Modern Bruce Willis Movies Are So Bad I Had to Make This Video

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thank you so much to keeps for sponsoring this video i'm a massive fan of science fiction i made an hour-long video just gushing about everything i love about the genre so when i saw that bruce willis the star of the fifth element was dipping his toes back into the genre with these two new movies oh man i was pretty enticed and they're very new these movies like just came out and trust me when i say they are both astonishingly bad really very bad what the f happened to bruce willis well this happened and this happened and all of these other movies happened that nobody has ever seen yeah he's making a ton of movies still like a lot of movies if you go to his imdb page he's making a bunch of movies that nobody will ever see look at all these yeah um why why is he doing this does he need to pay his taxes what's going on i don't know i'm very confused he was in some of my favorite movies growing up like unbreakable the fifth element the sixth sense the seventh die hard god i mean come on now classics classics i think his career falling off has mostly to do with the fact that he's gotten a lot older and the whole like badass like cool guy thing doesn't really work for him anymore and he tries to make it work for him in these new movies that i'm going to be reviewing today and it doesn't really land like it used to i mean do these scores they kind of speak for themselves don't they so the first movie i'm going to be talking about is called breach [Music] it was originally going to be named anti-life but they changed it to breach i think that was a good call anti-life is a pretty dumb name in terms of the title changing it's a good question it was called anti-life and now it's called breach um but i i don't know why i'm gonna put this out there right away the effects in this movie are garbage all of them so i'm pretty sure the person that they hired to do the effects used like the only spaceship asset that they had so all these people are on their way to a brand new planet called drum roll new earth they've gone ahead to new earth paradise they said it would be yes it's just the new one earth 2 if you will maybe when these people finally colonize new earth they can make bible too the sequel when they start over so the main character in this movie is a guy named noah he has a girlfriend and she's pregnant but he's part of the crew that has to stay awake while everybody else is in cryosleep including his girlfriend if you put a body into cryosleep it's going to kill the baby i think right i'm pretty positive that's how it would work so then we get a scene of the crew at the cafeteria eating breakfast there's this space nasty guy there named stanley he's in charge i guess his guards bring him a stowaway and then he starts like growl yelling at the rest of the crew and it's hilarious his voice is crazy wow this is what happens to stowaways [ __ ] ups and anyone plotting against the admiral now this is what happens to stowaways is he giving orders or is he trying to sing for a shitty metal band it's hard to tell now this is what's going on i didn't even finally get there his voice sounds so stupid i'm surprised anyone can understand a word he's saying bruce willis is just giggling to himself the whole time laughing that he's being paid to act in this [ __ ] so noah's contemplating to himself he's sitting on a bed and he says what are you doing ten seconds later bruce walks into the room and he's like i was gonna ask you the same thing you know because he's sitting on his bed how did bruce hear him bruce willis plays a character named clay in this movie he doesn't look like a clay he just doesn't that's the last name i would ever give bruce willis and he says to noah papa clay needs his beauty sleep oh my god what the [ __ ] was that so noah's late for his janitor shift the next day because he's talking to his girlfriend that's like sleeping i guess he's lonely bruce willis calls him via a shitty looking hologram yeah i'm pretty sure they just like shot video of him in front of a green screen and then like cropped him using premiere and then made him blue and lower the opacity a little bit like i can do that too hey bruce uh what's up it's me um i'm just wondering what you're doing in this movie breach why are you acting in this what's going on man do you need money why are you ignoring me bruce i'm just wondering hey hey hey i'm over here it's me hologram elvis who knew bruce willis would go from being this badass in the fifth element to looking after a janitor in this random movie named breach oh i should mention that this was directed by the prestigious john suits who made all of this random [ __ ] that nobody has ever seen actually i take that back you might have seen one thing he's made it's called die hard is back and it's basically just like a little promo for die hard but at the same time it's just an advertisement for car batteries die hard car batteries i'm not lying those are a thing i didn't know they existed until i looked it up it's a two minute short and it's starring bruce willis maybe this is how they know each other who knows and the short is basically just bruce willis breaking into an advanced auto parts taking one of the batteries and then putting it into his car but it gets shot before he puts it in and it still miraculously works i guess it's like wow these batteries are so good that they'll work even if they're completely destroyed whatever not gonna lie i think that's false advertising i would go and test it out but i don't want my car to explode okay guys i have to ask you a simple question what is the difference between this bruce willis and this bruce willis not only was this bruce willis more successful there's one key difference i don't know if you notice it or not it's his hair his hair is gone bro where'd it go where's hair go if only bruce willis was using keeps today's sponsor as someone who has been losing hair since high school i am so grateful for keeps 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thousands of men have trusted keeps with their hair loss prevention so if you're ready to take action and prevent hair loss and continue to live like this bruce willis and not this bruce willis go to elvis the alien or click the link in the description to save 50 off your first order that's k-e-e-p-s dot com elvis the alien thank you so much to keeps for sponsoring this video and keeping the hair on my head now on with the review so this dude drops a beer and a worm jumps into his beer and then he picks up the beer and he drinks the worm why didn't he spit out the worm i'm pretty sure that if i took a sip of my beer and a massive worm came into my mouth i would spit it out i wouldn't be like oh that's completely normal let me just swallow this massive slug that's in my drink he doesn't even freak out he's like oh well that was weird i guess i'll just go about my day oh yeah that was just a huge slimy creature of my beard totally normal so he starts freaking out while he's hanging out with his buddy he's like oh my god it burns it burns ah and then he explodes and then the worm i guess attacks the guy he was with this guy is named blue by the way doesn't matter so noah finds bruce willis creating some sort of little concoction and he immediately comes to the conclusion it must be a bomb what else could it be what bruce willis then pops up behind noah as a hologram and he's like hey what's up dude i'm right in front of you but i'm also the hologram that's some crazy tech not sure how they can do that it's the future how does bruce willis have the time to make all these movies he must set aside like a week for each movie or something i would just love to be on set and watch him act in these shitty movies cause he doesn't care you can tell he just does not give a [ __ ] to say that bruce willis is phoning in his acting in these movies is an insult to cellular devices i like to imagine that this is how it goes down when bruce willis is on set all right act two scene three everybody good uh sound good bruce are you all set bruce you gotta wake up dude oh my god come on man i'm awake no i'm awake all right everybody good all right don't worry action they'll never know what hit them okay good let's try that again all right guys that's gonna have to do it that was one take bruce we need multiple takes so we can get the best one no that was good i think that was good so what do you mean um i gotta get going i have three more movies to shoot today you have three movie you guys can take from here just use my stunt double if you need to yeah i'll see you guys later so it turns out bruce willis was just making moonshine he wasn't making a bomb at all oh and also noah is a stowaway but like it doesn't matter so the crew finds blue using a laser cutter on a door they corner him with rifles with window-sized optics on them like look at these things i don't think it's necessary for them to be that huge it just looks goofy stanley yells at him to lay down his weapon but the next shot shows that he's not even holding anything then blue hilariously pounces on this guy and chomps on his neck the guys with the guns just sit there and stare while this is happening they finally decide to shoot him once bruce yells shoo dab the fake recoil they use on their guns is hilarious i'm pretty sure this looks more realistic ready when this guy dies he like flops forward and his feet just go flying up he like planks onto the ground and then bruce has the brilliant line is he dead is he dead and then everybody ignores him so he has to repeat himself is he dead he's gone so the people in charge are brought in to check up on blue's autopsy and for whatever reason noah is here yeah noah the random janitor no idea why he shouldn't be here oh yeah he's here because they have to call him out for being a stowaway yeah when they were looking up credentials i guess they didn't find him or something so yeah they they use this time to call him out noah's not in the system and then stanley's like all right you're going out the airlock stowaway and then all of a sudden all the corpses that were in this morgue are now on the ceiling i guess they don't show us that they're on the ceiling instead they have noah look up and he's like hey guys look up there and then the next shot just shows them jumping from tables i'm not sure what happens here and everybody starts shooting their guns and oh my god can we just talk about the guns for a second like listen to these gun sounds are they bb guns i'm confused what is this is everybody equipped with airsoft i don't know what's going on also the muzzle flashes are so huge it just looks cartoonish oh i'm gonna add some yelling in too because for whatever reason everybody's yelling when they're shooting like they can't help themselves they start screaming did they edit this movie on imovie or something what was it what was the adding software i want to know and for whatever reason they constantly shoot their guns but not once does anybody reload i know this is the future so maybe they just automatically reload future guns future guns one of these alien zombies punches straight through stanley and then attempts to lick him with his venom tongue yes the alien zombies have venom tongues and you guessed it the cgi is awful it looks like a turd in the wind comedy so now there's a bunch of alien space zombies just like roaming around the ship at one point they sound exactly like the zombies from call of duty what the [ __ ] was that so the remaining crew believes that noah has something to do with these aliens because he's a stowaway and they believe that he snuck on board the ship with this alien and he wants it to kill everybody because he's a psychopath and bruce willis is like hey that's not true even though he has no reason to believe that it's not true he's just like hey i think this noah guy is kind of chill so i don't i don't think it's true so then they have the great idea to use a flamethrower you know in video games how a flamethrower always works on these zombie alien things y'all ever play prey or i don't know dead space get with it so bruce willis gets his hands on one of these futuristic looking flamethrowers basically just looks like a t-shirt gun that they use at concerts you know the tube guns they shove the t-shirts in and shoot yeah it looks like one of those who made the weapons for this movie who did it now i know this movie probably didn't have a huge budget but still and of course the flames that spew out of this thing look horrendous so i'm going to attempt to make a better looking flamethrower using this uh bloodborne blunderbuss let's compare and contrast the two oh yeah i have to scream too because they always scream how was it which one did you like more i know my flamethrower is probably way cooler looking so now the ship is filled with mist i guess this is like the ship's version of sprinklers one of the guys gets taken into the mist and bruce he's a badass he's a hero so he's like i'm going in after him alone cover me he says over me but obviously they can't cover him because they can't see anything what are they supposed to do is shoot randomly into the mist and probably hit bruce what they do next is hilarious one of the guys yells duck you know because then bruce will know to get down low and then they just start spraying into the mist somehow they don't hit either of these guys and they emerge from the mist wow bruce is such a hero the movie doesn't know how to get rid of one of the random guards even though they could easily just have him killed by one of the zombies while they're fighting so they have him try and pilot the ship and then he gets killed up there there's no reason to put this scene in there like what it could have just been like a two second thing in a different scene where they just show him getting killed but no they have him break off from the group go up to pilot the ship and die there instead okay so stanley is a zombie now and he shows bruce his venom tongue you feel me noah is behind stanley and he goes hey stanley obviously this shouldn't do anything because he's yelling out his human name he shouldn't respond to that at all but oh he does turns around like hey who said that who said my human name and noah shoots him saving bruce because he couldn't shoot him while he was facing bruce he had to have him turn around first you know to make the scene more epic nice so their plan to kill the zombies is to find a way to wake up the admiral but the admiral is locked away in his quarters and you can't get in there that's weird like what if something seriously wrong happened and they had to wake him up like now you know what's happening right now i guess there just wasn't any safety measures put in place so noah decides to travel through event to get there but he doesn't know how to get there through the vent but bruce willis he does know how to get there but it'd be way too simple for bruce to go himself so instead they have noah travel through the vent and bruce willis tells him which direction to turn with his floating hologram head yeah he starts floating in the vent with his hologram head just the head and it looks awful it looks like they cropped his head out in premiere and they just like plopped him in there it's really bad they didn't see you keep moving wait bruce how do you know that they didn't see him like there's no possible way you could know that right so i think he's just guessing at this point noah so don't listen to bruce so it turns out this random guy named teak brought the alien on board and he hates humans oh no wow that's really a crazy twist cause like who cares about teak he has no relevance to the plot whatsoever guess who brought the alien on board it's about to be revealed it was teak you know teak this random guy yeah i haven't mentioned him once until now because he didn't matter once until now that is a very bad way to write your story to have just this random guy out of nowhere be the person responsible wow okay what a twist that really got me going i guess bruce has some sort of tech in his head or something so he can see everything on board i don't know somehow he knows what's going on with noah in the bend and he pops up with his little head hologram he's like hey run even though you're an event you can't do much running an event and he sounds so calm when he's delivering these lines like this guy's getting attacked by alien zombies and you're acting like it's just another tuesday he just found out who brought an alien on board to kill everybody and he's not super pissed off he's like mildly irritated that's right i'm gonna die because of you get up i'll deal with you later there should be a vent to your right it's kind of absurd for some reason bruce willis just lacks the ability to express any sort of emotion other than cool guy you know and when he's sad he's like inwardly sad you know when you like turn your head and you have no expression because you're so sad on the inside that's how he shows his sadness i mean he does giggle a couple times in this movie so maybe he shows some sort of joy and when he's mad he just like lowers his eyebrows a little bit and he puts on a growl he goes i'll deal with you later you know he's just he's mad you can tell because he changed he changed the tone of his voice so noah eventually finds his way to the admiral's quarters and he wakes them up so then they try and figure out why this guy brought the alien on board so where did this alien come from how did tk get it well in this scene we find out and it's hilarious the writing is so bad jake has this typical like oh humans are parasites they should all die outlook on everything maybe mankind had its chance to keep destroying everything that we touch see humanity for the parasite that it is apparently he brought an alien back from another planet on one of their trips it's so vague the way they explain it is so vague you brought it back from where another planet another universe we brought it back he brought it back from where another planet another universe maybe it was here from before the universe wait these people can travel to a different universe or was she joking i and then bruce willis goes it's gonna kill us all because you told it to and it's gonna kill us off even you because you told it to yeah he kept it in a jar like this and he's like all right little buddy now listen here you're gonna kill everybody right including me now if you agree blink i knew it and then t goes no because it wants to it loves to kill oh boring snore isn't that how every like evil alien or evil species works in these types of movies oh they just love to kill they are born to just murder things it worked 20 30 40 years ago with movies like alien and predator because it was fresh it was new it was exciting but nowadays wow that is so boring so the admiral uses his thumbprint to wake up all the soldiers on the ship in order to fight the zombies so then there's a bunch of shooting and screaming and they're they're like you know fighting the zombie aliens you can tell the admiral is really proficient with his weapon i mean just look at him so apparently bullets and lasers and fire don't kill these alien zombies but what does kill them cleaning solution yeah it's it's [ __ ] hilarious like noah gets pinned down in one scene and he just splashes some cleaning solution on it and it just it dies it like disintegrates okay all we did was some clorox there's nothing quite as powerful as bleach am i right guys the soldiers get overrun and the admiral sacrificed himself to kill all the zombies he blows himself up and all the zombies with him but these zombies just morph into one another and create a resident evil villain seriously it turns into a big huge zombie that you would see from resident evil what the [ __ ] was that these zombies are not like your typical zombie they are smart they know what they're doing so they gain access to the reactor and they send one zombie in after another into the reactor's core overheating it so the ship will go super fast it probably doesn't make any sense but i'm not an engineer so whatever cool it's science uh futuristic [ __ ] basically they want the ship to be traveling so fast that when it reaches new earth it crashes directly into the planet killing what's left of humanity because i guess everybody on earth died or something so the rest of humanity is on new earth about 50 million people bruce willis delivers a very badass line who wants barbecue who wants barbecue and then he starts shooting this blue flame at the creature because they like mixed the cleaning solution with the fire in the flamethrower to create this blue cleansing flame because this is game of thrones and there's ice dragons and [ __ ] i guess they just put cleaning solution into these flame throwers made it blue i love how whenever bruce isn't facing forward they're using a stunt double like that is not the back of bruce willis head he wanted to be in as little of this movie as possible like you're in the same room they couldn't just film him walking away too while he was there i guess he had a very limited amount of time to film so the resident evil monster finds them bruce calls it a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] goddamn [ __ ] listen [ __ ] you [ __ ] crossed the line because cursing means you're a badass and what is bruce willis other than a badass am i right guys cause what's more badass than being a complete [ __ ] remember the movie cop out well this is what kevin smith had to say during the wrap party for that movie i want to thank everyone who worked on the film except for bruce willis who was a [ __ ] dick apparently he refused to sit in on a poster shoot why and what's more badass than being asked to leave a rite aid in los angeles because you refuse to wear a mask bruce willis doesn't wear masks no mask he's too cool for masks and what's more badass than being bitch-lapped by a really terrible looking cgi resident evil monster at 66 years old yeah the monster just like slaps him right after he says [ __ ] [ __ ] and he flops against the wall i like how none of the actors appear afraid of this thing at all look at this thing nobody's scared there's like oh yeah just burn it oh it's not working let's run noah finally kills it with his flamethrower bruce willis had the same exact blue flame thrower but it didn't work for him for some reason i guess the monster's health bar wasn't low enough and there's more really awful effects showing the monster shrivel away and then it's just like a guy kneeling there just a guy okay they never explained this just a guy so noah gets his girlfriend to an escape pod i guess bruce willis crawls his way to the cockpit and he launches the escape pod for them he takes one last swig from his flask and chuckles as his career goes down in flames as the ship explodes in a really terrible looking face explosion i guess you could say the effects are to die for [Music] noah and his girlfriend finally arrive at new earth and oh my god there's huge aliens everywhere attacking people and killing people and there's a little girl there i guess she's infected by the alien and noah says something he's like oh yeah let's let's do this thing let's kill these aliens and then the movie ends thank god oh wow and i have one more for you guys it's called cosmic sin i think the title of this movie is a sin it's so bad cosmic sin yikes you're just asking for people to make fun of your movie at this point this movie was written and directed by edward drake who is also the screenwriter and executive producer of drum roll you guessed it breach yes he worked on both of these train wrecks so clearly he's quite talented bruce willis isn't the only big name actor in this one guess who else is in it frank grillo hell yeah two badasses how could this movie not be cool it's got two cool badasses in it i mean destined for greatness and they explain everything through text kind of like blade runner it doesn't work for this movie though the year is 25 24. so the movie starts on this little mining planet and there's only two people there a guy and his girlfriend i guess you only need two people to do this job okay how does it not get lonely what you're alone on this rock that would get so boring so fast i guess they just have sex all the time so they're fine the woman reports back to her superiors and she tells them that there has been an fd incident but she says it really weird and she says it over and over the way she says incident is so funny i have to report an fd incident i need to report an sd incident incident i have to report it half day incident incident and shed end so then we get a scene with bruce willis hell yeah he's in a futuristic bar where the bartender is a robot and it sucks at pouring shots i'm pretty sure michael reeves robot dog could pee a better shot than this robot oh god it's slipping in the piss bruce plays a character named james ford a very strong powerful white man name ford american muscle that's cool bruce willis has a friend named dash and i'm pretty sure this actor is in both movies does he know bruce willis how did he just happen to land a role in both of these movies a bunch of these guys must know each other and they just like make movies there's all this controversy with james ford because apparently he killed 70 million people with a q-bomb what so you're saying this guy killed way more people than hitler like way way way more people wow holy [ __ ] and he was like oh i was just following orders i mean that's a pretty big order how do you live with that [ __ ] oh my god i have to say overall the effects and the lighting and basically everything is better than breach but it's still all really bad like i'm pretty sure breach is like the lowest of the low so being a tiny step up from that is you know it's not much to write home about and the best part is that these movies are pretty much identical they're both sci-fi futuristic movies about parasitic aliens that claim human bodies and use them against people like what i don't get why why are they so similar i get that it's kind of hard to come up with new ideas nowadays but come on these movies plots are so similar it's stupid so these aliens infect random people and the humans try and figure out what to do about it they get attacked and apparently you have to shoot them in the eye to kill them this is so random why the eye specifically and not just the head i mean it's a little better than cleaning solution i'll give them that so the aliens and the humans are all at this base and they're just shooting each other the alien people are shooting at the real people and the real people are shooting back at the alien people they're slow-mo scenes of people shooting aliens that look like people it's so cool frank grillo slowly shoots this guy with a shotgun in one scene it's so badass just a bunch of mindless boring shooting just boom boom boom oh my god nothing's happening really and then bruce willis comes out of nowhere with a rocket launcher cool now that is futuristic tech and then they're at a meeting and frank grillo says the title of the movie operation cosmic sin is a go operation cosmic scent is now a go they did it guys they they said the meme you know how like there's all these memes going around of characters saying the title of the movie well they did it in this one say the line bart operation cosmic scent is now a go so bruce willis and friends put on mech suits straight out of the game the surge and they shoot themselves off into space like in these suits they don't need anything else they're they're good in these suits just flying through space like they shoot them through a space battle all this debris floating around it's not safe at all but whatever all of them land safely on a planet named allora they just slam into the earth there's no parachutes no need for them i guess their suits just absorb the impact cool so this girl is with them and she's carrying a cue bomb that they're going to use against the aliens yeah the same type of bomb that bruce willis used to kill 70 million people so it's a pretty insane bomb and they put it on this girl shot her through a space battle directly into a planet and this bomb looks pretty fragile it's like encased in glass but it's fine you know it's fine seems a bit risky what's risk and i guess language hasn't changed in 500 years they still use phrases like chill dude language doesn't evolve over time i guess and we finally get a good look at these aliens and they're just guys in cloaks that's it they're basically just lamer versions of the ring wraiths from lord of the rings yeah they're cheesy as hell and then there's one of them wearing huge armor straight from the band gwar it looks like he's getting ready for a larping event he even carries around a huge foam sword so there's this weird scene of bruce willis getting seduced by a cave he goes in there and i guess he gets visions of his past relationship it's like a dumb unexplained version of the scene where rey like gets seduced by the dark side that's basically all it is what is this cave why is he seeing his past relationship what's going on what's the point of this oh there isn't one cool there's a wounded soldier so bruce willis walks over and gives him a lethal injection you'd assume this far in the future that they would have pretty insane ways of treating wounds nope just kill him that's the easiest way he was gonna die anyway so i guess the aliens created this huge like space gate so they could travel across the universe to where the humans are at the end the movie they say something about enslaving humanity to work for them i guess okay they need a larger workforce they don't have enough aliens to work at the alien mcdonald's bruce willis says at one point that he knows the aliens don't want them dead they don't want us dead how does he know this because of the visions when he's in the cave they don't explain anything in this movie they just leave it open to interpretation but in the worst possible way like some movies do this really well this movie is just confusing you gotta tell us something oh frank grillo's name in this movie is rile it's a really stupid name so i haven't been saying it so he's like wounded and floating in space i guess he didn't make it to the planet and he wants to sacrifice his life to end the alien threat also his son braxton is a main character in this movie but his character is awful and he's not likeable at all i haven't mentioned him once yet because he's so boring to watch and what guy her name is braxton there's this girl that lives on this planet and she has two huge yellow braids and she carries around this like massive laser sniper rifle and there's this very clever joke dash goes up to her and he says are you sure you can handle that thing and guess what she says i've handled bigger [Laughter] what is this an advertisement for bruce willis has a love interest in this movie and the aliens inhabit her body and he's like all mad about it and they use her body as a vessel to speak to humanity it's that typical like big bad guy monologue we are the most powerful force in the universe give up or we will dominate you the alien leader then lifts up his huge goofy ass sword and the aliens prove they're the dominant species by rushing the humans head on with no weapons they just kind of let themselves die that's what the dominant species would do later the aliens smarten up and they start using lasers against the humans and throwing knives because those are cool you know they might not be practical at all but they're cool you never know when you'll run out of laser fuel so you need backup throwing knives some people are behind cover but then others are just standing out in the open just blasting away at these aliens it's so dumb he's basically asking to die you know so the big armored power ranger villain alien fights braxton he clunkily walks away to pick up his big goofy sword and gets shot twice with a small handgun and just like flops over wow that's some armor you got there maybe it's only cut resistant you know he expected the humans to only use blades because it totally makes sense for this very highly advanced alien race to use swords why would the why the [ __ ] would they fight with swords and why would they have huge clunky armor like that you're telling me this alien species can create like wormholes through the universe so they can travel super far distances but they still use swords frank grillo is talking with this girl who's operating a cannon on the planet and they coordinate something i don't know it's so dumb it's so dumb anyway she shoots the cue bomb into the portal it blows up the portal i don't even know why frank gorilla was there i forget i forget oh no i remember so frank grillo gives the girl his coordinates so she knows where to shoot the cue bomb you know because i guess the cannon that's able to shoot into space can't aim or something like it you can't see the massive gate in the middle of open space this thing is so big that ships can travel through it you should be able to see this thing from the planet with your naked eye you know but no she needs frank grillo's coordinates so he gives her his coordinates because he's right next to it she shoots the cue bomb into the portal it blows up i guess the cue bomb kills all the aliens cool we win now the armored alien is still alive i guess so braxton has a boxing match with it and then he kills it with a knife because he's really pissed that his dad's dead where did bruce willis go because he vanished for like the last 20 minutes of the movie well he comes back at the very end he's seen in the bar again and he's drinking away his sorrows he just like gets up and leaves cool why was he even in this movie oh yeah to put him on the poster that's the only reason cool this movie is so weird because it's confusing but at the same time really simple like there's a lot going on in this movie but also nothing happens it's the weirdest watch ever because there's so much action but you can't help but feel like you're watching an asmr video because nothing happens it's so boring i guess there were some cool visuals here and there and the armor was pretty awesome i mean use the armor in a better movie please that was kind of cool everything else awful everything else was just really really bad the script the acting if you can even call it acting so yeah that's what bruce willis is up to nowadays thought i would fill you in now you know aren't you glad you watched this video you know me i'm always willing to watch painful [ __ ] to entertain you that's what i do here so if you have any ideas put them in the comments section don't forget to check out because we have a brand new website and brand new clothes clothes clothes a bunch of really awesome stuff that i think you'll really like and there's a sale going on so get stuff before it's sold out don't forget to check out my second channel alien bacon it's really fun and thank you so much to all my patrons i love you guys so much thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next one goodbye [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 747,636
Rating: 4.9166174 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, bruce willis movies, bruce willis, breach movie, breach, anti-life movie, anti-life, cosmic sin movie, cosmic sin, movie review, review
Id: qqJ-a5WkoRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.