SIG P365 Pushed to Failure, 2,000 round Review | Episode #60

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[Music] so let's talk the cig three six five and they called it that because they thought you could carry this gun 365 days a year so maybe it's the 24/7 365 but maybe that was too long killer trainer humor so this gun came out at shot 2018 it one gun of the Year award from I believe Guns & Ammo magazine everybody that's shot it that I know of has enjoyed it until they didn't and what do I mean by that well there was a lot of different plaguing problems when the gun first came out and I was hoping by the time I got my hands on this one that those were gone we'll get to that they call it a micro compact I've actually got one right now in a better light tuck holster this gun is unloaded we'll clear it out in a minute though and I have trained and carried it with the twelve round extended magazine I don't even have one of the ten rounders because for me that ten rounder comes flush to the edge of that grip and there's just too much real estate that my fingers can't get on to them almost two fingers shy of a full grip if I can't get a good firing grip on a pistol I don't want to carry it to fight with food for thought so these twelve round magazines allow you to get and I've got pretty good size man hands a full firing grip which the cool thing is and this gun was purported to be designed around these magazines allowed 12 rounds on board conversely if you compare this to something like Smith & Wesson shield or a Glock 43 Glock 43 is a six round pistol with one in the chamber unless you put an extended base plate on there get some kind of extended magazine so you're comparing this to six seven eight round pistols with 13 rounds pretty impressive the pistol itself verify it's cleared out got an empty magazine in there just for grip purposes guns empty still gonna mine the muzzle the gun feel in the hand it's amazing for how small it is so what I wanted to do rather than just a little bit and give you my two cents I decided to shoot it a lot and give you my two cents I've got somewhere around two thousand rounds through the gun and it wasn't two thousand rounds in a month or two or three or four it was two thousand rounds in about four days so I trained over the course of two days with it five hundred rounds or so each day and then I took it as a student myself as a student to a Gabe white pistol class and that's a high volume high speed class so I'm trying to keep up with guys that are shooting competition style guns and I've got this little bad boy in the veter light tuck holster so it was pretty sweet what was cool is this gun allowed me to shoot at a very high level of performance you'll see some footage of that in the video here running bill drills shooting from various positions run hand shooting while moving at high speed not just duck walking along but running and getting hits so the gun is capable of great accuracy one thing that people rave about with this gun is a very good trigger press this is a striker-fired pistol stainless components we've got some stuff pulled up here from Sig now let's go through the features of course you guys can go through this yourself but just to make sure I don't miss communicate polymer gun I think we all know that it's stainless steel with an 8-round finish in the slide the frame itself does have a rail so you can put accessories on there it is a striker-fired gun barrel length 3.1 inches overall length 5.8 inches the width is one inch on the dot that's a narrow little gun the height of the gun 4.3 inches and I do believe with scrab measure here I am assuming that that 4.3 is without the extended base plate and yeah that they are measuring that with a standard mag so with the longer magazine we are four and three-quarter inches with without that add the height of the sites in there you're putting another quarter inch or so to that over overall height five inches or so still extremely concealable the weight of this gun unloaded weight 17 point 8 ounces what other nice thing about this gun it's rated for plus P so a lot of these little guns are not rated for plus P ammunition so they called this gun a micro compact and it surely is micro I don't want to muzzle our cameraman I want to move around here a little bit I I wear an extra large size glove but I want you guys to see and I'll do this grip with my other hand I can get a pretty good master grip on this weapon I'll do it lefty for you lefties I want you to see where my thumb's are so I'm using the well-known now well-known thumbs forward grip got a slight forward can't in my non-dominant hand show you the other side so there's lefty but it's it does afford you the ability to get a full grip now look you're not going to be able to grab this let's for comparison I will grab a lock night just to give you guys a quick comparison here's a Glock night so height a Glock 19 with a magazine it's gonna be about the same height as a Glock 19 I don't have a mag in the Glock Glock is cleared out the length and this isn't super scientific I'm just giving you guys something here for comparison so we're about an inch and a quarter or so shorter and you can see the width definitely start to see the difference I could almost stick this whole grip into the magwell of the 19 and this 19 is a bore site solutions 19 it's been reduced a little bit and you still see that massive difference [Music] pretty interesting but what's cool is they kind of they got rid of material where they had to but they left enough that you could hold on to this accuracy potential is great if you can press the trigger straight to the rear with a good sight picture I'm purposely compressed in a little bit because I want to stay inside a Jerusalem if you can get a good lined up sight picture and press straight to the rear this gun will get you good hits we had a student last year in Ohio ring and steel at a hundred yards consistently with it and I paid attention I said hey mind if I try that gun and I enjoyed it I've never run a quest for the perfect gun or the end-all be-all gun but this gun they did a lot of things right I'm not gonna go into the history of some of the issues that this gun had because I don't know them all I don't spend that much time reading Internet fodder but what I do know is what they did right so let's talk a little bit about the slide they've got forward serrations a lot of times I don't need forward serrations I don't need them on any gun because I have enough grip strength but because of the size of this gun it's actually convenient to be able to grab the front of the slide to action it on a full-size gun a lot of times I just grab the back of the slide to do say a press check but because this is so small you can't see what you're doing so that is convenient forward and aft slide serrations loaded chamber indicator and the way that they did that I'm gonna grab a dummy round and I will show you exactly what this looks like guys I'm a big fan of press checking this is in fact a dummy round so you guys see that hoping we're gonna be able to see this so you see the small cutout in what is essentially the chamber portion of the barrel configuration and what that allows you to do is physically look in and depending on the color of brass you have or the lighting like if you're shooting steel cased ammo you're gonna have a harder time seeing it this round has a nickel plated colored kasing so you can see in there and you see black and then through that little port you see the shiny backside of the case do you see it true that's the that's kind of the thing if I actually with the action open you'll see that little notch a little easier do you see the notch right there on the edge of my fingernail from a functionality standpoint good slide serrations front and aft because depending on your hand size this interesting thing when you're purchasing a weapon up your hands may be bigger or smaller than mines a female or a person with just smaller hands in general may need these things in different places there's aggressive enough to allow you good purchase some makers put such aggressive texturing and finishes on guns that they tear you up they did a good job of easing edges and corners there's not sharp things that are gonna poke you there's a little not a lot of sharp things on here that are going to snag during a draw stroke that is a much appreciated excellent sights right out of the box these are tritium night sights the they they call them they call them the x-ray three day night sights if you bought one of these guns brand new and it came with these sights on it I'm told by Sig publications that you purchased a gun that was after the initial issues that were with this gun many of the guns that came back they swapped the sights so these are the x-ray three day night sights and they've got an excellent very reminiscent of what Amerigo invented then Trijicon and some other company started doing they've got the ring of paint around the tritium in this case I believe it only can be ordered in this very bright green my eye likes it now I usually shoot the Ameri glow sights part of me that and I have an orange site that I've become very used to they've got a blacked-out rear the rear is serrated the rear is also contains two tritium vials in there and they are quite bright they work very good the front of those rear sights while they are rounded get in a little bit for a close up here they are eased which is nice because they're not going to snag on stuff that ledge is also vertical enough where if you had to action the slide off of that you can a lot of my sites would not have something like I'm describing but their sites that do not allow you to get that purchase so I could action off of that but again they also ease them so there's a lot of thought that went into that I like it we come to the other side of the slide we've got the slide lock lever some people call this a slide release it is in fact a slide lock lever now the way that I have been cycling this gun in the time I've been shooting it because there's not a lot of space for me to grab on to is I have been actioning the slide forward using the slide lock lever okay I'm gonna remove my magazine I've got that slide lock in the up position and it's just wide enough that I can get at that with either thumb I could get at it with this finger as well if I needed to talking about the reload with this little gun you've got to have some thought put into this because you're not gonna reload this gun the same way that you do a full size gun I don't have to break my master grip with say this full-size Glock so this little gun after trying it for a couple thousand rounds this was what I found worked best for me with full-size hands so that I'm shooting the gun goes to slide lock because I've run it dry non-dominant hand drops the mag I can maintain a good firing grip non-dominant hand thumb comes back in and I can fire and I'm using the Neo mag which is fantastic to carry my my spare so we'll try to do that a little bit quicker comes the slide lock drop retrieve insert [Music] it doesn't look too shabby does it so you can with these little guns that's my big beef with a little gun we did a video guys titled why low capacity guns suck yeah there's a little clickbait there in the title but the point isn't that you can't stop somebody with one round or five rounds the point is even if you do stop somebody with those rounds a little gun is harder to fight with a little gun is harder to manipulate well that's why you don't see people in competitions for the most part running guns like this because even the best in the world is going to shoot a full size gun better there's more to hold on to there's easier ability to manipulate the gun so a good reload can be performed with this gun again you're not gonna run this gun like an open gun or a full sized pistol it's there's a trade-off and that is why we have this idea that low capacity guns are subpar that's the trade-off concealability there's a trade-off for functionality so what else did sig do right with this the extra ring on this gun is excellent it has enough that I can really get a good hold on it I would have preferred the texture to come up through this region but I really don't need it I was running bill drills as you'll see here in under two and a half seconds from concealment with this gun it will allow you to run it hard if you have that good master grip talking about the trigger guard generous sized trigger guard considering the size of the gun you see my finger like I said I've got probably average to above-average sized hands and I've got enough room in there the distance from the back of the grip beavertail area to the trigger allows me good geometry that's a lot right there of what dictates the ability for somebody to shoot a gun well if I was to take this gun versus we'll look at this Glock and we were to measure here to here here to here the cool thing that they did with this gun I'm just gonna measure it we've got this is not a hyperactive measurement two and five-eighths two and a half I'm measuring from the middle of the trigger well two and a half two and 9/16 so what they did was they maintained that geometry from here to here and I'm assuming that engineers know the width of an average human for them to get their hand in there and get their trigger finger on what happens is guns get too big and all you can do is get your little tip of your finger onto the gun or the gun gets too small and your fingers buried in there like that trying to make it work so they kept that geometry intact very very thoughtful how do you pick this gun apart very simple so we've got the slide lock to the rear we're gonna take down lever drop it down 90 degrees it actually goes a little forward of 90 once we're there we're gonna release the slide lock and just simply pop the gun apart the innards look very similar to what you're used to in striker-fired pistols this one's dirty dirty is all getup but it comes apart very simple I'm not gonna break it down completely you're gonna see in this video this gun broke down into all of its components but what you see here looks very much like what you're used to with other striker fire designs two-piece spring putting it back together happens just as easy one thing you gotta do to get this takedown lever it took me a minute to figure this out so once the gun comes off in order to get that takedown lever back down all the way because right now it won't go and if you force it I'm sure you'll break something you need to lift up on the slide lock and then that will drop forward and you need to maintain some forward pressure check it out if I let go it'll pop up and lock again and you won't get the slide back on so upward pressure on the slide lock lever drop that lever forward maintain some forward pressure and then come right back in I engage the slide lock after I did that drop that sucker down and we're back together so for minor maintenance and cleaning and such super easy to do so so let's talk about how this gun shot I ran this two days price out it a little bit blinking probably a hundred rounds just running some rounds through it checking it out then I took it to the range and I dedicated to private training days myself where I shot about a thousand rounds through it preparing for this class I was preparing because I didn't want to take a gun that wasn't gonna work or that was gonna be unsafe so I shot a thousand rounds through it and I was cape confident enough that I could get through the course with it as a student a high volume high speed shooting course I showed up to the course I got through day one perfectly and in the process I wore a hole in this hand I cut myself scratch myself a few times just getting this little gun out you're dealing with little parts so stuff happens the gun experienced zero malfunctions related to no double feeds I had no stove pipes I had no issues related to an improper grip which a lot of those are user induced malfunctions the gun shot every time I pulled the trigger my ammunition superevil ammunition part of the evaluation of a weapon you have to consider the ammo if I went and bought garbage ammo and did this evaluation we may have different results including things like accuracy and reliability because junk ammo could muck up the gun with a pill on a day - everybody was complimenting the gun that it how it was keeping up and that I was able to run that course with it they - we're doing some high speed stuff so we're doing drills where we're getting the signal to shoot we're drawing and engage six hits into an a zone empty empty into an a zone at seven yards we're doing drills such as draw one two three four transition to the head five six into a four inch head zone and you're trying to get that done in a couple of seconds from inside the holster and I'm doing it with this little dude so about two o'clock on day two I'm ready to run ready to run I draw that gun up click and I wish I had been filming this because I did a really nice immediate action tap rack click and I did it for a third time click and I'm watching the live rounds fall to the deck and I said dang it you know there's an issue I removed the feed cycle cycle I dropped the ammo I looked at it and I put the gun away and I asked for permission to leave the line from the instructor I said I've got a malfunction with the firearm at that time I left the range and I found that the firing pin in this gun had cracked well I didn't want it to happen I was hoping this little gun was gonna make it through it's got a couple thousand rounds through it I was 3/4 of the way through Dave White class as a student and bang firing pen basta kated he's break-in every gun I've never broke on in this little few Browns though a little unfortunate it didn't make it I had to switch back to my Glock to finish the course on the last couple hundred rounds of fire had to go through the Glock to finish the course which was actually a hindrance to me in that course after running this as much as I did so fast forward to the very next day I got a hold of Sig customer service and this is where I'm at with this and we'll fill in the rest of this video shortly sig has taken full responsibility they sent me a shipping paid shipping label I'm gonna ship this back to them and they're gonna take it apart and figure out what has to happen I did read some reports online that some of the carbon quantities in the Stryker assemblies were off and it was causing the strikers to be too hard which was basically would create a brittle situation I'm going to show you what that looks like so slides back apart gonna grab here screwdriver so I can pop this may be a perk so there's the the striker assembly and that's how the spring looks there's nothing wrong with it what we're seeing here is the tip broke off the actual striker mechanism that impacts the primer catastrophic failure gun is out of commission so at that point like I said I had to break the gun apart and put her away that said guys I still haven't decided that this gun is done for me it had too many positive attributes that I just can't can't deny and food for thought every major player our manufacturer every major manufacturer of anything cars TVs radios toasters has had recalls and issues as things get released glock included look it up if you don't believe me Smith & Wesson Springfield and that's not a dig on anybody you're talking about mass-produced parts That's not me defending sig it's me understanding that in the course of all the things that humans produce sometimes things fall through the cracks and I'm not gonna just write this thing off because I really enjoyed shooting it I really and I did not feel undergunned when I was carrying this 13 rounds I'm assuming at some point somebody will be making an extended mag day I can get 15 rounds into this sucker we'll fill you in on what happened after sig got the gun we will probably get this sucker back out again and continue shooting it and put it through it paces I was not I was not being hard on it the gun was lubed the ammunition like I said was quality ammunition from superevil 147 grain ammo nine-millimeter jacketed ammo the gun was being treated correctly it wasn't being abused and we had that striker failure I still like it I'm looking forward to doing more work with it once it's returned to me at this point though I can't give it a sign-off as a something I would carry to protect my family because of what happened so we'll see how sig treats it and we'll go from there a lot of good with some bad the sig 365 boom all right well this has been a couple months in the making this is the sig 365 that we just received back from sig came back while we were filming something else today so we thought we'd finish this we've got to get a lip tie off here the gun has gone out I know the case that I sent them from the dealer had a cracked [Music] locking handle so this is not the same case I sent okay great I was concerned according to the paperwork they shipped the gun with two 10-round magazines this did not ship with two 10-round magazines it shipped with the twelve round mag now what I'm told is the slide that's on here is completely new I haven't fired it yet you just saw us open it up five minutes ago this thing came to the came to the door as we were filming so I'm told they've completely replaced the slide and I'm hoping that this thing is good to go I really enjoyed shooting it I've got some range time that feels good I've got some range time tomorrow and we're gonna shoot it sig definitely hustled up taking care of their broken product I shipped it I kept a ledger I'm gonna step off the frame here whenever something like this happens I try to keep a ledger good idea for you guys to do as well because then you can really document everything that happened twelve to the firing pin broke during our class I made a call the very next day twelve three two sig customer service I talked to a gentleman there by the name of Ryan who was very helpful Ryan immediately shipped me via email a or sent me via email shipping instructions as well as a prepackaged label on all that good stuff I sent the gun the very next day on the fourth of December reading my notes here so it took ten days or so nine days I've got the gun back nine days later and they were prompt I know people are harping on them progress sometimes has growing pains for all of the bad things that people are saying about this gun there's so many right things that we've already discussed in this video I'm gonna run it and I'm gonna let you guys know if it breaks again I know there's a lot of other folks out there that are saying both good and bad things about this Blaster aha I just there's so many good things about it for its size so we're going to get this thing back out on the range and see how it goes takeaways cigs customer service is excellent the gun when it was working shot very well for what it is and all we can do is put it back through its paces and see what happened every major manufacturer has had some issues I'm not I'm not trying to defend sig I just know that in my business career I've not always made everybody happy and sometimes things don't work out as planned what you do after is there is an issue is what really speaks volumes about business's integrity and character and the people that work for and operate that business is integrity and character if we have an update something noteworthy about this gun after I put another thousand or so rounds through it we'll come back we'll shoot a short two or three minute segment on it and share it with you to let you know how this blaster is working for now Mickey and drew with Carey trainer saying goodbye be well tell somebody you love them follow our channel buy our shirts attend our courses drink our kool-aid be well back in Minnis hey guys you caught me out here training today with my little 365 sick I'm gonna be a student this weekend with Gabe white I'm gonna run this pistol in the class and here's some things to think about if you start to train with a gun that's new to you or ulster setup I'm looking for this gun in order to drop the magazine I either have to break my grip or use my other hand because the magazine is going to hit the heel of my hand something else to think about guys we're training to be able to draw these guns and deploy them extremely unlikely but terrible if you have to do it right you want to be able to draw and efficiently put rounds into a target effectively subconsciously
Channel: CarryTrainer
Views: 583,893
Rating: 4.7804132 out of 5
Keywords: sig p365 review, p365 review, sig p365, sig p365 concealed carry holster, sig p365 firing, sig p365 firing pin, sig p365 firing pin fix, sig p365 firing pin issues, sig p365 firing pin problems, sig p365 firing pin recall, sig p365 issues, sig p365 problems, carrying sig p365, concealed carry sig p365, reloading sig p365, p365, sig 365, sig sauer p365, sig sauer p365 concealed carry, handgun review, concealed carry, everyday carry, micro compact 9mm, micro compact pistols
Id: RCgX2MsoKi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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