SML Movie: Cody Meets Harry!

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[Music] um can i help you yeah you're in my seat no this is my seat no actually this is my seat i don't see your name on it look actually you do see it says cody right there it's me oh well i'm not moving but you just clearly saw this is my seat it has my name cody it's not your seat anymore it's harry see you haven't been to school in months yeah dude but this is my seat why don't you run along and stick your little toy up your bum what do you think i've been doing for the last few months get out of here weirdo okay ken daddy has to do some business hey bro you want to fight cause i'll fight all right bring it okay well hold me back ken hold me back hold me back i'm gonna hit him let go me kid he's not holding you back dude he's at all yeah he was he's really strong you're lucky my boyfriend's here to hold me back right break your jaw you wouldn't do anything yeah well you know what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna tell the teacher teacher he's in my seat snitch or do you hear something crass it sounds like a student who hasn't been at school in a few months oh come on i didn't want to get sick well if you're so afraid of getting sick why don't you go sit by yourself in the closet in the closet but i already came out go sit in the closet weirdo but how am i going to learn anything if i'm in the closet well you didn't learn anything the last few months you missed school burn come on ken we don't need them stupid dumb closet dumb teacher you know what i like it in here the closet is for the cool kids all the cool kids are in the closet that's right it's me and you ken you hear that everybody all the cool kids are in the closet what are you saying cody i can't hear you i said all the cool kids are in the closet the cool whip is where no the the cool kids are in the holy crap stop talking does anybody know the answer to this conquerors problem i know i know the answer is 18 x squared minus nine very good harry that is correct now does everybody see how harry got the right answer wow harry you're a genius yeah dude you're the smartest kid on earth thank you oh come on teacher that answer was easy i knew that corey get back in your closet stupid harry everyone thinks he's so smart you don't think he's smart do you ken you can can what's going on here what's that ken what you want to be with him because he's smarter than me oh that is it you can steal my seat and you can steal my smartest kid in the class status but you cannot steal my boyfriend you want to go oh yeah we're going nutify what's 98 times 73 7154 what's 54 980 divided by 5. 10996 what does e equal m c squared what's the pythagorean theorem a squared plus b squared equals c squared recite pi two six five 3.14152653 five nine all right break it up nerds i don't want any more bloodshed there's only one way to solve this we're gonna have the smartest kid in the crafts competition and cody harry you two are gonna go home and invent something and then tomorrow you're gonna show the inventions off to the crass and whoever has the best invention will be known as the biggest nerd in the class and the loser is gonna be known as the stupidest kid in the crafts and have to sit in the closet for the rest of the year oh you're on i'm gonna be the biggest nerd in the class i hope you enjoy that closet because you're gonna be sitting in there for a long time i bet you're not even gonna show up for school tomorrow oh i'll be here with your boyfriend wrapped around my arm and with the coolest invention we'll see about that oh and your heart back again i have to win this competition i have to invent something way cooler than harry's invention so i can get my seat and my boyfriend back ah but what do i invent ooh if i make this basketball shot then i'm going to win the competition and harry's an idiot and i'm the best ow jesus oh okay okay that one didn't count that didn't count okay okay this time if if i make this basketball shot then i'm gonna win the competition and everyone's gonna say that i'm the hunkiest and the coolest and the smartest and then harry's just gonna disappear off the face of the earth okay here we go oh that was so close oh okay that one didn't count either no i didn't count this one this one counts if i make this one then everyone's going to say that i'm the smartest and the best okay this time if i make it then i i'm smart and i don't know just please make it dang it okay maybe i should focus less on playing basketball and more on inventing what if i invented a robot that could play basketball yeah or i can invent a basketball that goes in the hoop when you throw it okay cody it's time to get serious let's see um ooh what if i invented a hat that whenever you wore it it would tell you what house you belong to in harry potter now that's stupid ooh what about a blanket that whenever you wore it it turned you invisible like like an invisibility cloak no that's stupid too maybe i should just sneak over to harry's house and see what he's inventing so i can get some ideas not not not because i'm stupid but because i'm curious yeah i'll do that okay this is harry's house now to just peep in the window and see what i see uh oh oh his dad's changing well yeah all right let's see what harry's inventing yes yes i think i've done it mother i found the cure for cancer that's very nice harry are you gonna take that to school for your invention tomorrow yes mother and i'm going to beat that ninja cody what there's no way i can beat that ah i gotta get home and invent something oh man there's no way i'm gonna win tomorrow harry made the coolest invention in the world i can't beat that i just have to invent something man i gotta think about this no no not now no no okay fine wait i've got it why don't i invent a stupid ray and then i can shoot harry with it so he'll be too stupid to show his invention yeah that's it but that would be cheating and cheating is wrong i think i have to go ask my dad for advice about this uh dad yes sir is cheating bad it's cheating bad what's wrong with you boy look i think that we need to have the talk the answer is simple son cheating is not bad it's only bad when the woman does it because she does it out of love we as men we only do it all for impulse it's only lust think about it if you're married to a four and a ten calls you you gotta do it it's only simple math son so cheating's not bad no look cheating is like wheels on the car you ain't gonna get nowhere if you don't cheat no yeah yeah see cheating is also complicated though so you know you gotta block calls block text sometimes you even gotta turn off your location oh but what happens when you get caught oh you gotta lie la la la even if you caught red-handed lie again see line is like the steering wheel to the car that you're cheating in it's gonna get you to wherever you need to go to cheat oh so you're saying i need to cheat to get what i want mm-hmm exactly let me tell you a story son i cheated on your mama last night wait is this hypothetical no it's a real story shush yeah i went to the grocery store and i seen this girl with a whole lot of water what's wife dad oh it's waffles and pancakes all in a bucket yeah yeah i saw that whop and i was like i'm hungry i want some breakfast so i asked about a whop and i ate a whopper oh yeah yeah good wow oh oh wait dad i think i understand what you're saying yeah yeah so i should cheat exactly you always gonna win if you cheat oh okay thanks dad that's what i'm here for son all right i've done it i've invented the stupid ray now tomorrow at school whenever i shoot harry with this he'll be too stupid to show his invention i just have to make sure i go before him huh now i have to try it but on who joseph what's wrong with you i'm so ready for this competition oh harry what did you invent it's a secret hey idiot you're ready to lose you're gonna lose four eyes but we both you know what it doesn't matter would you invent your urine samples drink some water you'll just have to wait and see what did you invent a stupid little toy no i bet you'd like to know what i invented that's why i asked don't worry you'll find out soon enough all right crafts today is the smartest nerd competition it's going to be cody versus harry so who wants to go first potatoes ooh me me me me it's cody cody cody wants to go first me hmm who wants to go first got me all right cody i guess you could go first yes all right cody what did you invent i invented a stupid ray a stupid ray sounds pretty stupid oh it is anybody i shoot with this gun becomes stupid well how do we know if it works i think we should try it on a volunteer from the class ooh harry i think i see your hand up i didn't have my hand up thank you so much for volunteering harry what a good sport wow cody what a cool invention now go back to your seat in the closet thank you all right harry you're up next come on you have to go in there what does that mean you have to take your adventure up there go up there go up there go up there just take one of those and go up there okay what are you doing then harry what is that [Music] oh let's all give harry a big round of applause wow that was just incredible truly truly inspiring stuff oh man i don't know if i won this one yeah too close to calm all right crass based off what i've seen the winner of the smartest nerd competition is cody oh yeah yeah take that harry you doofus i won i'm the smartest nerd oh yeah yeah you take that i'm the smartest smartest nerd in the in the class oh man this isn't right hey what would tom brady do go to the buccaneers that's not right i can't do this teacher i don't deserve to win what do you mean cody well you see i only won because i played dirty i shot harry with my stupid ray so that he'd be too stupid to show his invention so you outsmarted him wait but yeah yeah i did outsmart him that means i'm smarter than him so that means i do deserve to win yeah yeah give me my seat back harry all right harry get in the closet you idiot wait cody are they gonna be dumb forever no it wears off after a few minutes oh you dangerous you cheated well if you ain't cheating you ain't trying now get in the closet this won't be the end of me whatever oh ken you want me back so cody what was harry's invention that you were so scared of oh i don't know it's like a like a cure for something i don't know [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 22,169,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, cody, meets, harry, friends, bowser junior, bowser jr, bowser, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, teacher, school, hilarious, laugh, ken, super mario, invention, smart, competition
Id: 8idHc0PpphU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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