American Horror Stories is The Worst Thing I've Ever Watched

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great news everybody if you weren't already aware there's a spin-off american horror story show on hulu named american horror stories with an s and it's basically just a small collection of short stories think black mirror but instead it's just a bunch of shortened american horror story seasons and they're all pretty bad like i'm pretty sure this is just a bunch of throwaways that they didn't want to make into full seasons and if this is the case then it surprises me because it would be quite a chore to make anything worse than apocalypse i am currently watching their newest season season 10 double feature i might share my thoughts on that later but for now i want to talk about american horror stories because oh boy one of them is about a girl in her family that move into the murder house don't you just love it when they just recycle old ideas another one is about a forbidden film that kills whoever watches it oh my god it was okay nothing special there's one about douche tubers like jake paul pretty much getting hunted down by santa while the idea is hilarious the execution was horrendous and i hated it there's one about a stereotypical demon very boring and another about cannibals that live in the forest while all these are pretty bad the last episode is so egregiously terrible that it's funny the episode is called game over and it's about a video game and not just any video game a video game about american horror story and yes it's just as bad if not worse than you'd imagine i told you dumb [ __ ] you're gonna die in here it starts with noah cyrus and her boyfriend being dropped off at the murder house by steve harvey it's not actually steve harvey it just looks like him apparently these two are big american horror story fans and they rented out the murder house because i guess it's an airbnb now yeah it's really weird in this universe the show exists alongside the actual events of the show so like the murder house exists and the show about the murder house exists it's super meta and i hate it so they enter the house together and the obligatory creepy stuff starts to happen just feel the energy of the house these people are american horror story fanatics the guy even caused plays as one of the characters and it makes noah cyrus really horny great leave it on kinky so they bang but the guy comes immediately right afterwards some weird stuff starts to happen and they think there's a ghost in the house so noah cyrus delivers this very amazing line maybe i could find a ghost that will last more than two pumps they then start to see a lot of references from past seasons lots and lots of references don't you love it when writers of a product do nothing but rely on references from their past products so they eventually meet three women caged up in the basement it turns out there were three random trick-or-treaters that wanted to have an orgy with the guy from murder house you can give us some candy but you can also just invite us in for a treat so they entered the home and immediately were killed it's so weird these women are all in like their mid-20s and they're trick-or-treating and they're just what looking for a guy to bang or something are they all on molly what's going on why is it whenever women like this exists in a show it's almost always a man that writes it can you imagine brad and ryan sitting in a room like and then these three horniest [ __ ] girls go to the murder house they knock on the door and they just really want to [ __ ] this guy right they are so horny so they go in and they're murdered oh no that would be cool people would love that so then noah cyrus and her boyfriend get attacked by a bunch of random ghosts a dude with a machete swings too hard and flings himself off the stairs the boyfriend gets shot in the face and then eventually twisty the clown kills noah cyrus and guess what it was all a video game yeah so everything you just saw was a video game and it was all developed by this woman so i guess she wrote in these three horny trick-or-treaters that's interesting and she also made the murder house into an airbnb wherein the ghosts kill everybody that stays there so i don't think that would last very long oh oh so there's this woman who's a game developer and her son who's an american horror story fanatic because of course he is and she's having her son test the game these controls suck because i guess she's making the game for him or something she wants to become closer with her son so she's making a video game like that's a lot of [ __ ] work just to get closer with your son just go on vacation you could have just watched it with me and the best part is she doesn't know anything about the show she hasn't even seen it before she just knows her son likes it so she just decided to make a video game and then she goes on to say that she quit her job mortgaged her house and put all of her money into this game what it's insane you'd assume if someone put their entire livelihood on the line it would be towards a passion project of theirs or something not just to become closer with their son she could have saved herself a lot of time and money if she just sat down and watched the show with her son it's so bad imagine being this far into the game development process and you don't even know the source material it's almost comparable to netflix's iron fist find your own interest lady jesus her son starts complaining that none of the stuff in the game makes sense a bunch of the characters are kind of random and they shouldn't be in the murder house for the mother to have made this game she must know something about the show did she just google it and then decide just to like throw a bunch of random characters into the murder house and that's your game the game is like in its alpha stages right now so now she decides to watch the show and take notes then we get a look at the shitty game during the title screen come on the graphics are amazing aren't they i have a theory that ryan murphy and brad feltrick rely almost entirely on their catchy theme song to get people to watch their stuff their show was pretty fun in the beginning but now they've kind of run out of ideas so now they're just recycling their old content and using their actual show in their content and play their theme song non-stop in order to trick people you know make them feel some nostalgia for when the show was actually fun so the murder house exists in the same world as the show even though we're outside of the video game the murder house still exists in the actual world alongside the show it's so weird so the mother has the wonderful idea to go to the murder house and i guess it's for sale and she uses her last 100 000 to buy the house so she can learn more about american horror story to make her game better i guess okay cool but like why isn't just watching the show enough you could just take an afternoon and visit the house and take some notes you don't have to live there some weird she could have saved a lot of money that way this woman is kind of strange she's a little bit cuckoo but then i get a little sugar in me and i start to go cuckoo this woman is stupid in every way i don't feel bad for her at all that'd be like if han solo was watching star wars in his free time in a new show called star wars stories doesn't that sound so stupid that sounds worse than the star wars holiday special so this woman visits her ex-husband's house obviously she's divorced because she's a lunatic she goes there to give her son some extra clothes because she's going to be away for a while she tells her son that she's going to an american horror story convention to ask the creators all about murder house again why is she doing all this research after she's already made the game it makes no sense her ex-husband tells her that she's delusional which she is and she returns fire by saying and if i were man that would be called drive admirable ambition even uh no actually it'd be called lunacy go mentally deranged yeah it'd be called homelessness regardless of gender it's stupid so the mother goes to the murder house and starts talking to the walls like a normal person i am going to make you reveal all your secrets to me a little you know loopy so there's these two girls from the first two episodes of american horror stories one of them is alive and one of them is dead and they fell in love while the girl who was alive was living in the murder house but she no longer lives there and she comes back every halloween when her girlfriend gets to leave the house so they can spend the day together i guess yeah just in case you didn't know the ghosts in the murder house can only leave the murder house once a year and that's on halloween so yeah these two girls are just like chilling and talking to each other in a bathtub remember that guy that made the three trick-or-treater girls super horny yeah well the mother finds him in the murder house and he's crying and this is what he says i usually only cry like this after i masturbate pardon damn post not clarity hits everybody differently i guess so then he starts like referencing a bunch of characters and events that happened in that season your forever teenage daughter her boyfriend and newborn and your former mistress all trapped in the same house like jesus christ what if you never saw it you'd be so confused ryan and brad are under this assumption that the only people that are watching this stuff are the same people that have been watching from the very beginning which makes no sense like obviously a lot of them still are but not all of them are it's been 84 years so some of them will be very confused they're just obsessed with their own show you know it's so weird and i'm not saying it's not okay to be prideful of the things that you create but this episode is basically just an excuse for ryan and brad to masturbatorily giggle to themselves about how successful their show is like we get it guys you love your show okay i think we could have all assumed that so the mother starts talking to a bunch of the ghosts because that's super normal why isn't she freaking out right now why isn't she leaving whatever it's just some ghosts eventually she's murdered good she had it coming it's so weird too because like why would the ghost keep killing people that entered the house when you kill some of the enters of the house their ghost stays there forever as if this house wasn't cramped already so then as a ghost the mother approaches her son on halloween the next year and she's like yo i'm here as a ghost this is totally normal and her son is not freaked out at the sight of his dead mother i guess in this world the show exists and it's also all real and everyone just accepts it like they know all this stuff is happening and it's just cool like ghosts are real and my mom's a ghost now whatever like he's not scared of her he's not happy to see her he's not confused by the fact that she's there all of a sudden in fact he's just mad that she was stupid enough to enter the house you know what that's fair i just wanted to build something special for us i just wanted to make you proud by making a video game so obviously it's very tragic that his mom died right so it's pretty nice that he's able to see her once every single year for the rest of his life burn that [ __ ] to the ground and i'm more than happy to do the job oh never mind he just wants to burn the house down now american horror story was his favorite show and he wants to burn down this relic from his favorite show because he doesn't want to see his dead mom once a year if she didn't want to be in the house then i can see why he would do that but she's fine being there you know so he's just doing it for selfish reasons i think most people who lost a family member would be really grateful to be able to see them once a year but not this kid little baby baby baby man remember the two girls that were in the bath earlier well obviously they want to keep the house standing because they're in love and they're all under the assumption that the house burns down then all the ghosts will have to leave so they try to stop the kid from burning down the house he burns it down anyway because the rest of the ghosts want to leave the house and they work together to stop the girls from stopping the kid this kid barely shows any emotion when saying goodbye to his mom for the last time forever goodbye mom hi my sweet he only seems to care when he starts watching her get stabbed by one of the girl ghosts and then he fails to light a match for way too long eventually he burns the house down the house burning down is on the news it's a big deal and then three years pass and the one girl that remains alive visits the apartment building that was built on the land where the murder house stood she stays there in order to see her dead girlfriend that decide to stick around the area so i guess it didn't matter that they burned the house down the ghost could decide if they wanted to stay or leave cool and at the very end this is the best part in the worst way prepare yourselves guys it was all a game and the mother is still alive everything you just saw was a game what the hell were brad and ryan on when they wrote this episode it takes a second to wrap your head around all this so what everything that happened in the episode was in the game i guess aside from the beginning so really the only thing that happened was the mother had trouble making a game because she didn't do any research before making it so she did some research and made the game better and now her son likes the game that's all that happened in the episode what a convoluted weird game i guess the objective was to burn the house down i suppose and the main character is her son and she's also in the game and she's like walking around talking to people about the game i'm designing a video game yes you figured out a way to end the video game you'd be a bestseller i'm sure of it and she put that stuff in the game so she put herself as a character in her own game walking around researching stuff about american horror story to make the game better in her own game what oh my god it's like my brain is going to explode this is so stupid it's so bad i can't believe it it's like this might be the dumbest piece of media i've ever consumed and why would her son like this game if the game is just the mother walking around researching stuff about murder house unless of course that wasn't in the game because they're never clear about what's in the game and what isn't and of course there's a little easter egg at the end the mysterious red ball rolls onto the floor in their home another reference that you'd totally not understand unless you watched a previous season and this also makes zero sense because the house didn't burn down in the real world because the mom is still alive unless that's her ghost at the end which is weird because the girlfriend ghost said all the other ghosts decide to leave and then you have to ask yourself how does a ghost develop a video game oh my god they're just so unclear about so much stuff in this episode it's so funny i can't believe it anyway let me know what you thought of this episode or this show in general in the comment section down below i have to say that so far like the vampire thing in the current season double feature is stupid but it's a step up from apocalypse and i didn't bother finishing 1984 because the first couple episodes were so boring and uninteresting and they weren't compelling at all it's just like your basic slasher there was nothing creative about it so i just skipped that season but hear me out right now while i'm recording this it is september 4th i promise you by the time the season ends it will be so much worse that's just what i'm expecting i might be wrong but yeah thanks for watching this video i really appreciate it thank you so much to all my patrons i love you guys so much and i'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 599,185
Rating: 4.9511881 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, American Horror Stories, American Horror Story, AHS, American Horror Stories: Game Over, AHS Game Over, Game Over
Id: _DgEtRP8DgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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