Skateboard Vert Final: FULL BROADCAST | X Games Minneapolis 2018

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what better way to kick off 91 then under the lights with an ex-king staple that started it all live from outside u.s. bank stated we bring you the Pacific Coast skateboard word-final what's up everybody Brandon Graham alongside the most decorated athlete it X Games history the left with the ramp you know all too well incredible it's the PERT final this is so exciting good evening everyone this is great man these guys are gonna go off three limbs is going off this is it it doesn't get much better than this under the lights the crowd and downtown mini invading just outside US Bank Stadium a very talented field out here tonight headlined by our gold medalist [Music] so progressive last summer out here in Minneapolis but he will be push a guy to keep your eyes on he's really grown up in front of our eyes for bronze medals in this event he's never done better than that but do you think he might have what it takes you tonight for gold Mitchie Brusco he's incredible he has such awareness of his body where he's at you know he's uh he's going more than just bronze here I've been skiing with him practice and I cannot believe he was solid every trick he wanted he did he was all over the place after dextrous I mean it's Mitchie he's gonna be confusing and that's good and it's not just moto it's not just Mitchie as you look at our 10 man he'll do tonight half of that group have vert gold medals moto Jimmy Wilkins Bucky lassic Sandro Diaz and Amy MacDonald this is as fierce as it gets half of the field also under the age of 25 yeah well they're in the mix you know you got the old guard or the new guard and they're all progressions you know if they're pushing each other and this is this is great it feels you know I love being here but I don't know how happy you are about this but with you a microphone in your hands and not a skateboard under your feet Andy McDonald actually passes you on the all-time start list yes he does and it's okay it's Andy back but I don't know 59 start that's a lot of starts man that's an energy bunny there and and he's about to go it's our three run final we count the single best score each of the skaters getting three 32nd runs and it's Andy McDonald kicking things off had to burn his way in getting that last qualifying spot last night and he drops in for the first run of the final yeah he did well his runs there he was in third place for a while and then and up in the bubbler stayed in and he's in files chopping it long 540 across a little nervous cuter they're just that's okay very uncharacteristic to see Andy go down that early but of course he'll get two more attempts twenty-sixth appearance as you saw making his 59 start and so happy to be back here in Minneapolis for a year two at X Games Paul Luke Ronchetti 25 years old making his 11th X Games appearance he does have a silver medal in this event he earned it back in 2015 Paul Luke solid skateboarder always goes really high really consistent always skating dirt see with that kickflip big deal and really high up find forties nothing smack in the tail just cause he has that much control frontside air a little bit of setup you're in the filing trying to run in my steel flip body jar see where he's going here frontside ollie try and get two more in just two kilogram he's getting a couple steps you got watching he wants to run he just wants to run he'll flip frontside air backside here kickflip barrels tail smack where the tailslide yeah Paul Duke you know just hitting the run through he's putting a session together long after the buzzer but the importance Bob of landing a solid run right out of the gate so where you can stack it from here everyone has a different strategy you know he he might need that to get that mental clarity for the run he wants you know does he has a lot more skateboarding than that and you know he put a run in that's what he needs some guys come out to gate and they just go for the go for the run you know and eMac taking some risk there and then bail that's how it is the bar officially set here tonight clay liner with a excuse me Paul Luke Ronchetti with that 74 clay Kriner coming up a look at our cop format as we said 10 skaters out here each getting three attempts the best single score counts what can we not say about this guy he's competing in the trifecta Bert here tonight Plus skateboard big air and skateboard park he just dropped in in Sinking video part with Thrasher called madness what can't this gig do Bob man of the hour man is the airplane trainer incredible skateboarder coming in the th 540 knew a kickflip dude another alley applied support how's the skating in practice with that big air he did that he was skating big air today right before for finals and look at him how does he balance a schedule when he's skating in three finals this again he's a skateboarder man he just he just go look at that look at that what's with that body varial fine oh that was incredible run right there clay just you know putting it up that's his strategy go time you know I want I want this run I want to get it over with again no skateboarder has ever meddled three horses yeah that's what he's trying to do in 2018 the beauty of it is his approaches I want to skate Ronnie what happens you know what the consequences are and you get the metal you're stoked no one this year this weekend at X Games Minneapolis than Clay Kriner he was about three seconds away from a full pool clean run but a seventy eight point three three that was solid I mean there's he missed one wall you know that could have been three four setups and that's just almost as a bail you know so he's doing it he put he put a really good put it out there might go for a kick flip body varial five on the next one he has definitely room to improve and here's Sandra Sandra Dee is 43 years old he's won this event twice before the ramp with the nose grab one for the five there's no letting that one go he's ready very light there's the 360 barrel a lead you 540 always saw it always landing was high on the transition room for more air Bionic mute slide he's got the squat power and he's still their body Jar we know and he does it look at that call it body to north 540 like he's done it 10,000 times Bob doing it for Brazil my buddy Sandow Diaz of course making his X Games debut back in 2000 and X Games in San Francisco and ripping ever since first guy to throw 900 in his run you never know but he was on he's solid he's doing it parties are perfect I love that slow-mo I mean it's so hard to come around that 5:00 and find the lift like that and it has to be instinctual I mean you see there a new leader in the clubhouse eighty three point three three birdies on his first run as he takes over the top spot and now it's time for the oldest competitor in our field but he's also the most decorated vert medalist in the field he's got 20 X Games medals he is Bucky lacet and Bucky last six starts he always starts really technical and that's just that's an Indy 360 set up amazing too bad we got two more runs we're gonna seek lucky go off Bucky we often see saving his best for last in this format so we'll see what he has on attempt number two he's just chillin he's just walking back no you know try not to get bummed or too excited you know but she knows he got keep the emotional there and again Bob I can't thank you enough for joining us it three out here on night one of X Games Minneapolis 2018 of course we have the third member of our team Craig McMorris our booth boy who's out on the course Craig are you out there buddy I am out here now if you just watch Bucky go down no stress in the qualifiers he put it down on his third run so he will make no mistake but I want to say something else on Tobias they're Brazilian last night at the prelims the Brazilian contingent they were going crazy they make no mistake tonight he's obviously in the lead and the volume is just gonna go up gentlemen yeah absolutely Craig I don't know who gave you permission to have a screen the same size as ours you're out on the course for a reason we know we do something that's much better it's our little booths boy you know what the producers are listening to us thanks Craig we'll be pulling to you throughout the night but it truly is an electric factory out here just outside of US Bank Stadium so happy to call this home now and we move on djaro swan out of Colorado Springs and 1/7 X Games appearance maybe the best we've ever seen him on the vert ramp was last night in qualifiers he's been skating really good he's one of those guys been progressing a lot starting out with the long backside five he'll flip and be barrel John OHS utilize everyone by barrel of his first X Games medal he just set up for it yep backside nose grab 540 Chyna you stand a little cool and collected a couple setups here what's coming to media 7 7 $24 landing high and then body varial 5 so he turns it on in the end he had a couple setups here but that was a really great run that's good and LexA story that John OH is coming off a serious knee injury where it's for most of his PCL took last year off obviously to recover and he says he's still not quite at 100% but you watch him skate like this Bob and I think otherwise yeah but I've seen John o go higher and I think that that might be part of what's going on here he's coming back on his board or maybe he's just nervous and he wants to get a run in and you know then he's gonna turn it on I think that happens too but this is final so they can put it all out there a 76 for Swan good enough for third place your midway through run one and the Pacific Coast eport vert final yeah at this point you want it you want to get a run you know I mean sometimes I go to the strategy of like just putting the best run out right away but it doesn't work usually if you put it towards the end it's like you know doing a really good trick at the last part of your run you'll get scored better so you know hitting that last run like Bucky did in prelims you know definitely gets you up there so we see we turn our attention to our top-ranked qualifier Marcelo Bastos saving his best for the last last night as he took over the top spot making his 10th X Games appearance Marcelo tail grab 540 get his tongue twisted over here eyes too bad right there the heel for front side that does that in his sleep that's cool that's how you got to stay just smiling out that's a good I use that strategy to keep the nerves down even though you're like I just missed the podium last year Bobby had to settle for fourth place but watching him skate throughout practice this week and then last night qualifiers he looks like he's primed for his first medal in three years yes and that fourth place run was incredible so here's Mitchie Brusco as we said literally growing up in front of our eyes we saw him when he was just 14 years old now he's 21 a seasoned vet still in search of that first X Games gold nice really solid on this board start out huge and look at what I mean it's failfish 360 really hard right into a 720 backside lipslide makes the switch gates list into that fakie oh that this is the tough part of this run here that was a fakie to fakie frontside 5 Wow Mitchie Brusco see he's gonna be going through the hard stuff and you know you saw bail that was a really tough trick easy start but all those it's just the first few walls of his run that was insane I mean that's back to back after a huge 5 it's a stalefish 360 landing switch and then coming into a seven and I mean Wow and it should be noted that weather was definitely playing a factor throughout the day here in Minneapolis there was an outside chance that we might have to even reschedule this event because of the scare of rain so the guys didn't know are we on or we offer we honor we off that had to play with them eventually getting ready for this final but here's Jimmy Wilkins who won a gold medal back at all isn't that start style for today's Bob Burnquist right into five right Allie you've probably just a beautiful trick Jimmy tail grab value five kickflip backside grab smooth operator here kicks with handy nice cross bone leaned into a Nepali still fish disaster he's so methodical that was gonna be it just stalled out backside nose I was just gonna say he just has a way of making creative skateboarding looked so effortless yeah I don't want that to be lost on fans watching at home because they may think it looks easy yeah well it is extremely difficult and that's one you know when you make it look easy like that you know that's you've reached the level you know the talent is just incredible here with Jimmy and he was going for a run to just get a scoring like you know I've seen a few places there that he adds more tricks so beautiful kickflip backside grab really technical trick that's a he's got that one dialed take when you kicked lookin grab the Indy it's a little easier because it's in front of you that one you have to grab behind you and you have to be precise with that flip so Jimmy score coming in even though it wasn't a full clean run mine puts him into the top spot Wow that's it you know it's an ally you frontside ollie but it's a really high one and a really good-looking one these are defending gold medalist he's 22 years old from Osaka Japan let's learn a little bit more about moto Shibata I'm one of Shibata from Osaka Japan I grew up skating with my dad like that always getting number and I used to watch his skating when I was kid so it's really cool to skating with rid of that I think the context is very important thing for me because it is able to push him yourself unto the limit the last year was really amazing and I was really started to make their kamikaze by my first original trick I had a been working on that trick for four months and struggle to- tricking the contest [Music] the most important thing for the contest just do my best and win or lose I don't care just just do it Osia badas x-games career 2016 debut silver medal last summer gold medal it's a pretty good way to start your X Games career very good and he is disciplined he is consistent motor Shibata big setup just a little backside air so now they're all trying to go for a run here you five for Moto steal five really nice they'll fish by 40 for Moto there is a front foot impossible lean fastplant fakie nice taking a fakie nose grab five even though setup was so solid by oh my god there's it's tricking I can't believe he pulled that he's still on look at that very technical trick of the frontside McDonough just firing on his first attempt out here as he's trying to defend his gold medal and with runs like that he may be on to it okay he fooled me starting off with the backside air look at this Dale fish 540 upside down and then fixes it looks at it no problem this isn't so motos shibata's run one in the books a score of 86 so good enough for second place Jimmy Wilkins still holding on to that top spot but this crowd out here in Minneapolis is in for a treat tonight we're just getting started with run one in the books as we said Jimmy Wilkins holding on to that top spot run number two from the Pacific Coast skateboard bird final after this run number 2 time here in vert and it's Andy McDonald who went down on the first wall on the second wall down on this trip but he that thing about going down here Andy wants a run he's seen everyone else with a run but they're bailing last trick he wants a full run and he has a setting up here 720 fairly well done there that's his I always see that lien rodeo he has an improvement here I see what he did there nice little tug knee invert in the air body burial 5 and the body burial lives life thing that he's got nice way to end his run all right he's got to run that's gotta run got the value of being able said you'd like to do it on a temper one but he does it on run number two we'll see how the judges scored that one the tough thing you know sometimes with the with this 30-second format you got to throw back to back to back to back tricks and sometimes the way you set up your your line that you end up on the low side of the air because you're trying to get technical so Andy obviously can go higher than that but he's trying to do some back-to-back things there that is keeping him on the low so let's see if by having a run he can pump and get it up in the air a little more but that was a really solid run a 78 for Andy not big enough or fifth place so we can only go up for bear brought him to America from Great Britain dad works over there and he's been in Southern California ever since starting strong a little bit more power want to go higher got a run in see the mental completely changed on the second run trip all there's the body jars five right in the middle of the run to keep it going they'll tail grab heelflip ND going through the motions those grab five nice website ollie it's a clip burial handy backside ollie so piyo trying to replace that 74 better run the thing is is I know Paul he's got more than that and he it's coming but I think that you know again he's building up his strategy is like getting a better run than a better run than going with this 3 run format you got the best run maybe going for the press best run always is the way to go but that's just everyone's different strategy and mental game Paul it up being up the ante a little bit yeah he's climbing that ladder a 77 for Paul Luke Ronchetti he jumps up one spot into sixth place let's bring it craig McMorris down from the course Craig how's it going down there it's going great guys I've heard you talking of a little bit about whether alluding to the thunderstorms rolling throughout the area and I asked sports in cop if the rain does fall what happens with this final well all the skaters have dropped in for the first run so that means it will stand no matter what happens so there's no point in trying to take it easy Gold's on the line boys is just psycho right now really well this solid control on his board clay everywhere he's skating he's doing it with kickflip backside grab back-to-back with the body varial five steel fishtail slide for style points there kyono kick flip varial got away from him but it's a really good run again right now that was an incredible run and it's just so unfortunate cuz that that hurt see that last bell again the good trick at the end just that's a big difference in points 1000 incredible run and as he said with clay Kriner really the man of the moment releasing his first major career part just earlier this week competing in three events trying to get on the podium here tonight but Sandro Diaz he's sitting in third place right now with that eighty three point three three that was vintage Sandro Diaz something else left in the tank to mix things up all he's comfortable he has a run now watch Sandow just like really want more stairs attack he's gonna land now he wants to go higher a little bit more of a cross bone there's an alley-oop he'll flip a little bit more complex okay you wanted to add the Vario five now you guys gotta get them harder tricks to get a better run but that's good Sandra's got a solid run and you got another chance hopefully if the rain holds but he does have another chance here in this format so we're midway through run number two but he is holding on to bronze metal position right now that's great this is uh this is exciting Bucky lassic to come failing his first wall on his first run does have two more runs and it's Bucky lassic and I think that we're gonna see more than one wall on this go here I just start technical he starts with an Indy 360 I think he's gonna do that Indy 360 to start through a switch nose grab that trick is so hard that is insane mute five nice rodeo no problem for Bucky back lip here it is but no oh man that trick you might have nightmares with that trick that nollie kickflip bleep it's a really hard trick so obviously seeing a bale makes him human but that's Bucky's going for the jugular see Bucky's going for the run every time so that's his strategy X Games Minneapolis continues tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on ESPN the world's best action sports athletes will be competing in the Moto X quarter pipe high air Moto X freestyle and the real cost BMX big air final you can also watch the X Games streaming live on the ESPN app so Bucky not able to finish there I think that run will definitely knocked out that 1.33 yes it will so more from X Games Minneapolis 2018 including our former gold medalists Moto shoukata hitting the course for his second run when we return [Music] jonno chuan put down a fairly solid 76 on his first run but the level has been so elevated that he's sitting at 70 yes he was just getting the run in you know I look at him going higher he changes it up he doesn't go for the same run like all the guys so he's keeping it loose he has tricks and he's just okay I think about it here and I'm putting it down I'm thinking about a kick booth burial so I just did that he's got those two combos coming in no matter where he puts it setting it up that wasn't a good setup little lower on the in d5 but he pulled it frontside heelflip getting tech he'll put being too picky batters out I don't know you can go seven out of that man but that was a that's what he wanted how important but he wanted us to see a skater completely shake it up from run to run well you can tell you're growing you know you know what you did the other the other walls ok that was a simple now as I said if he wasn't said he could have just done you know an era to fakie and a 7 but he did that so he wanted the heel foot to fakie in the 7 but he landed low on the heel flip fakie and he couldn't pull a 7 so it just depends he's improvising didn't he didn't try the 7 went for the and without a bail but I don't know how much of a difference that would make because the judges know that was a seven let's see that was a great run though higher stronger an amazing crowd on hand out here night one under the lights in front of us Bank Stadium on hand to watch the Pacifico skateboard Bert final we move on though Marcelo bastos he's sitting in 10th out of 10 trying to knock out that seven-armed the dot I think if he lands a trick he'll do just that Bob yes he fell on a second law like and his first run and I think he's gonna go further than that he's loose he's technical he goes combo back-to-back starting off with the tail grab five there's the tricky build he'll foot front side are nice hiding keep flip they need get keeping technical and maintaining height that that's very important front tight tail grab backside five landing on the wall going through another and then Route five you'll flip indy fakie yeah he's going for it this is what made him are ranked qualifier Bob this Oh No but nollie heelflip backside he's going to see he's going for the run that's why I say anything jinxing guys about 85 to 89 percent down with their rock I don't think he heard you and if he did he was still gonna try and put that down Marcelo you know it's funny I remember Marcelo he was just like pose all 540's every grab every which way and never make it I knew I was like once he makes one and then that's what happened he learned it and every single five was was dialed in usually you stick with the 544 for a while and mute or back side he has all of them and he puts him in his runs he ain't posing no more he's putting it down too bad he had a bail nollie heelflip 3 reminds me of plg which I am missing in this vert finals and I'm sure everyone yeah that watches plg who love you man I wanna see a minute I'm gonna be right there so a 76 where Marcelo seventy six point three three puts him up into seventh place here's Mitchie Brusco try and replace that 50 on the dot he's sitting at night okay Mitchie solid back 5:40 snailfish 367 23 first walls incredible back lift throne elliptic in there keeping the flow I like that switch gates whist and here is his fake diploma that trick is incredibly hard Wow kickflip mute he is doing it body burial 5 into a varial 5 Mitchie Brusco leading scale slide just for good measure backside 3 he is killing that run Bob that is the reason why you say look out you should be a favorite for this event that is why and he put the name beretta bull run down solid every wall burial 5 like just snapped it in his feet no problem just amazing body awareness when Mickey growing strong nice little detail there 4 bronze medals he's burned in this event he's up there he's not here I would think that's 8 in the first place score and 87 just outside is a silver medal position of course he'll get one more run he does get another rubber I don't know that was a full run and that was incredible combinations well earlier today we had a chance to sit down with Jimmy Wilkins for our real cost athlete profile I'm Jimmy Wilkins I'm a professional skateboarder from Columbus Ohio and I'm living in San Diego California my dad is a conductor for orchestras and my mom actually teaches ballet but she's a ballerina for like nearly my entire lives I pretty much spent my whole childhood at ballet studio or in the theater all my early memories are just of that kind of stuff I definitely absorb some of it you know looking back like definitely being around ballet it's all about the look of it you know it's all this rhythm and all the movements flow right into this groove as a different attitude and a different culture but what vert skating is it's just movements to rhythms you know [Music] movements to rhythms I love that only gets any coincidence that he did grow up around I really like that I did not know that that was supposed to be an alley frontside ollie and his body got now remember last year Jimmy had a run that if he could have put it down we wondered could that have given him the top spot he wasn't able to do it of course moto Shibata earning that gold yes right now the tables are turned Moto's in third he's going to have to try to catch Jimmy Wilkins can he do that on this run right now well moto is one to do it he is the defending gold medalist here and very strong competitor he wants it so he could do it if moto were to get gold he joins an elite club only Bucky lassic and PLG have ever repeated in birth moto starts with the back Center which is interesting to me but look at that trick okay every time I say he starts with Baxter does that look at that front side front foot impossible faking a fakie nose grab five good combinations for Moto Oh half calf set up into his yeah once night gates brough foot impossible and that leads fast three into a Madonna I said it on number one and it was only good enough for third place Bob yes but he was definitely gone a little better he with that trick they're really well done looks like a burial five slapped me if I'm wrong dirt people out there but that was just a very odd-looking one and incredible and here's his front foot impossible lean everything solid no squatting and no messing around look at that foot set up there he calls it the Kamikaze might be easier to say it but that is a frontside game Thomas buffered it possible stomping it yeah moto so after that was good they might I don't know because I was wrong laughs I don't know what they're gonna do but that was solid I feel like he can only go up from here but how much again Jimmy Wilkins with that 89 Bruce go right in front of them with the 87 he's trying to replace that 86 this is not easy I got a shout out to the homies in the judging there with Hendrix and Lincoln I mean this is the top in eighty seven point three three so enough to leapfrog Michie but not enough to take over the top spot and the battle continues just like it did in 2017 Jimmy Wilkins verse moto Shibata with one more one to go this thing is getting heated out here at X Games Minneapolis who skates away with gold we find out after this third and final attempt time here at the Pacific Coast board Burt final night one under the lights in front of our home of US Bank Stadium run two officially in the books and it's Jimmy Wilkins still leading the way with that 89 and the crazy part is Bob it featured a bail for more we head down to the third member of team Craig McMorris out on the course Craig oh sorry guys I was just just perusing the Social Feeds here Instagram Twitter Facebook x-games is on all of these platforms and you'll be seeing behind the scenes looks at events like this and all the other events this weekend so I'm definitely tossing a follow and I've been clogging your feeds so you guys should follow to this next day 2.2 million I'm gonna text to guys I'm not gonna show you that real real cute Craig I finally give it to you and you're on your phone games across all social platforms he is right about that third and final run time here on night number one under the lights X Games Minneapolis Andy McDonald distinctive beat since year one when it was the extreme games I remember that and he's here he's doing it and this is it this is the third run if you want to do anything that X Games vert it's right now he's currently in sixth place if he wants to get in the podium position we need the best Mitchie Brusco z87 start now with this backside five so he's gone for the same run up into this point oh he's gone for the double kickflip and he's changing it there yet so it keep with you and then a double kickflip idiot spotted just about strong yeah a trick not a performer at all man this crowd is absolutely on fire out here in downtown Minneapolis and again if you're just joining us there was a real fear that it might got rained out tonight that wasn't the case and thousands of fans out here in attendance this is how you start X Games yeah we didn't get rain we got fire that's what these guys are putting here it's happening Paul Luke he has a much better run and he's been climbing the strategy is a seven then added a little something to a 77 what can he season with here on his thirty final tricks the season with and he starts out with it he was just gonna go straight into it and if we had the first wall remade for Matt that was a good strategy that's not the case here this is best run of three and Paul Luke is done with the verse as we turn our attention and we see Jack mature Arnie's face Jay I love Jack his face does not need to be that big here is clay Greiner a guy that we really thought had podium potential oh that was animal Tim I was so focused Jax see who was holding it so clay is searching for the chin on this beautiful hive going higher everybody pigfoot Ali you backside 5c from skating the big air ramp clay has got height he wants always more body varial 5 there's the stale fish tail this is the one he was looking into the backside that was incredible performance thing it doesn't matter that it was 20 seconds after the buzzer as he said look at this one more time dr. right on the third and final run Bob this is it clay always wants more and he gets it and it's incredible does it non-stop full power full throttle we've been talking about it all night three disciplines bird big air park he's the only guy doing that here at X Games Minneapolis the Thrasher Park madness just dropping it just feels like his time is now but I asked you was that enough to potentially bump Mitchie Brusco and get into podium position I don't know from the excitement and I don't know what they're gonna do I don't think it's five point three which is solid you know Mitchie had an incredible run that was an awesome run but to be in the mix in that top three I don't know that was I don't know what what clay could do but he did well so here's Sandro Diaz he's sitting in fifth place put down that very strong eighty three point three three right out the gate yeah that sounded foreign he comes in hungry every time starting out with that nose grab one footer cross bone lean also doing the same right up to this point he's gone for the very low five here which he bailed on a second where he didn't go for the pill he went for the mate and it was like a half flip come back around solid alley you fives Dan on his board backside Smith I like that into a mute 5 way up there above his proud oh my gosh going for the knob I was gonna say all he had was the 9 really completed let me ask you this we've estimated that was a kind of we've seen him do it before he was the first one ever do it in competition he if he lands that 9 where does that put him I don't know at this day in age it would definitely get a better score in this first run a 9 itself won't win the event but that would just be that would throw him up in the podium I believe perfect look how great like soccer was just I can't believe I didn't see him spin he's kind of loose on his hand grab there and maybe that's why he bailed but still he's trying to squat it out that was a really close attempt for Sandow that is awesome Sandow Diaz trying to make it happen again with the 9 in his run great job Jimmy Wilkins still holding on to that top spot will moto Shibata defend his goal find out after this so Bucky lassic just hasn't been his night run to certainly better than what he did on his first attempt but he's trying to knock out that 42 this is exactly the last night in wala fires he was on the outside looking in and then was the Bucky lassic that we've known for the last 20 years he likes pressure I don't wanna like sit but definately excels in it and there he goes with the deepest incredible to wall combo they're going for the five non-stop this is a setup this and this is what he feeling he's gonna make it change the trick up and this is the mental game he felt like maybe the nollie kick lean wasn't happening went for the Naik McDonough it is a much harder trick so he's going for the jugular there's no cruising for Bucky here just a disappointing night for Bucky lassic I would say he's such a competitor so you can say it's disappointing but what he put down there and what he should not be disappointed he's in the finals in the top you know this is the field people are incredibly technical and he's still doing and he's there he's relevant Bucky lassic jonno chuan he's sitting in ninth place again had that 76 right off the top he's lost an 87 to best Mitchie Brusco and jump up in the third frontside air into a backside five so he wants a run and he's getting his Cabo style a little sad with getting his combos they decided to go for an air to fakie for that seventh row better speed set up and he did it that was good because he ended up with the body benefit all that wood that was it good but he's going back to back to back to back his combos moving his feet around trying to maintain speed and that's not easy to do and it just slips away from John I want to turn our attention now to the leaderboard you know we've been talking a lot about Jimmy Wilkins and how good he's been slo-mo of the perfect 720 but it should be noted we talked about him falling but the reality is is the judges we hear it directly from the judges that they thought that happened the buzz yes and if you look at it people people have set ups and set up in your run and a bail at the buzzer with the things that Jimmy put down yes incredible you can't count it too much as a bail psychologically if you're judging if you're watching I mean yes keep bailing here like the other guys ended up on the deck you want that combo eyes then it's a matter of the judging picking what they think and to him he had an incredible run so he is in first place yeah so we move on now to Marcelo bastos our top ranked qualifier his best run score of a seventy six point three three seemed to be putting it together there on his second run still looking for that full pool they're looking for it Marcelo gets crazy every wall he wants technical the technical disbands he rarely sets up unless it's for something incredibly technical so starts out tail grab five same run he'll trip frontside air up there kickflip bang two flips two fives in d5 tail grab to a backside five keep it at speed so he doesn't hire I was just gonna say this is the run he was looking for with ten seconds to go top a break from our salad just has so much skateboarding in them and not being able to put a run together here we'll get to him but that heel flip shows us he has it nice angle of the backside five which somewhere between the flat bottom in the next wall he got jiggly here I don't know what what happened but that's it Marcelo great job better than we could ever say sometimes it doesn't happen but a great week of skateboarding for Marcelo Bosco he's here in the finals and it happened to prelims and it you know it just didn't continue on that's what happens in the finals you want it you want to up the ante the tricks are tougher the combos are more tech well we're just getting started of course the very first event of X Games Vinnie 20 1891 but we've got a hectic schedule throughout the weekend there's a look Jared McNeil and the boys of moto will be attacking the course Friday at 9 p.m. Eastern Leticia Bufoni and the women's of skateboard Street Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Eastern on ABC and of course Nyjah Huston and skateboard Street on Sunday afternoon wall-to-wall action here at X Games Minneapolis okay so with that our medals are in place we know who's going to earn a medal we just don't know what color they're going to be here Mitchie Brusco has earned a bronze four times in this event he's virtually in bronze medal position yeah and he's starting not from the roll and he's changing it up here he's dropping here he goes what do I have to do to get something other than apples into a nine and that's what he has to do I can't believe that he's stepping out with a drop in for a backs at it and he went for it and he kind of see the look on his face he said I had to show things up here's the thing he put down his run you know he did it he made that run so he wanted to make a better run and to make a better run the other nine so with that Mitchie Brusco is insured his fifth Bert bronze medal with talent to get gold at any one of these got close here with an incredible run Jimmy any at moto here is the battle that thousands of people came here in downtown Minneapolis to see Jimmy Wilkins our overall leader with that 89 what can he do to give himself some breathing room because he knows moto Shibata will be coming after him well he has a run in that was an incredible run and he's in first but he has a better run you know he it's he wants it there's that alley-oop frontside ollie beautifully done alley-oop tail grab five tough trick right there tough way to alley-oop and grab kickflip backside grab a flip baby oh my just lost his lost the transition there for a kick lean that's what he was going for but see when you're moving your feet around like that so every wall is a flip and it's all the tough grab type of flips kickflip backside grab and kickflip banging a kickflip lean at some point you might lose your balance and but that alley tail grab was very well done that was you open up the textbook and that's what you see but he's not doing himself any favors cuz he's leaving the door ajar slightly opening there slightly moto Shibata who's trying to defend his gold medal this he's has last one of the entire contest moto cannot do a backside here on this role and if she wants to take out Jimmy he did an incredible run but the one place he could improve is in his first set up and I don't know what he's going to do but we'll see moto knows it all comes down to this our defending gold medalist is in second place he start mapping the other side she gonna go front side hit so he's definitely changing it okay so he goes for cross bone into India 5k he's starting off but before he was not going to 540s until this third or fourth wall but he's starting second wall he is definitely making a better run right here moto is killing it out taking a fakie nose grab five little setup at the cab but he wants this little spot but he holds it and he needs to keep the speed oh that squat took him out that speed was a trick to get a speed back but oh man he was he was on one Bob yes what good was being he was on one let's see he won it last year and Jimmy and the taste and now with that Jimmy Wilkins earns his second ever X Games gold medal he did it back to 14 and he returns to the top spot here in Minneapolis yeah man Jimmy with the gold medal and a video part just dropped right go check that out you saw that run go check out the video fight he did it they all CR that odium and with that Jimmy becomes the youngest ever to have to vert gold medals knocking off Amy MacDonald who had held the record for 20 years that's not easy to do I got one I can't believe I have one and it feels like he's just getting started let's head down to Greg who's with our gold medalist Jimmy run 189 did you think that was going to stand throughout the entire rest of the field they're not as super surprised that she did pretty much the best friend I've ever seen in my life I was really surprised by that so when you're dropping in for your third ride you see makes you put that down you know boulders coming right after you what were you thinking coming into that there run um I didn't really have a second run plan so I just trying to figure it out I guess I like that like it played as you go well congratulations on the gold medal you got silver last year gold this year that was amazing story thank you thank you pandoba a modest victor is Polly Wilkins [Music] you know he he knows he respects with gentle with a he put down and he said it that's uh and there you see holding the gold Jimmy Wilkins back on top and at 24 years old as you said the video part just dropped three medals and five appearances now is fourth and six the second X Games gold medal you're really looking at the face of vert skateboarding on top of the world Jimmy Wilkins
Channel: X Games
Views: 705,918
Rating: 4.7835255 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, full broadcast x games, full show, action sports, extreme sports, jimmy wilkins vert, X games minneapolis, X games minneapolis 2018, skateboarding, skateboarding video, jimmy wilkins x games, skate boarding video, skate vert, skateboard vert, x games minneapolis, skate vert x games minneapolis, skateboard vert x games minneapolis 2018, top vert x games minneapoli, full skateboard vert final xgames
Id: btXmhn1T83U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 37sec (3097 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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