The Mukbang Man-Child

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act like you forgot I call the shot shot shot [ __ ] better have my money baby my money my money give these chips some viagra would youth my chip needs a little help now you're probably pretty confused I would be confused too if I was in your position I see [ __ ] flying on my mouth or if that's a distraction what I just did was mimic an intro by my good friend Nick Accardo avocado like you forgot I call the shot shot shot but I mentioned leaves a little help I don't know how I skipped over this guy back when I made my human vacuums video I'm no stranger to food review channels I was pretty stupid and I made a video on the report of the week and then a year later I made another video on the report of the week saying I'm sorry please don't [ __ ] murder me this guy this guy is a [ __ ] goldmine of cringe he's not even really a food review channel it's more or less let me just eat a bunch of [ __ ] in front of a camera for 20 minutes and talk about my life he doesn't really add any substance to the video he has a lot in common with Trisha Paytas I made a video about her to my home it's called the gluttony Queen for a reason these people pretty much glorify obesity by eating like a hundred thousand calories of [ __ ] and most of the time it's not healthy food and there's like piling it into their mouths and this isn't like one of those food eating competition videos where you know they're trying to beat a world record or something they're just eating cuz they want to eat and they're hungry and they need to fill their big [ __ ] belly so this genre is called mukbang or I don't know if it's like Chinese or something it's pronounced like my bong or something I don't know so this is the part where I make a really stupid joke about having sex with the Pokemon muck because hey it's called mukbang [Music] that buck can really smother you with affection mmm yeah I'll see myself out yeah that's pretty much all it is just eat a whole bunch of [ __ ] in front of a camera and they have the best thumbnails do coz this mountain of ramen noodles in front of him he's like shovel it into his mouth sometimes he has a friend tag along so he doesn't feel lonely it's like a Fupa party however there's something else that this particular channel is pretty infamous for he's kind of a crybaby guys the biggest drama queen on all of YouTube uses his mukbang channel as like a diary for whenever he's feeling upset about something and it's not like one video every year you know when he's having a huge mental breakdown because this guy has some mental breakdown like every goddamn week here are some of his videos let me read some of them off for you today I got deported okay yeah that kind of sucks he's got to be separated from his his husband yeah it's a pretty shitty situation I get it next video tragic news his face why I went to the hospital yesterday why I'm quitting YouTube and deleting my entire chin why YouTube is taking me to court my husband Denton I'm getting deported again I can't take this any time having a bad day I can't tell wit them my life is crashing why my marriage is falling apart broke diabetes and kidney failure it's time to quit who could have saw that one coming the doctors told me I have diabetes earthquake yeah we're having an earthquake everybody goes through a bunch of [ __ ] in their life the only difference is this guy decides to document like every single time he goes through anything okay so let's watch some of these together he does something pretty strange in this video named not for kids Taco Bell vs. del Taco not entirely sure why that would be not for kids maybe because he's promoting bad eating habits in which case I think all of his videos would be not for kids wait not for kids he puts like his knee cacao avocado thing with all the social media icons in the top left hand corner then he moves it to the top right hand corner later on in the video like why I'm stumped oh yeah in his video my life is crashing down he's like squishing his cattle because it happens all the time don't almost the entire video he's squishing his cat to death faces that it makes are so [ __ ] good says I have a fever I don't know eyes roll back all this guy does is eat for a living and he's putting all of his weight on this poor little cat here's this video named why I'm quitting YouTube and deleting my entire chucking cuacamole if you can you say all this stuff about him being ethnic like what a pansy welcome to YouTube bro where everybody is hey Don damn just don't read the comments okay let's check out the video that he's talking about that is so hated on volcano battle race edition like first of all you named it race edition I don't want to highlight the fact that we're different races but I'm gonna put a race edition in the title of the video okay so the is who can give up first we're gonna give up person I do understand that the title of the video might be referring to the fact that they're racing to see who can eat the most but he mentions nothing about the race until 13 minutes into the video so you can't really blame the viewers for misconstruing the title [Music] oh I hate smaller things hold and it only has 1.7 K dislikes that's nothing dude especially when you have 8,000 plus like damn what a sensitive little girl this guy is so he's quitting YouTube and deleting his entire channel because he got some hate on a video just think it's [ __ ] disgraceful there's no excuse he has a playlist called upset feelings because he has so many videos of him just bitching yes he has a playlist called what I used to be skinny this is what I look like eating with my first something else and now oh look at that he made an amaz video to Trisha Paytas his music video of him playing violin these eating-disorder channels just like feed off each other don't let oh my god this guy's channel is so good so you upload the video why I'm quitting YouTube and deleting my entire channel On January 15th and then he uploaded again four days later my I went to the hospital yesterday this is going out to all of you youtubers out there if you're going to make a video named why I'm quitting YouTube and deleting my entire channel maybe you should actually quit YouTube how come every youtuber has to [ __ ] lie all the time and then he made a video name I'm setup exposing fake mean youtubers oh girl no and then he goes off in ironically a random wig that he's wearing I'm guessing he's supposed to be mocking someone for making a video on him I don't know but he starts going off without how he's so upset that people are so fake youtubers especially how come you tubers are so fake he says I hate it I hate that so much get out of my life I mean ghosts sneak you rat me naked I liked this video that he made extreme spicy noodle challenge with hungry fat chick described a hungry fat chick this person is oh that's her actual channel name this person has a channel and her channel is named hungry fat chick it all makes sense now you know that they must have been like Adam McDonald's at some point and talking to each other hmm how can we turn this eating problem we have into money and then Nick responds with you know we could just do food reviews and then hungry fat chick replies ass [ __ ] that let's just eat a bunch of food and talk about random stuff who doesn't like watching someone eat a [ __ ] ton of food and to her feature channels include hungry hippie munching with Mandy and of course our boy Nick oh god oh abogado this is a bunch of these channels of people just eating just eating if you're gonna make videos of yourself just eating at least make it into something like ASMR or review the food or make it into a video that's actually a video the mukbang isn't even a video just it's like okay maybe it's a fetish I'm done I'm deleting my channel I am done I'm gonna integrate myself back into the society you just start over that's not the you don't even don't [ __ ] anything I had a conference cool with YouTube hey Google and they told me that all my videos are gonna be monetized hey I feel you bro getting your channel to monetize it sucks it sucks especially when you have to buy like 20 pounds of food every day my entire jail Samad dies and this is pretty much exactly how I feel I'm just better at suppressing it well it's actually you putting food on the table it's pretty much literally what you're doing like there's a lot of people watching this guy he gets hundreds of thousands of views on his mukbang videos I'm sure he wouldn't be as popular if you didn't cry all the [ __ ] time apparently it's too [ __ ] dangerous for children psychological trauma for children the psychological trauma for children everything on YouTube is psychological trauma for [ __ ] children this is not the ABCs channel this is YouTube yeah PB can have the [ __ ] butt plug come in a heart [ __ ] and JP couldn't talk about losing his virginity he couldn't talk about losing his virginity both have ads Tanner what's his face I'll even know his face some little rich kid Twinkie Twinkie most of the food review channels that I've covered in the past weren't that entertaining this guy he has some legitimate entertainment value to him but I feel like he's unintentionally funny whenever he's going batshit insane and let's just bring up the fact that Donald Trump didn't say a damn word about the Hawaiians I'm so done like that has anything to do with you getting backlash backlash cuz it isn't really any backlash that should be mentioned at all why are you bringing up Donald Trump that's so random damn word he has another video named I'm getting fat and don't know why he must be trolling with this one we have an emergency what it's funny because he got twice as many dislikes on this video as it did in the other video which he made a video complaining about but he didn't make a video complaining about this video getting hate when you got and you don't know why you're getting fat bro just take a gander at your channel let's call about getting fat what happened to me 20 thousand calorie mozzarella stick challenge he's sitting there with a mountain of mozzarella sticks may be different if you do these mukbang challenges with just like salad just a pile of leaves yesterday I was so healthy I have rice and beans and fish and vegetables cuz I take I took him to they off the day before that I had grilled cheese I don't get why I'm so fat today because yesterday I ate so healthy what's going on never mind the last four months when I was eating nothing but cheese I don't oh oh oh you can play my arm up so it should be nice and slender right now it looks like a thighs I have gained weight and I don't even know why [Music] he has another classic named say hello to my double chin say hello to my double chin say go to my are you want to see what's in the background - you guys are like what's that what's this you ask oh just some snacks and in this video he shows his stash of legs mountain of junk food man I wonder why you're getting fat bro doesn't make any sense to me it's not that it's it can't be that because it doesn't happen overnight you don't gain weight over I feel like there's a medical mystery going on there is something chemically imbalanced in me just so what maybe this is all water weight I'm holding on to water weight yeah it's totally water way bro you're just extra hydrated this week that's why you're an extra hundred pounds and then in his video named I'm too afraid to go to the hospital his most viral video by the way 7 million views if you have an infection in your eye and it looks like this why would you vlog that [ __ ] I mean yeah the views speak for itself right maybe this video is why he's like hey I should start making a bunch of videos on anything that goes wrong in my life because people want to watch that [ __ ] I can't open my eye it's it's pasted shut and then in this video he tries prying his eye open it's so gross I can see I can see just go to the hospital and then he has this persona it's probably partly inspired by Trisha Paytas he calls her mrs. pickles and she's a slightly more obnoxious version of him with a blonde wig and messed up lipstick it's pretty much a ripoff of Miranda sings so in celebration of today we do the McDonald's way and here's a disgusting video named talkies and McDonald's mukbang eating show get out of here he's got these like really cheesy disgusting looking burgers just just shoving them in a special box just nasty dude that was enough for you there's another video named McDonald's Big Mac cheeseburger challenge where he has like what is that six Big Macs and six large fries more than a moment last burger that's how many calories no no I have trouble eating one Big Mac and this guy's going on oh we've got the burger glow he says I think you might be confusing glow with grease and I'm sick of you because you have no merit like this guy's complaining and he's got a video named Heart Attack Grill where he's got like a hundred burgers on a kebab she's not here I'm about to go home lay back Billy did cheese and [ __ ] all over his face come back down to earth bro I know it's kind of ironic me telling you that but damn someone needs to smack you in the face with reality a little bit jokes aside overeating is a problem I think channels like Nikki kado avocado are doing very little aside from like glorifying eating disorders I know some people might like this kind of thing and they might find it relaxing I don't know maybe they have a fetish but yeah I can recognize the problem here especially when you're collabing with someone who openly names herself the fat chick and her entire channel is just based around eating it doesn't make any sense to me like you guys are killing yourselves you understand this don't you like you're gonna die this leads to death anyhow I do think he's entertaining that's something but maybe he should just changes channel - just [ __ ] kado cria kado or like moody cotta we picado but yeah that'll do it guys thank you so much for watching don't go hate this guy that's just stupid and if you like this hat and if you like this shirt they're pretty dope you can get them at alien clothing calm and I'll talk to you guys in the next one bye eat my Cheetos eat my Cheetos there's dope [ __ ] excuse of try to keep yeah there's no more Cheetos why I'm a little hungry [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 3,669,795
Rating: 4.9019837 out of 5
Keywords: Nikocado Avacado, MUKBANG, crying, nikocado avocado fat, nikocado avacado mukbang, fat, race edition, noodles, nikocado avacado eye, nikocado avacado crying, Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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