Men’s Skateboard Street Final: FULL SHOW | X Games Sydney 2018

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[Music] welcome to Sydney x-games look right there's a beautiful harbour in Sydney one of the most iconic harbours in the world picture-perfect and it's been raining for the last 10 days but we have had three days of non rain here and we are loving a look at the crowd that we have there over this iconic tree cause they are loving it they've been warming up they've been piling in here for absolute hours I'm Corbin Harris alongside Andrew Brophy and our sideline reporter it's mentioned Tomlinson and it is about to get hot in here let me tell you that right now we've got some great skateboarders today Andrew Nagy is one of those guys to talk about he is the most decorated skateboarder in Street skateboarding history what do you think about him is he gonna bring it today Nigerian sir every single time of steps on a skate park with with no questions asked his ability is second to none and he will turn on today for sure he comes to win and that's what he's gonna come for yeah unbelievable let's take a look at him right now Nyjah Huston he's been on the course since about 10:00 a.m. this morning look at him that is X Games in Minneapolis 2018 unbelievable tricks he explained how hard these are enter that was a switch frontside feeble grind right there so it is unnatural stance Nyjah has the ability to do super technical tricks every single time the other person that we need to talk about today is Shane O'Neill via strand he is waving that flag he has been world champion before he has never won X Games gold can he do it today good he possibly can this is men's skateboard Street the final let's take a look at the start list ryan disenzo Alec majoras Tommy Finn I should wear luan they were the guys who qualified from yesterday and pre-qualifying Yuto Shane Kelvin Hoefler Jagger Eaton and rounding it out the last skater will be Nyjah Huston what a stacked lineup we have here this is unbelievable this is all about the final it's time to kick things off here I'm excited this is easier for X Games Sydney is going to get wild Ryan descends uh 32 years old coming out of Vancouver it's his 10th X Games look at this line straight into it all speed he's gonna pick it up without Smith grant each time to a back smear for the funbox just missing the nose pick up the fence how many times have you seen him get that instance I don't think he missed it very often hold that line figure it out didn't he ever you know it might be a bit of nerves he's got three runs in this so don't worry about it he has got plenty of time to show this huge crowd at Citi I don't think you get stressed now without got the front oh there that tell me like obviously is a forty five-degree containing to rest apart that rail right there why is that so hard it's twice as high as it should be for any on the scope so it's coming off that back kick around there from behind and hard to get to not exactly the run that he'd want to start things off by nevertheless he can bring it together he can bring it for sure though is let's check out this look at that and it's coming on the angle trying to lock in on that that is so difficult there's a lot of pop meter than that one fun tales like FAQ waiting on his score here it's gonna be 32 flat not something that is gonna get him on podium today I can tell you that right now coming up next shocking everyone and he waited till the second and final run yesterday he was coming from out of the top five and he got in just quickly check out the skateboard street format ten athletes three runs each of 45 seconds whether they fall off or not and it's the best run the count it's pretty pretty simple let's get straight into it he is out of Minneapolis Alec Medeiros a lot of space going in here is this the nose blind yes that the whole way starting off with a power move right there alec is not afraid of a big gap or a big growl and I feel like as long as he stays on he could definitely be Emporium contention Oh with that person Oh lipslide to fail you that is a strong trick to throw into your line in the middle of it Roly need backside noseblunt slide across that part is bringing ahead with this first Ronnie perfectly executed click flip backside lipslide down the bump to rail right there yes feeling good he's happy with himself that's so difficult we like to call out an alley-oop backside flip so he's going over the round a blind side way to fakie super difficult you can't see where you're going he's restarting it off with things with the nose box look how long he's sweet on that one perfect and then coming back with this kickflip backside lipslide too easy for him right there that's one thing you find about all of these guys they are so consistent that was out of time right there he's gonna have to hurry things up a little make sure he gets out in two to get a little bit of score and eighty yeah little surprise on that one's a little lower but er hey look at the athletes that we have to go especially this guy Tommy Finn he was he was holding the fort down in for this place for a long time the other day unfortunately starting off with a nollie frontside boardslide just coming off mommy said there's a little bit of nerves yesterday with this home crowd it didn't seem that he had any yesterday unfortunately right now he's uh not stringing this first run together too well he's the rights to a more left there so Brophy you've skated with this guy all around well what's he like to skate betta to Levin with his suit consistent is a he's a genuine black really nice fella to hang out with and skateboard good he is a consistent skateboarder backside lipslide I feel like he would have lost the buzz yeah he definitely lost the buzz right we were lost his bars but nollie frontside boardslide is a going to a trick for him he would have been a little bit upset with himself and do stuff off the pulse Hey we are getting throw it down actually I just wanna have a chat with you Mitch Tomlinson how are you going down there well look you guys talked about Tommy losing the bars the buzz is not getting lost by the crowd down here they are standing on their feet and going crazy I guess you got to think we're seeing the best skateboarders in the world when it's the first time in Sydney so these guys are just absolutely stoked and you spoke about Nyjah and those guys warming up from 10 o'clock what did you guys see down here earlier Mitch I saw Nyjah just try and focus and get in the zone another couple of people who were there was Shane O'Neill Tommy Finn especially this guy here Mitch you've seen him all around the world in all different types of contests its Thrasher skater of the year I should wear straight into it nice frontside nose going across the fun bite right there little backside heelflip on the quarter pipe taking him down into the bump to the yellow bar I think what makes it so prominent within skateboarding he's super fluid he like once once it gets going he's unstoppable really you know it's super easy for him just catching at on that kickflip to frontside flip side right there but he is one of the most fluid skateboarders in the world yeah yeah Sam Smith was our team manager over force I would always be like don't let neither don't let a shot out the vehicle I've got to get him back in so he just missed that switch kickflip frontside lipslide down with Israel his best finish was X Games Austin 2016 where he had a bronze medal can it today be the day where he looks like he's got a bit of a calf issue right here where Cena just got a shimmer right is that like when you get one of those straight to the shin when you get a really good board to the shin it is quite spectacular feeling I must say you can kind of shut your whole body down right here luan Oliveira 28 years old he has got some of the best hot in the game look at that shifty kickflip coming out with past life he skates fast powerful lots of ankle flip going on he can attack everything now Pro feet this was the top qualifier we've been skating yesterday frontside flip absolutely textbook landing out switch tre flip turn around now just before you got in during the week it rained a lot during these practice he was actually skating over beans up under the grandstands just to keep hyped and skate with all the other resilience god that was a flawless look that rock that is gonna that's gonna be a big score from the line and he's gonna be super stoked about it talk about coming out swinging he knows he's got five pre qualified guys coming up Oh believable so lofty with that frontside flip wrapping it up with a switch frontside they've done the big five he has some of the best pop I'm flicking the game expense host:there Jackman Trani giving him a high five as he has seen all of these men Street skateboarding contest go on around the world whether it's Minneapolis passe l'eau he has seen them all now here X Games Sydney Utah home eight nineteen years old this is the future of skateboarding right having that damn for Japan yeah you know he's exactly was doing out in this course I was watching this morning in practice and he was doing this exact line practice makes perfect almond and he practices a lot it's all I need to do huh I telling it enough there's a gift in this one as well oppositely Luann's lion he knows is going to come out swinging it seems like he's got so many tricks with him that he still got ten seconds to go here he goes for the big section belly back to 70 lipslide down that big growl that is a trick and do not see every day just to finish things off on the buzzer that was a heavy hitter in the line he saw his teammate bring the hey any new back 540 a bit hit right there Wow ever so smooth nollie backside 270 lipslide like it was nothing that is that that's a serious move he makes it so effortless I can't wait to see the score come in on this it's gonna bring a big one that was a great line it's gonna be very close eighty five point three three we have a new leader pushed it right up to the top spot there and we are just only halfway in the first runs this is going to be heated ladies and gentlemen let me present to you Shane O'Neill coming out of Melbourne 15 X Games appearances starting it off with a big spin flip up the Euro gap now Andrew when you think of Shane O'Neill what have you what do you think I think just technical precision on everything he life is so good at all tricks he demonstrated right now with a switch flipped right there I remember he's a crooked grind nollie flip out rounding on to that one I remember being in the van when he was 8 years old on tour with Luis Monell as well yeah and he was just a technical master then any he didn't look anything past him trying to wrap it up with a big spin backside lipslide to fakie right there we were actually talking about that in practice this morning what did he say about that he thought the rail was a little bit too low for him to do it comfortably he'd rather not fall on to it rather land on it and though he didn't want to drop down under that rail I say switch flip front broad right here he had no problems at all with this one to start things off in his run yeah with a crooked grind nollie flip now I know if I'd landed this trick like that I wouldn't have thought it was that sketchy but Shane likes to be perfect he's sorry that so it's front he'll just touch the concrete there and bite off on him a little bit interesting to see what score comes in it's not gonna be what he wants technical wizard himself Shane O'Neill 84 it's still pushing me into second place he's gonna be happy with that but he can definitely put together that question absolutely right now let's have a look at one of Street skateboarding's most consistent athletes it's Kelvin Hoffa [Applause] my name is Kelvin Hoffa I'm a professional skateboarder yeah I grew up in Brazil guaruja is a beach city like two hours from Sao Paulo I started skating in 2001 to today they don't have skatepark ice ice came in my mom's kitchen my day builder like a little box this skate shoe so we like learn like all the tricks like together I think I still have the boxes that might be that I grew up like watch X Games but I never thought like one day I'm like escape X Games one day you know if that was like a dream like to skate accident dead Jim come true like last year when I finished my run I was super happy but I couldn't believe I won you know was a dream come true for sure my planes for exams 2018 is just skate just having fun like since day one you know yeah talk about having fun Kelvin Hoefler has always got a smile from ear to ear and let me tell you out of his first 3 X Games appearances he has had two gold medals and one bronze so right now if you look at the statistics Andrew Murphy he's probably gonna be on the podium looks like he's definitely gonna be in the standings for that yes I've seen him skate before and he conditionally blows someone's out there here he is with 45 seconds of his best pop that lived to fakie right out the ranks starting off so so strong here in Sydney oh he's having a good time out there - he's smiling to himself a little laugh kickflip black the lip - fake he saw this in practice and the fakie frontside flip over there here take it in he's having a great time out there how important is it for these guys even if they don't plan something perfectly just to keep going it just you know keep that momentum as long as you're having a great time with it it's gonna look better and make you feel better Cooper ground across the farm box right there talk about stopping that one and then you know it's always the way it's the easy trick afterwards as you were saying yesterday yeah that's Longley the one that the ties are open or not you do something very difficult and then you're like ah you know I just did something simple right here and you end up just this is that because you've just lost concentration or you were so excited you just did the harder trick before I think like in combination with both oh that you just saw used to doing a simple trick that of course goes wrong here's the replay starting after the cab to backside lipslide taking it to fakie perfect roll away and a wicked execution a kickflip crooked grind with a nice little pop out at the end right there love the stomp on that and unfortunately this is where he came unstuck was up the Euro gap as we await the score for the judges I think it'll be a strong one Neal memes head of the judging panel and one of the gnarliest rich skateboarders of all time I know I mean that is what skateboarding's about getting the best the best in here and they've done it here at X Games Sydney 82 still quite a good score in fourth place he's knocking on the door therefore medal contention he's got a lot more tricks in his bag as well talk about one of the younger athletes came onto the scene so strong coming out of Arizona he's 17 years old this is Jagger Eaton started off for the Bucks I want any of those grown across the funbox these kids skates of the series he can skate everything he can skate mega ramp he can skate vert my skates fans long series and every street skateboarding contest in the world he's really brewing the here with this first line where questions frontside kickflip out of that blunt cloud out there taking it to the three step a little kickflip backside tailslide can you either crowding the background I love he's uh how's it falling off once yet to the big section kickflip backside lipslide on the copter out two seconds left can he get something he is gonna be talk about a force to be reckoned with the crowd on their feet they're loving with himself that one look at him okay how important is it to be out there and just try and get that first one done he just long the back kickflip backside noseblunt in there popping it perfectly all the way in frontside 270 broadside on the bump to blue row he just knew what he was doing out there today I feel like he knows what he's doing every single time he gets on that skateboard yeah he does definitely kickflip backside lipslide down the big rail to round it out that's gonna bring a score look at that one point six six directly into the top position and we haven't even finished the first runs here Wow putting the pressure let me tell you right now this guy on the screen let's check out a quick profile of one of the most decorated athletes as he talks about his new video part [Applause] I'm nyjah huston I'm a pro skater this last year was working on my till death part with Nike and Ty Evans that put everything I had into that part it was definitely the most involved I've ever been not just in the tricks and the skating but the spots I chose to go to the the music and the part of the editing the angles and definitely made it more rewarding all skateboarding in general but especially Street skating it's actually like addicting I wanted to go out and like grind a new rail grind some kinky I like feel that fear and exciting feeling of being the streets the reason it's important to me and that I'm good at having that balance between contests and sheet skating is because that's the way I was raised I had my own skate park my family owned it skated there like three hours every single day throughout the week in there and all the weekends me my dad went on the street skated and I think that's something that just always stuck with me [Music] that video part right there was one of the best you've ever seen Andrew did that just blow your mind or what United definitely is capable of scaling the scariest spots with well he's not scared of them you know the things we look at is professional skateboarders and go I look at that hand other things wicked it's like a triple double kink twist and he will go there in five oh he definitely attacks some of the biggest handrails as we oh wait one of the most decorated athletes in skateboarding history all in white today Nyjah has been in the game forever as well you know I've watched him progresses a little tiny kid with massive dreadlocks into the base that he is today and it's been a 13-year starting off with the backside Smith grinds straight into a kickflip frontside boardslide across the funbox right there pumping through that transition kick on side Smith grind you don't see that check every day arm across I watched him he practiced try that and oh the lady knows going back to regular he is putting a run together here so many treatments only Wow 25 seconds backside big spin up the lire oh god Blair it's gonna set him up the big section what is he got right now he's gonna bring the heat right here nollie heelflip backside lipslide to fakie Nyjah comes to these contests to win that he's got that one done that is a huge confidence booster I can't wait to see the score rolling on this one here he is with the fisheye angle from Lee Bolton on the course of the keep flip frontside lipslide this is a frontside boardslide that is a crazy want to see in his comp line nollie backside heelflip lipslide to fakie right here rounding out his first run of the day that was solid solid as they come Jagger Eaton you giving him a huge hug currently with a ninety one point six six in the first position will notch and knock him off his perch yes he will with a ninety four point three three Nyjah comes all the way to the top here at spotless stadium do not go anywhere we're coming up with the second run right here of men's skateboard Street final [Music] [Music] welcome back to spotless Stadium at X Games Sydney it's Corbin Harris injured barfi and higher and bout to throw it down to miss Thomason with the current lead and Nyjah Huston yes that's right boys at Nyjah Huston nollie heel back loop down the big now the crowd here has come to see the best skateboarding in the world and you and the fellow competitors are putting it on first thank you and how does it feel to be here in Sydney of course of course we're we're all stoked to be here although all the fans are awesome we got a good course whether it's holding up so it's good times the weather's been tricky but it's come out today for this event which is which is amazing and now talk to me you've got a very decorated trophy cabinet how much would it mean to walk away with the medal here in Sydney it's always it's always a good feeling having the first win in a new city but I mean I approach every contests and I'm always I'm always here to win ladies and gentlemen Nyjah Huston just a taste of what's to come back to you guys in the booth yeah thank you very much and that is the focus that a champion needs Heat he says every single time he uses that focus these are the current standings right now Niger in first place Jagger Eaton in second and Utah in third on that bubble there Shane O'Neill luan Kelvin Hoefler I mean anyone from four to ten could get into that podium right there Andrew with our question all I have to do is stay on there stun stick mate that's all I got to do and for I'm sorry Andrew we're gonna get this thing started again it's out of three runs we're starting the second runs right now let's get into it we have Ryan disenzo the Canadian coming out of Vancouver in 2016 he won Street gold it was unbelievable then I was there for that one there's a Smith grind he started off with backside Smith those who fight here on the wall he'll be stoked to go that one hello for the nollie heelflip no site down the three start taking it to the hip and the nollie backside heelflip he's uh he knows what he's got to do in this line he's going it quickly reset again to fakie so ever once again what should be easy always tying you up in a knot just missing the 360 flip on the way up to the quarter pipe front 360 he's gonna take himself out the big section on yeah well that frontside flip there it was so slow to come around he oh she's hanging on to it for dear life he is that tile slide again all the way up getting it on a 45 degree angle and here it is once these fronts left-sided come around he actually lands primo a quarter prima right there somehow I mean he's really good a fun time flip so he knows what he's doing he's just fight it out go to the floor with Alec my Jerris expense Minneapolis 2017 skateboard Street silver medalist and they love him in Minneapolis home town hero as he rolls into the quarter pipe he's coming back office aware of the park to announce without the front [Applause] going to look back down to where he came from put the ground dropping into the bank just catching his back wheel on that frontside bluntslide well if you remember when he first came onto the scene how many kids he turned he came out swinging for sure big rail skateboarding ready to go just missing again on that front sight whistling backward unfortunately not looking for he was still gonna try and go with it right now is he lying off the big section here yeah gone for a 360 flip noseslide on the gap Tyrell on the big5 unfortunately not a great line for Alec right there but he's got one more left and he's no stranger to skateboarding so he'll be check out this angle right in your face on the frontside noseblunt Wow all the way not to I fooled himself but it's alright there's one run left for him yeah his best run was his first he knows it's gonna have to be a 90 I'm pretty sore excuse me to make that podium Tommy Finn hometown Brisbane right there on the screen you see Street League Pro Open winner in 2016 started off on the big section that not only frontside boardslide he missed in his first run he was looking great in practice this morning backside flip right here taken back to that three stair hubba unfortunately coming off this is only Tommy's third X Games appearance can you even believe that I feel like he's been around for so long now Tommy's been around forever we've got up to three is there yep live in the California at the moment looking for a new board sponsor sees right thanks out there yeah I mean there was we actually spoke to him earlier and kind of ups me fight inside information on that didn't we bro for you said that he was talking to a couple of heads rounding out with the fakie back lip down around I actually don't want to say who they even work because we're going to keep it in suspense but he needs our been filming on blank boards and to all the fans out there he is going to come out with a brand new part at the start of next year and he's putting everything into it for that new flawed company there is rounding out his life huge crowd here at spawn the stadium 42 that leaves him in 10th position he can make improvements on yes he can as we go into a shot we're 6 foot 1 the skateboarding penis he can't stop it whatsoever starting off with a Smith grind into a frontside nosegrind taking it to his backing it onto it the other thing that's funny there you go not the way he normally does tricks just missing that power drawing right there which is a frontside 180 to switch crooked grind who's doing tomorrow morning keep frontside lipslide still a flawless run though a sharp just like water watching cruise around this park it's nothing so if it was that frontside flip okay hypno Lee here right there or 8 seconds off the clock once he got in his second run for the big section just coming up short on a switch kickflip frontside flip side if he can put that run together way he wants it he knows he's in in contention without pressure still got one more run so he's all smiles always all smiles oh it's gonna bother him whatsoever not one bit he knows he can get it done so that was perfect side right there basically he was trying to do that switch down the handrail yeah I wouldn't be able to really explain it that well because I've never done one in my life but that's a scary trip a switch frontside lipslide gonna handle a shot currently in 9th position is we boys just having a quick chat there about what's going on out there to the one only bear up the Brazilian about the skate this course ever so far [Applause] something called looks like he's going free same run again Andrew what's going on to these guys they just want to try to pick those runs and then see a switch frontside 360 everybody hit there yeah definitely lon it's a master he can like hit up all spaces on his part he changed up with that hip hit their switch j4 began he's definitely gonna keep his run pretty similar to the last one he can kind of put what every once in their right here's a master he's going to get my dad get a little confident and then see what the other scores that came through correct just gonna finish it up here in the big section big spin heelflip yeah definitely trying to up the ante and break into that top three not sure if that one's gonna do it this Friday seven hills the switch mind you so again not his natural way of standing on the skateboard which makes it ten times harder yep look at that infection in the in the flick of his front foot front side to third of the row a little fun with the rest of the boys up there on the platform the crowd behind him packed in here like sardines for the men's street final Yuto hor agave coming up next pre-qualified 3 X Games appearances front side nose 15 grind back to regular the back goes like the fakie on the quarter pipe setting him up for the 3 step Harbor again he's keeping it keep it like this first run right here whoa changing it up Kelly Cobb back Nick so he's not made a mistake yet solid I was just hanging on to that switch heelflip up the Euro gap he escaped if you if he following human social media if you don't dude because you watch him in this game absolutely everything East Gate Street he skates transition and he is so good at it what a run I wonder if the judges back brother get the scoring a little west just because he left four or five seconds on the clock there without doing something give this back to certainly another lip doctor but that shot him into the bottom of the three stay had nowhere to go and run it out currently in third place he gets an eighty seven point three three it betters his school he's little more likely to stay around that position but sigh he's gonna have to get up into the 90s she's gonna have to break the nine is to make the first a second hit that'll keep them in strong contention for third place Shane O'Neill up next coming out of Melbourne dropping in goofy footer starting that big Spencer just catching a bit of wheel bite unfortunately for Shane he knows what that means to him he's at this point he's like do I even want to keep going because I know no see he's just throwing it away pretty much here who knows what it means he's having a little fun with it shaking his head smiling you're gonna have to win every single trick here oh what a job but if he lands cheeks like that with the ground frontside knowledge about I mean he's turning this into a I feel like he was Gaza I feel like he was gonna stop I look and he was like you know I'm just gonna keep going and get a little casual maybe he should just stay in that mindset yeah I mean he's taking the pressure off himself and then glands everything you know it's a weird mindset and Shane's not one to shy away from pressure is now he's known as we check out through this crooked grind frontside nollie kickflip out right there yeah that is a incredible move to do that's video projects in the fourth position imagine if he stays on that the whole time one more phone all right Kelvin ha fights his second run here 25 years old Mitch Kelvin Hoffler wouldn't unbelievable skateboarder what have you got on him down there well look there's not much that hasn't been said this guy is unbelievable that I was just talking to I shot where and he was saying that I was skating with him all day yesterday all day today right here on this very course come competition time he threw down two tricks and went for a third that he has not seen him do in practice so this kid is definitely bringing it gentlemen hey I know I tell you Mitch if Sean is saying that and saying how good he is it must mean something yeah he was blown away and he's on course now guys Thank You Mitch end up with a front block there bro feet started off a bit tardy back there neither good foot back good to fakie on the bumper bar Thank You frontside flip over there here he's starting to shape up a little more like Kelvin yeah took the front lip he's gonna be happy about getting that one dr. shovel she was putting the strips in here like they don't even matter 14 seconds look there we go the power skater - he didn't go through the 360 flip up the gyro he was like just get me to keep flip I want to get to the big section Jimmy up on the buzzer what's he got right now take it away on the replay starting off with the cab the back lift fakie down the rail straight into a kickflip backside lipslide to fakie on the bump to bar and then you hit everything look at this kickflip crook across the funbox popping out he hit every obstacle in a park and around he's the absolute banger at the end kickflip frontside bluntslide to fakie that is another trick you do not see he's loving that right now at ninety two point six six will sweep him into the number two position snow jock still a couple points ahead there Wow [Applause] Jagger 18 17 years old he's going to be chasing that second spot right here starting it off again with the backside when he knows grant on the bump to ledge across the funbox the switch blood trickling are there bro if you'd let me ask you this why do you think Nige it was three points ahead of Jagger and run number one absolutely flawless run you know it's always hard to say Nyjah skate super powerful and and so does Jagger without question it's a hard one that's not what Jagger wanted to do right that you know you know gene knows exactly what he wants out in the course and he kind of radiates that when he's out there you know like people feel his presence out there it is a strong presence isn't there how about that switchback slip that is not an easy trick doing it the opposite way to normal switch backside lipslide finishing off there a bump to bar I here with a kickflip back lip I don't know how he does that keep flip backside noseblunt execute so perfectly every single time and it doesn't even matter if he's doing it on a 3 foot water pipe or a 9 foot court apart every single time he gets that trick there must be nice second runners a seventy eight point three three his first run with a ninety one point six six will hold him in medal contention right now he is currently a couple points ahead wanting to take this thing out the first X Games in Sydney it's Roger Houston going for a similar run before what is he going to do to try it up the ante Nyjah has got a lot of tricks to do given what on that big rail at the end again with that kickflip frontside Smith grind just so everyone's aware that trick is ridiculous I didn't see Wade once in practice another day like what I know he's going back to regular right here how does he do it and stay so consistent like kickflip in just adding a few more tricks in this Shaun's when he landed that one go again oh just coming off their Locker mom now let me explain to you also what there was a practice going down right there on the screen where you see his feet arm he actually waxed a little bit of the ground because he said it was too steep to grip he may because it was raining when they were pouring the concrete it might get a bit rough up there where he's trying to pop off his nose so he's doing that nollie heelflip backside lipslide maybe it was grabbing up on his nose when he's trying to like let it come off his feet super quick you know I asked no I Shane O'Neill whether he like that or not he did not Nyjah is still on top don't go anywhere we have got number three to go [Music] [Music] [Music] the x-games returns to buttermilk mounts with the world's best action sports festival and live musical performances from the chainsmokers little Wayne Lewis the child and kygo X Games Aspen January 24th through the 27th get your tickets now at X Games comm slash tickets [Music] welcome back to the skateboard Street finals here in third place currently is jaggery he has just faint destroying it look at the tricks that he's been throwing down and we still have not finished everyone's got another run to go in second position currently is Kelvin Hall of the Brazilian yep powerful skateboarder out here getting these lines together really well morning and these are just some of the highlights first two runs two out of three that that tail shove it there keep [Applause] [Music] this is our leader Nyjah Huston coming to do exact what he said yeah he did he's doing exactly what he said and he's a few points ahead of the pack at the moment I'm at the legal back side peak spin up they're making everything looks so easy Brophy these treats aren't easy at all no none of them are easy is it so they got seven or eight of them together it's incredible look at the crowd here at spotless Stadium we've had 52,000 over the weekend here at Sydney Olympic Park and this is the end to end all ends this is the smen street boarding contest that brings everyone here without modo today we've had beat air BMX and everyone's put on a show yeah and now we've got the shootout the last run for the day from my ten boys so let's see what happens right here Andrew Brophy sitting right next to me I'm Corbin I admit Tomlinson down in the field this is it right now it comes down to the final it's Ryan decenzo again started off from the top with a Smith grind followed by back Smith frontside nose pick up on the fence out of the quarter pipe I think right well I just wants to get this wound on he was like thank goodness I just landed that knowing he'll flip no psych just hang on to it by the toes whatever it takes it's like outside to fakie again coming back around and normal is he gonna Oh and he's just just hang onto it again why did he even bother with that one what if he's fate one in the right position you know I mean it's like you know it's gonna happen in you gonna do it anyway followed by a frontside 360 round in and out with another hill footboard slide down the flights their hand off I wasn't sure if that was annoying heelflip crude ride attempt all board shot I was seeing him doing the nollie heelflip board slides earlier in the day that's why you are the analyst I could be wrong too but here's the frontside nose pick I love that one Brophy yeah I think he does it because he's having fun with it no I'm the chap to these third score will be a throw away his best is a seven point six six not the day he wanted here I but he's always happy to be back in Australia currently in seventh position with a score of 80 Minneapolis is Alec Medeiros right barking in the frontside noseblunt slide yeah our holding onto it so perfectly sitting on that doors by coming back over the backside tailslide big spin just shuffling his feet around that's a changeup from his last two runs he's looking to improve but he's straw right now it looked like he was going for almost to kickflip backside noseblunt on that rail and alec also in February this year broke his support and he's already back skating at this level yeah you got your fair share of injuries over these Andrew how do you come back from something like in me or a foot just a good rehab process you know taking your time with the initial injury making sure that it's healed before you jump into that rehab program and then eating while treating yourself well you know that's the most important thing you can do hold back from injury here is a replay of that nose blot angle again look at him just sitting on that the whole time nearly got away from him right there there's a lot of wax on there the camera actually nearly got a little knocked from his tail on that one barrow in the background he's gonna be it for him today here as we roll into Tommy Finn and now we haven't seen Tommy land a full run here if he can land a full run here it's currently in 10th can he break into that top three if he can put the Tommy Finland together he can definitely get out to that that talk trade as long as you picked all the right tricks won't like you is now starting off with a nollie frontside boardslide he can do it nice backside flipped on the quarter pipe rather 20 caught it with his back foot on that one they came around oh it has got the best of him all day I saw him doing it in practice he was doing backside foot nose grinds backside flip those going reverts it's funny because someone like Tommy was getting any in practice and then Nagy accused him don't lay any tricks in practice and then just leave them how does he how does someone like that just get better when the pressures on you know someone like Niger definitely feeds on that environment like he loves it you know like that's his own likes that pressure so he's going to save himself in practice and he knows he can come out swinging understand it Tommy round and out and fake bears ground on the ground he's still stoked to be out there it might be a little bit disappointed that he didn't get it all together but countryman right there Shane O'Neill give me a fist pump in the mix same with nausea nausea and Tommy actually skate together all the time they're the great modes that I got a lot Nyjah currently in that number one position just still warming up they look having a little bit of fun with Tommy having a giggle all the way up why not what he's gonna put in the mix body okay everyone white hold it one of my favorite skateboard is a show where with his Smith grinds back to the front side nose growing across the downbar on that bottom box at the top with his backside heelflip on the quarter pipe and he's way down to the yeah my frontside 180's which crook as we like to call him a Howard run Rick Howard invented that we actually got a point Ishod when he's loose competition style has a casual approach I try not to take these things all myself too seriously when I do I'm terrible yep he's a great bloke for shot he's a pleasure to be on tour with a pleasure to watch skateboard here he is right here it's just like that if he'd made it it would have pushed him up to the top he would have been up there yeah maybe not number one biggest I switch flip front lived on a rail his life such a technical trio but here's his regular kickflip frontside lipslide so his natural stance out of the bump on the rail and still not down the big bro he's on metal stance went to dinner with a shot the other night and he said that he's currently he's always been scared of scary movies now he's been into watching Chucky and Freddy Krueger oh and he's not scared of them anymore so uh crowd bow before it definitely not scared escape huh either as we get into the Brazilian here in six position that shift he flipped the game with a speech check frontside disaster once I step it up his frontside flip he'll be upset with that he always brings the heat he skates fast and powerful at this point angry you're gonna have to stay on every single trick in every trick that's to has to care yep and he knows that so he knows what's just happened uh he's not gonna win it so he's just gonna do some some of these special for the crowd enjoy that gold medal here and a 5 X game straight to the skateboard streets he has three bonds appearances still wrap it up we have the switch bigspin heelflip down the fires they're not he's day to day but still loving being out here he is just a core skate rat at heart lean out here on the board and we crossed out the crossed our fingers all week and it's come together here we've had three days of no rain with a little bit last night come down but it didn't hurt us watch blue on with the 54 that one he will stay in 6th place and take that 83 currently in the number one position it is that guy right there don't go anywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to X Games idiots Corbin heresy with Edgar brophy and our sideline reporter Mitch Tomlinson it is down to the wire here at the men's skateboard Street final these are the current standings we have five skateboarders left to go Nyjah is in number one Kelvin is number two and Jagger Eaton the youngster is in number three position right now we have the same top five who are in the top five as X Games Minneapolis in 2018 so a couple of different changes in positions I see there but the same top five which is interesting Yuto where we go may 19 years old out of Tokyo Japan dropping in now what's he gonna have to do to break into that top three Brophy I mean you toes got a deep bag of tricks super-confident likes to land everything as you just see switch traded on three if he can just you know keep it together finish strong I think you've got a strong chance of getting that top three without question he has to stay on this is when you got to bring out the money moves right now similar run so far he's got steel 16 seconds on the clock switch off the phone casual light switch tre flip lipslide down the big rail if you had landed that I would have been a little upset there definitely wow it feels like these guys right now know the drill it's all or nothing yeah they all know they do exactly what they got to do to try and get themselves into that top three spot here is the fall he almost lands at switched 360 flip to lipslide landing in switch again he seemed like he just couldn't get his body right around it that board didn't come around into a straight position for him so he would have locked up a little bit put some real bite and just pitched him on unfortunately I don't think that one's gonna push him up into that top three spot there's currently the niger nectar Shane O'Neill did not put anything past this guy right now if he lands a ride he still can take this whole thing out definitely growl Shane is not playing with this lifeline yes hometown crowd can he do I couldn't even watch that something that he can do so effortless all the time he still knows that he's bag of tricks way more technical than most of these guys so maybe in up here [Applause] finishing up with a big spin flip the frontside boardslide that is the hardest trick of the day so far the hardest trick of the day on the biggest obstacle switch kickflip backside lipslide down the big five right here perfect another extremely high charity's target through us switch big spin flip right here to front board back to his regular stance Shane knew he had to do something phenomenal for his last trick this is something you do not see from just anyone there's only a handful of dudes in the world to haul be able to ever do it this is of video part trick and he put the boys a shot couple ever they love it Nyjah Jagger Ishod everyone cannot believe they're ours pull it together as we await the score what is it gonna be for Shane O'Neill even though he fell off it's a 92 which pushy ass position Shane is gonna be so stoked about hitting number three on that if I was Niger or Kelvin haha I would have been worried if he landed that whole run oh definitely it's gonna sound you know to win a competition you don't want people to not make their tricks but it definitely releases some tension when they don't know so when he missed that crooked grind nollie flip on the yellow bar people thought oh thankfully but then he he just turned it up right there at the end with that switch big spin flip front board down the rail Kelvin Hoefler we have three skateboarders left Kelvin Hoefler Jagger Eaton and currently the winner Nyjah Huston sit back in water grab some popcorn eat he's about to get going right now that back tire he was trying to pull out all of the moves right now he's starting off with a really heavy trick there a car backed out a fake you down the big handrail looks like you might have a little bit yeah a little limp out of that one still not gonna stop him trying to get a few tricks in here now you can bring it back if you miss a trick you just have to really up the tricks yeah yeah a little bit lost here after he dropped off about first trick Lily front side nose slide on that one cutely backside tail big spin out on that one Hey hax off you have to give it to Kelvin haha currently in number two jagger is the only guy who can knock anyone off the podium right now and I'm sorry knock Shane off the podium right now and he still can beat Nyjah it is down to this guy right here that's a little bit of pressure to feel do you feet do you think just a tiny bit at seventeen years of age I don't think it matters he's been born into contests like this it is down to this right now there's Nigel all focus I wonder what he's playing right there what do you think he's playing rock music some sort of rat all right 45 seconds on the clock Jagger Eaton is dropping in can he not Shane out of the top three got my nosegrind eyes misty switch blunt nollie flip and he knows how deadly that is Jagger has like two silver medals to first Nigel this is just gonna be a lot of Honor for him as Jagger has a little bit of fun with it here what a contest Andrew Brophy yeah that was a big contest from all the boys everyone put that all into that one and we saw some incredible skateboarding especially from the likes of Shane O'Neill that switch big spin flip from four down the rail and now Jagger just gonna enjoy this little ride no now they're on the course [Applause] okay so this is it he has already won that's why he's got a huge smile on his face this is Nigel's teeth gold medal he ties with Tony Hawk and Bucky Lhasa for the second most gold medals from skateboarders eyx games history after after sorry behind Bob Burnquist with 14 Mills on that popped up here I can't even talk properly I mean I'm Shawn I just that pumped I look at in his stoked right now he knows he's done kickflip in in right here he's just gonna have a an honor lap right here but you actually turn the no harder still let me tell you he is metal in his last 14 just doing it for the crowd here at X Games Sydney he's still just doing a real life he just kicked me frontside nose going down that bump trail blunt kickflip he's just he just wants to share what he could put it on whenever he wants it has to show everyone that he is the best and this is why is the best and why not I not doing any better he's ninety four point three three heat deep even nature [Applause] [Music] here starting to get right behind him he's doing it all in what today unbelievable I think he's gonna op his first place number right here do you think I think so I keep my guy he proven he can do it even if he doesn't need to know IG Houston takes the gold medal here at X Games Sydney Kevin huh flood the Brazilian with the silver medal and the Australian scraping shave what an unbelievable effort unbelievable there there he is Mitch Tomlinson unbelievable effort by Nyjah Huston yes ladies and gentlemen boys and girls not only has not won the first Street skate X Games gold medal but this is your tenth gold medal you tie with Tony Hawk's and the lights of Bob Burnquist how does it feel I think it's nine no I wait same Tanner I feel as ten I think I'd know ok well it's no I neither way it's pretty damn good it'll be ten soon it's all good ten soon ok let's talk about this you were in first place from your first run we still had the likes of Shane O'Neill and the rest of these guys Taron do you get a little nervous is there a little anticipation oh of course I mean all the all the guys in the finals have such a good chance of winning and every such a weird feeling like just waiting and seeing who's gonna fall Orlando stuff but I just throw into music and try to say Carmen yeah and what about the energy of the fans and the crowd here in Sydney this is our first X Games mind you I mean it seems like an amazing turnout I mean to send you guys some awesome fans hell yeah yeah I mean for the first time here it's amazing I'm soaked okay unite X Games gold medal congratulation Nyjah Huston thank you what an unbelievable effort 9x guys medal and he also got one in real Street - Andrew please just give us your thoughts your final thoughts on on that final day how intense it was it goes to show that someone like Nyjah does come to win every time you know when he's out here he's gonna put on for the fans for himself and to see the likes of that three lines everyone was perfect unbelievable all right we have had an unbelievable three days here in X Games sitting in spotless stadium from all of us here in X Games I'm compañeras inappropriate Mitch Thompson with the Street skateboarding final thank you very much for watching and we can't wait to see you guys next year [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: X Games
Views: 1,030,169
Rating: 4.8453445 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, extreme sports, Men's, Skateboard, Street, Final, Sydney, 2018, Men’s Skateboard Street Final, Men’s Skateboard Street Final Livestream, X Games Men’s Skateboard Street Final Livestream, x games sydney Men’s Skateboard Street Final live stream, x games sydney live stream, x games sydney 2018 live stream, x games sydney 2018 Men’s Skateboard Street
Id: rxj_wn_c8Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 55sec (4495 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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