Fold up 49cc suitcase scooter. Will it RUN/RIDE after 40 years Part 2 of 2

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hey guys and how's it going this could be uh part two of this centaur folding suitcase scooter it sat for i don't know 40 50 years in someone's garage slash barn uh a fellow subscriber had hooked me up with it a couple weeks ago that he was on a pick he got a two-wheel tractor with a bunch of implements and this was sitting in the corner so the guy gave it to him and then he sent it my way thank you danny we appreciate that anyway uh so the last video we were able to get the engine running we got to go spin the back tire we got the clutch in the cvt of the transmission working did the carburetor uh magneto all that kind of stuff and we were able to get it to run work with the pull start got those pieces cured and fixed so now we're going to continue that torch and move on further to see if we get more of the other stuff done i got a list that's on the bench over there but essentially uh the gas tank's real cruddy we have no brakes the tires are shot we need a throttle air cleaner things like that the covers the other side cover is on right now on the back side but the cover that was on this side was really trashed it was missing a piece they're just plastic but i did score that last piece of plastic from him they were able to find it where the scooter was so possibly we can put that cover together good enough to use anyway let's pop you off the stand give you a quick little look for those who haven't seen it the first time around this bar comes out the front tire comes off and the handlebars tuck in this whole handlebar assembly flips up and over inside the tire i'm not sure where it tucks in i think possibly the tire front end sits here and then handlebars come in we haven't gotten to that part of folding it up yet 1961. 6061 is the year that's what it looks like with the cover on it yeah this is the good one and since i put the last video up you know i i got like 800 links to different parts and uh videos of other bikes running so i do appreciate that but uh they whether they still sell them or not but apparently they sell these covers for 60 bucks a piece whether they're still available or not i don't know but there is a listing for them so i'm not that concerned about its looks right now we're still just kind of working on getting the mechanicals all the work oh you we also want to check for uh power out for lights and some other stuff the shock is bent on the back and anything else on my list fuel tank brakes tires throttle light power headlight kill switch and rear shock so that is our list for stuff that we're going to try to attempt to get done today all right enough talking let me uh start getting into doing some wrenching what do you want to start on first i would say probably maybe we'll get that rear break and wheel off of there we can see what we have for brakes if it is usable if we need to go chase something or not so let's go start with that actually for such a giggle so let's go throw some fuel in it and we'll put a test light on the one of these two wires was the power wire out going for the headlight and the taillight let's go hang a test light on fire it up and see if the light lights up we'll know if that magneto is any good so the light is down there it's at 12 volt light and we'll only be putting six volts to it so if even if it does light up i don't suspect it's gonna be very very bright but again we're just gonna go see if we get anything out of it all right uh we're gonna go with no choke let's give her a little throttle how about some choke this is going well turn that choke off all right light lights up cool actually how bright i thought it was going to be too might have been 12 volts but it's 1961 usually all that stuff was around that size we could probably take the bulb out of the tail light and see if it says 6 volt or 12 volt sure is a funky system back here so this part floats and as the clutch moves in and out on here and the belt changes different sizes this compensates for it it's got half of a cvt transmission but it's also on the same swing arm and what we got for a brake cable there is a brake cable going back up to a lever up there so you get the brake cable off and it looks like we just take that nut off and see what happens see what will drop out what do you think the chances are that that's going to come out as much as i thought [Music] impact sock is too fat so i have to go to regular [Applause] i didn't think it was going to go that easy let's go get like a brass rod or something give her a couple wax it's gonna be a long slow process it's bound up on the the center of the hub i'm gonna get something smaller now it'll fit so you can drive the rest away through hmm still not moving it looks like it's got some kind of break or lock i don't know if you can see it it's right here it keeps the drum from turning i want if we can get this assembly out of our way yeah that gives us room for it to slide forward or back it's just sitting in there we'll clear the brick room there it goes i see it there we go we're free it resets i can see the tire brake shoes don't look bad the amount of material is still good on them that's all the oohs that's all the crap that's using out of the bearing 60 year old even better on this side well it's better grease than not actually has a grease fitting all right so we're going to need definitely a tiring tube for that uh let's go shopping so that's a 410 by 350 by six that's a six inch rim we need to go find something that resembles that size well they're going to be too big they're honda 70. not too small they have a weird metric size [Applause] 110 by 50. 110 by 50 that's not gonna work and this fresh arrival of a pallet thanks to another subscriber had dropped off a load of old tractor ropes and i'm not sure what these wheels are from but 410 356. may not exactly be the best tread but they will fit and it looks like they got tubes in them too might work out just fine let's go dig that up them out bring them downstairs and do a swap that's a tad bit bigger and again the tire on the right doesn't have any air in it i think the treads all that much worse either i don't think this one was all that non-slip so i think it has just like six bolts on it this one this is gonna be the panty ass one to take off because the rim doesn't split but this one comes apart looks like everything's gonna come off like the you take the hub out these three hold the hub and this six holds the wheel together do we need to take the hub out that's hard to say hey i'm going to say yes shoot some juice on them and do my rat get them all apart [Music] [Music] uh uh [Music] you say the rim looks amazingly good was not expecting that i thought it was going to be nothing but a pile of rust and have to weld little rot holes on it i'm going to go clean this up over the parts washer i'm not going to go paint anything it always can be done later but i really kind of like stuff that looks the part the brake shoe surface got a bunch of rust let's see if we can go wire wheel that off of there [Applause] yeah this thing is uh 49 cc's but it's said to go 40 miles an hour i have a feeling that might be on a good downhill a lot of weight on it but these tires are four ply because i'm gonna do 40 on these tires try to anyway four ply they say 50 psi so do not like a a wheelbarrow tire one of those uh cheap harbor freight tires you get for like your to wheel your generator around on now one of these has a stem and is that tube favor one side yeah we'll call it that side watch it not fit i'm going to throw the valve cap on it just so i don't lose i'm just going to help it or not and which way did the bolts go i think they all went the hub was on this side correct i don't remember i think they all went downward i think they were all facing i think all the threads are facing the same way i could tell you one thing they are now let me go bolt that up and bring you back for something a little bit more exciting what do you think yeah 20 pounds yeah 22. it feels good once i got the brakes and stuff to clean up i'll just go through those it's lever free yeah and while we're at him also take the back seat off back seats only seat it's got maybe we'll get this plastic off of here and it'll give us access to this this bench shock that's on here once you get this lever working again looks like it's seized up somewhere on it not doing what it should be doing and we probably give it a once over maybe uh like a scotch brite and some safety clean we'll clean up the ass end of the frame get all this crap off of here we should probably take a peek at that too we need to maybe we'll take that on a wire wheel and give her a little bit yeah let's disassemble some more that's your ground two ground wires up top and then there's a brake light switch that was hooked to the spring that was on the brake lever that's how that works i don't think that now i have to try to go there it goes that didn't take too much not that it electrically works at least it's moving in and out [Applause] get that rear swing arm way up in the air it's free there's nothing holding let's see if we can get that to back off yeah how's that supposed to work like that i definitely think that we need to bend that straight it looks like it was its 400 pound limit was exceeded how does that how does this work though what's the i don't understand what this part would do if you release that it allows it to flip do you think you are supposed to adjust it for different ride height do you think i don't see it you think that slot right there i'm looking at you think that is just for let's just take it right apart yeah i'm not quite sure what the purpose of the cylinder off that's bent maybe we can articulate it more this whole acid is going to drop out now there we go so that's just meant to do that and get it i could see that be in the stowaway position the tire would be all the way up and tucked out of the way and then in ride position but i don't understand and there's no way to tighten that neither you know just it's just going to stay wherever it is i guess we'll figure it out when we put it back together let's go take that strut off the shock off see if we can fix that i don't think has any dampening to it i think it's just a spring i don't think it's much of anything right now maybe that's whites bent okay she doesn't she doesn't do the squishy act no more okay heart tail come on you're like right there there's nothing holding you let's go take that over to the vice and see if we can figure out what's happening with this thing but i wouldn't exactly say it has the most of maybe an inch of travel throw some heat on that see if we can get that too stick that up got it straight so this in the center where it tightens down on is kind of like yeah like a bike seat you know it's got like the two ratcheting paws that go against each other and yeah they can kind of click in a different location so that's what it tightens down on when you crank the nut down you can lock that so i think somebody tried moving it in the wrong position and just bent it but it looks like it's meant to go on the outside of it is the all the way up and then that'll bring the whole swing arm really far up is the plan uh something see if it'll do it i think something's bent [Music] because it doesn't clear like it should but that would come up like that and really tuck that tire up into the frame but like i said i think sometimes it's knocked out the whack i'll show you in a second do you even see the fender wants to rest right about there you look at the gap that's on this side and then the gap that's on this side of the hole i don't know if it's the upper cage just knocked out a whack or the rear swing arm one of the two is not where it should be and you can see it's even with a little spring perch it's not even supposed to be touching that supposed to be over and around that but that's our gap trying to see if that that pivot point in the middle that thing is bent at all you have to take a hit i do not see anything i'm thinking it's the cage because i don't know if you guys can tell you kind of rely on the angle that i'm holding the camera but these floorboards in that rail seem to go fairly straight i'm kind of looking at the cage and it looks like the cage is kicked hmm i am going to study it a little bit and i'll get back to you here what we're dealing with here one way or another we're going to bend one one direction or another the other direction doesn't miss the pin can it actually that would make it worse if i slide that together that's even going to get worse if i close that gap up i'm going to take a scotch brite some cleaning stuff i'm going to wash some stuff off and then we'll revisit putting the ass end back together and where we need to uh do some gentle persuasion we've heard of the aftermath right this is the after bath now we can kind of see we got going on looks like there was something here and it ripped out um that might be part of what is the damage not sure why it's out of whack oh you know what that was kickstand probably had a little kickstand there but you could look either side you see down the end down there it's about an inch wide and you're down here it's about two inches wide and on this side it's almost touching and if you see down up front there it's a good i don't know inch and a half so one of these is not like the other so you gotta squeeze i think it's the frame because that swing axle is pretty tough you can see that frame is flexing pretty good i say we just grab it with something right here and we just give her to the big squeeze and we try to get it to square off back into the center again yeah i think it's the cage because i'm looking at the the swing arm and the rest of the frame up front and it looks like it's pretty square let's get the squishing probably have to hit it more so get the spring out of it you know you have to overshoot it i'd rather not put heat on anything for us no it's exactly the same as what it was yeah i wonder if we can get it up high enough where i can get a real good crank on it you know hmm we'll get it it just doesn't know it yet i have an idea but i have a feeling it's going to clear the bench off without my my want get that behind there and do some in prying this is gonna hurt i already know it i don't know so you can get a little bit more more meat on it [Applause] [Music] it did something hopefully you didn't go too far that would suck yeah looks pretty good let's get that let me lift that up grab that for me okay thanks there we go it can go a little i don't know no i think we're okay i think we'll leave it right where it is i think that it looks like it tapers down a little bit on that side i think we leave well enough alone i don't think we have to get that perfect of it you know but i think we're definitely in the realm where everything seems like it lines up again we're back center over the middle let's get that strut put back on there and see if it'll it'll fold up the rear wheel like it should so i got all cleaned up and put back together and that is in the ride position i don't understand why it has that slide so you can take it i can see this for storage it tucks the wheel up out of the way and it's you know now sitting flat as a suitcase but in the ride position first of all you have to kind of get it where it's straight up to get the handle of the lock but what what is the point of this sliding like that i i don't understand why it needs to do that why isn't it just fixed up there and it just when you're ready to go right you know store it you store it and when you go back it goes back and you lock down what does what does that give you what what's the purpose of that i just don't understand it well it works i think we keep moving forward and we just worry about it maybe it'll answer its own question as we move forward i think we can put the back tire assembly back on is all cleaned up and ready to go hopefully that tire clears all the uh fenders and that kind of thing but we're gonna go find that out right now and i believe it's gonna go something like the chain on brake drum goes in and then this goes like that so all that has to get shoved up in there and then put the pinch bolt through it and what direction is that go probably something right about there wish me luck yep it was a panty ass that's pretty good though see if we can grab the brake well that still needs to get hooked up to there that's the spring-loaded part of it i guess we could throw we could throw those two pieces on and we wouldn't do next let me get those on we'll figure it out well the fender doesn't hit but it's like super close i think it took a hit the cylinder smashed into the back of the fan and kind of crushed things down let's see if we can do a little fudging back the other way just kind of give her a little bit more original better let's get real aggressive i'll go with that better than what it was right 40 miles an hour you guys are nuts well it's actually a few days later and before i went home the other day i went and actually fiberglassed the back side of that panel that was busted up first taped it together hopefully i may not have screwed up or we're gonna see whether the tape comes off with the stuff oozed through oh good i was afraid it was gonna get welded on there they do make a or did make replacements for it and about 900 people sent me the link to it i kind of found it too that they sold replacement ones but the ad is uh from 10 years ago they were 60 bucks a piece back then i haven't called on it and i figured in the future if i want to go that route i could possibly contact him but for now i'm just going to kind of put it together with the pieces that it has and i like the old ratty look so it's being restored not restored all right that one's i think there's one i made a bridge out of the go seal did this one this one might stick cause there's like a two inch hole nope that's not it i know it's there oh there it is right there nice i might just go a little on that part the pieces were missing altogether it probably weighs twice as much as it did before all right so i'm happy with that we may do a little bit a couple of the other ones are missing hunks and pieces too but at least this has got some structure back so we can actually hang it on the machine and not have a blow off in the wind yeah that's actually what's missing all together but better than nothing right i guess you should jump on that gas tank and do whatever we're gonna go do for that that is pretty scaly in there it's not terrible not too bad they all do that old age uh a couple things you could do you could do acid put bolts in it let's go try something a little different see how that works a couple more i like mine spicy i'm just gonna leak out put something on that cap to keep it from leaking might want to close that too does it leak out anywhere else nope good give him about a third of the way with water and we'll take a piece of plastic or something under the cap and lock that down so well that's clanking away i say maybe we'll take the bike we'll spin it around so that the front wheel is exposed and we'll start tearing into that get the front tire and stuff done and see what we got for our front end any issues with it now i think we're supposed to just be able to unthread the center of those handlebars and the front should drop out that was pretty easy let's go see about how it wants to fold if it'll fold actually shouldn't i think these are supposed to twist in or something i'm not sure let's go see let me back up a little i guess those handlebars i think you would need no tools though i see clamps on them right here with springs so how do they how would they tuck in i don't know if you push down on them or spring loaded lift up let's say lift up there we go [Applause] camera you can do it let's go try folding that up again let's back you up again first time getting tucked that's still not far enough though what's it hit yeah we almost have more of a bend to the frame i'll show you yeah it looks like we got some more bending to do because that is supposed to drop into there you think it's the seat you think it's the frame i think it's the frame this must have taken a a good hit at some time and we have to do the same with some some gentle persuasion with wood so you can get that to line up and drop in there what's the sense of having a suitcase scooter if it won't fold up into a suitcase right i hope we don't launch the whole thing on the floor let's see if we get a little slight persuasion in there like a glove snug glove not much room to go let's give her a little and go a little bit more try to split that distance you know hair too much perfect about it eighth inch on each side she's tucked does look like i should drop down a little bit further ah there you go the grips are hitting the lift let's go there we go sit in and say your own jokes i think that's close enough for a win uh i don't know let's go do that front tire maybe we'll just knock that out you already seen the back one getting done let me uh if there's anything surprising when i go and do that i'll let you know let's go pop that out of there first see if it needs any more oh we just gonna wear holes through it seems dry that's a good sign i'm plucking around like crazy go bring that inside we'll drain it out see what it looks like [Applause] it's done something rinse that out and sink a little bit better we'll take a flashlight peek in there right it looks like we have to go a little bit more though still got a ways to go i wonder if i can get it that side looks pretty good i wonder if i can mount it straight out on the tire so that the stuff kind of rotates like this not sure how well that's going to work i'll give it a shot though [Applause] let's go take another peek water's cleaner i think let me just live with that just afraid of going too much that we're going to blow open the scene i think these are just possibly looks like soldered together made out of tin i'm not sure if that's solder or weld kind of looks like kind of looks like lead doesn't it so i don't want to push my luck i could always you know vinegar acid all those kind of things but i think i've knocked off anything that's gonna contaminate the fuel we'll see i'm gonna go dry it out get the moisture out of it and we'll leave it alone for now let's go push up on that dent a little probably measure how far over is right to there i'm gonna deform the neck it doesn't have enough curve to be able to get up there and push on it [Music] am i barely touching it i'd rather have a dent in and mess up the throat of it if i have anything else that has a little bit more of a curve to it a little quick drying action [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's getting warm quickly [Applause] [Music] ouch that front wheel's all done cleaned up and greased she's a little bit of a tight fit kind of rubs a hair on the plastic i tried shimming it a little bit one way or another but i guess we're gonna go with that i'm looking at i'm trying to figure out where that's supposed to i saw them drop it in from the top i don't really see that happening maybe that goes in first and then the handle bars go down and i would think maybe right in that area there's really not too much maybe something like that i know the cover puffs out a little bit i didn't think it was that much plus you have to get the gas tank up inside there too so let's unfold it uh take a better peek at that front end we'll clean up those handlebars a little bit uh we can do the gas tank air cleaner [Applause] let's put the air filter housing back on we know we need a actual filter we get away with i might double that up and it might not looks pretty good i have to take it back apart anyway then we got the gas tank that sits right it's going to go just like that and it's got two straps that hold it in place but we're going to leave that off for a minute just so we have access to things and they pack everything in there tight huh you do this one-handed [Music] yeah i see maybe we go take this plastic off of here and we'll look into the cables while everything's still a little on the loose side we'll deal with the throttle and the brake cable and possibly we'll clean up some of the crap that's on these handlebars you got to get you know is that a throttle it turns it's a good time but the cables are just hammered maybe we can possibly record them or just put new stuff in it see it's got the throttle cable going through the plastic of it see if we can wiggle this thing out of here [Applause] i'm cracking anything where does that one go everyone's got a place to escape nothing like 60 year old plastic to trying to undo without breaking anymore i think we got it there we go so blue at one time i think somebody painted black and the back's got a bunch of gold paint on it again we're gonna leave all that pretty much well look well enough alone uh we can work on first probably the throttle cable let's go it's got taping stuff up here let's go cut this stuff off and see what we have to work with and see if we can actually take that apart and get the throttle guts apart and see possibly just maybe thread a new cable into the center of that jacket it actually looks decent i don't see any bad break so what actually you even just use it over it depends what the other end looks like it just it just goes right to that spring right there a little hole sticking out there because it's got a screw on the back side that it grabs and that just works the throttle so so we're going to thread that a little drag pin here and i think the end of the cable has a square block on it that just slides back and forth and it probably locks into like a yeah a bit of a groove there's the groove inside there showing up we'll wash these pieces up a little bit and definitely need some new new grease so it looks like the cable has a little bit of a square block on the end of it and that sits in that channel jacket sits there that sits in that channel something like that as you twist the grip it pushes and pulls the cable and then that and if you can see it's got a channel in there it goes right up through there it looks like that grabs that pad something like that and as you twist it pushes and pulls the cable i think the handlebar holds the pad up in position all that just seems like it needs to be cleaned up a bit though and also the damage on the end here i'm not quite sure what happened with this stuff let me try to stick it inside a piece of pipe and put a piece of pipe inside here and kind of tap on this even get all this to lay flat again it looks like it got like hammered or hit or pushed with a screwdriver or crunched her one of those are all those [Applause] [Music] right [Music] foreign so so so i think this thing is called a cable oiler and what it does it has a rubber barrel on the inside of it and it tapers like a ice cream cone for lack of better definition and you crank down the clamp around it it closes up seals off the cable and seals off the jacket and then it allows you to take any kind of spray nozzle and put in the hole hopefully it will fill the jacket up in between sometimes it shoots backwards like that tweak it a little bit if it does that's fine as long as it goes down the cable it shoots out the other end it's kind of what you're looking for plus you can kind of feed it from both sides too that's what that does and it shoots oil and lubes the inside of the cable i'm gonna go do both sides of that sounds like somebody's playing outside try that side i think that's good for another 60 years what do you think yep yep it's gotta go slide like that me go give her a little helping hand there then we need to get that barrel on there so we need to do the same we should probably get a decent amount surprises not like a shim for this area to take up the last little distance you know instead of it just kind of floating like that i say that's more than enough all right let's see if we can get that to feed into that channel that should do it i'm gonna put my set screws in looks like it was in a little further i'll work on them i don't have a grip for it right at the moment we have what's left of the old one i might be able to glue that one on i'm gonna go take a peek upstairs too if i got something that kind of looks the the part maybe we'll put them on instead because it was pretty beat supposed to run through the that plastic that's on there i'm gonna leave that off for now but we have throttle edge so he gets full throttle almost full throttle give her a little that yep and it goes goes to idle we'll call that good let's go see if we can do for a brake cable well the brake candle's already busted off on that and so i'm just gonna go pull this jacket right out of this whole thing get a better idea of the length see if i can find something that's suitable that's a maybe a little bit tougher than like a bicycle cable we'll see what we got well i took out my stash cables and i was hoping to have one of the heavier ones like that or motorcycle type brake cables and the top one actually this yeah this one is the one that i need and none of those are even getting close to it so i had to go dig into bicycle stuff and this is what we're gonna have to go with bicycle brake cable you know it's probably i'm guessing from what the old stuff was oh yeah about 70 percent of the size maybe but we're going to run what we run so hey yes i just used the same jacket over again same adjuster it's all the way in so over time i could just kind of crank this whole assembly out and it'll get tighter it's got i don't know half inch of play for and it's a pinch on this side just pinches the cable hole goes through a bolt you draw the bolt down the pinches on the cable on the other end i left the nipple on there and i actually drilled a little hole in the handlebar so i fed on the top side it does the same thing but with the bolt with the pinch hole in it is i let it come through and then on the back side is a nub from the cable that's can't pull through that's it she doesn't like to play on its side now i said it's a two-stroke you just lean it over it's got no gas in it no oil i didn't want to cut off any of the cable yet just in case i need to do some modifications or change stuff up suppose tie wrapping that one off and making sure it's staying out of harm's way and it did the same with the the throttle cable and gave the whatever extra was already on there and as i'm looking at it see a crack going all the way around yeah good thing i saw that huh i'm gonna go clean that up throw a weld on there actually it's cracked there too you see it down below this one definitely went off some some sweet jumps that's all busted right there too right through and all the way around so the only thing it's attached to is that and these two ain't no triangulation going on there yeah i might want to fix that yeah we definitely say these have gone past their expiration date i mean i could probably spray them back on there to get them on this one this one's not so bad but i got some old like honda 70 monkey bike bars and i think they are the correct two sizes i'm not sure of that throttle is always larger when it's got an internal throttle because it's got a sleeve that goes around it so i'm gonna do my best probably to put them in hot water and we'll see if it kind of softens them up enough to get them to slide off or i can put down my purse and just take a stupid thing off it worked out pretty good one's got a tear in it from taking a crash at some point in his life but it goes along with the bike we got a throttle brake one's on there cables are all set i've got a couple of clips clips like this that still need to be put on but i worry about that after the plastics got to figure out where they probably go i figured there's probably two here maybe another one here tanks bolted up and then the fuel line up yet though i think we're pretty good let's go and fold it up and you see how things kind of line up and how cables wanna do that and that let's get like another i think it might be just because the way it's sitting on the bench what hits nothing nothing nothing it's just like where it lies over the sprocket over there [Music] right there right in the muffler but it looks like this side should go down more i wonder if this can go over to the other side there we go is that it it's like so close the surprise you don't have like a position that they lock and they click so they know where they need to go i think that's it that's a nice little package if i do say so uh myself gonna go flip it back open and let's go put the front wheel on i'm more concerned now it's getting it to uh drive sound a good idea i do too so i've been putting little doodads back on and plastic pieces in the seat and etc and i thought we're all set over here except for the fact that the pull start again it's not the original pull start and i believe the video that i saw it they pulled backwards on it so that's why it was indexed the direction that it is but that is too far past the cover to be any good straight up is going to be nothing unless we try to have to pull it and open the seat every time we want to go do it and then possibly can we index it if you do 180 that's probably gonna be about the same amount that's it's it's probably going to be right about there i don't know if we can get a good pull on i think it's just going to tear at the cover well we could always just rotate and see what happens right it's not too good too much of a asset to us at the moment the other thing too i wonder if we could index it forward yeah so straight up we click it one more maybe i was wondering if we could pull from the front too if i index it around i can't get it we just flip the seat up because you're going to want to go grab the choke and stuff anyway at least when it's cold and then maybe you can yank it this way through here open it back up let me go try it see what happens i got that off and it was like that we could do that it's kind of not terribly clumsy i guess if you got to open the seat you got to open the seat all the way anyway right or we do that how will the panel you can get it but i think it's just going to be such a sharp turn now we can still kind of grab it from the front pull it too it's under the gas tank but i don't know it actually kind of looks like it's closer to an exit point than it is i mean you got to go down about 12 over here you're about six or seven here so we're gonna go with that for now guess if you pull it up to there and then go that's doable try popping that cover on yeah i think i don't know that'll work i thought i was gonna have a lot more drag going around that corner it does it actually has you know the bottom's only half open too i guess you can go that kind of sucks i like this better we'll go with that well the next step was to start chasing some lights and i'm like did i show them the headlight that i got and that was put away or i wouldn't damage it keep it out of harm's way i've been searching for the last 45 minutes i started putting stuff away it's usually the best way to go okay start getting rid of some of the tools came the floor put the welder away and like i would have swore i sat it down in this corner to keep it out of harm's way and i did that's a great idea anyway that really kind of looks the part doesn't it matches the rest of the bike as far as it's stay as far as it's patina but i don't know where it was mounted that when it folded up it was not an issue yeah that would be in the way your hands right so i'm kind of guessing who knows i could even bend up on a handlebar and it twists with the grip so i got to do a little bit of homework so that i can put that in a decent location so rub marks there looking for like old indications of where something might have went and i almost knocked it off the table [Laughter] son of a all right so i'm gonna go ahead and go eat and i'll pick this back up and i was hoping i already have it done for a ride but it takes as much time as it takes right well guys it's a little bit more in the future and i got some stuff done didn't film it but it was mostly just chasing the lights and i cobbled up that light that i had had to cut it and re-weld it to get it to sit back further on the front end so when it's folded up it clears the fact that it can fold up random wiring to it i got an extra wire here i want to look at kills this is for kill switch but i don't have a button set up i'm going to keep looking for one i want to put a button probably right around here on the handlebars where you can kind of reach it with your thumb and shut it down when you want to for now you just ground the wire out i guess i use kind of period correct i don't know if that's asbestos or fiberglass wire it's stuff that's really old both color the black is too just try to keep in keeping with the uh the look of it other than the butt connector that stands out like a sore thumb you leave the side covers off while we do our preliminary run it's got brake and tail light both are back in here i haven't other than hooking power to external power to it i don't know what it's going to do when we fire it up though made some clearance for it so because this has to be able to swing up and down so it's got some play in the wires for the rear tire to move up and down and just snake the wires down it's got these little clips that were on i kind of guesstimated where they would have been i think we're ready to go put some gas in it fire it up make sure everything is functioning we can also see if those lights work too so get you understand get some gas let's give her i know that says 50 to 1 but i threw some more two-stroke oil in it's probably more like 40 maybe 35. it doesn't have any ethanol in it so we'll beat up that diaphragm that's in there it's supposed to get 100 miles to the gallon that should be about 14 miles worth and there's the gas on i don't think it is it was give that a sec make sure the carburetor doesn't have gas spewing out of it anywhere we'll give her a couple gangs see what it does fire it up runs full throttle shoots across the garage choke is forward see what that does for us give her a little bit pull start sounds good my life just got a headlight now we do [Music] we have to run her a little bit and do some uh air fuel mix adjusting get the lights working i want to go just check that kill switch we know we're good to go good that works no it's that might not for fun right so [Music] so hello oh [Music] i'm late for the airport so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we took a little trip down to brian's dead end street so we can do some a little putting around on it kind of matches the truck would you say so sir it fits right in the neighborhood that's for sure has the same beat up this as the truck does we'll get that off of there go fire up and uh will brian be a camera man a hundred percent it's gonna fire takes off with me not even on it ghost ride what'd you say it's a hundred percent it's gonna fire jokey okay i bet if i turn the camera off and start right up [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] um now [Applause] hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] scary enough one man foreign [Applause] good all [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] um [Laughter] i see what it takes to tuck it away i left the one side cover off this one kind of see well it's almost to the point where i didn't believe them that it was all going to fit in there but it did just needed to spend some time on it it's tight but everything has its place it works out pretty good it needs really new plastics all the way around i think all the pieces are available you're probably looking at my guess would be 500 for that so we'll see whether i want to chase that or not i really should go for points and plug and condenser new ones it's just old stuff kind of cleaned up and a diaphragm in the carburetor i think if i get those pieces done it will come back to be a nice reliable unit it's a little finicky as far as starting it but uh again i think those tune-up components really need to be changed from the 60 year old ones that are in there that's pretty cool for a novelty of what it is i like it alright guys with that i think we're going to go sign her off i want to thank you all for kind of hanging out with me and uh doing a little bit of ranching and having fun with some old antiquey oddball stuff that it is i thoroughly enjoyed myself and i hope you did too all right guys until the next one i'll see you then oh uh you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 463,734
Rating: 4.9447441 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, scooter will it run, mini bike, mini bike fails, mini bike build, mini bike mods, mini bike restoration, will it run motorcycle, will it run mustie1, barn find, antique restoration, mustie1 will it run, mustie1 new videos, how to, moped, honda, yamaha, dirt bike
Id: 1Nr7862xQ3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 53sec (5453 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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