Honda Trail 90 Sitting 37 years, Will it Run?

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hey guys how's it going it's a little dark in here I'm moving stuff over to the new garage and one of the items I want to get over is this Honda trail 90 that has been sitting here for probably about a year now it is an unknown condition I got bits and pieces and boxes it came as a basket case what do you say we bring this over there and see what it takes to revive it so I'm gonna go load this on the truck you know catch any minute over at the other garage all right let's go do a better walk-around gonna look at what we have I believe it's a 77 yeah and what I like about this one some didn't some did I think it was the early ones had what's called a high and a low range so you can if you're right if your trail ride you can click it into a different level and I believe it's right here looks like the lever yeah it's there Daisy has a high in the low range and I'm not sure how many speeds I want to say probably four is a guess on my part I don't think this has a clutch on it I don't see a lever up here I believe these are the same as like the Honda 70s where it's just an automatic clutch is popping in a year I see he's got a heel-toe shifter on it last and last inspection was 1982 when I graduated and I'm an old man now that's what 37 years he has a Diller gas tank hopefully the key he's in it hopefully the key fits that it's like somebody painted the back rim black still has all the directionals on it the exhaust let me try patching it with tape and in a piece of metal they're notoriously rotting out it looks fairly complete there is a box over on the bench that has a bunch of parts in it yeah see we get over here gas tankers I'm sure has probably been sitting here's the air cleaner hey pop you missed and hold on I see we got the air cleaner - the air cleaner now now Matt that's not good I don't think that fuel is gonna run on that with this smell parts for the air cleaner side cover that's it or else we're missing we're missing I did buy the wrong battery for the CT 70 and I think it's gonna be the correct one for this because bikes with directionals have a taller battery than the bikes without oh yeah and the seat seat looks pretty decent yeah it's not too bad gas tank on the other hand smell it yeah - on speed it's even got a like a nutty kind of the paint is holding it together type of mock to it but I do have a spare part spike oh so bike is gonna go put together possibly but it was like somebody got at a decent amount of stuff it's missing the complete top end it is missing that's where the gear reduction is right here like somebody stole some parts out of that I wonder if that might be a weak link or something but if we need stuff I'm not objective I won't object to taking pieces off of this this one's earlier I think though because if you look it's got the different type of front end it does not have the springs up in the forks it has a cantilever type of setup so I think that's early 70s late 60s I'm not sure on that one what I mean if you look at that and you look at this one do we have exhaust no we don't know all right let's start getting into it and she was gonna take to bring it back to life with somebody painted the case I see great paint shot on the sides of it I should we get the plug out of it we drew a little bit of oil down in it maybe kick her over make sure it kicks over and start from there we had yet that gas ain't gonna be a bit of a pain it was run along on the hot side I want to say let me get my ol boiler you know shoot something down inside there I believe this is automatic transmission fluid let's get very good make sure I got something coming out I do know that's well not red let's get in a little let's go grep don't have respect you up here any oil in your eyes you know well it's very smooth I say we turn the key on it's gonna switch with the on do you think our chances are we're actually gonna have spark I believe this is again definitely at points though oh it does yeah that makes life a lot easier right there that's a good sign let's check the crank case to see what it's got anything got a wheel on it I may have a little too much oil in it you know wipe that off and check it yeah yesterday I was playing with the Honda trail 70 I was just doing some fine-tuning on trying to get that bike to run and it's optimal and I was moving the paint up and down inside the carb and some other things and you ran really nice I'm just putting around putting around about 45 minutes just even like doing slow races yeah actually it looks fine putting around putting around in the garage with it outside around the building it was dark out I really enjoyed it and so I want to get a second bike together so that during the summer you know we can go cruising and you want two bikes that are roughly the same speed it should be faster than the other one but you know what I mean so that's what the hoping about bringing this one back together what are we doing let's go put that plug back in Amy's put my finger over turn the key off is that see what we get for any kind of compression well we have oil free spin of motor we have spark you know we're gonna do next I see we put a little bit of fuel is pre-mixed in it okay see if you hear any bad noises hopefully just good nuances the exhaust I would expect you have a kick cut a bunch of her up yeah no hit light switches on cuz if his bulbs are good the other one on the Honda 70 gives you to click to the key for the lights I don't see an on and off I don't they run all the time ah I just don't want the no head like the no battery to blow out the bulbs in Hitler [Laughter] all right I want to do one more time yeah suggest you one she's got a plug to the gas tank might be able outright gonna pull my car anyway let's go give her one more shot hopefully that with the gas up it in there person the winxs is probably made in 36 years they're good get it didn't get off Blackey or anything neither the other thing is that the trans is any good but smokeless on out let's get into the fuel system I guess I'll get this off of here we'll get into that carb I should probably start warming up till two sonic cleaner huh yeah I have a feeling that's gonna need some love let's go back over the other side I don't see any hardware in it it's like it's all kind of been removed yeah not that I know where that didn't come with a bag dude that might be in there all right we got a couple a couple of tens and with those fuel on its going it probably ones reserved and ones wrong this would be yeah oh well let's get to you wanna take the manifold with it you want to take the carb you think break you hear hear let's try it let's try it up top get those two out yep pretty surprised ahead spark I was not expecting it I'm pretty sure that's gonna be points inside there and generally when they sit that long you don't have a great outcome [Music] sounds like he's got someplace to go you gonna make it plug that try to see the slide looks like hey I mean actually feels pretty good I am liking some of this stuff that gas tank let's get those two fuel lines off of there I love these fuel line pliers or a hose pipes I should say yeah you go through my heart we're free like 15 years ago or so let's go over the bench pop that bowl off see what the inside of it looks like okay so getting on that bike so that's the inside of that gas cap it's about what the inside of a tank looks when help fuel injected stuff is gonna be when it sits for 37 years in it with anthem all based fuel I don't think I'll be around to worry about it you young uns all the time imagine trying to take fuel injectors apart and repair pumps littell what do we get you need some crud on about him up terrible flutes aren't all tuckered out just a comment bringing out the tap that peeing out here like she doesn't look bad that gasket looks like it did a weird like its flipped up on the end of the seal that's a playable if this is Rick it's pretty stiff let me get a punch will push that out get the two jets out of it and get this okay I need to get a ceiling fan print here I got a regular fan on the floor but it makes so much noise on the video I'm trying to work with the lightest hammer hit I ever did when we get a ceiling fan see if I could put above the lifts other moves air around but doesn't anything know here so it doesn't make noise so much we still give me a little bit of a breeze it isn't 90 today yeah guys not sitting in there correct like somebody might glued it to I would say I was probably a leak let's go you tight dirt in the ending of it bekesy throat probably could have got to run with it but I am looking for longevity and that will it run really well look over that too but what else before II think I wrench take that choke off we have one more don't we did I not see one Parris yeah I should I get that choke plunger out of there spring Romar's are spring take anything off of the bowl or the pit reserved was facing straight up well they have to remember than see what that looks like a lot of times this overhang turns brittle no stuck to it yeah look goo coming out of it no fuel is gonna go through that one that was clogged that port right there I'm paying that the courtesy crap sticking out of the does that matter because these are the three working we're concerned about these three right here one is like fuel lane then back out and was reserved once he in reserve on and through the carb that's right it's got the two inputs yeah what is that that went across what it does it was loose once I was loose somebody was here before us if you filter fuel screen I should say let's get some crap into my mom is mush it magma just wanna clean here take care that we got just to choke the hick off I think we're done yeah looks like what do you think 12 or 13 thank you yes now to grab the 12 into 30 I'm gonna say 12 it was 12 how many of you said 12 when you said 14 I heard you all this stuff looks really decent I'm pleasantly surprised guys watching my videos before a lot of this stuff is trashed I don't know if we can get the emulsion tube out let's see if that'll push out for us damage in it it's trying to move probably push it right down from the top I'm gonna get a punch that's roughly that diameter we'll try to push the emulsion to break down out of there come from the holder yes yeah it needs a good cleaning this thing was definitely last used before the was ethanol so to be much more of a mess you can get that o-ring out no damaging it see if that's patch of hood nope good everything's getting a bath your job is to remember what spring was on which one will say the the shorter one had the shorter spring and longer one had the longer spring it kind of makes sense huh I'm not gonna take that o-ring off of there cuz they probably made you more damage to it Mary wood we're gonna get rid of the seal yeah the float should float you throw that than that in there just want to stay away from any rubber or gas Kitty kind of material I don't want to put the needle in there we could put that put the filter in there yeah then you go leave out you can throw the bail on there choke will leave out pin looks fine and won't let anything else it oh yeah which is why these two in I don't know about I think we're just gonna leave that screen well own up and on there's no reason to do anything with that there's no reason to take that out either bath is warming up but it's got a long way to go should do its thing then it's just a bowl drain I was look at that out of there to let food go to where it needs to go you splash and it'll give her and 20 minutes and let that soak to a medium well well that's doing this thing let's see what we can find out on the bike let's go see if the gas tank he fits I think you know what that's just a helmet lock that's what Thaddius it has nothing to do with blocking the gas tank on it it stinks but I would definitely say it's a much better shape than the gas tank put it up just a little jack underneath it and we'll throw some air in the tires see if they'll hold actually think it does vault I think it's is the with the helmet and it the pin goes up into this lever just stopping guessing from being open it is complaining a little things you have to be able to that would have to drop all the way here it goes drop all the way dance you can get that that class from your helmet in it you know yeah I had to lock it right in till ikea and both of you locked again thanks a little for Prosperity there see those tires dude I'll set it to that's 29 I'm gonna leave it right there and we'll see if it stays at 29 do the front - I think either one has as much of as it took close step on your shoes yeah just 12 still bump that one huh do you think I got 26 30 let's go make a 30 29 30 let's see if they hold to bet they painted the back one black chief right get that off that with some spray on stripper that she looks pretty straight [Applause] cracking you yeah yeah there's some are the original tires I mean miles are on it bittern to me let's go up oh gosh 1,150 that's it 11,000 no that's that tents yeah I might have been all trail-riding see though is that front one look I don't like tires to be very expensive for this anyway but Oh another thing too I try to make it what I was doing the videos I was shooting them I noticed it was very Hospital looks like a hospital in hearing and it was very white still kind of white like you'd hit that background there it's pretty white I took a couple of the light bulbs above us I'm actually painted I'm yellow see if it kind of tinted it down a little bit look great in here when you're not filming but when you look back at the film it did look very uh you know septic looking so hopefully that's changed us around a little bit again I'm still putting stuff together in the shop to get us will get it eventually skew plate doesn't look too banged up this count looks like it's sticking out farther doesn't it just the way it is let's uh I'll put you missed and hold ever got a new battery in you you're more energized now let's go try popping it in gear and then we got high and low range let's go look that around and we're going to go back down in three two one yeah so it is a force beat the little ones are our three unless it's got a clutch those guys right there are three speed and it's kind of the same makeup same idea just a big brother of it my sister I see we ready to get that battery out of there yeah you even see I'll just see if I'm offering is the screw already taken out of the top how that cage hold it just swings down just got a fuse holder - plugs the British food grabber to get the ground off yeah something tells me that battery's not going to be coming back something tells me I needed better ger better regular screwdrivers for you guys are the seats you can see see it's kind of strip II remember the green was on there too let's go eyeball that to the new battery see what looks like yeah that one no one no one's got too hot leaves on it good then we're gonna have to cut this assembly off and screw around with it but it does I did that I added for the other bike I needed something that one on that one so this one just needs a ground lug on it and can we just steal one of these I might just cut it and but connect it just to put the two these two on there between you think has a better looking fuse holder I'd be willing to bet the older stuff is better actually can we can we get that lucky and we just take that all right you look easy good it is until that that can go together we still need one for the other end right what are you doing let's get let's go cut that stupid thing off of it and see if we got yeah and you have on the new battery two good leads we do we get rid of this and we still need to change that to a good ground so we that batteries no good cut that off and get a buck connector like that you would have found on the CT 70 was the six volts battery works as a regulator so what happens is if you have a nice work man if you don't have a battery on it and you rev the bike up the headlights will blow because it puts out too much voltage so the battery kind of works as a buffer to maintain voltage so it doesn't spike I don't know if that's true on these or not but that's what I found on the 70 that's why I was kind of cautious in the beginning when we were firing it up I mean didn't blow headlights and our ultrasonic cleaner just said I'm done we're probably gonna give it and maybe one more I'll take a look at it let's get this on in real quick these are just solderless connectors butt connectors some people can complain 80 and solder it I know let's go check on soup yeah we say we definitely kicked up the the porridge a little the inside of that bowl looks freedom good to me I'm gonna go rescue our parts back in a minute look this took a little bit more gonna get the battery in see how that does for us so was it like that probably like that this thing would be the vent tube so where the acid pisses out has some place to go don't you ever get light and look in there I do see a rectifier on this one back in there you guys can see it right behind right there don't know if they don't see signs of mice it's not look first for me huh tell me these things they're actually this one was stored more garage than it was you know barn or outside actually I got this from and if I want to say yeah you guys watch American Pickers Sam she was it turned on American Pickers they had new hampshire gary police together had to neck brace and they bought they bought the Messerschmitt from him Gary's place a week before those guys were there I'm not sure if that's right or now and remember gonna find out in a second that looks kind of not fitting right I don't think the only fit in that way I'll get it I think someone's here actually I believe it goes like that but what I want to do what it goes in their way I want to clean up that ground area looks I'm here scratched it once a long time ago but got a good spot a little bit of grease on that maybe that's more like it it needs to the hose runs down on the outside and goes through here and runs on the outside not down the frame that's ready to find any they are to lock that in but making this is a piece of rubber or something no I took a quick peek at the other bikes see if there's something keeping them from clacking around yeah seems a little too little too sloppy you know that maybe we can make something if we have to but it seems like there should be a box or something that that sits in you know that doesn't seem correct yeah look at this one you could use a piece of cage back in here it's screwed in I think the top screw is holding it and get that out of there we'll get that down and I'll steal that screw - we need that I would say it's perfect but it's not better than what it was prettier the physical character characteristics of the battery are about the same I'll let that be for a little bit I still have a piece of clear fuel line or Namie kind of breather hose I probably haven't left the house off of something to run down and run down under the frame so any acid that goes to drip out does not contaminate the bike but that's getting ahead of ourselves a little bit just a little I think we can probably while we're waiting on that carb which is almost ready to rock and roll maybe we turn the key on see if anything lights up I don't know if it needs to be running that's sitting on an angle that's not square they had like where that you ate the key like did I give you the key whoever said it was on the bench thank you probably has to be running about we think like the neutral light would come on [Music] [Music] lots do out of my way go through that battery might have a good edge to it to find out their runs hey dinner can shut them off off and you ended up having to put the fan on I'm sorry as long as I could I was getting too hot yeah I think ceiling fans probably work pretty good there I have to UM the microphone on here a diffuser you want to call it lifts up piece of Lily's dog to a cut and glue to the top of it give like that to stop wind noise but the fans are kind of loud but a ceiling fan really doesn't make much noise wishes on when it's on the lower that is warm a little cleaning air-blast I'll put that back together [Applause] hey comfortable I can't promise you that I won't kick yet from time to time working alongside each other we'll give her a shot so this one was filter now how does the fuel just feel it's got a go in but it has to go out of there where's the out am I missing great fuel comes in through the center then from the pet through the bowl and it's got to go up there it is right there that hole let me just I'm quitting my work I blew through there yeah so the fuel comes in from the other side I don't know if that tastes enter out I'm gonna say that was out Did you touch this before rattling something has the whole pressure against it right I'd say it was like that and then it was the green Oh ring yes no mr. green well that week on us if I bolt that together you would think it would have an o-ring on each side right we'd actually kind of think it would have something on both sides come on you guys just saw this a minute ago which way was it you're gonna try it think that because if I go the other way it's gonna sit too proud it's gonna sit too tall and it wouldn't lock on to the locator right there now this was loose it may have been a problem before I would say you got what two short screws in two long ones if that's no one likes that size these are all gonna be too short I think yeah it was Mike get it now I was here before at those answer you don't taking up they weren't it yeah not it I wonder if those threads are gone and that's why that was loose on that one side actually we have a couple of different size screws going on you know that one is the right one it's not feel good the trailers as one of them was ripped is sitting loose member that was loose goes in there I think somebody's strict one out we're gonna go fire which one where's look a little well fine which one does correct I think it was the lower one was tight right and then someone took that fatter one looks like they even cut it to make it fit because these two are the same and these two are the same let's go I think there is a carburetor hanging down on that bike let's go see what it's got me was good though she'll screw out of that was thinking how much of crap just fell out of it it does not have the same set up but let's see if we can steal one of these didn't want used to be the same looking fatter isn't it and longer let's go see if that'll thread in there so we'll cut that down CPUs that oh oh that yeah somebody was living inside that one that o-ring also looks like it's for like a nitrile ring for like EC yeah they not the same scale alright I'm gonna do my best to see if we can get that put together right back how's that yeah we're just not gonna find anything that is going to suit what we need to do because there's no threads left in there so I don't have much in the way of metric stuff but I do have a standard figure maybe we go through May tried you rolling it and tapping it to that size if not worst case it's clearly through I'll just uh drill it all the way through and do a nut and bolt to capture it hey you ready just kidding okay when you're going to need a bit we're gonna go for the one that fits keep going up to the point where it doesn't fit in with what the next one up from there that one's getting pretty tight it's that fits hope I'm doing the right hole that one doesn't it does right picking the same drill bit up over and over you just go step it up to let's go with that one get that in there fast action is this who is gonna use that one right there let's see feels like it wants to start I'm gonna go find out what tap that is and run that in I may just drill it all the way through so you get a good tap on it too I'm probably gonna have to go all the way through because the the tap I have you know it's a starter tap and you're only able to go so far before you have to go in so far before it even starts cutting threads that's what's trying to stay that's so many people this scares [Music] it was right one that should take care of that problem we go clean up my mess together it's got open up the cover on one side to use of the screw will fit through I hope it's symmetrical [Music] and it's like right there what we're gonna do a little one-size-fits-all legal area that we can you know promises I'm at not leaking but one step closer anyway to do all the work on this one first this side and just draw it down with this one yeah really that's I don't know that one's not as that forgiving for us drilling through it alright we have you have to make some room work on some all of a sudden holy air he just gets it infiltrated with OVA crap you work out this thing we've not clean that prepper out yet sludge out of the holes yes tar it's like stuck on me yeah there's a Mouseketeer course I might I got the BP 40 around me let's go give that a little WD plug I don't wanna play anything on it that dries it out it's a little alright a little stiffer then it would be optimal anyway wonder if yeah actually we're quite just index that to a a new we tell where it was is there any coining it looks like then I say these three were used we want a good seal right there and it's preps back and forth which one had where is the other half of it there is this a fairly large raised Danton there I would say we just shove it in there not use those ones that are dirty and that had a preload on it right so what do we say it was facing up and we sort of reserved a certain way what did we say on the a said reserved up right on this but that's going to have a preload helped hold it down and that would be wherever the reserve was up so that'll make it so that Valve has to turn so does that need to go it will only allow I want to say it was like that tensioning washers not wanting to play well though and it was which crews are in there let's see if the two little tiny ones you see them being fun to get back in them started I'm paranoia cuz that one was stripped at him I read and then screwed up I would say would that interview with the carburetor well I'm gonna point the reserved blow through reserve and see if it works and they're gonna do the same on Tom if it works it's correct if it doesn't then I got it 180 out no you can only that's the only way you can go if reserve was up that was it let's go that's facing reserve this one's reserved making it blow through it actually maybe it's the that way yep and that works Reserve that should be nothing blocked on both of them it is on was there's Bricklin take a look through it you can't blow them all right that's right let's do now I think we don't Bowl now except for that I can go back on yeah it's just too green a bowl you back it out it'll it allow fluid to piss right out of it so it's not sitting if it gets water in it or if you're putting it into storage it's good to do that hey herbs you got to go back together so let's facing up give one last lecture you look up into the sky for a second yeah okay that's what there's a needle that raises up it's on the bike later on when that thing that I unscrewed there's a needle that goes down inside there and as you raise a throttle that needle lifts up out of here and it exposes more and more of these holes to allow more and more fuel to get drawn up inside is that the right direction yes it is index those holes need to be if I'm Fi indexing I'm facing towards with it I don't know why we need to tap that down with something about that thickness very on the bench that man wasn't behind it meters how much fuel goes through and that holds adjustable size these few drivers and everything because instead of working on other stuff I think I did is like the screw that the screwdriver that comes with a kit put the bike mm-hmm I mean put the float back together the gas get back on and then everything else is external for getting float needle that looks super clean I am going to leave it alone sometimes they take a q-tip drill bit and I'll just polish it Center up in there but it actually looks so nice I'm gonna mess with it the pin is good it's moving into floaties on yes a getting close like that whatever that dimension is alone we have the gasket which looks kind of funky on the one in I don't know from I should hit it with the heat gun just leave well enough alone it was rolled on that back lip and this gasket needs to seal pretty good up here because that's where it crosses over let's go see how that's going that's that's the most important spot right there but I'm gonna just try screwing it together and see what we get because yet fuel comes from there across through and then into the needle and into the carburetor if that is leaking right there you're gonna keep on thinking you need old seats no good because the bolt keeps flooding over and flooding over me when I was nothing to do with it it's leaking fuel directly into the flow pole from that location say we deal with it it's kind of preformed from what it was before too I always say the two biggest screws oh wait wait wait wait wait I heard you I heard you I know isn't real [Laughter] just four just so I feel better on it hit it waiter one more time watch it across the room that sucks that makes for very long enough putting this one together right okay nothing is and he's trying to find it with me [Music] I knew something was amiss I'll just test them you guys yeah it's not the right screw it's two of something that I have the same [Applause] you got other ones when I stole out of the other curve reader battery's flashing you guys are running low on energy again man it's go get yourself a coffee I might to get myself a coffee I want to try keep going until I get this thing hopefully running unless we get Kate a long spring when I'm a little long one who's that what we said that doesn't look great what do we say I think we said the long one when I'm a long one to show up when I'm sure when we're gonna go with that you don't agree to bet now one of them it's going to be won't the more rounder top so the idle speed is adjusted by how high to float the hold on one second we change your battery where were we oh so one of them has one is for idle mix any other one's for idle speed and the idle speed takes the slide and moves the slide up and down a little bit by running a screw into the side of it on an angle in the board it opens and closes that hole so one of them will kind of have a rounded tip on it more and want to be more cut or square or pointy because it doesn't want to Mar and I'm just gonna show when it pops through now run it in a run it in run it in you see the little brass stick them inside there so that's the idle speed idle mixture and that opens and closes the passageway cool when it's at idle being kind of fine-tune the idle the mean is adjusted by adjusting the pin so there's a it's a barrel for air and the pin for the fuel down lower I'll show you you try to explain it in the air sometimes it's just too ridiculous so here it is that is the slide so the this part is for how much letting how much air goes through and the needle is how much fuel goes through so picture it in the center of the carburetor it's down through that what we saw earlier at emulsion tube and as you give it gas this lifts out it allows more fuel to come through and then lit this lifts up allows more air to come through with it on this pin you take this apart yourself a c-clip or an e clip that has like five different locations on this pin you could raise and lower that pin so for any given amount of throttle that you give it so say we get half throttle and you could adjust that pin up and down it's probably about quarter of an inch difference you can move the pin over all up and side them down there and then for the idle speed because here there's little ramp on here that shows up this little ramp on the end of that slide and all you're doing is running that screw in more you're in the screw and easier slightly bringing it up or suddenly let it come down by that screw there I probably made more sense and that didn't it if someone was saying in my last video showing up detail I'll spin the carburetor back together I think I took care of this damn yeah I've done it a few videos I really and I explained what does what but refresher for me and for you what we see that was 12 it's a joke put a primer or a choke because we have a choke lever here and that would be trying to read it over over 6,000 feet so it's a jet adjustment until that it it changes it richer because the air is thinner you need to put more fuel in it and you go up that right I think so and so you jet your carb they have something built right in the car that's pretty cool just immersing them well that's I think we are good to go back on the bike right so is that the two nuts I have two screws left over or these is that just stuff I was stealing to try to fix that other one that's not together well I guess gonna find out when we put it on the bike I got a temporary tank on it's a thing up here and I have a fuel line going to on let's turn down the on hopefully he does not pissed ass out the other side and the other thing is you could actually open this up let's put that off we'll see if we get fuel going into the float ball by opening that drain we'll see if fuel comes out yep good you know we got fuel going to it no seaweeds now that means don't you Hey a little screwdriver you need poke it let's go see what happens don't know if this is gonna getting way to Kickstarter it's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] time [Music] we gotta get the choke all the way off before I can adjust that open and they'll ever warm up a little bit and she can get the idle speed I don't mix adjust it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bzrk need some dragging the air cleaner I think a positive of that I'll then see if I can piece that back together I know I miss him a bunch of the element but maybe just the snorkel will help it I will get that on there in a second but brick time you want a cookie ice pop with one no I want that one I see it what Muriel if some Cubs are picky with having the air cleaner assembly on some arch and when I cut my fingers over the intake a little bit it was idling when I went to take it off was it wasn't having it ten mil good techno weird attend I feel like it's very straight does it don't like it look make sure you eat let's put that screw in first you feel so weird thinking at it okay that I'm just turning it and turning it nothing's happening you know we have to back half to put on yet and then it has another boob it goes up into the racket looks like there's another one it goes on the end of that one and that goes up there's it go I'm gonna hit that with new your gun I want to blow some air through there cuz they get anyone have an air filter so I don't suck any mouse nests or ruff that dirt just came out of there so I guess that's how far in water you can go the height of the rack yeah and the other bike it's sitting on the front right here that's a lot of drag pieces plus we don't have the air filter element yeah I'm gonna go see if I have that screw its get back apart because I think whatever holds the air cleaner on healthy air can you know how you do with the metal thing melts in to help filter let's go throw that on there like that you don't know take it apart can't wait started we nut that was simple she seems like a pretty good system though I think we are ready to fire it up hey that's true sitting on the bench Tilly vibrating OH that sounds pretty good give me some more - we can we get the actual air filter but how is it we have any lights get up no white brake light tail light go got to look into that but order sounds awesome timing chains not noisy jokes all the way off should we first second [Music] reduction that was in love Ben hi second [Music] [Music] the only one spot on the key looks like somebody was definitely in there though so we'll get on that kill works good all right how cool is that you'd exhaust clean up that back rim figure out what's wrong with the lights and the gas tank a stains gonna be a pain yes we may have to acquire two-tone look on it maybe just for a little while with that tank is really boned so I think that's it for this one guys I wanna think off what kind of hang it out we'll get it done pretty soon this one did not put up as much of a fight as some of the other ones have although I have not ridden it yet so we still got my good still I have some surprises in it there's no Brook front brake cable or lever setup on it so look into that and again whatever is going on with the lights that are in it but it sounds awesome I'm psyched when we're riding around with that little gas tank on it right now alright guys until the next one I'll see you later sticker how fast the junk adds up that measure is clear to say two hours ago the youtuber was very nice to send me a borescope budget at mrs. tough let's go play with it on the gas tank see you can look inside put your weight on that's not the witness not the light I want that whenever I go yeah that does not look like what I don't know gas tank should look like just saying yeah he's gonna need some love for sure exact this is like honks arrestor slinging wheelie nearly on the bottom hmm I think the paint tell anything holding on together
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 876,030
Rating: 4.8909898 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, mustie1 will it run, mustie1 new videos, honda ct90 trail, honda ct90 restoration, honda ct90 engine rebuild, honda trail 70, honda trail 90, honda trail 110, will it run, cold start, dirt bike, dual sport, atv, atc, honda motorcycle, honda trail 70 top speed, honda ct70, honda ct110 carburetor rebuild, honda ct110 trail, honda ct110 top speed, old start
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 54sec (4914 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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