Jet Powered Go Kart

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after being stuck inside so long during this  whole quarantine situation getting a 20 pound   turkey neck going up two pan sizes and going crazy  because all i've been doing is engine episodes i'm   starting to feel like an engine guy it's time  to break away get outside and have some fun   and do something else besides engines engines  engines engines and i have just the thing in mind   ever since i smelled that sweet smell of diesel  fuel it reminded me of jet fuel so i decided   to remove the diesel engine from the go-kart and  mount the jet engine in its place and a few things   came together at the same time to motivate this  build the first is i got my hands on this tiny   little action camera and i want to try it out and  see if i could get some cool shots this is the  go 2 from insta360 and it's the smallest quad hd  camera i have ever seen so i can't wait to put   this thing into action the second is my five  gallons of hydro jet showed up which is 80 jet   fuel 20 water i want to see how it burns in the  jet engine the third is i want tommy to drive the   go-kart with the jet engine so we could see what  he says top speed is getting up there top speed's   up there top speed is getting up there i think it  was about the same i didn't feel much difference   oh tommy you suck no actually you don't suck  you painted the gas tank black oh it's fantastic   forgot to buy the new gas tank and it's there  it's like finding a treasure let me get building oh look where it landed nice i think this is gonna feel kind of weird now that  we don't have a chain bouncing around everywhere   i know exactly how i'm gonna  get this jet engine mounted acetone's on fire all right i got everything all set up and this  is not my ideal setup right here with this   controller but since the actual components that  i need to set this up the way i want it set up   haven't arrived and i'm just out of time with this  project i resorted to setting this controller up   this way there's the battery there's our  ecu our receiver our telemetry right there   our gps with our speed battery power and  last but not least the jet engine all set up   nice and quiet all right let me get this thing  unloaded and i have to say this is the lightest that this go-kart this must weigh i don't know  40 pounds in the back 40 45 pounds this thing is   so light i feel like i should have angled  those in the back made some sort of skids sherlock said that he doesn't think this  thing is going to go but i'll have to   tell you it has like no rolling resistance at  all look at this man does this thing look fun   this is one of the first times that i've looked at  this go-kart that i'm actually getting excited and it's mostly due to the silence and the uh lack  of any rolling resistance i just arrived at my   driving location this is the same spot  that i filmed the turbo diesel go-kart   unfortunately tommy was unable to make it so  i'm here all by myself don't expect any crazy   cinematography or anything like that but i  do have my insta 360 go 2 which i'm going   to be using to capture all of the action shots  i'm going to mount this to my helmet or my hat   capture all of the action inside the go-kart it  only takes about two pounds of force for me to   physically move this go-kart the way it sits right  now it's so light it's unbelievable this turbine   makes about 70 pounds of thrust that gets me  excited and last but not least i got my gps taped   to the steering wheel which is going to give me my  speed and my distance that's all i need so let me   get this going wish me luck let's see how it goes  so i don't even know if i need to mess around with   going through different fuels i think i might just  put the hydro jet a yep i'll go with uh hydro jet it's about two gallons i think we should get a  couple of minutes out of that i'm gonna mount   the go-to right to my helmet there's like a  little hat clip that goes right on the lid of   a hat or a helmet like this which i thought  was super cool it's such a cool little clip   and i forgot it because i was in a big hurry  to get out of there ready to rock and roll   power for the receiver and the ecu you can see  that heartbeat just turned on the remote on   okay there's the power for the engine  and again this is gonna be my throttle   it says it's ready so let's see  how it sounds out here in the open   put it down ignition all right and i think i'm  gonna stand in front of this here comes the fuel oh actually i should have did  test pump i forgot to do test pump   i have air in there when this thing starts it's got a bunch of air in the line heres the hydro-jet all right i got my helmet on put it on my helmet it's good? [Music] [Loud Music] looks like looks like the actual um air from my  fuel sloshing around got in my line and i'm almost   out of fuel believe it or not let me try to start  this bad boy up again man that was pretty crazy   and it was really weird because because the uh let  me get cooling mode it was really weird because it's really weird so i i crashed into the curb  a little bit because i saw this thing i wasn't   sure if it was water and mud or what but it feels  weird simply because when you hit the brake it's   just like a hundred percent break there is no like  momentum from the chain or anything else going on   that was but man this thing the top speed  must be insane i'm totally gonna have to   come in a future video and see what the top  speed is of this thing this thing is nuts   wow that thing got my adrenaline pumping all  right let's try to get this started again   it's definitely nice and quiet with the helmet  on that's for sure i'm glad i have this camera   right here this thing's pretty awesome i got  to connect it to the case right now oh man   the possibilities for this thing oh man it's going  to be crazy here we go all right starting it up oh yeah we got air in the lines there we go i'm almost out of fuel that's  the problem there we go feels weird Whoa it's light sliding [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Woo Hoo that was crazier than i thought it was so  smooth the first time i actually hit the curb i   just damaged the rim a little bit because that  was the first corner i hit the brakes it's the   weirdest thing because there's no like momentum  from any mechanics that are connected it was like   i had three times the amount of braking for the  amount of pressure if that makes any sense and i   spun out and i hit the curb and thank god i didn't  damage it because i was able to finish the run   that's all the uh hydro jet i had it's really  fun the top speed on that thing the camera died   what else died something else died i think this  little camera worked out pretty well i'll leave   a link in the description below uh this is the  first day that this camera hits the market i was   able to get my hands on it a little bit earlier  and i thought it would be such a good pair up for   the jet powered go-kart but i'm definitely coming  back with this go-kart sherlock said that thing   is not going to move and uh he got he kind of got  into my head because i was like well i don't know   70 80 pounds of thrust and as soon as i mounted  the jet engine and i saw it had like no rolling   resistance at all i was convinced that this thing  was gonna be fast so thanks for watching tell   me what you think in the comments below don't  forget to check out this little action camera   the Insta360 Go 2 to you see the footage looks  amazing and that's why i included i literally   saw the footage and said i totally have to show  this camera to everybody it is amazing you're   gonna see it in some upcoming episodes i'm gonna  do some cool stuff with it thanks for watching   see you next time adios cause this is the actual  camera check this out oh my oh i get it crazy that   was like the remote for that no no it's the actual  camera quad hd i've seen you here in the youtube   videos before but i really know that you're  like here right now oh you'll be in my video now
Channel: Warped Perception
Views: 1,519,654
Rating: 4.8559194 out of 5
Keywords: jet powered, jet go kart, go kart, jet engine, home made, go kart build, go kart drifting
Id: nJr-RmJxtDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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