VAMPIRE'S KISS - A Hilarious Nicolas Cage Cult Classic

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is this among us imposter is that pasta from among us september 17 1988 a nicholas cage meme classic was born and it cost only two million dollars of course at the time people didn't really like it they said that his overacting ruined the tone of the movie they said it was ridiculous but then came the cult following yes there are a lot of people out there that love this movie not because it's like an amazing groundbreaking piece of cinema but because it's such an amazing meme [Applause] [Music] some movies were made just to be a meme and this was the start of the nicholas cage meme today's video is sponsored by shutter i've been wanting to get sponsored by these guys for so long because i actually use the streaming service a lot it's one of my favorite streaming services the movie that we're talking about today vampire's kiss is available to watch on shutter my favorite nicholas cage movies colorado space and mandy are both available on shutter right now after hearing that if you guys aren't clicking on the link in the description i don't know what's wrong with you get started streaming the best horror thriller and supernatural content shutter's expertly curated collection includes must-see titles host the mortuary collections and the hit creep show tv series from executive producer greg nicotero of the walking dead from hollywood favorites and cult classics to original series and critically acclaimed new genre films you won't find anywhere else i'm just gonna name off a bunch of movies that i love that are on this service revenge hell of razer after midnight the wailing the dark and the wicked you can kind of think of shutter as like the netflix for horror you can stream great thrillers horror and suspense films for 5.99 a month or 56.99 a year there's new supernatural terrors edge of your seat thrillers and shocking horrors added every week you'll have unlimited access to stream ad-free on all of your favorite devices whether it be iphone ipad apple tv you name it so try shutter for free for 30 days just go to and use promo code elvis the alien and that's shutter s-h-u-d-d-e-r the link will be at the top of the description now back to the review nicholas cage's career was just starting to blossom he was only 24 years old at the time and you can tell that he desperately wanted to make it big in hollywood he conquers every single scene he's in as soon as the camera's on he just goes ballistic i couldn't think of a more horrible job if i wanted to and you have to do it you have to or i'll fire you do you understand of course i'm talking about the movie vampire's kiss it was considered a commercial flop upon release but developed a cult following over the years kind of similar to fight club except it's not an amazing movie it's an okay movie with some really great memes nicholas cage plays a character named peter lowe he's a driven literary agent he's narcissistic and greedy he works all day in clubhops all night his life is nothing but one night stands the pursuit of money and prestige and he's slowly going insane because there's something that peter lowe is lacking and that's love this is a love story a very bizarre love story peter lowe is extremely lonely and he's cruel and impatient to his poor assistant alba she needs the job to survive so she puts up with peter that's right alva it's a horrible horrible job he brings home a girl one night and they're both attacked by a bat the girl hides in the hallway as peter tries to fend it off the next day peter tells his psychiatrist that the bat turned him on i'll be damned if i didn't get really turned on with all due respect what the [ __ ] yeah this is when things start to get weird the next day he brings home another girl named rachel she has fangs and she ends up biting him while they're having sex peter pulls away at first but ends up enjoying it the next morning peter cuts himself shaving and it's revealed to us that he hallucinated rachel's existence and he has no bite mark on his neck so there's this contract that peter needs but it was misplaced and his secretary alva is having some issues finding it and throughout the movie peter is extremely impatient with her he belittles her and screams at her we'll touch on that later but don't rape me rape you i will come on outlet jesus christ he ends up jumping on her desk did you were you you were the one that said jump up on the desk i think i did and it's kind of so unexpected like i mean he's like spider-man all of a sudden and then he chases her into the ladies room this scene is so crazy i love it so much there you are why are you running why are you wrong what the [ __ ] is going on this missing contract weighs on peter's mind and he can't understand how a file could be misfiled so he expresses himself to a psychiatrist how could somebody misfile something what could be easier it's all alphabetical this scene would live on to be one of nick cage's most meme scenes in history a b c d e e e i've never misfiled anything not one time i never misfiled anything not once not one time a b c d r s t u v w x y three this movie might have been a flop but it definitely cemented nick cage as like this really outrageous actor who was willing to do pretty much anything to get his name out there and i think that appealed to a lot of people in hollywood i listened to the commentary for this movie nick cage and director robert biermann discussed this scene and apparently every single hand gesture was choreographed by cage in his apartment to his cat well it actually is extremely choreographed i mean every one of those moves was was thought out in my hotel room with my cat i like to imagine him screaming the alphabet at his cat a b c d e and the hands on his hip gesture at the end he says was inspired by the musician mick jagger here we go here comes jagger i never misspelled anything not that wait a minute once not one time peter then starts wearing shades around the office because he's convinced himself that he's turning into a vampire and he can't stand the light it's kind of bright in here isn't it the workday ends and he calls alva into his office she tells him that sifting through an endless stack of files all day is wearing on her and she'd like some help and this is how peter responds to her you're the lowest on the totem pole here alva the lowest do you realize that i couldn't think of a more horrible job if i wanted to and you have to do it this is another timeless nicholas cage meme that [ __ ] face he makes at her he makes his eyes super wide and he looks at her like this he puts his chin up really high he's like oh alva you're a piece of [ __ ] alva i wouldn't choose anybody else for this job but you elva it's incredible so yeah he's clearly losing it there's a scene where he starts breaking a bunch of stuff he breaks a mirror he throws a table see this that's all real you see that none of this is special effects right all the furniture is real all the glass in the furniture is how i let you do this i do not know you couldn't do it again no you know that's weird and you know what happened we had two cameras on this and the second camera broke we only have one shot this is any shot look at this that's plate glass it's all real i mean actors throwing around real plate glass this is that type of authentic filmmaking that i wish i'd see more of nikolas cage really took this character and ran with it giving it a life of its own a lot of people dislike his role in this movie because he's over acting and he's being super ridiculous and he's goofy and the way he talks is unnatural the work's not just gonna go away alva it never just goes away but i honestly think that nicholas cage was just doing his best to become this character wouldn't you say that's right nick i don't know what you're talking about i'm peter lowe and i'm a vampire not an actor so why don't you go back do your silly little video okay peter continues to see the vampire woman rachel at night he removes the band-aid from a shave cut and reveals two puncture wounds from when he was bit before the next day he acts like he's wounded by a mirror you know because vampires they can't see themselves in mirrors yeah they don't like mirrors and then he eats a cockroach [Music] like a real cockroach he just picks it up and throws it in his mouth dear god it's gross and apparently this was nick's idea i was originally gonna eat raw eggs or something i thought no we should make it a cockroach because i really want to do something that would shock the audience and i saw it as like a business decision because i've seen this movie in the theater when people see that cockroach go in my mouth it's like the bus blowing up in speed and according to an interview i saw he had to do it twice so he made me do it twice but i can tell you is the most disgusting horrible memory i have of any experience on a movie set and they even got a call from an animal rights group about this part this is what nick had to say about that excuse me do you have a can of like a raid in your house do you have a camp you know the next day alva calls out of work for obvious reasons because her boss is acting like a complete psychopath and chased her down in the office and cornered her in the ladies room peter doesn't like that alba called out of work so he goes to her [ __ ] house he goes there with a little soup pouch and he's like hey i heard that you're sick i'm here to give you some soup so you'll feel better she's screaming to her from outside her window i think she should probably call the police he tells her that he's sorry and that he's there to make it up to her convinced that peter is a changed man alva admits that she isn't actually sick so peter hires a cab to bring them both back to the office door-to-door service madame on me and you guessed it he freaks out on her in the cab he calls her all sorts of names he's extremely upset about that missing contract that goddamn contract is somewhat a goddamn [ __ ] fault he starts freaking out while he's in the restroom and there's some dude taking a dump in there it's a pretty funny scene oh god where am i nick's overacting lends itself pretty effectively in this instance later that night alva's still at work and she finally finds the contract by this time peter is too far gone he starts screaming at her that it's too late anyway it's all too late and then he chases her down again cornered aloe pulls out her gun peter begs her to shoot him even threatens to fire her if she doesn't she says don't rape me and peter goes oh i will i will come on owlette shoot not the floor elder me he's gone completely bonkers and clearly alva doesn't actually want to kill him peter then grabs her and rips her dress off and sexually assaults her she passes out and then we get a glimpse of peter's perspective he still sees the vampire woman rachel she haunts him endlessly he picks up the gun puts it in his mouth and fires twice but they're blanks this scene is kind of funny to me because if he actually did this this action would cause severe injury or death since a gun loaded with blanks will fire compressed gas with the force of a bullet he then makes this ridiculous sound what he's actually saying here is boohoo nicholas cage made the challenge for himself to actually have the character say boo hoo as if he's like this big baby i was always trying to challenge myself like can you get away with actually saying boo hoo yeah without it sounding childish believing that he can survive gunshots directly to the face he thinks that he evolved into a vampire for real this time he runs through the streets screaming i'm a vampire he destroys mirrors covers his windows and pulls a couch over himself like a makeshift coffin alba is next seen in her room obviously traumatized from the night before peter bites a pillow but he can't rip it open so naturally he goes to buy vampire teeth he doesn't have enough cash on him so he ends up buying just the dollar store plastic versions [Music] and then he starts chasing pigeons i didn't know vampires ate pigeons but apparently they do what the [ __ ] is this movie it's so funny just watching him like run around in a circle chasing a pigeon he then catches one miraculously he hides it in his coat and he runs home and those are real pigeons he literally caught a pigeon and the only way he was able to catch the pigeon is because they drugged it beforehand these pigeons are drugged yeah well how else do you think you caught it because you think hey i'm a really great actor i can catch people i don't know what i thought yeah so peter brings the pigeon home and eats it he then sleeps through the entire next day that night he leaves his apartment his eyes are super wide again he looks like such a goon walking around he still has his teeth in and he forces his way into a club he looks so demented walking through this club it's hilarious look at his [ __ ] face he finds a woman sitting by her lonesome and creeps up to her he bows awkwardly he flirts with her at first but then attacks her chomping into her neck the girl is lying there presumably dead so peter runs away and hides in a corner of the club somewhere rachel returns for the last time to tell him that he's pathetic that she was never his partner so then he imagines her leaving him for good he approaches the real rachel in the club the woman he based the vampire version in his mind off of he screams at the people around her look at her teeth she's a vampire look at her teeth shut off their teeth the surrounding club-goers are very confused he's then kicked out of the club he finds himself in sunlight and freaks out you know because naturally he's a vampire right nick i'm a vampire he goes up to random people on the street and he asks them to kill him he even goes to a church wishing for death he's walking in the middle of the street blocking traffic he's screaming and dragging a stick there's a scene when he yells at a random passerby and according to the director they weren't extras these two are real um hobos those were two real hobos on the street yeah i shot that on a long lens they didn't know we were filming they were just random people that nick was yelling at can you imagine if you were these people only to later find out that you were in this ridiculous movie so alva tells her brother what peter did to her her brother wants to teach peter a lesson so they look up his address and drive there peter then has his final appointment with his psychiatrist in his mind in reality he's just talking to a wall he makes such a perfect madman in this scene look at his face his facial expression alone is perfect it's incredible it's really good we switch back and forth from his perspective to an outsider's perspective he shares how he's fallen in love and had his heart broken and all he needs is love to be truly happy he imagines his psychiatrist telling him that she has another patient also searching for love she introduces them and their interests are obviously the exact same so they're perfect for each other he then says oh yeah um actually i did rape someone the other night so the psychiatrist in his mind is like oh it's okay he then says oh i also murdered someone so she responds by saying people die every day what's the big deal you stop worrying and just get on with your big romance so peter is clearly just making excuses for himself so he brings his imaginary new girlfriend sharon to his apartment and they immediately start having a disagreement because there's no way in hell that i would ever ever marry a loud male pig like you he can't even find the perfect woman in his own mind that's so sad so uh nick it doesn't seem like you have very good luck with imaginary women you think i really give a [ __ ] she was as incompetent as alva sucks to be you dude his acting in this scene is so good he really goes crazy get the hell out of here you [ __ ] pig and everybody knows that nicholas cage has the tendency to overact but in this movie i think he gets a pass for the most part because i just like to imagine that the character is this insane this peter character has never known love and over time that definitely takes a toll on someone in peter's case it's just taking a drastic turn for the worse alva's brother breaks into his apartment finds him under his sofa immediately peter tries to kill himself with the piece of wood that he was carrying around alva's brother is more than happy to assist him and he dies the end this is a movie about a power hungry man whose loneliness drove him insane he's basically just a wealthy router before reddit existed he's a wealthy 4chan user before incels were a thing nicholas cage was paid 40 thousand dollars to star on this movie and he used the money to buy a 1967 stingray corvette and this is so much funnier knowing how irresponsible nicholas cage is with his money he just buys a bunch of fancy [ __ ] i just did a quick google search to find this article about the 15 most surprising purchases he's ever made he bought the first superman comic for a hundred and fifty thousand dollars he bought a spooky mansion for almost three and a half million dollars hey that sounds like somewhere i'd like to live i am a vampire after all apparently this mansion the la laurie mansion was used for inspiration for the kathy bates character in american horror story coven it's been considered haunted for a very long time the mansion was once home to a woman named delphine lalorie basically she sadistically harmed her slaves and since then this house has just been considered haunted and many people have claimed to have seen haunts in this house and nicholas cage was like hell yeah that's a house that i want he bought a bunch of rare pets he bought a crocodile a pair of albino king cobras he also carried around a vial of anti-venom with him in case the snakes ever bit him he has more than 20 cars he has nine rolls-royces he has an enzo ferrari he bought a private island for three million dollars he bought a gulfstream jet he bought his own shark the nicholas cage shark he's purchased a castle oh sorry he bought two castles the midford castle in england and the schlosh neidstein castle in bavaria he bought a collection of pygmy heads what he bought the skull of a t-rex for 276 thousand dollars the dude bought a pyramid tombstone he wants to be buried in a pyramid like bless this man to just have the balls to buy and do whatever he wants it's not like he's hurting anyone he's just a weirdo he bought an octopus he's purchased more than 15 homes he has four separate yachts so yeah he's not a stranger to spending money i like to end this video by reading some headlines for some negative reviews this is what variety had to say about vampire's kiss cage's over-the-top performance generates little sympathy for the character so it's tough to be interested in him as his personality disorder worsens what why would you ever have sympathy for this guy he's a murderer he's a rapist there's like nothing likeable about this guy the only thing interesting about him is how wacky he is watching his spiral downward is the fun to be had in this movie you know you're not supposed to be empathetic towards this guy you're supposed to dislike him and when he dies at the end you're not supposed to be like oh no right you're supposed to be like oh well he had it coming karen james of the new york times wrote the film is dominated and destroyed by mr cage's chaotic self-indulgent performance i agree that the film was dominated by him i agree that it's chaotic and self-indulgent but mainly because the character is both of those things but the film wasn't destroyed by this in fact if this role was taken by anybody else it would probably be overlooked it'd just be one of those movies that is never talked about again it would have just faded away into obscurity in the next like three to five years but instead nicholas cage came in and he gave an incredibly ridiculous performance and i think that's what makes the movie good without cage vampire's kiss is just not the same movie at all so yeah i don't think these reviews do the movie much justice i had a blast watching it i don't think it's an amazing movie i think it's just a really fun meme if you want a movie to just sit down and laugh at with your friends this is definitely a great choice that's it that's my review of vampire's kiss thank you so much to shutter for sponsoring this video if you like what i'm wearing in this video you can get it at basically if you like what i'm wearing in any of my videos i'm wearing something from my clothing brand alien clothing i've been working on this brand for years now and i think it's reached a point where i'm extremely happy with it so thank you guys so much for supporting it leave whatever movies you'd like me to review in the comments section down below and is there anything else that you'd like to say to end the video nick a b c d e f okay that's my cue i'll see you guys in the next one goodbye [Music] i'm hiding in the shadows [Music] me [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 686,697
Rating: 4.9762096 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, vampires kiss, vampire's kiss, nicolas cage, nic cage, elvis the alien nic cage, elvis the alien nicolas cage, movie review, review
Id: fg0eeqrXLIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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