Top 5 Guns That You Will Actually Carry!

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what's up and welcome to the channel my name is headshot and thank you guys for joining us today we're gonna talk about the top five guns that you will actually conceal carry now if you're watching this video chances are you're getting your permit you're thinking about getting your permit or you already have your permit and you're looking for something that you will actually carry on a day to day basis whether people like to admit it or not comfort is one of the biggest reasons people either carry or won't carry that specific firearm and that's what we're here to talk about today so I'm gonna tell you my top five these guns are they have been reliable for me generally speaking they are pretty reliable one of them has had mixed reviews but just keep in mind with any gun that you're considering carrying you want to make sure that you have that gun you're tested in with your carry ammo you've shot a bunch of rounds through it and you make sure that it is it is good to go for you because man-made objects they fail and and that's just the way it is but generally speaking these guns are reliable and they have been for a lot of people now the things that really led me to these decisions besides the reliability which is most important our comfort carrying inside the waistband how does that gun feel on me every single day mrs. heck shots input was put into this video as well even though she's not talking trust me she let me know her her opinions on this as well these are guns that she's carrying and I'm carrying on a daily basis so comfort reliability those are gonna be the two biggest factors now this doesn't mean that these guns are the best guns for concealed carry these guns are the guns that you will most likely carry if you were to buy one of these or if you have one of these now two really important points before we even start is good gun belt and a good holster if you're caring inside the waistband these are going to be crucial points I don't care how small how light the gun is if you don't have a good holster and you don't have a good gun belt it's gonna make things a lot more uncomfortable for you I will leave links down below and we have plenty of testimonials from a lot of you guys that have bought these specific products and plenty of people can tell you how great they are and how much of a difference they make in a concealed-carry alright so number five on the list keep in mind these are in no particular order but number five to start it off the Walther PPS m2 this has been a gun that's in been in our collection for a while single stack you're gonna get two magazines one six round flat baseplate the other ones an extended seven round magazine one of the great things about this gun is it actually has a really good trigger keep in mind the review we go much more in-depth on these guns so if you want to watch those reviews please I will leave them down below so you guys can watch them but you pull the trigger here it's got a great trigger on it not as quite as light as the P P Q of course that's probably not something you'd want in a gun like this but great trigger nonetheless front and rear slide serrations and another nice thing about this gun is it actually has real sights on it so a lot of these smaller guns you'll find that they don't have good sights on them they're made for up close and dirty but this one actually has a good set of sights very thin profile size weight everything lends itself to being very very comfortable to carry the grip texturing is ppq ish for sure not too aggressive but aggressive enough to keep the gun locked into your hand this is one of those guns that whenever you shoot it you're gonna be like man this is like a bigger gun I can't believe this thing is a single stack as you run out of rounds very quickly with this gun you will soon realize that it is a single stack unfortunately that is the give and take that you're gonna run into with these smaller guns round capacity it just is not going to be as high obviously as some of the other ones alright the next one here you guys are actually getting two for one a pretty good deal the first one is going to be the Glock 42 this is missus tech shots concealed carry this is an awesome gun for ladies you wear form-fitting clothing much tighter than men and you need something really concealable but something that you want to be able to shoot and and have a decent experience with at the range might be your ticket all right it comes with two magazines boast six round magazines it comes with the standard Glock sights they're from the factory so if that's something you're used to that might actually do you really well and plus you have a ton of side options for Glocks anything Glock you can get pretty much anything for it very thin profile definitely less than an inch in thickness I think it's around 0.86 and very light very short overall profile if you've shot a Glock or anything similar you will notice that the the biggest difference with this gun is the trigger let me show you that here really quick you have the safety dang it's okay no external safety on this gun like the PPS pull the trigger it's a little bit heavier than like a twenty six or a nineteen or whatever but it still has a decent trigger on it and then the other one that I'm going to show you is the Glock 43 this is the nine-millimeter version you can kind of tell right there the Glock 43 all the way around is just a little bit bigger so if you want to bump up to nine-millimeter this is going to be a good option again it comes with two six round magazines plenty of extensions and things like that you can look up but if you like the Glock platform this is going to be a good everyday carry option this is why I make these videos because if you're gonna carry you're gonna go through the whole process get your license whatever you have to do even if it's not a process the whole point of you getting that license is you're gonna carry every single day and these options are gonna be great for people that want to be able to consistently carry every single day I cannot stress that enough Glock sights very thin profile just a little bit wider than the 42 as you can tell there but if you want to bump it up to nine millimeter and you like Glock this might be a good option for you alright going to our third option this is going to be the longest standing concealed carry single stack that we've had in our collection if you've watched the channel for any length of time you may have already guessed what this gun is it is the M&P shield all right in at Ulster holster of course these things are just awesome too alright not only are these things great and one thing we haven't really talked about price-wise let me go over that really quickly PPS you're gonna be around 350 bucks the Glocks you're gonna be you know anywhere from 350 to 400 just depends on where you shop I mean you can find Glocks still for 425 450 the shield consistently is around 300 to 325 bucks you get such a bangin value pun intended with the MFP series but let me go over some of the basics here really quick you get a seven round flat base plate you get an eighth round extended hinge trigger design you have the option on this one to go with or without the manual safety so if you want to go with that if that makes you more comfortable make sure you train with it obviously but you do have that option on this gun peephole right here so you can see your brass down in the chamber again with this gun you get a real set of sights metal sights at that and you have plenty of site options for the shields as well but this is great to have on a small gun like this very thin profile and overall the gun my biggest gripe and this is the let's just call it the Gen one version my biggest gripe of this gun is the grip texturing is not the best the M 2.0 versions they actually address that issue but also on the Gen 1 versions at least mine we have this false reset and it's caught me and mrs. heck shot plenty of times watch the review for for the end EPS but what will happen is the trigger will break and then if you listen closely it sounds like it resets there and because I'd like to shoot off the reset it'll catch me and I'll catch myself flinching but that's not the reset that's the reset and then it fires again just a small thing you can definitely get some good triggers and drops in these and drop them in these guns but if you go with the M 2.0 version which is not much more money than the original you will get those upgrades on the gun the shield it I gotta have one in the collection just an awesome everyday carry type a gun get yourself a good holster in a gun belt and the shield for your value for your money they are really really hard to beat now for the most expensive and probably most controversial gun on this list I'm putting it on there anyways okay I have to because the gun has been perfect for me even though some people have said have had some issues and I cannot discount that but I've had great luck with this thing you might know what it is the p3 65 in at Ulster holster a course but this thing has been fantastic the biggest attraction to this gun to 10-round magazines now you may be thinking well yeah it's probably a much bigger gun than the options you shown it's actually not it's actually smaller in a lot of dimensions or the same all the way around the grip is what you're trying to hide you can see it it's actually a little bit taller I have the extended base plate in there but not by much a little bit shorter and the weight here is actually almost the same I think this one is around seventeen and a half ounces this one's around sixteen point nine so the gun has just it's just revolutionary now I'm not saying that this gun is going to be the best one because it like said it's had some issues out of the gate but other manufacturers are going to go off of this platform they know they have to be able to compete with this because no other gun on this table has ten rounds plus one in the chamber 11 rounds all the other ones the closest ones who it is the shield and you'd have to carry the longer baseplate just to get eight rounds plus another one so at least three to four rounds these other guns are lacking and one thing about this gun you might think well it probably has a pretty crappy trigger not at all the trigger very short travel nice clean crisp brake not to light the reset on it Oh see it's actually pretty short right there mm-hmm what about the sights the sites must suck on this gun not at all you have the x-rays sites like you do on the lesion blacked-out rear nitesite straight from the factory just an incredible option people up here front and rear slide serrations the grip texturing on a small gun like this it's it kind of works both ways now at the range it's really well it's really really good really really nice because it locks into your hand inside the waistband it rubs up against your skin so you might want to wear an undershirt but overall the P 365 has not done me wrong and I got to throw it on this list now hopefully hopefully sig will get all these issues worked out and people that have the P 365 will be able to start carrying it with confidence because that's something you want to do any of these guns can fail make sure if you got to carry it don't even think about carrying it until you have shot a bunch of rounds whatever rounds you're gonna carry and target rounds through it as well shoot a bunch of rounds through it and make sure that it is uh it is good to go because your life is dependent upon it and then the last option here I don't know too many people that would not carry this gun it is a dream to carry if you are very sensitive or let's say you're in an environment where maybe you just really have to stay ultra concealed you just a business setting or whatever this gun might be a good option for you and it is very reliable from a well-known company this is the Ruger LCP - I had zero interest in the original LCP really long trigger pull not a fan of that but this one actually has a really nice trigger on it front and rear slide serration you're actually only going to get one six round magazine with this one so that's one of the biggest cons on this gun but you can buy magazines pretty readily available for the for the Ruger LCP front and rear slide serrations the sights are pretty much non-existent this gun is made for up close and dirty the sights you know it's just it really is a point-and-shoot type of deal and you can see all the dust and everything I've carried this gun quite a bit pocket carry just whenever I cannot be seen with a firearm no printing or anything this gun has served me well and lotta instances I must say the grip texturing is fairly decent for a smaller gun like this it's not something you're gonna want to shoot 500 rounds at a time I promise you even after a few mags my hand starts to cramp up a little bit with this gun but once you get used to it it really is a great overall option and something reliable from a great company that you would actually carry and that's what this video is about not to say any of these are the best options but these are guns that I feel a lot of people will actually carry if I miss something on this list please let us know down below make sure you subscribe and hit the notification bell thank you guys for watching we'll see you in the next one and as always hold them down
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 1,169,077
Rating: 4.7767458 out of 5
Keywords: best guns for everyday carry, best guns for concealed carry, top 5 guns concealed carry, best guns for pocket carry, top guns to carry concealed, comfortable concealed carry guns, best guns to conceal carry, top guns for concealed carry, best pistols for edc, best guns for carry
Id: D0M-jyx2l08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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