SIG P365

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"I found one... BANG............ and I found that I didn't have my ears on."

Ouch. Lol!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/krsvbg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

His giant, enormous hands.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LessThanNate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ninja_ZedX_6 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was it just me or was he making extra sure the magazine was seated fully? Something to that or am I over analyzing?

*Also failed to go into battery at 23:43 when he racked it after putting the magazine in.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/burntfuck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Do we know yet how much these are gonna run?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chief__04 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was going to get a P938 but now I guess I will just wait. Sassy little gun. Thank you for sharing! I do not know how i missed this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fadaboutyou πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone know if the magazine release is reversible for left handed shooters?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MadaraUchiha209 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Probably going to sell off my g43 for one of these

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nickels5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don’t think I’ve seen him so giddy over a gun in a long time. Must really be a winner

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/papaninja πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 13 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Picon 45 here we're gonna look at the sig p320 can it well let's see oh look I found in my pocket I found one and I found that I didn't have my ears on and let's shoot it again pretty cool I think I have no the magazine so let's do a tactical reload it's not really tactical except I'm not gonna lose that magazine and let's shoot something else like a cowboy and let's smoke a little pot right off the bat here you have to hit them to smoke them yes ladies and gentlemen it is the cig p3 65 much requested and I've been anxious to see it John and I have been reading about it and anxious to get our hands on it ourselves and see what we think about it and that's what you pay us the big bucks for right to let you know what we think about it where are those checks just kidding we have been very interested in looking at this thing and and I'll give you some reasons why not a lot of new guns that really get us all excited you know there's always a new polymer wonder a new polymer pistol lotta more fine the capacity on this one in the pre-release info was kind of interesting to us because it holds 10 rounds look at that magazine ten bullets will fit in those magazines I understand they're even coming out with or there we have a 12-round magazine and in the weight of it it was a little bit perplexing to me I mentioned that I think in the shooting the breeze that it it just I couldn't understand and when I looked at it at shot show on I was expecting a firearm like this the Glock 26 okay something like this with maybe a thinner slide or something because it has ten rounds it's a ten plus one and that's what the Glock 26 is one of the things we all like about it's a handy little firearm it holds ten plus one but I tell you what it looks gigantic compared with the 365 doesn't it just it looks bigger thicker it's longer the grip is bigger and we'll do some more comparison but I just look at the difference there just in the upfront yeah I mean it's a small little grip how in the world they do that I don't know maybe magic anyway we're glad we got this from Bud's gun shop calm we appreciate them uh you know getting this to us okay I'm sure they're gonna be sold out half the time because the the things I think I'm going to be in big demand so we appreciate them getting this to us appreciate federal and all the free for it very much for drain American Eagle we're gonna fire mainly and some hollow points if you don't let me forget okay I'll put them up here I'll remember okay and also don't forget to go to the to the link in our description and join the NRA at a discount if you're not a member yet alright don't forget those things so I'll be quizzing you later on them so yeah I I couldn't understand how we hold that many rounds and you know what I still don't understand it because it's just such a my Glock 926 magid I don't lying around but boy there is right here you know it's just uh it just seems like it would take a magazine that size doesn't it you know Glock 26 because you you know Glock is famous for these reliable magazines that hold a lot of rounds the double stacks and of course there's a lot of companies now that make them but there's just a big difference there in the width and you know everybody's using that term game-changer all the time with new pistols everything is a game-changer I'll tell you what I don't know if the pistol is but I think the the ability to make a magazine that's small and be double stack and hold ten rounds that might be a game-changer alright because I say that because that is going to put pressure I would say on on Glock and everybody else under the Sun look at this I'm not getting into a lot of this pretty quickly but that's okay I ramble a lot and don't get to the point quite often for a while so let's get right to it here this is the Glock 43 alright so we know it holds I've got a magazine loader here with six rounds you know without an extension on it and and it's very popular pistol and its small enough it's single stack and you know it's just a smaller pistol very very popular like the shield I have over there they're both very they're similar and but they're single stack generally the shield's got a little bit different magazine going on there but six rounds okay and if you look at this firearm this sig and I put a mag in it but yeah look at the size there at the same height and everything the 43 is a little longer but they're essentially the same size firearm in so many ways there's not much difference the sig 365 is a half ounce heavier by my measurements so they're essentially the same weight okay and I did some measuring and you know there's just not much difference in the slide or the thickness they're very very similar if I put the calipers on the slide there and then put them on the the Glock you know it's 43 there I mean they're basically the same okay and even on the grip and I've got some grip tape on these but let me let me open it up for the grip because that's what's pretty amazing and okay and then we put them on the sig and I know I'm not showing you well there but I mean they're essentially the same so I mean we can split hairs and there's really little itty bitty differences but by and large for my money there's no real difference in a thickness yeah or weight really between these two pistols and guess what this one holds ten plus one so that's pretty amazing and it's pretty amazing and it is a very interesting I was thinking again it was going to be more like the Glock 26 salt it's shot show got in there and a monkey poland' wrestled my way in there knock people out of the way you know how I am rude and no I wouldn't do that in and I got my hands on it what you know because it really did feel like Glock 43 or something and I was expecting something larger and that's why so I really came away with a strange perception of it I'm not sure I like that it just felt like a little little bitty pistol or something it does then compute well anyway we got one and I've been shooting it I've got almost 200 rounds through it and John has fired several magazines today I've been firing for three days it has not malfunction and even though it's small it's really smaller a lot of ways they the clock 43 it you know the distance between the front and rear of the grip I haven't even measured that but guess it's how you measure that and that's different yeah yeah that that is noticeable to me now to use it might not be because you have normal hands so I'm just gonna kind of measure it like that and then when you put it over here see there's there's a it's it's a more narrow from front to rear by a considerable margin so not only is it the same thickness essentially as a Glock 43 but it's it's not as wide you know I mean it's yeah we always think of width in that way but it's not as long I guess you'd say you know what I'm talking about there it's a little bitty round grip almost it doesn't make sense it holds a lot of Buddhist so now with all that said am i bragging about it you know we'll have to see and make sure that these magazines continue to work you know it could be that yeah we figured out how to make a magazine that size holds 10 rounds but you know we'll time will tell if in four or five months we're seeing reports on the internet and YouTube or hey YouTube is on the internet isn't it but we're seeing reports yeah these magazines are failing they hold 10 but they're they're wearing out very very quickly or something I'm not buying trouble I'm not trying to criticize them before it's time but just you know just for what it's worth you know you can push technology sometimes a little too too far but it's just amazing that it holds that much all right so for the size because that's the size of it and I wrote down some weights here's your famous feels very popular pistol same thing now the shield's a little bigger than the Glock 43 and of course that means it's going to be a little bigger than this P 33 65 okay it's longer it's heavier the grip here looks like it's a little bigger and that's what I've always said about the shield a great gun I like it it's a little big for a pocket holster although I can get the 243 in a pocket holster fine I can even carry the shield and pocket all if I want to but it's it's a little big it gets awfully close to a waist belt you know firearm really most people carry it that way but and it'll work so it's heavier this is 2 ounces heavier than the 365 2 ounces heavier almost exactly the Glock 26 is 3 ounces heavier okay so this is like the sixth seventh let's see yeah eighteen and a half ounces basically eighteen and a half on the sig and this is 20 and a half pretty pretty much right there the shield the Glock 26 is 21 and a half essentially there's maybe an eighth of an ounce er a little bit off but so you're talking about two ounces heavier on the shield basically three ounces heavier on the Glock 26 now al says always don't seem like much if you're going on a diet and you lose an ounce you don't think you've done much but if you've got a little pocket gun or a very small pistol an ounce is quite a lot pick up this and pick up the Glock there's a good bit of difference okay so that's the claim to fame the fact that it's a ten plus one firearm and it's a Sig all right and Jon I'm talking before the video and I'll load mags as I'm yakking but we are certainly hoping that there's no drop test issues right we're not gonna do that and throw it around and everything well it's um what else be the hero on the internet and just figure out that it's a not drop safe or something if that's the case I'm sure it is I can't imagine sig releasing another pistol that would have an issue like that I will give him the benefit of the doubt that would be the kiss of death if they were to do that again so you can have at it swingers up against the wall or drop it or don't do that I shouldn't say that people it might try that but we'll know right very very soon if there's a problem with that somebody's probably testing that as I speak so we'll let somebody else do that we'll shoot it I don't plan to drop mine so 10 rounds you know some mags load okay and that last one just barely fits imagine that and one thing I was going to show you too was this is the this is a Alabama host right I use those Kydex holsters for pocket holsters and they are fit for this specific firearm like the PM 9 it just fits right in there and snug the this one is for the Glock 43 it clicks in there just does fit just enough room for it okay so to give you an idea here's the p3 65 it goes into so it's actually a little looser so it would fall out I mean it's okay for my part I mean you could carry it in that because your gravity is going to help you there but it it's actually looser in the holster then the Glock 43 and you saw the measurements on the on the grip it's essentially the same you know and everything so anyway magically we have a firearm the size of the Glock 43 that holds ten plus one that's it in a nutshell this put some bullets in it and fire it okay now the other thing I want to mention is that it the Aeronautics of it even though it has that that grip that's not very big it feels pretty good [ __ ] on the paper here it feels pretty good two liter I bracketed him shot him on both sides now let's put one in the middle and take him down yeah like that oh there's a couple of drinks right there I'm at least urgh alright how about a plate and how about being empty just have two magazines it feels pretty good to shoot the trigger is fine it's not perfect yeah it doesn't have that wall then a really perfectly crisp break that I like let's you don't get that on a lot of pistols but it's pretty good okay the reset sure the reset is not bad either and or out click right there so it's not too long it feels fine shooting live ammo versus dead ammo so you've got the what the Sig light you know night sights on it you can adjust the rear sight then the dovetail there like the front sight spend and what else not a lot of ambi stuff on it and the mag release is probably reversible I'm not sure on that tell you the truth and we take it apart here while we've got it cold I did have some issues I'll show you here pull that down at lever down imagine that it comes right off you don't have to pull the trigger there's something about getting that lever back that lever has to be down in order to to put the slide back on and I've hit oh you know what I just think I just figured it out I've been fighting that thing several times just like I said I've been shooting it a lot and I cleaned it two three times and I just I just learned it right there you just lift up the slide lock in it'll go down all right so actually there is no problem with that I thought there was it was weird cuz when I get it to move I couldn't para what I was doing how it was happening so you've got to you know boy they came with a lot of Lube on ahead a bunch of white Kyle Lube oh looks like someone poured milk in it and you get your kind of your captured spring there dual captured spraying firing pin block and everything so you know it you know pretty common for striker-fired firearm these days put the barrel back in there feels like a a quality little gun I'm glad you helped me figure that out right there because I was having trouble with it you need to have that in that position to get the slide back on okay yours up in business so ice look pretty good because they're they stand up there you got nice significant sites a good sight picture and they're night sights maybe we'll just keep shooting and blabbing till it gets dark so you can see the night sights how about that yeah it wouldn't be worth it whether to listen to me for another hour what else about I think the price on it is about what 599 MSRP probably go for 50 to 100 bucks less than that if you can find one I think it's going to sell really well there's so much interest in it and so far I I'm not disappointed really I I'm not sure what I would change on it I might want a bigger grip it's slightly bigger if it were mine if I attained one I'll probably put some wrap around that just give it a little more little heft a little more thickness there but again people with normal hands might just fall in love with it oh I shot - yeah shot - in this powerpoints didn't I didn't so I guess they work we have a malfunction still for that box of hollow points must have play it through it talking and not paying attention for that okay slow let's shoot it again here now I actually been impressed with it I popped those little red plates over there a few times with it the sights are right on that doesn't mean I can do it now but I'll try that Center plate I think I know where to hold or sets just half the battle there we go I even hit the little one on the right before I try it again oh I guess I hate I'll see ya swinging let me try a pig up there boom yeah a little pocket pistol 10+1 pocket pistol and I mean it it seems accurate most importantly when you know what I mean when I use that word accurate you know look at our video called accuracy meaning that almost any we bring out of here will would hit you know well enough to knock over what are you shooting at but as far as the ergonomics of it the sights and ability to hold it with a decent trigger it's it's it's kind of impressive I'll have to say for what it is again the only negative that I I see right off and from my shooting with it is the grip feels really small to me really small it could be a little bigger for me other than that I I don't have a lot that I've discovered don't got more I know speaking of discovering that bothers me about it it I'm always impressed as you know if you've been around a while by small guns really small that that you can little pistols that that you can stick in your pocket you can pull them out and you can hit what you need to hit with it I'm just impressed with little pistols that shoot well so right off the bat I I'm you know I'm gonna be a little bit biased on it like it's like small guns that shoot well and are easy to prepare easy so uh I've got a nice big trigger guard for a gun this small as you could say and my pitting is wrong I've gone out to pm9 you know if you're familiar the pn9 this one of the things that's hard to grasp on the farm if you don't see one in your shop your local shop or somewhere you might not you know it's harder to get an idea how big it is okay there's empty here but pm9 is a little gun and you can see this thing is not much bigger put the mag in okay first height and everything you really almost wouldn't know the difference in terms of that firearm we'll see what's the weight on the PM 9 is 16 and 5 is 6 so it's about a an ounce or two lighter but other than that you know there's not a lot of difference there see and I actually got a better trigger I think for me well they kind of like the grip a little better on the pm9 you got a little more meat to it a little more length like I was talking about but yeah if I could put the PM 9 grip on this that would that would feel better but and I brought out the ruger lc9s which it's about an ounce lighter but I believe it's a little little bigger gun in some ways not a lot of difference you know there was thickness or anything so what this thing does kind of it you know the lc9 asks the Glock 43 and even the shield it kind of gives you that same that it's size and grip and everything as a single stack that's when it kind of comes down to its its yeah we all like these a lot it's like this guy well it's like the Glock 43 and a PM 9 all those this firearms the shield and everything and but we're tempted on a firearm like at least the Glock 26 because it holds 10 plus 1 well this kind of gives you those single stack firearms with 10 rounds and of what it does so we'll shoot a little bit more I'll think of any otherwise I have neglected to tell you about it talk about the price a little bit say it's going to be hard to find for awhile and there's going to be a 12-round magazine for it that'd be nice if I was carrying and I would have a 12 round mag in my pocket probably along with it and now this it comes with two 10 round mags this is still 10 just has that extra grip on it a lot of you'll like that I don't know I'm a minimalist you know but a lot of you would like that get you a little finger on that and probably shoot it better all right so those are the two mags that come with it and it's a Sig all right that got more shots here [Music] very shootable very shootable which i had about ten magazines for it try those pleats good cowboy you get the last bullet didn't know I was counting did you actually I was that I had a feeling that was about the last round so anyway the P 365 it it at this point it looks like it's probably going to be a winner I don't sound like a cig sales rep but for me and for this particular gun this small you know I'm impressed I'm impressed with it you know they get ten rounds in that thing and it just takes up the same room in your pocket or wherever you stash it as a Glock 43 yeah but even less let me remind myself I'm just thinking it was a little bit shorter than the 43 yeah it's a little shorter on the it's got a three inch barrel I think three point one inch the Glocks are a little bit longer slide and Barrel so but you can see they're roughly the same height there and everything so if you don't have one or there's not one in your local shop you're somewhere in the middle of wherever and you just know you know based on the comparisons it's it's it's not even bigger than a Glock 43 and weighs about the same okay so it's just in a lot of ways it just doesn't compute that it holds ten plus one so I'm impressed I hope that magazine technology is what the word I'm looking for not valid but that the magazines work over a long period of time and they continue to hold ten rounds and you'll function with 10 rounds reliably that be the thing we know from some of these other firearms a Glock especially that it's just hard to wear out of Glock magazine they just keep working that's why you know people make guns that will take a Glock magazine and so if sig has that they very impressively come up with this thing I understand they came up with a magazine first and built a gun around it so that's the way to do it so hopefully that mag in that spring will will function you know a long long a long time reliably and if so this is a pretty impressive little piece of hardware that is my opinion right now just one just shot one of them have shot it quite a bit and you know not thousands of rounds but a couple hundred or more and not add not had a bobble with it so we shall see if if with others someone has issues with it or you know malfunctions or magazines don't work or something you know will know that Internet it's a great place it's hard to hide stuff but for our experience with this one it's worked really well and it impressive little piece what can I say pig three Pig that's sorry sig sig p3 65 nifty little pistol looks like at this point life is good hey Dad we throw me another pot all right cool yeah I'm just sitting up here for another video one to remind you guys to check out our friends over at SDI the Sonoran Desert Institute they are a fully accredited online distance learning program where you get certified in gunsmithing and get an associates degree in firearms technology they also accept GI bill so check them out over SDI edu and also check out our friends at vault X safecom you've seen the pistol safes on the the main shooting table of some of our video so check them out if you need one of those and also go to Hickok 45 calm and you can find basically everything that you need to know about us you can see all of our some various supporters over there and stay up to date on our Facebook pages and Twitter Nick got 45 on Facebook the real hook got 45 at Instagram there's also the Hickok 45 and son YouTube channel all that kind of stuff and full30 calm we've got over there so just go to Hickok 45 calm and that's where you can basically find anything else you need to know and also our store don't forget that
Channel: hickok45
Views: 4,555,831
Rating: 4.8949051 out of 5
Keywords: Sig, Sig Sauer, P365, Sig P365, 9mm, EDC, CCW, Concealed Carry, defensive pistol, striker-fired, pocket gun
Id: n29qgsP9B-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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