Skateboard Big Air Qualifier: FULL SHOW | X Games Sydney 2018

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welcome everybody to Sydney Australia and we are about to get underway with one of the biggest events here at Cindi x-games look at that beautiful harbour than we have here one of the most iconic harbours in the world here we are at spotless stadium at Sydney Olympic Park and there is the absolute monster itself look how big the big air ramp is huge rolling right there I'm Corbin Harris right next to me I have Bucky lassic and oh yeah and next to the quarter pod we have Mitch Thomason in the Blazing Sun but we love the Sun right now because it's been raining for a few days yeah it's been a rough one out there Bucky what did we can expect it over these guys well it looks like the weather gonna hold up the wind is died down the Sun is out and expect to see some incredible skateboarding yeah we are we're gonna see some incredible skateboarding especially from this little Australian this is key for Wilson the second youngest x-games competitor ever at 11 years old Bucky he has his own ramp on a bunch of acres down in Victorian Melbourne local boy the size of me his board is bigger than he is everything you got keeps that age I do I have 11 year old here we have Ronnie Gomez another one to look out for because he never breaks into that top three four times he's had fourth place he is this present' is someone to look out he is mr. Bubble Boy when it comes to that podium so I know he has two tricks hopefully he can make it we will see a nice frontside ollie grab him you there three over the 50-foot Channel doing it for the Brazilians there's a lot of them out here over skateboarding as we are about to get into skateboard big air Keefer Wilson the little guy in number one position Xander dueling second Asher Bradshaw all these guys are so young it's unbelievable we have a couple of older ones also TAS Pappas coming back money Gomes ran in out number eight right there yeah planning mister Nitro Circus yeah he's got some tricks he always puts on a show for everyone doesn't he Bucky he's mr. happy-go-lucky and he's always got a smile on his face yeah I can't wait to get underway with this the first person that we have up will be Kiefer Wilson doing it for device skateboards he's a regular footer as I said he is only 11 years old look at the little picture of a who the top screw that's even too big for him he's getting a fist pump he's got the thumbs up this is the first rider of big air Bucky take it away he's gonna go big here with a big three No we're having the board there into what you got you go to the big old method let's I wonder what the height of that one is he looked like he was up in the 15 maybe 10 15 look at the Kratt absolutely going Wald foreign home 10 here are he let's check out the replay there he rolls in let's see how this board sticks to his feet almost like he has velcro on it Oh suction get happened all the way around you used the wind actually to help carry the board around on your feet and there we go it's that's well over head his head that's like quadruple over his head that's the way that you want to start things right you want to get a couple under your belt you do and he done our job I wonder how many times he's competed well even much this is the first ever exclaims the debenture so this is I mean he's got to be what was a lot for you when you were younger I didn't start for another year boots going up going up against the guys out there what was a lot for it is it's pretty intense you know because you're you're going against your heroes all these guys are I'm sure he was looked up to probably 90% of it let's get into the comp format Bucky we have ten athletes in the skateboard big air qualifier four runs each best run counts top four advanced to the final and four pre qualified athletes already those athletes are Elliott Sloan Trey wood clay Kramer and Estrella zone Jake Brown who you've skated with here we have Zander a local guy from insignias California the backside three lands it good and solid it's a nice pump their mean backside five we're having a pillow no that one that was no us yeah first first run I saw him in practice very dialed looking comfortable let's check out the replay on that one Bucky here he goes backside grab see him grab right there behind the foot nice secure grab solid landing eyes on the prize right there boom stuck solid now he is also a X Games rookie here at Sydney for 2018 and the second youngest in bit in the bigger field after obviously the first guy Kiefer Wilson look at him to be here he is pumped I mean you're out there with your peers he's got to be stoked to be out there in the mix the adrenaline is pumping there it is the score 56.66 pushes him into first place but for Kiefer but we have other athletes to go and this guy right here is someone to look out for Asher Bradshaw 14 years young coming out of Los Angeles X Games rookie also but he's been skating big air for quite a while little powerhouse this guy has nines on rock I wanna see what he's gonna do his first run though I think he's gonna probably not try a 9 he's probably gonna well I spoke to this backside three know grab exactly what he said into 540 here that's i-5 that's all it was the best of what I saw from Kiefer and the best of what I saw from Xander so I think he's probably looking pretty good right now there's the replay look at suctioned completely to his feet right there there he goes with the speed with the backside grab landing so solid and that's one thing you wanted to you want to land up in the transition so you can roll out and you don't have too much impact on those knees you know I want to land too high a couple other guys that's clipped the coping with their heels and their heels are looking a little black and blue this morning there is the score fifty nine point three three pushes him into the number one position few points ahead of nool Marcelo bass toss the Brazilian about to drop in if I spoke to him earlier today I said hey Marcelo what what's your plan here he goes Corbin I've got no idea I'm just going to drop in and see how it goes survival mode [Music] yeah a lot longer than the other kids yeah in d5 man you see how he had to suck up his feet to kind of not land on the coping there Conde came around he kind of came around a little flat on that let's check that replay on that walkie-talkie sue this little stuck upside down there see how he stopped his rotation there and had to like flail around and yeah tsehai laid kinda into the vert there it's kind of not sacrifice and hit ISM his heels like I mean you don't want anything to bother you when you're skating this thing that just it hurts if you're sliding just falling and put your foot down you sprained ankle cuz you're gone about 35 miles an hour baki wagging to Toby one of the younger competitors also regular footer dropping in everyone thought this batch of three that was as off the big gap he's gone off the big guy he's gone bigger that body backside what's going through his mind right now super stuff and he made it clean and I believe it was off the what sixty five footer there it is look at it holding on to that using the wind against his board so it stays against his feet yeah it's a lot longer also on that yeah he went off the big role in so he's the first one to go off the big role in and look at the height it took him as easy 18-foot the highest we've seen so far as the scores get tallied in their head judge Lincoln you eat up another Brazilian one of the one of the best Brazilian folk skateboarders ever yeah he's a wonderful a lot she goes big you've probably seen him if you if you've seen someone skateboarding and blasting tot I don't know everyone his bails are even nice to watch all right there we have the thumbs up everybody fifteen again such a young field here dating for birdhouse Tony Hawk's company dropping in switch yeah yes which down the smaller jump though but technical tricks switchbacks on with a knee lucky for these guys they have four runs because to drop it on that it's not easy to get you carry blindside you do not see see him look turn his head to see the landing and he was a little high in the landing so he kind of threw that one away Bucky let's talk about the setups that these guys have it happen a Forney's it compared to like a normal vert setup that each guy the wheelbase see the the space between the wheels there how long it is yeah that's probably the biggest difference a very long wheelbase actually the biggest difference is the trucks the trucks are two 15s majority these guys a lot a lot wider the same with the board they don't generally go to much bigger but the trucks are definitely wider and cranked as tight as they go Justin Revere rolling in right now switch also trying to grab their got away from them but you could seem out the top as well the other factor that comes into this so check out the replay right here here it kind of rolls off his you can like kind of off access there a little bit too much the other thing that comes into play right right now also Bucky you can explain it to the viewers is that the wind comes into play so much it can work to your benefit if it's you know not too strong but it really affects your consistency which really not only is dangerous but it'll mess with your head now you guys want to talk about exciting this guy brings the heat every single time he scale it goes look at the ever deeper planning he's one of the most positive skateboarders I have ever been introduced to and I love it this is beaver Fleming out of Knoxville regular stairs frontside like a front side Christ's hair 360th check out the replay on that one beavers got names for these I should probably find out some of the names I think he's got a name for that one baby flood he spiraled equipment he said he just left he's bags are at the airport still fully borrowed equipment as we wait for the school to come in do you think it bother anymore no I still got a smile on his face but right now we are gonna go to our third member of our team mid Tomlinson what have you got going on down there yeah general when you speak of beaver in with the wrong equipment so but another wrong equipment it's definitely working but I saw a few stickers on his board that I haven't seen before and I was like that's clay coroner's board and I spoke to beaver he's luggage did not turn up so he's got plays shoes on plays set up not a bad little feat for him to start things off at the x-games unbelievable Mitch here he's doing all right so far he's got three more runs to go but right now we're going to get into a veteran of skateboarding Virg skating skateboarding particular as he waits for the wind to die down this is TAS Pappas talk about this he has come out with some of the best video parts on Imbert skateboarding and he took a couple of the heaviest slams I've seen in the past three days so he hasn't even practice he's really sore he's got a busted ankle and a sore back as well a little bit more Intel he was he was actually practicing Bucky he flew off the 50-foot well there was no air back there and he was going is actually on the big jump he was going down switch excuse octo wobbles and aborted the jump last second and basically jumped into the back of the landing which has a of airbag but it actually bounced him off onto the deck which is like 18 feet below so he got lievable here we have Ronnie Gomez this is what man has this is our lost skateboarder in the first run three to go on in swich that's opposite stance of what he's used to switch backside 180 with a little sketch into a Keo grab landing on the sticker [Applause] he does deserve that and that's what you wanted to come out of the gate swing once you get the reply on that one look at that switch backside 180 do trying to fix his feet right here but fixing them at the wrong time is very painful he's back foot corner came down to the heel there it is spinning grabbing that on the tile for a 540 look how much room he had to grab that like he grabbed it had like two inches of grab there so solid stuff to the people that's the hardest grab one of the hardest grab 540 is because it doesn't really stick to your feet well yeah there is huge smile on the Brazilians face unbelievable he is stopped out here we have sunshine no more rain it is all happening here sitting tight waiting for the score to come through there is the replay of funny Gomes don't go anywhere we've got more big air coming right up [Music] [Music] [Music] ah welcome back everybody to Sydney Australia and after 20 years we have the X Games finally here on screen we have papi Olson is a Reiner medal contender make craters in there you're just awesome its corporate Harris here with Bucky last second we have Mitch Tomlinson down next to the big air as we roll into run number 2 little big man little big man himself Kiefer Wilson there he goes he's got the thumbs up Bucky that cheeky little small with the thumbs up here he rolls in he's been learning and skating we toss Papas down on his own farm in Victoria as he rolls in right now for a second run here he goes Holly three perfect landing he's spinning on this one Japan five wide McTwist he tucked that one in it looked like it was a little hanging so he jumped off of it he saw the end he's gonna land a little too close to the coping and he decided that the replay on that now perfectly executed the backside 360 on this one yeah see how just corks his body into the wind puts the board into the wind and then just stands up on it and here he just eyeballing it for the five good grab Japan tuck tweak didn't hold out enough comes a little too short score on that was a 24 currently in fifth position he'll take his first run on that one Xander Neal 14 years old out of Encinitas second younger skater in the big air field Xander skates at Elliott Sloane's house a lot here we go back by three bigger backs I thought than last time landing at no problems whatsoever but still he's going over the smaller 50 so the judges I know aren't going to give him a really really high high score because they're gonna unless he goes technical over the 50 here's a replay of that company in the room big ole snap back side five how would the judges judge that well they definitely probably I would say that I think he got a little higher but you know you know who knows who knows I mean it was kind of the same run so you but he did do a little better little Asha Bradshaw he's an all-round skateboarder skating little powerhouse big air park pool absolutely everything straight best known for his 900 I think we'll see 103 6 he got away from him right away off the kicker maybe the winds playing into a little bit on that one trying to grab his board and flick it away from him [Music] yeah he'll take his first score on that and that will just get thrown away so that's two runs down for Asher so is he gonna change or hopefully he makes ollie three is he gonna change the game plan moving forward I think so I think he's gonna have to write a song he's gonna go into a 900 and you need to get in a tease I feel speaking of someone who has no game plan whatsoever winging it with a Holley 3 perfect Oh a little top-heavy on that yeah he tried to adjust his feet in the in a bad replay on that comes around looking good at this point a little shift at the back foot there so he's trying to fix it he was a little bit on his tippy toes on that one and trying to get back into the middle of the board on his tail and with the trucks being so tight he really turn out with something like that kind of calls back California email Skype with these kid a lot yeah he actually skates with some of the younger guys a lot many skates mega a lot of Bob's house 3 not sure what ground it was gonna play it was either India tail grab replay on that one he's gone with the backflip oh is it yeah he'll you don't see that one that much that's why instantly went to kickflip yeah good I their core be yeah don't pay me the big bucks for no reason they're waiting on the score on that one Toba koala on its scram his name is evan doherty i've been traveling with this guy a lot Bucky and I both have with Tony Hawk demos he absolutely killed those as he goes in switched from the 50 there he goes beautiful heading backside mute five that was pretty dang high yep reckon they'll count that three CC flip over the top he's the replay on that whomp uh key switch backside 180 picture-perfect and you can see him just eyeball it all right here yeah he was sticking this no matter what wave grab I think what Cindy's Evan 225 McTwist back to back doing vert demos before he can definitely do them no problem whatsoever yeah but we're talking about mega ramp here and we're talking about 35 miles an hour into something the size of a freaking state he's saying a little different look small whitey on the score and that one anxious 64 best run moves him into third position so hey it's got to be good to get one underneath the belt like that right now he can start to play with yeah I can step it up here we have Justin Riviera he is going off the big role in but once again Bohr got away from them with the switch backside 180 Connick caught up there a little what pretzel lock on that trying to get around but can't seem to get around on that one Bucky yeah he got stuck there but when you go off that big roll in and you hit that kicker the sweet spot is so small because you're going so fast and you hit the kicker so fast that you're already past it before you can adjust anything or it's like so you get what you get immediately when you go off of it so you got to get it right you have to coming up next he's got the okay it's beaver Fleming x-games rookie here in Sydney for 2018 he has actually come second before in Nitro Circus behind Elliott's lunch so he's definitely in the mix I think we're gonna see a tomahawk backflip here oh another I don't even know what beaver calls that trick nice backside five and he's popped up on and the other just got here like literally I think he's taken three ones and two of them you've seen them and he's on borrowed equipment that's play cry nur's equipment and it was only March this year where he tore his ACL and yeah right knee and he's back skating here in Sydney and doing it bigger than ever he's gonna be really happy with that fur look at that sour look at the power and he's just coming off of an injury and he's skating made around with no practice and someone else's man look with us he's always got a smile I've seen him here before for the Bondi balarama contest down in Sydney beautiful Bondi Beach and here is X Games rookie back he's got to be stoked to be in the X Games family now patiently waiting for the scores so how many people are they taken into this final here Corbin we're taking four into the final so it's the other four right here with Elliott Sloane Trey wood clay Craner Jake Brown already pre-qualified looks like right now to get in you want a high 60 high 60 or above your int your forty-three years young you've skated against this guy once before what's it like what's the energy like skating against TAS Pappas man there are so many crazy stories with us and his training like I mean there's times when this guy was training so hard that he actually tried to skate with a backpack full of rocks so he often been rolling so he is going fast right now big backside three he's going you moon goes right here biggest backside five you've seen you never mind you he has taken two of the biggest slams in the last three days so he is just sucking it up and just trying to get the job done here bacons of the final he's straight off adrenaline right now he's running purely off of adrenaline I mean here's the replay on that melon 540 as big as we've seen couldn't quite row little far out a little far out now Bucky what do you think the story was behind having the rocks in the backpack trying to skate he wanted he was just gonna skate with sponsor I got who's my boss thank you Jesus he's saying thanks to me he's only sponsor that he's got as we Jesus and Jesus and we roll into the Brazilian 26 years old talk about a guy that can skate absolutely everything Ronnie goes absolutely kills it on vert big air Park I mean follow the guy on Instagram yeah it's amazing here we go switch down below best run a little bit in the backseat he's currently in that number one position that rounds out two runs out of four decks game Sydney 20 will still keep that number1 position and look how far far ahead he is right now what is Ryan gonna have to do in dough Dodie to try and break that number one spot grow a mustache by the next run all right we're gonna go to the third member of our team it's Thomas and who you weave down there I'm with the legend of Australian skateboarding notice you have a shout out to do today as a request this is your time to do it right now to the camera to the world kaya and Aiden daddy never stopped loving you life was hard I was hard to live with I understand what your mum went through but I really just want to be friends with your mom and I just want you back in my life and your little brother Billy is dying to meet you I cry all the time I'm still trying my hardest it's killing me trying to do this to get back to you but I'll do anything to try to get back to you I love you ladies and gentlemen a legend of Australian skateboarding a legend of skateboarding we're going to go to a break and be back with plenty more action unbelievable don't go anywhere we've got more big air coming right up at spotless Stadium [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the x-games returns to buttermilk mountains with the world's best action sports festival and live musical performances 'im January 24th through the 27th get your tickets now at X Games comm slash tickets ladies and gentlemen welcome back to spotless Stadium it's Corbin Harris Bucky lesyk right next to me and Mitch Tomlinson these are the standings as we are halfway through skateboard big air qualifier Ronnie Gomes at the top Toby Ryan is second Evan Doherty and then Asher Bradshaw we are about to get into the third runs right now as we go back to the top of the list with Kiefer Wilson let's go Kieffer I wish I had a bit of land that he had to be able to build a big air ramp like they have down there in Melbourne imagine that if you had that 11 years old bucket I would probably think it would have been to knowledge you definitely have to be able to bounce and I don't bounce too well anymore yeah well that's anymore you were young and agile and fit then yeah no mega-popular for these 11-year olds here we go currently in seventh seventh position Oh way to corked on that backside ollie three but he pumped into it you saw it reaching a pump look at him pump he's hooking what's going on right - a little too far you know what actually that's looking like a Holley five like he could spin it around a little bit more another half land fakie why have you do all the fans out there that love him already 11 years old as we move through the third run of Xander fuel it's the neatest local senior state's leading mega a lot and jumps off of the backs I like 30 thicker layers grabbing that wasn't now Bucky as we go into the replay this run a lot of the Gaza trying backside 3G think because a lot of these guys are trying it would it be worth trying something else just for the judges to spice things up you think any kind of grab is gonna be scored less unless it's a flip grab so yeah if you're gonna do something and it's got to be something you want to make it so the hardest makeable trick is obviously the Holly 3 right so back Sally three off the big gap of kind of had to pick a spot they're going for the 900 on that one but he buckled at the bottom coming out of that backside three what island then he tried to move over to his right to better position his his nine attempts he tried to move over here look at see how his angle to that yes but man he almost paid the price big time trying to get there oh and so close to the coping on that so it's a wonder why he didn't throw that away earlier but I think he wanted to feel it under his feet and try to even though he probably knew he was going to bail that he wanted to get a solid grab and a good spin so it sets him up for his last and final attempt 31 years old Sao Paulo the Brazilian two times medalist Marcelo doesn't skate mega that much Nyjah folks game / and well that was higher on that one right yeah he definitely was a good four foot higher than normal which if you watched it what did you write here yellow he would have logs on that one way down there which motivated hindrance to going into the water pile because you might have lost lose speed I don't think you have the word too much about that I think you could drag a footer - oh I've only done it at the wood would one and that was scary enough of Mayall all the end of that Thanks one your program Bucky I was following you have a couple ones over there yep Toby Ryan 15 dropping from the big role in not too many people dropping in from up on the beat rolling oh yeah here he goes best run 74 in second place what else is he got going for the heel flip 360 off the big kicker which like I said before the sweet spot to kick that is so short and fast it's I can't explain how hard it is Toby Ryan throw that one away but it's still looking good for the little guy to make it through to the final to go against these huge names Jake Brant clay crane our tray would an Eliot Sloan I mean between those guys they definitely have some medals haven't gone off the big role in now great landing way down there so I believe this was one of the first times he's been gone down like he hasn't gone down the big rolling much so he saved it till now he was a little too horizontal on that you think and should have sucked it up and used the wind against him yeah he actually it looked like he kind of spun it a little too fast and he was he was already ready to land it he was in heaven he was only halfway there so yeah have you not wear elbow pads out there on that thing man idler up where link for arm pads and neck brace and wrist guards and garden glove that beat Kevin stop out there look like shannon's Kevin stop rolling in switch to hang on to this big ol backside that was so big he [Applause] has got one more shot after this but at least he made that one so it's gonna feel a little better going into it check out the replay definitely is gonna have some confidence going into his last run tweaks it out on that I love that brings it around stomp smooth gathers himself and just boosts the biggest backside five that we've seen so far he didn't plug enough on that one coming around look at that rod at the end there little hanging hanging Joss didn't want to risk it Justin is the one person who has hung up once already he clipped and bruises heal and he has hit his oboe so he is pretty tore up right now third run 24 years young the backflip the city to flip that we haven't seen yeah guarantee we're gonna see it right here is this gonna be it here he goes baby Flemmi bra any priest third run he knows he's got it he always is so hot what happened to right at the end here Bucky I believe this was probably first attempt here in Sydney and he almost made it and it's not his boy it's not his pads he's he's doing quite well considering Viva absolutely loving it absolutely loving it right now we have the third member of our team Mitchie who have you got down there may I'm by myself still at the bottom of the ramp but I'm having a great time but I was just talking to Justin and Bucky you said he grazes back and hit his elbow before after that he just lifted his shirt up he was shot me he's back it's basically skinless right now that he went so huge yeah he uh he was holding on I mean he he wants to make this he wants to make that run and if he makes that run he is looking sweet to get in there right yeah well that was Mitch atonement sent down next to the big air ramp when you down there is bigger than ever is not the ramp yeah or this event the resident is pretty big as well ramp in general down there I mean the crowd must love it down there me next I think we have never ever seen the big air ramp here in Australia not like this it's visually amazing there's Ronnie Gomes at the top just been informed that maybe tasks might not go in yeah we're gonna skip task purpose and we're going to go to the Brazilian Ronnie Gomes as Gomez is at the top being role in it looks like he's dropping in switch which is his opposite stance and look what oh just doing that you're hot in your mouth switch back some 180 [Music] how do you go with that day on that size court apart I I wouldn't want to take my feet off that's for sure so he's taking his foot off a knee grab and tail so hold that's two of the hardest things to do oh lift his front foot there and he still ended up getting all the way around Ronnie I have seen Ronnie make stuff that normal people should have Ronnie is still gonna hold that number one position right now little guys after him don't go anywhere we have the last run coming right off my god who's my boss welcome back to X Games Sydney the first time ever we are here within one of the 20 years now and we finally got it look at that beautiful harbour there is the city Harbour Bridge beautiful Australian flag flying as the wind picks up here for our fourth and final run in the big air skateboard qualifier that's a beautiful view isn't it there we have Ronnie Gomes 81 point six six in the number one position we are taking the top four that is Asher Bradshaw on that bubble zone right now what's it gonna take vis and Aviva Justin for these guys to make it into that top four button you're gonna see a lot of swapping right now so these guys are looking at what they've tried and they're gonna they're gonna kind of dietary they're gonna try to dial in and what they've already tried if it's gonna kind of match up against some of these top four guys otherwise all it takes is one person to set the mark and then everyone's got to step it up so I'm hoping for that well that's what happens when it is the loss runs they bring out the money moves on this we are about to get into the fourth and final run it's with the little guy capo Wilson out of Victoria Bucky go big or go home Holly three over the gap come on keeper what's he got the crowd absolutely loves her little man has got some big style it is nail-biting stuff here and Sidney x-games look at the small stuff he was rough he was running like he was running to the Christmas tree on Christmas morning no I put these presents unbelievable hands above eleven years old and he just did a 1518 footage apparently you've got kids Buffy what would it be like scene want to be kids out there I mean obviously he didn't just jump on a skateboard and spent five he's been raised and bred as a true athlete that he is so I mean anything's possible so yeah if you if if I think I have a like mini ramp up maybe what happens something like that I'd probably have like a little crazy mini map daughter but it was in the horses so that's not but you okay to like that off Xan Anil up next here we go Xander go bigger go home buddy buddy step you tried you know he went big he's trying to step it up he's gone Ollie three he's going to be stark just to be eating the mix here he's a rookie at X Games Sydney little sweetness he didn't really get the scoop off off the little kicker there and it just got away from say a smile on his face now now that he's down he gonna kind of relax a little photo I looked a little stressed out of the star it's a scary event mega is very scary you're you're pushing yourself to your limits I mean granted right now the guys want to stay on and get into the final but some of them are really gonna step it up and I guarantee you doing a 15-foot 900 is really not taking it easy okay here he is he is on the bubble right now if he wants to stay in that top four to move through the finals Asher Bradshaw is going to be in to bring it you need to stay on this run Asheville come on is he going for the 903 yeah he is set up for the nine right here here he goes and under ease man I'm so stoked for you Rosy's board damn that is the loudest the crowd has been here at Sydney X Games the first nine of the contest nine of the contest Wow will we see another one talk about no we just saw crazy one talk about stepping it up and bringing the intensity look at the concentration right there he is concentrated on a 900 here's the 540 yep bringing there's a 540 and he tucks another 360 in and look how he just lays it flat and just stomps the landing like it was I like how he still had his back tack back hold he is on his board so I can just put it back on the plane and get out here hopefully with that gold medal if he came skating like that he is owning he's why with a high nine like that I think he do have to check check your board well what's gonna happen he where is he gonna move and fidelity I thought Toby running second I definitely think he's in the mix second well there you go the old tycoon he says I'll take it doesn't matter he's looking pretty secure right now to be that top four to go through to the final with the big dawgs himself all right Marcello vastus he is going for broke right here guaranteed putting it all on the line to make that run last run yeah unfortunately not Marcello's day today lost it off the snap immediately did not have as you said Bucky he's normally over third scale doesn't venture into this big air realm much as you see in the background there elbow glia the the old old street skateboarders of australia with brett margaritas she's the bride for think skateboards here we go Toby Brian he almost had to grab there it came around the heel flip its same lucky he missed his hand on that one let's check out the replay he gets it big kids he gets it flipped yep he gets it spun and just misses the ground a little bit kanta just got a wife and he has so much time look two attempts to grab that yes that's pretty awesome and pick the least sore spot to land on why team on that one he is eating third place Evan dropping from the big role in you gotta go for it though ya have to go for it now he is in that fourth position the bubble position looking at this right now buckle a sec who gee if he can knock him off maybe maybe Justin Riviera if he lands Justin got really close to his last attempt so the confidence is there and I wouldn't count out beaver Flemming here we have Justin and he and he is going through it in his head right now he needs to make this run he needs to make this run rolling in switch that he's gonna end his campaign here at X Games Sydney unfortunately because he was one to look out for yeah he was unfortunately is so true he put his body on the line and he still went for it he did not just try to cruise it hats off to him and coming up he's got a borrowed board borrowed pads this is his fourth and final run for Beaver Fleming are we gonna see seen each trick or is he gonna go for the 720 there he goes everything he does is signature because he has his own Flair come on beaver put it down buddy here he goes [Music] trying to hold on to that wampum rebate his legs were going sweet soon boss freeze buddy let's check out the replay on that one what went wrong here like I said this is the only second attempt ever here in Sydney on the seventh and he almost made it so one more attempt than people would have it two more skaters to go here in skateboard big air qualifier and X Games Sydney toss is going to take his last run so he skipped his third run he's gonna take this one I think he's gonna put everything into this one he's got a fractured wrist he's got a lot of other little niggling injuries going on but it doesn't stop TAS Pappas going off the big gap jump here he's definitely gonna get scored good on that and we all know he has a humongous backside last backside three he's got it big backside Oh unfortunately kicking it away on the 540 melon but one of the biggest we've seen if he made that would have been in contention for that top four through to the finals he's the replay on that one comes around spots he's landing it's too far out yeah yeah clogged a little bit too much on that one unfortunately that will end test purposes [Music] ex-gay sarpy yeah 2018 Ronnie Gomez gone to the finals well trivia for you for TAS Pappas he was in skateboard hurt and skateboard high air at the very first X Games unbelievable he's been around for that line Ronnie Gomes this is our last skateboarder here Bucky doing it for the crowd here Ryan Gomes on and switch off the big jump he can make anything happen currently number one position that is where it's gonna say he's gonna be happy with that moving through the finals I'm so disappointing he didn't make that like that was totally makeable and Gomez fashioned Bucky give us a recap on that we have four guys that are pre qualified but it is gonna be amazing before guys Ronnie guys a shout Toby and Evan Mitch Tomlinson you are there with the winner going through to the final yes thank you gentlemen Ronnie a stellar display of skateboarding you know we wanted that victory lap on the third one but it didn't happen it's a taste of what we're gonna see come the finals right yeah I came up with a plan just to make finals you know it's always hard to escape really mean so I was kind of nervous so we still get to make my run and save some tricks for tomorrow hope I make it and what do you personally expect come final time I just I'm happy to be here with my friends is getting having a good time in Australia so I just hope to make my run I have a trick that I really want to make on the quarter pipe tomorrow so let's pray and skate tomorrow we'll see you tomorrow with plenty more action well done Thank You Mitch and a great interview there with Ronnie gone these are the results for X Games Sydney skateboard beat air qualifier Ronnie Gomes in number one position coming out of Brazil Asher Bradshaw Toby Ryan and Evan Doherty and they brought the heat on that and those guys are going to meet up with four very hungry for hairy very hungry competitors before an area yeah Harry they're a little older than that field that we just saw so they're gonna mate they're gonna make Jake Brown Elliot Sloan Plake Raina and Trey wood what do you think about this list Bucky uh you know I I'm gonna enjoy eight riders tomorrow to their fullest and they're gonna blow my mind they're gonna bring the hate tomorrow there's no doubt about it they're holding back he you just saw Ronnie say he was holding back for tomorrow so I'm looking forward to that one yeah Ronnie Gomes taking it out today yep the other guys Elliott Sloan and and Clay Craner and Jake Brown will make them look at this we had a wonderful qualification it's Corbin Harris Mitch Somerton and Bucky lassic we'll see you guys soon thanks for watching
Channel: X Games
Views: 79,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, Skateboard, Big Air, Qualifier, Sydney, 2018, Skateboard Big Air Qualifier, Skateboard Big Air QualifierLivestream, X Games Skateboard Big Air Livestream, x games sydney skateboard qualifier live stream, x games sydney live stream, x games sydney 2018 live stream, x games sydney 2018 skateboard big air qualifier live stream, x games sydney, x games sydney 2018
Id: vDYeB2m8GXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 2sec (3482 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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