Skateboard Big Air: FULL BROADCAST | X Games Minneapolis 2018

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the Sun is setting on day three here at X Games Minneapolis but we've saved our best for last as we welcome you into the u.s. Bank Stadium where the real cost skateboarding big air vinyl what's happening everybody Brandon Graham alongside the legend the most decorated athlete in X Games history mr. Bob Burnquist Bob thank you so much for being in the booth with us I know you want to be out there thank you but you're calling it here today yes I am well good evening everyone this is an exciting night mixed feelings for me I don't know what I feel like if I want to be out there not but this is cool I thought I wasn't gonna be nervous but I'm nervous it's show-and-tell day here today in the booth and you brought one of your 30 X Games medals why this one in particular did you bring well this is my my first medal this is a bronze vert from San Diego and this kind of started everything so I felt like this would be the one to bring so bring back memories 1997 speaking of memories world of X Games we recently did a being yes on you where we really documented your life in skateboarding how surreal was that for you to watch back oh it's always crazy like to look back like that you get emotional there's a lot of pain a lot of a great achievements and happiness and you know you just go through it yeah absolutely so we're getting ready to kick this event off but before we do that we want to give you guys just a little snippet about world of X Games being on mopper Bob Burnquist is one of the most influential transitive skaters Bob Burnquist is one of the most exciting skateboarders ever to walk this earth oh my gosh he's done things that I believe will never be done again but question me like these might be here I know this is definitely not from this planet though I know what planet Bob Burnquist is from but I firmly believe it is no longer from Earth my story started back in 95 your next game this was my last one in 2017 I just felt like it was the time now I'm not done competing I'm not retiring but when it comes to X Games and my competitive history it's over and it's okay Brian we were down at the event I walked under the ramp I had this like flush of emotion and I just felt so [Music] I think that the most important things I've learned in skateboarding were just like if you want to accomplish something you have to try it so you believe it long enough and it will happen you can remember me however I just I went out there and I did it and I'm doing it and it inspired you to go out and do something different then [Music] that's a touching tribute to such a legend and there you see a look at the graphic on big air medals Bob Burnquist to be running a skateboard big air contest at X Games without you competing in it is it doesn't seem right but in the same time it's an interesting new era that's now being ushered in yeah it's different for me I mean it feels like I need to be out there and skating and pushing and challenging and you know it's just so it's so emotional and so intense and what do you have to put out there and you know the pain that you can feel and all those things it was just like felt like wait a minute let me step aside for a second and let that flow through you know so it feels right I mean even though I'm looking at I want to skate I know what it feels like to stand on that I'll tell you what for those watching at home anytime he's not here in the booth he's up on the ramp putting in the runs as much as I can I mean I got the skates imparting a bunch for it before I just had to focus on the mega ramp so much so it's been a great experience yeah and one guy that I think all eyes are on tonight are defending gold medalists and elliott's lon Sloan excuse me if there was ever someone to beat in a competition I think it's Elliott here in big air 20 yes it is he's really strong he skates it a lot and he's coming out to my ramp and he's skating and we're having sessions and he has his little mini mega set up at his house convert I mean focused and he's got a couple of tricks to throw at as you see him do this kickflip 360 in the air and he's just solid this this really is Elliott's time to shine yeah there's no doubt about it Elliott Sloane he did skate it Burt earlier in the week didn't have the success that he was looking for but I think in a lot of ways that allowed him to reshape his focus and take it all now it's pretty hard to feel that but that's he's taken he's getting ready there's a look at our start list for the night some familiar names but also a rookie in the field this year coming out in the backyard sort of normal sessions and then just been a stellar evolution [Music] well it's time to start the real cost skate board big air and we begin with Edgar Ferrara making his 13th X Games appearance he has two bronze medals from this event bomb and following this been skating Edgar called trying to spin you got so much time but just popped out a little bit too much maybe excited about you know the event starting and snapping on the quarter a little too hard that's too bad but somehow try to yeah let's take another look for the water perhaps expanses of mind starts spinning anyone it grabs Houston does another spin it was right there it's just a little over thirty four point three three we've got ten skaters out here and each of them taking five runs the seat bulb as the score counts this format so here's the Youngblood fourteen years old out of Carlsbad California making this X Games debut four foot seven Toby welcome to the this is where you would think you would be on the low side really pop and a little lower you can't ask for much more than that as far as six to six on the top for Toby your opening rod and your X Games debut first place all right Toby sono get four more times at this thing and we move on here at the real costs key board bigger nets to drop in Ronny gomez out of South Hollow making his fourteenth peg schemes appearance Bob he's always there and figure but he's yet to find the blooming of the disaster yes he is and he's been progressing and very solid consistent knows how to compete [Laughter] yes we are at Minnesota but you might see clearer in South America the love for all of the Brazilian put together that's really nice down switch down the big rolling does take a little extra wobble off your legs there it's great to have a good first run does it now you've got room to progress it he's got to fix a really solid first run scores he said eighty point six six he finished in 12th place last year at this event let's take a closer look at this gargantuan of a ramp that we call big air I mean Bob right out the gate this is gone through a few evolutions but this is primarily busy the same ramp we've been using over the last couple years yes it is you know this is it you got a jump and you got a fortified this is the design and it's and he's got this big block footprint it scares you and it makes you happy at the same time it's so funny how we talked to fans all the time they go when did you stop getting scared of this thing you never messed up never do you got it work yourself I mean just to be here ready for the X Games you know if I had to get off my chair here and go compete it would be hard for me to do that you know I really gotta set up and get comfortable with that speed in that height so Jake Brown is comfortable jimbob's the big jump I'd love to go high start out with his signature trick out there that's awesome so stoked that was an awesome run for Jake Brown make his 22nd excellent depart she's won this event twice before yes he did last couple of years Bob Jay Chuck trouble landing that first run and it's been azan doing every attempt out for that soldier to come out of the gate swinging like this yes it is and I think that this slowmode just shows you look at that 540 but upside down very Jake Brown is one of my favorite five so stoked with Jake take so much six X Games battles for the 43 year old assessee 7.33 so that flop see if it's the second place but again just getting that first run our port that was Bob here's Ichirou so well invert just couldn't make it happen 27 years old he's been so close fourth place last year in search of that first ever big Air Medal it feels like it could happen this year well he's got talent he skates at all he's got it all around skill he [Music] attempted so he's going for backside all these three and then late seventh and craps now you see if you later he takes yeah I made shove it there into a new trick I haven't seen that so I'd like to see that they'll get more chances out it here tonight the real cost skateboard big air final and Gomes leading the way with that very strong 18.66 here on run number one their next skater to drop in himself he picked up a bronze medal and skateboard Burke Thursday night and he's looked at four more hardware but before he drops it let's learn more in the real cops keys to success my name is Mitchie Brusco I'm a professional skateboarder I still skate the same amount as I always have on the side like I really enjoy skydiving I've been doing it now for over two years I've been able to bust out like 900 jumps and just fallen in love with it so much what I love about skydiving is that I'm new at it's opened my eyes to this world that kind of similar way skateboarding did when I was younger and it's like you step on this board and then all of a sudden you have this new sense of freedom you know I kind of look at it in a lot of ways like a contest run to me a contest run is like life or death like I have one option and it's like I'm gonna make you run skydiving is so cool to me because every time I go on a skydive that naturally happens without anything there's this like seriousness that I like just absolutely love about it [Music] all right yeah you think bigger had enough size for him he wants to go even higher there's a book from Instagram does that help him it is writing especially in something like bigger well I share that love for skydiving with and I haven't done a couple jobs with him and been in the wind tunnel with them I think it's been helping his uh body awareness you know his situational awareness because I know it helped me and he's got an interesting start each box for the smaller jump because he's gonna get tech goes for the kick foot back 180 he's going for it so his strategy he's going off the small job going kick foot back 180 landing fakie and he wants a 1080 off that fortified whoa so it's obviously if you're gonna go switch off the big side that is really just a whole nother but he's going off the small he's a little bit more comfortable there and I don't know if where the judges would put it with that but I mean 1080 is a 1080 that is a good solid trick right hit with 180 so he's getting text so he's sacrificing a little bit of cataplexy so height but he's getting some spins oh I like that because he's just going well I mean I could be forced into this format and go off the the big one like everyone else more I could just try and do my own thing and Mitch he's doing his own thing if he can't pulled that off this place will go the site though so here's Trey would all right straight would straight out of part 720 lengthening it doesn't even state this thing that much right into a 540 perfectly done for twit train woman what rate as you said skating earlier today in the park final didn't get a lot of reps on this ramp but you wouldn't think that watching him after his first attempt no and that is a very well done 720 I didn't get his first one last year and he remembered that and he put it down I mean you know it's like we saw he's the skateboarder look at that 540 he was in the nose in the deep end on the park and kind of squatting and landing high on the transition he didn't land high here he landed perfect and had a lot more hang time we've got more time to think you got a lot of time to think here when you're doing getting on the quarter pipe like that we got introduced to Trey when he was 11 years old and big air back in 2012 and that score of age 3 wears a nice height to it he rolled into place so Tracy yeah it is 6 X Games up here still trying to find that first medal does the drought end tonight plague rider he's got an X Games medal he earned it last year and big hair with the bronze yeah and he is capable and that's Trey's barn finals buddy right here right after a flame Kriner the busiest man all around skill for clay that's okay there are five more runs that's an 87 little tougher to the ground but clay was doing those and that's okay he's got a few more runs and head Bob we'll take another look over the gap plug Tom trying to get that rotation you start off okay I think a little bit more of an upside down rotation to start with would help them to ends up in the back seat right there and over rotating and it's too bad we didn't see the pleated get up the quarter because no one seems to be going higher right you know and I don't really pump when I land that landing and I see clay pumping like he wants more than what it can give that takes a certain personality so here's Tom sharp 18 years old he's got seven X Games medals a little bit on the back seat on the five that's what that's the hard part about going back and forth from pardon to Tobago like that because it changes your spin a little bit and he wanted to do a safe if that safe right there over 20 players my point on things see how about that but he wanted to get that safe run cuz he has a nine so he wanted this run no solid tail seven really well done and then you know Bailey and five of us will mess with his head a little bit char did earn a medal earlier today in park trying to go two for two with one a big air you know the tough part was the tail seven nailed that one perfect you would think that five was just right there for him and Elliott Sloan the 2017 skateboard big air gold medalist finds himself on two wheels synastry let's you're in the Pacific Oh discover more my name is Elliot song and I want I got into motorcycles maybe a couple years ago now just through their bikes I guess and then two of my friends got street bikes and then I kind of just one thing led to another and getting a street bike riding bikes is great for like just clearing your mind and it's good to just get away from everything else and switch it up for a bit and helps me learn something new it's like nothing helps I think would also Elia drew me to riding bikes is just how fast you go I loved Steve mega and skating birds don't really fast so see something that I just I'm not fall in love with so you can see myself doing it for a really long time well Elliot Sloane's out here trying to defend his gold medal he is the preeminent favorite if no one's ever seen him skating before what are they missing with Elliot slump Wow Elliot's got power consistency and really good spins let's see what he chooses to do right into that maybe seven perfect execution no problem into the back and that's smart I mean I mean it's not an easy drink he wants every attempt possible to count so he tried to go for that Indy 900 off that 720 and that would definitely put him up there in the top spot so this place will erupt it took off a little sea ice toes are out music awkward grab there and you know you had to throw it away that's like never easy right when you're afraid air that high having to make that decision split-second yeah that's a net it's not something that you're gonna practice a lot off that big jump so he was doing a bunch of Indy fives you know and then all of a sudden he goes for a nine so he's using the competition he's using his run to get his brain to do it you know I have to do that it's not easy to try something like that run one in the books here at the real cop skateboard beginner board for mini when we return nightfall over our palatial summer home here at X Games Neapolis we're 1/2 of the real posh skateboard big hair final and heat up to you under the lights here at US Bank Stadium to watch these guys throw it down let's get a course report from rajid Craig McMorris well gentlemen I love the strategy at play of so far after the person of five runs some of the athletes obviously may be taking a little bit tamer sticking to a five or a safety run and run one so I'm going for the 900 like we saw those last three riders at the end Bob by posting a question to you would you go all-out for all vibra would you put down a safety run Wow Craig I don't know you know it's different strategies for different people sometimes if you have a really tough run you can go for that tough run a couple of runs but if it doesn't happen then you go strategy let me go back to a safe well some people won't do that say front first so Elliot's going for the full I guess the night was a safe ride I don't know but you know we'll wait and see edgar Pereira dropping in for his second attempt trying to replace that third and four three three in just land one right here on the top number two he is a great competitor and don't sleep on him and he keep his total medal contention here trying to get a run in to climb like everyone else so he went that he'll Flynn didn't flip you can graft it spun around popped out too much land and load those hurt yeah that's one of those I mean you feel it yeah you got pads daddy got but he's snapping off that big jump he's going twenty plus he is over rotate he's over snapping that he has to go for for a three six and then spin the last 180 [Music] take it off three more runs that's right so run number two Toby Ryan dropping in you talk about safety run going he's already got one run in yes so I'm excited to see you a 14 year old toby ryan has in store for an encore I think he's gonna change up the quarter pipe I changed up to get to yeah yeah he's having fun with it you know I'm gonna see a Holley 360 would have worked out better so you can get to the quarter and change that trick up because the tail grab one foot isn't necessarily better than the Holley three but he doesn't want to do the same thing and I can respect that and Bob that raises an interesting question what make see all these with no grabs so difficult the relative wind can take the board away from you there's no win in the stadium but the relative wind is the way to get from that speed you know so if you don't hold your board right it'll just take the board right away from there so we move on Ronnie Gomez sitting in second place put down a really strong first run he's got that 18.66 here he goes for attempt number two coming in off a great run so different mindset here for Ronnie let's see what he does Mike yes the Holley 360 Ronnie that is such a hard trick and what I meant about the board flying away it's a lot easier for you to hold that board on your feet with the backside only three core I can't oh damn and then now the wind the board's against to win but with the frontside Ollie three he's got a moment there where that relative wing could just take it out and he held it right there coulda made it goes over spun a little bit great attempt for Ronnie that's a really tough trick so I can see what he's doing here nice that's right he is going to do it to think about it Jake Brown six X Games medals to gold to silver and two bronze all of them from big hair it has been a since he's reached the podium here at this event well he put his first run together and he has a run to make it better and I think I know what's coming let's see if he's going for that yes he is he's going for the ollie 720 thing only skateboarder to do that trick is one of the toughest tricks I think it's one of the best tricks over the gap ever done in competition or not Jake Brown trying to do and repeat his flaws big loss through Brazil right moves there so it just takes off and goes way he snaps a little too hard maybe excited because he got her first run in and he wants to get this out of the way but you got you got to be a lot more subtle with your movements and he knows it he know as soon as it took off he knows but he's it's interesting that he said fosdick bossy that was actually five years ago that was the last time that Jake Brown got on the podium at X Games so we proved our attention now to heat elope in Aruba he's been all over the place this week video of him dropping that's awesome to the figure that was like he's just padding up and then it's like let me go practice and then he took that route it's a little quicker than the stairs like the way it looks at things when I first saw that my timeline I was putting down the social media hit of the X Games no doubt about it so you know lo did not have a full pool it's worse run just trying to put one together here but second run still still good on the strategy I mean I would take the first two runs you know that the tip something it now it goes beyond this then it would change things up a let's see me to low pain Aruba man you know it's it change its when your run is it's almost like you overdo it you know he went everything good there and then it was over rotating it's a far gap you have any subtle movement carries far so really what do you have to do there is go for the 180 and then spin last moment at this point with three more attempts does he give that one more shot or now does he have to reset up well if that was me and the trick is doable if you just adjust these minor things I would give it another go you know use that third right giving one more go and if it doesn't come through then I don't know it's gonna be tougher and tougher pressure will build and then I get so nervous here's Mitchie Brusco who's trying to go tech city he's doing something different than the rest of the field it lands this though it's got first place written all over I don't know it really depends on what Elliot does later but now even this is very technical for this know what it feels like it's been a 1080 from that thank you position but it feels like if he goes for a seven and then keeps going so see he starts beating weight early so it's his truck box as it was spinning so that's you know what if I was Mitchie I was trying that until the end but before Trey would drops it let's find out how he navigates life as a seventeen year old professional skateboarder [Music] California tray wood is our leader at three he's got that one out of the way so now the limits yes he's he's a happy kid as you saw and he's going for that 720 I know keep smiling because he's so happy Trey would he put a rug down you know I mean for what I think that fer the bigger competition he did what he wanted to do he landed a seven-man to five now he tried to put the seven again maybe he'd go for a different type of 540 on the quarter pipe I don't see him with another trend on the gap and if he stays on the top spot through these first two runs up to the enviable position to be because that means the rest of the field is going to have to go bananas and do that big one so pushing yeah that's a good combo you know for what's going on here you know the competition here's the wide open if you got clay to land or uneven land around Eliot to land arrived but that's a good position because anything can happen so here's clay trainer he did not land his trick over the gap that run won a little bit of an over rotation and that's when you start getting that excitement again you're in your run you really want to do it you get anxious and then you give it too much of a snap at that over-rotation just get really good starting to get a little bit more of an upside down takeoff which is much better you know solid all the way around but just here over rotated by kept going his shoulder can't move it it's hard to hold I like front sevens because I can hold them better not too great at the back sevens and that's why right there so clay Kriner trying to put it together our Monday night baseball matchup as JD Martinez and the Red Sox starting a three-game series with Bryce Harper and the National 7:00 p.m. Eastern on ESPN also live on the ESPN app so you can watch anywhere we move on here in trot number-2 Clay Kriner still unable to put that one down but Tom Shaw a silver medal last year he's won this event before what can Tom do here to put some pressure on his good friend Trey wood and getting in that top spot well a seven in the dive will do it and he has that so let's see if he puts down the seventh which tail grab seven is very technical Saturday he's got which is incredible really well done he doesn't five instead so that will give Trey hard time right there - so there's the solid building block that's it and the tail seven definitely takes over of mute sevens and then they both did backside fives on the court by so I don't know how high they were but solid back five this this is what's going on here yet another he wants that five forty and very slow different type of spin that he was doing in park earlier it was just taken forever to spend you can have conversations back at the work with yourself here and then finally decide to make it last minute great five forty went on top chars been so consistent his young career stops Rizal started turning out of twenty two so right so it's scored coming it in an eighty five is we have a new leaders take it over the top spot pretty solid I mean that sido totally understandable and doable that's the takeaway from change the hood good spot in the second position there with you guys making this guy Elliott slug right and here's the thing char put out a solid run Trey would did the same thing Elliott Sloan is doing something right out of the gate to try to push away the field immediately yes because it's not as easy combo he's got going on he just has seven 20s down let's see it goes for the mv7 again and it gets away from that Oh Elliot anxiety again I mean the competition it's a whole other game again he knows he can get this run it snaps a little too early on the take-off and this he goes away from it just a little early of a snap and they almost come back around even its foot like that's what that's x-games you know bothers Pawlenty bored just to throw away three more runs is okay but that just adds pressure I would not like to be someone who was feeling pressure going into this yeah run to in the bush here at the real cost State for bigger final four from Minnesota after this run two in the books here at the real cost skateboard Pierre final and Tom char taking the lead he was actually the only skater to land yes you know this is the way the competition is here to do well let's head over to Craig McMorris who I believe now has the best seat now that's right Randall I changed locations to as you said the greatest seat mega we're gonna take a run to three off but as you said talks are currently in the lead windows still open though folks and I cannot wait to kick off run three so Brandon let's get it going yeah Craig well stay with us man I want to get your vantage point throughout some of these runs is we're getting ready to drop Edgar Ferrara again he's sitting into each place just trying these are complete RAAA yes and the window is open there's a lot of guys to go guys guys I can put the rest together and move everything around Edgar is wonderful he has the tricks to do it so let's see if he pulled it off if he can just cool himself down and adjust those subtle movements into that heals the body villages staying away from him and the issue is the same mistake every time he's getting caught in that bail rut and it's hard because I can tell bomb you're sitting here and if you were competing you would be grabbing him by the shoulders and right now but you see I can I can say everything that I possibly want but then he has to go out and translate and and he knows that he needs to do that and then when you're there that incitement that side of the RAM how fast you're going and there's another thing here too that we don't catch when we're in this back seat yeah hey Craig it seems like Toby Ryan on top of being the youngest athlete in this field also maybe us the largest fan thinks they're going crazy for this kid they're going crazy and rightfully so man he was so close to putting down a nine in practice I feel it right here for Toby if we set it on TV that means you have to do you know it's pretty cool for what for what he's doing and where he's at he's already putting the run in his debut big air of that so Toby we got a hit here and I think that he might be going for that so he takes his foot off on the tail grab again well this is where a little bit of experience with bring him to do that ollie be much better trick to get a gun but you want to do something different did he look closer on this one versus except number two again he's see over-rotated right there he's thinking 360 when he should've thought backside 180 and then spin see how he keeps going keeps going keeps going his body shoulder so that little movement goes a long way off the big jump there so you know you make the mistake and it's just like you're over the gap three-run third rider of the third run here Ronnie and Bob what will you tell your fellow Brazilian right now man I would tell him to just go for it this is X Games this is his chance he's got a run in tell him I said what's up has that problem but again three runs in Ronnie Gomes is sitting in bronze medal position he's never earned an X Games medal before I know it's not over but at least he's got that one yes he does have a run so that's a great run he wants to do a better one because you got guys like Elliott good land to run anytime and then he's off that podium so he's gonna want to make it better he's doing that all III for that reason that is a tough trick that's a tough gap trick no one's doing it you won't see many people do with that because it's risky yeah so here's Jake Brown he was in that bronze battle position and then talk char later got 85 he's doing a little work and that bumped a crown out of podium position well now Jane you know again he wanted to get that Redemption run got in some clean first go now he wants the jugular run he wants the ami seven a little bit too much of an upside down start again if we're talking frontside ollie 360 relative wind troubles think about it Holley 720 over the gap he's got all kinds of relative wind hit them at every angle and he's adjusting his feet and spin to keep that under his board and on his feet yeah just he's taken off a little bit too excited your snap snap in a nollie a little too much but you don't need that much snap and I think that goes to the jitters of the event so he'll hold on to his best score Tom sharp still leading the way as we're big way through up three here at the real god skateboard big air fun [Applause] meets alumina rubia in ninth place just trying to land a run run number three Bob you've been in this position before where maybe you hadn't had the success through the first two attempts are getting antsy do you give it one more go I would if I was him I don't know if his strategy might change on the quarter now there she gets a landing on the gap he might go for his big trim on the corner you can't sit eat alone at the lake shove-it 360 go for the huge 540 look at that Bob almost had that 500 man I mean you know it's hard to hold your emotions this is a high emotional event the guys are doing for that he's going so high that he needed to spin a little slower than that but he also hung up are you trying to squat it out by a little back seat - that's ok but that was really good we haven't seen that trick that's a late shove it stalefish 360 which was cool to watch how we start getting into a high pressure so be Filipino Rubio he wants that run he has this run he can do the run nothing can stop these athletes except gravity and large structures and though surprisingly tiny wheels what's the biggest concern for tonight's competitors Captain Obvious joining the conversation with a very valid question what are these athletes our biggest concern well as the competition goes on the less runs they have the pressure mounts it's really who could handle that pressure I think these athletes at biggest conservative to speak more than that I know Brandon about captain Crais nice gold star well yeah you know these guys are worried about making their runs some some of them have a run in some of them don't and then higher pressure for Elliott with high expectations obviously and then he wants to get a run in so Mitchie incredible vert run incredible work showing coming out to big air trying to do something different so a little less pressure but he wants this run yeah he may try he may go down trying this run all five attempts yeah he's gonna try this until he gets it he's gonna get it kickflip back on a very well-executed adjusting his feet little slow down grabbed it oh man she guns so close see the thing with as if he grabs his board he's got such awareness that was a solid spin he didn't even grab his word on the last two but one once he grabbed it he weighed a little more front Footloose put it back on and kept spinning that's a lot of spins kept looking there's some wind tunnel yes he's just jumped out of a planet he the only reason he didn't do it it's too low he got a really big snap and that's really tough to let even for he does land low five he's got that button that was - now if he lands outrun and obviously Elliott might have something to say about that but as it stands right now with that take over first place away from top shark you know that is a tough call but that is a really good gap trick its technical and your landing switch on the landing which is really tough and then you're going up thank you for a 1080 so that should but you know again I don't know what they're thinking in the booth is out there the judges fan and then train comes in for a 720 he's trying to get the same trick over the gap that's what he has and he wants that I think he wants to change something on the quarter pipe Trey would again trying that seven I think the issue here since the dispense do flat he doesn't ride the big air ramp last month but if he took off a little bit more like a McTwist or like a 540 when you dip his head he might come out of it a little bit more prepared through that landing so so what will stay in silver metal position holding on to that 83 there you see clay Kriner he grew up skating all aspects of skateboarding let's check in with him in this athlete profile I love skateboarding just cuz I get to spend a lot of time with my homies travel the world see new places meet new faces it's a super individual sport as well so I get to push myself every day have my little self battles I grew up skating everything Street vert Park when you're a kid you know you don't have any sense of like a boundary or you know classification of skateboard you just want to ride your skateboard and so anything that was there I was down to skate it's pretty clear that there are no limits really to skateboarding already there never have been and dudes are proving that more and more everyday skateboarding is more progressive now than I feel like it ever has been I love that Bob the declassification of skateboarding seemed like there was a period where guys were doesn't specialize now half of this field is competing in two or three different events yeah and it makes you a better skateboarder everything you skate you know you you gain that tack and then you bring that experience over it so everywhere you go playing with the 87 he gets it let's see wait to the subdued here goes for the alley you backside that is such a tough blinding beautiful trick very solid now this is going to be probably over trains because that was incredible like this it looked like it was gonna go away for a second just muscled the end he didn't slow down that spin which made it easier for glass he brought it in more of a slide in now he's on and then look at this alley you upside down 540 very hard trick it's it's offensive how good that was I'm afraid it is and it's one of these one of the first guys to go out of you on the big air quarter button and looking back just a perfect landing that's so hard you don't know where you're going if you come to end up hanging up the one and he's just full throttle and that score yeah that's right char didn't get an eye patch on the night now he got a fine that's that's uh that's what that's right in there so tight take when it's in a great position to earn his very first X Games gold medal but it's not over yet the guy just took over the spot dropped off shar might have something to say about that he does seven one foot or maybe it just kind of came off I don't know what happened there maybe the spin was wrong it was I gotta take my foot off he's trying to make the tail seven one foot yeah he actually went for it so yeah he took he was taking that was really but that's bad I haven't seen that and that's really hard to hold the spin take your foot off so in 2013 that's five straight in that silver medal spot right now but he would love to take back that top spot he's got a couple more attempts to do it clay Kriner gaining a few fans after that one and then Elliott Sloan wants to put his two cents in so here's Elliot's loan yet soul and this run but if you thought they got loud for my goodness if you can put this one out there just shorten the fact that he goes for those like there's no tomorrow really tough to spin nine with it indeed lot harder always when you grab an Indian and it feels like just the fact that he hung up because the spin was really good slow spin controlled right here no Brian knows going to stop it a little bit he's already in that position and then when once he looked he's like I'm gonna hang well you know you can over rotate so like it just wasn't ready you don't want to put something like that down even if it's X names you know it's a slam so Elliot I don't think he's going to stop trying to make that trick now but he's putting so much pressure on itself with just two attempts to go so three runs in extra little Jack freaking everybody out so Bob were going the wrong direction four runs were landed in run one one run landed in run to one run landed in run three but each of those one runs at least took over the lead in all these guys have a run to move the leaderboard around Bobo is wonderful let's see backside ollie three again dip in that board to keep it under his feet and then there is the heels oh did he bring famous guest about short you do have a lot of time but not that much time it flipped and then just about a really grab grab the truck bring the boy around just you know maybe he was up to the 30 feet he brought down it I still believe he can put a run together and he's gonna put this run together it's just too bad because this trick he was doing it you know I hope so all the time it's a different game I'm the big jump so so we'll drop Toby Ryan dance again Toby came right out of the game put down his rhyme big man it's all gravy nuts and chooses to do here on the gap goes for the Holly three someone talked to her and that showing everyone that he's trying 900s on his first big air competition Toby just completely fearless and going for the mute nine which I feel is a very tough one which one the first nines landed by Tony back in 99 and he got close I mean that's doable he can put that together you know just make what Sam is Helen Toby I did not come here for six plays you just want a hug four threes thirty three point three three he'll hold on to his first run score Ronny Gomez he's sitting in for stupid search of that first-ever X Games medal in his 14th X Games of pants he's gone for a switch dropping so he is changing it up he wants to get the quarter pipe so switch backside a nice trick over the gap to the tail grab 360 almost and that hurt that is a lot of cheese and he went down very close to flat bottom there that rotten tail grab 360 really scary trick to come back down fakie on that quarter pipe and he gets he just needed that front seat a little bit I guess he's coming down backwards but he needed to squat and put that body forward there that was pretty much done the hardest part was done Ronnie yeah he said his stomach hurt thank God one of us here are the boots to be exported to that side that translate ballad for you like you needed back so no it hurt here's Jake Brown he's sitting at fifth place all puts his tail down and drops back to the face yeah and those boards are heavy man Wow a little bit too much of a snap again he kicks it out but when he lands the board just stays workplace hazard nope well I guess Jake's got one because he got a cowboy in now he's bored one to watch Jake so so it's bats a warrior a tough laughter Jake brown smile away but the bloody nose Sunday on ESPN and ESPN Deportes says at 4:00 p.m. Eastern 1 p.m. Pacific will have another international Champions Cup match between premier league powerhouse Liverpool and the powerhouse Borussia Dortmund led by US star Christian pelisek it's also available streaming live on the ESPN app so you can watch it anywhere Telepan Aruba he wants a run and he has tricks everyone here skate can move things around and this is what's exciting about big air 2018 everyone is ripping - oh he's in seventh place going for the late the tough part is that as we go into this competition there's a lot of pause and there's a lot of weight and your body starts getting cold we're we're here talking and watching but these guys are waiting and it's so hard to wait that long you almost want your runs right away because we're practicing you tell oh well let's take a look at the aerial view here by Pacifico still over rotating a little bit excited yeah and do yourself a favor if you're just joining us get on Instagram and find the video of elo dropping in from the athlete lounge on to the quarter fight we showed it earlier today if you haven't seen it it is insane if you follow any other but athletes here for XP everyone was busy with really cool stuff from below so you know it's Mitchie Mitchie Brusco right now he's trying to get this thing lined up he's in ninth place and he's trying to land this run he got very close got close it's the quarter that's giving him trouble right now very technical very tough to land fakie off the land he's going for a kickflip back 180 showing how consistent spinning really good this might be Josh Mitchie Brusco he cannot believe it yes he's done it before but to put it down in competition that's that's a different approach and it paid off for Mitchie look at this keep flip backside 180 pending every time to get 1080 attempt perfect solid squared up and he's like you know what if I grab pop very solid there on the take-off kept going it seemed like he was spinning slow but he kept going believing just with that body awareness and very high Earl Andy and we just saw 1080 by Mitchie Brusco and bigger then always pushes the boundaries of progression Housing Authority Mitchie Brusco r92 Mitchie Mitchie Brusco made happen this crowd love electively lost their minds Mitchie Brusco that changes a lot of things that changes of wha that changes the approach that paid off to look at things differently I go off the small and Mitchie Brusco did a 1080 world trade would want to get a better score and that's what happens what big trick started to be landed back to back but that secret ray do it verified mountain interest England he went for a backside 540 and spun that late mute seemed like he was back scene II and then just perfect execution by train wow I'm impressed the makes are contagious now on rug number four a 94 Trey wood is going on [Music] there's a different type of fun Kraig's going on break did you hear us on the ground here at US Bank Stadium these guys are putting the crowd into cardiac arrest I'm pretty sure back took back hammers now Tom's are about to drop by Chatham but with them before this run he hasn't practiced the nine on the quarter so I don't know if he is going to drop it do that negative foot injury we'll see the hole we'll see if he does have a person's clay Kriner clay to say I have a feeling clay has something to say that's run for five he's gonna have to leave it for the last run now I do want to know we don't want to get ahead of ourselves here Mitchie Brusco just lived this place on fire he did land that Ted it Barcelona yes yes but we haven't seen it since then we have done and we had a different format that is true election of different caps and best tricks that would accumulate cumulative result right right so here this is the combo right he just did a kickflip back 180 into a 1080 baking an exponentially more difficult very much so and you know he put it down and it was a test against these other tricks that he changed in the approach here table char was leading this thing a run ago yes on the outside that's a really tough trick he's going for that and he's trying to add something new that's one of the toughest things you don't want to come out here and do the same thing talk Shark Tale controls put the split out done so I'm happy a little back seat that was a good attempt I'll try he's got one more he's got he's gonna have to send it on his fifth and final attempt there's no getting around it he is trying he is going for it he has to risk you know to be important we're looking at a lot of different approaches here in different styles Blake Reiner went hammer town then Mitchie Brusco landed the tent then Trey would jumped up into the podium party Elliott Sloane the favorite to win this thing has yet to land his run yeah and Elliott to do it right here is the mp7 come on snap and got a good snap that was a great snap I want to get back to this replay what you say snap I want you to explain that there was at home what you hanging up so there's a nice tight spend on the Indy seven he's ready he's called and then now right here that snap coping snappin tail for you want to get a good one look at that spin up in the 20s with a nine and then right here it looked like maybe he fellows gonna hang because that was good because it it looked good the run before I just don't know it looks good exactly I mean he knows OB now that we're looking at it that looked like a great we haven't even got to our final runs and this has the baking of an all-time great contest for for Vinny appleís when we return bicha Palooza out here X Games Minneapolis Mitchie Brusco with the 1080 off the quarter pipe to take over the top spot it ain't over yet though Bob Burnquist well incredible performance by everyone here trying to change things up really move it around the leaderboard something we can some things that we didn't expect but if they put down rocks it would move things around an anchor there's one edgar pereira volvo just wanting to put a rundown floor in brazil doing it one of the veterans on the big air ramp we always hear you call it volvo for those who have never seen what is that bobo meets grandpa here's a little grumpy earlier that was his nickname so we just ramped up I guess we call him grandpa don't call me grandpa this is good so here's that good bruh he's got to land a run this is his last chance to do it he can do it he can slow his thinking down a little bit it's that Holly 360 just good snap I believe he went for a heel flip body varial 900 I did not expect that and that was very controlled and actually very possible it's amazing thanks a new trick you were not expecting I was not expected with him all the time no but I mean I two songs bid 900 recently he grabbed that and he had so much time and goes all the way around very controlled borah miss be if he lands that Volvo oh so proud of him for trying that that is not an easy feat it's so hard to make yourself spin saving his best for knocking off this big one let alone flip and spin and then he's flipping and spinning and nine that has not been done was not that looked possible and if anything he goes away with that that's pretty incredible so here's Toby Ryan he's sitting at set of places our youngest competitor at just 14 years old he's captured the imagination sounds higher studio your turn backside Ollie cream lands it any up the quarter pipe into a 900 a little too low a little too much that potty type makes it easy to spin and Toby with a perfect spin looking but just a little body forward a little too much over rotation as well but Toby showing first run at the end of the day and your X Games debut and your very first run that's a success so here's Bobby Gomez thought we were gonna see him on the podium early in this contest but he's now in 15th place trying to replace that 80 point six six he need to bested 88 from play Clinard it just rocks which to do that with a switchback 180 I don't know but this trick coming up with the 360 Gomes gets the tail grab 360 very tough trick wanted to land that any dollars he does he puts two great runs I don't where the desert put it me use a switch backside 180 board stayed on his feet there up little deck check there just hold on landed his first run landed his final run what if the scoring you know you gotta break it down you got to score over the gap score the quarter fight gonna have to start Rick at these runs down over the gap you know clay definitely gone up with the empty seventh and in an alley-oop five is up to the criteria of the judges into a tail grab a tail grab for you stuff and an alley you buy the stock so I don't know they're really taking their time with this we should they should because these guys work hard you know they want to put their runs down you want to make sure that they're being looked at an 87 so just not enough that's really good if you know go back to the home sessions get the homework done but Ronnie great showing so Jake Brown he landed his first run he hasn't six then what can he do to finish that that board slap woke him up into spinning this thing spin a good spin a little bit on the backseat but the board was under his feet the wind didn't blow away over snap that's see how he's keeping the flatness of the board against the wind that keeps it under your feet and right he gots to figure out a way to go forward that was a really good attempt at a nollie seventh one of the toughest tricks over the Gaffney crowd showing they still have Jake Brown podium drag continues it's hard to believe he's so good he's been sold to this discipline inspiration take brownness tomorrow on ABC its fourth and final day bright Joyner the ladies of women's skateboard park Nyjah Huston men's skateboard Street Kevin Peraza BMX park it's all on ABC tomorrow at 1:00 I wonder if that's the tough thing about Ito he was skating vert skating practice yeah this is a tough field you want to progress and he's coming off of this trick here and you actually had an opportunity to land this without grabbing but he wanted that safety run he kept trying that he got one bail to five and that messed with his head because now he doesn't know if he skill for his big tricking each hello has so much skateboarding in them but Mitchie Brusco our journey leader what does he do for an encore I don't know baby do a kickflip back 180 no grab come on we'll see how we play because there's still some themes what else so let's see what makes it goes well yeah no ground he tried to kick back potato gravity yeah he do yeah well if he lands it then go over today that's a huge score but look you can't clip back on a dino grab very well attempted it wasn't off and then the wind blew it away but Mitchie Brusco just changing things up big year 2018 very proud of that kid we talked about earlier this week is it tonight the dice these guys are doing what to do when it matters most over-rotate you don't need that much of a wiggle going off so there's three skaters for their final it was oh by the way once he got daddy [Music] is pumping and then BAM five grabs it back side wait it was like Ali five back to grab for a while they that back leg so he can stop the rotation control you said before he dropped in that was called enough to get him into Wow amazing that's right that's in there and that changes things up that's tech versus apples and oranges I love it both you know it's we have to give out one metal deals here so muchi Bruce at least temporarily yes because there's still a couple guys who have something to say about that Tom Shaw has not missed a podium since 2013 sitting in fifth place he's gonna need something absolutely 1-foot 720's bring down tree but he doesn't go for that you watch this man ha got close we've got to be consistently skating his ramp and even though tom shows incredible comfort yeah you know it doesn't put a little bit more time he's been so busy and part noted he heard the metal early feeling the part he's been injured and he's you know that was a good attempt I don't know I mean maybe on the low side he didn't want to risk that one but talk Shar and then there was one Eliot Sloan has not landing a row he is not vicious Brusco is looking for that first ever X Games gold medal standing in his way yeah the defending gold medalist I'll tell you what mix he's not thinking he is cheering for Elliott he doesn't want Elliott to bail rocky he's nervous oh yeah but Elliott that's a tough oh my god that was the closest has been all that was and he trying to adjust and Mitchie Brusco with his first gold medal eleventh x-games appearance finally burns that first X Games gold makes you put the challenge in with a different approach just surprise everyone Bob we've been waiting for this moment since he first [Music] so much talent well let's send it down to Craig who's with Mitchie Mitchie talked us through the 1080 man just like I said earlier like I just wanted enough I just keep I just kept wanting another chance to try it wanting another chance to try it he's gonna add like a little bit different mistake but like as I kept spinning it I knew I could get around so on the last one all the only thing I thought about is like I was on my way there and I was like I just want this one like I'm gonna I'm gonna land all my board and like as soon as I took off it I knew it felt different than the rest I didn't know if it was good different or bad different but I was like I I knew I wanted it so you know we got it you look good and go Mitchie boys back to you metal how's that feel to hold the gold Mitchie Brusco look at our podium clay Crider with the silver clay my chair getting the brew teaser you know Trey wood with his bronze I figure that was not expected and very well done
Channel: X Games
Views: 1,040,586
Rating: 4.7817855 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, Skateboard Big Air, skate big air x games, skate big air ramp, skate big air 2018, skateboard big air, full x games live stream, live stream x games, x games live stream, x games minneapolis 2018, clay kreiner 2018, clay kreiner x games, clay kreiner, trey wood, trey wood x games, mitchie brusco, mitchie brusco big air
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 10sec (4570 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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