SML Movie: Officer Jeffy!

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tell me what is that come on chicken daddy I'm choking the chicken don't rip the chicken in here you're gonna chop the chicken do it in your room all right daddy oh sorry daddy it slipped well don't let it slip again hello hey Mario I need you to get down to the library immediately the library why because we're having a very quiet business meeting and I need you here okay uh can I bring my son with me I don't have a babysitter well is he gonna be quiet no woman there's your answer Mario okay I'll be there about ten minutes I got a babysitter how about be here in five minutes okay I'll be there in five minutes how about three minutes okay I'll be there in 30 minutes how about just be here now okay look it's gonna take you a few minutes I'll be there fast I can't okay good okay I need a babysitter Who am I gonna call ghostbusters call the cops I feel like if I can go hello hey there you call the police yeah come inside okay no my son needs a babysitter and I was hoping you could babysit him but no I'm a cop not a babysitter well it would only be for like 30 minutes no I have better things to do like what well you know like stop and crimes like writing people tickets and tasing people and eating doughnuts well it's only for 30 minutes I don't have a babysitter I can't leave them home alone okay but what happens if I get a call for like an armed robbery or something oh you're not gonna get an armed robbery call it's the middle of the day nobody's gonna rob something in the middle of the day well you'd be surprised but look it's only for 30 minutes okay fine but just be quick okay I'll be really quick Jeffy behave you have to listen to me I'm a cop hey kid you want to listen to the police radio okay pretty cool sometimes I fall asleep to sandwich shop please use extreme caution subject is armed and dangerous oh my god an armed robbery I gotta go help but I promise to watch this kid look kid I need you to come with me and play and leave the chicken okay all right Jeffy you stay in the car I gotta go in there and do something what's happening what don't worry about it just stay here it's too dangerous hungry we don't maintain the truck I'm going time go sandwich Jeffie jiffy you just stop the robber I did yeah you're a hero all right guys I'm back what guys guys Wow Jeffy you are a real hero Thank You mr. oh what's going on well Jeffy has stopped it on robbery all by himself what's forget him Betty you're talking to an armed robbery look I warned you this could happen but it's okay and worked out Jeffy saved the day yeah daddy look at my metal I don't believe any of this happened it's all over the news I knew they a child has stumped an armed robber at a local restaurant here's the police chief now the special press conference hello today we are celebrating the heroism of these two men this officer here was shot by a nerf bullet in the line of duty and from that he has been awarded the Purple Heart thank you thank you so much a girl with myself and this child here Jeffy single-handedly stopped an armed robber oh actually I used both of my hands right well for his heroism he has been awarded the Congressional second-place Medal of Honor what chef Lee you actually stopped it on robber that's so brave of you yeah Danny and I even got a second place metal second place metal why'd he get a second place medal now because spider-man get the first place medal he always gets the first place medal what did spider-man do well you see Jeff he just stopped an armed robber but spider-man stopped the train from derailing with his bare hands you tell me which is more impressive well it's still cool that you got a medal jumpy yeah we're even offering Jeffy a job as a cop what he's 15 years old yeah but you see how he handled that robber you took him down I couldn't do that I got shot he got a medal well I don't think Jeff he should be a cop because he's too young and I think he has the rest of his life to think about what he wants to be when he grows up but daddy I want to be a pop policy he wants to be a Popo whoa Jeff II being up being a pop Popo is very dangerous and I don't think you should do it okay people up yeah it's a spirit what would you feed being a Popo II do you don't just beat people up right yeah okay well Jeff if you really want to be it then then that's fine but be careful okay okay all right great I'll go get his stuff all right Jeffy there's your official police uniform now you wear that badge with honor just know that you can walk around telling anybody what to do you are the law peepee yeah all right let's get you your gear and this here's your beat and stick when people get up buddy you just whack them with it like oh let me try not me ouch okay these are your handcuffs you use those to arrest people and these are the keys do not lose them all right now this is your gun it's not real because you're a child but there you go just don't point it at anybody all right this one more thing you got before you can become a police officer you got to get tased okay all right now hold still this is gonna hurt a lot oh no it's fun do that again really yeah okay did that hurt no it felt silly oh no that really that hurts a lot okay all right all right Jesse I think we're ready to go on Patrol let's stop some bad guys all right all right Jeffy this is your first Patrol we're on speed ticket duty so we're gonna sit here we're gonna wait for somebody to come by who's speeding then we're gonna pull them over and give them a ticket okay okay there's gonna be fun yeah it's bitter fun sometimes it gets a little boring but whoa whoa did you see that guy you must be doin ten over the speed limit let's get him all right Jeffy we got him now I need you to follow me and watch how we give a routine speeding ticket okay all right Jeff you watch this sir sir roll your window down sorry oh man I know this guy he's not gonna roll his window down he thinks he doesn't have to roll his window down yes you do sir roll your window down roll it down sir you better roll your window down you better roll it down no sir if you don't roll your window down right now I'm gonna break your window this is all legally be has to sir we've been through this before roll it down more a little more no boat is all I have two rolls it down learn the law no you will learn it roll your window down more bond this is all you get all right fine sir do you know how fast you were going oh you can tell me how fast I was going cuz you pulled me over sir I know how fast you were going but do you know how fast you were going well if you know how fast I was going why would you tell me dude okay fine sir you were going too fast you were speeding well too fast I know but you better give me a novel yes sir what a bliss let me just see a license of registration please do you gots a war no that's not how this works yes it is you have to have a warrant to ask for my license registration no no sir I don't have to have a Lauren just show me your license I will tell that to Facebook cuz I'm recording you look Facebook this officer trying to violate my right pulling me over he don't have no warrant for my license registration okay Jeffy sometimes they're gonna try to record you they're allowed to do that but just tell them they're not okay so you're not allowed to record me yes I am this is my second Amendment rights I can record you and I can put it on Facebook say hi to Facebook officer so you're not allowed to record me just give me a license I don't have to yes you do sir give me a license right now I'm a room don't do it I'm a rollin you better not run what you turn the car on here we go I'm all wrong you better not run here our goal so you better not do it sit sorry sir I'm leave don't you do it I'll meet you well there he goes all right Jeffy back to the truck all right let's get him he's already gone wait we're not going to chase him no it's the whole thing I don't really have that much gas and he's already far away and he's in a car and I'm in a truck and it's dark so no that's okay we got his tag number we'll get him later but I hope you learned a lot from that you know if I had got him out of the car first before he drove off we would have had him so just just remember that always get him out of the car first all right now let's wait for some more speed as' I used to be a drummer in high school so cool anyway what's your favorite kind of doughnut shop quiet oh yeah mine's cream-filled whoa do you see that guy let's go get them all right Jeffy we got them now I'm gonna let you take this one by yourself I think you're ready okay all right now just remember what I taught you got it roll your window down oh I'm so sorry officer are you on this beautiful night oh I'm sorry officer were we speeding yeah you were oh no if only there was something I could do to get us out of this yeah yeah you can show me some license and registration oh I say we waste them hold on baby I'm good with persuasion give me a second Oh officer I wasn't paying attention to the - I didn't know we were speeding but my wife is she's in labor oh you in labor baby oh I'm in labor oh I think I feel the baby coming I feel the hair the baton agony my wife is in officer we need to get to the hospital fast you're not going anywhere until you show me some license and registration can't l'm uh uh officer um can I just get a warning please you can get out of the car that's it I'm recording you yeah record this for Facebook baby hey Facebook can you believe this there's the officer tried to arrest me cuz of my skin color and I'm in labor oh if you don't get out of the car I'm gonna tase you no I go to church no go to church what you are watching is cell phone footage of a police officer tasing an innocent man the police department has responded by firing the officer and they're holding a live press conference now let's go to that are we rolling okay good d'arnot Jeffrey give me that badge you embarrassed the entire police department what I didn't do anything no we don't have any more room in this precinct for crooked cops now you get out of here Oh what what's going on all right Jeffy you safely home from all the rioting what happened no Jeffy he had taste a guy who said he went to church and they got it on camera but you wouldn't give me as I see George registration and I didn't want to run your wine yeah but they got it on the cell phone camera doesn't look too good kid sorry we got to fire you oh man I'd like to be the Popo so what's gonna happen now no well your son can never be a police officer now and you should probably stay out of the public for a little while anyway I'm done here bye well Jeffy at least you're home safe what are you gonna do now that you're not a cop Wanda let me keep the Taser [Music] [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 33,126,726
Rating: 4.7878757 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, cop, police, puppet, funny, jokes, jeff, jeffry, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, comedy, skit, entertainment, super mario, video game, nintendo, plush, adventure, cool, show, friends, chicken, annoying, logan, officer
Id: tifjgzzZluU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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