FRIED BARRY - A Movie So Insane I Had to Make This Video

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[Music] okay first off i just want to say i'm sorry that i haven't been making a lot of videos lately i've been relaxing my life is great just the other day i was in the middle of carrying a league of legends game about to close it out and my braless wife comes in and brings me a sandwich not asked for by the way as i get a double kill bot lane so how was your day going you know like i have a pretty great life as i was chilling playing my games you know doing nothing like i usually do someone tweeted at me and said fried berry bro trust me i was very confused what do i take away from that what the hell's a fried berry so i googled fried berry in the middle of eating fritos and licking the salt off of each one of my fingers and i found out that it's a movie released in 2020 and it's an alien movie but not just any alien movie it's about aliens that abduct a drug addict and it's crazy and trust me this is exactly how they came up with the idea damn that's the good stuff am i right you know i'm thinking about making an alien movie you know how in movies the aliens abduct some random person and then they do tests on them and it's this big thing well what if that person was like someone a little different than usual you know you know what i mean like imagine if they abducted someone from that show my 600 pound life or something and they were like damn this species is thick or maybe he's just too fat for the tractor beam so he can't even be sucked up into the what do you think are you you want to hit all right here you go dude no you're not supposed to you're supposed to smoke out of it dude oh my god what if the aliens abducted a druggie and he was strung out on drugs bruh i've made a bunch of videos on this channel about very strange movies but this one is off the rails dude it's like the love child between fear and loathing in las vegas and under the skin if it were directed by panos cosmatos this movie was written and directed by ryan kruger i'm not really familiar with this guy but he found the perfect person to play barry just look at this guy and oh my god his acting is brilliant he brings the character to life this dude he knows how to act like an alien like just watch this [ __ ] the person that plays barry is named gary green and oh my god he is perfect for the role the way his face looks his teeth his facial expressions throughout the entire movie it's beautiful it's amazing the movie starts with barry walking down a sidewalk and then it flashes through a bunch of shots of him shooting up heroin it has this requiem for a dream feel to it we're shown that he has a very bad relationship with his family and he's a deadbeat dad he meets a friend and this guy brings up mickey mouse's gloves for some reason and he says the reason that mickey mouse wears gloves is because walt disney was racist and he wanted mickey to be like a cartoon version of a minstrel i think that disney was around during vaudeville right so i think it was a little bit racist so he would watch minstrel's black face white gloves what's mickey mouse black face white gloves yeah it's time to cancel mickey everybody i mean to be fair i've been doing that with my clothing line for years now so it's very random i guess it's just to highlight the fact that barry only hangs out with scumbags i know because i'm a little bit racist that's why i like coming here okay so they leave the bar together they go to a house and take drugs together barry then walks the streets and he's out of his mind and then he gets abducted by aliens this is when stuff gets very strange i really like the lighting and the music they use in this scene [Music] the aliens then start testing on barry oh lordy lord oh boy they stick this device into his erect penis what the [ __ ] and then shortly after they turn him into a wobbly bridge yeah something goes in his anus and another thing goes into his mouth yeah it's very very sexual in nature but like i guess use all the holes that you can to get up in there because you know they're doing something to them yep they portray him being trapped in his body with this shot of him struggling under red lit water i'm guessing that's like supposed to be blood or something and he's like stuck in his body it's just cool imagery they beam barry back down to street level so now there's an alien walking around in this druggies body that other stuff was weird but now the movie gets hilarious okay oh my god it's so good he walks the streets like an absolute psychopath he finds his way to a club where this girl approaches him and offers him ecstasy and he likes it in fact he likes it so much that he stalks her in the club and when he sees her talking to her drug dealer he approaches them takes the bag full of ecstasy and just pours all of them into his mouth oh my god yeah i know what you're thinking i guess aliens can't overdose he then starts dancing like a psychopath he's it's so [ __ ] good there's something just hilarious about a flailing crackhead in a club then this random club goer starts talking to him and then he starts making outrageous faces like this [Music] oh that kind of hurts my jaw i'm sure his jaw must have hurt like a [ __ ] after this then some weirdo who's into crackheads brings barry into a stall and pulls his pants down i guess this alien inside barry shoots black burning semen because they show us his face and there's black stuff all over it and he's screaming so poor guy that would startle anybody i hope this guy has very low standards i guess just look at barry he doesn't look like a very desirable person to be with but for some reason everybody wants to be with barry okay i don't i don't get it everybody don't believe me let's continue then this random woman takes barry home my wife and i guessed that maybe it's just the aliens seducing them maybe the aliens like played mind tricks on them so they get back to her place she hops on his dick as he creepily stares at i guess she's still into him for some reason he leaves and is immediately approached by a hooker this alien is just making his rounds tonight yeah i guess this alien was just really horny then again it just took like a [ __ ] ton of ecstasy so maybe that explains it too so the hooker bangs him and his reaction is something else so he shoots his black burning semen into her and she immediately becomes pregnant like she blows up into a balloon and blasts a baby out so her pimp rushes barry out of the room the next scene shows him walking around a park and analyzing a bunch of people he immediately comes across a man that is having a heart attack so barry places his hand on the man's chest and cures him not sure why he did that i guess the alien is just a nice guy barry's partner picks him up and brings him home he then attempts to eat a hot dog that she serves him and he eats it very fast aliens love bread everybody knows this so barry only eats the bun screw the hot dog meat unethical bun yes i mean we already knew that barry loved buns right just based on what we've seen so far and then he just ends up spitting it out i guess because the bun is too dry and the alien wasn't sure why the food wasn't going down his throat so it spit out he then starts feeding the child which is weird and barry's partner is like wow barry's really stepping up he's trying to be a good dad i love you so she bangs him too this alien just has a never-ending boner that can produce mountains of black burning semen it just never runs out so then barry and his partner go to the grocery store there's a sampler person there with a bunch of cheese and he feeds barry some of the cheese and oh my god this scene it's so funny i say so then they start cashing out and the cashier is aggressively sexual with barry it's very weird [Music] i mean who can blame her barry is so sexy just look at him why does everybody like barry everybody abandon conventionally attractive virgin energy embrace chad berry energy definitely put says on my chest when barry and his partner get home they have sex again of course by the way they use a condom that's why she's not getting pregnant like the hooker did just so you know she notices that barry's temperature is very high she's very afraid for barry so she puts him in a nice bath and he starts shivering like crazy she attempts to drive him to a hospital but when she stops at a stop sign he gets out and he books it he's running and flailing mostly naked in the streets it's hilarious he eventually passes out he's then brought to some random place by these two junkies i'm guessing they know the druggie version of their own they give him a hit and barry starts freaking out and his neck stretches like e.t like this [Music] [Applause] barry finds some random headphones and he walks around listening to techno music he then decides to take to the skies yeah he starts flying around i love it oh my god look at him flying why would they have invincible fight omni man when they could have just had fried berry unstoppable his sexual energy it's unstoppable omniman couldn't withstand the sexual energy of barry he then gets his ass beat by random thugs while he's passed out he's dragged away to this makeshift prison by this weird pedophile guy barry wakes to find he's locked up with a young girl the pito man then pulls out one of barry's teeth that's a big one wow the next day barry hears this guy abusing the girl that he was locked up with so he cuts himself free and saves her he eventually kills the man with his own chainsaw and during the scene he's growling like an animal [Music] it's interesting they then set free the many children that this guy had locked up the cops arrive and bring barry in they blame the capture of the kids on barry and have him admitted into a psych ward he's able to escape with the help of two other patients he's then picked up by this random guy they drive around and take drugs together the scene of them in the car high on drugs is crazy it's awesome i love it he's then left on the side of the road he then wanders around until he finds the girl he impregnated she's getting harassed by her pimp barry walks over and hits him with something and then he falls over so the hooker brings barry back to her place where her child's body has aged rapidly but its mind is still that of an infant this hooker's baby is basically just a baby version of barry mommy look like literally it's uh watching this guy act like a baby is so funny i want to see the behind the scenes of this movie so bad it's probably hilarious watching this guy act the baby version of barry then demands to be breastfed against soldiers your faith [Music] no monkey milk pokemon what oh my god oh my god watching this guy breastfeed i no that was the last thing i would think to see in this movie but it happened you can tell at this point that the skin that the alien is occupying is dying it's all ashy and dead looking so then barry has some sort of heart attack so the hooker brings him to the hospital barry's partner arrives as soon as they pronounce him dead a short while later he awakens so i guess the barry in barry died but the alien is still alive the alien places his hand on barry's partner's head and instantly gives her all the information about the aliens and where they came from and how all this stuff happened so she drives him to the very spot that barry was abducted originally he gets beamed up to the ship as the two women watch the weird baby version of barry just peers on from the back seat of the car and the two women walk away and that's the end of the movie that's fried berry i hope you liked this video i thought the movie was pretty amazing it did drag a little bit the first hour of the movie is insanely entertaining and then it slows down tremendously there's some entertaining bits in the end but yeah most of the fun in this movie is in the beginning but i still really really enjoyed it did i enjoy it more than carrying a league of legends game and getting a double kill bot lane not really but it was close dude alright if there are any other movies that you'd like me to make a video on please put them in the comment section down below if you want to watch this movie you can watch it on shutter this video isn't sponsored by shutter but if you decide to use the service please use promo code elvis the alien you can try for 30 days if you want for free and maybe i can land another sponsorship by them because i like money speaking of money you should spend it over on you can get shirts like this hell yeah awesome stuff and i would like to thank all my patrons out there i love you so much and i'll see you guys in the next one goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 578,767
Rating: 4.9601731 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, fried barry
Id: eU4OFnyM9MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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