Men’s Park Final Live Webcast | 2019 Dew Tour Long Beach

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[Music] Olympic implications in the air a truly international field looking for spots to go to the Olympics in Japan 2020 hello there and you are about to start watching the men's pro part final here from Long Beach this is the Dew Tour my name is Todd Richards I'm joined here in the booth by none other than Paul zitzer and we're about to get underway with some crack and skateboarding here in our custom-built Park and we've been watching this all week long this has been a grind to get to where we are now these are the best eight skateboarders that have made it through all these rounds to compete here and like I said Olympic spots on the line Paul how much do you think that factors in with the riders that are out there today do you think they're really starting to think about it I think they're probably thinking about it as they come to the contest and maybe when they leave but today when you're in the bowl forget it you're thinking about doing your tricks setting it down and ripping you're not thinking about points all right well we got 20 athletes that we whittled down now we have eight so here's the deal 20 athletes per discipline a maximum of three athletes per country per discipline there's gonna be you know a lot of tears at the end of this there's so much talent coming out of United States there's a lot of talent coming out of Brazil but to whittle it down for three people to represent for those countries and we go into Tokyo next summer it's gonna be you know you're gonna have to really really hammer it down because the talent field is so deep and there's no guarantees you essentially you have to big finish in the top 20 yeah in the discipline and then you're on your way all right well this is how we're gonna do it today we have eight athletes in this final one heat three runs 45 second per run the best run counts the judges are scoring out of a possible 100 points Paul what the judge is looking for they're looking for a skaters ability to throw down big tricks we learn that coming through the qualifying rounds they love high airs they love big tricks like 540 McTwist and kickflip grabs right they're also going to be looking for a skaters ability to use the ball meaning they keep their speed they hit different pockets hips corners everything that's out there the more you do the better and you gotta stay on you're gonna stay on you can't fall sorry this is the way it breaks down we have two Americans two Brazilians two Italians a lone Australian and a lone Spanish skater in this now we talk about stars of parks and one that really really shines took it home yesterday in the qualifier mr. Pedro Pires coming out of Brazil what makes Pedro skating so incredible to watch tricks like that the backside grab 540 he goes huge the huge frontside air he's hittin the roof then there isn't one he has great speed he carries it all the way around the ball and he has tricks for every obstacle and he goes and he doesn't fall off his board all right well we're gonna get underway here in a minute so I was watching practice for a bit over there it is definitely heating up quite literally and figuratively in this ball I've seen some moments of greatness I was watching you know Pedro he didn't I mean it wasn't like he was on and I kind of feel like a guy like Pedro feeds off the crowd more than some of these other skaters but I'll tell you what Jaime from Spain some very very incredible lines being very original with the way that he's using this course something that I didn't see from him yesterday so he's feeling eye of the tiger today and practice can tell you a lot about how people are skating but it isn't until the buzzer goes and the judged run starts that we really get a sense of what these guys are gonna put down that's courage you know the American he finished third yesterday that's Yvan Federico coming out of Europe highly technical he thought you know you watch him he was really smart in the way that he played it but crazy contrasting styles to what Pedro brings to the bowl and when Pedro is on his game he's virtually unbeatable now that doesn't always apply but when he's on he's on it's a beautiful thing all right well let's go down the teen addiction who is on the deck with some more information yeah thanks Todd and there's no doubt that men's skate park can be one of the most fun events to watch but for a judge they really need to pay attention to those finer details I spoke to judge vanessa taurus about it and she said you know we look at the number of tricks the lift tricks the airs what really stood out they do judge it on overall impression factoring in a skateboarders unique style like Pedro Boris's explosiveness and Corey Juneau just being smooth Todd all right well thank you Tina we'll be checking back in with her all through the event here but let's have a course preview Paul what are these riders have to contend with well first of all there's that very tall nine-foot layback Bank and on the opposite side it's flanked by another identical Bank it leads to that pocket you'll see skaters using it to gain speed there's a six-foot hip and there's the mountain dew extension you'll see a lot of vert inspired tricks on that here's the other thanks while I was talking about skaters we'll be flying off of that into the deep end of the ball and this is where you see the biggest airs and the longest grime the park alright well that was the Dew Tour Boost Mobile chorus breakdown and we want to unleash these guys into this park because this I've been waiting for this all week the skaters have to another thing to talk about there's been a lot you know they've been skating a ton since Monday and how much do you think fatigue comes into play with with you skaters it's a good question because here's the deal some of these skaters had to come through the open qualifier and then the quarterfinals and the semis and now they're in the final that's a ton of skating but skaters like Pedro borrows prequalified all the way into the semis because of their world rankings after the world championships he hasn't skated nearly as much so he's fresh he's got to be feeling good some of these other guys more beatdown that said they've had more success in the bowl they've gotten to prove their way through they've got to be feeling that confidence from that so we'll see what happens here in the final yeah and talk talking to some of the riders just about how this bowl configuration differs from the past couple years they've all claimed it's a lot faster it's a lot easier to keep your speed through and that means bigger tricks longer grinds and more spectacular runs all right well here we go the men's Park final this is the start list we are looking at Jaime Maggio from Spain Keegan Palmer out of Australia Alessandra Mazzara he comes out of Italy hey mano Reynolds from Hawaii Luis Francisco chord you know Yvan Federico Pedro Baros they are from around the world everyone is under 21 19 years old average I mean young actually no we got a 23 24 year-old in there we got a couple you know but the average age is around 19 young definitely it is young not as young as the woman's age bracket yeah where everyone's like average age was 14 Wow still a great final all right the young skater from Spain 20 feet 23 years old out of Mallorca Spain he will be starting us off Jamie Matt to you what can we come to expect from him Paul anything goes it looks like he could win a wrestling competition on the deck and then take it straight into the ball he's just gonna go attack the ball reckless put his life on the line for your viewing pleasure okay so you see how he's moving some of the photography crates around over there it's because he's gonna have a very unique entrance into this park format I saw him do this in practice and I was blown away so getting ready to start here he's gonna take it he's gonna approach this bowl from the left-hand corner of your screen you're gonna watch the behind the follow cam from Chris brakes and the best in the business we're looking at a GoPro Hero seven black angle here we go check this out Paul there you go a big transfer to start his run taking it to that extension plant in the hand kicking the foot off and he's off his board so early in the run and as we know that run is a total write-off yeah that's how it goes as soon as they fall you're out best of three runs 45 seconds again you can take a lot to end make at the end of that run yeah the beauty of this format though is that it allows the skaters to try their very best tricks and of course we expect and hope they make one other three attempts and we've gone out we're gonna have way more of this explosive interesting just driving their way through this this was I saw him kickflip into a melon grab flipping the board catching it and getting yourself right into a line and that was earlier so it seems like he's maybe he's warming up to something right you want to stay on your first run that's huge it builds your confidence and spending those 45 seconds in the bowl on your first run gets you warmed up and loose when he came off after 10 seconds he's starting fresh again on his next run that doesn't help all right we're about to get underway with the pro part final keegan palmer out of australia at 16 years old we'll start us off big future for this kid right here and i mean definitely one that has his sights on making the team going into japan in 2020 that said the australians have a deep force in the ball there are so many great transition skaters for Australia but Keegan very calculated smooth style precise consistent he can get it done and he has many times he's done very well in international contests and here he's doing it again and see him going into the deep defend he did the 543 the technical lip tricks keeping his speed he's well on his way to a great run there was an eggplant rebirth that means he's going backwards here now going both directions in this ball is hugely difficult as putting together a great run just to finish it off here backside noseblunt on its feet Bank well done Keegan Palmer that is how you get your campaign started for a final now I would say Keegan Palmer he's one of the more he's a veteran at 16 years old he's a veteran of these park competitions right he's won a few of the VPS Australian finals two years in a row look at the height he gets on that frontside air judges love to see you fly out of the bowl and if you're spinning even better the backside grab 540 no problem the smaller you are the easier those tricks are too right as you grow as your body changes those tricks get to be more difficult that was a technical eggplant rebirth meaning a 360 hand plant you don't see that every day Keegan really did a good job of putting together a huge variety of tricks and flipping his board that's another thing we mentioned earlier when you flip your board you take a risk when you land it and get rewarded with points all right AUSA Andra Mazzara coming out of Italy is now in the park now you'll see a little bit more of up smooth focused approach from Alessandro now did the judges kind of like it when you're almost like a little bit out of control we kind of talked about this in the past like they do maybe reward for you being a little loose yeah it can go both ways if it's loose and sloppy I would say no if you get wild and hang on and then recover and finish strong then yes but the whole Ron is just somebody trying to regain the right so you know it when you see it yep so you want that little bit of danger factor and I would I would say that that's what almost what Pedro borrows brings to it that excitement absolutely and he and when you're putting your life in a little bit of danger always a good thing he hoped the fans seem to like that as well as the judges alessandro falling off his board in that run it's tough to stay on that board for 45 seconds it absolutely is but it's crucial but that was a very nice McTwist straight up and down and then the ally of india traveling towards his heels on a backside trick very cool trick and the stalefish he misses the grab and he's off this board but going huge though do you think he missed missed the grab right there it just didn't feel it well it's it's impossible to really know but that I know from experience that trick is difficult to grab because you're reaching around your back foot and if you don't get your hand on the board you can't you can't pull the trick back in and I think that's what happened all right next up from Honolulu Hawaii representing the u.s. hey mana Reynolds and he is one Hawaiian that's for sure he is excitement square the crowd loves hey mana and that was a beautiful hand plant fronts I didn't did on the extension with the extension and stall the longer you could stand and keep kicking the foot off up and leave the tail he's very flashy he's all over the place too and that's what I like about him on his approach that he doesn't really leave any transition untouched in here but he did a lot like I said he's an exciting skater and the crowd gets behind them and when the crowd gets behind you the judges get affected by that they do tend to creep up all right hey Monterey knows bailing on the big spin backside disaster but let's talk about the things he did right in this room that frontside Handclap fully extended all his weight on his arm and then the kickflip frontside air he's flipping his board way out of the top of that Bank the judges love that in a nose grab 540 covering a lot of distance it shows he's taken a risk going into the disaster on the extension and then Ally you look he's traveling blind side he can't see where he's landing on the ally frontside air puts it down no problem so hey mano Reynolds checks in with a 70 and that is with the ball so previous score for even with the Bale there yeah but it was a really great run he did so much before the fall you cannot discount that all right Luis Francisco coming out of Brazil what is it with these Brazilian riders we were talking about it yesterday they are all hungry in this park is just straight-up neat form they are star that they come out and they attack this ball it's a totally resilient approach and we compare it to let's say some of the Japanese skaters who are more calculated earth and a little bit more reserved but probably Luiz goes huge and the judges love what he does look at that side grab five onto the bank it was massive backside boat was up there on the extension kind of a simple trick it's good to keep the speed go see how high it was on that frontside air and then they kick the foot off that's just a bonus he'll flip baby flipping the board get the job coming off with 4 seconds left in that run but that run had basically everything you possibly want and you're watching the amount of speed it just seems like it's like pure aggression we talked about Brazilian passion and it's no joke they come out and they're super passionate as they bust into these tricks of that lipslide right there a young kid with so much power in the bowl it's such a great thing to see that backside grab five he landed pretty low but it didn't faze him at all he'll flip indy flip at the board grabbing it judges love that and that's where it went wrong the front side of that trick is never easy all right well we're halfway through run number one of the men parks men's park final keegan palma right now in the lead when we come back more from the men's pro park final here in Long Beach California you are watching the Dew Tour built by Mountain Dew [Music] what's the Huntington Beach [Music] this is the man's part finals right now on course korede you know we're halfway through run number one and we have one of the most stylish skaters ever to stand on like a wood with four wheels right you know do whatever he wants did this fall it's true right it's the only question is will he and anything he does it's incredible there was the frontside blunt but he split it which makes it ten times more difficult Holley up into a nose one again a hard trick that he makes more difficult by the way who doesn't you see him going forwards and backwards reburning his tricks he can do it all and he makes it all amazing with the style of max like those buck reverts unreal run you know these slides who live super far his lines take him all over the bowl he gets technical with the lip I mean he pretty much ticks all the boxes every trick he did he add he adds his own flavor to it and flair raising the difficulty and the utter impossibility of anyone being able to do what he does frontside ollie out of the bank that means you're not grabbing your board he makes that look too easy this is a trick that's 30 years old a frontside boardslide but he does it way better than it's ever been done and then this huge ollie coming down landing in the nose front position so much that could go wrong there and look back nose blunt to backside River he's turning 180 out of the trick blind to the world and the only thing is you either make it or you slam your brains out he made it all right well accorded you know he's definitely one of the riders favorite to watch he's one of these skaters who as soon as they drop in the park they all come to the edge of the park to watch two-time Tour champion and our current leader a 77 flat now toward you know is in the lead well deserved all right well we're gonna have a completely contrasting style of skating in this park by ebon federico a lot of flipping that board a lot of catching that board maybe more of a more technical approach as he's a tall lanky skater so he doesn't have quite the same type of flowy style that we see for Cory Gino but he has a coolness style people like it he has a lot of very technical tricks like kickflip melon grab backside disaster that he could do all day long he has a few tricks that he and only he can do every single try that's just so much going on when you're watching by escape I mean the thing that I had critiqued him on yesterday was cast several moves that are based on flipping the board into basically the same grab you think that hurts him with the judge today well to some degree maybe but look he finished with the dirt West which is huge a huge way to finish the run after doing some a trick but here was my point he's flipping the board to melon yes but he's doing it he's adding it to well worthwhile tricks he's doing it on a melon disaster on a bodyguard those tricks are can stand on their own so him adding that flip to it just raises the stakes there's the kick flip body jar he has to grab the nose of the board and slap the tail on the coping that is difficult and dangerous and he can pull it off so consistently it's really hard to figure do you think that all skaters have an advantage when it comes to flipping tricks I think to be honest this may sound crazy I think skaters with long arms and big hands yeah I have advantage flip grab I makes it easier for them to grab they get a bigger win span so Yvan Federico wait while we await his score we get ready for Pedro Barros who will be up next our number one qualifier and quite you know honestly the most exciting guy to in a bowl the only problem is a lot of times the bowls are too small to contain Pedro bah roses ferocity and he doesn't tone it down he cranks it up to 11 and goes until the wheels come off all right well let's head down to Chris pastors here in a second we're getting Yvonne Federico's score right now third place for the 74 but let's head down to crisp asterisk with some more info on Pedro burrows what's up guys I am as excited as you for Pedro borrows his run and I spoke to his dad Andre about Pedro's approach from semifinals moving in a final thing he placed first and Andre said yesterday he basically freestyle that entire winning run because he had some sketches that threw him off and got him a bit blocked but hey it worked for him and just freestyle that line and he said normally Pedro plans the beginning of this line and then leaves the last two to three tricks open for interpretation seems to be working out great here in Hue our final thanks Chris well we're going to be checking back in with Chris masters through this event but giant 540 here and that's just one of the tricks that we've seen so far yeah he is on fire he's doing exactly what we'd expect he's using the whole ball going huge doing typical Pedro tricks which are all on the edge brookside grind off that Bank into the deep ball that's dangerous now you see landing backwards he tried to switch backside disaster on that big Bank highly difficult and technical I don't know that it would get the points it deserves but I don't know that it's gonna matter so do you think damage was done there before I think it was but I don't know where the clock was when he fell off his board he did so much though huge giant and it's not that you're taking a risk necessarily to go that high which you are it's that you're able to generate the speed to go that high you have to make that speed yourself it doesn't come find you and some of these more subtle tricks like that little popover what's the difficulty factor in that right there it's the danger and you have that perfect balance coming out of a grind off of that edge and then you're you're sending yourself into that deep ball and if your feet are a little off balance where you clip the coping on the way in with your truck good night Irene all right well we're gonna wait for Pedro Pires to score will it be enough to upset Cory do you know currently now in the lead totally different approaches to this chord you know more of a lip technician sliding along super gracefully Pedro borrows like a pitbull that's been beat with a stick for hours here we go well this is the judge I thought we're gonna get the score right now but these are the judges that are deciding on Pedro Boris's score fate right here legends in that Lincoln u8a he could go 10 feet on a half by first wall Rhett Miller holding it down for Australia since way back Alfonso Rawls are you kidding me Street vert ball Wow 70 3.0 puts Pedro bars and forth with some tricks to be desired perhaps we're gonna check out more from the Dew Tour here in Long Beach when we come back to the men's pro park final junco do tour is brought to you by boost mobile boost makes it easy to switch switching makes it easy to save Mountain Dew do the dew [Music] what's up turn Capo's we're here at the 2019 Dew Tour in Long Beach check out this park this parks unique just because it has really nice flowing line good big bowl corners good transfers good steep banks it just brings a lot of variety and that's what makes a good course and this is what this one has a lot of part courses I feel like kind of have the same routine of like what obstacles are in them but this one it's like the design they did last year that works and so they ran it this year and yeah it's just uh it's just a pole that you can draw a lot of line from [Music] and that was the inside line shot in the latest GoPro Hero 7 black camera it's got that image stabilization I know you like that call because you got shaky hands welcome back to sunny Long Beach California men's pro-park final underway Cora Gino currently on top with a 77 Keegan Palmer in second come Gavin Australia and the technical wizardry of yvonne federico of italy in third we just saw pedro Baros go but now we're back up to the top of the roster and unfortunately for Jaime Maggio of Hispania coming out of Spain fell on his first run really early but I was saying to you Paul in practice I saw him do some pretty crazy lies like this one right here I also heard that then at some point the shirt came off and that's when he really went wild so maybe that's what it's going to take it's a hundred percent true that shirt was off all during finals all during practice of the finals when he seemed like more of an uncaged animal so look for unless we find a roach it's kind of like this technique isn't there it's gorgeous bill power and sheer energy carrying of Drew's front side blunt coming up a little short but still hanging on struggle for speed here at the end of his run and that how much is that like the Genest they don't really like to see you looking for speed as we see one of the craziest transfers no one is gonna touch that with a ten-foot pole right okay he's the only person in the world who would ever do a nollie backside 180 off that extension into the deep end of this ball because it is just like it's it's on the edge if you don't want to find out what would happen if you don't plan that trick so he made up for the lack of speed by flying out and just taking that trick into the deep ball I am curious to see what the judges will give him for that run because it wasn't that technically advanced he didn't go huge there wasn't that that much to it other than that finish well I did have the gnarly factor in that trick that he did there well look at that one foot in front side in right but I'm gonna talk about that nollie backside 180 in it got him into the final yesterday it was his one big move in his qualifying run right and it was a tough cut so obviously the judges responded well to that nollie back 180 but we talked about you know how many times can you do a trick before it starts to lose some of its luster but that trick is just so dangerous because he's turning towards his heels blind into the ball and it's just he just here he doesn't even hit his nose right there just kind of phantom nollie in there off the notice board just kind of chips it and it goes but then he comes off there at the end he's hyped but he's always hyped well he's got one more run regardless of this score and I know he has let me put in but right now he's in sixth place with a 69 flat he's like what he's stoked I can't wait to see run number three as we get ready for Keegan Palmer the Australian currently in second place youngster 16 years old a lot of style a lot of good lines very precise technique the Keegan you're not going to see him get wild or sketchy it's gonna be very controlled but he's very talented it has difficult tricks and I like that that was a 540 but he grabbed indeed beating he used his backhand to grab it and talk about that right now just some of the significance of where your hand is placed especially on this on the spin tricks for the people that don't know skateboarding what differentiates each one every time you grab your board in a different place it changes your balance so you and it sounds like you might just have to change your balance no you need to relearn the entire trick from the ground up because you have to figure out how to take off at a different balance point and land at a different balance point and everywhere in between is different alright Duncan lucky backhand backhand his front hand is swinging in the wind that's usually the hand people are grabbing with so that makes that trick more difficult and when you spin it that way you have to balance over your back foot not your front foot it changes everything alright well Keegan Palmer unfortunate fall is gonna hurt him now next up on chorus Alessandra Mazzara coming out of Italy so all isandro is going to look for smooth flowing lines that was a front hand to grab for each 540 nicely done he's just got to keep the flow going it's less about the super difficult tricks with all saundra more about keeping speed put the solid run together it seems like that trick right there the frontside block that corner is almost like you're sacrificing speed just to get one tech lifter again that's true he makes up for that speed pretty well blast the stalefish there at the deep end follows it up with a nice frontside air he's time in the swing set of those back to back banks a decent run yep now I'm number one number two or even three run in my opinion but he didn't mean but as he was psyching the criterias were being addressed he should say for the judges as far as like the flip tricks the spin tricks you know you're working the lip a little bit checking boxes he did it really nice 540 and I like the distance of that Smith grind the farther you grind your tricks the harder they become the faster you're going the more difficult it is that's the 540 that I like so much I'll leave backside air over the hip finishing their little scary too low too low to count a backside three on through the lip it's not even a trick I mean it is but it's not going to count for us right all right well while we wait for his scores we're queuing up Camana rentals will be the next skater in the bowl coming out of Honolulu Hawaii I like that just you know you look at this list of skaters and there's such different styles here and it's great to see and skating you know predominantly I would say it's all about style absolutely you want to see people that inspire you with the way they're doing their trick there's a there's people that can do the same trick all over the world and then there's a few that when you see them do it you say that's the trick that's how I want to do it sure and it is it's technically the same move all right Alessandro doesn't live still in eighth place sixty five point three three all right crisp asterisks we're gonna go down to you now for an update on thief flying Hawaiian he mana rentals what's up fellas yes I spoke to him on his dad Matt Reynolds about his approach and strategy leading into finals he said basically him on is trying to lay down the same line as semi finals but add some technical difficulty he's really focused on trying to land that 360 clipped tail grab and add one other flip trick to his lines all right thanks Chris and that 360 tail grab will be his last trick part of the beauty of hay mana Reynolds it's not just the style you do your tricks it's what you show up wearing sometimes that more Nunn direction and slip-on shoes I mean he looks like right after this run he's headed to the beach also an amazing surfer and his father as well there through Waterman they've got history in Hawaii with board sports it's great to see it's a family affair over there at the Reynolds household hey vana is doing a great job putting a ton of tricks together really linking them together in this ball and Todd you were saying it the other day it's like putting a puzzle together use the ball you got to figure out where your tricks work and try to place them in the ball and link them together without losing speed it is a difficult thing he did a great job of it I love that run all right well hey mana Renaud's completes that run we didn't see the 360 flip tail grab and I'm wondering did he just run out of time because it didn't look like any of his line even kind of brought him into an opportunity to do it yeah that's a good point we might have to wait till his next run to find that out but what was smart is he did some of his best tricks and finished the run by popping out I love that frontside invert all the weight on his hand that's a dangerous trick in this looking kicking the board kickflip frontside grab little stinky we call it with the arm between the knees on the way and not not like extra bonus style points for the landing on that kickflip frontside air but the judges seem to be back in so he might as well keep doing it look at that front side Smith brownie and lifts it up into a 5 oh that's adding difficulty and I love that blindside frontside air a lot of tricks happening in a very tight area right there hey mana Reynolds this is gonna be a great score moves in the fourth play seventy-three point six six you just see the excitement though it brings a lot to the ball not everybody can do that all right well here we go this is the current standings right now Cory Gino still on top Keegan Palmer in second and yvonne federico in third this is the man's pro-park final we are underway Luis Francisco is in the bowl right now coming out of San Paulo Brazil a truly international affair here at the dude tour with Olympic implications on the line Paul what are we looking for here in this young Brazilian skater well the power of the Brazilians shines through and everything he does he goes absolutely huge I haven't seen too much of it yet in this run but there you go he tucked the knee down and pulled the tail of the board skywards adds a lot of difficulty and it should add some points that last trick he took Magda who rode the board under his feet to ride away from it it wasn't necessarily technically done right but that doesn't matter at that point he stayed on and the crowd loves it and that should be big points coming his way so Ron is that the wow factor the kind of sketch factor that you know we were talking about before that the judges like to reward right you didn't see him slopping around the ball the whole time he finished a sketchy and his heart showed through by landing that trick here is a really solid part of the run though backside grab 540 I would say that's the easier of the grabs on all the 540s but still to take it on to the bank at that is though there you see the tail is over his head on the front side and Pierce style and a sloppy kill the baby again showing he's just going for it in the varial flip and he throw it down I can't believe he didn't even need this squad out of that a lot of people use the squad as a crutch they crouch reload to keep from falling he stood right back up he deserves a huge score well it's gonna be interesting to see where the judges put him landed all of his tricks a lot of style a lot of power you see right there Leticia Bufoni right there supporting fellow Brazilian countryman crazy tricks all right moving into fourth place seventy three point eight eight with run number two an improvement over the 6733 gun in his first run so your built in the house here you're building towards that final run if you can get yourself some confidence you're gonna be able to throw down hard on third run all right here is the current standings cords you know on top 77 is the score to beat Keegan Palmer I bought leave on Federico and Luis Francisco now your top for Corey Juno a name synonymous with style someone that knows his way around the lip of a park Paul we've been seeing phrases of this kid for years to time do Tour champion and he's about to take his second run in this pro-park fight his first run was a warm-up if he could stay on his board he could do anything in the world Wow that's huge Holly upper backside nose want again the trick that only he flies into just that casual style making his tricks look easy nine five kickflip and here's why that's so hard he never grabbed this board didn't have to it looks like his feet we're just trying to find the deck the whole time it was coming around that was insane footwork he's the only skater the fly out of the bowl with that trick it consistently lambeth keeping it going that same finish his other run so expect great things from the judges here not to mention the super long frontside boardslide he's got every move on the lip he's probably one of the most comfortable people I've ever seen just dancing around on coping yeah and he doe he has all the big tricks he can do all the five forties and all that - doesn't need to balancing act for sure right there frontside boardslide that trick was invented in nineteen eighty-something and he does it better than anyone ever there's the frontside flip look no hands he barely got his feet on ever until he actually landed on the ball backside noseblunt turning blind side 180 on the way in what a wrong court you know giving us what we came for 81 Rockettes him into the lead further chords you know could this be the day for a three-time hoot or champion methinks yes yeah he just really set himself apart on that run he did all the tricks that you expect from him which are already the best and then throwing that frontside flip with no grab way out the top now everybody here knows they have to take a huge chance at some point in the run to even match that all right you've on Federico in the ball now coming out of Italy would you say it's safe is it safe to say that toward you know is the front-runner right now to represent the USA oh absolutely yes no question the other it was a bloodbath he qualified for us the Americans I mean they were getting bumped down down down all day so yeah he is the front-runner and him on a Reynolds also in this file he has a good shot but there's there's a lot of a lot of great skaters yeah he's like the Contra stand ready I would say you know the US has got such a deep pool of talent that they're all they're only gonna take three people to represent the USA in 2020 in Tokyo and that but that's only assuming that they're in the top 20 that's true that make the top 20 that's true the points which you would think wouldn't be that hard but this international Flair here we've got Yvan Federico missing this noseblind attempt yeah his front foot was a little too far back so he didn't have the leverage to hold the nose blunt and he was in such a dangerous spot he saved himself you could say but he's got one more try or is he out no he's got more shut this as we get ready for Pedro Barros coming out of Brazil a powerhouse goes bigger than everybody else so it's gonna be interesting to see how this plays out if Pedro Barra stays on his board having whoo obviously he's a contender every time he drops into the ball can't wait to see he's got Carly in 6th place trying to chase down porridge you know who was on top with a completely different approach to riding this Park [Applause] frontside air out of the bank and again a staple and a Pedro run backside grab five way out he landed that in the air exceptionally low he is hurting for speed but he could pick it up real quick and I think Pedro is really good at landing with an exclamation point towards the end of his run and always leaving the judges with something to freak out about I think that's one of the big strengths well another 540 so repeating multiple tricks what do you think even though they're different grabs like how do you think that's gonna fare with the judges as he basically almost falls his last trick it was a good good run there were a lot of tricks he did two fives for their different graphs the problem with the runners if there was one is that he was fight for speed he got off a little bit of balance landing low and fought for speed for too much of the run it looked a little too difficult and not typical Pedro so it was after that alley-oop in the air that kind of set him up wrong how important is it to make sure that you're lined up into these features watch the squats right there see the squat on that landing that's like--that's safety on a 540 if you're if you're feeling like you might not make it your best bet is to just bend your knees all the way and soak up the landing you're on your board but it doesn't count as that much of a make as a pure stand-up well the judges liked it enough to put him in second place seventy nine point three three so Pedro Baros makes a big jump up the leaderboard so here we are after two run scores you know still on top with an 81 Pedro boss makes the leap into second place Keegan Palmer he's gonna sit right now in third one more run to go best to three Georgie no leads on run number one advances his lead even further on run number two by virtue of the craziest frontside flip we have ever seen all right stick around when we come back it's the third and final runs olympic implications on the line you're watching the two tour from Long Beach in California to the streets of New York Brazil and Japan hometowns often leave a lasting impression on a skater's style and competitive strengths do sill do panel where we'll do conquer next current standings right now in the men's pro park final core did you know up on top and 81 crazy Ron Paul we saw him put together some of the most technical it wizardry that big flip trick now it's run number three we're back to the top of the roster now Jaime Maggio is gonna take off coming into this thing from Spain he's been lining up some crazy transfers what are we gonna see we want to see that transfer you were talking about start the run the kickflip in kick with mint leaves in right there they put Mellon I hope he brings it and then he needs to finish strong and he needs to keep his speed carry it through the ball through the entire 45 seconds and of course might as well finished with that nollie back 180 into the deep end here we go getting ready you see him there in the left hand corner of your screen a mana rental saying good luck on that nollie backside 180 in because no one hand their right mind should be attempting that yeah this might be the last time we ever talk here we go oh whoa whoa whoa I'd rethink that one too hopefully we see this kickflip to grab in if he falls he's done slam ouchie he is a barbarian just so you know the place your divots the slam 3d going hard into the flat broke his wash off his wrist he landed about three or four times in a row in practice clean up in Aisle five geez check it out right here Paul what went wrong he missed the grab he didn't grab the board it was completely off his feet and yet he's still fully committed to riding out of it so in a way nothing went wrong his sheer determination was the problem he needed to just get off but he didn't watch this right here you know oh my god at some point you decide I'm not gonna commit to this cuz it's not gonna happen and if I do commit I'm gonna land on my head on the flat now it takes it takes a lot of quick thinking to make that happen it's cool to see somebody with that much heart for it he's back he's given a high-five to the crowd Tina Dixon's down there on the deck as he 360 bonuses and Tina what he got for us well Keegan Palmer's coming up next and one of the youngest skateboarders in this event at the age of 16 I just spoke to his dad Chris and says does that faze him at all he said nope absolutely not age does not make a difference in fact it was his dad who originally got Keegan into skateboarding when we would take him to the park at the age of six and both pairs are here today in the stands Thank You Tina addiction you know one thing that I would like to know is does it phase a competitive skater when the guy before you just slams like a bag of wet concrete into the ground I wouldn't guess it doesn't face key because he's not skating like that there's nothing in his run I think that he's afraid up he's just a great talent very calculated very consistent he's going to go out there and do it to do his thing no matter what if he if he's planning to kickflip melon off that launcher into the bank might want to second-guess it I don't think he is stay on his board lots of technical tricks here backside noseblunt on top of the big bank to a cake and he's off his board with about three seconds left and that is going to seriously impact his chance of increasing his sport all right we'll keep you Palmer right now still in third place the question is will he stay there but there was some great skating law combos a lot of back-and-forth I mean that was definitely a technical run that just depends on how the judges are gonna reward him with that last-second fall well a lot of what we saw from him already which is a great clean run but he needed to finish with another banger to increase his score I like that eggplant Reaver aka the burnt twist aka the Fraser twist depending on who you think made it up kickflip Indy into the deep end very technical but not too high kickflip back lip that would have been big but his feet didn't come back on the board square and off he goes all right well keke palmer after three runs currently sits in third place question is will he stay there there's a lot of heavy hitting skaters yet to come next up Alessandra Mazzara out of Rome this young skater yesterday qualified in with just a litany of technical tricks good lines wow that's a big start risky going into the back tail oh so by virtue that fall he's not gonna do any better than a place at best but a great showing all weekend from Alessandra he's one of those skaters that had to come up all the way through the qualifiers I mean spent days and days of just beating yourself senseless over here in this part but it's been a good time yeah that's a great time so as it sits right now chord you know still on top followed by Pedro borrows out of Brazil and Keegan Palmer from Australia those are the top three for now this is the third and final run hey mana Reynolds coming from Honolulu Hawaii needs to do better than at 81 to overtake Cory's you know for the lead currently in sixth place wants to pump himself up I think namana will have to break out some huge tricks that we haven't seen from him yet he has a great line and he does the DOS grab 540 over the hip but like he said he's got that 360 flip tail grab and he's gonna have to break it out the question that I have Paul er didn't look like his last run had a line that set him up to even do it right he may have to change his line and he may be doing it right here we'll see this could be it right here no into the deep end smooth front side Smith to 500 against Sayyed tricks he saw on his first run running out of time though Paul if he's gonna put that trick in you're right it needs to happen right now here comes a set up there we go 360 flip tail tries to force the issue throwing it out of speed I hope he's just being dramatic because I did see his foot look like it kind of took a twist on the way and he looks good to go unfortunately I mean there's so much going on on a 360 flip tail grab and here's the difficulty with that trick even once you grab it you've no leverage over the board you can't adjust it and make it go where you want to go it's heading where it's gonna be that's a beautiful frontside invert extending the back leg for extra style points kickflip frontside air so he did he did a lot but he didn't do enough because he didn't plan that last 360 flip tail grab here's another look watch if you're if you grabbing the tail you have no leverage and he misses the grab and that finally catches it with the last-minute tool and he goes that was a hard impact but you know importantly to no hay mana rentals right now second highest placing American it's all about being in that top three all right after three runs quarters you know still in the lead can anyone take him down course you know still with a third run to go as well as Pedro borrows much more to come from Long Beach you were watching the do tour built by Mountain Dew welcome to the tutorial on beach california it's afternoon and we are in run number three of the Dew Tour pro park final some crazy runs so far cord you know is sitting up on top Paul what is it gonna take to unseat Cory right now for the lead well there's the few skaters could do it because the fact of the matter is worried you know still has a few track tricks left out I mean he didn't do everything he can do he left something on the table guys like Pedro borrows lies on that but gourd you know we still have stuff to say about it he has a third run that guy right there maybe borrows from Brazil will be the last one to answer it ain't over till it's over right now Luiz Francisco getting ready to drop in Luis Francisco coming out of saw Paulo Brazil huge scene in Brazil for skateboarding legendary skaters like Bob Burnquist kind of carrying the torch over here to the US and basically just lighting the fire for the Brazilians to just come over here and throw down and impress every time they step on a skateboard yeah it's been that way the last 25 years thanks to Bob Burnquist Brazilians will be a huge threat and here comes Luis Francisco look at the speed that is a great way to start the run impress the judges in the first five seconds and then just go totally different line that he's taking right now that big 360 lock crazy Church back back and he makes the kick for finding a technical trick up onto the big bank and a giant backside grab 540 and you see him keeping his speed going that has been that has been a difficult thing for a lot of these skaters to do here the final let's look at the air he puts out over that Bank did he repeat tricks there Paul that's to frontside airs on that same bag yes but he's finishing he finished through the deep end with a few new tricks could make him forget I mean how what is it like I mean if you're repeating tricks how does that affect your score it doesn't give me a deduction but what it does if I'm a judge I'm ignoring it the second time okay it's the same exact thing it really doesn't count for anything so but just the way that run started that was just that's the biggest frontside air we've seen out of that Bank all weekend and then Louise spinning 540 backside grab that's a really stable grab there's the second frontside air there that's what I was talking about very similar not as high from set air pardhu here we go heel flip indy now this is that final trick the body burial to Indy I don't think that last trick is going to be enough to change the score too much but we'll see so currently in fifth place needs to better than 81 to go into the lead a lot of good moves huge judges like you to go huge they want to see you flipping your board keep it technical as we get ready for Cory's you know our current leader will be up next [Applause] all right 74 0.16 losing into fourth place as scored you know the current leader with an 81 who Paul and I still considered to have a lot more gas in the tank here litt master he's got every move here he goes dropping in for his third and final run this is courage you know that's a beautiful thing he just looks so relaxed and to do such difficult tricks and look like that next level Oh George you know stepping off of the frontside flip so the door is now open for a guy like Pavel borrows Cory didn't better is 81 81 still a pretty phat score but Pedro borrows can tap into the eye of the tiger here go absolutely bonkers and potentially wow the judges and force the judges into giving him the lead crisp asterisk give us an update on Ivan Federico he's about to drop in 1st 3rd and final run what's up guys he had just the heads up Yvan Federico landed that kickflip grab nose blunt he attempted in run number 2 and in my opinion he's going to need that trick he's going to need to get to it first to crack the podium here on his fourth and third and final run all right Thank You Kris pastors have been helping us out here on the deck all day long see this guy Yvan Federico I'm very technical with the flip in tricks to grab right we see Yvan doing a lot of similar tricks to other people but adding kickflip backside it like that that's a big gap up the sugar cane grind on the extension Oh Zig that your mood takes them out kickflip melon not this time uncharacteristic bail we haven't seen him miss that trick all weekend long the third and final run with big opportunities for yvonne federico he will do no better than this place at this point and that sets us up for our final competitor here in the last guy to answer to our current leader cord you know pedro borrows the pit bull from brazil he just wants to eat he is hungry one is the score to beat from first place that is well within the range for Pedro borrows but he needs to come in swinging he needs to keep his speed he needs to go huge and do everything he can do watch the pump here lots of big moves here we go haha that was even bigger than Luis Francisco 40 so he's got it going so far almost hung up on the in the air and he had to squat his way out of it ride the back to back Bank section it's not a great spot to get a lot of points there disaster there he goes Aly flied side onto that Bank he's gonna have to pick things up here at the last few seconds maybe 540 besides do that in his first round as well switch disaster to end off that run is that enough to take down boy Gino's previous 81 score on paper I say now because did not quite - quite the speed or the Big Finish that I think he needed it but the crowds reacting he could hear him cheering down there Pedro's celebrating and see if that impacts his final score it is up to the judges right now Pedro borrows his father right there in the green don't celebrate too soon it could go either way it really could he did a lot of tricks he went huge look at that frontside air biggest one we've seen all day long the run had to 540's in it horse story did not do any 540s in his run this one five six feet high out of the bowl that's the backside grab covering a lot of ground there backside Smith grind into that backside five and then eat the air almost hanging up at the kind of squash to save it did land that a lot cleaner than he did his first run there's the end switch backside D it's got to be tough on that giant Bank crowd loves it Pedro's psyche it is in the judges hands it's up in the air [Music] like second boy this is gonna be intense bored you know watching the Jumbotron waiting for that score to drop to come down to those five points eighty-four 4.0 Pedro borrows will take the win here for Brazil du Tour Park champion 2019 [Music] [Applause] Lord you know some of the best lines but it took the power of Pedro Burrows to get the victory [Applause] we talked about what the judges would be looking for that was it big airs 540's they loved it hatred gave up gave it to him let's go down to Chris pastures he is on the deck let's see if he can get in there with our champion Pedro Marz yes Pedro we got you first off congratulations brother and describe that final run for us and how you dealt with that pressure I don't know man right there right now all I can think that was Rafael for he must have been some super energy he just brought up on me and I fell for peace stone Hubbard yeah those guys like just they built skateboarding to the way that I do it now and I just you know this is love your love fashion that's why I do it and this energy around skateboarding is sick when you get to do like something where it just goes all to the third run and you got to put it down I feel like the win isn't about getting the first spot you know it's about putting down the run you wanted and skating with your friends and having a good time seeing everybody scream that's the energy of skateboarding you know so I just love it love it amazing and we spoke to your dad about your line how much of it it's planned and how much of it is interpretational and just on the fly I don't know I was like the whole contest I was like what should I do now because Cory just did that run with the frontside flip and also like whoa I wasn't expecting him to make that so early so you know I was just like kind of improvising in this last run I went the 85 and then I went to the air to fakie and I was kind of lost I don't think I did the air to fakie so I was like improviser improvise now I love it I love it and tell us what this means for Brazil with this win I guess it's like the beginning of the year you know first stop for the Olympic things we're doing and it's just good you know such a slam yeah or like skateboarding's about that I want to bring I want to bring skateboarding and make it stronger in my country every time around the whole world I want more people to skate I want more skate parks in the communities so that's my mission so I'm gonna keep going amazing congratulations Pedro Barros 2019 to tarp arcturion winter cut grass Pedro go celebrate brother all right thanks Chris pastor's big congratulations to Pedro Barros an unbelievable performance clutch coming through in the third run it's not like we haven't seen that before Paul okay this is kind of a Pedro staple Pedro is great at what he does he's the best in the world at what he does he comes in with that passion he's talking about doing it for Jake Phelps rest in peace he went huge he put down those massive 540s and you can't deny it that's right so the final results look like this and I keep saying it Olympic implications on the line I can't believe it skateboarding is going to the Olympics in 2020 Pedro bars representing 14 Brazil takes that win Cory Gino the top place in American in this final Keegan Palmer from Australia the second Brazilian Luis Francisco so it's gonna be a battle man we've got ripping skaters from Japan we got rippy skaters from the US and Brazil could there be a rivalry setting up going into the Olympics in 2020 in Tokyo who knows but if it looks like this Pedro bars continuing to carry this momentum it's gonna be hard to take down the Brazilian passion you've been watching do tour here from Long Beach California that was the best excuse me that was the pro-park final more to come here from the Dew Tour this is just the beginning qualifying for the Olympics in 2020 from Todd Richards Todd Harris Paul zitzer Chris pastures and Tina Dixon I am Todd Rogers and we'll see you next time from the new tour [Music] do tour is brought to you by boost mobile boost makes it easy to switch switching makes it easy to save Mountain Dew do the dew alright well we're about to get underway with the awards Paul what an insane competition talk about drama phaedra borrows waiting till the last second to drop the hammer it's not like we didn't think this was going to happen I mean you never count out Pedro burrows right competition here 2019 do Torrey Long Beach and one more time round of applause for all the skateboarders throwing down out here well with no further ado before I bring a hop three finalists up here for the podium I'd like to introduce a very special guest our award presenter we've got Cooper the artist behind this year is due to our creative look thank you very much Cooper loving the artwork man thank you and now your top three finishers in third place representing Australia let's hear it for Keegan Palmer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one more time let's hear for Keegan Palmer out of Australia and in second place represent the good old United States of America let's hear it for Corey let's hear for your second-place finisher Corey Juno absolutely slaying it out there and your 2019 du Tour Long Beach champion representing Brazil give it up for Pedro burrows peridot Barse goes home with the win here Paul I mean all weekend long it has just been all over the place these skaters have been ripping this bowl for so long the fatigue it's got to be weighing in on these guys everyone's gonna go home and exhale big-time indeed it was an amazing final it came down to the last runs yep and that that's what we came for and Pedro gave it to us saving the best for last put all his passion into that run going huge drop in those five 40s that's the way he does it well we all Pedro we got to talk about just you know the Olympics are coming up peaking at the right time peaking properly do you think Pedro you know is the kind of guy that will peak then or do you think like you know like a guy like cords you know he sees what Pedro does yeah is he does he have the wherewithal to extrapolate and bring it in to a run I here's what I think Pedro is just consistently solid he's been winning events for the last ten years he is a machine he's going to keep it going it's a lot of the other skaters that are a little more unpredictable maybe not as savvy in the contest trying tricks that are a little less consistent so Pedro's gonna be there I will bet you money right now we'll see him in Tokyo these other guys it's anyone's game well here's what I see as well as like there's not a lot of there's not a lot coaching going on yet in men's Park however pedro burrows does have a coach in his corner his dad he goes to his dad for a lot of advice he's got a rock there it's not like you know his dad's really gonna give him a ton but he gives him that confidence to go ahead and do that line do you think of some of these other skaters are gonna maybe bring in external coaches or just people to to be there with them on the deck I think it's smart not somebody who's gonna not a coach who's gonna teach you how to do tricks or anything like that it's just somebody you could turn to and say hey I'm not making this line what should I be doing it's somebody who knows you're skating and can say hey these are tricks you have go do that and you will be in this spot that's what you need from Paul it's been a long week here we've had Street we've had Park we've had crazy best-trick stuff going on give me your final takeaway from this weekend for men's and women's um big picture I've been blown away by how good the Japanese skaters are especially in women's Park Wow yeah it's gonna be so difficult to make the Japanese team they're gonna be maybe one two and three in the rankings at the end of this journey to Tokyo besides that Street men's Street was incredible Nyjah Huston coming up short though in the end yep I mean I really enjoy the Frenchmen the the depth of talent around the world is something we have never seen at this level before and it's only gonna continue so we're in a good spot yes we are and we have the Olympics coming up next year I mean it's truly skateboarding is one of those sports that is super international and it's it's a really cool thing to see because you know there could be some kid from South Africa that just pops up next year and it's all about when you're peaking in all these different countries and from around the world from Costa Rica to the Central America you know Central America South America there's talent everywhere well there's always been great skaters from around the world right but they didn't have the opportunity to show what they were capable of this new Olympic qualifying system open qualifiers at the at the beginning of every event every country gets three guaranteed spots to bring the skaters out and we've seen the best skaters from all over the world they changed the game it's happening it is happening well you're watching the Deuter all weekend long it has been a crazy journey for us but we will see you next May for the last Olympic qualifier it will go down right here may 2025 to represent the United States on the Olympic team you'll have to tune in and may you have been watching the Dew Tour from Long Beach California built by Mountain Dew we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dew Tour
Views: 381,422
Rating: 4.8528786 out of 5
Keywords: 2019 Long Beach, Action Sports, Board Sports, Cory Juneau, Dew Tour, Extreme Sports, Heimana Reynolds, Ivan Federico, Jaime Mateu, Keegan Palmer, Luiz Francisco, Olympic Qualifier, Olympics, Pedro Barros, Skate, Skateboarding, Sports
Id: jUG07KewJAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 52sec (4612 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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