barn find 1965 vespa, will it run ?

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stay good J all right so uh for those who don't remember or watch the video prior to this picked up a vesa uh off Craigslist uh about 3 weeks ago now 3 weeks a month something like that and it was a sold as parts or restore and it's uh pretty rough shape and one thing that was kind of missing was uh some tuneup parts for it to have spark so I did a little bit of shopping and we're going to go start with seeing what we can do to to start rting some of some of its uh its ills and one of them was grabbing a manual for it and the other one was it was missing points in condenser and when I was looking into them for about another 10 bucks more you can get a whole Magneto System complete with a points condenser coils and uh everything as one package from Indonesia not India Indonesia and I believe that was $29 including shipping it just took you know forever to get it well anyway that is coming in now and now we have some bits and pieces to try to continue moving forward to assessing what we have here uh I think compression seem okay on the motor and that is our main goal right now it's just to see if we can get it running and uh what kind of shape it is after we get it running how the trans is and that kind of thing so without further Ado let's start getting into it all right so looks like I did put some stuff back together one screw maybe so my biggest issue I'm probably going to run into is the fact that it is missing the switches up on the handlebars so my problem is I'm not going to know what that's connected to what as far as trying to make it uh recoup spark so we're going that's our biggest thing is going to try to be able to figure out what we have to jump or ground or open circuit to make it so that it's going to have spark so let me get the cover off and we'll get inside so that's the old and that is the new I'm just going to do an eyeball on it and see if it resembles what we have I know they when I was looking them up they go by how many wires they're R there's like a five wire a six wire or four wire I forget what this one is I think it was [Music] six but it's looking pretty close to what was there so let's start taking that apart all right so I'm going to go compare that old one to the new one make sure our apples are apples and our oranges are oranges and however that say goes TI that one looks like that's supposed to go like that that coil's got a lot less windings on it huh I'll try to keep my uh good headlight out of this picture we'll use this crappy one cuz it works better on camera hopefully yeah it doesn't have any windings on it huh compared to that looks good I'd say we probably should pull that away from there and looks like the wiring horness goes up and out the side here into this little junction box you guys can see that that guy right there so I think we start opening that stuff up and we'll make sure that our wires match so I took that cover off and I made my myself a little cheat sheet of a wiring diagram but as soon as I touched it this screw broke right off that one right there is already broken right off so that might be a bit of what's to hold in the future for that guy it looks like all the wires come through the bottom of it right here that are coming from that Magneto plate and feed to each one of these and then this one looks like goes up to the ignition switch and then you know when you saw right here it's going down to the coil so I am just going to take those apart a little at a time feed that out of there feed the new one in wire it back up and then we'll start looking into what we need to uh jump or Bypass or maybe just give it a spin and see what happens so I have um that uh kind of half-ass installed but it's up in there the harness comes up through and it's reconnected up into these points points up inside here now I'm not really concerned about any of these other than the red circuit right now the other ones are for lights and charging and all but uh looking in the the manual over there the red is um Power uh ignition power so the wire that was on there what did I do with it this one was the one that was going to the coil and it's just about ready to to break off of there if I screw with that one more time it's going to GL out of me it's just going to be done it's done now so I just made up a new piece the closest I had to Red was orange orange is not used anywhere in this equation so I think I'll be safe there anyway so those are uh all kind of hooked back up to where they went if you follow red down you'll see red pops out through that backing plate goes to the condenser and then swaps over to to yellow and I'm trying to think which coil it was I believe it's this one right here is for the ignition system and these two are for something else actually no there's the points so this coil is going through the points and into the condenser and then out I think I think I'm not sure anyway so red also goes up to the harness and at one time had a control switch up here which would have been like probably the horn um high beam low beam kill switch etc etc they're all kind of tied into there but I don't have that so going into the book let's go and I might as well show this page first so number four four is red red and this is what we just replaced there's that little junction box right there so number four comes up off of you that top coil it looks like is number four then it uses the condenser goes around through the switch that that switch block rather you can see one end goes out to the uh coil this is the wire that we just made and then it jumps out four goes also continuous up around back down into that switch where we don't have have but if it looks it looks like it just goes uh right to ground so I'm not sure if you ground it to kill it or you ground it for it to operate but uh one way or another that's how that is tied into that circuit and if we go back to the Magneto [Applause] itself number 37 is ignition coil which I think is the one that was on top you can kind of see and uh that's the one that's energizing our spark so I am going to go through the process of reinstalling the flywheel and try to get a a decent point gap on it and then maybe we could spin it over with a plug out and we'll see if we start getting any spark so let try to go both the uh flywheel back on and the nut is encapsulated in the flywheel and then it's got a locking ring for it and it just wasn't happening so I had to go take it apart take the nut right out of it and it appeared appears to me that someone took the time to roll that last thread over there or you know maybe tried starting over the impact gun or or something to to try to get it catching and they couldn't and they uh took out the end of it right there so we're not going to go any further until we get that cleaned up so let's go do something about that well hopefully this works out this right here you're looking at it's called a thread file and what it has is just different um coarseness to match whatever thread you run a coarse thread fine thread quarter 20 24 uh metric so how I go about using this is uh quick and dirty if you just lay it right on the threads you'll find one that will just lock right in and it'll key itself see if I can do that now what sh one can you see how like that doesn't want to drop in doesn't match that doesn't that doesn't then all of a sudden that one's on the money and it falls into each and every Groove matching the thread so now that I know what one it is I could take that keep it on the other threads I won't get you with my bad headlight and using other threads trying to do this with you guys in the way use the other threads as a guide and you can just kind of go around it and what that will do is it will line up the bad threads and start cutting and cleaning them up where they need to be cleaned up because you're using that for a guide and U work that all the way around until you remove the material until the nut will fit on so that's what I'm going to continue to do for the next a couple minutes a little after the fact there F kiss so it was just kind of a two-handed deal and just stroked it nice and even and firm rotated it hit some more kept doing some more yeah kind of it's kind of one of these deals and then went back with the uh air gun like you just saw and blow it out now I'm going to try putting the nut on backwards and see if it'll start backwards just cuz I I would think that possibly that the end of the threads of the are screwed up and I want to make sure that I have this part good before I start screwing with that so I am going to take that for a little bit I pop the bike in a GE or two to keep us from turning and I work that kind of clean that up so you can get that to work on there let's see if we can get that so it coops its threads last thing I want to do is crossroad [Music] again I don't if you can see it there's like a little there a little bit like a fine metal I can see one standing right there that after it's done kind of just works its way out of from in between the threads that uh is materialist not supposed to be there I just clean that back off again I think that should serve us just fine what do you think all right so let me get the fly on there and uh see if we can set the point cap all right so we're trying to uh that point adjustment try to get the light on there so it don't bleach you out but you can still see it so that's one side that's the other side if you look in between there that should be I haven't looked it up yet but like 16,000 20,000 something like that uh that's about a qu of an inch so we should be able to move the back screw is loose should be able to rotate close that mass up should look on and make sure there's not some cam adjustment I'm sure that is right there I need to look inside it a little bit better but anyway that's the Gap we're going to we're trying to close well I must say that must be one of the worst set of Point setups I ever seen the uh Gap was about a/4 of an inch in the middle of it adjustment of course I went to go pull it down and it uh wasn't happing I actually had to take them apart and kind of Bend things a little bit just to make the point so they open and close but the Gap is still like way too large it's like 25 thou but it is closing so hopefully now we're to the point where all right I don't know that's showing up for you guys guess how it's showing up for me we're getting a nice little spark going on right there so that tells me that maybe I should take some crap on the bench move it out of the way and we dribble a little bit of fuel inside here and we give it a kick and see if it does anything all right let's see I know you guys love my light but a little bit of that there the wire is so stiff they don't even want to bend some of that what you [Music] think I saw spark jumping across there too it will run get that wire up and off let's go do it one more time why not this is two-stroke gas those inquiring minds who want to know you guys have to timing on it too that whole plate can rotate back and forth about an inch and a half so I just kind of split it put it in the middle right let's go slide that up there to help keep them the aring it's supposed to be arking touch it how about we do that all right there's the money shot all right so I'm happy with that know that putter Putters and makes noise and spins on its own we're going to go open that carburetor up and go see what's going on inside there let's make this quick there's a good Neil Young song on all right so the air cleaner's off and it looks like it's being held down right there and right there I see an air fuel mixture adjustment screw here and one down the back there and it looks like the fuel line I could remove by taking the end out right there looks like a that's probably the choke cable and that is probably the throttle not sure this I've never had one apart so I'm going to go remove those and see if we can get that sucker out of there and up on the bench all right so I've never had one of these apart before so you and and I are going to learn together what does what I'm going to guess that that have a piece of screen under it yep a pick a pick okay got a bunch of dust and powder up in there coming out that's so there it goes it's all Frozen so I would say it was put away with fuel in it and it's a good thing we're going in not I don't think we would have a choice I think we were going in no matter what going to save the gasket that looks like it goes continues under that right there so that's got to come off first a big old turd on the bottom of that's a little bit of sludge not terrible though not corroded a bunch of mud in it but I wouldn't say that it's need little seat move all right we going go pop some Jets out of it we are going to go get our little Soaker tank down looks pretty good it wasn't even tight well that's good it's not a pile of corrosion we should have counted how many screws that was going back in you think take the slide out of her it's like a fairly wellb built carburetor not um Mouse trrap all right so I think we should be down enough to where we can soak this thing get that out of there that like a that's a choke proba a plunger that blocks off a ve or something yeah cool all right going to give her a bath all right while that stuff's soaking I decided to uh start chasing some of the other things I shut the paper towel down the intake there where the carb was so we don't get any cocka in there you notice that whole container is kind of looking a little on the shoy side so I'm going to clean that out and uh while I was here I kind of sprayed the cable setups the throttle was not rolling back sorry so now throttle rolling free just doing this thing on that side choke cable got that working and the fuel line I don't know if I want to mess with with this I think I'm going to try to get to the gas tank we'll look and see what the other side looks like because it's got like a look like a removable it's not doing anything anyway is it caes really brutal was worried about that clamp being on there but that clamp seems like it uh can slide right on down all right well that's not much of a worry anymore anyway uh going to get into the gas tank and we'll look and see what the inside of that looks like and uh the end of the fuel line and yada yada yada I want to set something up so I can uh at least Prime some fuel for lets to run for a minute or so and kind of see what we got and you know go through gears tweak it that kind of thing all right bolts are out that's all kind of good what you got inside look OEM paint fuel line just kind of hanging there on the bottom the hell is that how how's your fuel line hook to that got a rubber plug in the bottom of it like a like a a boat that's what it is I think that's what it is all right yeah that ain't going to work all right so the gas tank will need some loving for sure I think it's uh repairable doesn't look too terrible in there yeah I think it's a usable will we need to order parts sure but we can work around that for now we can feed that carb with something else see if we can get that gas line off that fitting there see if we can get this out of here and then we'll attach that to something else now I am going to do that two-handed I have to maybe I'll put a little heat on that and get that guy out of there so I saved you the trouble of me poking and prodding and picking at it people are going to ask what I use for the cleaning the carb they sell these in uh like AutoZone and you know nap I think and all of them sell it it's just a cans that have a basket built into it with uh cleaning chemicals I've tried a whole bunch of different stuff stuff but anyway little basket in it that's what I'm using I'd like to get a nice Ultrasonic Cleaner I had a Harbor Freight one it didn't last very long though um so I'm on constantly on a lookout for a nice medical Ultrasonic Cleaner but till then that's what we're doing so let's go put this thing back together see if you guys are in a good spot you think look a little closer maybe and I'm going to try to remember be to be just either below or to the left of that bowl all right came out pretty clean and again you and I going to relive how to put this back together together should be even fresher in your mind than it is in mine because you guys just saw it for me it's about 45 minutes ago hopefully the compressor does not decide to kick on we disconnect that air to try to help that all right I want to set the float needle and Float back in bar I need to tap it little something a lot of levels kind when you flip them upside down they should be level but uh I'm going to blow through it that direction let it hang down actually that's not going to work because it has to go through that top piece first so when we're all together we are going to check that uh Jets you got to get jets back in here see who goes where I bet you the biggest goes in the biggest and another one will follow suit and I think we had another one right in the middle there didn't we TW it okay not that's not it it I thought there was two under there there's a little one I need the good old snap-on screwdriver where'd that go it is not there it's got no uh shoulders on it so I can fit right down inside there one's tight we got a little one I think a little one went there there let see that is correct I thought there was another little it's probably that one I'm thinking of and those two will be going over the top of that once the now if the screws in the middle that could not have been in the middle if the screw in the middle right deduction deduction work although it looks like it goes there it's optical illusion guys that take these all apart I probably I take them apart a lot of probably laughing at me look all start somewhere on them we're going raw we're not even using a manual who's a manual all right what else do we got to do we can set that gasket on there inside this guy or something like that how did that work doesn't that guy like I do to remember so that went something like that but that has to see it first the Gess gets ripped on the back side but we are just going to have to work with what we got okay you didn't see that we didn't need that all right so that has to go in and around like that we're not looking to make it run forever we're making to look it make it run for right now order parts that it that's not it not it it's giveing a screw to hold it in place go I think we can put that guy on we got the choke and the throttle plate leave the that loose for now let's do [Music] this taking too long for you guys let go that we want to move that'll be fine I'm not shoving my head in the film so where we got the intake just to go back together we don't need an air cleaner about that you got that guy you see those like that should really going right over it like it wants to fight a little there it goes I felt it kind of like hangs over the lip of it and what we got two big adjusting screws left right I believe so that's the little one there and we got the large the large one it goes into the top I think we may be ready to make a go of it I have a gas line set up on the handlebars it's filled up to right here right now and I have back up just in case I set up a drill instead of me trying to kick it and all I'm going try to drill start it and hopefully I can kind of finagle and fondle to get it to grab the throttle stay running tweak it and get it you know in the ballpark timing is way out I know the tune is way out but again we're just playing and see what we got and uh go from there so without further Ado stop talking let's see what we got the right thres that's [Applause] step let's turn off the choke see if we go without it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] had no way to shut it off I didn't want to yank the coil wire it's starting to get hot now cuz the cooling Fin's not on it but how cool is that that's good let's open get some air in here so that's it guys I'm going to go make myself a shopping list uh we're going to regroup on this one more time oh several more times but so now I know I got a good engine drive train that kind of thing I'm going to start chasing a bunch of the other parts it's worth the you know continuing forward on this so that will be it so you'll see it popping and out in the future again it's all when the stuff shows up takes a while to get here but uh I think it'll be a worthwhile project sounds pretty good huh for uh however long that's been not running
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 1,663,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vespa, bike, scooter, cold start, repair, antique, classic, old start, lembretta, cushman, honda, yamaha, junk, barn find, howto, engine, 125, 150, restore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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