TERRIFIER - Stephen King's IT has NOTHING on this...

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so yeah that's terrifier review over no but seriously um this movie is crazy a lot of people recommended that i review this movie so i knew there is something special about it so i had my wife sit down and i recorded us watching it together and oh my god the guy who directed and wrote terrifier is working on terrifier 2. i wanted to get this video out before that released because if the second one is anything like this one then i know i'm gonna wanna watch it this isn't the first movie featuring art the clown it's just the first movie that i've seen him in when my wife and i sat down to watch this movie we were able to watch it for free but there was one catch there was commercials and with a movie like this it was hilarious it would completely break the tension hello ladies look at your man sadly so the movie starts on a talk show and this woman is interviewing one of arthur clown's victims and her face is all disfigured the next scene shows the talk show host in her dressing room and she's a huge fan like she's talking a bunch of trash about the woman that she just interviewed saying stuff like oh kill me if i ever look like that babe do me a favor if i ever look like that promise me you'll put me out of my misery we live in a society and the girl that she was interviewing is like listening in on her so this woman attacks the talk show host and ends up killing her in this movie uh practically everybody dies i'm just gonna come right out and say it so i'm not even gonna bother mentioning any of their names there's two main pieces of meat that are going to be murdered a blonde girl and a brunette girl this takes place on the night of halloween by the way and they're just hanging out by their car and then they notice this creeper staring at them in the distance and this is what he looks like hey hey what the [ __ ] why are you not leaving the blonde girl like yells out to him and starts to flirt with him pretty much my friend wants your dog [ __ ] this guy makes pennywise the clown look like ronald mcdonald the brunette girl kind of has brains in this movie and she's like hey you should probably stop that let's go stop don't come back so the two girls go to a pizza shop and the clown follows them there he sits directly across from them and just stares at them but the two girls refuse to leave oh my god even if he wasn't a murderer i would be out of there if it wasn't bad enough he carries around this garbage bag i would immediately think that there were body parts in there it turns out that it's filled with like weapons and stuff i like the clown's little top hat though it's cute to add insult to injury the blonde girl decides to take some selfies with the clown granted it is halloween so maybe it's kind of expected that you'd see some people walking around in creepy outfits but this is a little bit too creepy and the fact that he's like sitting there staring at them is a huge red flag like come on this thing it's huge thanks what are these girls doing dude either way if i were in their position i'd probably just play along you know i think it was a big joke but i probably wouldn't stick around as soon as he started staring at me you know because you never know a stranger's intent the owner of the pizza shop approaches art and he's like hey do you want anything if you don't you should get out of here so the owner of the pizza shop kicks him out he's being all goofy like using hand gestures and making faces so the girls walk to their car and they find that their tire has been slashed so they call their friend who's a long ways away and they ask her to pick them up i'm just gonna call her brunette number two because she's brunette number one sister she was about to say no to her sister because she had some studying to do i guess but then her roommate enters the room and starts like having sex right next to her does this really happen in college if it does i mean that's really awful and awkward we then return to the pizza shop and one of the guys that works there turns to find that his boss had his head cut off and it was turned into a jack-o'-lantern i mean that must have taken some time right so the poor bastard that works there he's probably getting minimum wage he runs away he tries to get his hands on a phone but then art just cuts his hand off and then the clown stabs the [ __ ] out of this guy's face and we get a nice view of it it's great so the girls are kind of just sitting there stranded and brunette number one has to take a piss there's this run-down building that they're parked next to and this man walks out to smoke a cigarette the blonde girl is like hey there's this creepy guy over there don't approach him he's weird guy's even weirder looking than the clown was isn't this the same girl that thought it was completely fine to approach this creepy-ass clown so the brunette walks up to this guy and he's like sure come on in it turns out he's a pest exterminator and he's working really late because he has to get rid of some rats or something and he's perfectly cordial with her except the place is really gross like the bathroom that he brings her to is really disgusting i find it really funny how these girls were like oh my god this place is so creepy i mean look at the outside of it it just looks like a regular apartment building there's nothing creepy about it but on the inside yeah it's she's pretty [ __ ] up so after going to the bathroom the brunette tries to find her way out of the building but instead she runs into another woman and she's very strange this is my daughter emily i guess she's a squatter and then the brunette runs into art the clown and he's very happy to see her they play cat and mouse for a little bit so she's like hiding from him you know and then out of nowhere the clown starts like sawing at her heel it looks so [ __ ] painful dude i know my wife didn't like this part [Applause] so now she's like hobbling around the building and she finds the janitor except he has airpods no ruins everything thanks apple thanks they're not actually airpods i was it's just a meme and she just kind of like screams at him it's pretty obvious that he has earplugs in so why doesn't she like take a shoe off and throw it at him you know like do anything to get this guy's attention right now obviously he can't hear you i prefer it's one of those really infuriating scenes you know if you're in a panic like this wouldn't you do anything in your power to get someone's attention so now he's got the brunette as a hostage this next part um is kind of intense so he has the brunette tied up to a chair so he walks over to the other side of the room and he has this big sheet hanging down and he pulls the sheet and behind the sheet is the blonde girl and she's hung upside down pretty much entirely nude except for her panties and yeah she's just hanging there i don't think i can show most of it but i can give you a good representation imagine my good friend here we are aliens is the blonde girl yep just like this and her boobies are hanging down so then guess what art does he removes her panties nice guy it was probably getting kind of warm in there and then he um he takes a saw for this demonstration i'll be using a weave tool and guess what he does next he just starts cutting just starts cutting down he starts cutting down like this until he's all the way down yeah so you get the gist i don't want to completely ruin my alien dude here so let's just say that i turned him into a her so now the alien that sits back there is now a woman jesus christ this got me so off guard oh god this is seriously gonna affect my movement oh god i gotta say props to the people that were in charge of the practical effects because it looks very real in a fit of rage and panic the brunette is able to rip off one of the arms of the chair that she's sitting in and then she's able to unbind herself and art is slowly approaching her as she's doing this i don't know why he's not running he's like slowly walking over her and when he finally gets to her she just slaps him in the face with the arm of the chair that's you know bound to her arm she walks over grabs a knife and stabs art the clown and he screams in pain so obviously art the clown is done for right he's on the ground very vulnerable so obviously she should just keep stabbing him right until he's down for good like don't stop you guessed it viewer she stops and runs she stabs him once and runs away so now they start playing cat and mouse again art the clown is walking around with a knife looking for the brunette girl making very strange faces as he does this oh and do you think she kept a weapon on her obviously not that would be way too smart but she was smart enough to grab a 2x4 i'm not sure if it's actually a 2x4 i don't know would and she smacks her out the clown with the piece of wood and she keeps smacking him she definitely knows how to use that wood she's really good with that wood that hard long piece of wood she's a pro with it and she's really going to town on him with this wood and then there's a point where he's like keeling over in pain and she stops hitting him she just stands there and stares at him you saw him just saw your friend in half right you should be smacking him until he's like a bloody pile of bones and flesh and then she finally hits him one last time and sends him flying this is sounding awfully bad for art the clown right obviously she's gonna get out alive and everything is going to be fine because she's beaten the [ __ ] out of him he's done for no she ends up dying let me continue so then art the clown pulls out a gun and shoots her i'm not joking why he let himself get beaten so much maybe that's his king who knows so finally brunette two arrives at the house she sends a text to her sister and art the clown has her phone and he sends her a text back and he's like hey come around the back so she does so art the clown nonchalantly walks over to the brunette girl and shoots her in the face yep so she's dead now and then he just wastes the rest of his clip on her face he wants to make sure that she's dead and the creepy woman from earlier with the baby watches on in horror art the clown looks up and notices her and he gives her a creepy smile and waves at her the creepy woman finds the exterminator and tells him about what's going on and he doesn't believe her which is very strange i mean there were gunshots going off i know he has his airpods in but come on dude you can't hear gunshots like literally right below you so the exterminator calls up his co-worker and he's like hey i need you to come here and check something out with me and so art the clown approaches him and smashes his face with a hammer oh [ __ ] i can't believe you've done this art hears the guy's co-worker on the other line so he smashes the [ __ ] out of the guy's phone the creepy woman ends up finding art cradling her baby in a hallway and i guess she really loves this baby i will even approach a creepy clown that i know just murdered two people and she's like does that mean that you had really poor parents or something let me be your mom yeah she like holds him and he sucks on his thumb it's so weird i mean maybe this woman gets a pass because she's already insane the guy's co-worker arrives at the place and he can't find his way in that is until he remembers that there's a key under the doormat oh silly me this isn't the place that i work or anything i don't know how i'd forget that so brunette number two is wandering around this place and she ends up walking down to the cellar until she finds the corpses of the two girls and she starts freaking out she hears the woman down there and she finds her laying face down until what the heck there's another woman across the way stay with me art the clown removed the boobs and the scalp from this woman and then he wore them so yeah the woman that the brunette approached was art the clown i guess he was trying to trick her so he tries to grab her but he grabs her sweatshirt instead and then we get a shot of art the clown emerging from the seller at this point in the movie he kind of reminds me of marilyn manson i guess brunette 2 thinks she's in the video game outlast or something because she tries to hide in this cabinet or like storage locker thing i don't know why she didn't just keep running aren't the clown is walking so slow i mean she could have been out of a window and down the street by now so she's holding the doors closed while he's trying to yank them open i guess she's just as strong as him or something because he fails to open the doors that's when art the clown hears that the second guy has entered the building so he's just wandering around and then the clown sneaks up behind him he likes to be sneaky and he jams a knife directly into his brain and he's standing there like he kind of turns into like a bobble head and then he starts sawing his head off as if that was necessary he's pretty [ __ ] right now you don't have to saw his head off you know but yeah i guess they had to reach like a certain level of gore in this movie brunette number two ends up leaving the storage locker and then we get this hilarious scene of art just riding around on a children's bicycle might be one of those like comedy bicycles for clowns that they use in circuses so she attempts to sneak out of the building and then all of a sudden he puts plastic on her face and pulls back oh my god she's screwed except she's not cause it's saran wrap and it's like the thinnest plastic known to man but yeah you can tell that he's not putting any pressure on her face in this scene and they're like desperately trying to make it so the saran wrap doesn't break so yeah she's sitting there struggling like that for a couple seconds until she finally realizes that she has hands that she can use to rip the plastic off of her face she picks up a nearby spike and jams it straight into art's foot so she runs for it and he gives her the middle finger i mean yeah it's kind of inconvenient right getting stabbed in the foot so the girl ends up finding her sister in a chair so while she's just sitting there like an idiot aren't the clown sneaks up on her you know he loves to sneak and he has this like flail thing with a bunch of blades on it and he just hits her over and over and over again it looks like it hurts pretty bad that's when the exterminator sneaks up on the clown and hits him that was easy so this guy picks her up and tries to save her he calls the police and the police are like please stay in the line and he's like [ __ ] that we're going to the hospital that's a pretty smart idea right finally a good decision so they try to leave the building but of course the door has a lock and chain on it and this guy doesn't have the key so he's rummaging around trying to find something to open the door and then art comes out of nowhere and smacks him with something and then he just stomps on his face like it's a pumpkin will it blend that is the question so this girl gets a metal rod and just starts smacking the lock with it and of course the clown just like strolls his way up to her no rush you know what's the rush and finally the lock opens so she's able to escape but no she doesn't escape she doesn't try and run away instead she ends up going into this room that says keep out on the front and so the clown finds her in there and he starts honking a horn at her honestly it was so funny and then he leaves and she's like where'd he go what's he doing and turns out he was just getting into his truck and he drives straight through the doors hitting her with his truck it's so funny he's like listening to music not a care in the world you know he's just chilling to some jazz so finally the cops arrive and they find art the clown eating this girl's face she's not dead mind you she's just you know passed out and he's eating her face and then he ends up shooting himself in the face so the police bring the bodies to the corner when he opens the body bag with the clown in it he's awake it's in the most awkward position too like imagine strangling someone while you're laying down if you were the coroner in the situation you could easily just like drop your body and the weight of your body will be impossible for the person strangling you to continue strangling you and when the clown sits up you can see the hole in his head i guess he's immortal and oh my god his face his face is so creepy throughout the entire movie let's just do a quick flash of all the creepy phases he made throughout this movie so then there's a flash forward and we find out that the girl from the beginning of the movie that killed the talk show host is the same girl that had her face eaten by the clown so yeah guys that was terrifier i gotta say definitely one of the creepiest clown movies i've ever seen and funniest there's a bunch of very funny scenes in this movie i think it's a very special combination when you find a horror movie that's gory but also really funny but overall i thought it was an enjoyable experience i don't think my wife liked it very much if you like the hat that i'm wearing throughout this video you can get it at alienclothing.com it's my personal clothing brand anything you buy over there supports the channel uh supports me and supports all the people that work for the company and thank you so much to everybody that supports me over on patreon i really appreciate it by the way before i go do you know why clowns honk their noses it's because they're heartless that's how they pump their blood aren't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 959,239
Rating: 4.9669995 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, terrifier, terrifier movie review, terrifier review, terrifier movie
Id: 1EYU9xAhzMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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