Broken Antique Tiller tear down, can it be saved?

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hey guys how's it going he got this old antique tiller sitting over here against the wall it's been here about six months or so and I turn around with the back story on it was I believe it was sitting in a garage or a barn for like the last 40 or 50 years whether it was run when running when it got put away or it had damage and then was put away and never used again I think now is a good time for us to go find out so let's go drag this thing over to the bench and have our way with it and see if we can bring it back to life [Applause] which gonna be tight there you go let's get rid of look at it it's called a super Tuffy playing a junior that means there's a senior this is a small version it's really heavy for its size I was surprised but everything is nothing's on a planet is plastic you know you're get you're off the motor not sure 69 I know if it gets another attachment in the front let's take something like going here super Tuffy was it planted jr. up there he sets of gears so you know what's gonna be the on/off maybe the belt something's got to put in driving out drive and not that's just for taking the handle right off or maybe locking differential I would say throttle and then whatever this does yeah but yet edgy it pulls this whole section back when it's free and tightens and loosens the belt to make it go there's always a good one oh yeah doesn't smell terrible I think it's just so old gas has been out of that for so long it's just it really no no remnants oh wait for it and how's it run in a week or two one's gonna need some love all right let's go pop you in a stand I don't see you watching anything else all the grips are pretty cool huh be even good good for a bike project if it's too far gone sauces rotted out on it throttle moves missing the air cleaner that's the keel right there not set up right you guess you gotta put your tongue across it destroyed out or the somebody put a taller plug in he had a lower plug in that one time it's a penis do you think it turns okay that's it no it's got a plug out of it and see if we get some oil downside not even tight maybe it was here a tempest let's get a little oil in there so Marmont mr goyal the thing is yeah the valves are over here flathead it's on double anywhere cylinders over here and you kind of want to let it sit on level because you wanted to touch the be sitting even on top of the piston sometimes I have a choice you know you got like a V V something and it's in something why you let that sit we're gonna go on the other side and see if we get something on the pulley over there because more like we have to spin it backwards to get it to go if it'll go at all could be blowing up huh oh we know don't anger in there they'll bolt or anything stick now but this look anything runs on this sheet got two of them let's go see if grab the plug work I think I'm gonna take the pull start cover off and we're look make sure that it's not the magneto that's dragging and sometimes the corrosion on them so she fits aluminum and steel the magnets kind of corrode and pop off and get stuck on the flywheel or vice versa so let's go just pop that off that way we're not kind of crushing that stuff a that is what the case is that feeling that pull start it's not gonna come off because it's higher so let's see take bets I don't know that's gonna come off the axle you think I'm giving it yes we'll be optimistic I went so far nicely yeah got a ratcheting setup in it probably pulls in one direction you can back off on the other wards so maybe in turn not sure yet oh good to cover see both they're in a bulb in what's uh I think just one on top - it's got some kind of weird extra cover up on let's go take these two out person see if it's even an issue I need me a magnetic tray this comes back I like to just kind of rub it down with oil push the lack it looks cool look to it yeah yeah on the bottom let's go puppy's top two screws out and I suspect we got another one in there I would think to be one of the bottom two it's me remember that one right there no we're not that's good you ever actually it's a bit there a little yeah I think so I'm gonna fight the whole way we get the cover there's no hardware holding that anyway actually that's screwy is holding the cover right there let's see the little bridge riveted on for this side opened up so you must come out Rin it's brilliant liked it very much that's I wasn't connected broke off it's really a dog outside you read it on don't let it seem me out still more to go what's eating we're having a little gentle nudging watch out for that the bean that's in there governor what if the pull started yeah I'm after if this yep pulled her out go figure a nest not sure if that's Nestor if that's just dirt mass nest that rotted away hmm yeah definitely the magneto was just kind of smashed into the the crap that was on it not saying that's still not seized but never gotta go clean that out I don't get that off of there yeah I've got a come party anyway I have it gummy you fire that up its spit the core drag it out and scream like crazy hear that yes the noise only they go turn or the one you want to pop the head off and the Magneto I'm kind of starting to think now it's it's in the cylinder ready back out of that oh yeah she's gonna need some love yeah it might have been holy holy I'm surprised that thing even moved look at that hmm yeah it might be yeah a little bit of a bore missing how much might around good thing we put oil on it huh we gots gonna look rough on that cylinder let's go get that cleaned out of there and we got let's see if that person even moves you know what it is it's going back and forth through bottom dead center it's just the crank is just kind of rocking on the bottom of its stroke Pistons all the way down which is a good thing for it I think this thing like skewing a miracle this one runs the oil out of it first er if there isn't any even unit or water or whatever one of those jobs so you get something old better on there I guess one of those times were flat you're off I scripts actually come in handy pretty to the curb ones that you round it off more not saying I'm not gonna round it off look you get a fighting chance anyway it's at a bad sign when the drain plug that's supposed to be backed by oil is rusted in you think water or nothing oil and go of water or nothing water yeah and it's just not good for a preservation and a good sings out in the rain for a day or two let's take three bolts one here two in the back I won't get that little injury either a throttle cable I think that's it and then we'll pop the oil pan off unless you what we got on the bottom end last one came and get the French head around it talking on the bottom we can going in you know so while the key was rotted out on the topside so I just took over it off cut was the left of it this thing didn't sit inside a barn its thing hold up hold the door shut on the outside should be good to go belt off greasy football clean up some rumen dissected I guess so it's a nice little little desk job to work on nails get two bolts over me oil pan on just got a piece of fuel line with a cat in the front my the oil fill show you in a second that right there what's up I thought that's what's up with it okay the things that happened to power equipment Oh a no-life time right someone's loved machine they bought it new somebody bought at the estate sale bring it for a year left you want it left it will leave me against the barn 50 years later we get it may think this is gonna look like definitely not what you want to see for oil all their thing is are we ever gonna be able to get that piston out could we get the piston out through the bottom if we take the crank and everything out of the way you know I don't know Lisa what's not like I was expecting to shake the cam just like looking like the jug did you know gears get crap I never bring over two parts washer I should probably take the magneto and the carburetor off of it too definitely got some issues and then go get the barber chef to screw them going and get on there and back down there get that bottle on the crack fortunately that's the easy one nasty you doing here is the other one you really don't have a straight shot with a screwdriver to get it tweren't even tight the first one on this machine that has it been now so ABS moment we get the linkage the governor well 7 no air cleaner and more to like is just outside rain went right in the car break down the intake valve that the cylinder is down filled it right up and then pass the rings probably filled up the bottom of the crankcase and then it's at dry I get over there for six months if I just water evaporated off of it what's for slice the crap out of myself on that ya doing now before later on you'll see me with tape on my fingers you wonder what let's get that coil off for their first magneto you know - up the wires are kinda sensitive this is the governor air beam this thing that's supposed to move nice and free that hooks to the throttle has that fee and blows across and the air exits the engine the more air flows through it slows down the carburetor the less air flows through it speeds up the carburetor [Music] and it slows down when you put the load on it and then so the airflow slows down it gives it more throttle and it tries to maintain it generally kind of evens out alright gingely I got a wire going down to the oh yeah that's points go figure the whole thing's got to come apart anyway I'm gonna go throw a screw at you back in there let's hoping the wire would flip off I don't see it I want to break the wire on Meg so I'm gonna work my way into where the points are enemies you know you're going in yeah they would get the big Draper hardware so one way clutch for the pull start and it's also the nut for the the whole thing the end is not gonna turn anyway right let's do it so we don't break a tab off though this thing was more of an anchor than a door holder it is a shaft inside here that's supposed to spring freely on I think that's what we're stuck I don't think we're bound up on that all right let's see you get ourselves a little pry bar screwdriver underneath there and go whack the face of that and get the pop who's you daddy that cover off let me get pointing condenser underneath there wire goes up through there then I'll put the screws back on there leave that alone for now see the points can open I'm in the game yeah they better look at that they're pretty yummy just like goo you're gonna look see little focus for you yeah that's about the worst I've seen I think it's all Motors about the worst I've seen as far as neglect poor thing and you go put a couple screws back in there wash it and then we'll decide what we want to do from that point oh yeah I forgot about the human meat tenderizer hanging off of it you can get that star nut to spin how about I take my little flapper disk we just clean the edge of that right off of there watch your eyes [Music] good give it quickiy wash anyway let's see if you take these four bolts out and get the whole neato anymore find out a little you think any the hardware going through find out wait thanks Hey why wouldn't it be yeah that's a pretty shallow to me yeah yeah no it's not I don't think the point one is either someone who's had this apart already one of these are part of this prior yelling at me anything else see anything I can see that through the top all the way up nothing's holding it there doesn't case I'm being idiot let's get that last point that's short - not it she's just really stuck on there just go through it no taking the air gun listen like crap out of the way show pink paper in there like golf those surfaces in there you know [Music] [Music] go big or go home crank is just so rusted she wait I'm gonna try wedding that maybe tapping it back down and maybe we could do the same with the front now that the seal is back for him she's not much you could put polar on can't use any of this is just gonna break away on it twist it it's the whole connecting rod crank Blouin I mean the vice goes wide enough me will pop it into vice I should have done that in the first place huh that was stuck this poor engine let's see price you get the dipper offer there because that's hanging out keep that from stabbing ourselves a half of seven fifteenth's I say it's seven but I only have a half it would have been a half I gotta get this tap a little higher why don't you tell me no you didn't get the wrench on the hairline - if you shoot me go get the other one get that cap right off of there judging by how bad that crank was rusted to the front case covered and then again it's well that should have been - brass and steel or aluminum and steel I'll pay your bill get in there get that keeper tapped away said I'm relocating a little bit better spot plus you're a little too hot some of you are anyway seen it come on now relax have a seat enjoy you say go get a socket in there make it eat of a turn as long as you can get that crack going into the bowels do you think I think it's gonna be totally toast oh yeah I want to wager that's decent well decent poured this motor maybe she's not gonna be any prize way and then you have the caption come on love tap right know what I said about it being pretty good I take that back I'm looking for that the flat phone there hang up get into the flat premium that's what the crank looks like though didn't she need a pin yeah of course they didn't mark that cap and I took it off probably tell by Steen let's see I put my little mark so they may have a marking everybody on it but that was it I think that krinkle move let's go get a little brass rod will well tap you can get that actually know what let's try to rotate it backwards see if the current that that's right I think if it was stuck in this spin away let's just see if we can problem is I think the valves might be so stuck that the cam can't turned see we can get that rod out of the way now we can get the crank out I get that piston it looks like straight down sure isn't going up this is not gonna help it look is the rod not hitting anything that is just a rod so seized in the piston it doesn't want to swing so you the rod has to move with the crank has to move out of the way if you the valves are rocking up and down let's go see if they are moving a little we should have a big enough thing of evaporites it the whole thing right in it don't at the moment I got some it might be a plan I don't want it quite give up lift it cover off let's get that out over there sure we're gonna see you may see more nastiness you see is it kind of starting this luck over there a little every piece of hardware what well then the ocean not the lake every hardware is hey you know that's just not gonna pop off your fingers no to you oh I thought was full of crap as he doing some crap it's just a cover over it I thought that was a good pretty right it's full of crap just a breather all right Keith Bria when King big chunks a restaurant how many of you were saying right now why you even bothering why not it's the challenge yeah I think I felt was gonna move or that one thick probably try soaking it might be our best bet I'm gonna work a little bit more it's um the rusting kind of shoot it up inside there and let it soak a little bit see if we can kind of get stuff to move a little bit and out chunks the size of small cats let's go try TV this time guys get into there filled up over [Applause] so I'm tempted to just let us sit overnight everything to us maybe I'm not sure that we can get that crank out of there in the position that it's in so it may you may need to have the valves free up just get the Popoff it's almost there I thought for a second that this would be moving but not all right so look sky has a pin going through that top camshaft the camshaft it's a pin from here looks like it goes through and can come out there so let's try tapping on this you could drive that out of there and if we can get that out of there we can get a little bit more room for stuff to turn not sure if that's what's stopping us or not I have a feeling it's the piston is so at the bottom of the stroke either way it kind of goes is just not enough room for the the crank to to escape you want to mean and I'll model in year round but try driving that out see what happens actually click the head of spatter on that side than this side so I would have think it would have went the other way but maybe not if you used to look it up again that could be just so seized in there look like it's hard to run this side than the other I ate up to the punch I think I think we should chief and get some evapo rust and soap to think maybe we'll call this one quits here show however it makes out I don't give it much of a chance but who knows actually that piston wall it's just flaking off in layers it's giving itself a dirty overboard sleep well my rusty friend hey guys how's it going we're continuing on with this Briggs 6's that is on a rototiller not a rototiller tiller and I believe it was under water for a very long period of time the engine is frozen and about 20 hours ago put it in some evapo rust ok this was just spacers trying at the fluid level to go a little higher let's go see how it did continual carrying the torch on this thing to see if we do revive it because you see a lot of not a big scaly tom man but let's go see put it over the bench and I shouldn't hose it off with water first don't put it on the bench we'll get over there will reassure Nover there see we got I rinsed it off with tap bar see we got it's cleaner anyway my glasses well that does not look that much better that's really if we can tap the piston down not so bad I don't know if we can or not and then try to call them back and clean it up yes we can she's in a crack oh I think it's terminal terminal all right so it's a slight problem yeah it's got a crack Oh way around so this block this is good unless you want to weld it all the way around Kui hey what we tried so guys I would have liked to have any order to carry the torch on this one all the way through but unfortunately stuff like that just makes it you know the dole thing was a loss and financially anyhow it was just more for to see the fact to see if we can do it but to bed I was up for the challenge too but I want to thank all you guys for hanging out with me and joining Mike weren't more moment but sometimes that's just the way it goes not always winners but I just don't do it myself see it's the the attempt of trying to get it the chase of trying to get something back to light if you want every one of them know what gives much of a challenge you know would it you got to have one it just get you guys later well the good part is you have to be afraid to beat on it anymore amazed that that wants to stay on that rod like that [Music]
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 764,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, will it run mustie1, tiller, cultivator, briggs and stratton carburetor repair, briggs and stratton lawn mower wont start, engine teardown, engine teardown and rebuild, engine teardown time lapse, evapo rust, evaporust review, farm equipment, farm equipment tour, farm equipment at work, mustie1 new videos
Id: c2NpY1fcNfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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