Skateboard Big Air Final: FULL SHOW | at X Games Sydney 2018

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welcome everybody to Sydney Australia look at that Harbor one of the most beautiful harbors in the world and we have it right here first time in 20 years right here x-games Sydney and we are at spotless Stadium and look at the size of this big air ramp it is absolutely huge I am Corbin Harris here with the legendary Bucky lassic hello Dan next to the ramp we have Mitch Tomlinson as our third member of the team it is gonna get spicy today let me tear down on the rolling blows my absolute mind I was up there this morning the crowd is pouring in look at them they are pumped up after 10 days we are into it now and it's been sunny for two days straight machi what are we going to expect today well we saw the guys qualify and four of them made it into the semis today Oh actually the final and they're gonna be matched up with the other guys yeah what is it five where they meet then one more full mole guys guys so we got eight guys today they're gonna be meeting this guy right here Eliot Sloane is about to drop right in now here he is 3 times X Games gold medalist 2 for big air and one for the other person that is already pre-qualified also into this is this guy here J crowned by with the fall scene around the world and Jake got up and walked away from this it wasn't right away but he got up on his own terms absolutely mind-blowing that he got up from that he's alright he's back here this is his hometown he comes from a little place called Cronulla Beach here is look all smiles today he's back home crown Advent at home crowd advantage excuse me but Eddie's going to be great it's skateboard big air final let's check out the start list right now the guys who qualified yesterday Evan Doherty Toby Wright Asha Ronnie Gomez Ryan Gomes he's gonna be my pick on getting on that podium he's yet to get on the podium at big air and he has the bag of tricks to do it so hopefully he makes it happen within these five runs who else out of these couple of guys here clay Trey Elliott Edie's a tough one it is uh you know it all comes down and who sets the bar the the highest right out of the gate and then we're gonna see a show we're gonna see a really good show we are gonna see a huge show here at spotless Stadium look at that rolling now Bucky also the good thing about today is there doesn't seem to be too much wind as evan doherty 15 years old is about to drop in yeah there's not much wind of the wind effect you made mainly on the quarter pipe it's really hard to gauge so here he's dropping in off the smaller roll to roll in and he's going over the smaller gap switch with a technical switch backside to stop things off here at X Games Sydney and then it took him a couple of guys to get that in qualifying yesterday but no problems yes straight out of the gate right here you see him grab mute he didn't look yeah he's grabbing his toe I thought it looked a little off but look at him grab his front toe there I mean it's it's not the most comfortable grab but as you can see he made it happen look how high way and do not be bound as well he's a beast he skates vert really good he's very consistent and he's pretty chuffed about that lon dude look at him there's a huge white lifted off his shoulders on that as well as he waits for the score to come in doing it for Monster Energy and it is a 58 this is the first run out of five that we've got he's he's gonna he's gonna be happy with that right buggy I think he's happy with the run I don't think he's happy with the score I think he's gonna have to bump that up to the big role in and over the big gap there really wants it so that is the competition line eight skateboarders five runs each Toby Ryan 15 a couple of young bucks going straight in right now oh yeah he's off the big roll into this is his second X Games big backside ollie no grab [Applause] these kids have just come out swinging try to people there's no nerves today what is that yeah you know what it's very consistent right now the guys I saw him in practice and everybody was landing in their stuff here we go big ol ollie three look at that his feet look blue up to the board and I promise you there or not good solid set up and just a big solid snap gone from you to backside grab changing the board only spins 360 he spins a 540 the same run that he didn't qualifying but he did it definitely he went longer on the ski jump gap and he went higher also on the quarter pipe he set the standard right there for today and look at him Tony is all smiles with a 74 straight on that one that we've seen into first buys up next we have Asher Bradshaw local of Los Angeles California I scared with this guy a lot and man can this kid spin [Applause] a small role in only three Wow looks like he's ready to crank one out I told you you can spin these kids mean absolute business today it's finals day here at X Games Sydney and three skateboarders as we go into the replay right now everyone has landed talk us through this Barbie you got that roll in right look at the size of that gap from there look at the size of a sure here it is much Brad look at that tuck look how he lays out the back so he can get a good solid spin spots landing I think we have a new a new leader on that guy he's 14 years old right now when he was 10 years old he was getting close to the 1260 I feel about becoming right thanks I mean Beck's I like three two on mine maybe they're looking at the height of the nine maybe they must have because it was definitely a little lower Ronnie Gomez 26 years old out of sao paulo the brazilian he is an all-terrain vehicle he is going big going switch backside 180 yeah [Applause] very very solid no problem at all in his head he is basically doing exactly what he needs to do so what does it mean for these guys obviously as we go into the replay right now Bucky this was the same run that he did yeah actually sorry mix it up he did a backside 360 into a 540 tail grab yesterday switch it up slightly what's next for him to push these bodies you just try to get one under the belt yes definitely one under the belt solid one indeed as you can see stoked but like I said he's got a lot of tricks in that little mustache it is [Laughter] very cheeky as we await the school right now he's first run of five now they're gonna probably give him a pretty good score because he went pretty high and there you go we have a new leader there it is eighty four point three three takes Ronnie Gomez up into the number one position don't go anywhere we have more Big Ear finals action coming right up [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome everybody to the finals it is skateboard big air at X Games Sydney it's Corbin Harris we have buggy lassic and Mitch Tomlinson onto the ground we are about to get straight into it here with the pre-qualified athletes but as you can see right there Ronnie Gomez in the number one position but we still have the pre qualified riders to go and going into now we have with 22 X Games appearances it is Jake bet Brown himself he grew up 45 minutes south of this exact spot a place called Cronulla Beach he's got a cheeky grin on his face he means business I actually walked through the grand stands before Bucky and people were talking to me saying there he specifically to see these guys he rolls in goofy footer right now going off he's going to straight Colette's himself there are facts across the whole rant to the crowd goes absolutely wild for the hometown hero he has waited a long long time for this he went 18 feet 11 inches on that 540 how did he hold on to that that was that was death-defying and he put it back together he collected himself and the hands are in the air before even though that alliteration full celebration so what we have seen so far as if you're gonna go big you're gonna get scored good if you're gonna go over the small gap you're gonna have to get technical and it's gonna be a little inconsistent so where where are these guys going to take it like are they gonna just go for put it on the line and go big or are they gonna stay and stay on the 50 the smaller jump and go technical that is a question that will be right there they have the Dreamtime skateboards the owner Brodie Jarrett and indigenous digitus artist who's in that as we await for the score as we await for the score right now we've Jake Brown deliberating in second spot with a 78 right now we are going to throw it into the third member of our team how are you doing down there buddy barking Corbin look I know you guys are losing it up there here with this crowd that atmosphere is second and on everyone's going crazy and as we just saw Jake Brown then placing in second but that was a crowd favorite with that run they went absolutely bananas and here we go at Elliott's loan with an Indy 7 landing low didn't really have the time to collect that one I'll be back today hey Mitch how intense is it down there the crowd seemed to be going wild for Jake Brown well look and as we said this is the first on the X Games has been to Sydney so the atmosphere is just like gone from a zero to hero down here and these guys some of us the first time they've ever seen this ramp and it is blowing minds Jake look he's got his friends and family in the audience and in the little VIP VIP booth but in the crowd that is going nice yeah thanks Mitch straight out of the FMX inter-district lake Rana for his first run Bucky he also went for a nd 7 over the big gap now he did the opposite Elliott he actually came up a little short okay so except for Jake our two pre-qualified decorated athletes Elliott and clay right now selling off yeah nd7 is is this because they haven't had as much practice or because they didn't skate yesterday well clay himself he's uh he's skating with an injury right now he slammed and kind of hurt the inside of his pelvis so if you see him get up off of the rim walking off you'll see he has a little bit of a loop I absolutely love this kid tre woods he has got one middle to his collection and he wants more me at seven I was a backside 5 and that was one of the biggest that I've seen it looked like from that angle yeah it was it was big I think we'll get a number out of it soon but here it is solid grab I think he just snapped it off the lip a little too hard and he may have gotten out too far he saw it there he was a little high there actually it was it was a little little Hank not hanging but I think he would he probably would have landed it and then kind of kind of like spit it out a little bit yeah don't worry about that we will be back with lunch small finals from began here next game Sydney [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to X Games Sydney and it is finals time at spotless Stadium here in big air we are about to get into the second run and there's the leaderboard with Ronnie Gomes in the number one position Bucky he's gotta be happy about that look at that Evan eyeballing the big role in he saw that last score and he was like yeah I've got a bit big and the fifteen-year-old can do it there it is Belinda T's first 911 years old no stranger to doing a McTwist or any sort of spin 540 look at the view from the top of that this is adrenaline at its highest Holly 3 a little bit in the back seat yeah the adrenaline that you have at this point in the final is mind blowing like it's it's kind of stressful I believe it would be stressful I was up there this morning it was just stressful just standing there and I definitely didn't have a skateboard with me and you weren't thinking about mines and I was thinking about rolling in yeah I was definitely doing that but it's so steep compared to the ones of wood one little guy up next I'll be Ryan regular footer coming out at Carlsbad does he have in and out socks on he does having an aunt socks on kickflip now that's a hard one to do over the big gap in the qualifying he was trying heelflip backside 360 so with that no it was a he Louis I actually thought that was a good flip sir yeah I'm just not we're not used to that he'll flip ma around trying to grab a little bit of bump Burnquist all there just throw anything on da you have so much time that if that board would have touched his hands and he grabbed it put it back on his feet that is not gonna be a score for him on his second run so he'll take his first now these young competitors really trying to up the ante on that they've got one in the bag they know they're gonna have to really go peek to try and make that podium and with that being said the first thing I noticed with Asher is he thought he's going off the smaller role in so he he's also gone for an Indy 7 there unfortunately jumping off on that one Asher Bradshaw come on Asher find the stuff buddy kind of flat spinning on that one a little bit bucking yeah he didn't really get the pop off and the rotation and the board just kind of lagged behind Rony Gomez at the top look at all the athletes standing up there ready to do this here in Sydney a little bit of cloud coverage coming over but it's quite good right now it's not as hot there isn't much wind quite a perfect conditions here for skateboard began perfect conditions Ronnie once again long and switch on the big gap like you cannot see the landing 20 coming on that into the 720 a few years back that bump didn't he's wrong look where he's looking he's probably looking in between his legs right here coming beyond completely blonde on that Bucky yeah totally blind hard to gauge if you're out too far over you're hanging you almost kind of just gotta go for it I've seen you do those in video parts how difficult are they and even the seven ones well when there's five times higher than the ones that I do come on give me some really credit if any credit yeah man there is it's all about going big today so and right here we have Jake Brown the king of big [Applause] six times X times medals all he is hyped he's gone janky brand once through sting he pushed him to get rolling what's he gone seven does we've seen it before and we've only seen him complete that in an indoor stadium and I've seen it so many times before but man he almost got this first try look at that stick to us how does that boy stick to his feet look at that we've started to lose it in the speed a little bit you go horizonal Wow he's got his work cut out for him right now Eliot slide Eliot's Lana I was hanging out with him last night and he was still debating what tricks he was going to do today seems like he was very focused on that one the goofy-footed dropping in big gap in d7 we all know he's gone oh this is tough Eliot because boys wives to just get one yeah done and dusted we just maybe he kid and then he gets tucked to open it up a little we saw a similar situation like this happen I'm only saying it because I know Eliot can't hear me right now and in many annapolis yes he came out and he tried to come out swinging with some kind of kickflip I think it was a kicked up seven or something and he didn't make it i'il also throwing another one away there from his second run it out of five and seven looks like a hard one today now look at that limp that he's going on that injury that he's swagger did oh do you think he's just like Oh ronica oh yeah you may need all these years and my competition skater I should have walked off like that I might have got some more points yeah but wearing all white and walk off like that like you thanks monkey Trey would everybody's favorite skater every skaters favorites gave it females mute 720 how did he do that he landed so high so close to the cozy let's check out the replay on both eyes this is the gap let's check out why Trey wood is every skaters favorite skater mute 7 like that look at the cache laid-back style erected himself yup watch this look out look at this flower right here that's a trick within itself do it it's ice trucks Trey would one even that's going to come in he currently in six Trey the truth wood he's gonna go off he knows rank Levite that run now is green white school [Music] he wants to get back up there he's huh look at him he's all what really you want me to study I just want to get back out there and get into the third run yeah at ready now this kid also can skate absolutely everything I skated skated with him on a trip to Mammoth with the monster team and he annihilated that place and that's a tough tough park to skate he kills little pools like any your local park he Long Island is one of those group guys to having the ban on a tool where you can just get out and do a demo and really destroy everything yeah and as you can see here he is all smile he's got such a great attitude eighty six point six six straight into the first-place position and Bucky you said it going big is gonna be going good don't go anywhere with up more space board begin our finals coming right up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to X Games idiots korban hires alongside news bucket Lessing and look at that beautiful harbour that we've got turning it on Sydney once again but don't forget we only just way through me at the spotless stadium for the skateboard big air finals look at the crowd as we look to check out the standings right now at the top with an eighty six point six six Trey would not be runny Gomes 284 point three three and Jake Brown the local favorite with a 78 one of these guys gonna have to do Bucky to get into medal contention well I said it before I'm gonna say it again you're gonna have to go big or you're gonna have to get really technical and impress the judges over that small girl now just before we get into Evan right here I want to say Bucky how high was that 540 that Trey would get before well I called up air air control and they came back and they let me know that it was 1970 highest landed tricks so far of the contest unbelievable as Evan just jumps off they're the highest landed trick well that you asked it before are they gonna go on high these judges they are they want it later absolutely huge here in Sydney Toby up next she stood run out of five what you got no no no it has ollie three over the big gap gonna have to bring the hate does he have this he'll flip hummina ran late on that one what do you have to do then just try and make that speed a little we go get a little bit more over his toes I think it was the rotation the access he was on so right here it looks good right here let's go so he needed the dip right here more but look how he kind of it kind of see how he kind of sits down on it instead of being over his toes yes he's kind of sitting on it there yeah actually you over rotated a little bit of a over rotation there little low and steel all smiles for the fifteen-year-old out of calls bad look at Asher they've gone off the small rolling again in qualifying he landed he's 900 he also did his first run as he rolls increased third run right now for a small role Holly three another line yeah another nice maybe a bigger pump yeah he was just trying to get higher there obviously the the same run as he's first maybe just trying to clean it up a little maybe he was gonna go another 36 hi I am Dan 4x games history key at Sydney let me tell you that I'm sure we saw it just go down in freestyle motorcross as well I wouldn't put it past any of these guys yeah I love those moments just thinking about it off what's his standing on my back Ronnie Gomez coming out of saw Pablo Brasil the old terrain Ripa currently in second position with the ninety four point three three apparently he's going big off the rolling into a switch backside 180 oh this is good this is go can he do it here tail grab no one goes to thank you how difficult is that to go fight he please explain to our viewers I only think there's a couple people that go fakie into the quarter pipe land fakie here we go swings us right switch back some 180 he's got over 60 feet lands it perfect here it is such a difficult trick is a very scary trick especially at I'd say 15 plus feet look I just let go let it go and not even looking at his landing what he's gonna happen here with this I know the judges are gonna like that the judges are gonna love well at the end off the bump-out tray way from him just there oh my gosh that is so scary I hope they rewarded for it so that that that tail got three was almost 35 the score 78.3 3 nothing gonna be good enough to go in there so the judges it's looking at right now they want to see the athletes go beat here check Brown the oldest competitor in the field here at X Games Sydney doing it from monster energy drink come on Jackie let's get this seven buddy home crowd advantage here you've skated in Maryland before what's it like to escape at the home crowd oh it's amazing they hug you up so he hears them get away from that was a video trick it is a video apart trick can you explain to our viewers Bucky what the difference is between a video apart sure you can just normal a contest tree well a normal contest trick is one that you're consistent at and the video part trick is one that takes anywhere from days to weeks to months to not even ever landing it and he's trying to do one of those tricks right now X Games Sydney here we got Elias Longo I'm big off the role in thank you know there we go oh my god he held onto that what's he going for tail grab he just wanted to get one in the books but still couldn't do it he is putting the pressure on himself Bucky he is I know right now he is his tripping out right now as I come on I know I got these tricks unlocked he has a mini mega ramp and he's backyard currently building a lot of different obstacles there you've been out there skating at Bucky he's actually building it's like a mini version like this but he's making it like a combo hit like where you'll be able to do a couple quarter pipes that may be the biggest I am speechless up here look at Troy he's not I think it was over trade those two could be battling it out for that number one position look at how cleanly 721 he spotted his landing on the three part of it and then continued to go around and spot it again look at this snap watch it oh my goodness and we have the highest 540 that we have seen in this contest today 20 foot high and he landed but he landed more than halfway down the transition unbelievable 20 foot in the air with a 589 it gets to the number-one position here his first run that he landed yeah happy mcgaffey these injury as well he's all the boys are giving him hard they are pup is Marcelo vastus who's he in the quarters yesterday also look at Trey would now this is the great thing about skateboarding news like damn what am I gonna have to do to get back there he Smiley's like man clay is crazy 7 and to avenge for he's like my take a look at this what room hahahaha this is what skateboarding's of that there it is it's amazing that's really just over 18 foot the skateboard is congratulating themselves neither seven into a humongous ferial here we go look at that like that look like a backside five I thought he's gonna do no the backside five and boom halfway through the rotation he throws a very only he cannot believe in himself is he's in number one position with a ninety one point three three another day Hank right now Edie's gonna hunt here and spotless stadiums you know go anywhere [Music] the x-games returns to buttermilk mouth with the world's best action sports festival and live musical performances from the chainsmokers little Wayne Lewis the child and kygo X Games Aspen January 24 through the 27 get your tickets now at X Games comm slash tickets X Games Sidney here make sure if you can get to the Aspen one it's gonna be good it is gonna be on fire these are the standings here at skateboard big air final Trey wood with his last run straight up to the top position unbelievable Mitch Tomlinson you are down there how is the energy cuz we aren't just yelling out here we're revelers our voices electrifly electric value what if we recap like it went from Ronnie's tail three landing coming that quarter pipe backwards Inc play were in the nd7 without huge 540 but then then our boy Trey Wow are usually boys right yeah we can't believe it up here either this contest is getting good unfortunately Evan just jumping off right there there are even when the replays are coming on guys the the crowd is standing on their feet and the good thing is saw the camaraderie between clay and Trey clay was sitting down here waiting for clay to drop waiting for traitor drop and as soon as he stopped that he just went bananas but why wouldn't they Mitch it's the first time in 20 years they've wanted it for so long here in Sydney and we've got it now and they've never seen a ramp this big and on that rape right now boys yeah EEP Toby line unfortunately just coming off they're on he's fourth run Bucky what went wrong man I got away the hill flipped got away from him again with the grab say you probably got a little hipper there he's young he bounced back he bounces back easy right these guys yeah they take they take some pretty good ones you know it hurts no matter what okay what's up but yeah the bigger they are the harder you fall Asher Bradshaw he's fourth and a 5 runs and the best result is in sixth position right now what is he going to have to do man with the ollie 3 off the 50 he's gonna have to do something really special oh trying to land that 9 again it seemed like he plugged a little on that one I don't know I have to watch it the replay there it looks like he stopped it and landed a little low which if you're landing low right here it's gonna make you you're over rotating cuz ya ain't kind of landing you see him kind of turn his shoulders [Music] mohnish all right he's got one more to go all right the Brazilian look at Jake Brownback there is he dancing or is he no idea what he's doing but he can do whatever he likes he's x-games royalty as runny the Brazilian out of subpolar dropping in hot oil a Brazilian fans out there we're gonna see the replay in a second the frontside 360 uses the wind right here then carry the board that front foot nearly coming off on his tippy toes there neither bolts Ronnie will make anything if it's under his feet and as you see here it's under his feet and he just lets it right in damn we are getting not only are we going beak here we're getting technical in the finals here that right look at ideas they'll Stoke he is he is such a good guy he's a team player even though it's not his team sport he's out there they love him that frontside ollie three is by far one of the hardest things I personally think over that gap you're not grabbing the board and you're going frontside which is really hard to get that to carry on your feet like that and he's the only guy doing that trip what do they got it's a 94 [Applause] Skype CP Lezyne has done it would be speed he's mental Wow yes I can heal and heal the home of Brazil right now they're waving their flags ladies and gentlemen we have got ourselves a contest we have got one here and this is what skateboarding's about hometown hero dropping in rock down Jack Brown with the Stoke I'm telling you this is adrenaline and Stoke raises the bar it makes everyone raise the bar Bucky took us through this replay held on a tour to the last minute you can't get any closer without landing it well he has got one more he had Jackie believable he's gonna put it all together in this last Ronnie Gomez currently at number one position straight with a 94 he's a couple ahead of the other guys always gets fourth position the last 40 years but it's better not if this guy has anything to do in d7 the one he's wanted now Bucky he's done he's got one more yeah now that is the confidence booster he needed it definitely is something he needed but he wanted to do this run three tries to go at the least now he's got one and done so he used the replay here's the replay one of the most solid Indy sevens that you can possibly do over a 60 plus foot gap Oh Kumbi matter that with so much speed here it is the tail grab 540 and the pressure for him to make this he was very close to the car big man and close to the edge look at him about time I finally tiffith he would have been so disappointed if he didn't get that one so let's see where the judges put him with it Indy seven into a humungous tail grab five [Laughter] come on nice guys that skateboard importantly the judges this is so hard to judge Brazilian head judge Lincoln Uyeda with a team of pro skateboarding experts come on he wants to know what he has to do for the fifth rod you don't tell it no the score 87 in fourth position then he has to do it too yeah they they know that he has got a bigger bag of tricks may wanna studies want to see it play Cray know about to roll in right now I don't know how this guy does it but he's about to do it out second loft skateboarder Eaton the fourth ride throwing that one away going for a seven unfortunately not gonna be his date seems like he was grabbing his little injuries made holding for a while little groin injury he told us about early on tre would currently be number two position clay actually fell so hard I think he hurt the other side of his hip he didn't hurt the side he fell on tre wood in 6 6 X Games appearances was only one one bronze medal could heat up the ante here at Sydney he has the bag he has the style oh body there he's trying to up the ante here yeah is Bobby barrel 7 to 10 this is that later Ronnie Gomez Kenny hold on to the lead for the respite bottles here in City [Music] [Applause] welcome everybody to Sydney Australia this is the finals for the big air it's Corbin Harris with Bucky lassic and Mitch Thomason and we are down to our last runs but in third place currently is Clay Craner looking to hold it in there in medal contention highest McTwist of the contest second place Trey wood a skater skater you were saying yep skater Spanish skater body fair actually verify their unbelievable any number one position Brody cone is that Brazilian look at that front side three no grab beautiful tail guy 360 here one of the hardest tricks to do on that quarter pipe he could not believe it himself the crowd is going wild here in Sydney a spotless stadium they are just getting set up and ready to watch these fifth and final runs there's the standings overall Elliot's line looks like he has to make or put something a little different in there and so does the hometown hero Jake Browns break into that top three yeah they got a few points to work there I think they definitely have the bag of tricks to make it happen the pressure is on will it make or break them will it make or break them is it Evan Doherty it's his last run here yet to make a run he made his first run and then he decided to go off the big gap to try to get a better score here's ollie 3 came up a little bit short on that knuckle you want to land a little bit past that tape line if you hit the tape on you better be ready to take it in you know he's going to be he's going to be happy with that I spoke to his father earlier who's been here all week he's he's been practicing and said Corbin he's just really happy to be in the finals and if he gets 8 that's all good and yeah that's what he got so not bad as we go into Toby Wright 5th run here what's he got he went with the backside three over the big gap super 22 to bury all 5:40 they love the little guard hearings evening that's a new one she got the replay there we go there's the club body burial and then he grabs it takes off his feet again and gets another 180 out of it Wow so it's like you under rotate the board and then you take it you rotate it back to where it originally probably would have been if you didn't very oh it in the first time he's gonna stay enos sixth place right now and rolling in right now his ass approach or can he switch it up and his one and cart this will end his ex game Sydney campaign [Applause] a little disappointed there that him walk away with the run he wanted to put down but I think all my ashes pretty snug little kid [Music] yeah he's happy to be in the bigs here in City with all these veterans it's it's it's really experience for these guys isn't it yeah a puppy yeah I don't think Ashley's been out the city too much so it's really nice to see him get out here and travel and show the world what he has to offer because this is our current leader Ken the Brazilian hold on to the first place he's going to take that run before he will take the run which was a frontside 360 no grab into a backside 360 tail grab on the quarter Jake Brown the local hero turned from Monster Energy what's it gonna take Bucky Larson it's gonna take all JP has to offer right here Oh ever so close even to come that close is mind-blowing you see people losing and losing the board to their feet on just the Holly 3 he's going 7 look at the board stick to his feet there's nothing holding that board to his feet except for that that good t-they oh look at that power slide down the flat bank the crowd loves him here anyway he's a favorite and a good result for Jay Elliot's son this is the end of the why he's gonna have to bring it right here Bucky in d7 yes [Music] [Applause] he's finally run here at X Games Sydney Telegraph 900 is not an easy trick and on a freaking 30-foot footer fight like it's definitely not I can tell you right now I'm sure he's feeling sad he's sitting in California with no nails left behind Mina Wow show he put on any left until Ospina buckey's focused through that 900 well I know he's at least 30 feet above the ground because the ramp 17:5 and I know he was easily 10 feet I'm not gonna say but all the judges have their work that 9-under it was so humongous I can't wait to see how big it was he wanted this and there we had a new leader he could be what another gold medal for Elliot Wow still a couple more skaters to go that is going to be hard to beat it's hard to beat but this boy right here clay Kriner two skateboarders left can they do it Bucky he's like - he wants to gets him but he is getting the energy to stop off Elliot you will use that energy oh he used too much in the energy he went too big well that is gonna end his campaign didn't get to podium contention there if anyone is gonna upset the two guys in number one or number two position Elliot's son or any Gomez he is this kid here it is tre would it's his fifth and final run here at X Games City going big off the role in into the No another seven body barrel seven Emily at Florida has done it again this is his fourth X Games gold he stood for began and won over half at that home is going ballistic all his dogs are going crazy he said to me he said Corbin I'm coming out here I want to do this I'm focused on prepared he had little training before up but he has brought it home unbelievable Mitch how is the intensity down there Elliott slowed another gold medal but let's talk about leaving it to the last minute man it's always so stressful I hate doing that I wanted to make that run that I made right before that first try and have you know the rest of those runs are kind of play around some stuff but uh man so now the tail grabbed nine now Corbin and Bucky in the booth were like your fiance's gonna be on the couch he's got no fingernails left the dogs are going crazy how good does it feel it feels amazing dude I haven't done a tail grab nine since 2015 and I haven't done a nine since last year at X Games and it's I don't know it's just kind of a hectic trick to do on the on the rags like to bust it out here in front of all these people it's felt amazing well welcome back to nine-hundred and welcome and you gold medal to the cabinet ladies and gentlemen elliott slides back to you guys in the booth baki he is just so starting right there what does it mean to him it means a lot because I was with him last night and you put a lot of stress on yourself especially coming from a really bad placing at the last X Games in Indianapolis he's really hard on himself he was really well prepared for it and he just couldn't make it happen but today was Elliot's lungs day and man did he'd go with it Oh didn't he go with it he is gonna be the happiest person in Sydney right now oh what an amazing big-air finals that we have here at X Games Sydney don't go anywhere we've got way more action to come very soon [Music] [Applause]
Channel: X Games
Views: 1,170,496
Rating: 4.8181219 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, Skateboard, Big Air, Final, Sydney, 2018, Skateboard Big Air Final, Skateboard Big Air Final Livestream, X Games Skateboard Big Air Final Livestream, x games sydney Skateboard Big Air Final live stream, x games sydney live stream, x games sydney 2018 live stream, x games sydney
Id: 5Q5kxf9DZL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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