Can It Be Saved? trash picked 4 stroke trimmer from the dump.

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i brought you a four-stroke weed whacker a cool stroke two-stroke was an accident i thought they were both four stroke so these were just in the pile too and you just kind of grabbed you have no idea what's going on with them no i have one four-stroke one which one is it this one yeah that's a two-stroke there we go all kinds of four strokes nice i have one but it's missing some of the actually it's missing this whole cover right all together so even if this one does not become a will it run that'll make the one that i have stopped me burning my arm hey guys and how's it going so that is the weed record that came from a dump i have no idea no history behind it why it was thrown out what the problem is with it i do see it's missing the head off the top of it there's no string trimmer on the end possibly that was what failed it and somebody threw it away not quite sure what i like about it it's a four stroke most of the time they're little uh two-stroke engines this being a little four-stroke with little tiny valves and all kind of cool stuff in it i thought i'd have some fun we could take it apart either figure out why it was thrown out or possibly fix it having said that in my stash i also had another one i used this one for a little bit it was missing the cover over the end this plastic cover and that's part of the cooling capacity of it again it was missing i ran it without it now it seems like it does not have any compression so possibly between the two of them we can kind of make something out of them or we're just going to have fun and tear them apart and figure out what makes them tick we go get the one that we got most recently in the vice we'll start getting into it see what happened and have some fun one important thing about the dump is they have to get all the fuel out of them before they're allowed to throw them away they got to drain them all out so we don't get a history you know does the gas smell bad does it have water in it you just don't know this is a little crankcase we should have oil in it seems like we do let's go give her a couple of tugs over real it's quick a weird pull start check it out it kind of feels like it winds up and then it at the last moment kind of accelerates it instead of being a regular one just to to on the pole it has compression let's go see if it's got spark okay small engines i think they're probably around 25 cc's not much to them i would say that the piston is probably about the size of a quarter maybe a little bit bigger than that at one point i wanted to take and grab a couple of these i want to make a little project out of them have some fun and see if we can you know possibly join a couple of them together do something along those lines pop the valve cover off while we're here let's get the plug out first we'll see if it has spark that's tiny huh so we'll give her a couple yanks on that see what we get let's go kill this light no spark and the switch is in the off position i mean the run position oh that's an issue right there all right let's go and see if we have any kind of grounding issue first so the the mag is probably going to be right above this cover right here but sometimes the wire gets yanked out or grounded out also yeah let's go we're gonna have to take it right apart to get that cover off let's see what there is they're getting in this separated from here that looks to me that we could loosen up this maybe this throttle assembly slide it down and take a couple screws out of here this will slide back and possibly get to those and get everything just to slide back i'm not sure how the engine is attached to the shaft i would think there'd be like a pinch collar somewhere in here let's go find out what we'll do is actually split this one we'll take the trigger right out of it see if possibly it's just grounded up there plus you want to see what it looks like inside too don't you i would figure it just has a cable that goes up to the throttle like a bicycle cable so i would think it probably grounds itself out if the switch is any good or not we could probably do is just unplug one of the wires let's get the switch to pop out let's just unplug one of the wires and we'll see if spark returns the other thing to the plug itself can be bad try that again [Applause] i see a very light there's a very light spark happening let's go swap that plug out real quick and then check that i'll take the one out of the other machine we'll see if it's got spark and then i'll plug that switch back in and see if it uh returns itself and i'm just gonna show up without turning all the lights off we'll give it a shot it's got spark let's go plug that switch back in we'll try it again and it still has spark either i missed it on the first time or i wonder if possibly only one of them has a guard on it if it was touching on the shaft i don't see any other breaks in the wire was rubbing through grounding out what about right there right there it looks a little crushed see it on the on the black one anyway i think it would be on the red wire though the other one would be open i could have just missed it all together and it had spark to begin with i don't think so i thought it was uh looking pretty much like i didn't let's uh put a little bit of fuel down a spark plug spark plug hole give her a a pop fire it up see if she'll well i'll say she'll fire up let's see what we get not gonna need much it's probably overkill yeah that pull starts weird huh it kind of like winds itself up and then goes like it's not doing anything yet and it feels like it like you're winding up a spring and we want no choke sounds like wants to go [Applause] yeah sure run quiet huh all right let's uh more than likely i would think it would have some carb issues yeah either they threw it out because the engine had a problem or that head had an issue against missing either they stole it for another machine or uh after they threw it away they just took it off of there let's go put some gas in it we'll prime it up and we'll just see if she'll run some four strokes still use pre-mix this one does not i think the difference is some will still use the bottom of the crankcase as uh the it's unlubed or no oil bath with a crank so it still works the same way as the two stroke does i haven't seen any of those a friend of mine has just told me that they do make some of them though we got some gas in this is pre-mix it's not gonna hurt anything but we'll see the primer bulb will fill up there it goes let's fill in the lines all right let's go give her a couple yanks see if it stays running let's just try it with no choke and no throttle [Applause] give her a little bit of yes the throttle even working yeah something like that that might be just what was left over from what we primed it with earlier so yeah she'll run a little warm up a little bit see if it'll uh not have any flat spots pretty quiet spinning away a wrong way yeah lowell idle how slow will it go that's pretty slow for a tiny motor see if it'll rev up uh i missed it actually that's pretty good for sure i want to use it for some kind of project just people can pop the valve cover off while it's running how tiny they are [Applause] didn't get any oil coming to the top what a cool little engine it's only 25 cc's i don't know what the horsepower is maybe it makes one horsepower and you know that piston is only about that big all right so we kind of know what we got on that one it's a good runner a carb seems like it's fine and uh other than that probably the string head that's more likely what it was thrown away with thrown away four let's go take a peek at this one this is the one that has no compression my guess it probably just has a tight exhaust valve let's go screw with this one a little bit see what this one does i got some swapped around let's go see if this one has spark that's a no this is the spark plug that is out of the other machine too i ain't seeing nothing let's try swapping those plugs out real quick let's go pop that one out it's definitely a new and good one right here it's still hot from running i see it started out with nothing the more i'm kind of giving it it's giving a light little white spark is happening i should probably kill the lights actually anything now that we can see i swear both of them did not seem like they put out much on the first couple of yanks maybe it's just i don't know i guess to do the same we'll give it a little bit of fuel very little and we'll get this one i'm pretty sure this one was having an issue with compression though choke us open feels like it's got something now there she is yeah i don't think there's any gas in this one let's go throw some in this one we'll see if she'll stay running and i would kind of expect this one to have problems because they said it ran with no no guard over and this was a free pile on the side of the road kind of machine i do not see it priming the line though the fuel lines are not filling up so it's either got a broken fuel line down in the gas tank and it's not able to draw where the carburetor is screwed up yeah you hear it stuck in there sometimes the fuel line gets so rotted it'll literally just fall off inside the tank the float the float the weight the filter there is on the bottom of the tank kind of holds itself let's go get something to go poke in there go grab that if you look down there you kind of see what i'm talking about so no matter how you turn the machine it's weighted filter it kind of always wants to stay down in the fuel even if you turn it on an angle but sometimes they break right off it's a little fishing well it's still on there sometimes they'll even crack though and just suck air but that is definitely down inside the fuel so my feeling is it's probably got a problem inside the carburetor and that there it goes now it decides to go you can see it all right let's try it let's say we probably need some choke actually it's missing that is missing we'll fix that with a thump so seems like of play on that one they both got a decent amount gotta get to where they're not on the cam how tiny is the cam shaft in this thing huh must be puny [Applause] i don't know why it didn't have compression what was maybe some crap underneath the valve and it's not much to to hold them that exhaust valve feels a little possibly the exhaust valve is a little on the tight side well having said that we know they both run i don't know i'm in the explorative mood how about you want to take one apart see what the pieces are inside let's go do the other one's probably better condition let's go do this one we'll take this one apart nothing wrong with seeing how things work right didn't cost us anything both of them got thrown out get that gas tank right off of there and then we'll drain the oil out of the crankcase and probably that'll be our access to it remember the dark fuel line was higher up let's see one screw pipe locks into a tab down below yeah it just locks in right there that ever what we'll just go get us have a little pain we'll drain the oil out of it but you'll hold about one ounce and that hole i think one ounce is generous i know on two strokes a lot of times you'll have a problem the muffler or spark arrestor gets clogged with carbon i wouldn't think this would have that problem because they're just you know much cleaner burning machines they're not pushing oil through the system and on a two-stroke here you're burning the oil off and of course it leaves deposits on the way out and it clogs the exhaust like you know if you see it down here just barely right there's a little filter that's down there a little screen and the mufflers will get clogged up and you'll have a two-stroke it'll kind of run but it won't rev because they can't get the exhaust out a lot of times that's the the issue with those especially if they start running let's say poorly people start running with them with a choke partly on cause that we think we're gonna find it here a crankshaft that's like the size of a pencil i wonder what the key the cam's got to be i wonder if they kind of incorporate it off of the uh the crankshaft in some fashion we're gonna find out right now right one more ready for the reveal so what it's got a big counter it looks like just a pressed looks like a let's go spin it a little bit little pressed crankshaft little stamped pieces of steel so where is the cam what's the cam running off of i don't know if the cam is inside here i don't see any little push rods coming up all right so the push rods are yeah the push rods are towards this direction and check out that crank it's just a bunch of pressed steel put together a little dipper dips down to the oil and splashes the oil around all right how else can we get apart and see a little bit further i see looks like screws right there splitting that half in that half so we have to get the muffler out of the way i still don't know if we need to take it off the case yet but hmm yeah i'm curious what it used for a cam maybe there's like a disc two discs inside here little tabs on them or one and it hits one cam one uh valve than the other what's your thoughts all right let's go dig in a little further see what we find we're gonna go take these guys off so you can get a little bit of room and access to that hardware i think that's where it's coming from right doesn't that look like it goes up into there get them out of the way we're in let's go tilt that towards us what are they a little light on it yeah that's just those four screws let's get the carb off the other end and so the push rods are going right there which lines up to whatever's inside there i don't know if we'd be able to actually we should yeah it'll probably open a little cavity right down inside there it's that little crankcase breather going through the cover so it looks like huh kind of wanted to fire it up without that exhaust on there to hear how it sounds let me get that cable out of there just pull that tab away that just pulls away and will come up there it goes all right so we got those four and what's going to happen the piston is just going to pop right out right and then the connecting rods the push rods rather i don't should take the push rods out from the top i guess it's not really going to matter let's go see we'll stand it back up and we'll get those four screws out see if you can lift the cylinder right up off of it is there a spring or something that's a there's a spring maybe everything might make a noise yeah there's a spring in there i think it's for that pull start that we were screwing with earlier wow it's tight that i believe is locked at it what purpose we could use these for kind of my thought a little bit was if we take two of them we time together a little 50cc four-stroke put it on a bike be legal [Applause] i'm one of the bet that is probably glued on or loctited i know the screws will lock tight it you see it on the difference between the two of these ones a straight shaft one's a curved shaft i think straight shafts are kind of worth a little bit more all right you just pull straight up yeah something just made noise the rod's falling out it's got to be about the smallest piston i've dealt with check out the little uh rockers you can get that out of the magnet grabbed it it doesn't doesn't look like it pushes any oil to the top there's the rods are solid generally um push rods have a hollow tube in it and that's how it feeds oil to the top that's why it wasn't getting the oil up inside there it looks like it's got a gear let's see if we can spin it over so it's using just one lobe on the camshaft there's not two separate loops there's only one see it get a pointer yeah that's the cam right there it's got better light to it and just two rockers off of it there it is i'll leave that one on i'll hear about this one the piston is going to bind on me in a second i like how it's got it it's all the normal stuff that you would see two regular ring compression rings and an oil ring look they're keyed anywhere it's so small there's the magnet this is the the coil that makes spark and magneto what all holds that to this again i think like we talked about earlier we can kind of pull this stuff away it probably comes off of there too bad doesn't have a clutch built into it like some weed whackers have a clutch you rev it up and they grab them they take off this one's just direct drive been cool if they weren't we could you know work with that made something out of it want to dig a little bit more what else can we do let's go look at the uh the battles once you can get under the light look how tiny they are like nails they do little tiny nails let's see if we could pop one of those out of there or both of those out and take a peek at them i guess as you probably just do with our fingers man it's tiny huh okay [Laughter] wow got some hours on it got some crud built up on the stem was that the intake of the exhaust that was the intake side that's the the clean side look at the crap that's on the the back side of the valve get the other one out so you know that one's intake it should be the cruddy one because this is the after not bad though what if it has any kind of guides or anything do they even bother with any of that or is it just right board into the aluminum i think it's just poured into the aluminum let's go put a light behind it let's put a light down at first let's get a little it would have to have a stainless stainless a hardened seat there in there you know the lights getting you a little better it's got a hardened seat board looks pretty good i don't see any beat up nests or scratches this is the one that ran with no cover too it's pretty polished not quite sure what that this metal piece is down below what does that do does it hold the seat in place you want to take one of those apart let's go pop one of those out see what that bottom does see if that's holding something in i don't think so it looks like it's all one piece right you know maybe they pop out of there i don't think so though close my valve adjustment i don't think it does much no it is i think it's just a guide for the uh the push rod you gotta figure this whole apparatus is made for like the cost of a dollar you know what do these things sell for new 80 bucks 100 bucks pretty much throwaways yeah that was just a guide nothing's holding that in i didn't think so they probably just press little seats in on the bottom yeah not much to it i'm surprised there's no um i guess you know it's not like the longevity is that important how much oil does get to the top up here was there anything that flung it well it's got the gear maybe that's what it does so maybe that gear right there flings oil up into that cavity right up into there and it kind of just maybe splashes it alongside the the two push rods they probably got a decent amount of play in them right let's go grab one [Music] oh yeah there's plenty of room around them probably uses half the diameter so yeah that's what it does to get oil up there just squashes it from the gear [Applause] what do you think uh probably a little bit bigger than a quarter let's go grab a quarter get an idea good idea to give you a scale too yeah bigger than i thought let me say more like a half dollar well now that we know what makes it tick say we throw it back together and we'll leave the uh that's upside down leave the muffler off the cobwebs out of there let's see how it sounds without the muffler it'll take a little bit of time off camera douche a couple of these parts off and get rid of the crap that is floating around on them put it back together and we'll fire it up try to anyway so see how well this works yeah and tell me you don't warn me guess i gotta put the valves in first huh about the easiest valve i ever had to go put in no tools required i don't know about valve adjustment i think we're just going to go to before we have a little bit of float that's a mile it's still a mile nothing's backing off just a hair maybe just a couple thou you want me to grab a fuel gauge don't you i'm not gonna we're gonna go by feel well no soon enough we go to pull it over it has no compression you know i got a little too tight i think this one i'm gonna have to back off to get the push rod in there anyway so we're going to lose the adjustment we got to make sure that that's not on the high part of the cam so i'm going to rock that over feel feel for when it pushes right there and that's off of it all right so we're in well that what you call it when you're off the lobe probably adjust it while it's running you know run it till that uh it just starts missing then back it off you call that good a little too loose i'll go to it doesn't rock let's roll the rock and roll let's go see how that spins holding on the plug where that one's got play we'll go with that we'll call that for a win that's a real plugin to see we got compression i cleaned up the bottom of those valves i have a feeling that's what was uh because it would have compression no compression correct compression no compression look like that crap that was on the intake valve that feels pretty good i was really that crap on the intake valve was kind of gumming it up it was kind of just that gummy material almost like a wax but you know that was kind of interfering with it i'll throw the rest of it back together without the camera nothing's too good for my junkyard whackers have a little little mobile one that's probably about it right there it should be that's how much i need to put in it's got a little uh dipstick on it i am tilted a little downhill i think as long as that dipper is splashing in right let's go see so that's level almost level yeah a little more you know i'm going to overflow it i think we can call it there i could see it so what do we need we need a spark plug and i think we're good enough to run it we don't have a throttle cable hooked up might be all right with that the dark line was on top right we give her a couple of we got no muffler on it they kick you over to the other side so i have a little bit of room actually i just rotate you how's that you see no muffler what do you think it's going to sound like my guess is kind of one of those little cox airplanes let's go with no choke see what we get i don't even want to grab the throttle it's not hooked up make sure it's not full throttle nope is this what i turned down the idle on don't remember let's choke her up so joke's off [Music] so so run pretty slow that's gonna be about it right there yeah it'll let it down pretty low though i don't got any air fuel mix on it i don't seem to remember seeing any no but not bad it'll dial in pretty low it's got the string hammer uh head on it spinning around too cool little engine my dual bits decided to take a jump off the bench uh what do you want to do next yeah agree let's go pull some of this stuff back and see if we can get the engine off of the shaft and see what it has for an output shaft there's like a little tiny shaft that sticks out of it or does a cable go into the center i just don't know you know possibly just for future reference what we can do with these little engines if anything yeah that was the other one that we adjusted the throttle way down and took the the grip apart on i just took the one screw out of it here looks like it locks it into the metal i'll be able to slide that down over a way watch your eyeball wearing glasses did you squint that should be enough let me go get the other cover down i just took whatever screws out i could find they get them all find out so this black cover looks like it's screwed to this and then the red covers screwed to the motor i kind of just took a whole bunch out see if anything moves is the engine going to fall off look at that we don't have to take that off it goes out the other way cool let me make life easier let's go get that one screw out of there i thought it was going to come apart differently had i known that i like that it's got that shaft sticking out there too keep the jokes to yourself gives us something to work with although the only problem is that's on the fan side of it also there's nothing that comes out the other end you know there's no so whatever you got to do you got to work from this side and you still have to incorporate a fan depending what you use it on i guess you if you have it on something that moves you can just air cool like a motorcycle come on you're done all right go pop that on over on the bench over there and take a look at it it's the issue i see is that the pull start part of it incorporates in there i was a little more excited than really should because all that's going to get covered by a pull start you still need access to out here to to drive a sprocket of some sort i don't know how much of that you can go whittle away i don't think much of any i don't maybe we could hollow it out and tap right in the center have something come out further through it because it's already set to have a cable go through it i don't think you'd want to drive off of a cable but you know the center of the pull start is probably fairly hollow hard to see in there yeah it's pretty open these are the dogs that the pole start grabs on the other thing it says something what's that say then d-a-n-a-d what do you see there what's the end of that make any sense the guy signs his work when he puts them together that doesn't look like a chinese name to me all right it probably weighs two pounds so as far as you know 25 cc's i don't know what again the horsepower i'm gonna guess is maybe one horsepower what can we do with it other than you know making it as a weed whacker i'm sure they could probably use them on they look familiar i don't know if they use the four strokes on those those uh little the the scooters you know the little kick scooters with the handlebar that comes up and they put the little gas engine on the back of them i've seen a couple of them running around they sound like they were two strokes and they're buzzing down the road so i wonder yeah there's no access there's nothing coming out this direction of the crank that we can use whatever we got to do we got to work off of right there and i don't know what it has for you know any kind of bearing support in there because right now the energy is just coming straight out there's no side load on it hmm and think about that so don't hold the rest of it together let's get these three screws out see if we can get the pull start housing apart without twang in the spring i just get an idea what it the mass of it maybe we can kind of put that back over on the engine still feels like it's got a screw in it somewhere it definitely does help if you take them all out there we go yeah let's go put that on the engine and yeah if if at best it's probably gonna be flush yep barely way in there it is that far in yeah so we'd either have to try to make something that comes that much further out where i wonder if we can kind of get in between like if we cut a hole and cut a hole will be able to put like a chain or a belt that's gonna no because yeah because that's got to go right that's gotta that has to grab those cogs that's all the way in and that's the thing that's pretty much what we have for output is just like that i have to think about that one for a little while i think i've gone about as far as i wanted to go i think we learned or at least i did what i wanted to learn how these were put together how they operate and how the output comes out of them and the size of the package when it's all done and how much they weigh and just kind of get a general idea and i'll sleep on that for a couple months maybe we'll see it come back maybe we want in another project i just uh i always kind of admired these little tiny engines if we could figure out a way to you know tie several of them together i'm sure there's a way we even possibly work with me for the cable setup coming out of them and you know tying them together to one common jack shaft hard to say right now let me do in line now nothing because you can't access the the back here they're pretty cool though all right guys with that i think we're going to go sign her off i probably could take the cutting head off of that one the string trimmer head rather and put it on this one and make this one complete that's really all it needs is that broken no it's just loose yeah we could probably just swap that one right over to here and make this an operating unit again just put the plastics and everything right back on it not that i'd need another one but all right guys with that maybe we'll see it in the future put into something maybe it's just gonna go up my stash and we'll never see it again with that i'm out i'll see you soon bye
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 314,581
Rating: 4.9411502 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: Ai9kKrzcwsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 31sec (3331 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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