Body Language Analyst REACTS to Amber Heard's CRINGE Deposition | Faces Episode 15

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I cannot believe she won. What kind of pussy voodoo is this bitch wielding? Did she learn it when she was stripping? WTF am I missing? (JSYK I have a pussy but no voodoo.)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Bing_pot_pie 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's been a long time that we know from specialized of personality disorder website that she's a covert Narcissist.

And sadly, yes, this new Justice for Johnny movement is honorable, but in the same time, we give her attention and this "energy narcissist fuel" that she crave on.

Some reading for who is interessed

Amber Heard - A very performing Narcissist

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BonskY_007 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey there idiots welcome back to observe in today's video we're going to be looking at amber heard's body language during her deposition in regards to her ex-husband johnny depp this is an interesting read to be sure but before we dive into that i want to be able to say a few things first for those of you who are patrons thank you so much your support means so much to me it's helping me be able to turn this into my career to be able to present content to you and if you would like to be able to make that happen if you're not a patron already go ahead and feel free to follow the link in the description below there's some tiers and stuff for you to be able to have various benefits and if you want to enter the just a deuce it cold reading or two truths in a lie series that's how you do it as well along with that i have released some merch including the get off your golden couch merch from the jeffree star nonverbal reading it's all available once again in the links below and last but not least i am an audible affiliate so if you want to follow that link you sign up you download your audiobook you can cancel that trial keep your audiobook and it still counts as a donation towards me it's free for you and everybody kind of wins in that situation so try that as well once again everything's in the link below that's enough of me talking about me though let's roll the little intro thing and then we'll go from there [Music] all right so there's a few things that i want to be able to say and i'll say at the beginning of all of my videos that are on nonverbal communication it is at best 70 accurate there is definitely a talent to reading it it is not a complete science as something like psychology is it is not quite a pseudoscience it is a mixture in between so if you watch this this is an absolute truth this is an educated conclusion based off of given facts i have received requests to be able to do amber herd's deposition from 2016 and this is the time that i'm able to do it if you would like to be able to know more about what caused this to all come to fruition feel free to research it yourself i am here to look at the body language of things now i spent some a good amount of time actually a good couple days trying to just establish a nonverbal baseline from amber herself so that i can better get a read on her during this deposition because establishing a baseline or where a person's nonverbal communication is at rest is crucial to be able to understand where their points of friction or their positive or negative spikes are in their baseline so i'm going to go ahead and show you part of one video that allows you to kind of see where that baseline lies so we can understand kind of who we're dealing with and then we're going to go and unpack all of her stuff we're also going to look at johnny depp's stuff and then we're going to look at some footage of her and johnny depp together to be able to see how this relationship really stands and this will all paint us a pretty good picture as to what is going on the truth behind the amber heard and johnny depp snafu let's go ahead and watch this video no no one had in my family really ever left texas my parents in school once were called in and they asked them about me being such an artist and you know can i maybe channel that into like more productive things like you know math or science or something and um my parents were like it was this like almost apologetic attitude like we don't know where she gets okay so this is actually a fairly just for your ability to see it i've watched far more hours on her than i would ever care to admit to be able to establish this baseline but that little blip there allows you to see some very important things that need to be established while reviewing her body language she stumbles over her words a fair bit in most situations actually she always processes so that's something that we need to keep in mind as we continue to do a read she also looks around a fair bit so that is something that we also need to keep in mind her eyes are constantly wandering around and then along with that if you look at her eyes specifically they're not overtly expressive in and of themselves they maintain this almost hooded expression most of the time that's just something that is specific to her and how her face and her nonverbal communication reveals itself now i do want to say that i'm not going to watch the entire deposition on here so i'm going to touch on various areas of it if this is a popular enough video i might revisit it and maybe do the rest of it or go more in depth but for sake of viewability for you i am going to keep this under 30 minutes long there's a lot to unpack we're going to go ahead and start and just go 6 18 pm and we're back home just a clarification we're not going to devote the fifth amendment privilege so you can re-ask that question if you like which question did you commit domestic violence against johnny depp anytime prior to may 22nd 2016 did you ever commit an act of domestic violence against johnny depp calls for a legal conclusion and irrelevant but go ahead do you understand what i'm asking you no no yes i understand what you're asking oh my god alrighty right off the bat okay so you can see she's doing her thing where she her eyes are darting all over the room but it seems a little bit more excessive as soon as the question comes in and this is actually common in people who don't want to be in a situation that they're in this could be due to boredom this could be due to guilt this could be due to not wanting to be caught for something when you are looking around a room a lot while being spoken to that shows a lack of interest in what's going on so amber is showing quite clearly with her nonverbal communication that she doesn't want to be there she has no interest in being there why that is is another issue altogether but her non-verbal communication is expressing that clearly now she also does a thing where there's already a nonverbal misalignment and a fairly strong one it has to do with the nodding of the head while saying no this is not always a guaranteed thing in fact a lot of the times people will shake their head while saying a positive thing or nod their head while saying a negative thing but in this situation she nods in affirmation legitimately nods like yeah but then actually says no afterwards it's two distinct communication devices that are used one right after the other rather than at the same time and they're exactly misaligned and this is not a good tick for amber because it's already setting up this idea of not being able to really fully believe or trust what she's going to be saying but it's not concrete so we still have to go from here let's keep watching and prior to may 21 i don't know why she does that lip lick thing some people say it's a soothing gesture she was also just eating food which you'll see that more in this deposition which is so annoying but it it's not enough for it to really sway my reading on what she is as far as her honesty goes but let's go ahead and keep watching from here 2016 or may 22 2016 is it your testimony that you never committed any act of what would be considered domestic violence against mr depp calls for legal conclusion and irrelevant to these proceedings i did my no i did my best to defend myself and not [Music] get seriously hurt or be a doormat to whom this happens to okay right off the bat this question is asked and she starts shrugging which is an indicator of insecurity or at least not being certain about what is being said and then along with that she does some placating self-soothing gestures and blocking gestures and shaking her head it's a it's a very massive cluster spike from what we've seen in her baseline which is usually fairly constant to indicate that she's really really not comfortable with that question here now legally it's not applicable but non-verbally it's a very telling question and her reaction to it is extremely telling so far this is two strikes already against amber and we're literally a minute into this video this is not a good thing for amber let's keep watching isn't it true that you had previously told johnny depp that you had uh hit him i'm gonna object it's a different question it it's vegan ambiguous vegas to time um many times when we fought well not many times all right so there's a thing about the mouse shrugs which i brought this up often in shane's video generically speaking mouse shrug indicates insecurity or uncertainty about what is being said i think that is the case here i'm not certain that that is the case here but i think that is the case here she flashes a couple of them and then she starts stumbling all over her words which there's two reasons that that could be either one she's working to recollect something or alternatively she's working to come up with a story about something let's keep watching this because this is a pattern and you'll see it here he hit me um for a very long time before i ever um i'm gonna make something it's non-responsive and move to strike ms heard i'd like you to listen to what i'm about to play would you do that don't eat just real quick why is she eating just like why it's not sustenance they're snacky foods and there are theories that are saying that she was given this food to be able to buy herself time so that in issues where she has a difficult question she could be eating food to be able to come up with an answer it does present itself in this video but it's it's just so frustrating to me that that's how little she cares about what's going on i don't think that a person who is on trial for alleged assault accusations involved in a relationship would just be casually snacking and acting like she's so unenthused about what's going on if she's actually the victim why is she not more passionate about it this is not a good indicator for amber being the victim it's a very good indicator for her being an abuser but let's keep watching this they're going to start playing some audio as well and let's go i don't even know [Music] do you recognize the voices on that tape and who are the people on that tank it's johnny and i okay important thing she talked with her mouth full there right she just answered the question because it's a no doubt question who's in it no it's johnny and i and she said that through a mouth full of food later on when there's a more difficult question and she has food in her mouth suddenly she's not comfortable talking with food in her mouth hmm suspicious let's keep watching i um i was trying to escape from a room where johnny was attacking me and in order to escape i was trying to get onto the other side of the door attempting to close the door and he was attempting to get in despite my attempts to try and escape an assault isn't it true that on this tape that was just played so there was a lot of condescension in her voice during that this could be due to the fact that she may have been asked this question often and then afterwards she shakes her head no and this is either in disgust or it's in a non-verbal misalignment saying like i don't believe at all what i just said or this is false something along those lines however during this time as a non-verbal analyst i would advise to really push on points of these responses because they're not genuine there's something fishy going on here and it needs to be pushed it needs to be tested to find out if it's actually genuine or not but let's keep watching did you just tell johnny depp in that recording that i remember hitting you as a response to the door thing yes as he was trying to get in to the door i was trying into the room i was trying to escape in he pushed the door into me and i was trying to hit him by getting out getting him out of the door to stay in the room and you told she's like duh what if this was any other situation would you ever believe that sort of explanation as to what happened or her response to hard evidence of her vocally saying that she hit johnny is this weird like no no no i yes but well it was because he was the the door was there and i i hit him to get out of the duh i'm like what what want to rehearse that again and maybe bring it back out to me whatever all right let's keep watching did you tell johnny depp at that time you were speaking to him that you were really sorry for hitting you hitting him with the door hitting him i was i think in that recording i made it very clear that i was sorry that the door hit him while he was trying to get into the room i was escaping or attempting to escape into okay oh my god i'm getting frustrated by her lack of concern for this situation and now she's doing a very obvious i have no interest in being here tell this leaning of your head on your hand like that this is classic i am bored i have no interest it's a very very clear nonverbal tell if your significant other is doing this while you're talking to them or your friend or your boss or anybody they're done listening to you they don't care to be there so she's communicating that extremely clearly which is just so baffling to me if she's really a victim why is she so uninterested in being there if she's the victim but we're gonna go ahead and keep watching and then we'll start looking at like johnny depp's stuff as well so you told him in that uh excerpt that you hit him with the door but did not intend to hit him correct recording speaks for itself did you say that i i i said whatever i said in that recording i don't um she just proved that she wasn't listening once again an indicator that she doesn't care to be there not really an indicator of wanting to prove her innocence really more of an indicator of wanting to not be in a courtroom situation that might prove her guilt i'm really not impressed with this for the sake of study we're going to continue to beat this dead horse let's go so on the tape you tell johnny depp that you did mean to hit him objection that's argumentative and it misstates what the recording was and it also misrepresented this represents what that would actually happen which is him trying to get into a room i'm trying to keep him out of and then he runs the door over my toes trying to get into the room i try to push him out of it which is what the hit is referred to and johnny whenever he was injured or touched it always referred to it in these ways of punching or clocked or whatever and whether you didn't disgust it with him or not the last thing you do a lot of defensive gestures there people do that to defend or ward off or prevent something from hitting home everybody does it in some form or another she's doing it here because i think she realized that she probably slipped up a little bit verbally i bet you her lawyer's like oh my god stop just kill it there let's go in in talking to him afterwards or trying to reconcile with him is to get into what the definition of those words mean to him so i just never i never even addressed it he would if he was ever pushed it was it was a clo he called it a a cold clock i mean it's just very dramatic isn't it true ms heard that in september of 2015 you punched johnny depp in the face with a closed fist wow what a pause and it's interesting because we saw earlier that she's comfortable talking with her mouth full but now she's not what an interesting thing now she doesn't want to talk with her mouth full almost like there's a hard question and she has to think of a good response and it's a poorly delivered response she had all that time to think and it's still it's still [ __ ] let's watch i hit johnny one time when he sorry no you answer the question please stop whispering because it's it's distracting over here it's your team i know i was no these are these actually i can't hear them i hear them so please answer the question i can't answer there is whispering there is whispering in the room and i can't answer when they're whispering [ __ ] off sorry yes or no did you ever punch johnny depp with a closed fist in the history of your relationship with john answer however you feel you wish to one time johnny was hitting me and he was hitting me hard and repeatedly and i was screaming security walks in and they don't do anything about it and there he he he he makes this motion uh when jerry judged yellow's fox or sean i can't remember who it was and um and my all we had was a little bit of separation and my sister runs down the stairs uh it's uh we're on a landing in between two flights of stairs heard i must interrupt you because i've asked you a yes withdraw your question then because she's answering prior to today's date um have at any time has johnny have you ever hit johnny depp you've already asked and she's already answered and you interrupt ooh okay this is a frustrating thing for me she asked the lawyer asked amber didn't answer and then her lawyer stepped in and complained for a little bit and then the lawyer asked again and amber answered a different question and then the lawyer asked again this is three times with the same question and then her lawyer bitched again saying that she already answered that question this is not good news for amber but let's go ahead and keep watching miss heard have you ever hit johnny depp prior to today vegas hey everyone on this side of the room please objection 352 it's not relevant to the domestic violence pursuit thank you your honor answer it however you want to including the way you were just i'm asking for a yes or no answer you don't have to answer it the way she wants you to answer it he was about to push my sister down the stairs she was attempting to break us up i am protective over my baby sister when he laid hands on her i don't know what i did but i know i jumped in between the actions that i saw could lead to a fatal injury to my sister she was standing on the top of a flight of the stairs and she has never hurt anyone in her life and she does not deserve to be pushed down by the stairs and it looked like she was about to be and i would have done what anybody who has a child or sister would have done i acted defensively in her life i saw her standing on top of a flight of his stairs and trying to interrupt a fight in between him and i i don't know what part of my body i've i put in between me and him and her but i would have done anything i would have done anything to prevent her from being pushed on a flight of stairs okay interesting in my opinion that wasn't the case now there's more footage to this and i thought that it was on this specific tape but apparently not there's other parts of her recollecting some abuse from johnny and it's it's terribly delivered there's way too much thinking there's incongruencies in the delivery the story everything to where it's been pretty well shown that it's not true so we're actually going to go ahead and move on to johnny depp's side of things so we could see kind of what his ordeal is and then we're going to look at perhaps some of them together so we can see what that relationship dynamic really is like basically i had a pretty nasty injury uh interesting here johnny does a lot of hesitations in his recalling of things his recollection of things which this could be once again because he's trying to recall or because he's trying to make up something that a lot of people have noticed and i am noticing as well which doesn't make sense either one it's the duper's delight or it's him trying to find a way to lighten a not very light-hearted story as he does this little half smirk only part of his mouth is raised it doesn't reach his eyes it's not a genuine feeling so i don't think it's duper's delight it's probably more a forced emotion but he does it a couple times let's go ahead and continue watching this um that i actually i i had to um protect her at the time and so i said that it was caught in the door when he's huge accordion doors at this house that wasn't the case at all um she she smashed uh she threw a vodka bottle at me and my my hand was resting on the marble of the bar like that and the first bottle went just past my ear and the second one was a larger bottle and she threw it from about this distance and it smashed into the bar which and um this this finger who i now call little richard uh um was was uh the the tip of the finger was severed okay we're gonna go ahead and stop his here because all the way throughout it his body language is pretty genuine from what i can tell he's a very soft-spoken person and this is actually common across all of his interviews how he interacts with people he's just very soft-spoken a lot more mellow so during this his nonverbal communication stays constant to his baseline the only part is that duper's delight that might show up or forced positivity in a negative situation which i think is more plausible now something that's interesting verbally these are the words that are being said in his recollection of things as opposed to amber's recollection of things is that during his recollections he gives the crucial details to the story to be able to convey what happened which is a sign of honesty you communicate what needs to be communicated in order to understand what is happening amber on the other hand does something which a lot of deceitful people will do and that she adds tons of extraneous details that don't need to be in there which people would assume would be oh it's because she remembers it it's so vivid but that's not what actually happens and we're gonna go ahead and watch a clip of them together at some event and you can see the body language of amber as opposed to johnny and how they communicate and the submissive gestures and body language from johnny towards amber and how she definitely seems to be in control of that relationship in an unhealthy way so you'll watch johnny here he looks at the ground a lot which is a show of a lack of confidence and this is also partially because he's trying to hear in a very loud area but you can also see amber's body language and contrast he does a lot of looking down she does a lot of high posture varying command and she does this like condescending look at johnny and it really shows the power struggle that's going on here to where johnny is just he's not in a healthy relationship and amber is not a good partner let's keep watching this real quick i mean for me it's always a pleasure the only the only problem i ever have here is that i don't get to spend enough time here but my girl and i are talking about um taking the trip to the country you know really the the outskirts the country they're very native cultural experience so you can see it again there he does a look up at her she looks down at him this is an indicator of the state of their relationship i'm not going to watch the rest of this because it's pretty repetitive and this is a long enough video but that's where their body language lies as a recap here amber heard went through and told a tale that was very poorly delivered had a lot of incongruencies had terrible body language a lot of signs of mental processing in areas that it shouldn't be a lot of commonalities of what would be considered deceit and so all of it amassing into a large pile is an indicator that she's likely not being honest that she's likely the abuser but that's gonna go ahead and be the rest of that video if you did like the video actually do the things like like it hit subscribe do all those sorts of things i know that youtubers all say that but it genuinely is helping me so i really do appreciate your support speaking of support once again you can go over to patreon you want to be able to get some merch there's merch down there if you want to be able to get an audio book for free using my link and donate to me that's also down there you know do all the things also if you do happen to get some merch make sure that you like take a picture of it and tag me on instagram with it because i'd love to be able to see that and i like to be able to see you but but without further ado that's all that i've got for the day my name is logan and you have been oh so awesome as you always are and i will see you in the next video cheers guys [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,688,026
Rating: 4.9254236 out of 5
Keywords: Sherlock Holmes, Logan Portenier, Observe, Mentalist, Lie to Me, body language, nonverbal, psychology, Amber, Heard, Johnny, Depp, deposition, court, hearing, lies, lying, deception, react, reaction, analyse, analysis, analyst
Id: hQFFm_X2lps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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