BMX Big Air: FULL BROADCAST | X Games Minneapolis 2017

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welcome to the real cost BMX big air vinyl the fans are packing in here inside the US Bank Stadium this event was not contested last year in the Lone Star State and X Games often due to mother nature but here in 2017 in Minneapolis it finds a new home inside the stadium and the elements will not be a factor hello everyone Jimmy Coleman dears in the long shot Kevin Robinson and well Kevin the story coming in outside of this grooming indoors for the first time since 2013 is the fact that Colton Satterfield comes in as your two-time defending gold medalist and as the difference to this event yes and he'll be looking to three-peat nobody has ever done it in BMX big air history there's been several repeat gold medalists but no one has ever taken three gold medals in a row he is looking to do that here tonight however there are seven other athletes in the field that are going to have something to say about it two other gentlemen to watch for here tonight they are looking to set a high error record talking about boring away Douglass Oliveira both of these athletes can blast this quarter pipe higher than anybody I can't wait and see how they feed off each other if Doug starts blasting I know Morgan's going to want to step up to the plate and push the envelope tonight Morgan currently holds the higher record here at the XPS with 23 feet three inches that is your podium from 2015 again we did not hold this event last year due to weather in Austin Texas but it was Satterfield Wade and Michael Aaron your gold silver bronze in 2015 all three of those guys are here in the lineup tonight and our format here it is eight riders in the real cost BMX big air and they are going to get core run to Kevin it's overall impression of what you do on the gap section as well as on the quarter pipe but the big thing here it's the best of your four runs that hopefully gives us game gold absolutely what you try to do is you put down a good solid run and it builds off that run and as you said you're going to take people hit the jump is a big tricks on the jump we also have to see those big tricks on the quarter pipe also it's called big air so they expect to see high glass Aaron anything Oh everything has to be over 50 feet or above we've got a couple of returning gold medalist in the field but there are your eight finalists Douglas elevator starts a lot we've got an X Games rookie and Curtis down Vince pirate coming in with a gold medal at BMX vert that word he's a two-time gold medalist in this event Michael Aaron James Foster Morgan Wayne you also won the gold medal event and Colton Satterfield who's taken gold the last two times it was contested in 2014 in 2015 and villas are the eight guys we will see do battle on the bigoted ramp here tonight Kevin I'm so excited to watch Curtis ride you gotta watch him ride this ramp he's coming into this event only have ever written a big arendt I have a big air ramp for time head so he's coming in here and he rides this ramp straight up and down most people to see carved they cover distance as they do the air he goes up one team and comes down the same team it's so impressive and we started off with Brazil Douglas Oliveira he at one point in time held the record for the biggest air on this ramp into that game back in 2013 but then Morgan Wade took it away from him but he's one of those two guys we talked about who's challenging for that high air title here tonight as we start the real the event big air final Dougie with a nice smooth backflip to it check it out and get a plaque just a nice big tabletop landed spoon now the best possible score you can get out here is 100 points five judges they take the high and the low out they average the remaining three doors together check it out right here backflip whipping that by crowd a tailwhip by these pedals both feet on the pedals tasted a little bit came up short you want to Lance just pass that sticker right here Doug flats with a 19 foot air I can say if you want to know what 18-foot airs look like out of a 27 foot tall quarter pipe there you go that is you got to remember you got to remember now that's 19 feet over the top of a 27 foot tall ramp alright so you're talking 46 feet off the ground and to try to quantify that for a min look at the sides it stated this is a CBR modern-day NFL stated you're chopping halfway out of the rafters of this thing basically at that height the dougie starts it off with a 70 1.56 remember it's four runs it's the best of your four run that counts because we get set to bring in our next competitor here Curtis gallons coming into this big as an X Games rookie his first never apparent out of Idaho 25 years old we'll see what he brings to the party in his first report that he is so exciting very thankful to Colton Satterfield he feels like he hasn't spent because of coke believe it in him right here the big Superman backflip landed perfectly closed check this out Wow temple talent he closed the trick he fell out of the sky on that and got all those transitions how did he hang onto that we just saw a triple tail event 9 feet feet 11 inches call me out swinging such an amazing ruddy landing low so that's gotta hurt his score what man - come on puts out a good talk right your first time ever in the real cause BMX big air bet he's got to be happy hurt your score that is a curt there is to the ankles and Superman seat grab twice three times around it oh how did he ride out of that I explained that to me unbelievable I mean coming down with that momentum it wants blow you off the flight it is so hard to hold on you have to remember is we don't have shock absorbers or anything like that in our my head really with your body kinetic 27.6 but how about that to open up your ex-gangster here right there your first ready to a 19 foot 11 inch I triple tail whip off the quarter pipe the inspiron coming off of a BMX vert gold metal yesterday let's see what he can get done here is the real talk BMX big air final it is first 1/4 then it has so much control on this rent land it perfectly smooth [Applause] with a big it Burt Blair put down a good solid run I know that's not as high he wanted to go at 13 foot 9 inches you could definitely see fit flats higher than that it looks the way he slows down the rotation is as you get into the quarter pipe when we see the flare but Finance landing his head come around right just below the sticker heel and a little bit sitting back in the saddle he had the reset glass a big imprint table you know in Burt Blair at 13 feet put down a good side right now if you build off that momentum just like we saw him do last night the bird contest put it down a solid run then his second run you just scream helmet goes down that rotation and he will get an easy three flap that will put in in the top spot here in the early part of ground number one there's my bit Byron the world's best action sports athletes are competing at X Games Minneapolis and our coverage continues tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. Eastern on ABC and then at 3:00 and 7:00 Eastern on ESPN the three riders deep in an eighth-grader lineup here's a real cop BMX big hair finals take a look right now at that word for prove Allen Illinois which is the greater st. Louis area he is a two-time PMX bigair gold medalist got his gold medal two spots iguazu brazil and barcelona spain sacks like light flip that's exact word the specialty triple whip at nine feet three inches so he could build off the momentum he okay he stuck to run he kept in solid but I know he's going to want to go high with that if he wanted to metal he definitely has to push the height okay well let's talk about strategy here a little bit but get that one out of the way get the groove and start feeling it then start adding additions to the run correctly exactly so that was the back flip white flip perfect neck one of the only ones doing the bike flip he has it dialed well hi mark to me right now this is 83 this is one of those back to that goal we talked about at the top of the show again no one has ever taken three gold medals for Zachary to get a 77 flat to put him in second place back inside if you have Bank Stadium here in Minneapolis Minnesota X Games 2015 in a new home this year and let's get back to the real talk BMX big air final you've gone through half of the runner here in round and number one out of four nezam right now Vince Byron's into the top spot those are your gold medalist from the last eight bigger events contested here you see Colton Satterfield got two in a row there Chad Kate Morgan wait that word has got two in a row and Steve McCann's though those are your heroes from the last eight events that we have consented here this is what the boys are depending without here when it comes to BMX biggie or Kevin Robinson you have a drop in it is Street pretty much feels like it's straight down when you rolled on this thing you're building all your speed to hit the jump you got the 50-foot gap and a 63 foot gap you want to lay it right on the sweet spot you head up the twenty seven foot tall quarter pipe and put that perfect landing down that's what the judges are looking for a little bit of everything they want to see a big trick over the gap but they also want to see what you do on the quarter pipe we get set to get back to the real vmx big air final like hell Larrin Jevons x-games appearance out of Racine Wisconsin riding with a little bit of adversity here tonight got an injured shoulder Kevin yes he's been nursing his shoulder for about a week and a half we saw him throw it out in Burt last night at doctors the x-games on medical staff to work with him and keep him strong and I think we're going to see it great one and climb like hell tonight boo with a huge look back that was massive 20-foot six inches that was huge so much this is your shoulder she's blasting on towards the rafters here inside the stadium can't can backflip sticking that foot right over that top tube plant it down landed right on the sweet spot little pass thank solid Watson cranking that look back so turn it to handlebars 100 past 180 degrees and looking backward towards the deck of the racks we've done okay so you've been talking to him out throughout the week you know the ins and outs of what's going on with that shoulder right there what does he do in round two he's just kind of have to step it up like I told them when you're under this kind of pressure you got to block out the pain you've got to put yourself at the right mindset and give it everything you've got you got one shot at this all right so you need a seventy one point six six or better to crack into the top three Vince Byron's currently sitting in the lead with an 83 flat as of right now we seek quarter pipe trick to heights of 19 feet 19 feet 11 inches and 20 point six feet layer Mike Hill errant sitting in second place adds up right now James Foster you up for his first out of four attempts James Springs the big technical tricks to the gap as well as the quarter pipe James has some amazing jumping kicked for a while he's really jump heavy but he has put the time in on the quarter on the quarter pipe to better his guilt I think we're going to see that here tonight here we go coming down the role in back to still Atlanta perfect the TV's gone at the quarter pipe the bar spin wrist down side double Kaylin oh man it's 17 feet seven inches that was solely though to be looking where he is in the apex of the jumping he shoots the bars watch this right here he spent to hand the bars around catches them late and then double down side went to whip that micron twice just misses that I was love to see him pull that backhand just came around a little too much and he slid out but that's the kind of stuff we were talking about right there bar spin the late double down side with Seymour him in round number two Morgan Wade out of Tyler Texas a former gold medalist this event he would like to push that high air record he currently owns the title of higher at the X Games with 23 feet three inches he would like to push that even higher here tonight seven and he definitely has the capability but what I'm excited about with Morgan he's been working on his jump tricks I think we're about to see that right now like that with a big 360 back with landing butter spoon the heroin Oh ride it out flip this pedal but he rides it out 18 feet 10 inches that's why they call it gimmicks big air or hype like that did it 450 feet 10 inches on a shovel sandwich it's so slow the rotation look at this what one leg was stretched out his legs are out that you two are off the plate Lance's feet perfect on the pedals and then oh it gets light on his feet right there he knew he pulled out a little bit too much here he was landing a little low he got light on his feet but he held on that was a late birthday present yesterday was his birthday so he gets to ride away from that one right there so he'll slide into fifth as of right now Kolka satterfield is view up next but right now it's time for the real talk keys to success with your two-time defending gold medalist Colt Satterfield my name's Colton Satterfield I've been competing in big air since 2011 2014 X Games I won doing a three foot no hander to barspin over the gap one of the few dudes that spins over the gap which is I think pretty gnarly winning X Games in 2015 was even gnarlier because I kind of wanted that you know Dave Mirra moment I'd already won X Games I've already you know I already have a gold Noah what do you want to do now and so I kind of set my sights on that double flare as kind of my Dave Mirra moment you know that double backed is like I want one of those you know the fashion that it came on the third run was just like like Cinderella having worked so hard for a year for it so I couldn't have asked for a better outcome I love staring fear in the face and doing some on scared do and it working out after strategy I absolutely came there to win so my strategy is come there with the fire run have it dialed have it perfect and send it every run and hopefully we get it the goals I guess are sit back and enjoy it and go hard in the process well you heard his day he wanted one of those that he got it how about the dramatic fashion he got it in it came on his last run at that event to walk away with his second gold medal in a row I said earlier nobody has taken three gold I meant three consecutively so that is what he's shooting for here tonight as you come down the role in Colt Satterfield he had such a large arsenal tricked out to a late no hander it going on laughs oh he got up from that immediately coming out swinging first run check this out with a front flip he'll whip so laser no hander he had a little ops got a little obvious on the spin there he was leaning to the right side on that he nice kids getting tired a little bit which fist held is quite a little bit now to fill the double flare tricked it I got through it I am going to say you know would you be the one to break it down right there first to do it 2006 its landing little too low when you come down you had you're leaning forward like that you're carrying your weight forward it's so hard to not go over the handlebars he actually got out of it really well from the way he cries I was just going to say looking at that replay right there and we got out of that oval virtually unengaged you could open that on the right shoulder but he got right back up but how about that going out swinging with that first run so at the end of round one is spitfire in in the lead we've got three more rounds when we come back let's get back to the real cops BMX big air filed here inside the US Bank Stadium as of right now the end of ground running bit siren sitting in the top spot followed by Michael Aaron and that work you need it in d3 flat or better if you're going to take over that top spot however there's three more rounds still to go and it is the best of your four runs account you'd be : Erikson alongside Kevin Robinson and we start all over again here in round two with Brazil Douglas Oliveira you know what I love I love this story I have to tell about Doug so I was throughout of mega big air ramp events out of Brazil and his kid walks up and says I want to ride this event and everybody say no but I believed in him and I gave him a shot he rode the big air event he won the high air contest that's what open the door for Doug to be able to rise his big era he went on the quarter pipe in his first run he currently city just outside the podium he's at fourth place at one point in time he did all the X Games bigger records at 22 feet one inch it is off country we are in closet iguazu brazil back at three dozen 13 but then we got the barcelona morgan we took that title back but here we go with governments around to the exact fit delhi but then huge Claro his pet caught the coping so at the top of the ramp of the metal coping that coping is what put you out if you don't catch the temp op the rapids to come in he drifted over a little bit a little bit but he saved it got out of it okay [Applause] right here including some working on in capturing though we paid out the last couple years got a double you just little under roof needs there on that flare he stepped on the flare for all my feet 11 inches so obviously going to stick with that first front store how about our x-games rookie Curtis down who came out in his first run first time out of the gate competition in the next game and you do at night two foot 11 inch high air like Porter flight not a bad way to start your XP so great you know I know I know his brother his tooth this is a home watch which is still part of what he's doing there it is again landed bunny let's do we got Oh and he comes down last solo on that quarter pipe you got out of that twice now here it is check it out one more time Superman seat grab backflip hold that feet stretch those legs all the way out grab his grip we put that back tire down he kind of bounced a little bit that's what happy came up just short of the sweet spot with bumps and tire a little bit with his downside check this out one two and three down side know it but he pulls out a little too much lands low that's what blows him off his bike almost a that the triple downside whipped we thought James Foster attempt that for this first time and big here at the X Games back in 2013 is Munich Curtis now trying to make a happen here to now 17 pitch pirates your current leader right now sitting within an 83 flat he's already got X Games built this week from Bert last night he done during the second attempt he's one of the smoothest rockers big air rent all right zip this clipping pedal that is put on late the big table clearly the 14 feet 10 inches I know I know right now the bids can go much higher than that you saw as you landed it just a little bit off little bit crooked about foot off the pedal that is so hard when your feet don't land on your pedals perfect on this ramp and you're coming down with that kind of momentum it's so hard to straighten itself out before you hit that quarter play I was going to say that's a heck of a save to throw after your foot comes off the pedal coming over that gap and especially the speeds you're at when you're coming down that rolling weekend he added 83 flat in the first go-around he'll get a step before this side or not so he will throw that one out and stick with that first run scores that warden is up next we caught up with him to find out what makes him go [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think best part about BMX for me is just the creative aspect everywhere you go you see people do the same trick when they do it their own way they always add their little finger prints to it so nothing's the same music so often that when your favorite song comes on your middle of a session and your friends are all amped up who knows what's going to happen I wake up in the morning I want to go whether sharing my bike whether it's hopping a plane with a chopper in the car and when you're trying to move so fast it's always nice to have something upbeat in to keep you moving I'm Zack Gordon I ride BMX and music moves me just a little insight as to what motivates Zack work yet he has two BMX bigger gold medals to his name currently sitting in third place as of right now with a 77 flat fiber - his first run most that back clip white clip one more time over shot actually had a little too much speed to know what he wanted out of that yes I believe it he wanted to throw the extra variation into the mix so we'll have to look to see more to him and route number three we've got the latter half of round number two when we come back to Minneapolis at US Bank Stadium and we are back live here x-games Minneapolis 2017 it's a packed house here inside the u.s. Bank Stadium this is the real talk vmx big air final we are in round number two out of four as of right now it is Vince pirate still sitting in the top spot with a score of 83 Platt you were looking at Michael Aaron he was your bronze medalist coming in from the last contestant event in 2015 remember we did not hold a bigger event last year in Texas due to the weather we will find el Eric got on tap board here Kevin if they turn down backflip he's got up the quarter pipe just a huge table top at 19 foot seven inches blasting so high I know that's not what he wanted looks like he's twisting on his shoulder a little bit he's really trying to push that shoulder through challenge the times right here yeah I was going to say it now based off working team that's that shows that that shoulders really bothered him right now here he's got the turned down back flip and money well sitting in jacket plays free run with that 78 flap and you can tell just visibly in pain right there but as you said fight the pain so he'll go with that first run score and keep him in a second as of right now James foster do up next but James Foster loves to get it done on his bike he also gets it done at home hi I'm James Foster and I'm from Redlands California I've always been very DIY you know I hate letting other people do things for me so anytime something needs to be done there's a problem to be sold I would always just figure out how to do it on my own you know use the internet research read whatever that's how I learned how to work on cars it's how I learned how to build ramps that's going to learn how to work on motorcycles weld and everything the way I look at it is you're teaching yourself a new skill and you're solving a problem while saving yourself a ton of money I would never be able to afford this house or the cars that I've built or the ramps or anything if I didn't learn how to do it on my own and figure out how to do it myself because I could never afford to pay somebody else to build all this stuff for me I figure if I'm going to do something I want to do it right and I want to do it right the first time I'm going to put my all into it and try and have the best you know the best possible outcome I guess you could call it OCD or perfectionist or whatever but end of the day you end up having you know a better result with whatever you're working on that's a great look into the mind of James Foster and that attitude and doing it yourself DIY at translates well if it was writing it just gives you a little look into his mind pity he's got that drive he's got that spirit and that's why he gets out here and throws down these super crazy technical tricks what we've seen over the years come out of James Lawson you know that's what bike riding has done for me it just gave him this hard work ethic that he puts into everything he does in his life big back would tell it into the corner there it is to the bar spit downside whip land smooth at 15 foot 8 inches remember you crash on the quarter pipe from the first pitch right there right here comes up bar big catches late downside whip to speed on land so smooth I was perfect landing that's a lot going on if you spit the bars that throw that down side whip it there lady to get it at first Rory you crashed that here's there in there that's Jerry if you're just trying to build as you go along this is browser my friend you get full run it's the best of your four runs that counts he was at the bottom free run he was down at 8th place you need a 77 flat or better if you're jumping in and he moves up to second place James Foster with his death he eight point six six and now your top three is Byron Foster and Lehren what's great now is he can ride off the momentum of that run puts them at solid running isn't a confident to get too excited to be in the contest we get it confidence we do make us an oregon-based right there that is the kind of guy that you will get every day on that bike out of Oregon ways just happy-go-lucky he just gets out there having a good time ride his bike but I'm telling you he wants to push that higher record he are do to the 23 feet 3 inches clear decks game he wants to go higher he's been talking about this one for years he has and he only tried the big 360 backflip oh over-rotate slides out safely he's got his wife and his son near the audience watching him think about the amount of speed that you have is there sliding down that thing and he's playing around he didn't leave back hold his arms up plays it off like it's no big deal so he'll stick with his first run score for right now and it's Colt Satterfield's sitting down at each place as of right now coming into this witness the last to be mx2 here at became event in a row in for his second out of four attempts there it is one slip Talent just going over the bars on that one taking two good knocks on that shoulder so you're defending suits on gold medalists will stay an eighth as of right now but it's--but Byron still in the lead after two runs out of for the real vmx big air final we've completed two rounds out of four here in the event remember it is best of those four runs that count and it is bit Byron hitting in the top spot still after two rounds of competition however in round number two we saw James foster jump up in the second place and Mykel larren despite an injured shoulder built in in that third place position but there are still two more rounds to go and if it's still up for grabs and it's anybody's game as this is the best run counts can we call the hare alongside Kevin Robinson well Kevin received a pretty impressive height so far from see those guys this usually do well have some issues on the quarter pipe yes I don't land and lo it means a couple guys to pull it out a little too much you know as they're going higher so let's keep thinking relax a little bit on their semi 34 front all right Douglas Oliveira starts off the round he's currently sitting in sleep right now working double duty out here this weekend riding vert as well as real tough BMX big air getting a high five for porygon wait i it's scary to think of what he's possibly going to try to do I fetched this on his last run he's worked on which bring as far as the gap tricks were concerned he's worked up a difficulty level of that here this year for sure you know what I love seeing with Doug is to control that he's got you know he kind of used to ride to think Boone sent out of his hole and he's really learned how to stable himself it drives his control perfect back sick tell if that was perfect with a huge giant flare so I wrote cake again he had that problem in round number two he rotated it around a little bit more this time so against it the third time's going to be the charm when we get into that fourth route he was so close on that he's right there you know he just put a little more rotation on that just pop off the lip just a little harder watch right here you see him as he comes around he turns his tire just a little too late and that was at 90 feet though I mean that was a fast player you're doing a backflip 180 at 90 feet right there so that'll leave him it's bit Lance's up right now herded down our X Games rookie he sent a couple of big variation on the corner fight he currently sits in seventh as of right now with his best run being a 67 point six six this is birth X Games parent oh he's got quarter the giant table table read it sixty feet ten inches it looks it looks like he just get a flying W over back with over the gap I'm going to see the replay of it check this out both legs over his arms searching for his bike with his legs oh look at how late that right oh goodness and waited and waited it's got his feet back on the pedals that was being so patient right here to throw it in nice big table top the fans watch it behind I just figured after that gap tricky figured he wasn't going to push the issue he had a huge triple net whip and run number one he's trying to down side triple sail with his brother for two of the quarter fighting but had a fall look man he should go buy a lottery ticket after that one right there that was like saying that was not luck with Johnny he's got I but I really can't miss Byron currently sitting at first place the two rounds of competition he's already got itself a vert gold medal here in Minneapolis he has at 83 which is his first run score which is the better up issue the far there it is again the front slip court seven [Applause] doors talk with that Clara 5:40 that it does on the berm and that's ridiculous that he just ride that we see they do that on the very actually did it on the vert ramp twice yesterday to help them get that gold medal but to try to do that on the bigger quarter pipe then I play the difference on average the transitions actually it's a tighter ramps it is more pop there's more pop up the bike go it kind of pushes you away from ramp a little easier on this ramp it's such a slow transition it's so hard to get your bike to pop off that live on those difficult tricks that work currently one spot out of the podium we're sitting in for plays it for attempt to number three over rotate all right so he said this earlier you've got the bike flip back flip we've seen that we said he wanted a little bit more he doesn't leak today was out of that that was part of the equation that helped him earn those two gold medals but he got 2013 that's what he's aiming for right here now he's in a position now to go back up and try it again 40 even say well we're halfway three and it's this virus still hitting odds in that top spot we'll have more when we come back [Music] welcome back to X Games Minneapolis there are so many great artists initiatives here at X Games get the zoom competition going on they've got these amazing photographs that are on display as you walk into the stadium here to vote for your favorite photographer go to X Games comp backslash zoo but back here is the real cops BMX big air my tell Lehren do up next but Mike tell layer no the rest of these guys are pretty tough but Mike L caught up with some even tougher guys at the naval basic Coronado California a master diver Michael hi today we're going to take McHale lore and professional BMXer and make them part of our team outside mm he pulled it clean give it up for Michael Aaron are you ready I'm ready man I got a little bit of a shoulder thing going on right now but I'm gonna give it my damnedest all right so we'll rub some sand and dirt on it and hopefully you'll be all right hi Michael appreciate coming down in from us at Liam only three who wishes that to think I'm going I couldn't do what I do every day for whatever you got stuck licensing all constraint is it see more of America's maybe at slash texting well you see Mike help witness to work with America's Navy there now he's about to put it to work here in round number three and the real cop vmx big air that's run is a 78 lat did that in round number one got him in a bronze medal position right now and the big story there he's doing this with that injured shoulder he is fighting through the pain if it's coconut up for a bronze medal as of right now Kevin I know maybe not doing that process and I don't he also wants to step it up perfect landing solid Oh taking the brunt of that right there of the lower transition of the quarter pipe triple downside whip is planted hit the back seat a little too much punch momentum going backward one-two-three catch the pedals please Kevin through the back there being attended to the back of my head I believe game to look at the back of my head is medical right now you know and you can tell for everybody they do wear body upper they do have body armor on underneath their shirts the help with impact like this and that's something a lot of people at home you don't get to see even if people then stand underneath all their clothes they are wearing wearing body armor elbow pads padding on the chest padding on the back also a lot of wear his hat I always wore hip pads knee pads ship pad you keep yourself as safe as you possibly can all right so we'll let X Games medical tent to Mykel we'll be back here with for from real cost BMX big air when we come back welcome back to X Games Minneapolis before we went to break this off Mike L let's pick a pretty heavy crash here right now let's sit it down to Brian Kachinsky the third member of our crew who is with Mike health right now all right as you can see Michael Aaron went down hard that just shows how tough these guys are they don't do this you know just you know just for the fun of it they do this to challenge themselves and sometimes that's the cost but Mike hell he's a tough guy he got up he gave me a high five he's getting checked out by X Games Medical and we wish him the best so thank you Brian trying a downside triple tail whip and it got lurched to his backside right there but the good news was he was able to get up and walk off the ramp under his own power as we were away in commercial breaking lands we get an update we will let you know about my kills that is James foster in round number two jumped up into a silver battle position and look at him right now Kevin Roberts could see the concentration he is going through the in his mind of what he could have sent here for the fans inside the stadium that's exactly what he's doing system picturing is Ron in the pit ring landing it I think we're going to see this right here let's do it he's got [Applause] does he get to talk oh I cannot believe what I just witnessed what just happened Jane Foster the hard work the dedication pays off if backflip one two three backflip triple tail whip and look at the little as a few tips on this right past the Cape money right there is then check together the quarterpipe bar spin one doubts I do it too if you see what that right foot was little up Calvin she pulled that her hey he rides away from that one water running and he got hurt you know by point six six he's got himself a brand new leader at the real arrogant X Games 2017 that's the first time we've seen anyone challenge bits fired for that lead so here's a latter part of Route three out of four it's now Foster Byron and lurid with two riders left to go here in round at supper three and one right there I'm actually getting geared up I am so happy I'm so happy with James Foster I really am more hit in spy to the work is paying off Morgan wait currently sitting in sixth place as of right now the best we've seen on it was a 70 point three three from round number what fasik plant solid oh boy it's a boy amazing so far he just fell frigid with a c4 geek with a speed bargain coming down on he it's up like it's absolutely nothing so tough break for him on that run right there so we'll have to look for more out of him if there's round number four so Colt Satterfield up next but ATP presents it's not access today we catch up with Colt Satterfield Club guys in : Satterfield ride BMX bikes I'm going to show you what I bring pretty much everywhere first things first nothing like Dave Mirra put mirror on your back made this shirt a little while ago actually 4x games last year and any time I'm scared I just kind of put it on and instantly like you want to send it so thanks Dave Mirra for being such a beast that making not scared number one if there's trees around where ham eating I've used this thing everywhere also hammocks are rad got a have fresh pants everywhere these are loving rebel pants they're built specifically for BMX I wear them for one reason because Matt Hoffman wears them and I own the company so I also wear the for that guy turn gray bars they give back to a bunch of people in need so they're awesome and they taste good and they're organic party absolutely necessity you got to have a big speaker it just turned on - you got to be in your hotel jam and ready to send it out the contest and last but not least oh we got monster hot day like today we're chilling we got everything we need that's it so there you go you ever going to go on a road trip or go on a ride extension with Colt Satterfield so we just got the gear back right there yeah a little one is you to quit the equip for any trip right now we sitting in eighth place here it is third hips out of four okay it's gonna cross the gap there what is he great to the part of the player that one was a lot easier to get out of that that person simply saw just under rotates that one a little when it slides out as I was saying earlier about the transition affecting your pop especially on a double flare it makes it difficult so that will leave him down at eight here if he is out of round number one time now for America's av AV insider well today's question here on American Navy Navy insider is what percentage of the Navy fleet is made up by field is it a less than one percent be five percent C ten percent forty twenty percent what do you think would have been occurred yet for Kevin Wow a it is less than one percent it is an elite group before about careers in the Navy you can logon fit the e top we've got one more around the left to kill here for the real tough BMX beginner when we kill back welcome back inside the US Bank standing here for X Games Minneapolis 2017 through three rounds out of four here in the real cost BMX big air final it is James foster sitting in the top spot right now with an eighty nine point six six by virtue of his third run it's pirate it was in the lead through two rounds now since it a silver medal position and it's Michael Aaron with an injured shoulder and we've sitting in a bronze but there is a one more round left to go it is better on the count and is it still up for grabs here tonight Jimmy call in the booth alongside Kevin Robinson as we start off again with Douglas Oliveira for Brazil now what are we going to see from Doug he's going to try to throw down support tricks or just kind of try to flap as well as high as you can looks like you folks hit induce a strict I can say I've got to take without another run I was going to say in stronger they shoot he said let's go hi brothers I was through the fancier the US as well as his homie down at Brazil I believe you can extend right Kevin is absolutely oh boy oh boy criss-cross jump 21 feet 11 inches if you're thinking at Hopewell why did he Street jump the cab that's because he was trying for that high air records and on the quarter pot if you notice he started he normally starts on the right side jumped the right side grant he took off on the left side it drifted over to billboard speed exactly actually when I stood there the contest failed to build that more speed check it out right here he starts on the on the left side we trip over to the right and give some more speed before he landed we can bring in oh right they're blasting 21 feet 11 inches showing you from the spider-ham that replay brought to you by Pacific oh that spider camp look there that's what it takes to try to blast this is impressive Heights right there oh my goodness Curtis down X Games rookie here is big air best runner was a cavity that we saw to him and round number three last chance here for him to try to jump up the biggest air we see down here with that quarter pipe 19 feet 11 inches up far okay wretches not that stupid deep breath backflip a lot of business most stressed out what we've seen a few today yeah my boy Pauly spoke seven feet seven inches high believable that was all food dated control of exactly what judges are looking for food Landy stating control of your bicycle three downsides double whip he try at money it was a fortuitous taking work out on the fourth and final attempt he rides away and ride the weight sweep from it at all my edges turn us down screws up the second place and first time ever riding in the real plus we have a big air event he is sitting in his second place spot the rookie appearance it you're looking at the potential silver fennel and it gives the some of his last run so now it's Foster downs environ and speak of the devil look who's up next this virus lives Doubront as he comes down the rolling for his fourth and final ascent natural plant food what you got whoa [Applause] Claire 5:45 give that back oh my mistake almost all your landing of the jump put it in honey oh that was amazing on the heading this book it is goes to Claire 5:45 planting plants quite essence sticker I can't even believe it you see you're seeing it as head of ERISA labor that it is absolute pandemonium down there the FDCPA 92.3 3 Byron puts down a heater in the fourth McConnell run and reclaims the lead now it's Byron Ulster it tells your top 300 hold the phone everybody please no more runs to go but bands into shape enough to be a dogfight as you take a look at Zach Warren final ascent backflip slight slip [Applause] six inches but will it be enough to break it to the melted picture you needed 88.3 three or better to get into a bronze as of right now as we take another look at Zach's quarter pipes trick here retell it get to the pedals and a little low but you fix it the same dirty-looking where that left foot was right there Zach with your current leader this virus Oh that'll kid if it just force knocking on the door there was an 85 and look who's back on top of the rollin after taking that slab at the end of his third run like hell Larrin he was in a prosthetic body now split down to fifth the switch has been flicked this last one everybody is stepping up to the plate just a giant doubts I went try to keep it safe at 17 foot seven inches last week outside Tara gentle hell he is physically in pain look at him right now you have to give this guy an ovation for what he has fought they're both with the bird competition and here tonight to still take all of his run he is an absolute true warrior to keep continuing could easily just set down it's got on his last one but he goes out there for the stand and for the X Games it grows out of solid clean run I believe you could stack and knowing my goal and experience if he's left on something rolling if I could not believe that James Foster sits in a silver metal spot having kittens look at the concentration up right to think about what James was going to try to throw to the bacteria this fourth and final run however I know what we've seen already I know what he's capable of I know the bad trick didn't you had he's got an arsenal of trick - what's he got on least I'm going to take a deep breath before it's cooked in here this could be absolute bedlam here we go Jeff Kloster for the final ride oh boy good landing Wow this last brought by everybody to save the contest has stepped up tenfold what happened to be with that commercial break at the end alone very much I cannot believe what I witnessing being tackled by half of the rest of the fuel Nevada me from the flat bottom you know what I'm going to say is I still glad that I sitting up here with you oh look at this that's it one two three left foot triple K with feet on the pedals brings it around what's in bar spit sit down so I went one two three oh good catches and pedals land solid such a fantastic run and it just decide over the top if I could be of oh my gosh ah [Music] [Applause] what could happen another lady hug real we saw cash rolling a 540 flower on the quarter pipe is now chief foster come down please down that run and he takes the lead by two full points this has been the most amazing last present of the real cloth BMX big air event here at X Games 2017 my I am analog forward and done we've still got two more guys left the ride Wow you get your money's worth out of this finish here we go Morgan already currently fifth it's seventh place the best for we see tonight look for round one a seventy point three three and he is in three-sixty backflip the double gallop would get a good solid rod 18 foot five inches he took a pretty good knock at the end of that third run and there is your very excited to leader that was Jean sausages saw shot of right there look at this going over the gap with no handed backflip 360 or is another one they look at meal it and work it on the cat trick this last season and yeah that back by army he would just pass the stick of day but what we call the sweet spot right there on the knuckle of that landing so Morgan Wade will groove up into fourth place there eighty five point three three knocking on the door of the podium with water otter let it go now let's knock on out coping field not at all anybody who can handle the pressure impulse is it been assigned gold medalist he has got the opportunity right here to step it up and put down the grunting want it's the best that counted he's taken gold on the last run before it's the final rub of the night here in real cost a little dig in [Applause] but that was the wild close I thought that was the one but he gets up from that one he's got three crashes on that tonight but gets up from it what a night we have had here so look at that James Clouser one out with a goal bit Cyrus with a silver medal and Curtis nails with the bronze your final results here from the real cost P of X big air final I cannot believe what we just witnessed James foster taking home a gold medal this pirate with a silver Curtiss out his first ever X Games apparent sucked in and earth itself a bronze medal yeah I mean how about that for your rookie X Games appearance you come in you get a broth this virus got two metals this weekend you've got a golden bird he's got a silver in a real costume I figure let's send it down to Brian Kachinsky we're here with Jane Foster X Games gold medalist in big air so we're here in Minneapolis we're outside we're out of the elements we're out of the wind we're out of the weather and came down it came down to pure skill and talent you made it happen how does it feel all I got to say is a it feels amazing I put on a Hoffman Sports Association shirt right before I took that run so shout out to Matt Hoffman that's the craziest thing I've ever done I'm pretty sure was this shirt I don't know so I'm speechless I can't even well you're a do-it-yourself guy and you did it yourself today Congrats must wow that was an amazing finish right there but it's Curtis downs with the bronze it's this Byron with the silver and Shane flosser walks out of here with the gold on his last run for real toss BMX Pierre final
Channel: X Games
Views: 3,502,730
Rating: 4.7526941 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, BMX, BMX Big Air, James Foster, Vince Byron, Kurtis Downs, Minneapolis, US Bank Stadium, BIG Air, Mega Ramp, Bikes, Bicycle, BMX Big Air X Games, BMX Big AIr, BMX Big Air Final, X Games Minneapolis, X Games Minneapolis 2017, Summer X Games, Summer X-Games, X-Games Minneapolis, X-Games Minneapolis 2017, BMX freestyle, BMX street, BMX Park, BMX videos, BMX video, BMX freestyle video
Id: wU1VgsuEXtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 56sec (3356 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2017
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