Sitting 40+ years, fold up 49cc suitcase scooter. Will it Run?

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Just watched it, this is so awesome 👏

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/frageye 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sweet! Love Mustie1. Here's a video of one in better condition

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/D_for_Drive 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Really enjoyed that. Glad it ran ;)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Iggy64 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys how's it going i got contacted by a uh fellow subscriber youtuber that uh went and did a pick and in his pick he grabbed this two wheel with all its attachments in the back there and while he was there buying that purchase next to it was this little scooter and you want to tell the story possibly of how you came about it we were looking for the other parts to the gravely and uh we lifted up the top which had a model t under it in pieces and he didn't see anything so i looked and i saw the handlebars this is why you got a mini bike he says oh no it's not a mini bike it's a scooter and he pulled it out first i thought it was a cushman which had me all excited and then i thought it wasn't a cushion it was less excited and then he said to you what you want it yeah and then you contacted me and said do you want it that works out awesome so what's cool about this though is you're looking at it it folds up into a suitcase this whole thing the handlebars come off they get tucked in this bar comes out and then the whole wheel assembly folds down over into it you flip it back it's got a handle strap that goes on it and i think it was for like airplanes like you had a small airplane you wanted something to go putt around on and or like a boat so we're gonna go bring this back to the garage i do appreciate uh dan hooking me up with this and we're gonna go see if we can bring it back to life we have the little uh that was there but i touched it and fell apart well that's cool it's all the instructions how to go yeah cool i'll probably be able to eliminate that and put it right back on there again probably that is awesome well thank you sir i appreciate it hey let's go load that puppy up i just want to add it to this a little bit that he you said the the guy or you called him a kid but he's he was like 50s it's hard to tell we're all wearing masks [Applause] uh he never saw this running and he's been there in his parents house was it yeah yeah his parents house since he was a kid and it never ran that whole time that he could remember so or hadn't run at all very long he said he said he thinks it never ran okay or it's like new i had the feeling he thought it was you know brand new but so i would say 40 years then it's probably the 50s that would put them yeah you know 10 12 years old or so that it hasn't oh it's run at one time at one time it looked well the plastic got thrashed some fashion so we're gonna go call 40 years that hasn't run in how's that it sounds like a plan we'll we'll go with that an average i'll get her up on a little get a better idea what we have and and what we need so the plastics are pretty beat up is the first thing i see front fender's got a chunk missing out of it running boards cracked and broken away this is i mean what you want to call it a fender maybe a skirt it's a missing a corner a hug taken out of there crack there and the biggest issue is the other side and the back's got some hammer into it too it's just literally missing pieces of it i did a quick look on ebay and nothing other than a couple of like stickers that say the name how would you pronounce that centaur really not much comes up on them i think i had to write the first time there you go the engine is a is it a clinton i believe so missing the rope for the pull start it looks like the cylinder and engine are pretty packed with mouse crap i think it's 50 cc's tiny i won't ever get registered as a moped supposed to be street legal missing a headlight i think there's supposed to be a headlight on it handlebars are kind of funky too like they're almost facing the wrong way maybe they're adjustable yeah they're just adjustable tweaks a little too far out so the idea the wing the nut here you undo the steering front end comes right out of it then you undo this rod and i i think you'll fold the handlebars in i'm not sure then this whole assembly swings up and over back into itself and that's getting way ahead of ourselves but that's the idea and then you're supposed to be able to carry the thing like a suitcase with i think that as your they're mainly men back there because i think it's about 90 pounds go through the airport with that pardon me is my carry-on all right let's go get some side covers off of it and see if we get that out of the way or the whole maybe this the whole back skin gets out of the way we start seeing what we got for an engine our goal is to get this thing to run see a couple of uh rivets but i see one regular screw let's start with that that was easy all that's just why i patched it already once before this side's missing the screw all together let me just come right off you know that front rivet it's got a clip on it yeah that one's pretty looks like a cover from this tupperware storage container question is does it turn it does turn nice willing to bet it doesn't have spark though uh let's go go take a peek up in there yeah see that fuel turned back into dinosaur dust a long time i don't see me let's see that's like completely rotted out until we get it off of there it's kind of hard to tell though huh nice setup if you uh you smash into something the rod goes right into the center of the gas tank this is a year i'll get you over there instead you read that hmm i don't see a d on that neither that might be d right there i think he said it's a 61 i'm not sure where he got that information from go check out the other side let me pop your stand as we go on this [Music] side it might be usable for a milo too this is there to get the size right see some wiring to wiring to nothing it's got a cvt trans meaning uh this pulley as the motor revs up and speeds up it's got weights on the inside of it that want to squeeze these two halves together i doubt it's gonna move down squeezes these two halves together so at an idle at slow speed the belt is just riding right here yeah and then as it warms up or speeds up rather than the belt will travel on this outer loop and that would take up the tension between the difference right there and it just becomes an automatic transmission and lack of better terms a lot of times the other side has an adjustable one too but this again is 1961. uh i don't know what you want to do let's go get the pull start off the other side we should probably start looking into that pull the plug out of it throw some oil in it maybe give her a couple of spins give her a list and see what what it sounds like check it out looking on the back it's actually got suspension this inner this is the frame and this inner swing arm and the engine rocks up and down all together that guy's a tad on the bent side but i don't know what the lever does change the the spring rate of it yeah that cylinder's pooch though it's got a kick up to it i'm on the bet other than the spark plug nothing is metric oh you want to call that 380 things doesn't even have one on the bottom someone's been in here before us hopefully the guts are all there good let's yeah the crunchy flag out of it shoot a little bit of oil down there looks okay a little carboned up on the inside get some light machine oil let's give that a for a little thorough splash a little clanky may or may not be an issue all right we got one two three get these three out get the pulse there off of there we'll start yeah fan shroud off of it and see how that does so i'm looking at that rear shotgun trying to figure out what that lever was for and i figured it out you flip this whole bracket up over this way that tucks the rear wheel up inside because it does turn into a suitcase so the wheel probably tucks up and that way it can sit flat if not it would just kind of want to tip over wouldn't it so again i'm not sure what's going on with that bend right there the mighty bill's maybe supposed to be there maybe maybe not there's any more hidden i got three out those are spacers that's what i put on there here it comes that way and it's just not sticking on there i'm gonna go set up a drill we're gonna shove a spark plug in it i highly doubt it we're gonna go check for spark surprise buttons not a bunch of mouse nests in it for once all right let's see over under i'm gonna give it five percent chance and is there a kill switch on this anywhere i just see some disconnected wires there's two disconnected wires here that's what we get no wonder no spark let's get this off you get the magneto off and i'm sure there's points in there have a nice blue green fungus growing on them probably going to need a puller let's give it a couple of whacks a little bit of back pressure on it sometimes they'll pop bunch of craps falling out of it yeah let's go see if we can get a puller set up on those two and push on the center and get it get her to pop off i should do it you'll be inside there i'm getting air gun let's go blow this crap off of here let's get that bail off of there make sure it's the top of the bottom that has to come off what's that in there and there's our points [Music] they kind of move and stay there i think that might be an issue [Laughter] yeah the center pivot is corroded and the points themselves are really bad too see if you get some better light on there they are like mushroomed over let me pick yeah they are they are cruddy that definitely not be good for spark what if we can just get them right out of there maybe clean them up because this pivot point right here too needs to be done because right now it's supposed to be like that but they're just kind of opening and staying sure we could work it but let's so that's going to take out the back section but for this one looks like it's got you take those two nuts loose and that'll loosen up this tension on this spring plate and it's all got to get cleaned up anyway i think all those contacts are kind of corroded it's loosen that double set up there i bet you know what it probably just slides right out this whole section right here slides right out of the body all right we'll grab anything it's 3 8 nope 11 30 seconds we'll go with yeah do you not want to break anything because i do not have anything to fix it with so one of them one of those two coils that are on there you can't see the bottom you can see the top one you can't see the bottom i see one of them is right for lighting one of them is for making spark i would guess it's probably six volt for the uh electrical system i think i got some old lights i could probably use i think i have some uh the lights from like an old emergency exit sign has the kind of gray macau metallic look you think we need to crack that loose you think it's gonna just slide out and the cover was holding it [Applause] yeah that's not moving much all right guys see that game operation hopefully it doesn't buzz me there you go get that part out i should probably take the whole assembly out i should take that post with it it might that might be part of it yeah all i had to do was take the screw out that's all right you need to be cleaned up anyway i'm gonna go take a minute and clean those surfaces up yeah they weren't very clean now where they yeah there's that pivot too that pivot's all conjunctified that word we'll clean that up put them back on i'd give it a gap probably about 16 thou we'll see if it gets any spark [Music] check this out the cam lobe is also removable good we can go clean that surface up remember which side is out because it might be a different yeah okay so i would call that seven o'clock six thirty seven o'clock is where the lobe is in case i screw it up because that's all to do with the timing we'll clean that up we'll put all that back together this little handy dandy tool holds onto the screw is that the correct one yes it is [Music] you gotta spin that camera around so it's at top dead center there we want that gap we're gonna eyeball it we're gonna eyeball that 16. that's twenty as long as it closes it does a little bit on the much side who grab a feeler gauge where do you think i'm at think i got it i'm gonna say that is 20. i'm thinking i'm going to be on the large side not that i'm bragging or anything yeah that's 20. that's a loose twenty you know it's just contacting me just a little more and i overshot it ah let's grab a 16 that we're looking for anyway i want to make sure that peeler gauge is pretty clean because points in oil so 20 wasn't making it 16 is loose a little notch in top that i can watch the screwdriver against come on come on stuff to start see what it does when i tighten it i call it an 18. a snug 18. all right i'm gonna go put all these pieces back together put the wires back on it put the mag needle on it and we'll spin it over see if it makes spock or if we get though you need to put a little bit of grease and then that little wiper pad and that will keep the point the um bakelite whatever it is plastic on the points i'm burning up that doesn't work just a little something good enough so putting it back together i'm like what's that writing on there a couple you were yelling at me already it says flake gets on it right yeah yeah set points to 20 000 and the bottom it is a feeler gauge one does never cease uh let's gotta run that screw in there turn the light off something else out of my drill where's the light coming from let's go see if that worked for us yeah yeah [Applause] all right i'm gonna go pop the air cleaner off i'm gonna try to feed a little bit of oil down through the carb just for the bottom end a little bit then we'll squirt a little bit of fuel in the plug hole and see if she fires yet two-stroke oil on a two-stroke there's no oil in the crankcase is what lubricates the bottom end and the solder walls to work our way all the way in there a nice little dosage i'm gonna throw the impact on that get that nut a little tighter but kind of squish around in there it needs a little bit of rpms for it to to splash and stick to that stuff anyway but at least something's in there let's give her a little it might be a little too much hopefully it kicks the mouse out the muffler buffalo oh so close actually yeah [Applause] loser good little check for spark again i fell the plug out too much it bridged the gap on the end of the plug so i had no spark plus all the oil i shot in there too but [Applause] um i'm going to just spin it clear it i'm going to go clean up that plug dry it up and we'll shoot some more fuel and try it again it cough for a second round two probably gave it a little too much too that was a tiny it is only 49 cc's that doesn't work we'll try putting some in through the carb to the bottom end [Music] [Music] [Music] oh so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i think we still have a spark issue i have a boat plug in there i tried a couple of plugs i just watched it and kind of spun it for a little while both plugs flat on top there's no there's no recess i don't know if it shows it's very erratic and sometimes the camera doesn't pick it up it fires doesn't fire virus doesn't fire i'm sorry kicked you in the foot and that's kind of like what it was doing let's go try that one in there and if it kind of goes pop and it skips pop skips that's what's going on and unfortunately they don't have any tune-up parts for it we could probably just shove some kind of condenser in there but let's see what we get i had a lot because it's got compression it should it should fire and again it had it had um an issue now they said it never ran so we may be chasing the original problem and one more little it should rev for about four seconds and die should and that's just not having it let's go wide open go big go home the drill shuts off you ever have a tool that you hate you look at that meter it's saying 1.82 open it up do it again three not really giving you nine i'm gonna get different capacities now i don't know what value that is supposed to have what number it is we get a couple of different capacitors go throw them in there right to 260. right no floating no bs right to t60s go try another one try this one 216 217 216. so i'm touching the edges what was wrong there we go so they repeat themselves very very well this one on the other hand is having none of that it's pretty much just open it it doesn't have any capacitance to it whatsoever so we have a back condenser i do not have one is that physical shape i was thinking like a honda motorcycle is similar to that diameter but i do not have any of those so i'm just going gonna go try this is a marine one just gonna we're gonna go hook this up i think it's it has to be tucked underneath i'm gonna go try to figure out a way to pack all this stuff underneath that flywheel and uh see if we can go get it to uh do what it's doing i'm looking up there you're not paying attention i want to see if i can get it somewhere it mounts back inside here so let me see if i can modify this and try to get this to go possibly you can get that screw into place or actually just grind that right off that that was probably for points to touch on if we run that out of there still have it work get it tucked in there hook that up see if we'll come back to life for us well it's gonna be close i think it's gonna fit i'll give that a shot see what we get i got the new condenser in there see if that looks any better for us i'm liking that a lot better yes yes i am okay let's go give her a little bit of that see if that made the world of difference for us let's back you up don't get nothing in your eye hello wants to baby [Applause] what's clacking though it's me not being tight i gotta run that down we're getting warm all right we just give her what's in it she'll go i don't gasses in the crankcase i used up whatever i had let's give her one more shoot come on the choke is closed get up in there you really want to treat me like this just stream with operating difficulties we're going to call that a win the problem is it's not staying tight but i think we're on the right path that we're going to leave on a good note i am very happy with that the fact that she'll uh whistle a little bit of smoke out of the asset you know that's what i'm into all right so we got to run cough and fart and do that kind of stuff i'm kind of happy with that let's continue on and see what else we can get done we're going to get that gas tank out of our way and we'll get that carburetor off and see what it looks like on the inside let's see what we need to do for that possibly even order a kit because it's not a not a full bowl style one that and the pull start will probably put our energy into let's give her hey let's go in a little bit this normally there's a i shouldn't say it normally on a regular piece of power equipment four-stroke you have a float bowl take the the main the main nut in the bottom you take that out and uh you have a float that meters how much fuel it maintains in a container a vessel a bowl you know a little bowl these are a little different where it uses a diaphragm and what it is what it is is it can run at any angle it doesn't matter what direction it is kind of like your chainsaws you think of chainsaw you're going to run in any direction let's go count these first all right we'll go with a half all right so the small one had a half turn these are the idle and main jets i'm just trying to get an idea where they started out half both of them are half in half out half assed they should have a little two there should be some more packing in there let me pop out in a second oh oh probably a washer and a rubber o-ring let's see if we can get the diaphragm and i do not have a rebuild kit for this so i'm a little there's an area to get in you're going to be gingerly because you have to use over what we have it may be stiffers usually what happens they just stiffen up they don't function anymore same is true for your little weed rack or carburetors yeah it's like half released from one side and half released from the other let's see who wants to play yeah we're almost there all right then there's your needle and seat and it pushes on this diaphragm and allows so much fuel that actually is pliable that's nice good we didn't put any holes in it this whole setup looks like it has a screw right there i'm going to grab a tiny screwdriver it's got a pin that goes through that holds it in place where would it go there we go it's going right through there and that will allow us to access the needle and seat which is very common here to get clogged up to i'm psyched to see that that the thing is this is so old that it ran before ethanol fuel so it looks like it just kind of left the oil behind as a deposit everything that's in here is like an oil the tea stroke oil come in i want you that across the room the spring and then we want that it decides to come out come to me it's like right there i know you can't see it so haven't you cut your fingernails as a mechanic you never cut your fingernails so that is a hard plastic tip it probably has it may have a seat down inside there that is uh possibly rubber and possibly not uh anything else we could take out of it i want to go soak it in the cleaner we're gonna let it do its thing we're gonna leave that diaphragm definitely out of the picture there's not much to this i'm going to take a pic and actually might go get it with these these are going to be o-rings come on they're pretty brittle let's see if we can find a better set of those yeah they're pretty much little little tiny rock tires let's go throw that in the cleaner and we can go look at the pull start and see if we can record that thing now weird noise in the background is the ultrasonic cleaner that and the ceiling fan that's up above you going hopefully it's just a missing rope but it might have a broken spring it's real gooey too alright so the rope's going in that way you want to pull so it needs to wind this way and return might be okay actually you're going to go over to the parts wash and do the same cause it's gummy look it's not a there's a big spring wound up behind here and uh i'm sure 50 60 years of gunk has gone in behind there and it's kind of draggy feeling see if we could free that up one thing that concerns me is all those marks around the outside that was hitting the starter cup all this and show you guys yet i'm not sure if i'm going to be able to show you but the flywheel has a crack in it where the key is i don't know if i did it running it with the drill and loosening and tightening kind of thing or if it was already a pre-existing condition when you turn the flywheel and it doesn't run perpendicular there's a little bit of a rack to it and so the cup is gonna have a little bit of a rack to it so this is all old because we didn't even run it so it might have been you always try to find what the thing died for why it wasn't being used why they couldn't get it going possibly that might have been what the issue was i ran some fluid through there it seems like it spins a little better and what it did you'll know when you have a broken spring you're going to try and wind it like you are now it'll go about about a turn and a half or two and all of a sudden you'll hear on the inside you'll burn what it is under here that coiled up spring on the end there's a tab that's kind of bent over on one side and the tab that's bent over on the other side the difference between the two sometimes it even sticks out see if we can see it i don't see it uh that little tab breaks off the end of it and what happens is it catches a little bit whatever's left of the the tang that broke off but then it releases and kind of spins itself around this one seems like it's holding pretty good let's go see if we can go dig up a pull starter and we're gonna go wind that onto there yank our crank so this one has a little cutaway in it and that allows you when the rope is still on it to change the tensioning of it just give ourselves a generic pull start let's go heat that end up and kind of roll that to a point it doesn't undo itself uh if it didn't have it all right so we want to it's going to pull that way we want to retract so we need to go this direction that correct am i doing it right sorry blonde moment there i'm not sure i say white hair and we're going to go spin that backwards a couple of turns get fairly close to where that lines up i'm just going to clamp it do a little pick kind of melts it together locks it that knot and that rope might be too big it might interfere but we're gonna go pull that back and should have a little hiding spot for it to tuck into that might interfere though we have to go with a smaller rope i'm going to release it let's let it draw itself back in if it doesn't have enough tension like it does what you can do is you can pull the rope out you give yourself some slack take the rope feed it into that groove and literally spin it around a couple more turns let's just try one first so now it's one revolution tighter again let's see if that's enough to retract it all the way there we go we're gonna leave it like that i'm not quite sure if we're gonna clear that guys go grab the cover and make sure that's not gonna interfere with anything you know something else too that's why those bolts were on there so something was interfering or it's a mix of parts and maybe this is not off of this setup i don't know i bet you that's what it is eventually this is even off of like a old tecumseh or something the original one broke maybe and that's why it's rubbing and they shimmed it out with bolts let's go see yeah it's probably weather why it's broke too yeah it's not gonna hit anything but let's go see if that will fit in our the cup that's on there yeah we got something mixed matching parts here i was didn't think that was factory doing that all right throw it on the parts washer we'll go clean that up a little bit we'll go back to the motor just kind of dry fit this thing and see how it looks look at the cover cleaned kinda sorta i'm not gonna read the id tag but i want to get this off of the fins first and clean out the crap that's behind that let's go see if we have any old mouse parties in the 60s mickey and the gang we gotta tie one on actually not too bad they're gonna take an air gun i just want to blow out these fins because again this is the fan pumps air out across the shroud cools it and exits out this side but if that stuff is clogged up you don't have the cooling you should take a second to clean up some of the critter crackers might just improve a little bit of the smell of my surrounding areas as i came over with the pull start and i have a feeling that this starter cup probably came off of whatever engine had this pull start on it and again it kind of looks like a tecumseh possibly and that's why i was wondering why like this didn't paint or lock into the flywheel and it was just kind of holding on the pressure of the nut to hold it so i suspect we are probably going to have an issue with it and we may have to go do some shopping for components at some point we're going to move ahead with what it came with it's a little rubber bumper to get over that back into place and if we were to go all the way in yeah you can't even go in that far that's where they started off with those well i'm gonna reassemble it with what it had and we'll wing it for now but to have a feeling we're gonna have to possibly try to source a another flywheel the fly will also had a um i keep calling them there's a chunk taken out of it right there you can tell it's old so again somebody's been in there before us having a little persuasion having their way with it let's give that a little [Applause] [Applause] feels pretty good whether it holds up or not we'll find out all right let's go grab that carb out of there go assemble that put that back together and see if we can make brumbrom noises get out of the tank let's go i blew it out already i just want to get down inside that needle and seat area come on get in there i brought my drill home for home improvement projects i got another set for here actually yeah i should probably get a new set for here and put the old drills home i have nothing there that's pretty clean all right so that's going to go back in and then we need a spring getting me without launching i need you to go that little dent locks into the spring it's pretty much the exact same setup those little tiny carburetors like i said pretty much the exact same thing where is the side is the hole there's the hole i'm just going to blow through that port that's the valve is working and then what it does it uses that little nub in the center as it needs more and less fuel it opens and closes that valve same as a float bowl just there's no air space in it like i said so it can move in any position and the witness mark looks like that went just like that what does it feel like in here throw those five back in tilts and tilts and curb i think i have a an ah47 motor engine that runs on the same style carburetor i actually i have one that has a float ball on it and i have one that has this style kind of wonder if they figure because it's a suitcase type of thing that if you would fold up the scooter possibly you were laying on that side maybe so maybe that's why the one with this style carburetor you imagine going through the airport with your casp gas tank full of fuel scooter yes i'm using the same o-rings over because we're going to run them in till can i do that backwards it does not feel one goes much deeper wow i wasn't paying attention i thought the low screw had the smaller head on let's go try that it feels more more normal and then until it touches and come off half a turn half i'm going to go half and a little bit more on a two-stroke i you kind of want to sneak up on the half and just a hair more you want to sneak up on it you run a little bit more rich and it'll stay running when you run too lean it'll just die right out this engine has a reed valve on it too a reed valve is a check valve allows fuel to go just one direction and that's after the car between the cylinder and the carburetor between the engine and the carburetor so this mounts up to that surface this is a reed valve out here air fuel comes in am i on the right side yeah air fuel goes into the engine little valves inside here open up allow air fuel to go through and then when the piston comes back up puts pressure the other direction kind of closes those valve out so it just doesn't push backwards through it i'll show you in a second if you can see it you know something to point with it will be that little plate right right there see it now there's a couple of them in there those are reed valves looks like that's got some crap in there too huh and you would access that by unbolting this and taking it apart we're gonna leave it alone for now see if it works that carbon bolted back on let's go fill up a fuel line and hopefully it takes fuel and stops right up to the pliers right there what do you say we give her let me go set you up a little bit better you can see all right what do you think joke we'll give her like just shy of full coat we need a spark plug before we do anything that might be a good addition to the party now we'll lose it ah here's two explosions hands wet let's go no choke and no tricks [Music] [Music] so all right clear some air out let's uh see we go work about that clutch and get a belt on it is that clutch off do you think it's going to be this way or this way sometimes they run it opposite that way yeah so that should be able to need to expand and contract on itself go pop it over on the bench i might have a c-clip or something we could take apart and kind of clean some some stuff on it if not we'll just take a wire wheel to the inside of that it doesn't have a c-clip it's got like some kind of weird that goes around a couple of times i cannot see it very well i forgot what the beginning is and get that to go up and over try not to destroy it there yeah ball bearings come flying at it everywhere this regular clutched it up maybe this doesn't um shrink down it kind of looked like it did though didn't it what's that just supposed to do that we gotta turn that fan off it looks like at one time these two were separate and it would slide this part would slide in and out let's go clean up with the wire wheel the best we can this groove that's down inside here and see if possibly you know i i will clean this up too so you can kind of tap this to go go move a little bit i have a feeling that it is supposed to you know that's just a regular to engage but then this part is a cvt i'm still going with that because it makes that noise wow [Music] got a name on it [Music] [Applause] that's welded on and that's got a flange i don't see us taking that apart i don't know if i would want to [Music] see absolute absolutely have to i think it's probably got like chopping in there and when it spins out it draws it in let's um i'm going to shoot some lube around there and try to work it see if i can get it to travel down and again back the other way i think it's just kind of hung up on this lip right here that gap looks smaller got a way to support it get it like a fork maybe some wood well i do believe we have success so i think it's you know that's starting out to move and then as it spins up whatever's in here i would think there's probably bees of some sort that push out on a cone and draw this half in to tighten up and then the belt will come higher in the groove and give you a faster top speed and to make it go is just brake shoes these brake shoes as the engine spins up these shoes come out and make contact with this surface still have to clean this up yet but makes contact with the surface and gets the whole assembly turned so that when you stop at an idle you just sit here these brake shoes go in and not trying to spin the back tire at all until you rev it up a little bit centrifugal clutch and half of a cvt so good wow [Music] wow so i doubt that tire is going to take air what's your thoughts you can see if we can put a little bit in the air in there just so it's not going to rub against the chain when we fire it up i can actually stick my finger through the tire but it might have a tube in it just enough to put like two pounds in it to puff it up all right so you get power to the back wheel let's go fire it up again i just try with no choke got a little bit of throttle so slowing down a little and inner clutch trying to get it to stop from sliding and go pushing the standing it will fire it back up uh yeah that would just put that back tire on the ground give a little bit of drag two minutes doing i was trying to show the how the setup how it was working yeah probably try hitting the brakes too so [Music] [Applause] all right so it's exactly what it's supposed to be around a little bit that's all how cool is that the first time nothing's been run 40 50 years yeehaw sounds good too it's clearing up it's uh not breaking up as much still puffing out a decent amount of smoke as you can tell but it is running awesome burning off some crap that's on it and it's got a fan that blows across kind of blows across the cylinder head nice nice where we put it only we put in so far was a pull start let me go i turned the fan on to get air is placed out a little bit well guys how cool is that we got to the point where uh the drive train is functioning like it should uh we still have a bunch of stuff to do the brake cables no good throttle cables no good tires are beat gas tank needs to be taken care of and we got to clean up all the pivot points so that we can get it to fold back on itself and turn itself back into a suitcase also we can check for power coming in that power lead see if we have power for the tail light and a headlight which i think it's supposed to have you know if i have the tail light i would think it would have a headlight i think we could also probably register this as a moped it's 49 cc's and it's single speed uh i look into my local laws and see what they call it out worst case they can probably call it as a scooter but i think it'll fall into moped and it's like six bucks a year to go register a moped in new hampshire everything's awesome all right guys without going to sign off when i thank you all for kind of hanging out with me and uh having fun resting on wrenching on old rusty junk i enjoy it hope you guys do too see ya and another good news a big old hunk of missing out the side of the suitcase that i was worried about it looks like dan had found it where the scooter was back in its pile the missing link so that's cool we'll be able to probably fiberglass the back of that and put all that pieces back together and have the original cover on there awesome
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 742,070
Rating: 4.9183826 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, travel scooter suitcase, antique scooter., gas scooter 49cc, gas scooter build, will it run, will it run mustie1, 1962 Centaur Folding Scooter, centaur scooter, wont start, barn find.
Id: iP0o6gGSG04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 0sec (4740 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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