SML Movie - Junior The Simp! - Full Episode

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Marvin are you ready to go out on our date night sure baby let's go okay but did you find a babysitter to watch Jeffy Jeffy doesn't need a babysitter he's 17 years old I don't think that's a good idea to leave Jeffy home alone all he's going to do is watch TV look Jeffy did you just stop the couch with a knife no I just saw you do it D why did you ask I didn't think you were going to lie to my face Jeffy stop stabing the couch with a knife give me $1,000 to stop what no I'm not giving you a th Jeffy stop it if you stab that couch one more time with the you are grounded mister I don't give but Jeffy Jeffy we were going to leave you home alone well that's not a good idea give me that give me that baby find a babysit on Craiglist I don't care how bad she is make sure she has huge cans what you got another knife Jeff give give me give me the knife Jeffy that is it you are grounded and we're going to get the meanest babysitter we can find all right Marvin I just called the babysitter she'll be here any second does she have huge cans there will be no cans Jeffy well what if she recycles you didn't think about that did you Daddy huh face there she is I'm going to go answer the door hello hi I'm the babysitter Vicky you must be jeffy's Dad yes I am jeffy's upstairs I can't wait to meet the little angel well come on inside all right Jeffy I want you to meet your babysitter Vicky hi Yello my name is hiy Jeffy why are you talking like that talking like look ow okay I'll stop say hi to Vicki in your normal voice he Vicky ow okay I promise I'll stop this time hi Jeffy it's so nice to meet you now you two run along on your little date I'll take good care of Jeffy hey oh okay baby let's go bye Jeffy hey Danny real quick solid zero out of 10 stars on the cans her chest is flatter than her back Jeffy you be nice to the babysitter I'll try all right squirt I can't do that can you three things stay out of my way go to bed early and do the dishes okay well I got three things for you one get bigger cans two get braces and number three get bigger cans I just can't get over that go do the dishes what do I get out of it I won't kill you and I'll order pizza with the money your parents left all right just don't get green beans on your pizza I don't like green beans oh I'll make sure I don't get green beans Jeffy do the D I want the pizza I ha her all right all [Music] C I am done with the dishes and I'm ready for pizza what you ate all your pizza don't worry twerp I saved you a piece what green beans I hate green beans what kind of toy do you got there it's my cat piano and it makes cat noises look give me that wait give me my Cho back oh I'll give it back after I break it hey get back here he stop hitting my champo whoops why would you break my C piano oh good look now you're in bed I don't want to see your face for the rest of the night I don't to do your face for the rest of the night oh Magic a ball when all my wiener ever be 4 in never oh stupid ain't ball hey Jeffy I'm Cosmo and I'm Wanda and we're are very god parents so what do you think Jeffy I think I'm calling the cops you can't do that if you tell anyone about us we'll disappear forever well that's what I want leave but don't you want your wishes wishes you guys gr wishes yep we sure do we're magic uh Magic uh so I can wish for whatever I want as long as it follows the rules there's rules that's gay yeah you just can't wish for anyone to fall in love with you or wish for anyone to die H why I do wish that my cat piano wasn't broken oh well that's easy you guys fix my cat piano you guys really are magic we sure are we can grant any wish well almost any wish that is awful just like you're cooking H I'm going to check on that ugly twerk oh no my babysitter's coming you guys got to hide well what do you want us to hide as I don't know um goldfish goldfish I don't have any cards he said goldfish you idiot well this isn't obvious at all this isn't going to work can you guys be like a smaller goldfish o I got an idea what's going on in here I heard fun and I hate fun oh nothing I was just playing my cat piano I thought I broke that what's this you know the rules no snacks in your room oh no Cosmo and Wanda these goldfish are loud poor Cosmo oh my head hurts she sure chewed you out you can say that again she sure chewed you out wait you guys are alive of course we are what goes in must come out that's one mean babysitter I don't know I kind of like her Fang yeah I hate her I wish she would fall down the stairs done and done I'm going to go downstairs for a drink what that's got to hurt I hope she had a nice fall now I wish a bowling ball would fall on her head Bo what if it kills her I wish a bowling ball would fall on her head how about a Mal concussion I'll take it okay uh-oh still like one that's baseball you idiot now light her on fire wa I think she's going to be out for a while let's go have some fun okay so Jeffy what's something you always wanted to wish for pee PE sucking fairies well you already got one of those you'll be surprised that it's not me wink wink Jesus well I wish I had a big booby to squeeze coming right up boo boo boo so how did you like your booby pretty scary huh well it's not really what I had in mind but I want a big round booby oh why did you just say so hi so how do you like your pooby not pooby a booby a female breast you know what forget it I don't even want it anymore well what else do you want to wish for well I never got my cheese pizza so I wish for a cheese pizza ooh can I have some no booby get out of here shoot rats order up yay I finally got my cheese pizza did somebody say cheese that was a good one oh no Junior and Cody are coming you guys got to hide let's try the Goldfish route again and let's try not to get eaten this time okay hey Jeffy what are you doing oh no way bro you get goldfish you got cheese pizza hell yeah hey Junior how much to eat one of these fish a goldfish uh I'll eat one if you eat one okay I'm down hey Jeffy can we eat your fish I don't care oh sweet oh I'm going like dunk my head and try to grab it with my mouth yeah it's like bobbing for apples but the apples are alive and they don't want to die yeah that'd be sick um I think my head's too big for the bowl yeah and I I really don't want to get my hair wet it takes forever to braid these hey Jeffy have you ever take him out of the bowl we'll totally eat him okay all right wao that was a close one you were going to let him eat us well he's been eaten before that's true man Junior that pizza looked good do you want to ask Jeffy if he'll let you take a bite of his pizza yeah sure I don't have goodies hey Jeffy can we have your pizza what was that um nothing nothing what was that I thought I saw fairy go pars no you didn't see that you didn't see that well what happened to your goldfish I ate him you were supposed to let us eat him oh he's too damn greedy too greedy well can we have your pizza yeah sure take it just go oh okay well it came off the pl Cody I got it I got it woo double close one we have to be more careful if anyone were to see us we'll disappear forever yeah I got it I know your rules all right Jeffy any more wishes you want to make yeah I wish I had paper like cash cash green Cash Cash what I wish I had money but Jeffy if you wish for money then that will take it from someone else I don't care I wish I had money okay oh Marvin I'm stuffed yeah this dinner was so good your bills sir all right let me just grab my money here you go was that some kind of magic trick sir where' my money go uh it was right here did you see it go anywhere did it Blow Away no uh oh oh I am so sorry uh well I don't have any more money well then you must wash dishes wash dishes baby do you have any money no I don't have any money Uh I that was all the money I had there you go what only hundred bucks I wanted hundreds of thousands of dollars but Jeffy that's stealing I wish I had hundreds of thousands of dollars okay now this is more like it Jeffy this is wrong well I don't want to know what right is what are you even going to buy with this you could have just wished for it money cars and clothes and hoes I'll drink of that uh who threw that bowling ball at me I bet it was that twerp I'm going to make him pay 100 200 300 400 oh no the babysitter's coming not icky ficky hi guys what are you doing in here twerp counting cash where did all this money come from and who said you could have fish I'm going to go flush them down the toilet no you're not who's going to stop me oh I wish the cops were here to arrue whoa whoa whoa wa whoa whoa wa where the hell am I I was just in the shower and where did all this money come from wait am I am I a stripper officer what are you doing here I don't know she hit me what really why no I didn't arrest her well I don't know that I can just arrest her arrest her but I I don't think I can Simon Says arrest her I I I I wish you arrest her H well for some reason I have the sudden urge to arrest you why I I don't know but I think I have to come on she better not drop the soap she's going to an all female prison Cosmo oh Jeffy why don't you give some of this money to charity I wish I had all the Charity's money Jeffy let's talk about this oh no my parents are home early you guys got to hide go back to being goldfish Jeffy we're home what Jeffy where'd you get all this money from my fairy odd parents they're disguised as goldfish a what happened to them they disappeared cuz I wasn't supposed to tell you about them but good news is we still have all this cash B well we could have used some of this money at the restaurant I thought I had money and then when I checked my wallet it was empty so we had to wash dishes all night well I had to wash dishes too too and there's a shattered one downstairs so you might want to clean that up what happened to your babysitter oh she got arrested for hitting me tonight's been a whole thing I just don't really want to talk about it all right class did you know that if there was a road that went straight up into the sky and you drove on that road at 62 m an hour it would only take an hour to get to space that's so cool hey Penelope if I was in a car driving 62 mph how long would it take me to drive to Uranus hm that's a really good question Junior hey teacher how long would it take to drive to Uranus that's a good question Pare if there was a road from Earth to Uranus and you got on that road in your car and started driving 60 M hour it would take about 28567 years to get to Uranus well Junior I guess I'll see you in 2,856 years so you're saying there's a chance guys guys guys Penelope just said in 2008 $56 years she'll date me Junior you're not going to live that long never lose hope dude but Cody Cody she's basically saying that she likes me and she'll give me a chance that's not how I would have interpreted that no no she said I didn't have a chance she would have said never ever ever but she said 2,856 years so basically she secretly likes me so I think it's time for me to ask her to be my girlfriend what she's going to say no what not if I give her chocolate and jewelry and Candy well all of that costs money how are you going to get it um I'm going to do chores around the house and my dad's going to give me allowance and I'm going to ask jeffp for money so mostly you're just going to ask Chef peip for money yeah and I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend and she's going to say yes and you guys are going to be jealous cuz I'm going to have a girlfriend and I'm going to be too busy making out I'm not going to have time to hang out with you guys so these look so good hey Chef peipi what do you want junior I'm frying Twinkies right now well there's this girl at school and I really like her and I want to buy her a bunch of stuff wait wait you got to buy her stuff oh she's a gold digger she's full the streets drop her off on the curb well no no she's not asking for stuff I want to get her stuff so that she'll be my girlfriend wait wait you shouldn't have to buy her anything look she should like you for you Junior well I was just wondering do you have any money I can borrow I only have a dollar I don't get paid that much Junior what Junior give me my dollar uh dad oh what do you want junior I'm watching TV um well there this girl at school is she white yeah Dum her wait why white girls don't clean their feet Junior they're always walking outside barefoot till they get the orange things on their feet and then come tracking it in your house watch your damn feet what's wrong with them look just get a Hispanic girl they know how to clean their feet they're very hygienic well I really like this girl and I just have you seen her feet no look go look at her feet then come talk to me bet you change your mind dirty ass feet oh I've seen her feet they're really clean what a white girl with clean feet Ain't No Way Ain't No Way boy why you lying to your daddy you ain't got a liot to your Happ it that is there anything I can do around the house like can I clean the house for money huh you going to have to vacuum the floor after she come tracking her dirty ass feet in my house oh no dad dad enough with the feet stuff is there can I like clean the house like can you give me money if I clean the house I guess I can give you a $100 if you clean the whole house $100 yeah okay I'm going to go clean the whole house oh man the Twinkies burned and I still can't believe junior took my dollar what's the noise Junior what are you doing Junior what are you doing what Junior what are you doing oh I'm vacuuming the kitchen you don't vacuum the kitchen you sweep the kitchen idiot and why are you doing it anyway dad said if I clean the entire house he give me $100 $100 he doesn't even pay me that much you know what since you're vacuuming in the kitchen I'm going go on vacation God okay [Music] oh yeah she's going to love all this whoa dude that's a lot of stuff yeah Junior you didn't have to do all that I want her to say yes when I asked her to be my girlfriend dude you are siing yeah OJ Simpson over here nice one nerd I'm not going to kill her guys when she sees this she has to say yes oh here she comes here she comes oh my God look at all this stuff I love roses and Hershey Kisses are my favorite oh my God Olive Garden yeah only the best for you what Junior you did all this yeah I want you to be my girlfriend oh Junior I don't know what to say you say yes Junior I have a boyfriend [Music] damn you have a boyfriend who bully n hey babe how long have you been dating him he asked me out last week I like bad boys who gave you all that stuff cuz I sure as hell didn't I don't know how to show affection oh he's so bad I can be a bad boy uh uh ow Junior dude you hit her well well Chris Brown is bad right I was just trying to be like him yeah he is bad wait wait so I gave you all this stuff though yeah look hey babe we're going to Olive Garden tonight hell yeah unlimited bread sticks wait no no no hold on hold on on um um I'm actually going to need that back wait what let let me talk to you for a second let me talk to you for a second let me let me spit something to you so um I didn't know you had a boyfriend or else I wouldn't have done all this stuff for you but Junior I thought you were being nice no no no no listen I'm not nice okay I was just doing this cuz I liked you and I wanted to date you but if I would have known you had a boyfriend I would have told you to kick rocks but Junior this is a gift but listen but listen why would I pay for you and another guy to go out to eat that doesn't make any sense right like he's going to smash on on my dime that's not how that worked Junior are you serious right now Junior it's a gift you're just going to have to cut your losses on this one you're going out sad dude look you know what go to your stupid ol garden with your boyfriend but he'll never be able to do the stuff I just did for you and and I hope he choked on a bread stick and I hope you choke on his bread stick what dude this is sad you've been crying for 4 hours because guys I did all those chores I wasted all that money just to get Penelope all that stuff and then she has a boyfriend you shouldn't have been sipping in the first place dude yeah Junior I told you this was a bad idea you shouldn't have bought all that stuff I did not know she had a boyfriend Cody if I would have known she had a boyfriend I would have done all that stuff look I checked all her social medias just to make sure she didn't have a boyfriend I checked her Instagram stagram I check your Facebook there were no signs of this n anywhere Junior I'll allow it he's grieving right now thanks n hey hey you better not ever say that ever again sorry but look guys I just paid for her to go down to dinner with her boyfriend yeah Junior you lost your man card for that one yeah dude you're down bad should I call her and ask her how the dinner's going no Junior that's embarrassing yeah she's getting her gust filled up right now what I mean the bread sticks dude from Olive Garden okay good yeah and at home too what what dude we don't know if Bully's packing or not guys guys okay what if what if while she's at the dinner she's thinking about me you know she's like she's like oh well Junior paid for this so so obviously she's thinking about me right I don't think so Junior okay well well what if okay guys we got to do this let's go to Olive Garden and try to ruin the date yeah let's do that dude that sounds desperate oh I don't know if I can be your friend anymore dude yeah Junior this is sad I'm going to go home what guys okay please please please go with me I'm begging you I'm begging you please can we go ruin their dinner date cuz if we ruin the dinner date then she's going to think of me and she'll date me oh I don't know I guess I'll ruin it I like ruining things just like my mom's marriage let's do it okay oh my God I love being in Olive Garden I feel like I'm in Italy I feel like I'm at Olive Garden do you like your salad no I'm not going to eat it I refuse to eat anything healthy oh my God you're such a bad boy I'm just going to eat the pepper and mysterious so like why do you even like me anyway my parents put so much pressure on me to be a good girl and make good grades I just want to rebel sometimes and date a bad boy that's lame how are the salads I'm not going to eat mine oh well are you ready to order um can we have a few more minutes very well why was that waiter like all up in my business I'm going to hit him next time he comes over I don't know whether to get the chicken alfredo or the lasagna I'm getting the chicken alfredo so you are too oh my gosh well what about dessert we can't afford dessert cuz your stupid friend only gave us $50 so just eat the little mince that came with your bread all right Joseph there they are on the date that I paid for how you going to ruin the date dude I was thinking about beating up the waiter and dressing up like the waiter and then like spitting in their food and stuff oo I love that yeah that'll definitely mess up the date yeah okay so help me jump the waiter okay let me get his close let me get yeah yeah run that all right Joseph how do I look pretty spiffy bro thanks bro now go get him tiger okay salad is gross you keep saying that all right guys what would you like to eat what Junior what are you doing here wait you recognize me yes oh damn it well uh your old waiter got jumped so I'm your new waiter what all right so uh what would you like to order we would like the chicken alfredo chicken alfredo good choice I'll be right back with that oh oh my God I'm so sorry about that you should you should pick that up before it burns the whole place down all right Joseph I have their chicken alfredo what should I do to it I got an idea F back all right Joseph now that we beat it up what do we do now spit on it dude oh yeah spit on it oh that's so gross oh I should go dump it in the sewer oh yeah you should get all types of fungus and gross stuff on it yeah cuz if Penelope gets sick while eating this she's going to think she got sick cuz she went on a date with him oh you're a genius dude I'm going to do that all right here is your food ew Junior what is this it's chicken alfra oh no Junior this is disgusting it smells like somebody pooped in my afo compliments from the chef I'm not eating this are you saying this is the worst date you've ever been on Junior if you're trying to ruin this state it's not working I'm not trying to ruin the date I'm trying to ruin you guys' relationship I'm trying to make you not like him you're not making me not like him you're making me not like you come on Bully let's get out of here yeah let's blow this Popsicle stand oh man stupid dumb dumb date did she break up with him dude no she said doesn't matter how bad the date went she still likes him for him a that sucks well you know what you have to do now what kill him well I'm not going to kill him Joseph well I guess you have morals dude o you could pretend to beat him and then treat her really badly and she breaks up with him that's a good idea Joseph I should dress up like Bully and then treat her really bad yeah I'm going to go see if I have an outfit that looks like him okay all right Joseph how do I look bully what are you doing here if you punch me I'm going to press charges what Joseph it's me Junior oh dude I didn't even recognize you you look just like Bully with the nose ring and everything well I'm going to call Penelope and I'm going to tell her to come over here and I'm going to treat her really bad and then she's going to break it with bully okay dude okay I'm calling Penelope it's ringing uh hello Junior why are you calling me uh this isn't I mean this isn't Junior this is your boyfriend boyfriend bully bully why are you calling from Junior's phone UHC because uh I came over to his house and I beat him up and took his phone why would you do that because my name's literally bully I bully people I'm mean a you are so bad oh yeah yeah so I was wondering if you wanted to come over and like sit on his couch and hang out oh okay I'm coming over right now okay I see you never or maybe soon I don't care I'm bullied I don't care what oh no she's here already she comes fast hopefully let me put this back on uh hello hey bully what are you doing here uh you invited me over oh that's right I invited like 10 girls you're were like the fifth girl I called oh my God top five really I mean uh yeah so if you want to come inside you can okay why does she like being treated so bad okay so I have a question make it so at dinner you ask what makes me like you but what makes you like me what makes me like you yeah well I like bigger girls you're so silly no like I'm being serious I like really big fat ugly girls and you're perfect for that you have such a good sense of humor what how does she possibly like this oh yeah so I just think you're the ugliest girl I've ever seen okay so what do you want to do well I was thinking you could step on a scale and then when your weight pops up we go what it can go that high you're so funny okay this is not working uh I got to try treating her good if I treat her good maybe she won't like that yeah but to be honest with you I really think you're the most beautiful girl in the world what yeah like your eyes they remind me of the color green you're being weird weird no this is who I am I'm not really a bad guy I'm actually a really nice guy and I think you're gorgeous and I want to treat you right I don't think this is going to work out what do you mean well I thought you were bad and you're being nice and good well this is just who I am baby so so you're saying you're breaking up with me yeah really oh okay so uh so so call my real phone and break up with me I'm not good at breakups in person so call Bully's real phone not Junior's phone call Bully's phone and break up with him and don't tell them why just say I'm breaking up with you and all my piercings are fake that's why they keep and and my hair's fake just what is going on just call call Bully's phone and break it with him on the phone [Music] okay what do you want hi bully I'm calling to break up with you why because you're just so fake fake your piercings are fake your hair is fake and you're just a fake fake Faker I don't know what you're talking about I'm breaking up with you you're single now bye boy suck hey Penelope hi Junior I'm sorry my ex-boyfriend beat you up and stole your phone it's okay wait did you say exboyfriend wink wink yeah I just got off the phone with him and broke up with him oh well now that you're single you want to date me no oh Junior I can't you're just too nice well I can be bad no you can't hey you're under arrest for what for beating up an old man in stealing his clothes oh I did do that Junior you beat up an old man and stole his clothes yeah oh my God you're so bad come on really coming with me you wait for me right I'll wait for you oh he's bad and you little missy need to get home and stop hanging out with criminals fine dad I Wish I Never Had A Daughter there were no signs of this ninja anywhere Junior I'll allow it he's grieving right now thanks ninja hey Danny do you know if the windows on the house are Hammer prooof no Jeffy they're not how do you know have you tested it no Jeffy I haven't tested it well how do you know if you haven't tested it because Jeffy I know if a hammer hits a glass window it's going to shatter well have you done that no all right well then I'm just trying to have a scientific method I have a hypothesis and I'm trying to test the hypothesis you're not going to test it Jeffy look you're not going to try to break these windows you don't want me to be a sh SCI you're not going to be a scientist Jeffy this is my house these are my rules and you're not going to do it I Hate You Marvin he just wants to be a scientist why do you always take his side I'm sorry screw my daddy you know what what's wrong Jeffy Junior I'm so tired of my daddy telling me what to do he said it's his house and his rules well if you had your own house you can make up your own rules yeah Junior but I don't know how to get my own house H you could get a tree house what's a tree house it's a house house and a tree that makes so much sense so we can go outside and find the perfect tree and then we get someone to build us a tree house that would be the titties so let's go all right let's go all right Jeffy what tree would be the perfect tree to put our tree house in h oh Junior this one right here oh my God yeah this is the perfect tree it's it's like speaking to me mhm there's going to be a pretty nice house in this baby all right let's go call the contractor all right let's do it all right Jeffy I'm calling the construction company all right hey there this is Three Little Pigs Construction Company what will it be straw wood or brick hey we need you to build us a house okay uh what do you need it done by um can you come over now and do it now like right now yeah we build it like right now well hous is take a couple months to build a couple months we want you to build it today well all right but I like what even is your budget Jeffy what does budget mean or no um whatever it takes oh okay big spender all right I like that uh yeah well work's been a little slow recently so I guess I could do that today I'll uh I'll pick up the supplies and be right over all right awesome thanks all right Jeffy he's coming over to build the house right now sweet all right let's go outside and wait for him okay hey there you the guys that called me about building a house yeah well you guys look a little young to be able to afford to build a house like what do you inherit some money like your parents die in a car accident or something wait we need money well yeah you got to have money to build a house how much do we need I don't know like at least $100,000 $100,000 we don't have that what do you mean you don't have that I have all the lumber over there to build a 3,000 ft house well we don't need a real house we need a tree house a tree house you you didn't say a Tree House on the phone you just said you needed a house not a tree house well I assumed you knew I was a little kid and that I wanted a tree house no why would I assume that no I thought you meant a real house I'm not building you a treeh house in this shitty little tree but you're not building us a treeh house is that because you don't know how to build one but no I know how to build one I'm just not doing it because I'm I'm a professional I build real houses I don't have time for this he doesn't know how to build one yeah no I don't think he's qualified he how one yeah I know how to build a house I can build the biggest bestest tree house ever why didn't prove it yeah prove it then okay I will and done yeah check that out is that a tree housee or what it looks like a mothering Tree House to me huh fers yeah oh you said oh he can't make a treeh house he doesn't know how to do it well look look what I did I made a tree house how about that oh my God this is the coolest house I've ever seen it's perfect yeah damn right it is now imagine if I had built you a real house it would have been this but 20 times bigger oh how do you do stuff like this it it's so amazing I don't know I'm the what can I say I just piss excellence oh Jeffy go inside it all right oh my God so cool wow so roomy in here no you're damn right it is it's a full two square fet oh I'm going inside with him oh this is so cool oh thanks Mister all right so how you going to pay me we said we didn't have any money oh that's right I did this to prove a point damn my ego anyway I'm going to go home and have a drink just hope no hurricanes come by oh Jeffy this house is so cool okay okay what's the first thing we're going to do we need to establish some rules so rule number one no Daddy allowed yeah yeah yeah no parents allowed stuff like that yeah yeah I'm going to go get a Sharpie so we can write the rules all right right and done no Danny's allowed so if my Danny tries to come in I'll point right there and say Suck it that'll show him sure will what's the next rule I think we should only allow girls with big booties who don't wipe oh yeah where we going to write that at oh right here okay that's right there hey Junior you're not answering my calls I thought we were friends oh I must have left my phone inside oh well like you didn't answer my calls so I came over and I rang the doorbell for like 5 minutes and you still didn't answer so I was going to come in through the back door and then I saw you so like what the hell man oh no me and Jeffy a treehouse build oh that's so cool can I go inside yeah come inside Cody oh I see I'm not allowed inside what do you mean it says no Daddy's allowed and people call me daddy oh no it meant like like like no fathers like your dad's not allowed oh no it's fine the rules are the rules I don't mind I'm just going to go home but uh keep your phone on you okay what what what other stuff does this House have um oh Jeffy look down here is that a swing Jeffy it looks like it Junior let's get on it yeah get get on it get on it we're swingers Junior this is so fun I love being a swinger I wish people could join us mhm yeah I'm glad to see you enjoying that swing like you you you didn't even ask for that I just did it cuz your your little puny mind couldn't even conceive of such a thing but me I'm an architectural genius I'm a bad ass you hear that Stacy huh you didn't want to go to PR with me but now look at me I'm building treeh houses I'm building swings what do you got two ugly kids no no swings no tree houses I'm sorry I'm rambling about my problems you mind if I litter um you know it would be really cool if you could build us like a swimming pool Under The Treehouse you know what for you for you buddy anything hold on I'll be right back we going get a swimming pool under our Treehouse sweet boom swimming pool and it's totally not just a bowl from the kitchen I filled with water Jeffy we have a swimming pool now let's go swimming fan Junior now hold on cuz it can also be damn it damn things a hot tub now you just got to wait an hour oh Mister you do so much cool stuff for us yeah take that property brothers I don't even need a hot twin oh what's what's some more stuff we can add to the house um we could add like a front door we could add like a like a window right here that that Rusty Nail just stabbed me oh that's not good you might get tetanus what's tetanus well it's where your body gets all stiff and then you die I don't want to die I'm go to a hospital someone call a doctor I I actually am a doctor never mind I'm going to go home and get another drink all right well I'm just going to be in my treeh house oo Mar I'm starting to get hungry what do you want to eat for dinner o we could order pizza that sounds good let me tell Jeffy Jeffy we're ordering pizza Jeffy we're ordering pizza huh that's weird Marvin he usually comes running when he hears the word Pizza I know let's go check on him what the Jeffy what is this it's my Treehouse daddy a treehouse it's all rusty and it looks bad a I think it's cute it's not cute Jeffy get out we have to tear this thing down it's making the neighborhood look bad no dang this is my house and I live here now it's not a house Jeffy it's just a bunch of wood nailed together well isn't that what a house is shut up Jeffy look get out no this is my Treehouse and I'm going to live here I want to go in well let me in too no Daddy you're not allowed no Daddy's allowed why am I not allowed cuz you're mean and mommy's not a thanks Jeffy So I'm mean because I wouldn't let you shatter my windows with a hammer exactly but Jeffy this is so stupid let me in no you're not allowed da read the rule oh fine I don't want to go inside your stupid ugly dumb Treehouse anyway it's dumb and it's ugly and it's stupid so I'm going inside my real house with air conditioning and water and and when it rains you're going to get all wet so come on baby let's go oh but I want to hang out with Jeffy no baby come you're come with me let me see this stupid Jeffy Marvin what are you doing I'm looking at Jeffy in his dumb stupid Treehouse like why am I not allowed in why do you care I don't care that I'm not allowed in I just want to know why I'm not allowed in you like why Why Not Me Marvin I think you're jealous I'm not jealous about a stupid dumb Treehouse it's dumb it's for kids just why am I not allowed in on his own dad like he should let me in Marvin those are the rules I'm getting inside that stupid Treehouse I'm going to put on disguise and he's going to let me in all right this disguise is going to work rooting tooting shooting oh baby stop it Jeffy what what are you doing playing tickle Tish what are you doing I mean I'm a lonely cowboy I lost my horse and I was wondering if there's somewhere I could stay for the night so can I go inside your nice looking Treehouse no there's no room sorry but Jeffy I'm going to find a way to get inside your treehouse daddy is that you wait you bought a horsey can I pet it oh he didn't let me in ooh Marvin I didn't know you were such a sexy cowboy you should lasso me up I want to get inside that Treehouse Marvin forget the stupid Treehouse pay attention to me no I'm going to go demand Jeffy to let me inside that Treehouse I'm going to demand him to let me in oh my God you have your own house and your own swimming pool you're so successful yep just doing adult things ooh Daddy what what did you call me daddy oh no I'm not allowed in my own house all right Jeffy I demand you to let me inside your treeh house well Daddy I'm not even allowed inside my own Treehouse anymore why because that girl called me Daddy and rule number one no Daddy's allowed that's stupid Jeffy okay since you're not allowed in it what are you going to do with it now I'm probably just going to have to put it on the market you can't put it on the market Jeffy you can't sell something that's in my backyard oh oh look that's my realtor right now hey Mr realtor hey there Jeffy I just put the house on the market we've already got 50 people lined up to take a look at it no no no you cannot sell this house it's in my backyard excuse me sir you looking to buy this house cuz you'll have to wait in line well no I'm not looking to buy it's in my backyard you can't sell it oh look Jeffy here comes the first buyer now hey there I'm interested in this property can you tell me more about it well as you can see it's a beautiful home a full 2 square ft it has a swimming pool and a swing and it has a beautiful waterfront property oh wonderful I'll take it for 2 million cash so Jeffy you are a very rich man why you're doing business with you well no no no this is not right you cannot sell a treeh house it's in my backyard Marvin is that you give me your house payments boom mommy look at all this cash it's 2 mli right here oh my God Marvin where did Jeffy get all this money he sold the Treehouse that was in the backyard but Marvin isn't that on your property yeah so you owe me some of this money Jeffy no I don't dad cuz you didn't even like the treeh house I like the Treehouse I was just I was just jealous you know I I wanted to be in that treeh house with you so look can you just give me a little bit of this money no daddy I'm going to use this money to start a new business flipping tree houses oh my God Marvin the weather app says that a 30-second hurricane just flew over us a 30second hurricane yeah the Treehouse oh my God it got destroyed oh no my house my baby I put minutes of work into this thing Goodman are you sad only a little cuz I took out a $4 million insurance policy on it cuz I paid 2 million so I made $2 million so poor me wow it's pretty crazy crazy that that hurricane blew by in only 30 seconds and only hit this one tree and not your house man global warming right all right Jeffy me and Mommy are going out to eat and we're going to leave you home alone so don't make a mess okay all right daddy be safe Jeffy all you going all right since my mommy and Danny aren't here I get to watch a TV show they told me not to watch oh yeah you know what you're doing oh yeah keep doing that we forgot our keys Jeffy we told you not to watch this TV show Marvin Jeffy we said do not watch pogo sticking videos because then you're going to want to start poo sticking and pogo sticking is dangerous Marvin Jeffy needs to watch more educational TV shows yes he does like woa the Explorer what is that it's a very educational TV show that you need to watch and we're going to watch it with him as a family we're not going out to eat anymore hola my name is woa I'm an Explorer what's your name a this is fun Jeffy tell her your name it's a TV mommy she can't hear me Jeffy tell her your name fine my name is hippo butthole that's a cool name my parents don't supervise me do you want to go on an adventure with me no Jeffy be nice great but we can't go on an adventure without my friend sandals the monkey can you help me find him he's behind the tree where is he I said he's behind the tree but you can't hear me cuz it's a TV where say it louder Jeffy maybe she didn't hear you he's behind the tree where the tree behind the tree where I swear to God if you say where one more time I'm going to lose my calm down but he's behind the tree Daddy I know he's behind the tree where oh my god daddy take me to the Jungle because I'm going to strangle her well Jeffy just calm down say it one more time maybe she'll hear you this time but the monkey is right behind you where I literally can't help you it's right there it's not my fault you can't see it then she's blind legally blind oh there he is thank you for helping me find him now we can go on our adventure thank God thank God D we finally get to go on your stupid Adventure okay just calm down Jeffy just watch the show wait we can't go on an adventure without my binoculars can you help me find my binoculars this again Jeffy language help her find her binoculars they're around her neck like my hands are going to be when I'm strangling her Jeffy tell her where they're at around your neck where are they no way no way is she this dumb where where where I'm not even going to help her I'm just going to let the monkey do it this time where could they be ow it's not polite to hit sandals that monkey has more patience than me cuz I would have slapped her a long time ago oh there they are now let's go on our adventure finally now we get to go on this dumb Adventure it better be worth it to start our adventure we have to find out where we're going Let's Ask Google Maps Google Maps Google Maps Google Maps Google Maps Google Maps I know where we're going first we go through the rabies Batcave and then we sneak through the sneaky snake pit and finally we get to the poison ivy river that sounds scary I hope she dies Jiffy let's go window window windowa the Explorer hey there oh no it's killer the lion can you help me stop him from killing us say it with me killer no killing kill her please kill her Jeffy stop it no killing all right you said it three times now I can't kill you yay we did it we did it we did it yay oh wait words can't stop me from killing you help me Jesus Christ poor windowa thank God Jeffy she was the most annoying person on TV I really hope she's okay look the news breaking news M famous television actress wind DOA is thought to been killed by a lion on National Television her partner sandals the monkey has a shocking interview now let's go to that truly devastating there is a jungle wide search for woa and if you find her alive the police are offering a $20,000 reward man I really hope they find her $220,000 D I can go find her no Jeffy you're not going out in the woods there's Lions out there and it's dangerous you're staying inside all right daddy oh man this Five Guys burger is so good hey Junior did you see what happened to windowa yeah she got ate by that line it was so sick yeah did you also see that they're offering a $220,000 reward if we find her if we find her in the woods yeah so I was coming to see if you wanted to help me find her oh yeah let's go in the woods and try to find her all right let's go Junior all right let's go all right Junior let's go out here and try to find when no so we get that reward what Jeffy why do you have to talk like that oh cuz I'm wearing a cowboy hat I thought that's how I had to talk well is m a cowboy hat um sure you all right so uh let's try finding her all right well this is a big Force Jeffy what are the odds of finding her I don't know judor it's going to be really hard Jeffy what isn't that her bandanna Junior there's her binoculars oh look her binoculars that's so cool okay that means we're close to finding her Junior there's her hand oh my God her hand her leg oh my God Jeffy okay so so obviously she she might still be okay she she she'll still have like her other arm and her other leg right Junior right [Applause] look okay okay what do we do I don't know Junior we need to call somebody well hold on do we still get the reward no cuz he's dead well hold on hold on maybe they'll give us money per part so maybe they'll give us like $11,000 for her leg $11,000 for her arm 10,000 for her head so let's collecting the pieces and see what they'll give us all right Junior all right Jeffy here's all the pieces we found hey Junior watch this I'm going to give her a low five wouldn't that be a low four cuz you guys only have four fingers oh yep yep I guess you're right let's go get our reward but who do we call to get the reward I think we call the news all right well now go call the news hey guys did you hear what happened to window whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Junior why is window is head and body parts on your couch because me and Jeffy became explorers and we went in the forest and found her so you brought the body parts back here yep so we can get a reward what you're not going to get a reward Junior we're probably not going to get the full 20,000 but I was thinking we can get 10,000 for her head 1,000 for her leg and 1,000 for arm that's $122,000 that's $6,000 for me and Jeffy but no you're not going to get anything because the reward was for if she was alive no they're going to give us something for these body parts or we'll go elsewhere to sell them no Junior no you're going to go to jail but why would we go to jail because you brought the body parts here so it looks like you killed her everyone knows we didn't kill her it was the lion and I'm not lying balloon tits Junior This is really really bad well no it's not what was I supposed to do when I found her you're supposed to call the police but then they would have taken the reward well no they would investigate the crime scene there's nothing to investigate because we all saw what happened to her on TV dummy you're just mad because you're not going to get any of the money for finding any of her body parts no Junior I don't want anything to do with any of this well okay then where do we sell the parts to if you say if the calling the cop's going to get us in trouble I don't know the black market I don't know people who buy body parts I I will buy those binoculars though here you want 20 bucks for them 20 bucks is that a good deal yeah so okay you can have them oh pleasure doing business with you now I can look inside people's windows while they undress wait wait wait wait wait do do you want her bandana uh no no I don't want it okay okay I'll just take these binoculars and go all right we made 20 bucks out those binoculars that's $10 each Junior heck yeah all right so let's go find a black market to sell these body parts cuz if we call the cops we'll get in trouble apparently all right let's go uh hey hey welcome to the black market we buy illegal things what can I do for you today we have some we think you might like fish I'm a dolphin I eat fish no Jeffy show them who is that woa yep that is the woa she went missing today so we went to the forest and we found her nice so uh you looking to sell or Pond sell all right well the best I can do is 100 bucks 100 bucks the news said she's worth $20,000 no that's only if she's alive this is pretty much worthless well no we found her head and her leg and her arm can you at least do like 12,000 n sorry the best I can do is 100 bucks well I didn't know that this was useless yeah but you know if you'd have brought me her binoculars I would have given you $50,000 $50,000 for the binoculars we had the binoculars you wish no no we didn't we sold them for $20 yeah well you got ripped off well why are they worth so much well because she's dead and they're a collector's item apparently she only ever used one pair of binoculars so they're worth a lot w w I promise we had them so if we can get them back will you will you buy them from us yeah if you bring me those binoculars I'll give you $50,000 Jeffy we have to find Cody and get those binoculars back damn right we do okay we'll be right back wait wait wait wait wait what what do you what do you want to do with us oh we want to sell that oh here okay hey guys why'd you call me over I was just outside playing with my binoculars I was looking at everything they're so cool I'll never get rid of them well I think they're dumb and they make your head look fat but why'd you call me over well me and Jeffy were talking it over and we decided that we feel bad we feel bad for ripping you off by selling you those binoculars you didn't rip me off yes we did $20 was way too much to charge you for those so we feel bad you bought them from us for $20 well we want to buy them back for $100 yeah that's an $80 profit but but I don't want to sell these why not because I'm wo's biggest fan and these are the binoculars she died with I'm not going to get rid of these you're not wo's biggest fan yes I am I know the theme song and everything well well they mean more to me and Jeffy cuz we found them well you don't even care about woa yes we do we care enough about her to go look for you didn't go look for her well no cuz I was too busy crying well that's dumb what if we offer you $120 but no Junior no am of money is going to make me give you those binoculars well what if we trade you something cool well what um um we we have so many cool things to trade right Jeffy yeah we have so many cool things um uh hold on I'm going to grab all the cool stuff that we can trade for those binoculars all right Cody this is what I have to trade what is that a mostly eaten cheeseburger not just any mostly eaten cheeseburger a Five Guys mostly eaten cheeseburger Junior I want five guys but not the restaurant but the cheeseburgers are good I know their cheeseburgers are good but I don't want your half eaten cheeseburger are you sure cuz I was going to finish this but I saved it to trade for you well you can go ahead and finish it cuz I don't want it all right Jeffy get the other thing all right this thing you can't turn down what is that it's a to-go drink from chilies why would I want a to-go drink from chilies because it's a strawberry lemonade yeah slaps really it's empty yeah I drank it all why would you give me an empty to go drink from Chili's because you can go back and probably get a refill or something I don't want it all right Jeffy get the other thing I really didn't want to get rid of this but I'll do it for you who what is that it's a half eaten uncrustable do you have any Uncrustables that are not eaten no I I eat about half and I stop eating them why don't you just finish the uncrustable because there's so much left I get full Junior I don't want your half eaten uncrustable you don't want any of this stuff no Junior why are you just bringing me your leftover food because it's the food that was left in my room and Chef people will grow me if he finds food in my room this is gross and I don't want it I I I mean I mean if you had like a full uncrustable we'd be talking but no I don't want this look Cody we really need those binoculars back well no Junior I want to keep these binoculars breaking news sandals the monkey has been arrested for allegedly hiring the lion to kill woa if you have any evidence please turn it into local police now oh no I have to turn these binoculars into the police no no you don't yes I do junior it's evidence we'll hand them over me and Jeffy will turn them in no I don't trust you I'm doing it myself no no no a we're not going to get the money for the binoculars oh Junior just sucks thanks kid for turning in these binoculars it's really going to help the investigation a lot yeah whatever I can do to help avenge woa all right you have a good night did he give them to you yep like taking candy from a baby sweet now let's go get our $50,000 yeah all right blow hole head here's the binoculars where's our 50 Grand wow you actually got them here you go sweet 25,000 each
Channel: SMLs
Views: 132,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TxiZBNyl8tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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