Sig Sauer P365 vs Glock 43 - If I Could Only Have One.....

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[Music] [Applause] what's up YouTube KS gun guy here thanks for joining me today as always so it occurred to me this is the inaugural if I could only have one for 2018 gosh it's been entirely too long since I've done one and I really enjoy them I think you guys do too so I thought it'd be appropriate to start with the six our p3 65 I've had a ton of fun with it and a lot of people have been wanting some comparisons of various sorts with some of the very popular single stack firearms I'm saying single stack for a reason of course we'll get to in just a moment so I thought it'd be a good idea to start with one of the more popular single stacks on the market of course the Glock 43 because a lot of you guys have been asking for it let's face it and as a reminder with the if I could only had ones of course we take a look at two guns whether very similar or in some cases very different and compare and contrast them we look at specs and features we do some shooting along the way we'll take a look at the triggers and at the end I will announce a winner but here's the thing both of these guns are fantastic if you own either one you're looking at either one or you own both of them you're doing great it's just an opportunity for me to take a step back and challenge myself and perhaps challenge you to say if I could only have one or if you could only have one which one would it be so again there will be a winner at the end well that brings us to today let's go ahead and knock out some specs of these guys and I don't always do all the specs but in this case I think it's really important to get a good idea of where these guys stack up with each other so from a length standpoint the 43 is six point two six inches versus the p3 65 at five point eight inches the height is 4.25 inches versus four point three inches the barrel length is three point three nine to nine inches versus three point one inches the width is and I will give you a good look at that of course it's one point zero two inches on the Glock 43 versus one inch on the P 365 now from a magazine standpoint and here's where things start to really differ a little bit the Glock 43 comes with two polymer magazines with steel inserts of course a very durable very reliable magazines as Glock magazines typically are but they are six round magaz now I know you can get extensions of various sorts plus one two three four that sort of thing which is great but with VP 365 one of the most outstanding features of this firearm is it's really not a single stack and that's why I kind of hesitated in the beginning it's one of the biggest differences and why some people might call into question why we're comparing these two but but more on that in a little while again a double stack 10 round magazine it comes with two one of which has a finger extension on it I don't have it up here with me right now but but quite remarkable that such a small firearm is packing ten rounds out of the box versus having to get extensions and that sort of thing and spend a little bit more money on that so pretty cool there for sure now of course both of these firearms are striker-fired firearms both of them are polymer frame with steel slides to one degree or another various finishes on them of course but otherwise from a functionality standpoint they remain largely the same with a couple of little differences so let's go ahead and talk about some of the features of the 43 again not really a deep dive here but in terms of the grip and I'll give you a good look at this grip this grip is basically a Gen 4 style grip although I would say it is certainly more mild than some of the other Gen fours out there hopefully you can see that okay so a Glock 43 in my opinion might need some grip tape to one degree or another maybe some sandpaper pistol grips or something like that be sure to check out his products and I've got some videos on on him as well and and so I feel like you know if you're really sweaty or bloody or anything like that there might be a little bit more of a chance for this gun to try and get out of your hands but but it will still serve of course from a magazine release standpoint it is a Gen 4 magazine there's quite a bit of real estate there I really like the Gen 4 style magazines they're very positive they work well they're easy to get to and they are reversible though not and not ambidextrous out of the box so not a big deal but but again a little bit of flexibility if that's something that's a meaningful to you from an overall grip ergonomic standpoint I mean you know any sort of recesses or undercuts under their trigger or anything like that the Glock stands pretty bare-bones we all know that and most Glocks are that way so people tend to modify them and do some undercutting with a dremel that sort of thing and the 43 I think would me it would be no different now does heavy slide lock slide release on it it does work very well as both of course but otherwise it's pretty minimalistic there's no thumb safety or anything like that and then from a takedown standpoint there's no lever or anything it's just the standard Glock takedown tabs I don't generally take down the guns in these types of videos but there are plenty out there so if you want to know how to take down a Glock be sure to check those out and then from a cleaning and maintenance standpoint it's exceptionally easy me it's very very easy to get to everything and one of the really nice things about Glocks you can take them all the way down every single part and you can really get in and clean and switch out parts Glock has a phenomenal aftermarket supply I guess out there and it's one of the great features of Glocks and generally you can really dial them in to your liking now these six hour P 365 is a little bit different I would say it's a little bit more feature-rich now from a grip standpoint I would say that this carries forward basically the X series style grip although to me it feels just a little bit more aggressive it of course is all the way around front back and sides and it just I think it looks very good and it also feels fantastic now it's it's pretty aggressive although not so aggressive to where it's going to beat up either your hand or any clothes in a concealed carry situation so they've done a good job of really dialing in on that grip texture I've been very impressed so far and then from an overall a grip contour standpoint a couple of things they have done the undercut again very similar to the X series style firearms just to get your your fingers in your hand just a little bit higher on the gun for a little bit more control and in a nice recess here on the back of the grip and then some recesses for your thumbs on the sides as well so again from an overall organic standpoint I think the P 365 feels really good in the hand it really does it's it's been overwhelmingly impressive especially given how small this guy really is now from a magazine release standpoint standard sig magazine release very similar to like P 320 not inba dextrous out of the box however you can swap it around just like some of the other guns out there as well and then you've got your magazine real sorry your slide lock slide release rather here and again it works very well as both you've got just enough of a Ledge and a little bit of traction on there to make that work without a problem and then from a disassembly standpoint it does have your standard cig disassembly swinging down lever so to speak and you just lock your slide back swing that down and your slide comes off do not have to pull the trigger on the P 365 versus the 43 you do so if that's something that's important to you might be something to consider now you'll notice that there is kind of an accessory rail of sorts on the 365 it is proprietary now there aren't any accessories that I'm aware of right now at least as I'm making this video there might be down the road but I imagine they're gonna be coming out with lights and lasers and chainsaws grenade launchers that sort of thing so you'll be able to put on your accessories that you want for me it's not a big deal I don't put on lights and that sort of thing on such small firearms but some people do so it's nice to have that option but it is proprietary so SIG's gonna probably own that market well you know good on Sig I suppose from a slide standpoint not a whole lot going on on the Glock although a lot of people say that's very good it's minimalistic and it just runs so which I certainly agree with does have rear serrations on there and they're a little bit better than the 42 the 380 acp version that's a little bit smaller i've always criticized those serrations so these are better a little bit more aggressive but i actually would like to see them be even more aggressive and of course you could take that and have them have somebody tailor that down just a little bit but that adds cost and then you'd have to refinish it I would imagine so but again they will serve not a big deal the rest of the slide is very plain and not a lot going on and then from a sight perspective these are these standard polymer you notch sights that Glock is very famous for they definitely work I mean they're accurate enough and they're they're reasonably easy to acquire in most situations not at night however but I would say that is certainly something that most people change very quickly when they buy a Glock they get better sights at least steel sights but perhaps some night sights or fiber optics something like that and I am very much the same way I've never been a fan of the polymer sight they may end up breaking so it's something that a lot of people do swap out pretty much right away now for the slide on these Sig one thing they do have front and rear serrations on there I find them to be really actually pretty good I mean they're very usable they're tactile and it works really well especially with this very matte finish so a lot of bite on that slide once again considering how small it is otherwise there's pretty minimalistic there's a P 365 but not a whole lot else going on there and then from a sight perspective again this is something that's a pretty cool with the pp 365 now early iterations of this came with night sights but they were not the xray night sights that sig is known for with their legion and their X carry that sort of thing well they've changed that so now these are actually shipping from the factory with the X ray night side so we've got a nice high def front sight right there colored in green and then of course we've got our tritium vials all the way around and rear serrations as well so a little bit of an uptick on these sites and and that makes it a pretty feature-rich for-sure for-sure so if you've got an older P 365 that came out on the very beginning and you don't have these sights I think you can contact sig and I believe they'll actually ship them out for you so good on sig for doing that now from a cost perspective you're gonna be able to find a 43 somewhere in the 400 to 500 dollar range just kind of depending on where you look versus the P 365 is gonna be MSRP at $5.99 people are generally finding them around five and a quarter or so maybe a little bit less than that so they're a little bit more expensive than the Glock but again you get a lot of features and you get those upgraded sights right out of the box so to me in my opinion it's a bit of a wash since most people including me would switch out the sights on the Glock so that's something to consider there as well well before we move on and take a look at the triggers and announce a winner let's take a look at a little bit of shooting and see how these guys do [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] welcome back I hope you enjoyed that footage at the range so from a shooting perspective both of these guns are a lot of fun to shoot I would say that neither one of these guns are all days shooters and what I mean by that is if you're going to the range and you've got 500 rounds or a thousand rounds or something and you want to put it through either one of these after probably 250 or 300 rounds you might want to switch to something else and of course your mileage may vary there but I find that smaller guns after a while they just kind of beat you up a little bit to one degree or another but that again comes back to the shoot ability of these now the Glock and I've had a long relationship with Glock 43 I got a very early one when they first were released and I've owned a couple over the years and I carried one off and on for a long time and when it first came out man it was it was the Ober gun it was really it was really the big deal people criticized the 42 so much because it wasn't a 9-millimeter so when they came out with the 43 everybody was very excited and and a lot of fun I've had a lot of success with it over the years as I've gotten exposed to other firearms like the shield or the shield 2.0 the PPS m2 or even the p3 65 my opinion on the 43 I admit has changed just a little bit now don't get me wrong the 43 is still a fantastic gun if you're interested in looking at a at a 43 I think you'd be doing just fine but to me there are a couple of things from an ergonomic standpoint it's just not as economic I would say as some other firearms in its class from the grip texture to the lack of undercut it just it doesn't feel quite as good as it once did and and that's again it's not a knock on Glock so much it's really more my observations of it and it still has been a lot of fun for sure now the p3 65 although it's the new gun and you're probably saying well it's the new it gun you just got it so you're really excited about it okay yeah I am for sure however just from an objective standpoint the p3 65 in my hands feels just a little bit better it's a little bit more ergonomic that undercut the grip texture everything just feels really good now I said in my initial video that one thing I did have to do with the 365 well shooting was alter my grip just a little bit and the reason is that slide is really low so if you get at it with a normal grip and a lot of people grip guns kind of like this they ride their thumb a little bit higher up you might run into some problems you might run into some feeding issues that sort of thing so I use the the accessory rail we'll call it that as a reference point for my thumb and it's become quite comfortable and you'll notice I'm not touching the slide at all I've had zero malfunctions with the p3 65 it hadn't been a big deal and it's because I made that one change and this has become quite comfortable so it really sits well in the hand I mean I like the way it feels and it's extremely shootable so I would say from an ergonomic standpoint and a shoot ability standpoint the p3 65 I think takes it just a little bit again not an all-day gun though so let's go ahead and take a look at the triggers for a moment or two compare these both are 100% bone stock nothing has been done no trickery to the Glock or anything like that I've often said Glocks have a great advantage because of their aftermarket there's no doubt about that but but again this one is just totally bone stock so we do have a safety lever on our trigger now one thing I'll try and get this up here so you can see it I don't know how well you'll be able to though but but when you depress that safety lever it does not go all the way into the face of the trigger that's a little bit of a bummer with these smaller guns I use the pad of my finger you guys probably know typically I wrap my finger through because I have pretty long fingers so I do use my pad and I'll tell you what I can feel that safety lever and after a while it just gets a little bit annoying it's not a big deal when you're shooting it's a small gripe but a gripe nonetheless just something that I've noticed now from a trigger pull standpoint this is measuring around 6 and 1/2 pounds so it's kind of a stout trigger now it does have a little bit of take-up there it's reasonably smooth I mean I can feel some resistance there and part of that course is just that trigger face but but we get to a very defined wall and then our break and it's very crisp it's very audible it's one thing about Glock triggers that that I very much appreciate even still today they're predictable they're all basically the same and and there's a lot of feedback to the shooter now from a reset standpoint audible and tactile once again and then we're back out to the start and of course I'll do this again we've got our take-up and our wall there's our break and then our reset so again a lot of feedback back to the shooter and that may or may not mean anything to you main may or may not be important to you but but I've often said that Glocks are actually pretty good starter pistols especially a a Glock 19 or something like that because there's so much feedback back to the shooter even if it's not the most ergonomic firearm and there are some others that are fantastic out on the market Glocks are just they're very predictable and again you can take them all down you can basically make it a bejeweled masterpiece if you want it to be so that's the trigger on the 43 there we go always fun to do from behind a camera of course now the trigger on the P 365 is dramatically different first there's no safety lever there's no hinge or anything like that it's just just the trigger all by itself and it's very smooth it's very comfortable which is really nice all the safeties of course are internal to the firearm and we've got our take up here and yeah I went silent there for a moment because there is no sound it's glass I mean it really is exceptionally smooth and then we do get to a defined wall and then we've got our break it's not as crisp as the Glock I will admit but still very smooth and it's crisp enough there's definitely some feedback to the shooter once again not as much as the Glock and then our reset and back out to the start and the reset is fantastic on this gun really have very little to complain about with that at all so our take up again very smooth we've got our wall our break you'll notice that trigger does not go all the way back to the end of the housing and then we've got our reset and back out to the stars so out of the box from a trigger perspective and this comes in right around 6 pounds or just barely under it's fantastic I've been very impressed with that I said the same with the shield 2.0 more on that at a later time but but the trigger really has surprised me quite a bit okay so here's the hard part it's time to announce a winner and this is always difficult to do because at the end of the day I like both of these guns I've carried the 43 off and on for years I've had a good relationship with it I've never had any major issues with a 43 at all never had to send one back nothing is broken or anything like that so there's something to be said for Glock reliability and take that with a grain of salt but but still that's pretty cool and in the Glock 43 has been a fantastic gun it's very curable it's even pocketable although it's on the bigger side for a pocket gun it is definitely doable there are a couple of things that I don't really care for I think the ergonomics are not as good as I once thought they were the trigger is okay certainly functional but there are better triggers out of the box in my opinion and and worst of all to me it's the sights the the sights are a bit of a bummer and I know some people run with these sights and that's fine there's nothing wrong with that at all but to me these you notch polymer sights to me they have to go that's an immediate change even if the trigger doesn't change or anything else or even a grip tape those sights would have to go I don't care for them at all so the Glock definitely has a lot going for it there are a lot of great things about it in my opinion it's not quite the gun it once was but still certainly very carry about the P 365 and I know it's been kind of the Wonder gun over the past few months I will say some of the hype kind of lives up to expectation it really has been a tremendous firearm now if you saw my first video you might be saying to yourself well KS hang on a second you had a little bit of an issue at the P 365 and I absolutely did not a functionality issue at all everything ran just fine however I did discover that there was some painting on the interior front of the slide here so the parts are kind of slamming together when you shoot the gun so it's creating a little divots in the front of this slide so much so that actually this is not my firearm mine is actually on the way back to sig sauer and this is actually a stand and it's a body double so I appreciate the the ability to be able to do that from a buddy of mine and and so I know that's a little bit of a ding on sig now they are making that right of course on any firearms that are out there that are having that problem I think they're correcting it going forward from what I understand so at least good on sig from making that right but it is a little bit of a bummer and I do ding the gun for that for sure it's it's too bad that they've they've had the issue and they put so many out before getting that fixed in there but once again their customer service is fantastic I've always had a good experience with sig so I trust that they will make it right it'll come back and it will run and this will go back to its owner so so you know take that for what it's worth of course but otherwise from a suitability standpoint from a feature standpoint ergonomics it the the sights all of that it really is a great package and the fact that it's a 10-round basically I know it's not a single stack it's a double stack but I would consider this really a Micro 9 it's pretty astonishing how it's astonishing how much has gone into this firearm and I think other manufacturers will probably take note of that and perhaps we'll see some other offerings from other manufacturers to give this a run for its money so that's good for all of us of course but but at the end of the day if I could only have one and you probably see this coming yes I would take the cig and again mine is on the way back to sig so it's a little bit of a little bit of irony there but but at the end of the day I think because of all the great things going into the P 365 and I think it's got an exciting future it's the one I would take if I could only have one so guys sound off down below I want to hear what you have to say if you agree or disagree I have a feeling there gonna be some people that disagree and I completely appreciate that but but I'm looking forward to read those comments guys thanks so much for stopping by and I will see you next time
Channel: KSGunGuy
Views: 594,175
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Smith and Wesson, Sig Sauer, HK, Walther, Springfield Armory, CZ, Beretta, FN, P365, P320, 19x, M&P 2.0, Shield, P-10 C, VP9, VP9SK, P-07, P-01, APX, upgrade, custom, comparison, competition, vortex, Glock 19, Glock 19 Gen 5, Glock 17, FN 509, Sig Sauer P365, Glock 43x, Glock 48, CZ P-10 S, P10S, Arex Delta, CZ P10, Budget AR, Taurus G2C, XCarry, XCompact, Sig Sauer MPX, Glock 43X, X Carry, X Compact
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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