Will It Run? antique Marine engine sitting 35 years.

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hey guys and how's it going yeah I picked this engine up about two weeks ago it is an old marine engine and eggs he called him inboard sat in the center of the boat and have a jack shaft that went out I just a brayla shaft that went out and went directly to the propeller and just spun the propeller when the motor was running the propeller was spinning it's a two-stroke I not sure the date I'm guessing somewhere between 2 1910 and 1930 as far as a little bit of homework I kind of looked up online now it's on that tag there it's a two-stroke water cooled liquid cooled we had water cooled in the water don't know the horsepower kind of guess is probably 2 to 4 right in that range I have a project in mind I want to use this for and all depends on how well it runs in how it does what it's supposed to do but I think it would be really cool not going in a boat but that's all I'm gonna say for now but in this video I'd like to see if we can go and get the thing to run it has not run in 35 years and it's been sitting in a garage ever since then it was bought in an auction at a museum at the time so somebody restored it and it's at Matt I really don't know much about it it does have one problem the engine is stuck it moves a little but then that's it gonna hit the trunk so I say we probably should start by getting that plug out of there but little bit of oil in it so you can get the spin over and start getting an education from there so let's get you set up in a stander we'll get into it funky plug huh what you that see if we can get her late well he doesn't have a carb on it they call them something else I think if the name of it is damn their egos fuel metering valve or or something now nice make it a scraping noise s at the pump I think that's the pump I wouldn't hurt that you have a little bit of oil on that if you could find out worth its go gibbehhh' wheel port right there just for such and mixed on these things is really hi to you for the yep oil gas mix 16 no one should say love yeah and I'm gonna look at it that's nice what do you think the chances are you think the chances are that I'll have spark I believe this on our right is probably going to be a van sent a and look at turn it or see you thumb screw up here quite sure what that does it's like it's just kind of floating on the bottom there doesn't skew and looks like me it's just see what that does pull up on it maybe you pull up on it and push down on it to kill spark nice we got so again this is the carb and I'm gonna call a car but I know it's not I probably should not mess with in the adjustments yet and hopefully it was put away with no fuel on it but we never know all right she will shut off looks like it shut off generally the valve always goes with the direction of fuel open is that way close is that way and it looks like for the exhaust to come out the exhaust and water or a jacket there I would think I don't know if it would pick up from here and exit out here or pick up from here draw through and exit out I would think it would kind of pull in through the pump and I wonder if we have a direction on this or can it run either direction you might be able to run backwards you might even be able to take the timing so far back the other direction and fire at the other direction is the two-stroke it really doesn't other than timing there's really not much that affects it it doesn't have you know as far as it bearings everything in the bottom I'm sure it's just uh keeping it wet from the premix that goes in go through the plug up there you forget spark you got two wires that are hanging off suspect we got one I gotta go to that buzz clown somewhere I don't know anything about either is this actually work as a battery it's got a door you can slide over them let me just set up in the stand by looking at it a little bit better these two contacts on the box look like they make contact with these two contacts so that's the purpose how that works those went in there made contact with them and then there's a shim that went behind it that put tension on it to hold it up against it so then we have this going out and these two I would doubt they would contact right together they would be the same what would these tie into this has to be the signal the points so to speak this would be the on/off signal what else am I missing is there something else that stood when we got here as a ground that's attached to the battery - yeah it's another one there let's go see if that opens up it looks like a would write a little skewer and poke on it kind of poking up broaden on it you don't see the cover really wanting to slide open but it looks like it possibly has maybe glue right there I got yours just to see what's inside I still think we should move forward to it opening it up I try thinking a blade will put a blade underneath there and see if that Ola lift up suppose you take a little nail or something feels like it's almost cutting myself that yeah probably ruining it she is there yeah it's a little nail look you guys you see a little nail right there no nail right there I still won't open and doing this since I was a little kid it's gonna see what mixed stuff tick I want now watches like a hundred of them Olli around I can't see all right guys it's not much ever seen anything that's not gonna educate as much at all I like that ya know you serviceable parts inside right I don't know that just acts as a big battery because what would be generating the spark there's nothing else yeah I'm guessing this is just pretty much all of this is gonna be as a it's a like a battery because there's nothing else - there's no coil yeah I think we're missing something that told us a lot so what if this just hadn't went to an external battery see we call this a positive and this negative so the only way negative can get back is go through the points and then it's got a ground wire on this side right and then put spark out and this is just access to close this has a set of point in it to I wouldn't know what voltage that would run in either hmm I said no power supply gear and you believe that we just need an external battery probably if you add a magneto to make power or something yeah but so we buzz coil it's gonna be an on-off signal I want to see if we were getting an on-off signal coming from that contact over there and how that works before trying to hook stuff up so I'm gonna grab a test light and we're just gonna go plug in make sure that we have power we do and I'm gonna energize how should we do this all right civil ground little hotter ground on that let's go with ground and we'll take the test light the power on that side ground the test light to the somewhere on it let's go to bolt alright so we are got it we got a closed signal it's ghost she that's open not yet able to see that all right so it's open open open to a window of about and it feels about 10 degrees or so we're at a top dead center and I bet you move that yeah okay that's our timing we can affect that the timing is hold on one side alright so we know what we have right there is an on/off signal need to energize it let's go with the plug-in done it's gonna plug back on set that on top of the engine I'm doing you guys can see it let's go with right there and get rid of that so we want to put in turn the voltage off first a hell is that myself I'm gonna say that this is our hot and then we're gonna ground it let's turn that to where that would shut up powers on Oh way to get that and all the way around we got nothing it's everybody in that area I'm gonna go put that test light let's shut power off again so we know what that signal works right let's go back to where we were I was grounded we just had it today let's go down that wire net where it goes right to the bottom wolfish on the test light and that's signal again we're gonna go find way that's closed that's right there so right there ship you buzzing away we eliminate this signal altogether and if we were to put say let me set that ground up there all right so I have ground going to the engine and also this wires going to the bottom of the box let's if I tap this that that's your buzz now so I illuminate the points we get nothing right uh kill power again nothing says if this works right let's clean those contacts clean that contact I know well drag a file let's get some dust and crap on I'll blow that out and we'll drag a file across those points there see if that what our issue is and adjustment on there too we have to clean that stuff up let's start with cleaning these three contacts up and running the file over and we'll try it again and if he's a 320 let's go examination change I probably do the same on the inside of the battery box there to hold it can we clean the inside of that block - man's got a couple of their brass screws chicken oh no one looks pretty good drop that back in it really doesn't feel very tight on the top one flip that around we all set the ground is still hooked up you got hot hooked up we got no power turned on let's go turn that power on and see if it'll do a buzz let's go turn on and poke the other end of this hook to nothing sitting by my dad's mm-hmm yeah I saw a spark it did spark there guys [Laughter] yeah I can look it up figure out how it works but it's much more fun trying to educate ourselves as we go along all right so we want to see if it's gonna work through the on/off of the flywheel so we need to do what we need to make this our ground let's go try that let's go try putting the ground over here and yes we got spark let's go see whoo that does not look good I think we're gonna have fuel system issues oh my get gas in it yeah yeah yeah well I could smell it there yeah unfortunately it was put away 35 years ago yes in it hmm it is shut off I wonder if we can if there's a bowl or something over here that we can some way to access this side of does this work as a bowl no I figured these two are probably for metering these three are probably for metering different fuel I don't want to miss them remember I don't have to let's go pop the fuel line off it's loose that's all this it's like a football huh does not come out I'm not gonna force it I figure that's kind of like a needle and seat maybe you take that fitting out and there's something that screwed up into there you probably just try filling this with fuel sit cork it definitely hits a positive stop trying to come up may bring a container over we're gonna open that up and I'll let that piss out of there see what it looks like yeah it looks like somebody soldered up the cap yeah I don't know if you're supposed to be able to does that stick out where you can reach it and lift up on it or no I'm just gonna come flush with it oh well if you have fuel in it that should float up right and come up higher see looks like corrosion it's go hit that in the air gun comes out yeah see what you can see bunch of crap come out that's a good sign she's weak yet I think we're gonna get a bunch of nothing yeah fuel systems all plugged up if I turn the set shut that it's real that valve is really gummy too you can barely see me turning it over there it's it's like tar it feels like tars inside it we mix up a little bit of fuel how's it is eking around on the bottom though that's gonna be a problem right so this whole thing is loose I think somebody's been in here before this let's go Chuck I know it's all gonna come apart and get clean that whole thing yeah tag I was gonna try and just fire it feeling somebody found out that this was gummed up crap we gonna clear yeah low-five that's exactly what it is that's a flow how does it get insanely doing enough fuel to go through there all right for shits and giggles let's go put it together throw a little bit of fuel on that we just we'll just see what we get you know you want to try it so look it's filled up about halfway with yes quite liberal with the oil probably brought it up another I would say that's up 16 to 112 the one I tighten this fitting up so it doesn't piss back out yeah smooth yeah I think we're gonna clean all that up see if it drops down or not what do you think that would come up I just fell off the fuel line in the back you did shut off when I blew through it you can see it a little so I wonder if this is for like a prime in it why would it why would it stick out to the external side of things let's go clean up all this cover this gas get out of here you know that's sparking if you will just kind of hang it out so I'm filling up a fuel bottle just so that we can have some to put down the plughole just a little bit maybe try to get the coffee and go over and see if we'll take off from there oh yeah I do put a bunch of oil down before too so that me kind of screw things up a little that much put it back together and I would think that I would probably advance towards me a little so I just want to kick back the other way we'll turn power on I think we're good to go you can't get it good put a mark just put a mark on the flywheel where right before where it's really the fire you can't feel it but you know put a piece of paper once the buzz we'll call it a big window the other thing is with the wood is you can't get your hand underneath it I wonder if it had a hand crank or something at some point to operate it or you just gave it a good kick you know try priming it again guys that are familiar with this earth call me all kinds of meetings right now that's fine I'm glad you know how it works by the end of this on the how it works to blowing smoke rings sit-ski bit more timing portion I think that fuel systems gonna have to be taken care of my try going the other way it looks like I should have a crank handle on it I don't have it I'm pretty sick of spinning it how about we take a piece of pipe we'll cut a notch in it so these it can kind of fit on to that and maybe wool with drill well the socket on it and we can attach to the socket for spinning it with like a good half inch drive drill and then once it doesn't mean we were to pull the thing off of there my guess let's try that hopefully doesn't rip out the sides of it just see how true it is to see it she's got a bit of a wobble let's try and tuck this up in like a plug in half inch drill that we can run at low speed and see if he'll be enough you just step over to the side for a sec let's have a high and a low speed - or is it just for the reverse zero South that was in a 1000 it's gonna have a high and low it's high C powers the powers off to the coiler game there's a new force that might work I'm gonna see if I can clamp it down to the bench - so it's not flopping around right breaking my wrist I kind of guess on the time in - III don't know which way well we think that he it too much is gonna kick back at you I would think we're starting it you would kind of sparked a little a little bit later we're gonna find out caution I might throw the drill at you I'm hoping it's gonna draw a fuel through I want to do that too much because you want to make sure that oil is getting to the bottom and you know by putting it in the top at the bottom is not seeing anything well we'll try it let's go straight up and down she's a puffer and make sure it doesn't stop on with a buzzes and I grab that and lights me up you know we got to dig into that fuel system but something fall off that's on that's on go that way minute let's go why are you at the last second [Music] the blocks go listen to it don't look pretty wet thanks for working right began to the point where it's just flooded though so she is drawing that fuel in and we get or what I best luck right about there that's where we are now we know what a run we just have to figure out that fuel system I have feeling it's just a mess I think they call a fuel injector reason why I know that is because it says fuel injector here so I don't know if this is what opens and closes the access from the bottom of the crank I don't know I do want to pull this off take a peek inside because it does not look like an adjustment all the other ones or adjustments yeah it's got like crystals coming out of it is that little light I had just lights you don't bleach it a ton of it so that's a throttle plate right there so this one closes and opens a throttle that's your rpm I would guess this one is probably your mix then we'll leave that alone it's up it says five we want wide open as much fuel as we can I don't know how this one's going to affect it right George I'm not sure what that would it's got a cone on it I explained it the base is staying still and this is running up and down exploratory Springs and gaskets complain that it everywhere what that does looks like it's like caca what's that supposed to do like grease but it looks like you know grease that was put there on purpose I don't understand the purpose of that I don't think you would oil the crankcase I don't cuz the reason why I say that because the carb is going in below the piston and generally what happens on a two-stroke he uses the bottom of the crankcase the bottom of the crankcase so the piston goes up it draws the air fuel in to the bottom of the crankcase and then when the piston goes back down again it takes the charge and pushes it to the top of the cylinder and fires it and it's probably this jacket right here I would say this probably looks like it's got a channel it's hard to say cuz it's also got a water jacket around it you know the whole thing it also has a water jacket around it what we can do is sitting we're all set up and to be saw power you know we do let's go try dribble in some fuel see if we can kind of bypass the carburetor we'll put some in the bottom in and see if it'll go and if it does go maybe we can keep gathering a little bit and just run it for a second and we know that it's got oil to the bottom you know we still buzzing put that plug back in sockets get put the beat up she's getting a little egged out nope nothing like it yeah that fueled up I've never changed so I don't think the fuel is going from here and being drawn in we're going in you know it's like some packing so make 1/2 inch let me get a get a pail with draining this fuel out of here we'll put it right back in the drawer we got it out of maybe not yeah I wonder yeah you can say I wonder if it uses the pressure from the gas tank to push it up higher well I know you got old age on you now where were we [Applause] okay self-explanatory where they go so we think that you know the body of the thing up I don't see you're breaking it anywhere though we'll just take the peon thread that from the bottom side or it's got to be a way in right powers off to the coil I'll take a peek inside there she was just be the bottom of the rod yeah it's a crude looking bolt huh yeah these don't spin it he's probably 1100 rpm is probably some max you know was anything special there anything broken in you take a look at that hardware this looks like the end of that that connecting rod nut was hitting there almost I made a nice noise when I first wrote it up I'm gonna try threading it in a little bit just to support it and we'll see if we can turn that we need pretty big adjustable up throws one out here yeah there is you can crack that loose watch out for that yes well see not much to see which I like so does that have to push down have his fuel enter I don't see a hole from here to here you don't like might be screaming me up kind of Kruk no the flash on that I would think that bottom this is what was in it right so the center of that had the screw going through it had that one going through it the only thing that would push down and open it up it doesn't feel like it moves hmm ladies got no life screwing you guys up back it up a little something has to be able to open the passage from there to there I think it comes in from the bottom let's let's just disassemble the whole thing we're in we're in this far right so that's got a passage clear we then this passage goes this direction let's go over on the bench alright so if you comes in through here maintains a certain level and goes out through there or gets drawn through there that feeds in through here I see a hole on the side and that passage goes across and gets metered by that the right one yeah that meters how much fuel goes through there this one went into the top of this you gots got thrown into the Henry actually that nut has to get run that would get running like that so that pushes down on the center and it has a spring out of the spring you would think you would think that whole thing on the bottom just kind of floats maybe maybe that's just seized and stuck in there rape is the center of that so why would have a spring there's no reason why that would have a spring I don't know if they're supposed to move right there look there's something further in I don't that like that would unthread from there you don't I mean it's a separate piece but let's just back up for a second okay so the fuel comes in like that like that goes through here and there has to be some port that opens don't there's something right there or not I would think that it's probably down below this that port will be down below guess the trains going by then that's how you kind of throttle the mix all right but how much you you're able to suck in so where's the air come in so where does air get introduced so that's all fuel right yeah so I just allows fuel to come in someplace and if you'll have to kind of mix would you think that lifts up air comes in through there there's no other place right plus it comes into the we vent it through that crankcase someplace with that little cap that we saw hmm I would think it would be in here though this is that's the case that none of the adjustment would make any difference I have a feeling that it's supposed to move let's go and set this thing up on something and see if we can kind of tap down on the center of that and see if we got to move oh good yeah just frozen in place yeah that makes sense man so as it runs and creates vacuum it should lift up on this to help mix the air and there's the fuel port which no fuel is going through because it was just GM shut and there's that fuel port right there you can see the little hole alright now we understand why don't you take this out or not well you just leave it it's working we should leave well enough alone let's put this thing in the cleaner I don't think we need to take that butterfly out of there that's not gonna make any difference to us right this thing that is kind of loose I wonder if this is like an area that you can just kind of prime it with fuel to get it going maybe but again the problem why I wouldn't run because it couldn't couldn't suck any air into the engine don't run good that way so we that meal sonatina with a scotch-brite kind of cleared it out as you could tell where mids hang off of it let's go see if that port it's clear [Music] so I guess we can set it up make sure that that floats now I don't think orientation matters now what's free and what do we miss it capper to the whole thing let's take this Center right out of that for now and this one I guess it limits Department that top-down ones gonna squeeze the packing limits the air-intake did I hit you I should limit how much how far that opens its got witness marks they don't look like it stops right there that's better now air can come in change your battery all right so we're pretty happy with that we know what it does and you want a meter and this one's gonna meet her how much fuel goes in it there's no such thing as a governor huh kind of set it to run on one rpm and that's it no no Peter you're in a boat you just kind of reach back and grab this butterfly for actually you're probably all over you probably die and all kinds of stuff back then going in until it touches let's close out you know it's crunchy we'll go right there as a starting point and get the fuel bowl I parked there a little tape on that check and buying that up a little yeah this is not meant for this but run purposes yeah once I once I figure out how I want to use this I probably won't be using that gas tank so I'm not going to be that concerned about cleaning it but if we can get it to run and stay running that up that's up crack in it yeah we thought I fill that up a fuel and get it on there so do we have we have a plug and again kind of guessing maybe that is used for a primer throttle plate is where it open put it back on how'd it go and take that needle back house if it's ready then we're gonna make another turn are we I don't want to push it because that look like that rod again was real close until it touches and go about that far out the fuel lines just to keep the gas room hanging out at the bottom I'm going to fill that back up for a minute fuel come on that was better that sounds nice and smooth doesn't it well at Coppin proper style right let's go walk it resituated to try and fire it a little luck you want to go keep giving it a little bit more my sockets giving up let's go bump the time' straight up and down that's what you just let's go just try that first one thing at a time Russ you don't know what you did why is it going where's that coming out of it let's go roping the throttle back up and we'll run this one in to half a turn out now that was on the air fuel mix one Chitty Bang Bang let's see we got electric fuel yeah it is pretty low let's go top that off just going like way sure where that I might set up my gravity for you tank for to where was it good straight up and down there let's go right there my sock is just about had it [Music] yeah like that pull advance for rpm anyway let's go open up that the air intake so that's not opening at all let's just give it a little [Music] won the bet we're out of gas when you say this thing is actually fuel-efficient nothing in there great time reload good stuff cool off a little came out the hole a little bit [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] she runs smooth oh I'm gonna call that a success it means a little bunch of love to go figure stuff out but yeah putting the timing a little further the other direction definitely is what made it click off and then just uses up all the fuel that's in it so until we get some stuff in it yeah that just uses everything up let's look at some in there I was trying to turn it down the throttle speed and it wouldn't work I this is the throttle plate I turned to straight up and damn it we're still wrapping too high though so I don't know that might be what this is helps also I took one more time just to kind of idle down some and I'm gonna work with that that intake maybe try to close into that up once it gets going and the throttle is that probably still shuts up I think we're on the right track hey guys I think I'm done playing for today I wanted to hopefully kind of get it run and get it running for five or ten minutes hook water up to it and run water through the system to keep it cooled it's doing fine it's not terribly hot it's hot but it's not ridiculously hot it is definitely losing out of some different pores it kind of looks like maybe it shoots out the side of the crank rod is okay yeah dr. Rob has been for a second it's not the water pump if a bad base gasket to it looks like right there that's probably where it's going hard to tell feel free to uh the comments in nice comments don't be a dick and you know any kind of education on these and what does what I'm sure there's plenty of people they're gonna be watching this that know way more than I do but I'm getting myself a little bit of an education will turn off spark yeah it's a phone with it so I hope you enjoyed it too alright guys with that I'm gonna go sign off and I think y'all for gonna hanging out with me working on some old stuff and until the next one I'll see you later alright I can't resist one more time I'm gonna car you bumping the time a little bit just sockets had it now [Music]
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 724,682
Rating: 4.8559279 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, mustie1 will it run, antique marine engine, antique marine diesel engines, 2 stroke marine diesel engine, 2 stroke marine gas engine, hit and miss engine, hit and miss engine tractor, boat, boat engine, mustie1 new videos, buzz coil schematic, buzz coil wiring diagram, buzz coil for hit and miss engine, magneto ignition system, magneto ignition, chris craft, chris craft boats, garwood boats, skiff boat, antique boat motor, antique boat restoration, antique boats
Id: 1EeRrfR2eOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 3sec (4803 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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