Men's Pro Street Finals Webcast | Dew Tour Long Beach 2018

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welcome to sunny summertime here from Long Beach California this is the 2018 summer to tour fueled by mountain dew we are gearing up for what will be a celebration of the world's best skateboarders here today it is all about the men's Pro Street finals eight of the world's best have come together to compete in this 3 run format best run wins how's it going everybody I'm Todd Richards joined here in the booth by Andrew cannon and Kris pastors boys we had a intense qualifier yesterday a lot of talent here is about to throw down I mean you toe here ago may winning the qualifier yesterday tell me why you guys I'll tell you a few reasons why he's got a super deep bag of really unique tricks that no one else does and they're super technically difficult and so judges love both those things that's why scores so high and Andrew also you know we've got some amazing runs that went down yesterday I want to hear some pics from you guys Andrew I'm gonna hit you up first of who you think you know based out of the skaters that qualified I'm gonna go I'm gonna say you tell her ago me if he stays on he is just so comfortable and confident like you were saying Chris just really really good bag of tricks but Chaz Ortiz is looking really good out there as well and I'm going chase Webb as the wild-card all right well it's 60 seconds for every skaters run it's a long time to stay on eight skaters three runs best run counts Chris pastors now I'm gonna hit you up is your call man if Yuto stays on his board I think he's gonna be really difficult if not impossible to top but I'm gonna have a wildcard pick Jagger Eaton mm-hmm yeah young buck he's been doing super well the last year if he stays on his board Jagger is gonna be hard to beat as well well we've got a lot of action coming up here this course is great it features a little bit of something for everybody Andrew you you were out there this morning kind of just testing things out you were telling me that some of these gaps are it's no beginners mom out there there big boy gaps yeah the one that you're gonna see most of the guys going down that boost mobile gap with the with the sign gas in it really tall we saw a lot of people sticking throughout the entire weekend and then super super gnarly all right well this was our number one qualifier you tell her ago May this is how he got it done yeah and like I mentioned he's got a super unique bag of tricks that no one else does in the field and judges seem to love that that crazy not only 272 switch feeble nollie heel a lot of people were just allying there and the 360 flip down them Bruce Smallville gap a lot of people sticking on some wheel bite you landed it perfectly big spin front board to fakie so difficult perfect switch from fluff slide epic getting a pound from Alec smart Garris until we see that's how we did it all right well here is the start list for today DeSean Jordan in chase Webb Jagger Eaton Ryan disenzo Vincent milu Chaz Ortiz Kelvin Hoefler and Yuto Hara go make your number one qualifier Mickey Papa is out and that's why I Shawn Jordan is in Mickey Papa out with an injury during practice so we simply slid to Shawn into the final so as we said before three runs 60 seconds you get a stay on your board the entire time and Blair Ali is down on the sidelines let's check in with Blair yeah I'm down here the best of the best the the eight that we cut to on Friday are here warming up I mean it was a field of 25 insane skaters and to cut that to eight was really insane so these guys are consistent they're killing it warming up yeah Mickey Papa slammed on a rail out here and had to go to the hospital to get checked out from what I heard it wasn't pretty so I hope he's doing all right but that means the Shawn Jordan is in which everyone's excited about and yeah as you can see behind me these guys are nailing all their tricks in the warm-ups so we're gonna be insane competition Yuto you guys should really be some filming That's not me they're going off back to you guys in the studio thanks prettier though Blair yeah thanks you looking great out there today well this is a truly international field that we have here we've got so many different countries represented and just with the direction that skateboarding is headed in heading to the Olympics here pretty soon it's it's truly an international playing field with all these different countries especially you know showing how strong Japan is coming on with their talent yeah I mean Yuto was relatively unknown just a year or two ago and he's come on so so strong then you have Francis Francis Vincent milu who's really stepped on in the international scene and made a a huge impact the last six months or so just qualified second at Street League so we'll see him out there at Street League as well all right well we're going to take a look at some highlights from the women's Pro Street competition Andrew take us through right here Pamela Rosa from Brazil came out and absolutely crushed it frontside lipslide down the big rail she was just looking really confident on the course you know mixing up her line trying to add on make it better nice crook on the a-frame and I was talking to some of the Brazilian crew and they said she's just the total contest skater she doesn't really get out in the streets and try to film any video parts she's just completely focused on competitive skateboarding and it shows well congratulations to her the women's division it's great due to our having the men's and women's comp it's great to see the progression in women's skateboarding is is going through the roof right now yeah it's unbelievable year after year I think in the last year we've seen more progression then than we probably have in the last five I mean it's unbelievable it's really cool to to see you know Alexis a blown Lacey Baker still in there still making it happen and you see this whole new generation come in just crush alright well we're getting them wrapped and ready to go when we come back we're gonna start off the men's Pro Street you are watching the Dew Tour from Long Beach California it's fueled by Mountain Dew [Music] [Applause] okay guys we're about to get this party started here in the men's Pro Street here is the start list now you notice there's only seven names there Mickey Papa our eighth to qualify into this men's final was injured so now we only take seven Mickey will end up getting a place respectively because of that injury and now we have seven so this is gonna move along quite quickly yeah I mean Mickey is definitely someone that was on our hot lifts he's got such a deep bag of tricks he's so consistent we saw him crush it in the team challenge so it's a bummer I hope he gets well soon all right we just saw the start list there so let's get this party started chase Webb will be our first contestant here on the men's street course chase I was talking to him a little bit ago coming in with a fresh cut today for the mohawk I like it but he was just basically saying he's just gonna come out and go full gnar yeah like no no half-stepping today he knows it's all on the line he wants to win I mean that haircut there there is no way no chase web has grinded some of the gnarliest handrails and longest handrails in skateboarding so this course really suits chase well all right now as we said before each rider gets three runs through 60 seconds is a long time to stay on your board will either be the shortest 60 seconds for the longest 60 seconds of your day it could be either way as we get ready to start here just a little idea of what's going on out there it's really warm the Sun is out bright sunshine here in the street chorus just reflecting off this asphalt these guys have been practicing all morning long and it's it's definitely a heater yeah a lot of the skaters were saying as well they're not so used to the 60 seconds a lot of a lot of the contests are down to 45 now so the 60 seconds really is a lot of time out there on the course that extra 15 can make or break you all right here we go into it right now with chase on course nice and there's that 5050 lock it in on that double kink oh wait this is just warming up his legs absolutely ain't warmed up warming the crowd up yeah chase reeling about hotels on round bar handrails and there's there's a ton of them out there on the course this is chase Webb's field they did a really good job on the course this year there's a lot of options you got your transition stuff got good hips popping off concrete on everything which is great the lot of the skaters have been saying they really like that a lot of rail options you know the thing that we were watching the other day during qualifiers there was a couple sections of this course that maybe didn't look like they were offering the most pop they were like a little bit mellow we saw people falling especially there on the little transfer over the stairs yeah we saw a lot of people but bailing on like regular kick flips and backside flips and 360 flips and I mean well that while it is still concrete it's not the streets you get a different style of pop even yeah real raw streets out there they were also saying it was really windy the other day so you know because the contest is outside there's a lot of different factors well Mickey Papa being injured we're gonna watch where he was actually being at the top of his game and that's in the team challenge we're blind took it out yet again so check it out right here at Ray would absolutely since laying over in the Park section that kickflip stalefish was just so on edge so raw even skated after having food poisoning TJ Rodgers kickflip manual going a boardslide super unique combination technical tricks the judges love another kickflip manual this time going to nose slide shoving it 270 out so sick bold strategy wearing glasses on the course dude geez they didn't even notice that door right now then we have Mickey Papa who was the MVP yesterday it came out swinging tons and tons of flip in tricks and his nice feeble grind on the kink trail he posted the highest score yesterday individually of an 89 overall really really came out and helped blind get to that top spot this three piece for blind Dewey's the team manager for them is just a joy to be home I'm just over the moon team manager at the decade maybe add Yuto coming through in the clutch with tricks like that 360 flip and this perfect back 360 well when we come back the start of the Men's Pro Street comp congratulations to team blind winning the team challenge but now it's all about the men's street comp individual event stick around you're watching the dude tour bill prime mountain do [Applause] [Music] you are watching the Dew Tour from Long Beach California we are about to start off the men's Pro Street final let's check out Mickey Papa who is injured in practice he's going to be now sitting out this final end by virtue of Mickey dropping out DeSean Jordan moves up he was the next in line so DeSean Jordan is gonna be our first to start off this men's Street final chase way up Jagger Eaton Ryan descends though Vincent milu Chaz Ortiz Kelvin Hoefler and Utah hair ago may DeSean Jordan now he's thrown into this mix guys what do you think Andrew how's this gonna shake things up DeSean is I mean he's gonna go at full attack mode he's got some of the craziest tricks you're gonna see out there amazing lock on a frontside crooked grind he'll go bigger spin flip front board if he can put that stuff down I definitely think he is in contention all right well DeSean Jordan is going to start this off just getting the shoulder tap you know maybe that's a good thing though you weren't really sure you were gonna be in the comp and all sudden you're the first guy up okay maybe it takes away some of the dirt yeah or gives you three times then he's got three tries yeah that's right sixty seconds three runs keep your best run - Sean Jordan on course started off beautiful backside / crook down the rail get the pushes in noseblunt on the other side Deshawn is another one of those guys he's really versatile cat-back lived he's gonna skate all the rails but if he wanted to he could and wrecked on the quarter pipe no prob the shops got years of amateur skateboarding experience under his belt so we got a sharpen his knives and won a Street League stop last year so he's really bust on to the pro contests it I don't think he could be any more clean than the run he's having right now he's immaculately on all of his landing coming in at the Boost Mobile gap Oh half-caf flip honestly that's kind of unique for him think I've ever seen that Deshawn bust that trick out especially not in a contest well Musca was there you go that was the bigger spin flip front board attempt I think he might run out of rail on that you know we saw my front 270 switch front board he kind of deep the rail but man that's a bigger spin flip front board is a lot of spinning to get in on those tech rails well Deshawn Jordan kind of winding out this run right now a couple of mistakes but as we said these guys get free runs so let's talk us through the replays here yeah there's that cab back lip taking it to fakie so much power and control it's got so much pop there utilizes it on that 360 flip nice and controlled and here's where things kind of went Rob going for a frontside half cab unique trick for the Shah did it cost him well we're moving right along here on the roster DeSean Jordans first run a sixty three point three three but you can throw that one away you got two more shots at this yeah that's not typical DeSean Jordan score so I don't think that'll hold and chase Webb looking at me pump it's got this crazy gap out he does to the double kick it's such a strong start gap to back 50 on that isn't saying there's nobody else skating the course like that yeah there's zero room for error nice bluntslide getting out early rail tricks in 15 seconds that was insane he's got a hustle going on right now called it Andrew chase is coming in 50:58 the double kink 180 now at this time yeah I talked to him a little earlier he was just really excited to be in there and he was like look I'm not normally the flip guy he goes down on the kickflip front 50 but he was like you know what I'm just gonna go gnarly because that's he's like that's my yeah getting away yeah we didn't see it miss either of those tricks all through qualifying or practice really rare misses on that there's some flips right there from chase that's tough because he started out so gnarly that if he wants to put a perfect run down he's gonna have to go gap back 50 again which is quite possibly one of the most terrifying tricks you can do other yeah you saw the anticipation from him before that run it's an intense trick so difficult well let's walk through the replays he is just yeah 50/50 on a double kick handrail gapping out to it it's got to be holding this perfect at all the human embodiment of the bad boy Club logo this case is just totally fearless there we see 50/50 through the double cake this time 188 out nice control that here's where things went wrong on this kick but 50 we saw make that every time throughout the week unfortunately going down right there the chase boy will get two more shots at this he is looking at a fifty three point six six is this first to score on the board that'll go away throw away I just like the intensity mrs. Karen a lot of speed alright moving right along Jagger Eaton a dark-horse pick he's got crazy quarter pipe tricks that frontside blunt kicked up out his absolute bonkers I think even sank Dark Horse is a little off though because I mean he won Tampa Pro he's won Tampa AM he's this is the format that he excels it you know he excels in the run format so switch back clipper switch back tail but not a household name yet right yeah it's definitely a work in progress the crazy thing is he can go out to get a mega ramp - oh yeah that's where he kind of shined and came notice in skateboarding and since he's picked up some insane Street skills started crushing all the street contests as well so having 60 seconds on the clock here if I mean we're watching a couple couple tricks being missed here there's a chance as an opportunity if you bail a couple times to come back and really hammer at home and put the points on huh yeah but I mean Jagger is super well versed in skating contest he came up and answer it he knows how to skate a contest this is not gonna be down for three bales that back knows well most beautiful and when you've got as much contest experiences Jagger you can totally do a mental reset you have to just pretend this first run and that you know three runs best of three format is is great for for anyone in any competition just because it kind of gives you a little bit of a chance to knock the cobwebs out yeah we saw people struggle with the to run format it really I think it affected that mentally because they really had no throwaway runs alright well we had some problems here on Jagger's first run talked me through I went wrong here yeah he's going for a switch kickflip I believed a switch back lip and just didn't get prop hop he needed to get over the handrail and place it in that switch backside lipslide unfortunately well Jagger Eaton run number one a thirty six point three three as we move down the line here of just in tensely great skaters Ryan disenzo will be up next descent so you see him all sweaty he's been on the course all morning practice more than anyone well it's Canada Day hahaha so that's why he's so sweaty he was so excited about that too he's like don't worry I'll celebrate fourth of July he's like this is just the warmup pop to a great start such a cool trick to throw on your run yeah that's typically a vert transitional trick he also does it on the other side which is the same we're gonna slide through the kink this is a great run Brian Deese Enzo's got so much contest experience good grip in these things for almost a decade now well he got a top three finish in 2016 here in Long Beach since I was just so fast putting on a clinic right now front side flip to flat she's a great run he's got to hang on for these last 15 seconds frontside 180 up fakie flip for a second I thought he was getting wheeled by right there muscled through that one trick lattice Enzo that is so difficult to try the back tail you know though the relative that Robbie Cooper insane yeah last trick a basic trick at that I think he'll still score pretty read darn well on that now you can just tell by the end of that run there disenzo is just gassed out completely it's a long time to be on course that is crazy he goes on the other side for that sugar cane here's the switch flip slide to switch which is super unnatural control wise through a kink that's crazy nice big lofty frontside 360 the fakie flip check that wheel so close to some wheel bite right there oh and he just muscles through well we are halfway through a run number one Ryan disenzo moves in the first place eighty-seven point three three will it be enough to take down Utah here ago may formal riders to go stick with us here at Long Beach California you are watching the Dew Tour built by Mountain Dew [Applause] [Music] [Applause] these are heating up here at the Dew Tour in the Long Beach Ryan disenzo putting down an absolute smoker our current leader eighty seven point three three is the score to beat now with four more heavy hitters yet to come yeah we saw that switch lipslide that the fakie flip perfect landing there great round Senzo is the oldest guy in the contest thirty one years old which is definitely not old but he's got a lot of experience super super talented now up in first place all right well Vincent Malou coming out of France is up next we're gonna see if Ryan disenzo score will hold on this Vincent gets ready to drop 21 years old out of friends Vincent was here yesterday skating for a while after the contest gearing up for this is super stoked nice big love that half-cab feeble back to switch super difficult especially on such a short rail yeah it's typically a transition there we go the kickflip backside boardslide that's a Vincent Ballou special kickflip into lipslides board slides and no problem front side flip up [Music] flip down the double set I've seen Vincent crush it in Europe for a few years now he's just now getting known in the States oh so close on the gap kickflip front lip if you can get that in the next run it's gonna be a solid score coming in switch switch back lip unfortunately that's gonna do it for him on run number one but he's got two more ahead of him he definitely has the makings for quite a fine run out there so Chris Masters talked us through some of the highlights of this run yeah there's that perfect front blunt slide this is a Vincent milu patented trick here the kickflip boardslide taking it to fakie so much control then a perfect switch flip and then unfortunately that not perfect speed another Vincent blue standard the kickflip lipslide almost pulling it hopefully gets that from rut number two well currently he is sitting in second place right now he definitely has a little more that he can bring to that run just kind of leaving a little on the table right there as we see Willie Santos in the house yeah he actually rides for Willie's company Willie's workshop legend all right speaking of legends Chaz Ortiz came into the Dew Tour at a very young age has been around basically raised on the Dew Tour everyone chest didn't have tattoos and he was winning do more ya cheatin adieu to our event for about a decade now it's only 24 years old it's crazy he's a veteran of contests he's dealt with some victory over these last couple of years but he's out there he skated great qualifiers up to a great start nice Smith grind popping out a little early there talked to him a little bit of strategy said he wants to come out put down one solid run and he's gonna have to to attempt to build on that and Andrew you said he that you spoke to him earlier and he was really hungry just seemed like super motivated to come out here in this job this week yeah he's really excited I mean I think when you spend that much time injured you are just chomping at the bit to get out there get some skating in especially because with you with the way the Internet is now last thing you want us to be forgotten you know so he's coming through and really showing that he still got it kickflip a clip down that's so perfect and he knows not to get you up when he falls it's got so much complex experience well that was perfect listen to the last trick form right here missing the last one but just ingredients of an amazing run right there I'm curious to see where he takes it now because you know that front Smith was in his safety run he said he's got a replacement for that we'll see if he goes right into the gnar or if he's gonna try to put down the safety we saw the nollie front feeble there's a perfect backside flip [Music] he's going kick flip front feeble locking it in perfectly you do not see a lot of people doing that trick fortunately for chas falling stepping off a couple times but he gets two more runs to put it down man some of the tricks he's doing are so tech and he just doesn't really easy run number one seventy five point six six bumps him into second place even with those Falls yeah with two Falls that's still a great score tells you what he's capable of all right moving right along here next up from Brazil Kelvin Hoffler and Kelvin has one actually a few years back in Los Angeles he won both the downhill Street style event and the street course event in one weekend this guy is a contest machine as well yeah Kelvin has just won so many contests he's a really kind of a contest veteran wait a second do two more last year there you see it nice backside noseblunt front 270 off to a great start that's so much power oh man the kickflip front blunt down that rail would be insane especially just in the middle of a run like yeah that's a that's a risky one that foot at the beginning of your run that's one of the things that's so awesome about Kelvin is it seems like he's just a hundred percent going for it every single time yeah risks it for sure nice switch tailslide they're pissed the flow on his woman is crazy they're taking like setup he's this going going going going bang bang Wow that was our so many tricks right there add up the points so by virtue of that first fall I mean he's really kind of just making up for it here my special the first time I see someone else do that trick twice as helmets were sick Oh is he gonna so close to the kickflip front blunt man that was crazy and also sending a message to you two out there like oh you got that's cool I got it - you got I got unique there was just so much going on there you know after that early fall it just seemed like he packed in twice as many tricks as everybody else yeah Calvin's a contest veteran he knew he needed the points so he just went uh went all out on the rest of his but it's just the fact that the hustle is so much harder than everyone else like there was no setup running up any of these ramps it was all trick to trick to trick Villa del play baby yeah that's honestly that's kind of the Chaz Ortiz thing is he's got so many tricks usually but Kelvin just came out really went for it if he can get that run with a kickflip front blunt in the middle it's gonna be it's really different debate that youto trick the nollie 270 switch people Wow I can't wait to see the score on that even with two Falls that has to be a great score well we're gonna have to wait and see how this shakes out Ryan disenzo is still sitting on top right now but jeez I mean I was just kind of tweaking out a little bit there despite there was no like just a casual over here boom boom boom boom yeah why that out by you till last year's 78.3 three with those fall so right now moved into second place and up on top Ryan disenzo with an 87 point three three which leads us into our number one qualifier the Japanese machine Yuto her go mate yeah you toast edgy edged out Kelvin Hoffler last year so this is an intense battle for two days dude if he can keep his nerves in check he has the potential to win this basically hands down I mean that's how he skates what's so relaxed it's it's unreal look at it's coming up with a lot of stimulus tricks what's he going for the 360 we saw fake that every time I like the hustle though really going for it yeah now you Tony now that he has a fall he has to add in some extra difficulty [Music] nollie heel up into the 360 flip that drop is huge so to be able to take that kind of impact so comfortably is amazing there we go not only 270 switchback lip down the rail making his way across that is very uncharacteristic of you toe right there front board I don't know if I've ever seen him fall on that you think you think you got rattled by kelvins run before I'm a little bit very possibly and and I've never seen him fall that hard yeah yeah usually he just kind of dances out of it the Utah unfortunate couple falls on number one qualifier but we have a lot of faith in him here in the booth I mean just by virtue of the way he's skated the past few years here it's big things expected from him and yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of what in a lot of his line was in his qualifying run and I think he's gonna have to switch things up if you take notice of Kelvin it's a totally new look at the course and I think you Tony's to surprise the judges to get a in it's typical not in the range yeah you toast gotta mix things up a little more than that creating the same line he did qualify well currently in fifth place you two hair ago me a couple fails on his first run but he gets two more so now we go back to the top of the order here and DeSean Jordan will kick us off once again as we see the current standings so far Ryan disenzo out of Canada eighty-seven point three three a big old score from him but Kelvin hofler with a couple Falls getting that seventy eight point three three I mean it is pretty decent distance between those two scores but based on what Kelvin can deliver man there's gonna be a battle here and run two or three all right let's head down to the course we've got Blair Ali who's with our leader that's right I'm here with the the guy who's sitting in the top spot and it's also Canada day happy Canada Day happy Canada today Blair thank you very much it's turned out to be a pretty good one so far so good we got great weather I mean we're down in Long Beach California so we're not back home but we're still celebrating how rehearsed was that run was that the one you had planned out yeah that was what I wanted to do so I had an extra six seconds on the end and I was going towards that a frame ledge and I was like kept changing tricks in my mind going from back Smith the back tail to you know whatever else and I just went for a back tail and wasn't very focused and missed it so so where you going from here for your next two runs I'm gonna try and do the same stuff but step up the trick on the big gap and then clean up that last trick and get something there all right can't wait to see it good luck to you thank you guys thank you Blair well disenzo in the lead coming out of Canada but we have so many international competitors here today it is all about the world of skate [Music] traveling the world and skateboarding made new people it's just like a huge part of what skateboarding is my favorite places in the world Copenhagen Australia Barcelona just the whole ambience the whole vibe like the buildings the spots the people the food Europe has got it figured out that if it's nice over there no one's wearing the same things no one's doing the same like things the same way [Music] all these different countries have different cultures that make different things out of different materials like it doesn't really matter where you're from like skateboard under your feet is the same the woods definitely not the same in Brazil we have some videos words out there [Music] there's a lot of people from around the world that come to America and like I've showed them around they skate stuff differently and they just like will do something you're just like wow I've never thought of that before and just like kind of opened your eyes [Music] I'm from Belgium I live in Oceanside now and I love it like it's more mellow and there's all these skate parks around and it's just a different vibe I think people have always been tripping out on all the Brazilians or like Japanese here comes Utah I don't think anyone should be that surprised that a kid from Japan is killing it as hard as Yuto is but at the same time it's such an incredible feat such an incredible story how fast he has come up you know the people that don't know he started as a vert skater but Joe sophistical utility is this little funny kid he doesn't speak English that much pretty much is not as fair yes yeah yeah right now I'm study English drawing Japan was very hurt not so many skillful in Japan my favorite fish is high for Nia good weather good day for so many friends fun my dad was skateboarder indeed me how to skateboard he made it very fun I know you told her ago man here we are due to long beach we're moving into run number two and just so many different countries represented here in this final Canadian Brazilian Japanese from France and the United States all represented here five countries reppin here in this final and we are getting started off on run number two now we currently have ryan disenzo in first place out of Canada and Deshawn Johnson is up first here in run number two the Shawn Jordan excuse me pardon me the Shawn Jordan in run number two we'll start us off and warming up with a kickflip there he's pumped get it the shot he's it making his way across the course look at how balanced and easy that looks for him the back side over down the rail coming over at the other long rail nice front noseblunt down starts a anyways Oh little off balance on that cab back lip okay making his way back over towards the tech rail same run so far I like how he just kisses the end of the handrail that 272 switch front board and the Shawn is someone that pays attention to the scoreboard closely he's a super competitor super pop 360 flip there that was nice up onto the top he went for it again the others agree Moe frontside half cab flip i doing tooth the shot Jordan runs so far yeah super interesting to see him trying that trick of all bigger spin flip front board getting away from yeah yeah you can tell it looked like he landed primo which you know all that pressure on the arch of your foot is really paint that that's a high drop so deshawne Jordan having a couple problems here bailing on that same trick yet again unrung number two keep in mind that he was put in at the last minute we don't know how much practice he actually had out there well up until that point it didn't look like he was really having any problems leave so much power and then yes free mowing getting both feet there it's got to be sore after that one that hurts from the booth Shawn walking away from that one you can see kind of get that little bit of a limp right there so moving right along here to chase Webb he will be our second person up front number two Savage haircut freshly freshly minted haircut just for today look for this speedo hectic gapping out through the double kink that is so gnarly that's just like looking down the barrel of a loaded shotgun people pop it out to the blood slide yeah I'll do it longer than the linesman top Oh get him chase Jay's coming out of Marietta California a rare fall on the 50/50 he's been popping that in the frontside boardslide at the second portion of the handrail that's a good example of what can happen if you're not locked in you can easily go over the back of the rail luckily he was able to save himself the kickflip 50 getting away from him yeah it's tough yep one fall and kind of shakes the confidence well just building the drama for run number three for Chase Webb nice frontside flip we've been seeing like a lot of guys kind of falling on the more basic tricks while mailing crazy stuff what do you think what do you think attributes to that it might be the time I mean we are talking 60 seconds a full minute out there on the course you know anyone at home is like that minute I could do anything for a minute go try to skate yeah for a minute straight in the heat when the pressures on yeah I'm basically holding your breath the entire time check them out here coming in super fast tapping out to that 50/50 on the double King so much precision and speed that one looks more comfortable than the last one then here's where things kind of went wrong I think he was setting up for that front board goes 5050 to front board on that handrail oh and we see right here Deshawn Jordan basically just holding his arch of his foot right there we saw in the land right on top of this board in an awkward way got to be painful hopefully we'll see Deshawn shaketh take a third run he's okay and moving right along here we're gonna slide right in to Jagger Eaton is up next problems on his first run basically his whole run was literally problems but he he came out swinging he was gonna try switch foot back live just set it off looks like he's coming in again I'll switch looks with no tail so yeah make it an adjustment there it's got a ton of contest experience as a young amateur so he knows what it takes there we go kickflip back flip trick number two there frontside kickflip out that is such a difficult trick and Jagger makes it look so easy stomps backside 360 on the bump over stairs there we go back in those blunts down the a-frame a lot of hustle lots of time left he's got 25 seconds back 180 it's got so much conscious experience he knows we need to make in the books before he adds anything too difficult you know I just got to say over the years the consistency of these skaters is just coming 60-seconds is such a long time to stay bigspin front board and that is that's gonna do it for a black number to put down Oh Jagger Eaton ending this with an elimination point so I think that that right there is gonna give him the confidence to really build we saw him go switchback tail to start instead of flipping yeah he simplified things a bit there's another look kickflip back lip down the long rail directly into that blunt frontside flip nice scoop back three safe to say the judge is gonna move now into the lead here I think so this run was just so gnarly there you see a perfectly pop back nose blowing on the a-frame big spin front board to fakie on a long hand round now the kickflip it was an after ton whoo it is weird though how things after time can definitely for sure ish and for sure especially if it's a mate so Jagger Eaton he's drastically gonna improve on that thirty six point three three is it gonna be enough though Ryan eighty-seven point three three I was a really heavy run so Jagger's such a competitor you know he's just looking they're waiting to see scores he wants it well he definitely earned it right there with that run so remember eighty seven point three three by Ryan disenzo is the score to beat right now Jagger Eaton just sweating it here he's such a smart competitor he just made some small tweaks to that line just to make sure he got one of the books and then I think his third round will really be crazy did I agree I mean the crazy thing is usually when the judges are taking this amount of time to write down scores big things are serious is it gonna be enough and it is eighty eight point six nine moves Jagger Eaton into position number one bumping Ryan disenzo down to second but not a lot of separation between those scores and Ryan said that he was gonna go for that same run but then build on it so now it's gonna be a battle both of them two really good runs in the books they have some opportunity to build yeah this is gonna be fun all right well we're heating things up here Vincent Gullu is off and X coming out of France yeah Vincent death rail Chomper oh please go away no excuse me Russians Enzo is on course again now that goes in gonna try to step here to Jagger Eaton school judges will likely count that as it fall yeah not supposed to land things to push you know this this is gonna make it really interesting because unfortunately having the fall in there we saw Jagger just make a complete run yeah he got up in the first place disenzo had a complete run on the first one so unless something crazy happens he's probably not gonna move up the leaderboard but that means it's all gonna come down to third runs for both of them massive frontside flip to flat it just sends a kickflip up oh girl for the nollie heel back 180 a little bit of difficulty there since he had the ball so Ryan will hold on to second place for the time being by virtue of his first run a couple Falls plagued him here yeah there we see the perfect switch lipslide like how he makes it look like a regular lipslide by coming out fakie nice front 360 bones frontside flip going all the way to flat [Music] don't for that nollie heelflip back 180 I think he was trying to add some difficulty since it wasn't a perfect run not quite getting the poppy beat it well the pressure is on for run number three we've got a new leader here we have got Jagger Eaton in the driver's seat will he be able to hold on to this lead through the rest of these into run number three we'll be back with more from the Dew Tour here at Long Beach built by Mountain Dew [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do tours brought to you by Mountain Dew do the dew Boost Mobile whose mobile makes it easy to switch switching makes it easy to save and by Mountain Dew iced a clear refreshing lemon lime do [Music] there's the man on top of the leaderboard jetter Jagger Eaton right now that eighty eight point six nine the question is will he be able to hold on to that lead throwing down an absolutely stellar run on round two but we are moving down the board now Ryan disenzo has been knocked in the second place if Vincent milu is up next out of France and he's gonna try to throw down here currently sitting in fifth place yeah I've been seeing bit sit at some European events for a few years now really just kind of bust out of the USC the last year or so skating really really great Thank You fun all weekend long coming out qualifying for Street League nice big spit front board and Bakey so you got the momentum with it so in run number two I mean obviously we're seeing the runs just begin to heat up more and more here kind of building on what maybe jugger eaten through down yeah jagger really just made it down a super dip difficult technical round and yeah everyone's gonna want to chase him down nice frontside flip this is a great run so far it's got to stay on that way yeah Vincent looks like he's got one really solid run this kickflip gap lifts at the end we'll see if he goes forward again I'm hanging hot to it that was such a difficult trick he's got ten seconds left looking pretty tired right now yeah typically contest runs are 45 seconds so these guys have an extra 15 seconds to try to stay on their board welcome prove difficult that will do it for Vincent villas second run of three he gets one more 60 second pass through this perfect Street course here as we watch the replay here we go that cab feeble to fakie I love that trick been that massive kickflip the board slides he landed really far down the rail now this is where it went wrong the switch flipped looked like he just bored got him a little bit behind him unable to make it happen on rut number two so he will stay in fifth place by virtue of run number one and the Sun is just beating down here as we move right along Chaz Ortiz will be the next up and Chaz had some just really bright moments in his first run yeah we saw what Chaz was capable of the first run but he's got to put it all together with no two up to a great start with that backside tailslide style as well Holly from bored he was out there practicing he was the first one on the course hustling skating so fast not taking moments between tricks hopefully he's not cast out doesn't look like you know he's looking really good so far nice backside clip this is amazing rod we're halfway through it the chance is so consistent oh I read flip live the ones got so much contest experience though he'll he'll try to recover with a super difficult trick here at that just one fall you can kind of make up for that is that correct yeah if yet something super difficult well and who knows you might go back right now to try that free flip flip again and if he gets it it's basically going to erase that oh he goes kickflip from feeble and that is time so missing the 360 flip lipslide making everything else still a great run and each one of these riders gets three passes through here Chaz Ortiz will have one more run here I like that back tail to set it off nollie front board this Smith grind trying to put down a solid run here's where it went wrong 360 flip flip right to his feet man but that that back foot was just off a little bit yeah it's a game of inches sometimes there we see the perfect kickflip back lip slide I like Kelly pop so high and long he just touches the end of the handrail so sick out there warming up getting ready for run number three so Chaz Ortiz whoa very consistent just matching his score from run number one he will get a one more shot at this Calvin Hoffler is up next the guy that we saw kind of hustling the most not really leaving any dead space at all during any of his run yeah and Kelvin had a 95 point for last year when he won the dude tour and edged out Nyjah Huston with Rito how'd it go man can he do it again you know he wants to he went for the kickflip front blunt twice last run but keep he got probably five or six more tricks and than anybody else he can stay on he has the potential gap over the back fells one to start big frontside 360 all right coming back to the rails he get a kickflip in he goes for it I'm not able to make it that is so risky if he does it the judges will rewarded yeah you said it he kind of puts it all on the line he doesn't really throw down any safety roads nice kickflip frontside lipslide backside kickflip oops which tail 270 Aires is so much going on in such a short period it's his run alright so last time we actually saw him throw the 360 flip over the hip right there he opted for the ollie so one less trick see where he goes the mucho satchel evil back to regular he's like I'm coming for you is he going for the kickflip front blunt again they're so close I'm surprised he chose that trick on that long handrail he's got it so well on a regular rail that if he knows that if he can put that down it's gonna be big points so Calvin Hoffler falling right there when we're gonna go down course side with our leader who's with Blair Ally yes I'm here with Jagger who's sitting in first place and you just said oh you tell us about to go he could bum me out yeah I know I wasn't gonna say for you guys to wait for youto to go but no yeah I'm stuck you know I this weathers out here super nice snow from Arizona where it's like 112 right now at night in the morning so just pond to be out here punk be out here's game starting off your run with the switch back tail is that kind of gave the momentum in the and the confidence still nail everything after um yeah most definitely you know I feel like when you can start out most of time when you hit your first run you have a lot of confidence going to the next the rest of your to but you know do you want to start with a trick that I know I can make and you know give me that clip back that like self confidence I need to go into the next race you know it's it's a good little tompa's booster and now your last run you're gonna try and outdo that score um yeah most definitely you know I'm always trying to do a score that a you know so we'll see what happens we will see what happens back to you guys all right well Jagger Eaton 17 years old just hopped up on sugar high right there we move right along to Utah here ago me 19 years old the only one in round number two who can answer to Jagger right now and basically the odds-on favorite to take up this event uncharacteristically though we did see him not just fall but fully slammed on that first run not only would any switch feeble back to regular the nollie 360 whoa so close great see ours seems like the wind is picking up out there though back three gets it this one off to a great start so far but he's got a hang on now a heal up thirty sixty foot every single clean coming in nollie there we go nollie 270 switch back flip this is looking really good for youto right now so far let's compare and contrast of what jaggery and run it stack up against this one let's see what happens here big spin front board man this is gonna be really close and he get one more in God to make this final trick [Music] okay so he took some risks there and he got the nollie 270 blind side boardslide on the bump to rail I think that's gonna be enough to outdo him Yuto Hara go may looking for an eighty eight point six nine to take the lead and that was just absolute perfection from beginning to end yeah there you see the back 360 to plan this 360 flip over the boost bubble flat gap so perfect competent with major speed not only 270 switchback lift big spent front board every time that was just so clean this right here I think is what is going to do it for him look at that now ollie 270 blindside so behind you don't even see where the rail is landing in boardslide if he outdoes Jagger I think it all came down to that last trick for 100% it's going to be eight six nine boom Merida is a 91 on a new leader you Taher ago May will it be enough though we got another run yet to go standings look like this right now you to her go me up on top Jagger Eaton following him closely Ryan disenzo in third run number three coming up you are watching the Dew Tour built by Mountain Dew from Long Beach California this is the men's Pro Street final [Music] we are back to the Jew tour in Long Beach California Utah haricot may reign supreme after run number two putting down a massive score of 91 with this crazy technical perfect run yeah Yuto came out swinging we had some uncharacteristic Falls and the first one really cleaned it up on the last one that's he hit his truck on that trip that was so she's so close and risky to try well I hear the results after two runs down you to her go man first Jagger Eaton Ryan disenzo now in Iraq once again for run number three this is the final shot at trying to take down a huge ohara Gomez lead and we will start it off with DeSean Jordan I love how you do toes like this subtle competitor you know he added in that final super gnarly rail trick well DeSean Jordan on run number two basically landed on his heels excuse me on the arches of his feet right there on the rail of his board my god we hear all that a primo you're something you do not want to do gosh he's watching the replay like oh whoo that was terrible all right well the Sean Jordan is up next he will be the first competitor in third run of three this is the last chance he's going to get at making it onto this podium at the Shawn's not comfortable in seventh place ever over crooks every single time I like how aggressive he is on that turn he's like you get me to the course that was blunt perfect coming in fakie back at the bump to rail Wow barely hanging on to that he rolled away clean but man his board was hardly on this the 270 switch front board every single try I guess any surprises or is he just gonna try to stand this was a surprise 360 flips not used to seeing him fall on that one not at all so if I've heard two of that fall it's gonna be really hard for DeSean Jordan if not impossible that was you toes I was curious he was gonna go for that again is definitely one that he has in his arsenal stoked to see him pull that out he needed that finger spin flip front board you really did he ran out of rail on it you know I think if he would have pulled that if he had a chance to maybe even podium with that run with that laser flip yeah fortunately for DeSean who limps his way off of the course right now a couple Falls there will cost him but man the laser flip was just pretty perfect as well as this right here look at the way his truck I'm like shifted over to the rail he basically grafted it there's that 270 switch front board so fast this where it went wrong kind of caught a primo again but then this right here the big laser flip card with that front foot gets the back on so well done yeah the shot knew he had to go for broke after that fall see what that does to his score apparently with a sixty three point three three looking for ice bag he's like get me my runners my feet hurt I need the chillers so DeSean Jordan after who run number three and that perfect laser flip will get a 73 and he'll be slotted into sixth place yeah that could have if he made that final trick you never know he could have been in a third or fourth right now nice recovery so moving right along chase Webb is up in action we've seen him just pushing furiously at this first round and it's crazy that the size of the gap that he has to make seem to be 50/50 that case is run doesn't have a lot of technical flip tricks so he really needs to make everything I love the wind up for this here we go yes three for three on the gap to back fifty definitely the road less traveled we haven't seen anybody else skate it like that taking the blunt to fakie really trying to get every each of that rail back at the Cape yeah 50/50 to frontside boardslide on the down part yes he makes the kickflip from 50 we've seen him have trouble on that in both the previous runs with 25 seconds left he has the potential to move up the leaderboard if he can hustle though and he's down an eighth place right now so he's got some potential oh boy yeah he knows what it takes it money what is he gonna do slide down the double king that's gonna do it but he's still going oh the old one cheek sneak Chase has been skating contest since she was like 8 years old or something so even though he's only 23 definitely a contest better look at that nice feeble grind into the blood slide to fakie I love that combo it's got the taxi-driver hairdo the 50/50 to front board [Music] that is so gnarly one of my favorite tricks of the contest and then I end up this gap to boardslide whoa yeah that back foot was on fire he just held on for dear life chase just holding on to a wild ride there through his third and final run a seventy six point six six bumps him up into fifth place Oh top five for an hour chase yeah worthy score laid it all on the line imagine where that score would be if he made everything so Chase will be on the sidelines now as we move on to Jagger Eaton who is the next on this course he's sitting in second place with an 88 point six nine below Utah hair comb a lot of talent in this kid and crazy second run yeah and crazy competitive nature he is not comfortable in second place starts off of that switchback tail again on the first run we saw him try to go switch flip in will see where he steps this run up the necklift getting away Wow Wow and the reality and the fall taking his time he knows it's gonna be a full run he needs if he wants to beat youto so Jagger Eaton with 30 seconds left on the clock though still sitting pretty though in such a place eighty eight point six nine is his current score as highest score but you chose score and then nine [Music] without absolutely immaculate run so Jagger not gonna be able to do it great showing nonetheless highest he will finish today is second place there you see that switchback tail perfect kickflip back lip getting away from him not quite getting enough pop then it him to his back Lobos intense make at that 360 flip so Jagger Eaton by virtue of that fall cost himself about $17,000 ouch that's what the drop in prize money is from first to second but one person who's got a shot at it now Ryan disenzo currently sitting in third place and he is in third place with basically one missed trick in his run as well so it wasn't a completely perfect run let's see if you can put it together right now I'm really hoping so he's gonna hustle but he feels it as well disenzo on thanagar cane it's so sick yeah that's so insane that he does that on the other side of the ledge still holding on the third place though so it's not not like he's leaving without a lovely consolation prize but still he had potential for sure big front three yeah nice recovery we're gonna push it got it almost got away from him that was full toes right there ten seconds left up to the top nice pull the heel back 180 such a high gap that's really difficult was hanging on and the kickflip crooks but not quite so Ryan disenzo after his third run he's gonna stick with the run score that got him into third place for the time being couple little problems here yeah we started off with that sugar king and that was great then we got this front three that was amazing and this massive frontside flip all the way to flat hanging out with his toes on that look at that back foot the ball of his foot so disenzo will stay in third place run number one netted him that eighty seven point three three and Yuto still sitting on top with that ninety one so immense Pro Street current standings Yuto here ago may on top Jagger Eaton in second ryan disenzo but yet to come Kelvin Hoffler and also we have Chaz Ortiz - guys let's Vincent below coming out of France there is still some talent yet to come that could possibly take down Yuto most notably Kelvin Hoffler all right Vincent Malou coming in for his third and final run he has yet to put down a full run he's got some really good tricks if he can hang in there put it together he has the potential to get up into our top three starting off with a nice front blunt all right big spit front board to fakie coming back at the tech rail all right half that feeble back to switch so this is gonna start to tack it on here if you wants to try to get this score up on that's a make we'll take it a flip boardslide let me flip to the top that phrase contest America is just the best big frontside flip so he switched he switched up his run right there he had the switch flip going okay ten seconds left he's coming in switch getting away from his Wow that was critical you could have gotten the pop shuvit back 50 in that would have been huge cuz that's the general don't be a people dazing run yeah that's so difficult it made the kickflip lipslide unreal super clean kickflip lipslide so talk us through these replays boys I mean there was a lot in Vincents run that was going really well that's such a massive we popped kickflip catching the end of the rail almost washing out but hanging on perfect frontside flip bolts as they say rotated perfectly then the kickflip going all the way down to the lip slides yeah that was huge he needed to get that kickflip front live well he popped himself up into fourth place with an 84 0.33 stoked on that one in the top five when we come back we're gonna see the next two guys up that could possibly take down you Taher ago may we've got Kelvin Hoefler and Chaz Ortiz will they be able to take down the young Japanese skater stick around and find out you're watching the Dew Tour from Long Beach California [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you brought butch he's looking at me right now isn't he yep [Music] which is like an old soul that just hates my guts [Music] you can never have too many faithful companions that's why I got a Subaru Crosstrek love is out there find him in a Subaru Crosstrek and then there were two two competitors left here in this men's street comp right now that could possibly take down our leader you tell haricot May we are here in Long Beach California for the men's Dew Tour Pro Street final three guys left one of them's already sitting on top of the leaderboard we've got Chaz Ortiz and Kelvin Hoefler yet to go boys this is gonna be a showdown yeah this is gonna be heavy Chaz Ortiz hasn't podiums since 2015 so you know he wants to change that here at due to our long beach it all comes down to this Chaz making his way across the course a lot of speed a nice backside tailslide down the rail not only front board we'll see if he goes safety or all out based on what you told out you don't have a chance a choice but just throw down the hammers as you wanted to nice clean backside flip off the bump into the bank alright so if he goes for the three flip flip oh look at that squid board nice he's had three flip flip troubles both runs so adjusting his strategy coming back at the long rail kickflip back lip guys so fast yeah you mentioned has been battling some injuries the last few years so this is a healthy Chaz Ortiz I likely see you kickflip from feeble can you get this last one in the crook nollie heel Wow is it gonna be enough to get him up there though we will see that was a powerful run there until the last trick oh he was so close we had a nice Smith grind pop out into that front three nice combo getting a lot of tricks in yeah this was a great great run there you see that backside flip at everything it needed till the very end big fin front board coming out regular realistically though I don't think that the level of tricks was high enough to take out Yuto I think it has the potential for podium but just the the nollie cab tricks that Yuto was doing I just think they were on a different level yeah I'll agree with you there so just waiting scores yeah is that enough for a third place with the ball it's unlikely last time we had Chaz Ortiz third place was at a street league event in Los Angeles in 2015 look at that right there and eighty four point six six bumps him into fourth place so Chaz Ortiz you to her go made dodges a bullet right there so still on top the worst that he can do is second place Kelvin Hoffler now will be the last person that can possibly answer to that 91 that you towed through down on run number two and if anyone can do it it's Kelvin Hoffler he had a ninety five point four at last year's due to are Street event to take out both Yuto and Nyjah what's crazy is Kelvin is down in sixth place right now all right started off with that gap to back noseblunt front three is he gonna go for the kickflip front blunt switches it up but goes down anyway with a frontside hurricane is that gonna do it for youto horik I may leave that may have secured the win but you never know Kelvin Hoefler has got some super super difficult tricks in his bag yeah I mean honestly if he goes down again it's lights out but we will see what he does here kickflip up front 180 fakie flip kind of deck check in 20 seconds left he is gonna have to go all out right here [Music] the Yuto special Valley to 70s which people all right what's it gonna be from blood for all the way to fakie that play another round is that gonna be enough though that was after time though if he could have gotten that in yeah if that was a complete run we would be sitting on the edge of our seats for sure well I wonder if he for trying to hurricane he may bump himself up but I think it's gonna be real hard for him to bump down you toe hair go mate off the top spot that just means that if he doesn't do it we get a victory lap from Yuto I hope he really goes for it so the leader right there you two here ago me just waiting to see what this incredible runs score will end up being there we see that back nose won't start things off cost Kelvin Hoffler the due to our long beach event we tailslide switch 270 out let me get perfect off this from blunt to fakie he struggled without throughout the köppen contest today this right here look at the just the whip-around app cap nose to back tail slide that was so insane so a lot of tech tricks in that run unfortunately that one fall definitely cost him all right well Kelvin Hoefler jumps up into third place and with that you Taher ago made takes out the Dew Tour Long Beach this will be a victory lap for him let's see if he throws down haha I like how Stokie is you can barely contain it for youto sitting on a 91 already he's going home with the oversized novel to check the Dew Tour title from Long Beach and now the pressure is on to live flying team wins in the team challenge Yuto competed in that as well now it's just putting on a show and potentially bumping that 91 yes he doesn't even need to be he's got nollie heel nose yeah you toe only 19 years old and Jagger Eaton behind enemy in second 17 years old kid some teenagers cleaning up here at do drawer I like that he started smiling in the beginning but now he's right back into full contest so if he didn't already win he's looking like he would have beat himself I love this doesn't need it at all but he's just showing you how good he actually is this is insane this is a better run than yeah winning rows the final trick let's if he could make this nollie blindside one yeah his previous 91 for sure amazing you crowd loving it Yuto just trying to outdo himself here on run number three already going home with the win and just trying to put on a clinic yeah now the heel flip nose just hanging on kicking it foot off but still landing on his board it's all the counts caught perfectly so easy for him he was going for that blind slide blindside now a 272 nose slide so technical and difficult Yuto how'd it go mate great showing young skater out of Japan absolutely record here both the team competition and also today in the men's street final let's go down to Blair Ali who is with our champ Yuto Hara go mate I am here with Yuto congratulations you have such a game face in these contests you don't look rattled or nervous were you nervous at all today Naruto no pasaran is so nervous became the trick that we all remember is at the end of your second run the nollie 272 boardslide you hit your truck but you still stayed on and rode away is that a trick you can normally do or is that just a wild card you threw out my favorite it looked amazing well you helped line win the three-peat and the team challenge and you're killing it today how do you like the course in the new format with this triangle format pre crazy Mickey's p0 just taken good boys so good everyone targeting on your last run it was just a victory lap but were you trying to beat your score anyways yeah I'm shy more big score but to Trey I'm happy switch tre was beautiful so congratulations Pro Street champion Yuto 2018 back to you guys in the booth Thank You Blair congratulations to you too her ago May of Japan let's look at the highlights of how util got it done yeah there you see that massively popped 360 flip big spin front board perfectly takes it to fakie Wow hitting his truck on that knowledge 274 slide that is so gnarly get congratulated from his blind teammate Mickey Papa who unfortunately got injured well here are your final results you Taher ago me from Japan on job Jagger eating out of the United States and second and Kelvin Hoffler from Brazil rounding out the top three an insane day of competition we're gonna be heading onto the Olympics here in 2020 look at this global field what do you guys think I mean obviously skateboarding is such a global phenomenon yeah just next-level difficulty man it's all about just consistency difficulty and the youth you look at you toes 19 years old Jagger's only 17 so this is a glimpse of the future you tahor ago me absolutely destroying 91 he's on a tear so far this year I cannot wait to see what it looks like leading up to the Olympics yeah and Utah as well as the skin and getting better his English so every year he comes back he keeps ending up on top of the podium and giving us better and better interviews that was an epic competition here from Long Beach lots of talent out there everyone thrown down congratulations to Japan's you tell her ago May for taking home the men's street title Jagger Eaton in second Calvert hopper and third thanks so much for joining us here in Long Beach on behalf of Chris pastures and Andrew cannon I'm Todd Richards saying thank you for joining us and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Dew Tour
Views: 585,931
Rating: 4.7514338 out of 5
Keywords: Action Sports, Chase Webb, Chaz Ortiz, Dashawn Jordan, Dew Tour, Extreme Sports, Jagger Eaton, Kelvin Hoefler, Long Beach, Long Beach 2018, Pro Street, Ryan Decenzo, Skate, Skateboard, Skateboarding, Vincent Milou, Yuto Horigome
Id: 5dIittYuSIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 31sec (5071 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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