the bathroom H this means something but but what it means it's him officer it's not me look just because the guy coincidentally sent a text message while I was in the bathroom doesn't mean it was me it's not me look I promise it's not me go trace the number and it's not going to come back to me okay we're going to trace the number and we're going to figure this out well but officer uh hypothetically if it was me and I hypothetically smash my phone would you be able to trace to my phone well no cuz cuz your phone's broken so we wouldn't be able to find it okay so I I just want to know that wait why would you ask me that because the new iPhone 12's coming out and I really want it so if I smash my phone on YouTube for views I I'll make that YouTube money and I can buy the new iPhone 12 oh yeah that's a great idea make sure you get it slow mod that'd be awesome yeah I'm totally going to do that hold I'm go break my phone I'm sorry Thomas h this is how I TI this is how I tight this is how I tip tight tight tight all right let's track that message all right I just smashed my phone dude smashville population one what yep so I smashed my phone hey officer any luck tracing that number that's weird I can't seem to find the phone anywhere all I'm getting is Helen Kell simulator. org well I don't know what to tell you I guess you can't trace it what he obviously smashed his phone so you wouldn't be able to find it well no no he said he was going to make a YouTube video of him smashing his phone wait kid where's the video what video the video you smashing your phone oh darn it I forgot to record it huh that's kind of suspicious but then again I forget stuff all the time like the other day I forgot to not cheat on my wife can you believe that it's like oops shouldn't have done that yeah I'm so forgetful but I guess since you can't trace the number we should just stop it here the case is closed right yeah it's too bad I really want to know who did it yeah the case is closed wait what's this what Cody you're still going to die die Cody die Junior how are you doing this well I'm not sending those messages my phone smashed wait wait but it was you before though right yeah but but now it's not me wait then then who's doing this Cody look look look at my hand I'm not doing it I'm totally not doing my phone is smashed I can't be sending those texts you can track the message though right yeah yeah I can do that all right let's see who this is type type typ type type type type uh-oh what the messages seem to be coming from inside the house house oh really yeah and and if you're here then uhoh can you see what what what what part of the house it's coming from yeah hold on oh no it looks like it's coming from the [Music] kitchen what's going the kit see who it is yeah die die alone die at home die in Rome wait don't die in Rome that's too nice die somewhere else worse aha you're the texter uh I am Jeff pee PE how could you Cody you threw a roll of toilet paper at my head and make me knock over my pasta wait is this true assault yeah he also broke my piggy bank destruction of personal property all they do is throw a roll of toilet paper tell them why you thre the roll on toilet paper cuz I was mad okay yeah and you also have anger issues okay look it's 5:00 in the morning and we're all really tired okay so you Chef you're a grown man you shouldn't be sending mean messages to this kid and you kid you got to learn how to manage your anger and you you broke your phone for a lie that can't have been worth it all right we all just need to grow up we all need to learn some lessons today and the lessons are be nice just don't say mean things to people and if you're watching this at home just leave a leave a comment below if you can think of a better ending than the one we came up with cuz we're all tired and this is the best we got so I'm going to try to read the best ending that people came up with at the end of the next video so Joseph what do you want to do today I don't know dude I'm bored # me too oh oh I got an idea how about we watch the T Joseph what is that oh dude that's just my British voice you know I'm just trying it out yeah I would stick to your normal voice yeah let's watch TV okay breaking news okay there's a new illness going around called the cough cough and the government is urging everyone to stay 6 ft away from each other they are also urging every citizen to stay indoors and do not go outside until the cough cough goes away wo hey Joseph you want to have a pool party oh yeah dude let's have a pool party yeah let's have a pool party wait you don't have a pool we can use the Neighbor's Pool oh yeah let's use the Neighbor's Pool yeah let's get as close as we can and breathe all in each other's mouth yeah that sounds fun let's invade each other's personal privacy yeah let's do it wait wait wait dude the guy on the news said that we have to stay six peeps away from each other six peeps away from each other yeah I'm pretty sure that's what he said six peeps six peeps yeah I have ears dude I heard them you don't have ears well you don't either just shut up six peeps six peeps all right Joseph there's six peeps perfect six peeps away from each other just like the news said that's really weird that they measured in peeps I know right wait are you sure they didn't say 6 feet away from each other I'm pretty sure they said six peeps unless I have a speech impediment which I do I mean feet and Peep sound pretty close together and I have ADD so I wasn't even watching the news you know what Joseph we're not going to stay 6 feet away from each other and we're not going to stay six peeps away from each other cuz this whole sickness thing is stupid we're going to have that pool party oh yeah let's have that pool party dude yeah let's have it we we we we're not going to stay inside we're going to go outside and swim oh yeah swim yeah yeah so let's call Cody and invite him to the pool party oh okay dude what's up guys what's up Cody yeah what's up fruit cake oh hey Joseph wait why did you guys FaceTime me instead of normal calling because we want to see that big fat beautiful nose of yours yeah and those ugly four eyes yeah all four of them thanks well why did you guys call because I want to invite you to the pool party I'm throwing oh yeah dude it's going to be a blast you should come yeah Cody come on wait Junior you don't have a pool but my neighbor does oh so he's going to let you use his pool I mean I've never met him he's actually missing I think his wife fed him the tigers or something oh man so you're just going to use his pool yeah why not come on yeah dude but guys I'm not going to a pool party why cuz you can't swim yeah there's that but didn't you see the news we're all supposed to stay home and stay six peeps away from each other wait six peeps I knew it yeah six peeps okay we don't have to listen to the news though though well it's not just the news Junior it's the government too no more big government yeah who saids to listen to the government well the law who saids we to listen to the law Junior I'm not going to a pool party I'm just going to stay home well what are you going to do at home well I'm just going to practice my guitar and maybe yank my noodle well come yank your noodle at the pool like like like you know yank your noodle went to the pool hoping there's macaroni you know that song no no Junior I don't know that song I've heard Yankee Doodle went to town writing on a not yank your noodle or whatever it is you said you're the one who brought up yanking noodles what Junior this isn't about noodles well just grab your noodle and come to the pool no I'm not going to the pool oh well you know what we're going to call you names then uh you're ugly and you have a big fat snow cone head yeah vampire tee no no no don't do it don't hang up I have to tell you something it's a big secret I've always had this deep feeling in my junior Joseph stay really still he's going to think the phone froze no no Junior I can hear you I look look he thought the phone froze he has no clue no I I know the phone didn't freeze because I can hear you talking look he's getting so mad he's like why is my phone Frozen oh he's such an idiot Junior I know it's not frozen look at him shaking his phone that's the only way he get the phone to move I sh I should have an Android this stupid I'm actually going to hang up no no no Cody hang up hang up no no Cody okay he hung up such okay look we're going to go to his house and we're going to make him come outside and go to the pool party oh yeah he has to come he has to come we're going to make Cody go to this pool party oh yeah we're going to make him come Cody Cody come here guys what are you doing here we want you to go to the pool party yeah dude no I don't want to leave the house I don't want to get sick you're not going to get sick Cody we just want to swim in a swimming pool guys Ju Just FaceTime me when you get to the pool but face time you can't swim your FaceTime yeah get away from the window I don't want you to get SI what Cody come on dude just so lame I know right he's not going to get sick but let's go swim it's no fun dude this is the litest poll party ever isn't it fun Joseph oh yeah dude I can't believe Cody's missing out on this oh dude he's such a loser I know he's such a loser you should FaceTime him okay dude show him how much fun with him oh I'm having so much fun without Cody oh dude here he is oh hey loser yeah what's up loser hey guys hey what's it like being in your house not swimming yeah yeah being a loser well at least I'm not going to get sick well you could be in this sick pool with us yeah the sick party yeah Junior you're already coughing well because I got I got water in my nose and my throat and shut up yeah yeah I'm sure that's it yeah yeah yeah so do you want to go swimming with us Cody Junior how would I go swimming well I could just you know um I could just put my put my phone in the Water Junior that's not how this work dude he's swimming he's drowning oh he's drowning you almost drowned me well I just want you to swim look I'll put you in the tend I'll put you in the T yeah throw him in the tend dude oh he's going to drown now that was a cannonball yeah yeah he's going to drown he's been down there for like 5 minutes he probably drowned dude that's your phone what and it's probably broken or something wait wait is it waterproof I don't know go get it okay dude okay dude I got your phone but I think Cody drowned he drowned yeah do we even save him dude he's our friend we have to okay fine I'll give him mouth to mouth come on Live come on dude don't you die on me live live Cody are you okay guys I almost drowned screw you guys no no Cody Cody come on dude okay you know what let's enjoy our pool party okay okay dude oh man Joseph that pool party was really fun oh dude it was some blast yeah that's but I think I'm sick no we're not sick Joseph we might be sick Joseph yeah I think we are doing you think we should call a doctor yeah yeah we need to call one right now okay let's call a doctor oh God hey there somebody call a doctor hey there doctor wait why are you on the phone well cuz I'm not doing house SKS right now I don't want to get sick why what do you mean why why do I not want to get sick cuz I'm in my my 40s and it's not looking too good for me well then who's that oh that that's Brad he cuts his own hair can you tell yeah you can tell he looks like Bert Andor Ernie yeah I do cut my own hair because my mother is a hairdresser so I basically know what I'm doing yeah he looks like a goofball yeah so anyway doctor like me and my friend are feeling really sick because after we heard the news about the sickness we went to a pool party but why why would you do that because it's fun oh well it was fun at least it was fun I mean that that's the most important thing right that you had fun yeah we had fun right Joseph yeah dude yeah it was really fun yeah yeah it doesn't matter cuz you're sick now it's really bad well can you cure it no see that's the problem there is no cure well there's no cure what well no one told us there's no cure well everything has a cure right no this doesn't have a cure you're in trouble now okay are we going to croak like a frog well maybe but probably not what do we do doctor want to do to fix it well what I would recommend doing is just stay home and keep six peeps away from anybody else wait why six peeps why that link well because Peeps are pretty much useless cuz no one eats them anyway so we're just putting them on the ground as a unit of measurement oh okay okay so we won't go near anyone else and we'll say we'll stay six peeps away from each other so Joseph back up back up okay dude yes six peeps away from each other anything else doctor um I I mean I think that's pretty much it just wash your hands and uh you know don't touch anybody okay wait one one more question why are you in a Walmart shopping cart what what what are you talking about you're in a Walmart shopping cart no I'm not yeah the phone is in a Walmart shopping cart Brad why is the phone in a Walmart shopping cart because I thought that your phone was like really dirty and just like covered with germs so I put it in the shopping cart so that I wouldn't have to touch the germs so you put it in a Walmart shopping cart the thing that has the most germs on it in the entire world world what okay okay look if you have any more questions just ask Brad and hopefully he'll say something more helpful than or whatever it is he just said all right thank you Doctor we'll listen to what you said all right great all right all right Joseph we're going to say we're going to stay six peeps away from each other okay okay then uh take a step back dude oh no you take a step back well I'm sorry God you close to me I'm hungry I'm going to go talk to Chef peipi okay dude oh got the clean got clean I cannot get sick hey Chef peipi e Junior six be back six be back oh sorry Chef peipi what are you doing in the kitchen coughing oh I'm really sick so I want you to make me some orange juice Junior I am not making orange juice for you if you're sick go in your room and quarantine but I want to hang out with you no we're not hanging out look I am too young and beautiful to get sick because of you I am not dying from a cough cough I'm trying to be a millionaire Chef one day well me and you both know you're not going to be a millionaire Chef so let's hang out and hug Junior no go in your room really yes look go in your room right now to I'm not getting SI go dude what did Chef Pee say Joseph back up the peeps oh I'm sorry dude Chef Pee said I need to go to my room and die alone wait he really said that something like that oh man does that mean there's no hope for us there's no hope for us Joseph we're going to die alone well nobody loves me anyway hey guys hey doctor what are you doing here oh wait wait wait wait wait uh your your your friend has his mouth all over the Walmart shopping cart what Brad do you want to die something you could have at least gotten a Target shopping cart at least it wouldn't be as dirty all right listen I was thinking and you guys can't even get the cough cough you guys are turtles wait wait wait we really can't get it we can't get it yeah no no you guys are turtles so you can't even catch it what wait but but we're sick though yeah you guys must just have like a normal cold or something what so we're not going to die no no not you if I get it all die but not you J we're not going to die yes dude yeah oh let's cough each other's mouth we're not going to get [ __ ] we're not going to die so we can do that all we want I mean I wouldn't recommend it but I mean I guess thank you so much doctor for telling us than doctor you're welcome yeah so um thank you all right but do do we do we still have to say you know six peeps apart well I mean yeah I we got to do something with those peeps no one's going to eat them anyway okay yeah we'll we'll still stay six peep Park I mean I don't even like peeps yeah me neither I actually like peeps they're like my favorite oh shut up [Music] Brad oh man what happened to me last night Rainbow Dash oh my god did I wear protection oh wait a minute why do I sound like this what's wrong with my voice Dad Dad Junior what's wrong with you didn't I tell you to stop killing frogs no dad that's my voice e that's your voice yeah did you swallow Staples or something no I think I'm sick e e e you're sick uh yeah I think so ew stay away from me then I don't need your germs anywhere near me oh uh maybe you should call a doctor oh that's a good idea I'm going to call a doctor to make sure you're not playing I'm not you're so gross oh my God I'm calling oh God I'm so sick where's that stupid doctor oh hold on hold on Junior I had just called the doctor and he finally made it he's going to make sure you're not playing oh hi doctor what I can't understand you yes I'm the doctor what's the problem oh well um I can't really talk and I have a sore throat and I cough and I sometimes sneeze and I feel like I'm going to throw throw up e yeah that sounds pretty bad um I'm going to take your temperature real quick okay you better not throw up on me that'll be gross okay um wait I thought I had to put that in my mouth no no I just rub it on your head and it takes you temperature it's new technology Junior jeez okay take a whoo whoa whoa whoa whoo wo what is it daughter he has a fever of 106 what I don't even know how you're alive right now well he was supposed to die yeah I I that's amazing that he's alive is 106 good or bad it's extremely bad it's bad you mean is bad what do we do about it well uh if you give it time you'll probably get better maybe take some robotussin or something like that some medicine Tylenol oh well can I get an Elmo bandaid yeah I don't know uh why why why why why you would want to do that yeah why did you need an Elmo Band-Aid because Elmo Band-Aids will make me feel better yeah but you you're sick you don't have a cut I want an Elmo bandid okay well I'll take a look at what I have why he have an Elmo Band-Aid because it makes kids feel better hey I got a Cookie Monster cookie cookie I Don't Want Cookie Monster oh okay okay well I guess nobody gets Band-Aids at all then okay that's great and and I'll tell you another thing tell you what tell you what this this lollipop that I had over here that I was going to give to you for being a good kid well guess what you're not a good kid so it's mine now this is my lollipop I want it I don't even like lemon but you know what I'm going to eat it anyway I want it no it's mine quick question do you have an extra one cuz I I kind of want a lollipop now no this is the last one for sure I don't get an Elmo Band-Aid or lollipop no no and another thing you're going to need you're going to need to wear this mask here why well cuz you're highly contagious anybody anybody gets near is probably going to get sick too oh so put it on make sure you put it on cuz I don't want to get sick yeah for sure okay thank you I guess we about done here yeah yeah we're done okay okay I put the mask on okay good and keep it that way so so how much is this going to cost me oh it's it's definitely not going to be pretty what what not pretty yeah no it's uh probably like $5,000 $5,000 yeah all you did was take his temperature and tell him he had the flu yeah look you know what year it is we don't come to houses anymore I'm a doctor not a Milkman okay I have an important job I don't have time to just come to people's houses you're right well can you just build it to my insurance then okay sure and and you look look look no people over no friends nothing like that okay you're highly contagious no one should be around you at all nobody okay no friends nothing like that you understand hey Junior hey thanks for inviting us over dude it's going to be so fun yeah well guys I don't feel good I just want to go play with toys what I if IED CU I don't feel good what I I just wanted to play toys you make I don't feel good you know what just hey no the doctor said I got to keep that mask on I couldn't hear you wait wait wait are you sick dude oh no I'm not sick um um I I'm going through puberty oh puberty yeah yeah that sounds weird yeah well he said I was going to grow chest hair wa chest hair yeah he said he said I'm going to be a man so everyone should listen to me cuz I'm the boss ah I got two years then yeah Ken Ken doesn't believe you what Ken doesn't believe me well he he he thinks you're sick no I'm not sick it's just puberty well he's a doctor and he wants to take your temperature well then do it then take I think he should yeah oh oh K Ken says you're burning up oh well thank you for the compliment Ken yes Ken um so what do y'all guys want to do um H what do we want to do oh we should play trains dude I love playing trains yes oh well my dad said I have to stay in my room you know because of the puberty why School your dad dad why do we have to stay in your room when did you ever listen to your dad oh well you're right I don't really listen to him but uh we can we can play tissues oh see I play that in front of my computer as a Time see everyone can get a tissue oh y' all play tissues y tissues y'all can be ghost Boo this game sucks can we just play trains now uh yeah what the heck let's go play trains yes finally okay guys let's play trads Yay whoo wao Junior you have three Thomases wa we can all play with one now right what are you talking about I only have one Thomas wait wait wait I just seen them they were right there shut up I only have one Thomas and I'm Thomas you have to choose between those two I want to be the big black one I like big black ones oh well looks like he got to be the Redwood a that sucks all right so let's play TR I'll play with him then shoot Sho hey Junior what the hell are you doing outside of your room you're sick you're not supposed to have company over oh well um maybe you should shut up because I'm not sick I'm going through puberty your dad called the doctor over he said that you were sick and it was very contagious you're not going through puberty no guys don't listen to him uh I'm going through puberty I'm not say I'm not sick you can believe him if you want to guys but he's only 6 years old you don't reach puberty to like maybe 15 or 16 he's an idiot well you know what that's why you haven't gone to college because you're a chef making minimum wage all right guys let's play trains oh okay beat you racing what my black one won't work what do you expect it's black it doesn't work well that's that's kind of up Junior yeah Junior well whatever go back to play tra okay okay come on Thomas get off the track whoa almost got off the Trashy hey Junior what look tired man what's wrong you about to pass out no it's just I'm taking puberty kind of rough oh oh I don't want to reach puberty then uh well all let's just go back to my room and watch TV okay [Applause] e Junior that's a hell of a cough yeah puberty sucks oh yikes man my throat hurts can somebody pass me my apple juice I'll get it oh man there you go Junior oh man oh my God this is the best apple juice ever has big bird on it can I get some of that too sure here take a ship wait wait hold on hold on sharing is caring you're going to have to share with me Cody yeah y'all can both have some I need a ship of that yeah y'all need to take that away for me I have an addiction oh you should up man where did you get that from I don't know I was looking for Elmo apple juice but they only had stupid ass big bird who wants Big Bird Apple Juice I can't lie it's pretty tasty though oh my God all right y'all ready to watch TV yeah finally turn it on wa what channel do y'all want to watch watch um o uh what channel do we want to watch uh just cartoons cartoons okay oh God this is joke time with jiggly [Applause] Jello hi guys this is jiggly Jello why did the jello cross the road because that's so funny it really wasn't funny I don't get it well then what do you want to watch dumb face well how about instead of watching jewelry shows we watch something manly like manly TV manly TV yeah turn manle TV what channel is that I think like 38 okay 38 you're watching manly TV where there's explosions monster trucks and more explosions dude that's awesome explosions women a car planes this is stupid how dare you Junior could could you turn it on lifetime yeah my dad watches that all the time well lifetime yes Kyle I just can't do this anymore you're too handsome I have to break up with you really Suzanne really you're going going to leave me c oh hulahan with The Rock and four pack and the 5:00 shadow oh well never mind that's what I thought yeah now now go get some wax and rub it all over this four pack oh that Kyo holahan he's so dreamy uh I think y'all should go home wait why uh the puberty's about to make me have diarrhea ew I don't want to die I want to be a woman oh well I guess I'll see y'all tomorrow guys okay then well I'll holl at you Junior bye oh and if I see you tomorrow bring Elmo [Applause] bandid sh be me about to have diara what Junior here here's the little bucket make all the diarrhea that you want okay thanks Chef peipi whatever you got to empty it what oh my God guys I can't believe we're having a sleepover I know dude it's going to be so fun oh we're going to watch scary movies and and do fun stuff yeah fun stuff fun stuff you took me forever to get my mom to agree to this she usually makes me sleep in the bed with her what what what what you still sleep with your mom Cody yeah that's weird yes and she also still breastfeeds me too wa what what's breastfeeding I don't know I think it's like chicken or something well anyway let's do something fun guys oh yeah how about we watch some cartoons yes totally all righty kids it's time for do the [Applause] dragon hey kids I'm doofy the dragon and it's bath time and I'm going to teach you how to clean yourself so here's a catchy little jingle make sure you clean your balls make sure you clean them good you don't want smelly bosss cuz then girls won't like you make sure to do cocaine [Music] kids that's so funny doofy this is weird Junior yeah get this bull crap off the TV Junior what why I love doofy the dragon this is [ __ ] turn into something scary this is a sleepover jeez well then what something scary that yall want to watch oh oh lifetime after dark is pretty scary lifetime after dark okay okay let's see this Kyle where are you going it's 3:00 a.m. Suzanne why do you give a flying Flamingo where I'm going I'm going to buy hot wings and more oil for my rocking four pack damn it Kyle I hate when you leave at all hours of the night to buy ridiculous things for your sexy Rock and four pack that's it take this see what you make me do do you see it Kyle I still love you no I wish that was me getting choked uh Cody you're really weird uh Joseph how about you choose what we watch next yeah cuz Cody's weiring me out dude yeah he is um um how about we watch scary TV scary TV um uh I don't think I get that channel what are you talking about Junior you have basic TV I know you have this channel turn it into channel 66 a channel 66 oh my God I don't want to watch it you're watching the scary Channel where we show nonstop scary here's a picture of a ghost boo scary there it is are you ready to get scared guys um um um not not really well brace your pants guys cuz you about to pee in them now it's time for a Attack of the Killer [Music] donut time for a late night snack it's nothing like Crispy Cream my mouth is just watering I'm going to get this [Music] one I love [Music] it oh no Cody this is really scary now this is scary guys it is let me go turn off the lights no don't turn it off you got to add to the effect oh my God this is really scary uhoh Hold on it's just too much I'm good guys now which one do I want next wait what's happening please let go my hand donut box oh my God you Evo donut babies I'm not a baby yeah both of you are no we're not we're not babies we're just we're just really hungry right Cody sure that's why you guys are crying yes so I need to go get a snack come on come on Cody let's go in the kitchen get a snack you guys are liars zebra cakes oh you're my favorite snack oh you're just like a blessing from God himself I got to eat you right now oh Chef peee me and Cody want some snacks for our sleepover well you can wait after I eat my zebra cakes and I'll get you some snack Zebra Cakes Cody you want a zebra cak oh yeah we're going to just go take this box wait wait get the H back this my Zebra Cakes those are my favorite snacks well we need them for our sleepover so shove it pee PE what you know what I'll get my revenge I'll PL something I'll get my revenge I promise now that's what I call a scary movie oh Jo did we miss anything yeah like the whole movie we did darn it Cody we missed the entire movie you guys are ridiculous but it's okay I recorded it no no no we're tired of watching movies right Cody yes you barely even watched the movie you watched like 2 minutes of it well I got something even scarier what is that this scary stories jior what please turn that flashlight off it's an LED light and it's blinding me turn it off turn it off okay I turn it off stop being a baby dang anyway babyway anyway I think we should tell each other scary stories okay yeah totally I guess okay I got the St I got the scariest story ever okay tell it okay uh there once was a a little boy I mean I mean a man who uh who loved to play with his Thomas the Tank Engine toy and uh it was his favorite toy ever and uh sometimes his stupid ungrateful friends would try to touch his Thomas train and and he wouldn't let him touch it because it's my train and no one can play with it Junior this sounds like you yeah it does I'm not liking the story no no it's not about me it's it's about some it's not even scary it's about Thomas oh well you got something scar of course okay then you know what let's hear it okay guys and the scary part about this story is that is true it's true I don't like true stories well brace yourself cuz you're about to get scared well see there's this clown that that lives in my closet and likes to smell my underwear just randomly when I'm sleeping he likes to breathe in my mouth wa wait wait wait what what's that noise let's go check it out guys no no no don't go over there hold on Cody stay right here okay come on now scary monster no Joseph it's okay I'm strong Hey kid there's a there's no panties in there oh man don't worry guys it's just screw ball Cody you don't have to be scared or anything wait what are you doing in my closet sniffing panties kid oh that's weird screw ball you're only supposed to sniff my underwear okay well bye bye oh wow this weird don't worry Cody it was just a stupid clown yeah screw ball anyway uh Cody what's your scary story oh my story is scarier than any of yours tell us I want to hear a scary story come on Cody well once there was a boy and and he didn't brush his teeth and he ate a bunch of candy and he got gingivitis what what wait what it's the number one cause of tooth decay glad to know that Cody that's stupid Cody glad you're giving fun facts you know what I think I'm getting bored of scary stories yeah um how about we play a fun video game oh dude that's awesome that's a good idea okay what game should we play ooh ooh Five Nights at Freddy's what what what's Five Nights at Freddy's you guys can't be serious it sounds stup you haven't heard of The Five Nights at Freddy's before it sounds like a naughty movie yeah it sounds dumb no no I have to show you it's the best scary game ever dude well then show us then this game can't be scary Five Night follow me looks dumb okay Joseph um uh what do I do dude you just click new game and then start the action oh okay um let me hit new game yeah okay let's see let's see this um I have to pay go in your pants C again Cody okay Freddy Fazbear's Pizza I I can't oh thank for letting me read it 1200 a.m. the the first night pass your bedtime yeah it wait oh there's a phone ringing yeah you got to answer the phone let me let me not the door silly let me enter enter the door it's not the door it's the phone it's the phone you going to miss the call hello Let The Machine did it hello hello hell hello hello uh I wanted to record a message for you to get settled in on your first night um I actually worked that office for boring I don't care Joseph this is boring I don't want to play this I know this guy is a lame Mo but he talks forever but after he gets done talking I'm telling you this is when the action starts okay Cody you have time to go pee go pee and back yeah is he still talking yes he won't shut up oh God shut up shut up shut up is the most boring game I've ever played dude just give it a chance this is not scary everyone who says this game is scary dumb and stupid and you just haven't experienced the fun yet I'm telling you it's awesome this is fun now conning your getting bored to death it's fun I mean dude he could be talking about some very serious information just listen no you know I'm going to go pee everybody has to be now is God damn it is he still talking yes God he just likes to run his mouth I I don't think we should play this game do dude dude I'm telling you just give it a chance please oh my God it's so boring oh did that guy Shut up I didn't notice yeah about time oh so what's this dude down here oh yeah you have to flip through the cameras and make sure they're not getting too close to you what do this do oh what does this one [Music] do they're all different rooms good okay that all right oh my God that surprised me guys that God I don't know but call me off guard my heartbeat is is out of this world I don't want to play anymore oh you guys are so scary no no we we all we did was listen to a phone call until it scared us well I mean you can't say that it didn't scare you go away stupid iPad no one wants to play you anymore this game is too scary yeah you know what I I think we should just go to bed okay yeah I'm getting a little sleep let's just go to bed okay yeah all right guys it's time to go to sleep so good night good night wait wait why are we sleeping in the same bed dude just shut up Joseph please could somebody please rub my belly it'll help me sleep no rub your own belly stupid weirdo God okay that's time to go to sleep yeah there's a fine sleepover [Music] Cody shut up Cody shut up I can't sleep Cody come on Cody stop [Music] stop I can't sleep Joseph J screw up don't put it in my mouth no Cody shut up you momy up oh thank God thank God wait [Music] Joseph Joseph wake up sco ball get out of my mouth what's up dude oh man why are you waking me up what Junior look over there look what you see the chicken whoa you see the chicken come long as this chicken been here go check it out J why I have to take it out cuz you're not scared of anything oh man Turtles always die first in movies oh dude I don't even see anything but but you but there was a chicken there go around the corner check the corner be careful [Music] J Joseph I hope he's okay Joseph J oh my God here Joseph Joseph oh no oh no Cody what are we going to do we should hide no Cody get out FR of the covers oh my god oh Jo what if something bad happened to Joseph I hope not um um what we going to do I don't know what do you think we should do um we we should call my mom and then I can go home oh okay well you want to know what the phone is through that door yes so so um we have to man up and go through there okay okay come on let's go oh Cody okay I got my flashlight okay oh my God where do you think Joseph went um I I think he went that way okay okay let's go this way okay um Cody uh maybe Joseph just went to the bathroom oh yes of course let's go check maybe he just fell in Joseph are you in there J Joseph he he's not in there yeah's he's not in there I I don't know where he could be I don't know nervous um let's go check the living room maybe he went in the living room okay oh Cody it's so scary in here without the lights on what hey I I just turned the lights on oh I don't know why we didn't do that to begin with wait I I I I I guess I thought the power was out I yeah it it's way less scary in here now yeah I I don't see him no he's not in here well let's just start turning on the lights just so stupid yeah okay Cody let's check the kitchen okay okay Joseph is that him Joseph Joseph oh my god there oh Junior oh God I think he said Junior there's too much who would do this oh no who no oh chicken oh God the chicken so much blood oh my God what do we do who do we call call the Cs go I'll teach him Cody we got to get the phone wa where where's the phone G power is G my flashlight oh no the power must be really out oh no we can't turn on any more lights um let's go back to J's body okay the blood's gone hey the bu's G where'd he go what happen what's happening he must have eaten his body oh my God Cody what are we going to do Joseph's dead and that crazy chicken's on the loose I think we're going to die Junior no we're not going to die let's just go this way stop my face wait Chef peee it's you why were you beating me up hit him again stop you scared of shf peee I'm just trying to teach you a little breast of lesson wait so you killed Joseph wait no I didn't kill Joseph what I just had the mask on wait if you didn't kill Joseph then that means damn oh no [ __ ] peee I'm starving when's dinner going to be ready dinner is almost ready Junior just be patient ew shab it's burnt no it's not Junior it's just a little black and everybody needs a little black in their life you know what that mean I don't want to eat black ravioli CHF peee that's because you're racist well I'm not racist I just don't want to eat black Ravi cuz it's burnt I want something else what do you want junior God I don't know you burn everything you cook no I don't Junior I don't burn everything I cook well you know what just make me a bowl of cereal okay I can do that it's just cereal who who burns cereal you can't do that what's taking Chef so along with my cereal sh why is it on fire is it not supposed to be no sh it's cereal you burn everything you cook well I'm sorry Junior I don't cook cereal often you don't cook cereal all you do is pour it in the bowl sh can you just take me somewhere else to get something to eat fine come on Junior since you don't like my cooking okay Junior what do you want from McDonald's since I burned everything you're taking me to McDonald's yes Junior now what do you want Oh I want a Happy Meal oh no I want to go inside and play in the play thing no no we're not going inside we're going through the drivethru oh please can we go inside oh you want to hear my loudest please please Juni all right all right all right we're only going pull in for 5 minutes and then we're coming right out okay 5 minutes okay let's go let's go God thank you so much for the Happy Meal Chef Pee PE it's way better than your burnt food whatever Junior Hey kid can I have some of that food uh yeah sure no Junior keep walking that is a homeless man but he's hungry Chef peipe look he's going to spend all of our money on booze he's not asking for money he's asking for food well he's going to trade your happy meal for Booze on the black market come on Chef peipi let me feed him no Junior he's homeless because he's made bad decisions in his life I was abducted by aliens see see he should have been more careful come come on shfp we just need to love and care for him no no Junior he's a stinky bum stinky what his name stinky no junior he is stinky look look I'm getting in the car get in the car are you hungry little fella you want to come home with me mhm okay I'm going to try to find a way to sneak you into my house okay okay I'm going to sneak you into my house okay so let me think of something you can get in the trunk of the car okay get in the trunk of the car Junior get in the car right now okay come on let's go let's go hey chef peipi Junior hurry up and get in the car before I call your dad okay but uh can I put my Happy Meal in the trunk what why because I don't want the car to smell like food okay good idea but hurry up okay okay stinky get in the trunk of the car you're going to my house road trip yeah all right Chef peipi I'm ready to go what that's my Happy Meal it's supposed to be in the trunk what is it doing in the car oh uh uh I decided I want to eat it on the way home cuz I'm really hungry you told me you didn't want to smell in the car I know but I decided I'm really hungry I want to eat it so I changed my mind so what if I check the trunk what why would you do that because I saw you put that homeless man in the trunk what I didn't put the homeless man in the trunk how would you even see that I have a whole rearview mirror right here junior well I didn't put hom man in the trunk you're seeing things you don't know what you're talking about well I'll just check I'm going check I'mma go check I'mma go check don't check don't check what am I going to do what am I going to do uh I'm a go take I'm a go take Junior such a idiot I saw him put him in the trunk what do what are you doing you you idiot what am I [Music] doing okay stinky I'm going to sneak you up to my room okay just be quiet like a mouse squeak all right let's go all right stinky you can stay in shf peip Pei's bed since he's not going to be home for a while M comfy so is your anything you need stinky beer what I I I can't buy that I'm not old enough no m cheese balls oh I think I have some cheese balls cheese balls Junior oh no my dad's coming sticky hide Junior where is Chef peee uh he went for a walk well it's time for him to cook dinner I know he's so lazy darn him well who is that in your bed uh that's uh stinky Stacy Stacy yeah Stacy a girl from my school you know like the song Stacy's mom has got it going [Music] on [Music] and she's in your bed yeah things are moving really quick wow Junior you are a hound dog a hound dog I didn't know you were such a ladies man ladies man I can't keep them off me well how old is she is she at least 18 she's uh 40 40 yeah 40 Stacy's actual mom and she's got it going on and she's also the teacher assistant the teacher assistant in your bed I got I got to get the extra credit I raised my son right uh-huh you did we're about to get busy okay then get busy well do you mind sharing with your dad sh sharing yeah you know a little Eiffel Tower action look if she wants to see Paris tell her to meet me in my room we wee oh that was close stinky okay so what do you want cheeseballs okay I'll get the cheese balls just just stay in my room I I don't mind dad seeing you cheese balls all right stinky here's your cheese balls cheeseballs cheeseball man cheeseball man ew what's that smell M pee peee you peed the bed mhm why didn't you get up too comfy oh well we all have accidents M my mama said I was an accident she did mhm well maybe we can give you a bath we clean you up mm- no scared of water you're scared of water yeah why M Water killed my grandpappy it did mhm Titanic oh I'm sorry to hear about that well is there anything else you want beer beer I'm not old enough to get it I told you that yeah I'll find it I always find it Bingo Bingo was his Amo oh I didn't know we had any beer I got my beer yeah you did you got it beer beer fell on the ground it's a waste of beer it's fine you got another one beer oh got my beer again yeah you got it again let's go upstairs and eat some cheese balls cheese balls and beer all right stinky you got your cheese balls and you got your drink happy you're happy uhhuh all right so I was thinking I can teach you a few tricks all right okay so I want to teach you how to play catch mhm try to catch this ball in your mouth all right all right okay you were really close uh let's try again all right try to catch this ball on your mouth okay yeah a little bit better that time so let's try that again try to catch the ball on your mouth uh who's at the door hold on just stay here I got see who's at the door uh hello uh junior why is your dad's car parked in the front yard uh uh I thought that's where you parked it no you parked in the driveway wait you drove wait yeah your dad let you drive uh yeah yeah he said that uh since I'm 11 I should start learning how to drive so I thought that's where you parked it because I don't want to walk all the way to the driveway so I parked it right there cuz it's easier to get to it oh well Junior you might be a genius yeah yeah so you guys want to come in and see my new pet wait you have a new pet dude what is it a snake a tamagachi even better come look guys okay all right guys be quiet he's sleeping Junior This is a homeless man a isn't he cute but no Junior he's not a pet he's a grown man but I saved him what do you mean you saved him he was in a cardboard box and I brought him home Junior that was his house Oh I thought it was like a puppy in a box like free to a good home no Junior he's not a puppy he's a middle-aged man that probably has some kind of disorder but he's so happy well of course he's happy he went from living on the street to laying in shef's bed eating cheese balls I'd be happy too well I just want to take care of him well if you wanted to take care of someone take care of Joseph he's actually homeless yeah dude I don't have cheese balls but but but the but the homeless guy is so cute oh yeah he's real cute junior he smells like pee and he probably has life thank you for actually taking my side for once Cody oh don't mention it J God shut up nerd all right guys guys I just want to take care of him you know and and give him a nice home and feed him cheese balls junior he can't stay here so I have to get rid of him yes can we at least like you know clean him up and get him a job first Junior who is going to hire him look at him he's homeless and like I said he smells like pee what if what if what if what if he didn't smell like pee and what if we like you know got him a new outfit and and cut his hair and shaved and and made him look like like a normal person then someone give him a job well well maybe yeah yeah I think we should do the right thing and take care of him until he gets a job okay well yeah I guess that would be the right thing to do we could help him get back on his feet okay so so you clean him up cut his hair and everything and I'm going to go try to find him a job okay okay all right Cody I got a job interview lined up for him is he all cleaned up no no Cody why didn't you clean him up oh I tried Junior but I'm not going anywhere near him again I tried to brush his teeth and he bit me he bit you sure did I think I have rabies now well why didn't you at least change his clothes oh I tried I tried to take off his shoes and he kicked me well well then why didn't you at least like spray cologne on him to make him smell good oh I did but it didn't matter his stink overpowered the cologne I actually stuck a whole bar of soap down his pants but I don't know what happened to that I'll just have to go to the job interview like this okay well I mean hopefully the job interviewer won't care well what job did you have lined up for him uh anesthesiologist Junior what no that's the only job that would would would would come see him no no Junior no it's not it's not a good job for him no hold on I think that's the job interviewer no no uh hello hey buddy who parked the car Helen Keller oh man you know some of my patients tell me I should be a stand-up comedian but I don't know about all that what do you think think well the guy's ready for the job interview upstairs ouch that bad huh oh hold on hold on I got another one I got another one just let's see I already did the Helen Kella thing you knowz she's blind and whatnot and the car is not supposed to be there so what else what else okay okay got it got it hey I didn't know your house was a drivethru you you get it cuz like you drive drive through all right let's do that job interview now all right so where's this guy who's ready for the job interview he's right here what is he under the hobo no he is the hobo hi what is this some kind of prank why would this be a prank well because there's a homeless guy laying on your couch with his pants around his ankles and you're telling me that he wants to be an anesthesiologist and I can see his junk so that's fun so he can't be an anesthesiologist no no he's a homeless man and being an anesthesiologist require is years of school it's a very hard job well what does the anesthesiologist even do well they give people medicine to help him go to sleep during surgery well he sleeps all the time okay I'm sure he does but that's not what we want the anesthesiologist to do well he sleeps all the time he knows sleep and and who can help people go to sleep better than someone who sleeps all the time huh you know I never really thought about it like that okay kid you twisted my arm I'll give him a shot and see how he does you you you give him you give him the job yeah I'll give him the job what's the worst that could happen and so long story short the patient died they did yeah Flatline what happened well I told him to administer the anesthesia and he injected the patient with all of it and then gave the rest to himself so he's going to be taking a nap for a little while oh so so does he at least get paid for what he did oh no no I'm being sued for malpractice so in a few days I might actually end up like him well come on can you give him another chance he just messed up no an innocent man died today they found cheese balls stitched up inside the patient's pancreas it was open heart surgery so what happens now now he goes and lives back out on the street where he belongs and I get a lawyer and hope my job as a standup comedian works out well you hear that stinky well I'm sorry did you just call him stinky you let me hire a man named stinky to help with a surgery well well I I don't know if that's his real name I just call him that cuz he is stinky oh no I noticed he was stinky I just didn't think that was his name because if I thought that was his name I never would have hired him in the first place I I just want you to know that well stinky whenever you wake up let's eat some cheese balls together oh man these cheese balls are good this bed smells like pee hey guys Junior I think the homeless guy peed in Chef pe's bed oh he did well how'd it go Junior oh he got the job what but then he got fired oh oh yeah so I'm just going to try to find him another job no no no Junior I have to talk to you about something serious wait you have another hemorrhoid no no not this time no Junior stinky needs to go to the bathroom no well I mean yeah probably but no I mean he needs to go away like to the vet no no Junior I'm I'm saying you need to get rid of stinky but get rid of stinky but why well Junior look stinky doesn't belong here he he needs to be outside what outside yeah he needs to be outside free in the wild with other stinkies so they can play but but but he seems like he's so happy here well I I know I know but I think he'd be much happier out there you do yeah it's it's where he belongs oh you really think he needs to go back outside yeah that's what would be best Junior okay I'll go tell him then poor kid hey stinky hey cheeseball man um is there any way I can talk to you by the front door okay yeah get up ooh come on legs I feel like spaghetti meatballs all right all right stinky I'm going to talk to you right here you kicking me out uh kicking you out no I'm not kicking you out I just it's okay cheeseball man I've been kicked out of lots of places like McDonald's and the gas station and Walmart but you cheeseball man you were the only one that was nice to me you gave me so many cheese balls and you let me pee in your bed well I just really care about you and I really just want you to be happy stinky I love you cheeseball man I'll never forget you oh I love you so much stinky mhm I hope I see you again one day stinky see you on the other side kid [Music] okay guys I got rid of him it was the right thing to do junior yeah you're a good dude dude oh thanks guys you know I do anything for you guys too right yeah yeah dude so um can I stay here since you were going to let that homeless guy live here uh uh Cody I never noticed how pointy your hat is yeah it's pretty pointy dude I'm literally homeless I live on the street every night Cody like is that like is that an ice cream cone what are you holding I think it's a wand dude I haven't had a good shower in weeks years oh can you even see out of those glasses Cody like they're so like blue oh yeah I can see fine God when will I be noticed Junior where are you you're so dead uhoh sh's back uh junior why is he so mad at you because I stole the car and left them at McDonald's wow okay so that's why the car is like that yeah that's why the car is like that Cody I need a favor from you I need to lie for me I'm not going to do that come on Cody please lie for me Junior you are so dead where is that homeless guy oh what homeless guy the homeless guy from McDonald's that you picked up I didn't pick up no homeless guy from McDonald's yes you did Junior you stole the car and I had to walk home 9 miles and my feet hurt you don't even have feet SHP shut up and you could have called an Uber but I didn't have my phone cuz the phone was in the car idiot okay well first of all shfp I did not speed off in the car that wasn't me then who was it Junior it was Cody what Cody wasn't even in the car yeah he was remember he was he was at McDonald's remember and and and and then he he saw the car and he said uh junior let's go for a joy ride so he jumped in the driver's seat when you got out and then we sped off no no I didn't do that yeah yeah yeah you did you did do that no I didn't yeah yeah you did no I didn't yes you did but I didn't do it though you say you did it Junior you know I Didn't Do It come on go you say you didn't it Junior you just told me what happened you did it not me but you did it can you say you didn't it but I didn't do it though just say you did it I'm not going to say it cuz I didn't do it you did you did do it okay fine I did it see sh he said he did it yes I heard it I heard it all I see but I heard the whole conversation I heard you tell him to say it yeah see I didn't do it but but but but it ended with him saying he did do it so you heard that does anybody smell burning cereal oh no the kitchen oh yeah we left cereal on fire like earlier why was it on fire cuz he burns everything he cooks oh but you did do it though I I didn't W only 10 more minutes to Charlie friends come on oh I've been waiting I've been waiting oh wait wait what time is it dang it 6:00 a.m. oh got to wake up Junior so he can go to that stupid summer school thing Junior get your failure butt off Junior oh wake up wake up wake up Dad what was that for get up you know you got to go to summer school a summer school do I have to go today yes you got to go every day you're a failure you got to pass so you have to go well well what if I'm sick you you're not sick oh stop faking it okay Dad I'll go yeah you better are you taking me no I'm not taking you you dumbass Charlie your friend is on jeez oh well then who's going to take me probably sh pee PE so you should probably go and wake him up God okay and hurry up I don't want to go I got to get my book I'm not even sleeping I know it's going to come it's coming it's just a matter of time a chef peee ah Chef peee here it comes Chef peep me wake up what was that for I wasn't even sleeping well you got to take me to summer school oh duh I'm not the fail you you are oh well can you make me breakfast first God so what do you want for breakfast then Junior um um I want french fries come on now you know you can't have French french fries for breakfast how about the has brown or cereal no I want french fries you can have it no no you're not eating french fries I want french fries I want french fries I want french fries I want french fries yay french fries you better eat every single french fry every single one of them okay I'm going to eat this one and I'm going to wait a minute and I'm going eat that one no no we don't have time for that come on we got to get you to school you're going to be LS bring your fries with you we can eat them in the car don't we get your book oh oh that's not my book that's your that's your cook book oh that's for me yeah that's your cookbook that's kind of nice but but hurry up we still have to go come on all right come on Junior you're going to be late I'm coming oh oh yeah B my f FR damn it we don't have time for that come on just I'll B some fries later my French fries a my French fries Chef BB shut up about those french fries you dropped them it's your fault but I want some more look I'll get you your stupid fries after you get from class okay you have to to go to summer school first oh okay Chef peepi now hurry up get out my car no boy I love school last night I memorized my entire calculus book for homework because you're a nerd dude at least I do my work dude don't make fun of me my parents got a divorce I'm going to punch you in the face dude not in the face I have a medical disorder a I could be outside playing right now but I'm stuck in stupid summer school and that stupid calculus book I didn't know supposed to do with it I just gave it to Chef peipe as a cookbook me neither dude I just used it like to play soccer I just kicked it around that's cool dude I just burned my book I used it for s'mores you know had a campfire hanging with a couple of buddies you know eat it wow I mean well I mean I guess it wasn't that bad I wonder what the teacher's going to say about us uh not really doing the homework hey class was supposed to start like 2 minutes ago where's the teacher d ah [ __ ] I'm late class I I stuck in traffic the whole way here whole way and I drive by Suzuki and I hit every car in the parking lot on the way here so let's get to work class let's learn huh okay class to start off the day we have a new foreign exchange student from Mexico her name is Cecilia come here Cecilia come tell the class how dumb you are OHA she dumb she dumb I don't know what she saying what are you saying you down go sit down CIA oh everyone laugh class okay okay stop laughing all right so today we're going to learn about drums and how dumb they make you if you use them so we have officer Goodman as our guest speaker for today so come here officer Goodman and teach the class how dumb they are hello class I'm officer Goodman py thank you thank you heyy offic your Goodman oh yes sir yes sir have you ever shot anybody yeah I've done it a few times cool anyway anyway I'm here to talk about uh rape and drugs okay and to start off my uh my lecture here I have a real live criminal let's take a look at him okay all right clap this is Bubbles he's a really vicious criminal okay he's uh he's serving 15 life sentences for very dangerous crimes he's uh he he was charged with rape aggravated rape acquaintance rape um date rape and police officer R and uh and so does anybody have any questions for the criminals yeah oh oh I got a question hey bubbles why why did you do the crimes you did like why did you rape people cuz I like booty well calm down calm down the t is M oh oh oh I got a question question for bubbles um excuse me Mr Bubbles how is jail what is it like well we get full course meals full course meals we get to watch all the TV that we want you get to watch TV too we share bunk beds with a roommate oh man I always wanted bunk beds we get a shower with our roommate you get the shower with your roommate too we get to play basketball outside wow you got to play basketball outside um um Jail's nothing like that okay it's fun we ain't got no homework no homework I really want to go to jail now no no no no no no no no no no no no no next question please next question um do you get beat up in jail nah you know I'll never get beat up unless I'm doing the bean you know what I'm saying oh it's F by this police Pig okay all right right there um we have uh we have time for one more question okay yes the uh the minority in the back iOS and like I said um I don't know what you're saying ma um did you understand that no no oh we didn't understand what you said we're just going to skip your question okay all right class uh now we're on the drugs okay um the bubbles do you approve of drugs no see how does a man who has nothing to live for not like drugs because drugs are bad okay what did drugs do to you that's a good question okay class if you do drugs it will make your PP small okay yeah I must it taking a load of drugs all right class we're going to do a uh a real live drug bust here at the school I'm going to call my friend Jorge and he's going to uh deliver drugs to the school and I'm going to arrest them okay all right give me one second all right class I'm going to call Jorge and he's a drug dealer and that's bad because drugs are illegal okay I'm going to get them on the phone now the train ol Jorge yeah oh I'd like to order some drugs Dr delivered to the school you're not a police officer no no no I'm not a police officer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll have the money a few minut all right bye bye all right class Jorge is on the way okay and uh when he opens the door and he shows me the drugs we're going to arrest him it's going to be really funny okay so y'all laugh I don't know know what you're saiding good um anyway U bubbles I'm going to need to take those handcuffs because those are my last pair and I need to arrest Jorge in front of the class so uh can I trust you if I take those handcuffs off for you not to run yeah I'm black you can trust me well okay he's it's okay guys I'll catch him later do go go run bubbles go you're free I'm free wait wait wait wait I'm a p no stab him stab him don't freak out guys don't freak out calm down calm down it's okay I'll get your friend back he just might have PTSD okay what's that I think I hear Jorge want some drugs no I don't I'm selling drugs all Jorge all right Jorge introduce yourself to the class go hi kids I'm J and I'm a drug deer you must have a small peee no I don't man wa calm down calm down all right Jorge show the class what you brought in today I brought drugs man oh okay well are you proud of bringing in those drugs yeah man this is great man and you're not worried that you're going to be uh caught by the police why are you a police officer no I'm I'm not a police officer okay I will leave you officer go man okay all right so right now are you in possession of illegal drugs yeah man get get on the table get on the table he resisting class somebody want to volunteer and uh assist me today o o oh I'll help you officer Goodman what do you want me to do offic good what do you want me to do I need you to calm him down while I get these handcuffs on hey stop being a bad person I'm not man I'm a drug dealer man well that's bad all right I got the C on you go back to your seat thanks for your help okay all right jge stand up oh man all you're going to jail not again man well don't do the crime if you can't do the what whatever come on yeah all right stay right here until the end of class and I'll come get you okay all right man all right class that concludes the drug portion of the lecture we are now going to go to sexual harassment in the classroom okay so let me pull down the screen here and we'll get started all right class this is going to be sexual harrassment by me officer Goodman okay so now we're going to talk about sexual harassment in the classroom all right class the number one thing people claim the sexual harassment in the classroom are girls boobies okay they say oh you're boobies look nice well these right here are boobies okay but in school it's a face okay so don't say boobies oh that makes perfect sense now do the face I like your face Cecilia yes good look mushroom fell he's got the right idea so anybody have any questions about the face okay my mom has a pretty big face oh dude you should bring her into class one day now on the penis all right class a female can sexually harass a male as much as she wants okay but the one thing she cannot do is say penis a good substitute for the word penis is pee PE okay so I'm going to draw a penis okay so this right here is a penis okay but in school it's an elephant okay so you have his body and his feet okay and you know what's underneath and El it right n okay peanuts okay that peanuts other than anything elant any questions oh cool I'm going to tell my dad that I have an elephant no you have a really small elephant oh dude you got a small PE man it's a medical disorder all right class that concludes my lecture for today okay oh well it appears that my shoes have been stolen does anybody know where my shoes went I think it was because when I released Bubbles from the handcuffs he stole my shoes typical black person okay all right that concludes my lecture so don't say boobies don't say penis and don't do drugs I'm going to go get your teacher so all you sit tight right here come on Jorge I didn't forget about you a damn man all right come on come on ding bong all right crass uh you everyone have fun I was at Kim nail getting my nail done my wife named it Kim you ready to runn crass all right crass are you ready to R Kaku r ah D we only got one minute left in crass that's time for one kakur Rus problem before we [Music] go Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys I'm Charlie and I'm late for class I need to hurry up and get there oh Charlie you're late oh man you're funny Antics I swear hi guys I'm Charlie and I'm late because you theum ass [ __ ] all right crash tomorrow is show and tell so bring something you want to show and tell we we build the homework D shut up oh thank you for reminding me your homework for tonight is to do 100 cul problems and bring it to me tomorrow for credit any questions yeah yeah yeah I got a question oh well it's not really a question it's more like a statement let School your homework we don't do homew okay then 200 Cura problems for you because you die you're afraid to H what toy do I want to bring for show until tomorrow at school um o I could bring my T-Rex and scare everybody or or I could bring my whale and and and justuh all these toys seem lame no one's going to think I'm cool what's something cool I can bring for show and tell oh I can ask Chef peipi to come oh I'll be the coolest kid ever oh Chef peipi now I got to cut these potatoes Chef peee what do you want I have a question to ask you what I'm about to cut these potatoes what can you make it snappy please okay okay okay it's a quick question okay so tomorrow is sh tell at my school okay and and I don't have anything to show and tell about so I was wondering if I could bring you a my show until then wait bring me why would you want to bring me be because you're awesome and cool and if I show you to my classmates they'll think I'm cool because you're cool well that's that's kind of nice but bring me to a a class with a bunch of students like you yeah a bunch of kids just like me hell no why would I do something like that please tell me please give me a a logical reason to sit in a classroom with a bunch of [ __ ] like you oh they're not all mean there's just a few kids like like my friend Tanner and Joseph his friend from school and and this really pretty girl named cesilia so so I mean I I they're not really rude like me oh okay oh well I'm sorry but I would rather be here okay I don't want to go to your school hey shipi real quick I'm going to need you to clean the whole entire house tomorrow with a screwdriver I mean everything spotless you got me you know what change your plans I'll go with you you will yeah yeah yes don't beg me anymore but I'll go okay yay it's going to be so awesome Chef come with me to school I'm going to be the coolest kid ever so this is your summer school class huh yeah it looks pretty boring oh it's not boring it gets better when class starts oh it better at least it's better than cleaning the house with a freaking screwdriver whoa Pixy Goblin you're back what happened dude I don't want to talk talk about it wow well you don't have to be sensitive jeez no boy oh boy they did 1,000 calculus par for homework instead of 100 I want the extra credit a [ __ ] dude I forgot we had homework last night let me copy yours real fast knew that would be cheating cheater cheater oh you're dumb dude oh no sh we had homework last night I didn't do it this is why you fa you idiot yo I can't wait for the show until today man I'm about to turn up yo yo yo teacher come on start the class already all right crass today is so in tell so hopefully all you brought something you want to show and tell about okay almost going start off I actually bought this big ass fries water at the dollar store okay I bought it for two reason one to beat your ass with it when you dumb and two there's aing fry in here I see him you kill my grandar I miss him anyhoo while yall are showing and telling about I'm going to be trying to catch theing fry wait wait about the homework dude shut up ah yes the homework turn it in on my desk over here and then you can start the show and tell about success needed a th cous problems for homework oh you want a cookie my kids do do calculous problems for breakfast and they Kaka soup no wait a minute C you mean to tell me that for here is the only one who did his kaka's homework yeah okay then at the end of Crash all of you line up at the door and I beat your ass with a flash water what the FR your turn missed him on second do crass whoever kills fry can have one month without any curus problems yeah all right for eyes go get your so you can show and tell can I start yes go ahead okay hi class I'm Cody and I brought some of my medications for my medical disorder this one is for my medical disorder and this one is for my other medical disorder and this one is for my glaucoma and and this one is for my fibromyalgia and this one is for my restless leg syndrome and this one is for my L Garrick disease and and this one is for my diabetes and this one is for my night teror and this one is for my tiny elephant okay are you done yes all right crash does anyone have any question for the weirdo here I'm going to ask it I'm ask it R don't ask hey Cody why haven't you killed yourself you have a lot of problems no I think about it but I have a medication that stops me all right class no more questions all right call to get your medication go back to your desk medication but leave the one for the tiny elephant my wife says I need it [Music] okay that went better than I expected H who should I choose to be the next show and tell about oh oh oh oh me me me please please please choose me oh come on come on I'm right here I'm right here in front right here oh to see come on come on no come on teacher um any volunteers oh oh I volunteer me me me me me I'm right I'm right here no okay oh you s see oh man Cecilia in her pretty face what are you doing begin ohia Engish oh hello I brought taco I like it okay CR any questions oh oh oh Cecilia I got a question can I get a bite of your [Music] taco oh man just go sit down SRA all right CR who else to be next oh oh oh right here me me I'm right in front of you come on TJ me me me oh oh come on come on you see my hand okay okay you've been wanting to come up all day Junior it's your turn o o shf it's our turn come on finally can I start D do your thing okay hi class I'm Junior and this is my slave Chef peee slave I never been a slave guys I I work for his dad as a chef in his kitchen I don't work for him okay anyway Chef peipi is really really cool he can do tricks he can roll over he can play dead I I can't do nothing like that I'm not a dog what's wrong with you Junior he's just being really shy show show him a cool trick jeffp put your face inside out I can never do that what is wrong with you Junior are you high you're embarrassing me in front of my friends okay um stab yourself in the throat what the hell I I don't want to feel pain why would I stab myself now guys he usually does it I think I think he's just a little shy everyone everyone pop him up pop him up St yourself in the throat stab yourself in I'm not going to stab myself look look I don't do any tricks okay class look I'm I'm pretty good at singing though if you want me to sing I can do that yeah go go Sing It Go um yeah now you put me on the spot Baby come back you blame All of Me O okay it's better when he puts his face Inside Out do that I'm not going to put my face inside out I can't even do anything like that okay he's being lame today does anyone have any questions I have a question do you have a medical disorder no no I don't have a medical disorder maybe Julia does cuz he's a stupid crybaby he cries all the time I'm not a cry baby you're cry C that's it no more questions all right who want to be next me me for the love of God me I've been waiting come on ah bra Yoshi sces girl oh Focus my turn come on girl let's go show them the Call of Duty yes yes BR Yoshi your turn the fry the fry all right folks I brought my Call of Duty and my girl Del okay she beautiful she beautiful okay and then Delila is cute too though all right so I've been playing Duty for about 12 years now I here and there you know what I'm saying so you can add me on Xbox U my username is black and Africa because my old one got suspended because I think it was Charlie Brown fol Charlie Brown just suspended me cuz he like man I'm going report you folk I said don't you do it don't you do it folk and he did it so so blacker in Africa so hit me up on the Xbox so anybody got any questions folk oh I got a question what if you met this Charlie Brown guy in person what would you do to him what would I do do man I kill him you know I like forget me suspended on Xbox man man what you think oh well I'm definitely not him don't think I am please all right all right so so is that all the questions okay all right come on the look come on ah [ __ ] CR I didn't get the fry anyway um who wants to go next oh oh oh right here the crybaby in the green your your turn ah me I'm getting this over with hi guys I'm pixie goblin and I brought a sword oh weapon you're going to jail you're going to jail class I forgot to mention do not bring weapons to school okay you're going to jail all right you're going to jail no don't take me there you ready for round two okay crass since one student has been a spell for being dumb we go on to the next one so who want to go next oh oh there's a very faint voice in my head he's like pick me Beck me beat me and I think it's you oh me I didn't bring anything I don't have any arms okay no arms okay so I think it's you a dude I didn't bring anything either I I mean I still have arms but I'm just too cool I didn't bring anything okay okay Mr cool kid so I think it's you the green dild door in the back oh yes I'm ready hi guys I'm Chris the cucumber and I brought facts today did you know Hawaii is a planet dumb dumb you dumb go sit down all right who's next oh I'm not even going to try oh I guess I'll go hi guys I'm Joseph his friend from school and I brought my phone today I I kind of dropped it outside and and cracked it but it's still here uh it's okay I can get my kids to make you a new one in Sweatshop that would be awesome please do um any questions I got a question okay how you break your phone um I dropped it outside you know I'm go sit down oh that's hurtful okay who is next me me for the love of God me is my turn H cill have you had a turn yet see okay a t I I didn't see you there do you want to turn yes oh I'm so ready are yall ready to turn up or what okay toad come on you're the last person for today okay um what's up guys I'm Toad and I'm a rapper and I I did this music video for show and town so so so um I'm going to need you to let this little projector thing down so I can show the video okay I'll do that while you talk okay um look guys the video is pretty awesome I had you know edited and everything oh man it's an awesome thing my lyrics is Beast oh I'm just so crook it's a um um is this a school appropriate yeah of course okay okay I'm going turn it on okay are y'all ready for the coolest educational music video ever let's get it started oh man who let the ass out oh I need all girls to get B just shake it baby TW turn it off not sco pit why did you turn off the F cuz it's not scool a PO go it down you D oh man all right class I hope you all enjoyed the show and tell today so all of you R up at the door so I can beat you with my big ass fly satter for not doing your homework except for Cody cuz he did his homework can I still get his spanking even though he did the homework what you actually want a spanking okay R up with the crash everyone R up I don't want to speaking me first me first okay you [Applause] [Music] th okay class this is how the pig gives birth okay all right see here you got the uh the palop pus okay and the squiggly tail any questions oh well oh my it appears that uh that the class is over I hope you all have a wonderful summer oh oh Junior I'm going to need you to stay after class okay a why do I have to stare at class CU you gay love your no no no it's not because you're gay it's um it's because I have your report card here what oh yeah you got all FS why I I try in school well you didn't try hard enough man but my dad's going to beat me since I got all FS well i' beat you too well you can use the uh the excuse that you got one B here you just didn't apply yourself throughout these other classes why do you hate I don't hate you sir oh my dad's going to beat me have a good summer Mr Goodman you too sir uh you're more than likely going to have summer school oh man I got all FS my dad's going to beat me well I mean it might not be so bad I got one B let me see what Chef peipe has to say about it Pastor Ronnie angel hair pasta what do I need Angel hairs for that's cruel Chef shpi what do you want junior I'm about to cook what could you possibly want well today with my last day of school okay and we got report cards M and my report card's really really bad and I think when my dad sees it he's going to beat me again with a belt so can you look at it and tell me if it's bad I I guess a quick look won't hurt just hurry up and show me please okay here it is shpee oh God you got F in Math Science History and English oh I know you turning some work come on now how do you fail all the classes you got to get at least a little credit well I mean in attendance a B minus you should have a a in attendance I know you go to school well I don't go to school every day wait wait not every day what do you do on those other days then toad are you sure we're not going to get in trouble for this dude it's for cool kids just hurry up and ring it okay okay who's there the God damn kids you play dingdong ditch what's wrong with you you should be studying for school you idiot well I mean school's stupid and it's for dumb people and I turn in some of my work but the teacher just doesn't like me and neither as the principal and I really think when my dad sees this he's going to beat me do you think he's going to beat me I hope so cuz you deserve it you fail I can't help you can you help me um can you can you help me change my grades or something like Photoshop I'm sorry I got to I got to cook this pasta Deuces I need someone to help me change these grades he's going to beat me wo what's up juliia oh hey toad I don't think you want to be around here right now I'm about to get beat by my dad dude that sucks what for well today I got my report card and my grade stuck wa dude no they don't that's awesome but but they're all FS dude F stands for fantastic fabulous future and fly duh oh well I didn't think of it that way dude you got to think outside of the box sometimes look be stand for box du W that's awesome but I don't think my dad's going to fall for that he wants to see all Aids on my report card oh he's going to beat me so so what do I do toad I need some help dude I know I got the idea oh okay what's your idea we remake your grades come on we can do it oh that's awesome okay hurry up okay make that one in a all right make that next one in a okay yes a new episode of charol and friends is coming on oh I love this show oh nothing can ruin this day it's on it's on for got everything he likes to eat food and stuff Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys I'm Charlie don't cheer don't cheer we're in a library we have to be quiet Charlie you never get old oh man I hate it when people call me with Charlie on hello oh hello yes I'm principal Steinbeck and I'm calling to inform all parents that their children receiv received the report cards today and I think it'll be quite interesting if you looked at it oh Junior got his report card thanks for notifying me he hasn't showed me yet I'mma see where it's at have a nice day excellent excellent h Junior that looks really good to that looks really good yeah dude look history you got three A's dude that's awesome yeah I aced history yeah okay got two more okay hurry hurry he might find out soon Junior where is that report car oh no there he is I'm going [ __ ] fu toad Junior your principal called and he said you get your report card show me it and it better not have one F oo I swear all right dad here's my report card I just got it today I was about about to show it to you hm math you got a A++ H I got a little mathematician science A++ I knew you would be a scientist One Day history a aa+ okay I got a history major English not an F then what is it then um um uh my my teacher said he would email you the grade for that one email me I don't have an email oh well then then um um then then then he'll call you and tell you this seems suspicious let me get Chef Pee to look over this oh no yeah sounds like pasta shut BP I need you to look at Junior's report C it seems suspicious let me see this all right sh peei does these grades look suspicious to you so you really think you're going to get away with this huh yes yes please tell my dad they're all a please do this one favor for me if you really love me you'll tell them they're all AIDS I got you okay yes he scribbled out the eles I know you see he failed he failed what he failed no way you liying to me son liar liar liar you're a liar son do you like lying to your father you thought I was going to believe that well you almost believed it no I didn't don't believe that I'm SM you're dumb you know what that means you have to go to summer school no summer school yes summer school you're an idiot when summer school start I think it starts tomorrow I don't want to go you're going you're going you know why because you're going to pass and I'm not taking you cuz I'm going to be watching Charlie so who's going to take me I wonder who I'm going to get to take you then damn it Junior I can't believe your father has me taking you to summer school that means every morning my morning is ruined because I have to take you that means no bus is going to pick you up so I have to drop you off just thinking about it makes me mad H well I'm sorry Chef peipi I didn't mean to fail H you didn't mean to fail you were playing ding dong ditch what do you mean I'm sorry please don't make me go in there it looks really scary no you have to go in there I'm you're going in there you got to take your summer classes you're going just get the hell out of my car please well can you take me to McDonald's first to get a Happy Meal no I'm not taking you to get a Happy Meal only a stents get Happy Meals a bye sco dude you're a nerd it's a medical disorder no it's not your fore eyes that's a medical disorder for us pick on somebody else oh that's right um hey hey no arms no arms oh you got no arms well well you have no no no eyes damn it damn it I don't want to go to summer school this is stupid yeah man this sucks I only fail one class Joseph you're here yeah this is dumb yeah you said it Joseph this is dumb man screw this I hate school I'm a Gangster toad you're here man yeah you remember that song last song for you yeah the boy you know you got to get in a yeah well it turns out those answers that I gave you were wrong now I'm here God well this is just dumb everyone's in summer school I wonder who our teacher going to be hello class I'm princi ofal Stein back no not principal Stein back he hates me you got that guys Stein back for all of you failures St back yes sir welcome to summer school you bunch of failures any questions before we start stop that laughing there's no laughing in my class uh Mr Stein donke um this isn't the culinary cheesecake class get out of my classroom right now oh oh well uh I guess my question's been answered goodbye everybody anybody else want to be the class clown anybody wants to be funny oh my God skyb beating up toad you okay stop it stop it to get out of my class okay okay okay any more questions I I have a question what is it are you our teacher no I'm not your teacher he'll be here shortly D God that's your teacher right there you guys better behave if I hit one thing out of him oh come on Asian guy hurry up and teach these idiots oh big cries and they're idiots but if they give you any trouble just let me know and I'll CR him okay come on Crash let's run hello crash my name is Jackie CH and this summer school and you are here because you dumb you dumb I have BHD and calculus so I'm going to make you all smart so does anybody have any questions to start off the class uh Mr Jackie Chu yes uh that doesn't look like a name that looks like a bunch of scribbles oh well it says Jackie to but my eyes are so slant I can't see oh okay is Steinbach going already yeah toad steinbach's gone oh he better be he want that action you know I was about to get down on the hood you know what I'm saying I had my squad with me right right no you were the one getting beat up no I wasn't you know I had my hands on them leave me alone so any more questions crash no okay so now we're going to play a far game we're going to start on this side of the crass and you going to stand up you got to say your name and tell me how dumb you are and how you know how PhD and calcul us all right so go ahead stand up and say something about yourself my name is Cody I have a medical disorder and I'm not here because I failed I'm here because I want to learn noer dude my name is Tanner and I I'm I'm just so cool I'm the coolest guy ever and I just bully everybody because they're nerds and I'm here because I failed and failing is cool my name is Paul and I don't have any arms and I'm here because I don't have any arms still a nerd oh oh it's me my turn oh okay I'm told you know I'm I'm kind of a celebrity big deal I R go by my album on iTunes yeah you know and I'm here because I got a at math and yeah that's that's pretty much it oh hi guys my name is Joseph his friend from school and I'm a turtle and I'm just really bad at school so so that's why I'm here hi I'm Chris the cucumber and did you guys know cucumbers have their own Planet wrong wrong you wrong you you know how P curos cuz you dumb you dumb [ __ ] next oh okay okay um um my name is Junior and and I like toys and happy meals and I'm here because I cheated on a test with a cucumber oh that's me yeah that's him right there that's him hi I'm pixie goblin and I really don't know why I'm here because I was born like a few weeks ago hi guys I'm Charlie and today I'm in class I'mma learn all right hey let me holler it's your boy black Yosi I play Call of Duty I get them kill streaks though I'm here with my baby girl Delila I pull holes in the back of the classroom the cool Club back here folk so uh go ahead teach go ahead teach a class okay that everybody okay I got your books ready I have kakur RAs and advanced kakur Ras so I'mma hand out your books and then you are free to go for your homework for you advanc calurus oh yes my favorite for you you get ADHD for tummies I already got HD glasses and for you calculus I don't want to do calculus you going to do it cuz you dumb you dumb a and for you yeah parrots for dummies cuz you dumb and For You YouTube For Dummies because you Dum all right everyone got their textbook okay your homework is due tomorrow see you tomorrow hey guys we're back again with another reaction today we're reacting to Chef PP quits part 4 this is one of Lance's favorite videos cuz it's hilarious uh Goodman is hilarious as in it and oh God yeah I love it so this video is demonetized and a lot of people are going to say Logan what happened to the shfp quit series there's only one more part to it and I haven't found a boxing ring because I want it to be where shfp is a boxer so I will eventually finish it uh in the future whenever I can get that done but anyway Chevy quits was a good series I I actually kind of liked it so if youen seen if you have not seen this video watch it here because this one has ads on it so what's up this so funny it's it's so funny all right so here we go uh clicky clack we are back there's something in my eye ah it's your finger all right so 321 Cy clack we're back so disgusting so disgusting and the last of quits I got Shir on shirt the thank you for unclogging my toilet was a tur welcome but I hate being a plum okay hold on it wasn't an actual tur stand it was a chocolate it was chocolate no clothes on let me put on a new shirt okay a stupid doooo shirt Doo Shir shirt so you don't want to be a plumber what are you going to do now for a job I'm not sure I'm like job now I don't want Bowser anymore offici just bothers me oh well go owns a company get you a job Tak a wait hold on a company hold on I'm almost head the so the reason why this scene took so long is L is off camera putting job if you're if you're smart enough and if you're if you're good at certain things so no doubt Mario I he didn't even get it on he's still screwing with it you know what wasting enough time let know that you're on your way just go over there and I promise you he might give you a job oh dude I really need this job I hope he can all right Goodman Enterprises all right I'll give him a call okay so just head over there okay put in start with I was so nervous filming in this place cuz I don't think we're oh [ __ ] um excuse me sir we did not get permission to fil my job interview oh yeah and uh this is just some random office I'm we miss the best part P yes ball and bagging you're here for the job interview for the uh for the debt collector salesman oh yes yes I'm here for any job that's available to be honest okay yeah absolutely if you uh if you're looking for a job why are you dressed in such a crappy outfit like like a dirty chef uniform this say Chef Goodman is so straightforward I have a legitimate reason he just wants to [ __ ] know you come to his interview why you dress like [ __ ] I was you know trying to unclock the toilet and then this I got F matter on my shirt FAL matter yes I know it sounds weird but I I'm being honest anyway that's besides the point besides the point anyway so uh what what prior job experience do you have all right so this scene was shot with two cameras filming at the same time so there's actually Chile's holding one camera and I'm holding the other one so there's two cameras going on at one time many many years as you can see from this this ugly attire and uh I was a c for a but I I I got fired because have any education okay and he didn't go toool I told you about that one but the the feal matter problem you you know yeah feal matter yeah but besides that I don't have any more experience Goodman can't stop about that do you have balls PP do you want to succeed here at Goodman Enterprises I'm I'm pretty sure I do but yes of course I want to succeed I want this B he's pretty sure he has balls okay do do you have balls PP I'm talking I'm talking big balls we we don't want little Tic Tac balls here at good Enterprises you have to have watermelon balls watermelon balls freaking watermelon balls to work here I let me see your balls PP let me see the [ __ ] [ __ ] watermelon ball I don't think this is appropriate fcking I swear you need to show me your balls if you want to work here it's a need not a want you have to do it Goodman Enterprises does not accept failures okay if I show you my my balls you're failure if you don't show them your balls how big your balls are p PE I mean I never compared to another guy like I'm not comparing him to another guy I'm I'm comparing him to Tic Tacs oring watermelons I want to know what are your ball look like there's no in between you're either Tic Tac balls or watermelon balls you want to really see my balls PP I want to see your talking metaphorically talking metaphorically here no he said no he was insistent I totally kidding he said I want to see your because the last couple people when I us to see their balls they just walk down CU I believe you but you got balls PE PE that's exactly what we need here Goodman Enterprises you that's nice to know God damn it PP you're you're hired you really W I could have done that from the start but um what do I have to do on the job PP your job title is debt collector and salesman okay okay you think you can handle that yes uh I I can all right these people they do not pay their bills they owe us money okay you're just agreeing with me didn't know what I was like what the [ __ ] is he talking about motorcy yeah he likes motorcycl D out of my mouth okay yes they are yeah they're thieves they're Crooks okay horrible people disgrace to humanity yeah you got that right yeah so what you're going to be doing you're going to be calling these people PP you're going to be calling these people and getting that money from them okay oh no problem you are going to call them and you're going to say you owe us money you are you are [ __ ] you should have not censored it this this your script PP got demonetized anyway hello hello my name is pee okay my name is peee okay no not I say you know all right my name is PE PE my name is PE you did not pay your bill you did not pay your bill so help me God so help me God you are [ __ ] you are very good p and then after you get that money from them you sell sell sell okay money the first time this is going to work get [ __ ] out of my office you tell your [ __ ] you did Woody Woody I'm just kid your high get out you're fire god I think this is my office hey bab what are you doing um nothing much I'm just getting prepared good all right well this is your phone right here background no get my money back okay wait so this is's controlling screw ball in the back for minut and that computer you're going to use that to look up the clients and you're going to be using that to deposit the money that you get from them directly into my bank account his account my the number screw ball how you doing screw ball good yeah that's screw ball The Voice him don't distract him okay he employee of the year last year employee of the year W that's you will never be like him he top priority do not distract him do not speak to him unless he speak to you okay get to work PE PE make me some money all right I'll do my best what's the B didn't even give it to me God hey new kid um yes is is scre ball prickly pineapples what what are you talking about call me that password it's prickly pineapples oh thanks uh prison PRI P prickly pineapples yes yeah I got something for you hold on the construction hats what the [ __ ] are they for I got H I don't why would I want math it's good for you it's good for you okay I I don't need any math why because person before Jeffy why because drugs hold on hold on hold I got a call coming in weird hello didn't even have a name in the business no never Teresa no you cannot know no more extensions what is she asking for pay your goddamn Bill she's like can I have an extension sorry about that Teresa thinks she owns the damn place no that's kind of harsh hold on I got to I got to piss okay okay I don't get this so screw ball pisses his pants and Chef throws up yeah maybe it just smells bad I have to go check something throw them have a good day kid like why is he why is he maybe it smell B what was that that that moing my God that's so gross I don't know did you put sex sounds over Bine I think I was going to I think when he was on the phone with the girl she was supposed to be moaning into the phone she's a good person he already hung up too much too much talk it's ringing oh hello oh hello is this Margaret oh yes it is who is this this um hi I am PP calling from Goodman Enterprises and oh hold on hold on what' you say your name was oh um it's peee oh peee what are you calling about there she's such a horny [ __ ] I was calling from Goodman Enterprises to let you know that I hate to say this but you owe us $500 $500 yes ma'am $500 oh wow what what are you going to do if I don't pay it well I I really need you to pay it because well if you don't pay it we're going to disconnect your services and we we don't need that happening now yeah yeah yeah do you think there's anything we can uh you know work out what are you wearing dear all right so so Lance recorded his actual voice in the office and then we tried to sink the mouth later so that's why something out here it might not be fully we just work out a payment that would be nice oh yeah I can pay you let me take my dentures out oh oh God my d at Big Boy I'll come down there right now she wants to suck his dick oh she's $5 okay second customer hopefully this person isn't that as weird as Market was um bito who he7 he's looking at the anti virus in the or the anti mware download uh 84% what can I do for you today um hello bitterman um wait is this bitman see B oh hi bman I am PP calling from Goodman Enterprises and I hate to tell you this but you owe $750 and if you don't pay it you're what was he yeah oh be this is not be what what do you mean you just told me you were bman what are you talking about bman used to live here this is no longer B I'm confused can you like get me bman then oh let me check and see if he's here bman I'm not coming no you have Mexican morocc he's a Mexican character I'm not voting you I okay bye why would you damn it why would he hang up in my face I didn't make any money oh come on I got to make some cash man this job is stressful I really need to get some water oh man I need some water read the sign no break what what oh my God got to get to my desk be Mir damn do you know what this is um my guess would be a copy machine you're damn right PP and you want to know what I need from you um what do you need 5,000 printed copies of your ass on my desk by 2:00 okay why I don't understand 2:00 why would you need my pictures of my ass you don't get where I got asking questions you do it get it done you good that going to make it's going to make Goodman money yeah highest B I like how he's doing it I don't understand why Goodman you actually tried to get to like wouldn't do system protected now download was successful now how much do you owe Tyrone no $900 what's with these people in their payments damn it Tyrone you had a little bit of ear hello is this Tyrone oh yeah what's up um hi Tyrone my name is pip and I'm calling from Goodman Enterprises just to let you know that you owe $900 and if you don't pay us you're oh for real yes for real oh for real damn damn I was wondering can we establish a date on when you can pay or make your payment uh how much I owe again you owe $900 I I just told you this so sir oh uh yeah um I don't know if I got it what do you mean you don't know if you have the money you should have the money sir can you just get give me you should have the money maybe tomorrow today if you like I know you can do it uh I really can't uh oh who who are you calling for again I'm calling for Tyrone we just established this like two minutes ago oh man you know what he's sleep what do you mean he's sleep I've been talking to him for like 2 minutes already I'm sick of this conversation can you just tell me when you going to make the P that slow you're wasting my time no can you just wake up tyone uh all right hold on wake up tyone even try please n he he ain't getting up I hate this damn job why does my life suck so much hey K you ready for that meth yet why does he want it so bad what no good man good luck with that kid oh my god um excuse me Goodman did you call me in here what did what did what did he do wrong what did do wrong he didn't get a payment yet you done [ __ ] me up P um how did I do that b man PE do you uh do you know what a corporation is um not really but I'm learning mhm okay mhm well picture this like Corporation is like a beautiful caterpillar okay all the caterpillar's legs are functioning and moving in the same direction they're always moving forward okay and you pee PE are a busted leg how am I a busted leg you have prevented this company from moving forward I am a beautiful monarch butterfly just flapping through the woods okay I was going say forest but I [ __ ] up these are my wings and what does that have to do with me because you have prevented this beautiful caterpillar of a business the phone's ringing did not become what is the answer Monarch butter he's firing him I'm so confused right now he like you know what money's on what get the out he's fired him for not oh god oh man oh so hungry another reason why I haven't finished quit series is I started it at my mom's house and I just don't know how I would be able to end it I want more not ending it in my mom's I don't like it well that's not fair cuz you're always oldest it might work I didn't even know this that me I did it right no I think the younger should get it because as fat as you and you can eat your fat what that makes no sense Junior I'm not even that fat I'm pretty slim well we got to find out who gets it I mean yeah we need to find a way to figure out who deserves this the most well we can flip a coin no that's boring are we doesn't get hit run over by a car oh how about whoever survives getting here by a car you know gets the Gober so the last person that is alive get to eat the go yeah we can do that right all who goes first your view goes to [ __ ] after this yeah I I guess yeah that's cool let's do it h okay Dad I'm ready it's uh I don't think this is a good idea shut up Junior I can't even hear you oh he get [ __ ] oh go is delicious he ran over his son for go you did good what would you do for gobert to be [Music] continued oh there okay there it is where do you work and if you do not work where do one of your family members work trying to invade their privacy there bud uh what's your social security number what's your social security number uh first last name oh middle name to address what's your what's your high school mascot what's your what's your favorite pet's name uh what your second grade teach mother's maiden name I need that yeah yeah so that's that's what we're going to need we need money so anyway guys that was shb quits part four uh what' you think ball and crimp bagging so what what video do you want us to react to next and we'll do it well that's we'll get it done we'll do it that's what we'll doy pow we're done now that's yeah clicky pow we're done now is the new wording we're going the new inter term hey guys we're back give another reaction whoa see that coming woke now it's April Fool's Day no it's not no it's not anyway today me and Chile are reacting to Chef pee's cooking sucks because Chef pee's cooking sucks because it sucks cuz you know how to cook because every time we make food for Chef peipi we just basically go into our pantry and grab all the stuff we can grab and throw it into a pot and mostly cereal mostly cereal and mostly chocolate milk and mostly uh gravy and stuff and I don't I don't know anyway so I made this video honestly because I wanted a quick video and actually it turns out to be a really good video I actually really like it but it's a short so let's get started all right so every time uh somebody says shpee in this video I'll take my pants off 3 two one clicky clck let's go Junior your dinner's ready my dinner's ready oh man Chef peee I can't wait for my chicken nuggets and jell already took off one what is this what do you mean it's your dinner a lot of pants they can't see it I know I have a lot of pairs of pants on yeah boneti boneti you so well how do you do it e what what are you talking about I cook good I know how to c dinur chicken the tun just go and eat it well can I eat in the living room tuna is the chicken of the SE chicken nuggets is chicken oh my God he's he's a genius he's a genius that's why he is the best cooker of all time H up E look at that little tiny cup cute I'm just going to drink my drink okay okay this scene makes me really mad that's supposed to be disappearing ink right and I wanted a huge mess but what happens is the ink disappears so I wanted to be a huge mess and it would be able to clean up look it's B it disappeared it basically disappeared what did you expect to happen I wanted a big mess I wanted a big stained couch it's gone you used rely eat would have actually say it I make myself I didn't want it to actually stand it I wanted for you to even bring something like that basically hurts because look when he picks up the plate the stain is not going to be there you know you know now you have an idea now I'm sorry I can't believe it look stop taking off your pants I don't have any more pants on it's just it's just all balls though I I can't show it I'll get Dem but I took them off I did take my word Force look at that little oh it's still there that little tiny St yeah but it's still there you smed a drink I told you you make I would get mad that whatever whatever that's a lie no no no no no that looks like a drink stain what it's starting to disappear even more putli the cushion over oh no see good idea has air got to it yeah okay the cushion flipped and hopefully your dad won't find out hopefully not um but can I tell you something what now J you just got pranked what you pranked I I Ed invisible ink wait what what what yeah I'll show you you take this stuff right here and look what the hell are you doing you making another best wor hold on look you rub it out you put it on Junior's nose you weren't like worried No it disappears that still would be kind of RIS it's actually is going see like this see like it's going away and it's disappearing and yeah see it's it's gone now so it breaks my heart just like pissing me off don't you yeah um let's watch TV I hate you my my characters watch t a lot comp okay that stock footage right there cost me like $100 oh my God why I don't know I don't know but I needed it I needed that one a cooking competition oh my God I have to win I have to I spend a lot of money onage your cooking my cooking is awesome you just don't know good food when you taste it I know good food and this is not good food it sucks well tell me why did you eat all your food huh well oh you're you're right Chef peee it was delicious I love it you should enter that competition bye Chef peee mhm wait wait well no no wait I forgot he put it under the couch you know what I'mma prove him I know I cook good I'm I'm going to win this competition shit's going to lose that cooking he sucks so bad cooking his cooking tastes like donkey nipples donkey embarassed when they tell us cooking sucks what do I do teren she think he's not ENT a competition he's going to get embarrassed in front of the whole world so what do I do look at him heute what he thinks about the cooking good thinking Terrence you're the best fish bump oh yeah if you touch Terren the little SP the little he has like little like barbs that come off Junior there's only two genders male and female penis and vagina penis and vagina only God only made those two things look you're not one of those special e am I missing something why is he yelling penis in vagina he said there only two genders that's your gend I dare you to have a valid argument come on because at the time I made this video all these people saying like 50 gend um do you think shp's cooking is uh bad bad it's horrible it's terrible I mean I eat it but it it tastes like cow manure look this is my cry for help please just call the police call the ambulance I think I'm dying on the inside well why don't you just tell him that it's that bad oh I can't hurt his feelings why would I do that oh well I tried sweetheart right you know you remember that oh yeah Dad yeah motivational talk I'm going to let Che know his cooking's bad yeah let him know everything bad about it all right let him know everything bad about it okay A little bit of mustard oh my God that's dis you love mustard oh my God no guys don't get me started mustard is terrible the best thing what now Junior not right now I'm trying to make a masterpiece for the competition oh well I I got you a present oh oh you did really yeah yeah it's voice cracked his voice was going away cing basics for dummies why would I need that can you suck at cooking I don't suck at cooking what are you talking about you just don't know how to cook so Junior I I care about you so for the competition I got you this book cookie you know how hard it was to find cooking for dummies I did not even know they had I had to go all way to books a million and there's a million books to look me right now just okay my my masterpiece okay chef peipi but uh it's going to be right here if you need it right here see the book should have caught on fire hit the stove y yep now what else do I need the Still's not even on look at the dials yeah oh look at that oh my God this is a winner right here a green bean peanut butter cracker lasagna a green bean would you eat that it's a lasagna you like Las can I show you a video I found on YouTube one of those animal videos I don't have time for it but but I I hate green beans daddy make it million views right here okay Junior here's the macaroni and this is when you obsessed with like I want to make stop motion oh that is poop all I know how to cook is I don't feel so good why' you throw up my poop macaroni uh cuz it tastes like sweaty Turtle balls okay know I have to poop his head what Okay the reason why Chef pe's head falls off is I was doing the stop motion and Chef's head fell off and I was like I don't know where his head went last cuz in stop motion if you mess up one little frame it screws up but I made that whole stop motion in about 1 hour that actually made it funny that his head fell off well I had a camera a video camera and I just had a a remote that I SN oh my God what the heck was that about yo listen up he's making pizza he was actually trying to make it h hold on chef chef penis Chef penis Chef penis and you're about to get get toasted just shut your mouth Chef peep your cookie sucks and it tast like butt yeah and I'm going to throw up and every time that I eat it it hurts my gut yeah your cooking sucks I don't know the lyrics but this is pretty lit I want to throw he throws a toast he got toast where's the jelly that's right I almost got the house on fire cuz you told me to heat up the toast and I left it in the oven Chile almost burnt the house down oh first off that's funny the jelly on I I got a few things to explain I forgot about that part though ooh o ooh that beat was bought on Pawn Five O what was your favorite SML video 2016 I don't know I don't wow can't believe it's over already wow this video was a long time ago 2016 anyway uh so a few things first off when I said Chile make me some toast I need toast for the video well we didn't have a toaster a to we have a toaster oven so she puts the toast in the toaster oven and forgets about it I go in there it's on fire yeah like the whole it's on fire and I remember I yelled at her pretty bad yeah I said he was like mad I was like chill out my red toaster oven I was like he about to light on fire you you forget about the toast yeah well it was it was but it was pretty burnt my thing was that well then he should have done it and not asked me to do it yeah well anyway a lot of people wanted to know why was this video so short well if you noticed lel's voice was giving out I remember this one uh I think I think I made him do a yelling scene that I ended up not using and and like his voice like gave out for the rest of the day cuz like this job takes a lot of voice like like that and your voice will get tired and lel's voice was just weak that day and so I there was so much more to this video but lel's voice was given out so it had to end after the rap song cuz we recorded that song before we even started the video so when we got to that point when we got to that point that's why his voice sounds so good song we got to that point we like we can't keep going yeah it seemed like there were supposed to be way more yeah it was supposed to be it would have been a lot funnier that was supposed to he was supposed to actually go to the competition he was supposed to lose the competition okay refilm the video Chef pee's cooking sucks but with Jeffy Jeffy tells him do I want 20 million views I do Jeffy tells him his cooking sucks and then a rap song even though even though Junior was hilarious in this video like the video if you want to see that cuz anyway so that's what Chef pee's cooking sucks this is uploaded January 14th 2017 so this was I guess I was asking what was my favorite video 2016 there's too many there's too many I probably the painting one or the karate one or the there's a lot of there's a lot of good ones anyway if you want to know which one's my favorite go watch all my reactions you know put that plug in there anyway yeah buy my merch right down there it's a I don't I don't have any merch just pay me money um so anyway what guy what guys do you want us to react to What videos do you want us to react to guys you got it yeah I got it I finally got it all right guys we'll see you in the next one okay first off Tito says Reese's Pieces what do you say I'm going to go with stay chill cuz I'm chilly that's dumb that's dumb that was stupid you know what I'm single now no it should be it should be it should be no get back no we're going to it should be stay chill chill till the next video you need to leave Stay Stay pepping peppers stay pepping Peppers hey guys it's Logan and your boy te and today we're going to be reacting to Cody the magician oh hey te hey te hey te uh uh pick a card oh pick a card pick a card any card any card just pick any card just pick any card [ __ ] so guys today we're gonna be reacting to Cody the magician and I'm gone oh I'm gone you can't now you see me now you don't that's what I'm talking about Cody the magician okay so this is one of my favorite videos ever I say that come on about all my videos and this one is literally one of my favorites if I had to choose top 10 this would be my top 10 I AB absolutely love this video guys I'm reacting to my favorite videos first because I actually love these videos so much so Cody the magician is actually really funny if you haven't seen it go see it it's not age restricted so go watch it and let me get paid all right uh before it gets AG restricted because eventually they probably find a way to agct it anyway so uh we're going to watch Cody the magician so here we go I'm going to do like a little wand effect so three two one knock on the door friends Joseph and Cody Joseph only Joseph where where Cody who that green dud is show right I don't like this guy who that green dude is who who that green guy is yeah it's kind of weird the video is called the magician where we the M Star well you have one too dude but I have spikes on mine cuz I'm a brothering restrict guess that was that was good you didn't see I'm a bad no dude I didn't see Cody I usually knock on your door he appears right next to me really he just appears yeah he just like appears next to me after I knock like like he's a video gamer he just he's like video G he's there that's weird yeah it's kind of creepy I really wish Toody was here I hope he shows up yeah that me he that means he walks well I want to try all the candy that I found in my dad's bathroom restricted as [ __ ] candy in the bathroom you jackpot guys don't eat don't eat that don't eat medicine that's [ __ ] up okay if I if I go back in time I would you're late Cody come inside dude but okay Cody you're really late yeah dude what were you doing I just had to get ready you know for what for this to hang out yeah they don't know this his outfit you want some candy oh yeah dude yeah I want candy found in my dad's bathroom it's a gold mind of candy well that's not that's not candy junior that's medicine what yeah if you eat too much you'll die yeah guys do not do not eat medicine stomach hurts my stomach hurts oh that means plann for the day well I do what what I mean look you don't notice something different about me you have a booger in your nose no new glasses oh glasses the same glasses what is it I'm a magician you fix lights no that's an electrician Junior I'm a magician I do magic magic you don't do magic way magic doesn't even exist yes it's fake I Can Do Magic watch pick a c the card pick a card doesn't matter any card but what if it's wrong if there's no wrong card just pick any card any card any card pick it's not that hard you can do it Junior I Believe In You Pi just do it okay uh uh this one okay good Queen of Hearts you're not supposed to tell me what the car is why it's because I'm not supposed to know well how are you supposed to figure it out then that's the trick put it back okay um this scene took forever cuz I I sometimes I grab two cards sometimes I'd grab three it was [ __ ] up show Joseph this took forever all right do you know the card it's a six of spade me the card why because I'm supposed to guess just put the card back I don't see how you're supposed to know pick a different card okay um please just pick a card okay I'll pick that one good now do not tell me what the card is okay okay show Joseph what are the Au C yes the card you remember the card I mean it's not that hard it's a six o Club oh my God you told me what the card I end up picking one of the a card I already pulled before I was so pissed while filming it put the card back you your stupid rules dud Pi a new card I end up picking one literally any card now read it quietly in your head both of you okay don't remember it but do not say it out loud okay dude okay now put the card back why why do you want it back that's how the trick works put the card back giving it back no if I give it back to you you're going to know it no I'm not going to know it uhhuh you're going to cheat that's what that's how it works F do something with the card I don't care what do anything with the card no don't do do anything with the card you show them show oh my godamn it we out card pick a new card do anything with the card I'll show it to you do not tell me what it is show me what it is do something with the card do not care just don't show me okay take it somewhere you going to stop it no okay right here I wanted the toil I wanted card to go down the toilet but look it won't if you try to flush a card it will not go down the toilet won't go down I was I tried again it you cannot flush a card down the toilet unless you bend it you like you know what foret okay so it's gone right actually it would have got coming back it's not coming back okay is this your card I mean I don't know maybe you made us pull a lot of cars Cody yeah I saw a lot of cars you saw too many I'm not too sure sure yeah I'm not sure the one you just got rid of you you just had it I saw a lot of cards Cody I don't remember what what do you mean you don't remember that's it I held a lot of cards you made me look at a lot of cards and put them back but no that's a bunch of numbers no that that's the last one you pulled I mean I remember the queen how that how does he know that was the first how you find out are you sure come on yes that's that's how this works I mean I remember red on that this one's black no I mean I remember the seven version of this one no yeah yeah the seven I remember I think I think we this one twice I think you saw this one yeah that's that's what it is yeah you yeah I showed you that one you this one twice yeah you made me pull that one back maybe he's St to question it I think it was the the the the Queen of Hearts yeah it could have been that was the first one p cut the [ __ ] this is the last card you pulled Tada it's a present I think you just suck at Magic you don't how to do magic we showed you that card suck at picking cards we show oh I I had like four packs of card just pick a card pick a card pick a card any card I don't care any card any card I choose this one okay I choose this one take that card okay shove it up your ass what what yeah you just shove the card up your ass and this is Magic yeah God I love this just shove it far far up your okay nice and deep let me I got to bend it yeah do I have it I got just anyway it'll work add sound effects it going up his ass squeeze it dude squeeze it okay I actually just it off the table yeah t what what that's the trick what does it come out of his mouth or something no but it will appear next time you go to the bathroom cuz he'll [ __ ] it out isn't that impressive no oh my God okay it's very uncomfortable Cody see that's that's the trick Cody's Cody's used to having stuff up his ass oh it's not a good trick dude yeah it's still not really magic okay I think we're done with card tricks for now um Junior go get me a bag of Oreos okay a bag okay damn it poy why' you say a bag he's walking funny he's like okay Cody here's your Oreos she go get go get Oreos that's not a bag that's not a bag a bag would have been like bag yeah like a zipl bag no okay I'll just take a bite then this scene took forever that's a good cookie how to do that you take a bite yeah watch now watch this what D how' you do that how' you do that Mind Freak Mind Freak it's a fake Oreo oh I was like what I bought a magician set and it came with that it's not even double stuff it's not even double stuff see that's that was like a regular Oreo and I got so mad I was like it's not even double stuff sorry about that last trick guys I know it sucked but I'll make it up to you with a really cool hat Oreos well I would have just said I brought one from home where do you even get a fake Oreo from well like a magic store that's stupid magic store lame I mean it was cool until you pulled on the cookie you're not supposed to do that Junior well I mean you should have let us held it before you did it well no it's it's supposed to be a trick poy took I remember that that take took like 50 takes cuz poy couldn't like make it look like Cody actually B yeah nothing in the Hat right except for your lice I don't I don't have lights just look in the Hat right it's totally normal normal hat doesn't even have hair okay just a normal hat watch that's another one of my shitty ass I just put a big smoke effect and then and then just ask y women no why would no go not make any sense of course not you made a rabbit up here you can make here in there right let me reach for something is there money I just do rabbits is there more fake cookies no just just rabbits why would you have junor hand got stuck doesn't make any sense that's the trick isn't it cool I mean there wasn't anything and then there was a rabbit that's that's awesome right rabbit shouldn't be in Hatch yeah that didn't benefit what are you talking impressive moving dead as [ __ ] should stick to card trick okay okay I'm going to do a real magic trick now you want to see real magic okay where's my sexy assistant oh sexy assistant yeah oh he sexy ready for the water trick Ken all right for my next trick I'm going to use my sexy assistant the of this scene let's not get into this J I bought that glass thing at Hobby [Music] Lobby it doesn't matter he can't Brea any it had holes in it not do we had to try to clog up the holes to fill it with water he's going to TI when the tank when the tank starts filling up with water it gets foggy cuz the glue watch watch [ __ ] in there and he's all tied up up Cody huh oh yeah so uh Ken's tied up in there and he'll have to escape before he drowns you got that from hob lob why would I sell that I don't know it's kind of Cool's going to get out or not good luck we had to glue the whole [ __ ] okay now we're ready for the water this [ __ ] the water this this took so [ __ ] long okay it pisses me off how much I remember oh yeah and then pouring water in that's the most water you could pour in like little hole at the top so that took forever so while I make a montage it took [ __ ] like 15 minutes to that thing water in a minute that's the only hole that's the only hole so I I made this [ __ ] Montage right here because it took so long you were waiting you were like yeah you're like come on look look at that look at that Lance had to get like a bottle of water to pour them into there but see how the water's getting foggy it's from the glue the glue starts coming off and right after we got done shooting the scene it the water just blew out the glue gave up yeah it destroyed everything so you got lucky oh yeah wow I mean I guess it's kind of cool that you can't see Ken in the water so when he disappears it's that much cooler it's okay it's just like we practice it just took forever better hurry up before like what kind of glue you put we used like we used every type of glue you can imagine wood glue uh [ __ ] Plaster putty Ken is completely fine where's he at oh don't worry he's going to come out right now mind the card that was in his ass and look the card that was in your ass so dirty why is this so dirty oh my God M freak my freak oh my God right [Music] here it's down was in there now he's out you're amazing magician how' you do that how get the sck more cholate okay uh next trick I'll need you wait me yeah okay next trick a in half shooting this video badude oh it's great it's a great video danger you can't do that Cody he's not going to die just use this saw right here and then I'll cut him in half it'll be okay you can't use saws kill people yeah they're very dangerous and I don't even know if you're a real magician Cody yeah you cut his body in half he's going to bleed to death I'm not going to kill him he'll just lay down in this box I'll cut it in half yeah it'll be totally okay it was so you could act like you cutting your hand off get safe he said he would yeah so look you'll be safe come on Joseph do it I mean the last trick was cool but yeah you'll be cool do it you it be so cool to be cut in half but thing is that like Joseph's a little too long to fit in there lay down in there so I had to do like I had to cut that box in half the box was actually long Place me in all right just move your head up all right all right all right you nice and cing scared cut him in half Cody let's him in half cut in this rough cut Pablo let's get Pao tried sa you sure he right the box came apart so we had a rough cut I didn't see that D it it's just rough cut you didn't miss anything I saw him in you just did he just yeah because when Pablo tried sawing it the box came UND totally it was just all [ __ ] up you killed Joseph I mean I wouldn't say that I mean I me I would say you you said you would kill you said' be okay I mean when I cut on Ken's cousins they don't bleed like this they're do okay it's fine it's fine it's fine I'm going to show you another trick it's I make the body disappear okay mind okay I [ __ ] up Cody said Mind Freak twice he was just supposed to say mind freak and it goes away but he went Mind Freak Mind Freak [ __ ] hate it you said Joseph would be [Music] okay I want just pull my sleeve come on what he'll cheer you up just pull my sleeve come on just give the T I can see it okay got caught there you go that was up your sleeve the whole time yep that took forever too all this [ __ ] took forever back Cody bring it back please bring it back please bring it back I don't think I can do that J you can do anything you you make Kid come out of the tank is is that somebody's phone underneath couch please that look like a light switch last a light switch oh Cody just disappeared Cody where' you go Cody bring Joseph back oh m my freak he's not even there he's not even there my freak A lot of my fans thinks a lot of my fans think that since it said one year later that all my videos are one year later like so like Junior just basically skipped a birthday I'm like no no he don't it sound like a video every single time yeah I don't know I mean I've been constipated for like a year Yu-Gi-Oh cards no I don't I don't want to play yu-- cards right now Goomba who thinks Goomba should come back as a character Cody you know what today is Yu-Gi-Oh card of me yeah I just can't get over it I mean I miss jph so much we have this stupid idiot with no arms and I just I really miss Joseph yeah but you know what Junior what mind free mind free J's back where' you go J where have you been the whole time dude I was in your butt what I'm not constipated anymore mind free oh my God is my free my Ang a little constipated oh my God I love this video so much all right guys so real quick medicine is not candy uh I don't I'm sorry for that joke I shouldn't have done that yeah you definitely should not well see back then you know YouTube didn't care that much about jokes and also it's a [ __ ] joke and think were a smaller Channel yeah I was also I also didn't have a million subscribers at that time uh but yeah do not don't eat medicines unless you are prescribe that medicine and unless you're sick but but uh yeah that joke I could see this video is no longer age restricted but if it was age restricted I'd be like okay and the [ __ ] up thing is even if I want to go back and like edit that out I can't cuz it's in the background the whole [ __ ] time mind free mind free yeah this is one of Pablo's favorite videos too basically a lot of Cody videos are my favorite because Cody's one of my favorite characters I that's why I do so many Cody I [ __ ] I I wish Cody was as popular as Jeffy okay what happened to the glomba the glomba yeah what happened to Goomba he's he's [ __ ] he went home he went home he went home they they s himself home yeah all if you could make anyone disappear who would it be and why uh Tito I mean we obviously know it's this guy Tito I would make you disappear you know what no no no why you took my answer huh cuz I don't like you I said you you know what I'm about to make you disappear all right yeah I got rid of him so guys who would you like me to start doing reactions with cuz Tito is now gone kaput koule so yeah that was the end of the reaction guys what video do you want me to react to next um yeah so I'll see you guys in the next video Tito is gone forever he's gone I I I I made him disappear to North Korea that's where he's at right now so if you want to go see him don't okay hey guys we're back again with another reaction I'm here with Jillian yeah so uh we're reacting to uh the Cody the vampire Cody the vampire now she wasn't in this video cuz she doesn't play any characters in my videos but she did witness me edit this video the thumnail yeah and the thumbnail in Minnesota so she at the Super Bowl she got to see it happen uh the process so now she gets to watch it if you don't know who Jillian is it's a friend of ours that reacted with us to uh another video life is rough life is rough yeah so we're reacting to this video Cody the vampire so 3 2 one click clack we are back you're watching drle [ __ ] oh he's making up I am Dr and today we will be talking about vampires vampires have two hates playing Dr he said just it says takes too much energy and he said he just doesn't like it delicious can I have some more please and he's always like sweating really bad afterward it's hot where did you film this in front of the green screen in front of black screen black screen just like that now how many times did you have to get this AF of every Dr fit scene takes about sevenes on mirrors now be very very care must always fall there could be a vampire right next Ste Joseph do you think vampires are real I don't know but I want to get bit when I bite you Ken what his hand was a little too close I was making out with Ken why because you said you were biting him yeah oh yeah he's into that I bite Ken all the time dude did you hear he said he bites him all the time like a vampire yeah like a vampire Cody uh are you a vampire how you come up for the think I was a vampire CU Cody Cody has two f vampire Junior that just makes me kinky Joseph what you see what I just see has two teeth fre freak she like a vampire Cody uh how many teeth do you have two teeth wow see that's why I did it vampires have two fangy teeth none of the other characters have teeth vampire yeah you're a vampire Junior I've always had two fangy teeth you never mentioned it before but you're always talking about sucking stuff yeah well well yeah but but not blood I not you're a vampire Cody I'm not a vamp H Junior then prove it how am I going to prove it uh how about we go in the bathroom and see if you have a reflection in the mirror and if you don't have a reflection yeah you talking about when you were editing it you were telling me how you did this remember this was a really hard effect to do if a ref it was a really hard effect you don't have a reflection guys I can still see my mess kind of embarrassing to say this but I was born without a reflection what you were born without a reflection which bathroom is this it's not is it it's a bathroom that none of us use oh the one next to the okay I don't really want to talk about it it's just such an awkward bathroom looks fake like the you look fake okay fine I'm going to find another way to vampire come on all right Cody so you don't have a reflection and you have FY teeth and you like to suck stuff and bite people you're a vampire yeah Junior I can understand why you would think I'm a vampire but I'm not oh yeah well then then why don't we ever see you outside during the sunlight huh yeah cuz you're he's been outside plenty of times outside during the sunlight tons of times when well like like I go to school during the day and and we played outside and I had a lemonade stand in the Pokemon series we got to react to that soon well good points Cody your fo's ready did the ready the voice oh yeah yeah that that that Junior you just heard where he screamed it he did that in a Airbnb in Minnesota god I hate garlic Joseph did you hear that dude he said he hate garlic C have a wine I don't have regular glass cups I don't I broke them all so now I only have glass wine glasses garlic what you drink come on guys it's Hawaiian Punch what Hawaiian Punch looks like blood it looks like blood Hawaiian Punch like say Ad all right fine Junior I'm a [Music] vampire no I shot this video three times what are we going to do I just didn't like it the first two times you guys are being ridiculous vampire get away from us yeah we don't want you to bite us I'm not going to bite you did you change it each time oh you want to see me turn you a back different the other two times originally get uh he was going to actually be a vampire know what guys I'm going home but then I was like that would make any sense with me Joseph Cody turned into a bed I know dud what are we goingg this end we'll die oh I know I know okay we have to kill Cody before he killed us yeah yeah I remember I remember dude what about garlic garlic I had to refilm the ending it was too bad remember I show it yeah Dr F said that garlic will kill a vampire okay okay so what if we took garlic rubbed it on Ken's mouth and Cody started making it K originally in the original video okay let's do that they rub garlic on Ken's butt tuck I know Cody can't resist he wearing that dude that's smart so now I'm going take this garlic rub it all over Ken's mouth and bye-bye vampire yeah I like it I like it yeah take this vampire o o make sure you get the but one was hilarious Ken dude it's Cody Cody's coming Ken oh hey guys I forgot Ken don't worry I'm not going to well good wait Junior why is can in his sleeveless Tu oh he said he wanted to look good for you so he can make out with you really but Ken we already made out oh well he said he didn't get enough would you be with a guy with a sleeveless Tu okay he wants to get a tongue fight with you his tongue okay yeah he said he wants to do the hokey pokei with your mouth what dude that's kissing yeah okay yeah should make out with him here go B boy Joseph looks so shocked what's wrong with your mouth originally Cody said what's wrong with your ass over K's mouth I knew you'd kiss him yeah I'm having it allergic reaction yeah die die die die die die die1 yeah I didn't want to bite nuts yeah get out of here vampire all right let's call the doctor and make sure he's dead yeah let's do it dude yeah yeah yeah take it hello uh did somebody call A yeah we did cuz we just killed [Applause] [Laughter] somebody give me yeah let's see that ball I you Ed you being serious de what did you do that was when that whole thing just happened we want vampires in this house no way dude what what makes you think he's a vampire look at the fangs the pointy teeth that screams vampire okay yeah I see that yeah so since he's a vampire we didn't want to get bit and possibly die so we had to kill the vampire so vampires can't have garlic so we took garlic put all over that K doll because he always makes out with it for some reason and then he had allergic reaction and died okay hold on one minute ever going to talk did you say garlic what is Ken ever going to talk oh he did and spoke and uh spoken I I am I like a true fan right here true fan number one fan I what is yeah yeah what is your favorite SML video spoken love that one oh what happen in it uh Ken talks great so good all right guys how true of a fan are you guys what is your actual favorite SML video I'm going to get roasted get roasted um yeah anyway so yeah that was uh that was uh Cody the vampire that's what that was um yeah what's your favorite SML video ever ever ever ever oh oh man I love so many of them I don't know Knuckles is pretty good that's not that's not mine at all that's Tito's recommend give Tito a shout out go check out Tito totter jet that's a good character it's pretty good character tail losing streak it's a good one tails that was totally a ripoff of Cody's missing Tito what's up no Tito Tito Tito got got it going go go watch Tito go watch Jillian's Channel she Vlogs behind the scenes of things and life and she goes to London a lot I do go to go to London a lot we're in London right now look in London right now this time London's blue today actually we're underwater look at this we're actually in the ocean we have a house underwater yeah it's pretty great yeah like L where all the YouTube money go this we wanted the room painted like the ocean look at the turtle the turtle's so cute look yeah there's there's so many fish in the sea but why am I so lonely anyway guys uh did you enjoy this reaction if not uh hate her they already probably do probably already do okay still titos all right Reese's Pieces what's your favorite candy um Sour Patch Sour Patch don't be sour don't be sour I'm headed to the patch you next hour but I don't upload every hour we'll see you in a few hours I don't upload I don't I don't upload in a few hours anyway next day we'll see you in 24 hours don't be sour I'll see you in 24 hours huh don't be in a bad mood I'll see you in when the sun I like don't be sour we'll see you in 24 hours I think that's pretty good but sour in hours rhyme no that ends with the S so it says don't be sours see you in 24 hours no it still Rhymes don't be sour we'll see you in 24 hours that doesn't rhyme yeah it does no it doesn't guys comment that does not rhyme yeah it does it should say you should say Jill jillan jillan jillen jillin jillan Justin we need a we need we need an outro for do you do you think this Rhymes don't be sour we'll see you in 24 hours no it's horrible okay that's my outro so don't be sour we'll see you in 24 hours bye bye
Channel: SMLs
Views: 69,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6uvbiNoHOOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 26sec (13046 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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