🔴 LIVE Abandoned 1969 GMC Utility Truck | Will It Run After 35 Years? | RESTORED

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[Music] so [Music] my [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] cool [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] restored live brought to you in part by alt driver well guys we're back here with another live revival video here uh this one's going to be on this 1969 gmc uh utility service truck whatever you want to call it used to be an old telephone truck is what it originated as i think when it was parked it had been kind of transformed transformed into a plumbing truck at that time so before we get started we want to thank all of our watchers we've already got a pretty good crowd here on our youtube channel watching us if you haven't already subscribe to our channel we'd much appreciate you to go ahead and just hit that subscribe button go ahead and ring that bell for notifications now if you're watching from the alt driver facebook page thanks for hanging out maybe this is the first time you've seen us on here maybe not but be sure that you go and check out alt driver be sure to give them a like and a follow on their facebook as well really cool channel they've got around 4 million followers on there got a lot of really cool automotive content that they kind of keep posted up to date on stuff like that so with that being said we're just going to go ahead and jump into this thing i think we were actually on time on this on this live stream right here we tried to prep throughout the day to get everything ready but we're just going to jump into this and start showing you guys around this truck so like i said this is actually a 69 gmc this was a generation they had it around from 67 to 72 they made this body style this being a 69 it's a three quarter ton version so we've got the eight lug wheels it is just a single single rear wheel on the back of it super cool utility box we'll kind of get around to that part here in just a little bit but kind of what you guys might be interested in seeing hint the title of this video will it run after 35 years i was looking on the inspection sticker here and it was actually parked in 1982 so actually a little bit more than 35 years once it was last inspected anyways what we've got here is a little small inline six cylinder motor believe it to be a 250 so these trucks would have they could have come with two different options a 250 they also had a 292 in-line six cylinder uh on the 250 the motor mounts were straight across from each other which is how this one is and off to and in the lifter valley uh plates there there were a couple different sizes being a four inch this is going to be a 250 that we've got here now me and dad bought this truck i would say about eight years ago here here was the plan on it we bought this truck and we wanted uh we wanted to do like a rescue style truck and here we are trying to rescue this one to see if it'll run but the original plan was for us to fix this truck up and take it out on some picks and like try to get stuff running with you know deck out the box with everything we need generator uh air tools compressors uh bolts saws whatever we might think we might might use out there and uh we might get around to doing that but we wanted to see if we could get this thing up and running we haven't touched it since we bought it we bought it drug it up on the trailer unloaded it and you guys seen us try to get it inside here with the forklift so it was pretty pretty moist yeah yeah we had we got that inside yesterday and uh the ground was pretty soft and pretty rotten we've been getting a ton of rain here so uh we got it inside though and we're going to go ahead and get started on it i'm going to show you back here on this box so pretty cool i was looking in it earlier just kind of checking it out i don't know that i ever really checked it out a whole lot this front container here goes all the way through on this one so we could put our jacks up inside here uh anything you know rakes shovels sometimes we have to dig these vehicles out uh that'd be perfect for that check that out we've got drawers in here i'm a little a little leery on looking in it but nothing but a bunch of rust and those some old coffee cans just a ton of places you could just store anything and everything not to mention this flat part up here you could put tires if you knew what you were going to need you know bring tires with you because everything always needs tires on the stuff we're working on but uh what do you think where do we want to get started on it well well i guess we need to go ahead and get the plugs pulled and at least get maybe a little bit of oil put down into the cylinders now so you can kind of let them know dad show them what we've what we've got up underneath here as far as you know parts have been robbed off here and this and that kind of tell them what we're going to have to do to to at least get an initial startup possibility right yeah as you all can tell i don't i guess you can tell from that the uh the spark plug wires are all all but one's missing uh the coil coil wire is missing uh the let's see what else is there's been some wires that have been chewed on down here on the alternator chewed on or cut i'm not sure pretty simple wiring on these trucks though somebody has somebody has cut the fuel line we don't know what the the deal is on that but that that has been cut uh at least the linkage linkage does move around on this carburetor the last couple that we've had the linkage was froze up solid on it so we we had issues with that so hopefully that's not a problem [Music] so but everything else looks good the oil we checked it it didn't look really bad or anything it's a little used but aren't we all so i think our best bet is just go ahead like i said just pull these plugs and [Music] get some oil or some kind of lubricant transmission fluid or something down in there and see if we can at least get get something to bump over or turn over and do something give it a little lubrication before we start yeah so we're going to soak down these spark plugs try to get them pulled out hopefully it doesn't take too much to get them out of there i'm going to go grab a battery cables look they don't look terrible but we'll see how these cables do uh i might try to see actually i believe let me check it out real quick i think the key i think there's a key in this trip it's hard to open the door though well this is embarrassing there we go yeah sorry we didn't know all the hinges guys yeah so it does have the keys in it got an old four-speed manual in the floor there so we're going to see if it'll turn over with the key i guess soak down those plugs hopefully they'll come out pretty easy we're not going to try and change the oil in this thing quite yet since the oil doesn't look too bad we want to see if it'll at least try to crank over pump some of this all around maybe if it'll crank up and get up to temperature just a little bit then we can drain that all out it'll break up a lot of that stuff that needs to come out whereas if we just changed it right now everything's just kind of uh not all of it's going to come out like it needs to is once that oil circulates around it'd come out a lot a lot better you remember where this plug where goes yeah don't want to get it mixed up with all the other another ones nothing ones if i can get it off we've got a ripped off ripped off yep we went ahead and bought a plug spark plugs we bought wires we bought a distributor cap we bought points oh man i think we are cool we tried to be prepared there's nothing worse than running into something that you don't have here on these lives see if i can get up in here a little bit need that stool i'm gonna need a stool probably you just switch to that angle chris it's just right back here we can't get to it pull these out and kind of see what they look like i don't know how many of y'all seen that last live revival we did on the 35 ford the first part but uh that was a little shocking on that thing it ended up having tons of water in the oil pan and motor was partially locked up and couldn't get it to fire up had ground issues and finally ended up praying and god handled it and fixed it for us so they actually don't look bad at all there's not even no carbon almost looks like somebody just just put them in there or something [Music] that one's they so they're not wrapped too bad i'll grab them other ones okay well let's go ahead and try to i'm jumping the gun we may go ahead and put a little bit of something down in there and see if we can't get the motor to turn over first well i know i'm standing out of the way this time last time i got shot right in the mouth with transmission fluid and water well this being an inline six and all the everything being on one side of the motor kind of makes it hard for me to give you a hand on it but don't know what the mileage is like on this if it'll even what the odometer shows so we're showing 66 000 miles on it who knows if that's it's not real oily and grimy i mean if it was if it was set up in 82 you know being a 69 model that's not been about 13 years it wouldn't have been used a whole lot though at that point but sandy h asked are you selling the 35 ford pickup so yeah we are selling that truck uh we've had a few people reach out to us uh so i don't know the best approach on that we may end up putting it on ebay but it is something that we need to uh we need to sell so i believe we'll probably make an announcement i think that's what i'm going to do get some good pictures of it i've got a carburetor coming for it uh you all probably remember we had fits with that carburetor so i've got a new carburetor we want something where at least crank up and you know move around for the whoever buys it um you know at least be able to load on their trailer somewhat easy i don't think it would take much to make it a driver but i think that's going to be our best approach just with the interest we've had in it is to list it on ebay and uh just kind of it'll be a no reserve auction hybrid or wins what we normally do we're going to put a little bit of transmission fluid down in these cylinders in hopes that it'll kind of help to lubricate it get it turning over hopefully it'll be turning over i don't want to put too much in because we do have the door down and if it does crank up eventually then we don't want to smoke ourselves out we've been getting some crazy weather uh here in our area we were getting tons of rain last night and this morning as we were coming home from church we hit a really bad hail storm so i may have to let you reach those back too yeah a town just south of us about an hour away they had a grapefruit sized hail hitting them did it taste like grapefruit i don't know i'm sure there's a lot of people worried about that no we i'm talking speaking about the rain i think we got about three and a half inches of rain in about less than an hour it was coming down we're going to clean up these uh battery cables here i believe dad picked up some new cables just in case these ones don't work out for us sometimes the cables uh can look fine and you can clean the ends of them but they just won't let the flow go through it like they need to so we got some new cables just in case but we're going to give these a shot it's always nice if you can use the old original stuff just to see that it might have cranked without having to buy new stuff to put on it so now we got our ground going straight to the block here so we shouldn't have an issue on that for the most part on the wiring i said some you know something been eating a little bit but everything runs in here on the firewall looks okay looks like it's okay where it goes over to the coil even down at the starter so maybe just right there at the alternator is the only thing that's been cut on i've kind of moved everything around so we don't short out or ground out anything where those wires are cut there probably go ahead and hook it up and see if we're getting sparking make sure nothing's touching somewhere no sparky no flashiest i guess i'll go ahead and give it a shot if it won't turn over uh you're getting out of the way so i'm going to go ahead and try to see if this will turn over with the key inside there i don't know if that ignition switch is wired up right or if some wires have been disconnected or if the ignition switch even was good in it we'll try it with that if not we'll go to our just a little our starter switch that we can hook right into the starter down there and just start it by hand up front here we may even move to that in the future if it gives us problems i'm trying to crank too hopefully it turns over uh if not we'll have to get on that crank try to work it back and forth like we've done in the past yeah it's it's hard to turn that belt's a little bit too loose so i'll try and turn it over and see what it does make sure i'm out of gear ready yeah clear above the fluid oh yeah it's turning over but not very fast got chopped you got shot yeah by what i reached across there to see what kind of compression we had on that that plug hole there yeah and that wire when you reach across there if you're not careful you'll get the coil don't sound like there is much compression huh it's going it's turning over so slow did it did it feel like it happened yeah i mean they had decent yeah turn it over it's just so slow that it's is shooting any of that stuff out yet nope not really what if we need a little bit more in there just to kind of help it lube up some a little bit more or it could be these old cables too it's hard this could be here oh gosh that one's pretty loose there yeah this one here is about ready to pull out right there too yeah let's go ahead and switch these cables uh that way we can rule out that who knows how strong that starter is uh but we do have a starter yeah we do have a starter in case it's bad so let's see it's turning over with the key for us guys so that was uh kind of a surprising part for me uh but we're gonna switch out these battery cables real quick make sure that we're getting good power down there to the starter and everything could be that this starter's a little weak so we we did have another one uh just in case that was to happen um it won't take too long to switch these cables out though if we have to do that starter it's not like we've wasted time by doing these cables we have to do it anyways thank you charles wollman for the five dollar super chat says i want to see you try to air up that left rear tire we will get to that here in just a little bit i definitely will uh so i gave it a shot and it went down pretty quick before yeah one thing is i think the air compressor is down to zero almost so we'd have to kick it on and it's gonna you know hope everybody's been having a good week and it's almost uh we've almost got it wrapped up here already thursday we have been uh man we've been extremely busy haven't we christian so we've been working hard on uh our next video that's gonna be uh our produced and edited style video so i have to say this is probably one of our this is probably one of our favorite videos that we've ever done for all of us but we're doing a ton of work to this car you know we did the little video on wanda where we basically uh kind of put some logos on it put some different wheels and tires got it running a little better cleaned it up on this car here we're doing complete suspension everything changed out from underneath it rebuilding the motor in it switching out body panels which were welding in body panels paint job on it the whole nine yards were trying to fit in about an hour long video so not only is it a lot of film work but it's just a lot of work too so yeah we've been working on it quite a while and still don't have half the video complete so thank you straight out of vinyl for the five dollar super chat said just take out the valve stem and jack it up and fill it with filler foam yeah so these are actually on this truck uh 16 and a half inch tires or wheels and tires so that that tire uh for me is kind of a hard hard tire to find i'm sure some people know exactly where they're at yeah and this one over here is a split rim so yeah you'll notice on that intro we we actually stole some tires off of that other we have two of these utility trucks so we switched out the ones from the red one to the green one just so we'd have a little bit because man the ones that were on here they were off the bead and sad wire brush the old cap on here the distributor cap don't look too bad uh just leads me to wondering when this thing was parked if maybe they hadn't tried to give her a little tune-up or something right before or hopefully they didn't just give her a little tune-up and then something happened to her and that's why it was part that's when i was just because hopefully that's not what we're looking at because usually when somebody starts to tune something up parking it's not what they got planned right i bet i know what happened i bet you they needed one of those 16 and a half inch tires all right and we'll get to check it out see if that helps us any i think a half or seven half or seven sixteenths maybe she'll turn over a little quicker for us attempted to spray some of this down here i think it will down in it yeah i had to put a little water in there to soak it down get out of here about got it ways to give it a shot yeah see what she does clear clear nothing it okay be that hard you wouldn't think so thank you pierre for the five dollar super chat said here's where the good work from pierre one of us got a bad connection either on on the starter down there i cleaned this so ground better thank you papa plays games for the five dollar super chat says prayers for alabama tonight several tornadoes have wrecked a bunch of small towns so far only five known fatalities gonna be a long night in dixie oh man definitely gonna be be praying for them folks i know we get a lot of we get a lot of tornado weather through here too and yes my wife i know she she hates this time of the year nothing nothing you sure you got all the wires there there should have been another red wire that runs off of that too that feeds everything else was there not another wire that came off of that no that was it well that was all i seen i don't see any of the wires that would there's got to be a wire that feeds back into the you know hot wire that feeds from from the back from that to the ignition switch down to the solenoid on the starter thank you jd harvey for the five dollar super chat said you're a blessing to me keep wrenching and let no obstacle stop you thank you so much for all the donations tonight guys uh we've got a lot of stuff going on in the background so all that stuff is super uh man it's super helpful right now so thank you for that i said i don't know there's nothing else steal that line because i'm just got my head all in the way of it i don't know what else would have went to it we'll jump to this that'll tell us if it's that or okay i don't know which one runs back to the to the key there yeah normally they'll have another wire that runs off that hot post right there that feeds uh feeds back but it could be good it could go through that silhouette anything says on it well that's got an s on it yeah so go go the purple wire and the uh the blank hot wire [Music] we did all the good guys we had it turning over now we ain't got nothing i just can't get that thing to open up wide enough there we go ready yeah i don't know something had to yeah [Music] that's the thing kind of messed up when i don't know why it would mess up though what things i hear something popping around i don't know if it's that's how i've seen it sparking it's that wire that runs through the coil yep well so we got we put new cables on there and uh it seems to be turning over about the same to me before we jump on this starter i want to go ahead and we're going to put a new uh new coil on it uh try to put new points in it and just see if it'll try to bust off uh with it turning over maybe these things just don't turn over real fast i'm not real familiar with with these with these motors a whole lot um so that starter could be weak too but we'll see if it'll try to crank with this starter first so we're just going to start replacing some of the ignition stuff so it'll get some fire i hate that our ignition key switch stopped working in there but anyways we can bypass that if we have to so that'll be our next step here just start switching out some parts on the firing side of it these one-sided motors make it a little hard to yeah makes it hard for two people to work on yeah the same thing we can go ahead and give you guys a little uh we put together somewhat of a little bit of a sneak peek of this this uh car we've been working on you might have caught it in the background just a hair too but uh christian you can go ahead and pop it up there so there there she is that's kind of where we're at on it right now it's a 60 68 volkswagen beetle that we're doing our own movie car on uh but we're we're making it look like an earlier style beetle so it'll it'll resemble the 63 volkswagen we'll switch out fenders headlights bumpers we've slammed it down with a narrow beam adjustable spring plates on the back some 17 inch wheels uh we're going to rebuild that dual co or dual port head motor in it paint it up it's going to be cool what do you guys think about her thank you the couple project for the five dollar super chat augustine vela lobas wanted to donate so here's a donation for them keep wrenching guys thank you for that yes am i in your way no no i'm sitting here trying to find the socket that you need for what you're doing you're already doing it you're ahead of me and i'm just going to have a it don't have one in it it's got a screw back here i didn't see it build i think it's probably one of five eights well it's 9 16 can you get it kind of a little bit i never get just a good straight on shot of it i think we'll have it well if not it won't take this will be a lot a little quicker a little quicker we're going to do it out here we're live it's not like i'm getting paid by the hour on this one so golly i know what's about to happen it's going to slip off here thank you jeff mitchell for the 20 super sticker i was saying be quick get it yep good thing i've kind of broke it loose for you a little bit i seen it turn about three quarters of the turn before it finally broke there when you were tugging on it yeah everybody be careful out there i know this time of year we there's some crazy weather going on do we want to go ahead and uh do anything with these points would you see see this one here fire or uh no i think i want to go ahead real quick we got them you want me to go ahead and try at that and if you want to put this back together real quick put it together so here's the old uh here's the old distributor cap covered in grass and stuff but don't look too bad on the inside or up underneath the grass even but i think we've got a new one on that what i'm about to do now we've got a new new rotor button here as well what i'm about to do now just try to drop everything off this truck all these tools i'm going to get down here on these points and this condenser and uh go ahead and try to switch them out it is kind of hard to see down in here so maybe a little challenging it's just a little bit awkward to work on at this height width that's sitting on these rollers right drew blood on me so it doesn't take much to draw blood on me anymore any comments on the little volkswagen yeah a ton of people love it she's coming together thank you all for uh being patient with us on that it's just something that takes a lot of time yeah it's been one we've been wanting to do for a while just kind of getting around to it and making it happen christian's done some some work on it and stuff and kind of relieved us on some of it i don't know if this is going to fit lance's it's a little bigger i guess i should have made sure it looked like we had the right stuff here before i got two involved did you get a condenser as far as you know yes yeah i got it right here on this old truck uh honestly my vision was to of course slam it down on air ride um but we've gotta know 95 uh 12 valve cummins uh truck that i bought knowing that we wanted to put another cummins in something it would be super sweet to drop it down in this and make it our little rescue rescue vehicle here it's so nice just to be able to pull up to a spot and actually have you know most of everything you might need to get one of these running on the spot so when you start there's a whole chore in itself uh these these guys that go out and do these uh will it runs on the spot there's just a lot of prepping goes into being ready to do those with tools and parts yeah cause you can be prepared the best you know how and you can bet it's gonna take something else that you didn't bring that's it's gonna catch you off guard misplaced my screwdriver i stole it oh now i had a little one oh there's right this right there good thing i had another skirt well this thing is tight didn't it i wouldn't i wouldn't hurt myself on it it'll hold itself in the spot i'm not gonna hurt myself did you fall down it sounded like i did pliers just turned loose right when i was fixing them sure i'm covering up everything so you guys can't really see what i'm doing here i wish i could show you a little better maybe once i get this part in there i can kind of show you what i've got done get in there there we go it's getting hot in here it's getting a little warm got about 1200 people watching so we appreciate y'all hanging out with us and supporting us on this thank you richard jenkins for the 10 super sticker you want to you want to show them any kind of like merch or anything like that just kind of yeah well while i'm fighting this right here christian you can kind of show them though we've got some merch well she can explain that probably a little better than i can yeah we have some merch old and new this is our original tie-dye flag that we have with the the original restore logo on the back and then it has the be restored on the front so it's been one of my favorites for a long time then we have this old betsy shirt and it's over the um station wagon we have done not too long ago by a couple weeks it was drawn by michael doodle you've probably seen a live video of that so our logos are on that too and then we also have uh our uncle frankie video that uh we did so he's gonna be on this shirt too and we have all these in stock so i'm having to talk super fast i edited this video way too fast plus we got some uh some caps yes and we have some caps too so uh you can order all that at www.be dasherstore.com you need a little jingle or something i really do i was having to wrap that i felt up there may have been a little draw up on that let me get this so you can yeah i can't really see and it's so awkward the height level of this is just not yeah and even for me you know it's six four six five it's just beyond my reach so you weigh six four yep i only got her there hey well it depends if you measure me from my head to my toes i'm 6'4 if you measure me from my toes to my head i'm 6'5 so got the condenser on there finally i'll just get the points make sure they look like the same so what we got here is uh these are our points pretty wore down rather than that on that right there but let's see if i can you got the light shine yeah we need no knock no light no light so that just runs inside there and hits the little lobe on your distributor and it opens up and closes has their motors turning around no spark here and that's what's going to help us send the spark down it'll you know go through your rotor button and it'll send it through your distributor cap to your spark plugs here and it's all in a certain timing order that it needs it so this not sparking is not going to send it to our distributor cap sending it to our plugs and all that stuff so we're going to replace them hopefully our new ones will have a little spark to them which i'm betting we are going to have to i have to run a new wire well it's got a little bit different thank you jasper stroup for the 20 dollar super sticker trying to figure these out maybe stab this coil in there back in there not sure that we got the right points which is not good i'll try to see if i can tear this little part apart here and switch it over these are different there's no way that's even yeah i guess it will you're on the other side of it those little needle nose once again you can be prepared as much as you want to be but it doesn't always work out that way for you they are different though ain't they because that's got so that's got two this one's just got one they had it on how many of us need to start putting this all back together like that yeah even that part it's different see now it's not going to work because i don't have that slot in it well that's stinks go back to the originals yep so we got the wrong wrong points here looks like there's no way to screw in the wire on these new ones so if anyone is interested in this truck uh i'm not so sure that we're looking to sell it right now i kind of really would like to go ahead and do something with it we'll see if this one runs or not i mean you could probably make it a driver pretty quick if it'll run do some brake work maybe lower it got a cool patina put some door logos on it or something like that but we do have another utility truck outside there so uh it we will sell it and uh so we're gonna send you out there real quick while i finish piecing back the original points to try to put back in there and see if that may be something you guys are interested in so i guess on this old truck we would be interested in selling it versus the old green one inside they're pretty close to the same year model and somewhat close to the same condition this one might have a little bit more rust versus the green one we have inside you can tell back here there's a little bit of rust on some of these flat spots on the bed but those are just flat spots pretty easy to fabricate that metal and weld it in place our cab corners do have a little bit of rust i'm assuming probably the rockers will be the same now on the inside of the truck it's just as rough as old green inside there so it does have a manual transmission in it missing the stereo ashtray who knows what else someone stole out of it the back glass has been out of it so the seats pretty tore up but the floor pans are pretty solid on it old truck has a really cool patina to it i feel like you can still see where they had the old plumbing logos on there so that's kind of cool just to leave it or you could kind of go over it with your own logos if you wanted to now one thing about this truck that i like versus old greenland is she's already got a v8 up front here so you can tell animals have been living in here pooping in here eating in here and everything else but for the most part she's pretty complete missing the spark plug wires missing belts the plugs are in it so i don't know if this motor is going to be locked up it may take a little work to get it free but i think if it's if it is free i'm pretty sure it'll run with just putting those parts back on it so with that being said this would be a good little project for somebody that wanted to build a truck we may eventually want to get rid of the old green one inside there but for right now this is a backup that we can turn loose of so if you're interested hit us up on our email at cravencustoms live.com we can talk numbers a little bit more hopefully the guys are a little bit more ready inside we bought a little time with this video so we'll check back with them see where we're at trying to get these old points cleaned up here just going to put them back in there but that's old big red i guess you call her a big green in here that's a big red so hit me up on email if anybody's interested in that truck it's got great potential just like this one does i just like the patina on this one a little better get that live for me again please dad i'll have to readjust all that stuff thank you joey fry for the twenty dollar super chat except for christian's hard work and maybe we'll see her work on breaks you got a pretty good chance of seeing her work on brakes not necessarily on this but something upcoming possibly she's she's got a lot of hands-on stuff in the little volkswagen video we're doing so i need it to bump over i don't know if we can get it to turn let's go ahead and get that bite so we're not ooh i'm blind now i ain't want to turn is it here let me just put this okay i'm clear oh the battery cable's not on pretty close take that loose yeah she's becoming quite the little uh master mechanic i think she's looking to take my place not strong enough that's one thing that i've i've got her on so she does have issues sometimes of being able to she don't have any weight to put into it so she does her best at less than 100 pounds though it's just kind of she's got to get a running start at it to do any good let's see if we're getting at least a little spark now what's crazy is most the time i probably would have just said yeah let's just clean the points that's what we would have normally done but we bought them and people say well if you got them why don't you replace them so i was going to replace some of them and it backfired on us it come back in it cost us 10 minutes thank you leonard vaughan for the five dollar super chat said here's one for christian's work behind the scenes having to supervise her daddy and big brother keeping them in line and on task she does a lot of she does a lot of work for us that's for sure so i'm going to try to turn this key over but i bet we're going to have to end up running the different wires that is so weird i mean there's no i feel like there's a wire that didn't get put back and it could be i just never did see it still don't fit that's sparking so apparently see it yep so uh which camera you got it on christian let's see if i can see it you want to hit the light like the main light yeah okay and we're going to turn the light off guys and see if you can see these points sparking all right here we go i could see them yeah so you can turn it back on so we're getting good uh we're getting a good spark there thanks sounding like it's turning over too terribly slow now all right so what we're going to go ahead and do now is i'm going to turn this key off to make sure that we don't burn up the points we're gonna put a new rotor button on there on here uh put our distributor cap and then start putting our new wire well we still gotta put plugs back in put plugs back in it wires try a little fuel in it and see what it does so i don't know where we're looking at oh 56 minutes huh duh all right so you want plugs in there yeah if you want to get plugs you've got the button on there you got the button on there i'll find the cap and then i'll give you a cap any of y'all she talked on march just a little bit uh any of y'all that might be interested in uh buying merch if y'all are interested sometimes people are interested in us signing the shirts or hats or whatever if any of y'all are interested in that we'd love to do that so just be sure you put in the notes there's like a note on there to say hey would you mind would you guys mind signing this for me or whatever and uh so what we're gonna do is we have some uh some stickers for old betsy and we have some stickers for my uncle frankie's um we even have stickers for the uh our original shirts so if you buy any of those shirts tonight during or not during this life but tonight uh we're gonna send some free stickers with that so let's see misplaced my tools can you believe that it's pretty common around here yeah i learned if you if you hide your tools you don't have to do as much work oops i mean yeah i can't find my tools it's all right i'm i can't get these screws started there wasn't a little plastic shield or anything that went down no sure no sometimes they'll have something a little dust or something i don't know that this cap we may have got the wrong one i feel like the threads are different size we still got our old one i think these are a little big or i guess i had it didn't i here it is still got screws in it yeah yeah what do you think i'll try it one more time but they do look a little smaller oh my goodness a mixture of not being able to see well and not being able to reach well if that'll help you or not and 1300 people watching here put a screw in just makes the screw not want to go in the screw screws camera screw is camera shaft kogi hogan says y'all got fridge magnets and we actually do uh it's our our what what is it is it our first logo that we've got um it's just pretty much a like the our uh just restored logo i guess you'd call it not really our original it's just got the heart rate you know i think it says pagoda texas um magnets yeah yeah yeah yeah so it is our original i may have to have you do that okay i might spray down this linkage a little bit a lot of beer i don't know what the deal is i i'm just not looking i just figured i'd let people know it wasn't just me or it could just be me maybe she'll bust right off oh spark club wires didn't it i'm getting it i didn't get these gray hairs for nothing so one five three six two four i didn't teach them how to count folks it's gonna be our firing order trying to get our little short ones here it's my best bet just lay them out here oh yeah and just so you know i haven't tightened these other than finger tight so i'll have to loosen off of them to make sure they snug on what i don't know here always over tighten with my fingers yeah i'm trying to make sure we do have a core wire one two three five six seven assuming it's gonna be one of these short ones hmm looking for the ranch i've been knocking them all on the ground okay i thought it was me misplacing them all the time kevin l says hey christian what's your largest size and betsy shirts thank you and we have 3x so it's from small to 3x right now and they they're a pretty nice quality of shirt i don't remember the exact i think it's like 40 60 but i couldn't tell you exactly what those mixtures were but they don't shrink anyways is what i'm getting at so i have a problem i wear an extra large but most time i buy a shirt and i'm kind of got a long torso so by the time i wash it it looks like i've got a belly shirt on but these have been pretty good about not shrinking if you like the belly shirt thing thank you yeah dad's dad's got on one of the what am i doing i'm gonna need this dad's got on one of the uh uncle frankie sharks so we just got him in today so i know there's some people that have already ordered them on pre-order so those orders will be going out first thing in the morning uh william randall says how do we order merch and you just go to www.bedashrestore.com and they'll be on can there get that one to five five three i'll let you push that on there one five three six two four six maybe this longer one jerry carl says fridge magnets how about lance white and christian bobbleheads i think that'd be pretty you wouldn't want us living at your house not quite long enough is it you have to switch five and six okay oh wait is that one longer i think so all right let's not pass me bobble heads two four so two how long was that about the same length a little longer let's make a good four i don't know if that one will reach or not looks like it i don't know how well i got that two on there it's on there on there i don't think i got that on there real good now all right well i'm about to go to town put a little gas in it let's see what she does guys get some carb cleaner in case we want to try to keep her running which we will i'm going to have faith and i'm going to write this off as a quick revival if i wasn't fighting those points and the distributor cap screws we could have made this a lot a lot shorter so starter we need you to work for us and we need the firing order to be right because i just kind of i think number one would have been in that in that area we didn't really check but i was judging off number six being correct from the beginning so if they had number six correct that would have been number one if not then we may need to figure that out turn the key on and then we'll be able to see what she does i should grab the right one i started to say i got the wrong one spray pb bluster down in there all right here we go wire shut off i wiped that wire shut off the uh starter shut off the starter oh come here oh i thought what wire came off that starter i could only tighten it good thing it doesn't want to open up very good kind of pretty springy i may have to try to move it here we go she tried folks man popped off again i wish uh whatever happened to it what happened today it sure make it a lot easier yeah look like that right there ripped my new betsy shark sounds like the timing was a little weird that i was like when it yeah i didn't think about that i wish i could get some down in the little bowl there but yeah you can't there's not really a vent tube now i saw a little hole there but i couldn't ever get anything to go down in it just a minute ago i don't know if that's all right she's gonna do it on this one i hope maybe we can see if it'll go in gear and what it does you're in mile you ready yep [Music] starving [Music] having trouble getting it keeping enough fuel to it yeah this is hard pulling this trigger [Music] [Applause] sounds good come on [Music] [Applause] i think we hook the i mean we know it's going to crank up we'll go ahead and hook the field to it yeah we can run some fuel to it and i know for sure we're getting gas down in that bowl so what we're going to go ahead and do now you guys are hearing it kind of kick off and try um it's still kind of sluggish i think that distributor could be turned just a little bit sounds like once it does fire up i don't i don't think we've got wires mixed up but that distributor might just need to be turned just a hair to set the timing on a little better what we're going to do is just run a just a fuel tank to this fuel line that way we know we're getting fuel inside the carburetor inside the bowl so we're not trying to feed oh my gosh it's smoking like crazy over here oh yeah i'll go ahead and open this door because i know how it gets in here and uh it's kind of weird it's like hanging all on the bottom yeah it is kind of weird kind of just makes you wanna it's a little heavy smoke it smells like a it smells like those pop guns oh like a cap yeah those cap guns speaking of cap guns while we're starting to hook this thing up uh you know we like finding some cool old ads on these vehicles speaking of cap guns let's enjoy stop shoot [Music] 220 horses this baby's rugged it's got two steel roofs instead of one bucket seats wall-to-wall carpeting four headlights better costs a lot be surprised gmc what a difference a name makes all right guys so i hope we hopefully youtube don't do monetize us for for that little video right there but kind of a unique way to show off your your new uh gmc i think she's gonna run honestly setting it up there probably wouldn't even have to have that pump it probably just fading itself down yeah i didn't think about that i was just setting it somewhere where it would hold itself in place yes that stuff's lingering ain't it i'm going to tap on the side of this carburetor a little bit i think i left that key on you can go ahead and hook that up man give it a shot we might have to run there it goes all right i gotta heard it taking it i'll let you run the thing i'll try to it's a little awkward on that yeah yes having to spray left-handed too okay yeah [Music] it's not taking off it's not taking that fuel in yet float probably hung down probably so unless there's a filter in there it could be that too yep nothing i'm going to try to pull off the top of this carburetor here so we'll give it a good tip or something real all right connect that pump up just to see go ahead dirt doppler's dance falling out i'm going to go ahead and try to pull the top of this carburetor off we can see down in there built up right in the mouth of that screw we know she will ryan will she stay running yeah will she stay right here did she need a carburetor rebuilt back in 82 doubt it i bet this thing's so gummed up inside here full of lead there's got to be another screw back at the back or something i would have thought that i don't unless it's going to show me that well i say it don't let me yeah it does it goes down i was wondering what camera they're all looking at my nose get out of the other end linkage back there i'm just wondering if i can get it to set to the side and leave that linkage look down in here kind of keep an eye on the links probably didn't huh what yeah the links i did yes sir they're all the same size there we go all right so we got the carburetor top off of it there's actually is fuel down in there um we aren't down in there okay not getting no squirtage it is so hard to see him all right grab another light where i bet if you light a match on that it may clean that on out i'm sure that all that inside there that pumps it is just see that corp cleaner i laid it down there i thought watch your eyes it's just not going to let it go through though hmm is there any carburetor experts out there that yeah which which part are we yeah which part where are we at on this sure all that needs to be rebuilt down there on that diaphragm that pumps it right i can't get a bird's eye view of it i'm also going to run me a wire strike straight to that coal there sit down on that getting anything to move better i got gas all down in the intake down in there makes it puddled up there i actually got a steady drip coming out at least now so longest awkward silence yeah all three of us waiting for the one person to say something so it may take you a little bit to do anything once we get ready you've poured so much stuff in there it's just no it's got a steady drip coming out of the thing here i can't get it dripping i thought maybe it might give me some good while ago all right we're gonna go ahead and give this shot again ready oh you want you don't want carbon just hold it wide open man that thing is just so slow turning over [Music] [Music] i wasn't thinking about it i think i could push it that quick well let's put it back together because i've seen that ball going empty i was like oh he's going to need a little bit more fuel but i guess it probably was gravity feeding itself just a little bit probably so yeah they crank up then run though i went ahead and put a wire straight to the uh coil as well because i didn't know if we were getting a good juice from the switch since how we had switch problems anyways right five seconds five second roll uh applied to carburetor parts five second rule applies to everything i'm going to be a little optimistic and i'm would you drive around there so i'm going to be a little pessimistic and [Laughter] let me see if i can get this out i was going to try to i'm going to drop down that number yeah i see it now i get a fishing pole how about a hammer i should have just put it in there and just hooked it like i should have but i didn't i'm trying to do two things at once i'm gonna put a jack this back end up and see if it's going to go in gear move eugene backyard repair says duck dad carb cleaner coming for you yeah i know who's got my back thanks you jim lance thought it was gonna be funny it was a little i'm sure of all the stuff i've ever done to him in the past i'm sure i probably deserve some of it i'm not sure on these breaks uh when we were dragging it in here i know some were locked up and i think they unlocked just so that one's free which is good check the other side no it's locked up no there it goes it's moving a little bit not much though jack stands uh christian can you kind of hand me those without like wires coming undone the big ones the big ones yeah now the ones at the back these ones yeah okay give it up it's stuck back behind this thing i might grab that person there we go on there we go thank you i guess i'm hoping that it's going to run long enough to try out the gears would you be upset if i said one of these screws just fell down in the carburetor and went into the intake uh kind of heard what you said but nothing sounds like you said you would i be upset if you rebuilt that whole carburetor and put on a new intake yeah that's about what it would have been we got any more news for them christian that we haven't mentioned uh stuff that we've um commercial or surely there's some news we're about to start um so on the little beetle that we showed you we just finished up the suspension stuff then what is it at the beginning of this week we had we were still filming on that but we pretty much got that all filmed we're gonna do our first test run on it make our little car wash strip over there to you know since we've got the suspension stuff done new brakes uh all that mess then we're gonna come back and start unbolting panels welding in panels and then we'll start the paint work on it got a really cool pick another movie style car we're going to be going on that's going to be on this episode uh and then we're going to rebuild that motor with new uh it was starting to smoke a little bit so we're going to be putting new jugs new pistons on it dual carb setup kind of painting it up just a little bit replacing seals gaskets new heads those motors are pretty easy to work on so i think we're trying to we're trying to get it out as quick as possible but i think i think in about three to four more weeks hopefully we'll be able to put it out there for y'all we're wanting it to be a million viewed uh episode so maybe it'll be the video that helps push us to a hundred thousand subscribers if for some reason another this time next year you still haven't seen it remind us uh we'll get right right within let me give you an update on it sorry thank you eugene backyard repair for the five dollar super chat said here's five dollars towards upping it to a set to a 10 second rule let's see what we got here now you got everything done on that uh sure not sure we'll see no gas going everywhere uh let me choke it a little bit i know so have a manual i put it in there i don't know if i got in the right spot but you can't choke it a little bit tell me if it's moving it oh we got dash lights now they're moving it no of course move it again let me see it's pulled all the way right now that's okay it's on just second leave it like that for just a second let's go let me turn off that fuel pump loose yeah i think with that choke hooked up it'll probably idle let me get i only got two hands and i need four right now christian give him your hands get my hand we got 1600 people that can give right now it's like it gets hard now also maybe trick let me give it a little gas it might just have to be okay that gave it some yep lava rev wrap up real high ready yep come on needs more air so i can let off of it hmm act like it's not getting filled again man something is not right but i'm gonna try to turn this here now it's tight there it goes please see if that helped any same two huh i might turn a little bit more hmm just ain't wanting to keep fuel up to it no do something kind of keep it going maybe like i said it's backwards and i need to okay hey it won't go in gear with it wrap that high well guys we've been in it about an hour and a half now uh i think we might mess with it just a hair more to see i don't think we're that float may have stuck now something's still not quite right i don't know if we've got a a bad starter off our timings off still did that seem to help anyone you put your finger over yeah i thought we had some plugs somewhere they're on that table that black man that stinks golly i don't even know how to describe that smell what does that smell like you smell it i guess not smells like success this reason you don't see a whole lot of people being successful if i can uh if i can just play with the foot pedal in here and control it try to play with the choke too if it'll allow me to i mean i guess that cable was working though huh you got both wires hooked up there yes sir ready yep [Music] got reverse is that reverse we'll try to drive it out try to drive it out yeah you kill it i was gonna idle i did too so i'm gonna go ahead and try to uh air up our tire uh hopefully you're still here with us uh mr charlie and see this uh this tire error up for it for you and i'm gonna try to creep it outside hopefully man i'm kind of at a bad angle so we may have to try to twist it around just a little bit i know she's got ore so she'll go backwards yeah because man and that forklift's away charles woman says he's still here all righty we're gonna wait and air it up last thing so what we're gonna do right now guys is uh we're gonna try to start getting this truck moved around just a little bit uh we've got another ad that we're going to play for you real quick we're going to try to move this i got to go outside and move the forklift because i know i ain't going to have no brakes i don't want to hit old betsy i don't want to hit our forklift either so we're going to pop up this sad real quick just bear with us hopefully we'll see her move on her own power around looking simply gorgeous and the next minute you are something else a brood with muscles like hercules i mean what are you anyway beauty or the beast ah just look at you sitting there like butter would melt in your mouth and look at your new styling four headlights you got yet and here you are a raging pounding pulsing workhorse 220 horses you are tough tough tough except here ah you are a racy sportsy zippy little chicky baby i know what you are you crazy little kid you are beauty and the beast all hold up into one come let me take you away from all this analyze a pickup at your gmc dealer gmc what a difference a name makes well bob is doing the forklift because he's not back yet i'll go ahead and talk about the merge so um we currently have the rainbow or the tie dye flag shirts which have our original restored logo on it it was actually one of our first shirts we got done so it has the bee restored on the front of it and then we also have our old betsy shirts with the uh station wagon that we did not too long ago so it has the old school old school cool on the very bottom of it has the logo as well on the front and the back then we also have uh the shirt with the my uncle frankie on it so um that was from the video with the abandoned cars and all that so yeah very cool shirts and you can get them all at be dashrestore.com we currently have all the shirts in stock right now so uh and i think that bub said that every shirt that was ordered tonight would come with a free sticker so yeah super cool we're trying guys did we get the ad plane yes i couldn't crank the forklift the forklift wouldn't want to crank so uh then i got soaked with water that was sitting on top of it and i'll never remember where i put that gopro excuses excuses all right we're gonna see if we can push this butt end over a little bit oh yeah not hard i don't want to hit that i ain't need to go some more hey dad your mic went out good i wonder why i just went out know mine's still going somehow it went i got muted all right all right good bob's hot all right so we're gonna get it off that i'll get off the front ones first i'm fixing to uh i'm gonna have to lift that door open a little bit more you're fishing what the door is gonna have to lift up a little bit more so i'm gonna have to block it just i thought he said i'm pissing him off the floor yeah lock it there we go if y'all was to build this truck for like a rescue thing uh would it be four-wheel drive or two-wheel drive what what would what would y'all's thoughts be on that we may have to shut the mics down here in just a minute kick that air compressor on because it's oh yeah go ahead and kick it on sorry guys it's fixing it real loud because air compresses [Music] so [Music] like nascar right here i may have to move a little bit there so they can see it might have to move so i can see it going up just kind of okay come on you can do it not enough air pressure not yet so bad might be quicker for me just to blow it up suppose we got about 55 pounds i think it would i think it just has a tube that's real slow about taking it too is it moving at all yeah but it's just very very slow shouldn't be a tooth it looks like it's oh yeah i think that valve core may be kind of contrary and just doesn't want to take it in like it needs to sorry i didn't know that our air compressor was kicked off didn't really know if we were going to be able to try to drive this thing out of the shop either getting dark on us coming up now slowly [Music] i think that's good enough so we're gonna uh we're gonna attempt to try to drive this truck outside of the shop um dad's gonna have to crank it for me up here i won't be able to kill the truck but at least it is a standard so i can push in on the clutch uh the emergency brake seemed like it might move but i didn't want to press it until i tried to move out so it may sputter and die we may not get out of here or we may move so we're going to try it real quick just remember you got a mirror on this side when you go out don't get too close i'd rather take off the mirror but yeah i'll try all right away i thought away he goes [Music] okay over there start turning nap going through [Music] good [Music] oh it's a torquey little thing time to go deliver some pizza [Music] yeah you're off the rim ramp emma [Music] i'm gonna come back inside okay christian's eyes kind of got big good for later you wanna let me out so guys all she needed to do was just try to move and now she's idling i'm gonna go ahead and kill it in case you can't hear me all right kill it up there yeah all right we're all out of whack let's go ahead and use this side camera christian uh so i broke uh the bead on the wheel over there that tire goes down pretty fast and we didn't quite get enough air in it but i was trying to get this thing to speed up but she's idling she's smoking she's moving i tried to do a burnout as i was coming in and with no brakes and christian in front of me and her eyes being this big uh yeah that's that's about as short-lived as that went i wish i had more time i'd go ahead and hook a chain in my truck and we could do a burnout on the flat tire i guess but anyways sparks yeah all right guys well thanks for hanging out with us i'm glad that this was another successful uh looking at the wrong camera i'm looking at the tv i'm glad this was another successful uh go with these things um we're not trying to change the world whenever we do these little bills we're just trying to have a little fun and see if we can get some of these vehicles up and running again like i said on this one we might switch it out put a diesel in it but maybe we might tune it up a little better get it running a little better stopping a little better it could you could go with it like it is and just kind of make a cool little truck so with that being said we do have the old red one out there if anyone's interested in a truck like this we are interested in selling it we've hit on the merch several times that tried to save us a little time threw a couple good ads in there uh christian you want to hop over here real quick yeah sure and just remember just because it's setting out in the field don't mean it won't crank yeah oh goodness can barely walk my i've been sitting down for so long so uh a lot of y'all don't get to see us all together at the same time but christian's over there switching camera angles replying to comments the best we can i know that a lot of you guys love these live will it runs i know that there's some of y'all that are not too crazy about them but for right now we are doing the produced stuff in the background and this is a heavy a pretty heavy build that we're working on on that beetle so it's really either us kind of work on that and no videos come out or us do these lives in between so they work well for us we enjoy them so we're glad that y'all enjoy them uh yeah i mean i pretty well said it all dad kept looking at me like he wanted to say something i didn't then you kept covering it so i thought well he's got it covered so all right well you got anything to say or you took everything i was going to say every bit of it all right now we do really appreciate y'all hanging out with us and that and uh and standing behind us and giving us pointers and and just bearing with us because sometimes even though it's really obvious to us sometimes it's just it's over our store especially like lance said earlier when you've got 1300 people watching you and you're trying to entertain somebody too so if you look right there that's that's herb 2.0 so i'm really excited about this video and i know that you guys will love it i really uh i really think that this is going to do uh well on youtube i mean it's it's it's been well put together and just like everything else god's been in it a hundred percent as well so um thank all of y'all i don't know who all has donated tonight i tried to keep up as she would call them out but thank all y'all for all the donations um i'm sure we probably had some merch that that was purchased as well and we'll get that stuff out sent out to y'all uh tomorrow and uh i guess i'm just making sure you hit the subscribe button in that uh we'd love to to be pushing a hundred thousand here pretty quickly the uh thing on socialblade on youtube shows about four months we'd like to hit it before then uh so if y'all could just i mean it's just just a simple click doesn't cost a thing yeah uh wrap us on up there and kind of get us to that hundred thousand mark that's our big goal we'd like to reach is a hundred thousand so uh we're hoping that this next video on on the herb 2.0 is going to push us there if not a little further but uh we're going to just keep growing and keep giving y'all some content and thank you all for the support the love and um driver yep yep check out all driver and i guess i'm just rambling on because i really don't want to leave but i finally get to sit down or stand up and visit with you also yeah i'm doing the same thing i'm watching all the comments and reading all right guys so we're gonna head out of here y'all have a good night um god bless each and every one of y'all thank y'all for the prayers uh thank y'all for everything so we don't know what the next video will be uh or we would tell you but we will see you soon uh and within a week or so i would think so all right thank y'all and god bless you
Views: 475,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, classic car, classic truck, rust, junkyard, abandoned, rescued, kraven, custom, bogata, lance bush, restoration, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, will it run, neglected, saved, parked, rusty, forgotten, rat rod, revival, revived, live, livestream, will it start, first start, classic, automatic, revive, vgg, vice grip garage, vice grip, be restored, GMC, 1969, Utility Truck, service truck, chevy, chevrolet, shop truck, work truck
Id: RUP9XkldcOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 15sec (6975 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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