THE DRONE (2019) - A Movie So Stupid I Fell In Love With It

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and here I was thinking that every movie that could possibly be made has already been made but then I saw the movie the drone and it turned my life upside down I actually love this movie it's awful it's like really really bad but it's so good it's campy it's silly it's ridiculous and it knows that it's all these things and man it just goes ham I think I'm in love with Jordan Rubin this is the same guy that made the movie zombeavers he just sits in his room with his coffee he puts a tab of acid in it and he's like all right after I'm done drinking this coffee then it's idea time good so this movie's entire thing is about this evil guy who gets his soul trapped in a drone and he like stalks his ex-girlfriend as like an evil drone and he does like a bunch of evil [ __ ] as a drone I just can't get over it a horror movie about an evil drone and people actually put like money into this project actors had managers call them up and be like yo there's this movie called the drone it's about an evil drone that goes around killing people if you want to be in this movie and the actors are like hell yeah I'll take anything so the guy that owns the drone that spying on the woman is an evil guy and he does evil things and cops show up at his place and he's like oh [ __ ] not the cops so the cops come to his door and he decides that he's gonna yell they found me need to call an uber when the police can obviously hear him yelling that so he's also like holding this girl captive in the room the music is so cheesy [Music] so he cuts the girl's throat I'm assuming with the drone and he hides in a closet clutching his precious drone a cop finds him in there so he cuts the cops throat he runs into a stairwell and he sees another cop and he's like oh [ __ ] so he turns around and runs upstairs he gets cornered on a rooftop by all these cops so I starts yelling out a bunch of binary one zero and then a lightning bolt comes down and zaps him while he's holding the drone so now his consciousness is like in the drone so he is effectively the drone and I guess he like summoned Thor with this binary and Thor was like all right I'm gonna throw down my hammer and put you in the drone because you yelled the correct binary so drone time you can't make this [ __ ] up so silly I'm just gonna call the drone Dave because I feel like that's a good name for a drone Dave the deadly [ __ ] drone so then they show this cop on the phone with his daughter and they're talking about this evil guy that just died he's the one who told me about film girl and brings them to his house and takes off all their clothes and his daughter goes mommy said he probably couldn't get up um excuse me mom what are you doing saying that to your child that's kind of weird so then Dave comes to life in the cops car and the cops like what the heck why's this drone randomly flying in my car so then he crashes and dies and then were introduced to the main characters Chris and Rachel they're moving into their new home very exciting and their weird-ass neighbor decides to pop up and give him the visit she's kind of a weirdo but Rachel and Chris invite her in anyway and they do like a close-up on her ass and stuff it's weird watch this segment and tell me it doesn't feel like the beginning to a porn hi I'm Chris nice to meet you nice to meet you so then Dave was just flying along and decides to chill on this family's trash bin because the evil guy who's in the drone rachel is his ex-girlfriend and he's still obsessed with her he thinks that he still has a shot with her as a drone so he goes to visit her as a drone so chris finds the drone he's like oh cool a free drone it's definitely not anybody else's it's mine so he takes it he shows the drone to Rachel and she's like did you like steal that drone and he's like yeah and she's like so you're just gonna keep it he's like yep so they keep it it's their drone now there's even a camera on the drone so there's a pretty high likelihood that the person who owns the drone would have like a live feed and it would show these people that are stealing the drone they're not very smart so Chris goes to a shop and gets a new remote for the drone the guy that's working there asks him if he wants it in white or black he's like testing Chris's racism or something white or black Chris then uses Dave to spy on like this older couple so Dave gets back at Chris by recording him nailing Rachel it's kind of weird that Chris like puts the drone with the camera pointed directly at them while they're having sex when it's like this brand-new drone that someone else could easily have access to this camera but he just doesn't care I guess like hey random person watch me and my wife have sex okay in the next scene Rachel gets out of shower and then we get a jump scare by flying Dave how did she not hear it until like that very moment drones are kinda loud right especially in a bathroom like an enclosed space that would be super loud maybe she is like a really loud shower but she still doesn't hear until she steps out of the show so Rachel confronts Chris and she's like what the heck dude why are you using this drone to like freak me out and stuff and Chris is like I didn't use the drone why when he's talking he has food in his mouth and it's really gross Dave the drone interrupts Rachel while she's painting so she calls Chris while he's at work and he's like what I'm not using the drone it must just be flying on its own that's kind of weird how could she expect him to be using the drone if he's at work like an hour away how far away can you use a drone you know so then in Rachel's like all right must be just a defective drone so she continues painting then Dave creeps up on her while she's painting you know how a drone can creep up on you while you're painting it's not like she has air pods in or anything how does she not hear this drone doesn't hear the burn behind her she doesn't hear that it's just okay yep all right so then Dave exits the house I'm not sure how maybe a window was open so then Dave starts creeping on the neighbor and records her while she's sunbathing now that's a horny drone the next day Dave the drone breaks a plate as a diversion so he can access Rachel's computer while she's not looking it uploads the video that took up the neighbor onto her computer to make it look like Chris was the one using the drone to snoop on the neighbor because dave is a really jealous drone he doesn't like Chris and he wants Rachel all for himself because Rachel will totally fall in love with a drone I guess Dave didn't think this through very well the porno continues ladies and gentlemen and they invite over Corrine the weirdo neighbor because Rachel saw the video that Dave put on the computer and she thinks that Chris was recording the neighbor while she was sunbathing and she's like you really had the hots for the neighbor huh so I'm gonna invite her over and see if that's true at this dinner Rachel blames Chris for everything the drone is doing in front of Corrine did he tell you he's been spying on you this flying pervert machine but Chris doesn't put up any sort of fight he just kind of sits there he's like one okay if you didn't do this stuff why aren't you standing up for yourself so for the past couple days the drone has been flying around the house you know doing all this stuff and the dog barks at it so Dave looks up animal shelters on Chris's computer to make it look like Chris was trying to get rid of the dog oh you're so sneaky little drone you're so conniving it's so weird because the drone ends up killing people at the end of the movie but it does all this stuff in the beginning of the movie to try and like make Rachel hate Chris so they split up why didn't the drone just kill Chris that'd be a lot easier I find it kind of weird that the drones battery just like never dies I never once saw Chris plug it in anywhere or put it on a charging dock and I looked online a drone can only fly for like 25 minutes straight before dying so I'm not sure how Dave just continuously flies Dave the drone uses the code on the door that he watched Chris use earlier to leave the house late at night and he baits the dog to jump over a fence so the dog jumped over the fence and chokes itself to death Chris and Rachel find the dog the next day and then chris is like yeah I was probably like chasing a raccoon or something and then Rachel goes you know what it was it wasn't a raccoon it was the drone you know it was the drone it makes complete sense that it was the drone doing it on its own so chris goes to work and rachel stays at home watching TV she's flipping through the channels but then like dave somehow remotely takes control over the TV and starts like tormenting her like showing her a channel with dogs playing that looked like her dog being like aha your dogs dead and then sending her like messages through other people's voices i'm not sure how we can do this maybe he's like super drone powers he's like a drone x-man that can control electric signals if dave the drone really loves Rachel and wants her all to himself it's weird that it's like torturing her too right so Rachel's dead set on the fact that this drone is like evil or something you know the drones [ __ ] with her she knows this but she doesn't throw it out or destroy it or do anything she just gets annoyed and doesn't do anything to solve the problem then there's a scene at nighttime when the alarm goes off Chris goes outside with a baseball bat but the door just like closes on its behind him and locks because the drone somehow hacked into the security system of the house and now controls it remotely Rachel then turns around to see none other than Dave the drone hovering menacingly and then the music kicks in [Music] it's so bad Dave then charges at Rachel or hovers at Rachel you know slowly she easily evades it and that just got like smashes into the door for Dave Epps in the chat for Dave the drone so Chris brings Dave to the racism shop Chris tells the guy at the shop what's happening well it's not supposed to do and the guy behind the counter is like oh well do you have any random signals bouncing around your house that might interfere with the drone like what the hell does that mean there's a million signals bouncing around everyone's house whether it be with like cell phones or your Wi-Fi why the hell would that make a drone fly on its own but the guy behind the counter is like yeah that would make the drone go wait where where where where make sense so then Chris is like yeah we have a security system in our home that's been a little weird recently yep that'll do it that will make the drone freak out and start flying on its own makes sense last night our security system went totally haywire what he even looks like he's holding back laughter when he's delivering the line because it's so ridiculous so the guy behind the counter is like you know what let me test the drone right here in this shop there's hardly any room in here it's very safe so he makes the drone fly and then as a prank he flies the drone towards Chris like oh it's taking control of itself very epic joke that could easily result in an injury but you never know what's gonna happen in the racism shop what a [ __ ] so while Chris is driving home Dave somehow gets control of the car that he's driving like complete control of the car steering the radio everything it even took control of his phone's GPS system and not only took control of it like altered the app you know so it says something different and shows something different this is no ordinary drone guys Dave's ability to hack and control things is pretty impressive especially since this BMW is not electric I'm not sure how could control the steering or the acceleration but then randomly dave stops the car just before they hit some random pedestrian Dave didn't want to kill that guy you know because then that would get Chris in trouble and he doesn't want to get Chris and trouble wait yes he does that's all he wants to do is get Chris in trouble so why didn't he hit this guy is just like randomly compassionate all of a sudden isn't the person inside this drone like some evil [ __ ] okay in the next scene Dave hunts down their creepy neighbor Corinne and kills her two cops show up outside of Chris and Rachel's house and they're like do you mind if we ask you any questions and Chris is like yes when he meant to say no but you know and then it shows Dave the drone just sitting in a rocking chair you know rocking it back and forth very sinister how is it rocking the chair I'm just giving up with logic with this movie the police take Chris away for questioning so Rachel goes on the computer and starts deleting everything that connects them to the murder Dave the sneaky drone somehow sneaks up on Rachel again without her noticing again she can't hear the drone somehow I'm convinced that she's deaf but it's too late Rachel Dave had already emailed the videos of Corinne to the police with Chris's email address that conniving buzzing bastard am i right guys rachel goes to the police station to try and retrieve chris it was the drone are you on medication right now she fails to get him so she goes back home where she finds a bunch of rose petals all over the floor along with like a hundred candles that are lit wow this is a very unique drone how can a drone do this you may ask well they can't oh and there's music playing to save the drone really wants to make this special obviously this movie wasn't trying to have any semblance of logic right so Dave the drone that loves Rachel right it's his ex-girlfriend he doesn't want Rachel with anyone else he attacks Rachel and leaves her with three back wounds now that must hurt how the drone could have cut her like that by flying by once makes no sense what I'm starting to question if I should even care about things that make sense in this movie because it's a movie about an evil drone so the drone is hiding right but then he approaches Rachel again this time she hears it she couldn't hear it before because of reasons but this time she hears it the drone flies stationary in one position which is very nice because it gives Rachel the time to spray it with something to mess up the camera so it can't see so she runs towards the open door trying to escape she gets her hands on the doorknob and she has more than enough time to leave but she just stands there until the drone flies close enough to get her hair stuck in it's like little little jaws like its little mouth little teeth area I don't what the [ __ ] her hair gets stuck in the drone whatever so then Dave pulls Rachel right like away from the door but not just that it pulls her across the floor how can a drone pull a human being what then Dave rips Rachel's hair out and then spits it out of its little drone mouth it even has a spitting sound effect god I love this movie it's obviously not taking itself very seriously and I appreciate that so the drones like going in for a kiss I guess and Rachel grabs it and destroys it she like smashes it on the ground and then stomps on it instead of completely destroying it she just kind of leaves it there so they go back to find it and it's gone Dave escaped but they had this investigator guy look for the drone for them because they have its serial number and then we get the best scene of the movie Rachel is dreaming right she feels something under the covers oh my god it's Dave but that was just a dream so she wakes up and guess what it's Dave again then she wakes up again who wrote these scenes so then we get a scene of Dave the drone going to his brother's house like his actual real-life living human brother and somehow the drone is able to convince his brother that he's inside the drone brother [Applause] so then Dave's brother fixes the drone and modifies it so it's like a super drone now if it wasn't a super drone before like what so remember that investigator that's helping Rachel and Chris track down Dave well somehow dave knows about this guy even though he's never seen him before and he knows where he's living he goes to his house and oh my god this next scene is ridiculous I don't know how I can prepare you guys for this the drone goes to this guy's house and then sneaks into the room where he is and then rams himself like right up this guy's ass I'm not joking like they even have a scene where it shows him going up the dudes : what just what what I never thought I would watch a movie where a drone kills someone by going up their ass but in this movie it happens how could this drone fit up this guy's ass I don't know then again it was modified so it's a super drone that can [ __ ] people up the ass and kill them so before the investigator died he told Chris and Rachel that the serial number pointed towards a place called Larchmont somehow they find their way perfectly to Dave's brother's apartment very convenient so they get into a scuffle and they kill Dave's brother Rachel finds a picture of her ex-boyfriend at this random person's apartment so she comes to the conclusion the drone must be her ex like what how could she possibly come to that conclusion she knows her ex is dead like maybe if he wasn't dead she could come to the conclusion that he was like controlling at some place else with with a remote or something but she instantly thinks yep my ex is inside the drone that's the only logical explanation for this he's the drone it all makes sense now that my ex-boyfriends soul is inside the drone okay and the reason she thinks this is because he's obsessed with technology yep that explains it Rachel and Chris go back home and while they were gone Dave went to their place and was writing all this stuff all over their pictures he probably just put like a marker in his teeth somehow and was like flying up and down you know over and over and and wrote out stuff and then he printed a bunch of pieces of paper that say Rachel all over them you know they really got dried the point home that he's obsessed with Rachel I mean I think it's pretty clear so the two cops from earlier going to their home and they're like where are you guys we're here because of reasons and guess what Dave's there and he decapitated them instantly now that's an effective killing machine right there don't mess with this drone guys I'm telling you it's a crazy killer machine Rachel's like go away Dave I don't want anything to do with you and then Dave's like watch this [Music] he transforms into David the super drone oh my [ __ ] god and it can speak now like it has little speakers on it so I could speak you know the only thing that can defeat a drone is another drone so Rachel takes out this old drone that they have and flies it towards Dave oh wait sorry it's David now right because he's upgraded so my bad so David and the other drone they fight and David kills the other drone because obviously David is the superior drone so they defeat David the deadly drone by putting lighter fluid all over it and then throwing a Zippo at it so it blows up I don't know guys Chris looks into David's camera as it's lying there dead and he sees a bunch of binary in the camera and guess what it's the same evil binary from the beginning of the movie and this means the consciousness of Dave is now in Chris so Chris is Dave now because he read the binary Thor doesn't have to do anything in this case he doesn't have to shoot you with lightning or anything it makes a lot of sense it makes sense yeah so Chris that's Dave now tries killing Rachel and then Rachel's like oh my god it's you Dave I can't believe that you're in Chris how did that happen that's weird so then she kicks Dave or Chris off of the balcony and he lands on this pole thing that's Stickney on the ground I'm not sure what it is but it like impales him through the through the chest so he dies and as they're laying there dying Dave dies first inside Chris and then Chris is laying there and he's like oh my god Rachel No and then Rachel goes are you okay yeah he's fine I mean look at him he's fine this was the funniest yet dumbest movie I think I've ever seen in my life what the hell so many man-hours were put into this ridiculous movie about a drone that was possessed by a human oh my god what why does this exist but at the same time I'm so happy it does exist it's so silly it's so stupid but it's amazing I love the drone so don't take this as a bad review okay because this movie set out to do something and as far as I'm concerned it did it very effectively it's dumb as hell but I thought was pretty entertaining so yeah guys that's gonna do it go to alien clothing comm and check out all the cool designs we have over there it's my personal clothing brand and I think you might like it so go check that out if you haven't already and thank you to all my patrons for keeping this channel alive I love all of you and if you know of any other movies that you would like me to review please leave it in the comment section down below and if you see any recommendations in the comments that you like make sure to like it because if any comment gets a [ __ ] ton of likes I'm more likely to review that movie because I know a lot of people want to see it so yeah that's gonna do it thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 4,090,307
Rating: 4.9451876 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, the drone 2019, the drone, the drone movie review, drone movie, movie review, elvis the alien movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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