Pacifico Skateboard Vert: FULL BROADCAST | X Games Minneapolis 2019

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athlete in X Games history the incomparable Bob Burnquist and of course Craig McMorris out on the field and Bob Burt isn't really such a healthy state right now because of the creativity that these guys have been put down over the last few years yes it is what's up everyone bert is back in action it's inside it's just been incredible preliminaries we're gonna see a lot of great skateboarding here I guess these guys are ready this is our semi-final Bob but we have the heaviest of hitters including our defending gold medalist Jimmy Wilkins always a great watch Jimmy's just so technical and so smooth I like his trick choices and that's why he's got that gold medal around his neck and then this guy Mitchie Brusco he's highly technical confusing at times which is a good thing because he'll go backwards he'll go forward I can relate to the skateboarding a lot but he's just been on a tear well Mitchie Brusco has found the podium quite a bit in his X Games career on the vert stage five medals all of them bronze though does that change here tonight he'll be battling Jimmy Wilkins as you said and moto sha bata who won gold a couple of years ago but don't count out Augusto Akhil our top ranked qualifier out here but as we said Jimmy Wilkins he's our defending gold medalist for a reason he's got four medals in this event let's learn more about the Ohio kid in this Wendy's athlete profile I'm Jimmy Wilkins I'm from San Diego California and I'm a professional skateboarder I grew up in Columbus Ohio skating the indoor parks there what attracted me the vert skating was just seeing people fly through the air I guess but try not to just do like the hardest things but also things that feel good and flow together I do a lot of Ollie's because they feel good sometimes it's easier for me to do something ollie than it is to grab this year decks games really looking forward to being back in Minneapolis at a lot of fun in Minneapolis last year so they'll be good to go back I would say fun is an understatement when you collect your second X Games gold medal a look at our cop format you're in for a treat if you're into vert because we're giving you both the semis and the finals right after that our semis format twelve athletes divided into two heats of six fifteen minute jam session per Heat scoring overall impression and Bob this is key the top three advancing from each heat to the final yeah this is a new format here and these guys gonna have to skate it different to make it into the finals the top three there's gonna mix it up a little bit but [Music] there's a look at our start list for Heat number one some household names as well as a guy making his X Games debut Luigi scene II there you see but Jimmy Wilkins our defending gold medalist of course anchoring this first team yeah I guess with this format you're really hoping for a heat that works in your in your favor but everyone's amazing so I guess there's not much choice and Sandro to start it off huh great guy to start he's got great energy makes his 22nd X Games appearance 44 year old San Joe Diaz start off big Zadro this is how he likes this game is explosive one footer five nice extended 360 barrel back-to-back tricks for Sato [Applause] heute Phibes got a whole 540's in there already put the lip trick in for good measure and this is what he was having a hard time in prelims and he cut it right off the bat Sandow Diaz great start for this event he's got 8 X Games medals he's won this event before Bob and for being the first guy to drop in no nerves for the guy who's done it 21 times before yeah he's no stranger to these competitions and he knows how to start it he got it and you'll see the pace pick up from previous years as we have changed the format into this jam session we're getting to skating quicker clay Kriner now dropping in 22 years old he's got three X Games medals but they're all from big air does that change here tonight Andrew no he wants one in the bird great guy to watch skate and this is look Ali u5 everything powerful back to back kick flips here body varial 5 clay he's doing it final 5 seconds for clay [Applause] and Crake McMorris who's out on the course a first-class beautimous hey clay Kriner is so busy getting his reps in and big air as well Craig did you notice any slowing from him getting on to this course of trying to skate no he also has big air this week not at all because the crowd isn't amping him up as he finished that run he's traveling up the ground that's for my people they lost their mind so I think he's drawing energy from that Sam Beckett could maybe use a little bit of energy after that first hit though Bob oh yeah I mean this is uh they want in the final so they're starting off and throwing it all out you had amazing run by Sandro clay so Sam figured he could go all out on the first wall and we move on to our X Games rookie Luigi Seanie out of Brazil 17 years old Bob yeah he's getting us confused with that kick flip body varial there and then this did it every time in the prelims great technical skateboarding by Luigi's been skating a lot more vertically he's usually in the park and you can tell he's been skating a lot kick the back snail nice job man going for the [Applause] incredible finish Bob he was absolutely nails last night on this ramp to earn a spot here in the semis and he really picked up where he left off yeah he has and you can tell that these guys are feeling a lot better on the ramp as Elliott drops in Elliott Sloane it's his 16 x-games appearance he's the most decorated skater in this field when Ted medals huge 540 styled out Elliott great skateboarding kickflip Indy that's three 540's in his run already in d7 that Elliott is on his game we're seeing a new Elliott in the bird Elliott is always a favorite and big air but Burt success has been hard to come by for him but watching him skate this ramp the last couple of days as you said a new Elliott slum he seems to be in a really good place mentally well he's building off his good run from yesterday and that's what you need so here is Jimmy Wilkins he's won this event twice before including last year defending gold let's see what Jimmy's up just his first appearance here gentlemen watching Jimmy and practice with something of beauty he is in flow saying I didn't see him really fall once and obviously hanging on in this first run oh my gosh that Holly 360 was just beauty Holly five from Planet flow and Bob and Craig I feel like we say this every time he drops into this vert ramp things like a beauty flow smooth I mean these are just good moves that we can't describe anyone else but him you know the crazy thing is is he gets billed on this run and that was an incredible run already so under ten minutes to go here in our jam for Heat number one remember the top three from this heat will be moving on to the final Sandro Diaz back for more on his seconds Oh almost had that that's okay I was a good first run from the top of the deck here gentlemen can't confirm Sondra Diaz going absolutely yard biggest airs we've seen all that frontside air bus look crazy for there Craig oh yeah Claes backhand and in the groove he's also feeling loose and Wow skating really good oh yeah back to back to back with kick flips setting it up kick flip body varial 5 Wow play he's Redemption mode right here no on the flip to fakie see what he ends up here he's trying to trying to keep it all the way through off the snail tail nice job lest we forget clay is less than three months removed from tearing his right MCL and damaging meniscus in his knee and then a month later he earned a medal and bigger at X came Shanghai that is not an easy feat and I know he's been skating a lot in his head while he was injured so maybe that had something to do with it whoa here's Sam Beckett already have much better run than what we sought out his first attempt let's get Sam back in the groove love watching him skate definitely want to see you on this board and if you look at the screen standings finally coming through it's early things can still change with eight minutes to go but right now Jimmy Wilkins Elliott Sloane and Sandro Diaz are in that top three gentleman going a lot bigger Louie oh man that's too bad yeah you want to watch skateboards when you watch them word got back to a quick thought it might be a souvenir it's a classic foul ball scenario you start running so Elliott Sloane currently sitting in that second spot not a great first run now start off with the tail 5 really solid confident huge hairs oh that's ok at half flips that he's got enough to do with nothing please get back strong Jimmy Wilkins defending gold medalist our current leader in heat number one what does he have for an encore starting off with a litte trick and then huge 540 yoga reminds me of Chris Miller going back Lib to a 540 like that so that run getting prematurely trimmed and just like that the top of the list backups and rhodius got bumped out he was sitting in that third spot clay Kriner jumped him now he's trying to get back in to move on the final no foot to no foot Sandra's got it back oh look at that frontside hurricane well done Tempe usually see Sondra in the air and he's getting the lip tricks full cap feeble fakie Oh Sonic oh man he's he's changing it up he's using this overall impression thing he did his hairs on his last run and he's going for lip he's sitting just outside of the top three in that fourth spot but putting an exclamation point on this third run I like what he did there you know he's he's definitely strategizing on this overall impression because he skated different he went he went limp attack he's showing variety Blake rider sitting in third right now beautiful scale fish great start great snout look at that fire it's going mega ramp five on the burden alley you pack five boys you gotta love this format I mean you see Sondra Diaz get pumped out by clay he puts down a hammer on the clay drops in right after they're going blow for blow yeah this is semi-final I love this guys highly technical it's gonna move around all these guys are very technical skateboarders clay Kriner we see him a big-air we see him in vert we see him in Park the busiest man in Minneapolis here's Sam Beckett trying to put together a solid third run as we reach the five-minute mark here in our first heat Jam come on Sam also back to back kick flips he's got a couple up a couple too many backside errors there for setups with let's see what the the judges think he does mix it up with some improvisation skateboarding which I think for this format is perfect oh man he barely disaster that he got it around that's nice that's how you close out a rug Sam Beckett and his sixth X Games appearance work and his confidence back now it's time for the X Games rookie Luigi scene II huge alley you heel into a five to another five I like the way Luigi's getting that amplitude Oh a little bit too efficient on that kickflip great showing here by Luigi right Eliot Sloane got left out he's ready to come back up and that start enough strong beautiful tale five explosive powerful hindi who a little bit tucked but he pulled it around in d7 textbook great execution by Elliot now pop he'll pop it's Craig Kelly built a ramp in his backyard yeah oh yeah yeah show us why you see this yeah this is the evidence Craig we're talking about eight previous Bert starts no x-games podiums that may change here tonight in the armory that in d5 usually his nose bond and he was able to pull it around without the phone back lift mute five a lot Chris pillar kickflip backside air throwing the Jimmy Wilkins flavor Bob how do you generate that much speed out of a back lip on your first hit taking his foot off Neil Craig gets its smooth technique and Jimmy has this he doesn't you know it doesn't use a lot of effort smack in that front truck on the way in blind and tech look at that just just a walk in the park for Jimmy Wilkins by the way Elliott's loads previous one actually leapfrogged Jimmy we'll see if that changes after Jimmy Wilkins run but for right now Elliot's load in the top spot as we move back to sandro Diaz played ping-pong there that's gonna move again saw Joe get back up to where he enjoys with the airtime Lin trick on him this is just keep one here in the semi-final we still have another heat of six skaters to go to see who will be moving on to our final clay Crider right out clinging to that third and final spot showing some great runs they should keep that I think the dance is going to be between Eliot Jimmy in that first spot but let's see and you called it Bob Jimmy will cover that last run jumping back in the first place vertical ping-pong going on here between Jimmy and Elliot but clay Watson in that game with that Oh stale seven great trick I love the look that clay can keep after he did that kind of shrug your shoulders was looking at Elliott's long he's like you got I got so here's Sam Beckett very oppressive on his previous run trying to knock on that top three tour changing it around starting out with the flip which is good move it is uh run around oh yeah nice corner whoa different approach the jimmies st. close to be the same trick while the fakie invert but Ali 5 with a rock and roll Craig you're up there on the deck this momentum this pace is it as contagious amongst the skaters as it is amongst us it really is I mean everybody's building off each other watch the wait to come in right here he's building off that back run from Sam so I mean we love it I think the skaters loving to Luigi knows he doesn't have many runs left and he just tried to cruise through one well he's used up his I think he landed like five of those in his you know pass runs so these are final runs Eliot Sloane sitting in second place last time he hit this ramp he took over the top spot can he do it again nice look out big that air was so big threw him off on the tail fiber still pretty good man keep that smile on your face that's a great skateboarding so here's Jimmy Wilkins into the top spot where he should stay see you frontside ollie the alley you tell five to high any difficult tricks back to back and the Hawley fight Mike look at how high that Holly five is fellow no Tony Hawk sees that this is JA the semi-finals Oh with the chute this combination he's back to back tricks that Ollie disaster just beautiful flip are you kidding me alright man the pink box over Jimmy's on the top spot we give away a gold medal before we even get into the final guys the gold medal for this heat is in look at that head watch him come in that was a little olive his back foot oh yeah let me smooth this in I guess hitting this truck he was so good checking this foot back in Wow so heat number one in the books let's look back when some of the highlights play Kriner coming correct he was holding on to that third spot will it stay we have to find out and then Elliott Sloan just a different version of Elliott and Burton than we've seen in previous years Bob Howard first he's been putting the time in Jimmy Wilkins what more can you say about our defending gold medalist the foot off on the backside ollie three amazing crowd on hand here at the Armory with heat one in the books and it's official Jimmy Wilkins Eliot Sloan and clay Kriner are advancing to the final well done judges and that was incredible skateboarding bye everyone and the beauty bob we're only halfway done we still got an entire heat to go I'm a fan [Music] [Applause] so Jimmy Wilkins our defending gold medalist can he do it again here in 2019 x-games Minneapolis is brought to you by harley-davidson enlighten your thrills at H - decom / X Games and so 5 get your money right [Music] [Music] what I'm fifty back out because it's gonna be like full tech [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and Craig will have the bacon eaters it's bacon fest I told you bacon aiders are in demand say that I'm not even mad I'm impressed but I have we'll get that burger back welcome back to the Pacific Coast skateboard firt we're getting ready for Heat number two in our semi-final under the lights here at the Armory in downtown Minneapolis just a stone's throw from our home here at US Bank Stadium and it's a party in the booth as mr. jason Ellis joining us now former X Games competitor yeah most of the jason Ellis show on Sirius XM I understand you're doing your show from US Bank city yeah yeah just on the other side of where we are right now yeah amazing inside of the mega ramp this is your old stomping grounds X Games maybe not US Bank Stadium but X Games yes 97 take me back that remember that doubles yeah I don't really remember this is kind of a that was when doubles was I think more of a demo or a jerkle it was to me anyway I didn't really know that we were competing and I think it was one of those conversations I was able to look at your bio sixth place finish wait there's a but do you have a bio my wait I got six researcher Michelle or maybe about that work and showed us that but we also have a contest to get to here hopefully you got to catch Heat number one but semi final Heat number two a look at the start list including moto Shibata Mitchie Brusco Ronnie Gomez you see all the names there but a guy who does have a gold medal in this event moto Shibata out of Japan he enjoys the simple tricks let's learn more from moto in this athlete profile [Music] style is everything for me nobody has the same style I'm matsubara from Osaka Japan and I'm professional [Music] Photoshop Adak super style I just want to do my just want to do my favorite tree in the caucus [Applause] lotta taking over first place while I'm in Congress item fee disk or just want to escape and I just want to do simple trick like from I blind I think it is no high school trick for the contest but I just wanted to do it so I did moto Shibata a gold medalist in this event when we brought X Games Minneapolis back in 2017 we welcome you in to heat number two for our semifinal here for the Pacific Coast skateboard vert we've been outside in front of the stadium the previous two years now we get to be indoors as we said fellas for the first time since 2012 Brandon Graham Bob Burke was and jason Ellis with us here in the booth for Heat number two kicking things off out of Colorado Springs John oh chuan all right Shawn oh Kipnis whoops getting his fives barreling the flip and the stunt twisted in here Oh ja ja no skated really well to get in from eliminations yesterday seems very comfortable on this ramp here and Minnie just wants to start a good run and he did so it's good day another 720 yeah ended in a 7 all your tricks in there take it start if you're gonna stop a 7 I highly recommend that doing it at the end of the road it's definitely pretty hard to do with the stuff so here's Paul Luke wrong petty who's got a silver medal in this event this is his 10th X Games appearance one of our two British skaters here tonight proper judo oh man he got lucky yeah he did that could've hurt me bad he fell off but you know yeah that could have been over rotate you know went over it over rotate on the backside 5 Ronnie Gomes it's his 14th X Games appearance he's found success in big air yet to find the podium though invert and he has the skill for it he just has to put it together Scott his flies got his flips the setup doesn't help but you know he's trying to build here it's to set of surviving so let's see get tech a little bit just right yeah it said you know I guess he's just trying to build for his mental game here because he definitely want to want to keep the energy up especially after seeing that first heat but I guess he is competing against this heat here is our top ranked qualifier 18 years old Augusto Akio coming on strong from prelims and he is really ripping he just he's been winning parked events in Brazil and then he's touching the vert like see many tricks on the Roland like that great that's probably spark creativity coming in oh yeah the judo 5 does look easy right but it's not not his skill nice job holy cow man that was a tight front tight goal to stay that way good take a good look not much room why does that can we're closing on the 12-minute mark amici brusque are defending gold medalist from big air last year is this the year he gets over the hump Siebert five bronze medals into a seven twenty Mitchie Brusco oh can I go all the way out there and slap him that was insane that was the most incredible effort run start I think switch 540 into the 720 anyone ever does that happen you don't see that okay good making sure but guys in this format all it takes is that one run to change everything but here is moto Shibata sweet Sarah Gracia skateboarding progressing as English Moto wanna get his first appearance here in the borough nice vacant fakie those grab five into the top fake it a fake five turning around Oh dice front sight inferred in there oh that's a cool trick Photoshop Ana's x-games career 2016 silver 2017 gold 2018 silver he did not have a run put together he can tell by the last hand gesture there which is good improv all he knows is podiums jonno chuan just like that started the list again for rut number two like the flow of this jam session thought about the judges with this is the fact that it moves around this quick it's really good for us for them at this point last-minute body burial alright John or no problem okay flip the foot in the 5 to the m27 that's what it takes that is the busiest run I've ever seen in my life that's lifting weights right there great job all right this is overall impression so I guess it means it's more than best run we're closing in on the 10-minute market we're getting our first live look at scoring and right now moto Shibata Augusto Akio and Ronnie Gomez are in the top three that seem right to you Bobby yes it does and I think we're gonna see Augusto around Jason you ever still dropped in to avert room pretty badly but yep really badly actually I get Pat's on the back man for just being able to trophy people go garden I'm like do I really still got it may be used for back headers okay I'll take oh when it comes I'll be sure to remind you though you must please class when it comes well I brought up 1997 we're reminiscing I know it was hard for you remember do it do you guys remember that year in San Diego I mean it's not really fair to us me I was doing different stuff but I remember Bobby in there being really good that's about it I remember realizing that I should probably get a job in radio real soon that's what I remember and you did it you went big has a good mood right look at these guys there's no way out man Oh get this frontside cab Ronnie had the great run alley oop you flip frontside you looking to fakie and he's switching it up here Wow getting the switch frontside here Oh getting hairy on the camel area and Jason you went from competing X Games including Burt and big air you were part of that inaugural yeah air crew back in Olympus war that was a respect right and then you went to this side you were doing reporting yes right it was kind of my warm-up for radio really that's sort of how I became on the Tony Hawk tour and all that stuff so it was just practice to end up being where I am now talking I just remember the the self announced demo that was my favorite if some people didn't like that no I loved it Bob loved dinner there was a couple other people that I had some things that weren't that positive to save it okay said you need to get Jason off the microphone right now and I'm like oh man I was just having fun he's like yes I'm ripping yeah I was Bob somebody had to say good thing you had the power of the mic that's right yeah I still got that that's it so Paul Luke Ronchetti by the way while we were reminiscing jumping into the top three bumping out Ronnie Gomez but still under eight minutes to skate with does that change we shall see Ronnie does have a run that could bump him up so let's see if he puts it together but this guy start now with a lip trick and then huge 540 we talked about it before the contest we didn't just think Augie was gonna get into the finals we thought that runs not going to do it but we thought that this guy has podium potential he does it's not his first rodeo even though he's a he's a rookie here he definitely has the experience so Mitchie Brusco look at this run one stale beaver switchbacks head air looks normal then switch that doesn't make any sense at all and then this twenty Mitchie okay Hogg's Bank Edie's in what much lucked up um the hardest part of his run for him oh the nollie heelflip backside grab to a body varial 5 hey 180 setting up for the kickflip backside and the verify you barely see that barrel but it did very happy frog oh wow Brusco is going on this is what I mean he's a confusing skateboarder look at look at how tight that burial 5 was you couldn't see it from that other angle but it's fun edible skateboarding he thinks we'll see a shake-up in the top three after that but here's moto Shibata he fooled me there I thought he was hitting this tail but you know he brought it back in and fellas we have a new leader Mitchie Brusco in the top spot buh buh buh buh toh Shibata take it back from him ooh oh I'm glad he kept his hand out his hand out of that the transitions coming up like that that's a broken bone world right there so he got past the first trade yeah yeah let's take another look okay so he he went for that D way bottle too it's America back but look at that all right so here's John oh chuan under six minutes to skate with here in our second heat of the semifinals again the top three will be moving on to the final Matthew 7:24 well would have been good you never you never know I'm with him on that why not you're an X Games on Santa Ana so Paul Luke Ronchetti was sitting in that third spot but Mitchie Brusco taking over the top bump to everybody down pushed him out what can Paul Luke do to get back at the conversation that body jar 5 does something no problem judo style down classic move trying to mix it in the old school in new school a little tough in this field you have to move around a little more on the trail is just recently empty grab good job fans like Paul Luke liked it it's good way to end your run Ronnie Gomez gonna see Ronnie bump it up a little more he knows he needs it tail 5 500 with the flapper but that is what he needs to do so he's got a couple more attempts maybe looking at the time clock at four minutes left so a goose Tokyo sitting in that third spot going massive right out the gate changing it up I'll start out with some pairs he's got plans yep that's good for the overall impression I want to start out the same run every time so that body baritone five just about every 542 making yeah he's actually just trying to see the foot Wow stay on his board body burial right get creative work on the other way hey double kid bring in the 80s by hey he wants just to keep you know with his overall impression he doesn't want to be bailing so that's that's that's a smart move by Oh goose toe bringing the 80s back not God not bad for a guy who was born in 2001 exactly he knows this history Mitchie Brusco our current leader oh yeah our year he's playing with house money I like the rolling start at mic we might see something special here no problem 545 southern landings yeah just keep any speaker here we go what's going on that's why Oh flip backside 140 like it's nothing Jason I didn't even look back got a handle to work about boy I think he's already working the file yeah that's what he's here okay yeah because he knows that run he did just you know all you gotta do he's cruising around with this technical trick closing in on the two-minute warning lucky there let's see if any of those yeah socks plan actually got boost evident oh we haven't seen that front foot lean impossible 360 Wow nice upside down snail five oh I'd like to see that and drag and much like the battle we saw between Elliot Sloane at Jimmy Wilkins in he won it's brewing but it's a photo and Mitch II think he's yeah coming in forward no he's come out that's it that's tough enough without that hit front foot impossible and in this guy's been you know John has been skating incredible is this heat is just hosta chain he's doing everything he can try it I'll goose - out of that spot Oh kick flip body varial five into the knees going back to back seven man come on Wow himself was that enough to get his name in the conversation of the top three we shall see Paul Luke Rock any though under a minute each of the skaters getting one final run that run definitely pumping it up I have to see you great frontside ollie oh yeah tre flip with the backside grab pretty tough I think it's harder even than that Indy grab oh wow I need r5 with the travel [Music] Paul Luke one of three guys in this heat with a medal in this event right now he's just trying to get into the final so is Ronny Gomez this is insane this is gonna segi incredible I can't leave these people are just trying to make this is just they won in it's just like classified to me it was a file to Greenland and it's you know to finals and semi finals Wow amazing Paul bumped up augusto Akio sitting in that third spot I like this start me too to get that much speed of a frontside nosegrind really amazing suppose of rock and roll slide there yet see those fit meaning now gets back up right on I keep the clown bean waiting on a lot of flips now you recover from a boardslide into all this yeah I do not understand and he's sketching off a little bit and then keeps it going that was that should keep him where he is because that was a good run okay let's get confused he's right he's just gonna do something else so here is he changed so much this roster no problem you know it's something big he sets up he's got to watch out not to do too many of those because it is overall impression right we had one good run and an incredible start don't get greedy you got a final to worry about you got Jimmy Wilkins Eliot Sloan and clay kleiner to worry about here's moto ciabatta he'll be moving on what can he do for the final run here in heat two and that will do it hey jason Ellis yeah thanks so much yeah hey great to be here so happy to be sitting down I'm not doing what they're doing cuz that is ridiculous I am so impressed by the new generation of voters but here's a look at some highlights from heat number two our moose Tokyo Bob you've been talking about him all night long knows how to compete and then this guy moto got a couple of tricks this year so our official standings are now in from Heat number two Mitchie Brusco Photoshop odda and Augusto Akio move on to the final Wow and all of these guys skated incredible snot like Ronnie Gomes in sixth place didn't get to skate much he just killed him jonno killed and paul killed him Wow well we've got a bird final coming up but first there you see swimmers on the Geico stage here at the Armory that excuse minions [Music] [Music] folks at home welcome welcome back to the historical [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well my knees at the x-games must be nice don't hate like your co-workers trip book your own with hotels calm [Applause] folks at home welcome back to the historic army armory where we are moments away from the Pacific o skateboard vert finals but first a very very special musical performances Minneapolis are you ready to lose your minds are you ready to lose your minds live from the armory to perform their hit single lose-lose-lose on the Geico music stage ladies and gentlemen make some noise for swim let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because I know I can mess it up [Applause] [Music] [Music] I mean everybody just came on this party up you know what I'm saying right now this is the most important moment in your whole life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's that that's what saying one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] savy never wear swimmers from California come see us next time we're in town we'd love to see you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you you X James Minneapolis is brought to you by Pacific Oh beer live life anchors up discover responsibly and next care first aid products [Music] welcome back to the Pacific Coast skateboard burn it's time for the final here at the Armory in downtown Minneapolis what's happening everybody Brandon Graham joined alongside the legend Bob Burnquist and Craig McMorris out on the course here is a look at our start list gentlemen I feel like I say this every year Bob but these six skaters in this contest I can't think of a heavier roster that we've seen in recent years for vert this is up anyone's game that is right what's up everyone it's time vert finals so clay Kriner will be kicking things off this is his seventh x-games appearance he owns three X Games medals but they're all from big air does that change here at the Pacific Coast skateboard vert the first run in the final well at this level of skateboarding it's not going to be easy but clay can do it because he's here he made his way here so he should be able to have at least a chance and he's got a great start let me know when I'm up so much raw power to his skating Bob yeah and he's just been building all the way from prelims and just getting better and better which is what you want it's a 15 minute Jam these skaters will try to get in as many runs as they can it's all about creativity the height of the tricks not seeing the repeat of same runs and just pushing and progressing skateboarding Augusto Accio 18 years young in just his second X Games appearance making his presence felt here in Minneapolis starting off strong as he has been final oh man came up on the hang-up hey Craig our people do they have their game face or is it is their the nervous are they happy like what's going on I mean everybody I think is a little bit weary after that semi finals there was major Bowes that was major Pulos toss now everybody's kind of feeling it out get that final and motor Shabbat oh he's a great guy to set the tone of pick this energy up in here yeah I don't know if we've ever seen a semi-final quite like what we saw earlier tonight moto Shibata has never missed the podium in his X Games career and this is a lot of skateboarding a lot of energy these guys are putting out so he definitely got to be fit to run a semi final and final back-to-back it's a tough trick he got it to make it to this round but bailed that one so Elliott his next load wasting no time Bob drop no I did and he's coming off he had to wait and watch the second heat and now he's coming off ready because every trick this explosion powerful high and we've been talking about it all night so much success in big air yet to find the podium invert but perhaps skating the best we've ever seen from him in this discipline here tonight well he's got the all-out strategy going through that heel flip seven and Mitchy switch it up still 360 switch backside air switch 540 this is very hard into that 720 that combo I don't think I've ever seen anyone do and we might not see anyone do other than Mitchie because that's how he started his semifinal run but became the top ranked from his heat and here as Jimmy Wilkins our defending medallist so much flow so much style you just marvel man every time who Robson art and look at that 540 off of that lip trick Chile he doesn't look like he puts a lot of energy out he just does it effortless at the right spot alley-oop tail grab five gets away from him starting there trying to get into the groove here yeah no real clean runs there over the first attempt so it's number two Blake Reiner dropping it look at the size of that first wall 540 by Clay just wants to keep it up there hey and Craig while we have you do you get a sense that the skaters could appreciate the level of skateboarding that just happened earlier tonight to get us to the final absolutely everybody was losing their minds especially on Mickey's run cuz everybody up here knows how difficult that is so everybody's giving everybody prompts it's a good vibe up here right now clay Kriner just going down on that but pop I gotta ask you would you rather skate in that second semi-final that first one would you rather go right into it or maybe get a little bit of a break you know it's funny I was thinking about that I like staying warm so I would have rather stayed on that second second heat so I can be ready to go here so here's a gusto yeah we haven't seen Matty didn't very anything else just in no foot 540 the lone big bag of tricks teenager in our field that boneless is right on the edge of Bob and Branden that is so gnarly look at this it then look like Iver - yeah he just does a no foot backside five haven't seen that in a while I think Sandro is one to do that trick but he knows grabs it so Auggie keeping it creative and it's early but our first live look at the leaderboard has this man moto shoe bata in the lead nice frontside rocket air getting that Christian Hosoi feel in there oh nice keeps the flow going wow that I mean I was I was surprised it's just that he put that trick in his a in a semi run but you can see how difficult it is because that's the second time he tries it fails it here in the final so let's hope moto gets it together oh man Oh Elliot slowed sitting in that bronze metal spot with under 10 minutes to skate with man this is this is tough to watch because a lot of these guys kind of had their their good moments there so here's Mitchie Brusco he didn't have a full pool on run number one and the same goes for me he is human because that switch 540 every time was tripping me out even though I wish he would have made that one but I guess now I know he's human our defending gold medalist went down early on his first run Jimmy Wilkins outside of that top three does it change right here well Jimmy's got that flow and I think that he is feeling this a little better she can tell by how effortless he's skateboarding let's see if he gets a football my god that back disaster was just silly bad this just does not seem real nice tablet twig on that thing well he's got the technique of that backside Ollie five was no joke either alley-oop backflip isn't it easy guys with Jimmy Wilkins to just kind of stop talking and just sort of barble at what he does yeah I mean the technique on that disaster you don't want the full board you want to hit the wheels put that pressure on the back so he comes off play feeling the height from this crowd and Jimmy Wilkins jumping into the top spot by the way as he should with that run clang who's got some power here there's a gap if he stays on his board he can take it and there that cake flip body varial five this crowd letting up here at how loud was that down there Craig it was ear blowing if I'm gonna be perfect on it with you after semi-final one clay Connor went down hung out with all his friends and family in the corral was just talking to him seemed super relaxed and I think that pumped him up for the finals in the crowd awesome so here's a goose Tokyo sitting in fifth place we thought he might have the makings of a podium spot he's got some work to do here yes he does he's got the trace got a big bag he just calms down a bit oh my really he goes for the nose grab lean five and we haven't even seen that we are seeing jazz out here tonight on the vert ramp gentlemen Wow I really like the fact that I'm getting surprised moto Shibata was leading this thing after rut number one he's now sitting in third those two bales are getting to his head that's too bad moto he's got to turn it on quick through seven minutes left he he's got it get it going here's Elliot Sloane clay Kriner by the way jumping up in a second place oh man I thought that was gonna get away from him huge back-to-back stylish 540s he needs this run five come on Elliot really goes for the hip he's going for the jugular he does not want to stay below he doesn't want anything other than podium if he's going for that we're talking about the frenetic pace of this as Mitchie Brusco drop it in sitting in last place he's got some work to do what kind of stamina do these guys need to have when it's back to back to back like this bomb there's a lot and you have to keep your move your mental game on that switch five into the 720 Mitchie is keeping his pace and you just have to believe and stay on it stay mentally focused and it's hard just so technical a completely different style of skateboarding from the whole field keep the backside 5min she is not joking around yes a gold medal rush our defending gold medalist from Big Ear Craig what did that look like down there to close outs out runners mind-boggling I mean he's the here's gold he smells gold he could almost feel gold with that run Bob that was ridiculous I mean that's which vibe yeah 104 come on that's the run we were waiting for for bruises we weren't that's between Jimmy and Mitchie right now he needs another good run and Jimmy wants to the second place Jimmy Wilkins so needs to give himself standing room in the top spot taking his foot up on the only three just building on each run Jimmy is not messing around kickflip Oh doing the back Smith see this this is the level is so incredible that you're gonna see bales but these guys I can't believe the level of vertical escape where's the progression of Burt in real time right here right now in the armory clay Kriner sitting in that bronze metal spot right now it's a vert metal look at this every wall is huge just lift me beautifully executed just when you didn't think clay could go any bigger on that fire oh he just somehow gets six more inches yeah he wants more every time oh he needed this stale seven to keep yeah great point Craig I mean we're talking about fourth run here these guys have to be sweating and that might be the best amplitude we've seen above all night yeah here's a goose Tokyo the krail one footer I like how gusto just changes it up every run deep bag of tricks the bag of tricks deep runs you could take against anyone else in this field he's just got to put it together Bob look at this oh he's going for the lean front seven which is a forward to fakie he's not messing around moto Shibata was leading this thing early that was sitting in the silver metal spot he's right now in fifth place he's never missed a podium oh man with three minutes left he really needs a pickup it's gotta be messing with his mental game let's see he needs to make this alright you got a build on that can he close it out oh my gosh take it on this is good keep it going he needed this run right on moto that kind of gets him back in the game as we close it on the 3-minute mark moto Shibata saving his best for a great time in this contest Bob yes so going for the frontside 360 Vail lead Eliot Sloane he needs to get around here to double up on his overall impressed aw man good thing he made that on the low side but at least he's on his board there's some wobbles but he's riding this thing through in 15 seconds once you start sketching it's hard to get out of that sketch messes with your rhythm oh this strategy he's been skating so well all night Eliot Sloane hoping you can get one more running Mitchie Brusco he's sitting in that silver metal spot five times he has earned a bronze in this event but he didn't come here for silver bono and that run was so technical see he's going for the nine Mitchie he's got five bronze battles now sitting and silver it's definitely an upgrade but two minutes Gold Jimmy Wilkins is our last one to drop in this field so we are guaranteed at least one more run from everybody else what can Jimmy do he doesn't alley-oop frontside Ollie like that off the bat with an alley you tail five tough tricks tough combos right off the bat and look at the height of that ollie 540 Wow I'll give you an alley in forensic value frontside ollie 60 yeah he's feeling the flow we're just miss the Jimmy Wilkins show cool as the other side of the pillow Jimmy Wilkins trying to defend his role how could people compete with this bomb wow that backs out all III keep the board there let me just switch my stance another league he's in another youniverse right now every skater will get one more run here tonight in the Pacific Coast skateboard bird final play is really close to his first vert pedal can he do it he's sitting in that bronze metal spot yeah Craig he just continues to get hockey her as this contest goes on I don't know how he keeps adding amplitude but he keeps doing it and keeps blowing I'm on now Bob you're a surfer - I gotta say Jimmy Wilkins looks like he's riding with an offshore wind yeah it's insane whoa again that should solidify his podium right there with 25 seconds left that sounds like the loudest we've heard the or burry all night great can you put that audience please stamp 720 oh man and we got you a shot great job lake rider so here's a goose Tokyo for his final run of the contest a clay Crider jumps up in the silver medal position Bob Wow now I guess this is just for the pace of this thing this is not your father's Bert contest we've never seen anything quite like what we're seeing Wow here tonight really proud of all gusto the Brazilian and the final just getting his runs in there his style of skateboarding moto Shibata has never missed a podium he's sitting in fourth place yeah that was that run he made got him in the game and he this is his last chance to try and get Mitchie off the and remember will get 100 he went for the body varial ferial five and got it I see in the replay there as he actually touched his feet but nonetheless incredible Wow the gate Swiss disaster Wow can't say it enough here it is body varial touched his feets mutter I actually got tripped up I can't believe you made that and then just widened his stance and made it moto so here is Elliot's loan now Elliot this is he wants that he'll 7 regardless of position he wants that trick oh dude the closest he's kid all by Craig it looked like he was gonna ride away there I was just about to scrap because her watch on it but so much commitment Bob he wanted that was anything and I'll tell you here the size of this transition as opposed to big air that big air he might have landed that but on burn you gotta be precise and that was a big slam gentlemen it all comes down to this Jimmy Wilkins is sitting in first place the one guy that can bump him is Mitchie Brusco who's potentially guaranteed a six bronze medal in this event if Ted he bumped Lake rider can he take over the top spot right here right now that one run he did was just a great set of all he needs is another one of those no it's on his mind Mitchie eats some magic right now for his final run he might want this nine hundred or he might go back to what he had it's all about Mickey's decision what his strategy is game face on gentlemen I'm calling that 900 he rolled in on that last attempt so I think he's going to roll in on this one too the rollin tells you speed and two walls Wow yo Mitchie Brusco keep it going please 720 backside five all he needs to do is to complete this run and what is he going for ferial 540 Mitchie Brusco kickflip body man close it Bob it's just so just hard tricks that I mean really and people is getting close the roll is now another look at the nine branch spins around with complete awareness looks at it and as she said Bob all he needed to do was ride this rug through and he knew it too I mean [Applause] so here is our current leader and you see Mitchie Brusco moving up into silver metal position it's not official we'll have to see what happens but Jimmy Wilkins may be able to breathe a sigh of relief can he defend is gone tonight what's official is that uh Jimmy Wilkins is on fire Wow you can smile Jimmy one of the few missed cues from Jimmy Wilkins out here tonight he was gonna go disaster what happened I think that he made a last-minute decision and then and Bob I am spent after that day Wow why just can't believe what just went down so we are awaiting our final standings and it's official Jimmy Wilkins defenses gold man rights Mitchie Brusco earns his very first Bert Silver and clay Crider earns his very first Bert metal and you know by the spine of this contest I I had an idea that you know we're gonna see Jimmy and Mitch I wasn't putting clay in the mix not not because I don't think clay knows and has good skateboarding but wow what a night one here at X Games Minneapolis and Jimmy Wilkins closes it with another gold medal the third of his X Games career going back to back so congratulations to Jimmy Wilkins with that gold medal what a night one wanna remind you fans right after the action here tonight check out X Games extra on slash X Games and don't forget more X Games going down tomorrow with women's skateboard park the real cost BMX big air and of course Moto X for Bob Burnquist at Craig McMorris yeah Brandi Graham say thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: X Games
Views: 258,125
Rating: 4.8710384 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, skateboard vert, skateboard vert tricks, x games skateboarding 2019, x games skate, x games skate vert, x games halfpipe, x games halfpipe 2019 highlights, skate vert ramp, x games minneapolis 2019, x games minneapolis, x games skateboard, moto shibata x games, jimmy wilkins x games, Jimmy Wilkins, Mitchie Brusco, Clay Kreiner
Id: aRYXD_H0o5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 21sec (4941 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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