Sig P365 vs. Glock 43 vs. Springfield Hellcat Which one would you buy?

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I think easily these are the three most talked about micro subs on the market right now so let's compare [Music] so before we start shooting these things there's a couple things I just wanted to get ahead of really quick obviously there's other guns in this category that could be used in comparison right now I'm just trying to compare the three most talked about on my page and that I'm seeing on Instagram right now the other thing I want to get ahead of real quick too is there's gonna be people that stop by that say get a full sized gun you know get a 45 you get a 40 Cal which I understand where they're coming from well understand that especially for me if I'm carrying one of these micro subs it's because I can't be carrying a big gun and I'm always going to pick having a gun over not having a gun no matter what that gun is if it's a two-shot if it's black powder if I have to have that gun instead of no gun I always pick the gun alright now that we got that out of the way I wanted to break down how I'm gonna try to do today's video basically what I did yesterday was I put up on Instagram what are the things you look for and a new gun when you go to purchase it and I'm gonna take those answers from Instagram I'm gonna put them up right now and I'm gonna go through each one with these three guns as quickly as I can and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sign a one two three scouring to each pistol and then we're gonna do it like golf lowest score at the end of the day wins and this is all my opinion so you have to take it with a grain of salt keep in mind my hands are bigger I'm a bigger guy so it's not always gonna relate to what you may think but I'm just gonna try to show it in the best way I can so you could make a decision if you are trying to pick between these three pistols one thing I did want to mention I think in these categories some of them carry a lot more weight than the other categories so you should probably care like about capacity and reliability you should obviously care about those more than you know sights and grip feel so even though in this comparison I'm just giving numbers to them I do think that some of those should matter more to you than some of the others little disclaimer to all these guns are stocked besides the Glock 43 has stippling done and the Sig p36 5 has an aftermarket trigger I have shot a 3 6 5 with a stock trigger so I'm gonna do the best job I can of trying to relate that to it but just keep in mind it is an aftermarket trigger alright so I'm gonna be running all the guns today with their pinky mag extensions I'm not going to be using Plus+ count based pads because I think for me especially these guns roll is having a grip so we're gonna run them all with the pinky extension but no extended mags alright so first category grip or hand feel I loaded up each gun with three rounds so I'm just gonna pick them up and kind of describe what I'm feeling to you guys as I'm shooting them I messed with these last night just dry firing at home and I will say that the 43 and the Hellcat they have bigger grips than the 365 so for me they just fill my hands a little bit better so I know that right away just picking them up I would give the advantage to the Hellcat one Glock 43 - and then the sig 3 but we're gonna shoot them here and I'll see if those those opinions line up with actually shooting them and their grips so we're gonna do the 365 first 365 has a really slender grip so it feels like it's kind of small in my hand let's shoot this so he'll good in my hand I think my ear Pro is a little loose now the Hellcat this has more texturing on it it has a little bit of finger grooves undercut so I feel like I can just get planted on this one better pull let's see same thing I do feel like the hellcat and recoil rubs my thumb because of that texture spot but I do feel like I can get really planted on it now the 43's grip because of the capacity the less capacity is thinner but it's also wider if that makes sense so you can get I feel like I can get planted on it pretty well it's just thinner in my hand honestly for for these guns as snappy as they are if you get your grip right none of them are are too small I feel like even from my hand size but I would still go Hellcat 43 365 I think that the 365 is just a little bit thinner than I'd like compared to the other two all right so now trigger I think trigger is kind of one of those things that's a little tricky because everyone has a preference on how they want their trigger pull to be whether it's the wall the reset you know they want a crisp break a little bit of a soft break you know so I'm just gonna try to give you my best opinion as I can from just a straight on looking at the trigger standpoint like I said I messed with them last night so I'm gonna kind of give you that brief synopsis before I shoot them and then just let you guys kind of try it out I'm gonna try to shoot from like right here so you guys can see it as best I can and we'll just go from there now like I said this is the aftermarket trigger this is I believe this is the trigger that comes in there XL I could be wrong on that it just looks like it but I have shot with the 365 the the SIG's have a very soft like quick take-up there's not a lot of like creep to it to the wall they have pretty decent triggers so we'll kind of I'm gonna compare it to the stock 365 but I'm shooting this one just so you can see it this is gonna be the only tests where I can't really compare stock to stock because like I said it is aftermarket well I'll try to give you guys the best view of me working these even though my hand covers it up pretty good so see that like reset if you can see in there is that what like it's really spongy too that that wall but then as soon as you hit the wall it stops so there's not a lot of like creep it's just very there's like no resistance and then it's on the wall I normally don't pin but I'm pinning it so you guys can see pretty there's not a lot of push to that reset i like i like my reset to kind of get pushed back but i mean it is a crisp break and like I said this is aftermarket but their triggers are like that that the take up is just there's not a lot of resistance there and then you just write on the wall and then that reset is a little bit of a creep but then it's audible and textile reset you can feel it good trigger but I like the other ones better I'll tell you about that so now Hellcat this trigger I talked about in my Hellcat video the take-up and the reset are longer than I'd like so you get that resistance before you get to the wall and then once you reset it you got to kind of let it out but I'll try to show you guys that the best I can so it's a little bit sloshy err but it's more felt wall pinning it here watch this creep out felt audible but it's longer than I'd like I think I like about all three of these guns is you do have the felt and audible reset I think that's good for new shooters and you're kind of learning what reset is whether you shoot from reset are you trying to reset in recoil it's nice to be able to feel it in your hand and also hear it when you're learning Glock 43 this trigger is chunky on its take-up I don't know if that's gonna come through in the video but it's just it's like creep-creep-creep like kind of like but then once you get to the wall it's definitely there reset could be a little quicker but again I've run aftermarket so I'm a little picky felt audible so I would give the Hellcat probably the to the 43 the one and the Sig the three just because I think that the the Hellcat has that longer go back and forth where the Glock is just a little bit quicker to those things and that's that's again personal preference but I would give Glock the advantage there and sig the three this is the gun I normally carry so I'm not a huge microscope guy but I like making the videos of shooting them okay so texturing this one's actually pretty easy for me to do I give sig the two on this they're texturing is pretty aggressive but they also don't put it here they don't put it here so the texture is good I just wish they did it in a little bit more spots the Glock like I said this one's stiffled aftermarket but you guys know what Glocks look like they don't really have that much texturing if any so I would give Glock the three here that one's pretty simple Hellcat I wish their texturing was a little bit more aggressive like the sig but I think they do it in better places plus it comes with the undercut so just out of the box I would give this the one Glock the two or I'm sorry Glock the three sig the - okay capacity this is another really easy one Glock gets the three six rounds plus one see it gets the two ten plus one how cat gets to the 111 plus one hell cat has the best capacity in the same magazine sets you're obviously getting a little bit wider drip with the cig and the Hellcat than you are with the Glock because of that capacity but I think that's a good thing having a little bit more grit see I want to keep shooting this thing I can't its amount of bullets sights I'm gonna roll the b-roll here while I talk about this this is another one that I think is like trigger it's really subjective to what you look for right away I'm giving block the three because Glock sights are not my favorite they're plastic they're busy they're just they're just not great and then between the hellcat and the Sig I would I prefer the sight picture of the Sig I like to have a red front and a black rear sig has the green front kind of the black rear so I like that sight picture better but I would say that I pick up the Hellcats sight better because it has a brighter front and then I don't know something with that you just kind of makes it fall into your eyes I don't know personal preference but I guess if I had to pick between those two I would probably give Hellcat the one because my eyes just are drawn to that front sight a lot more than the sig so I would go Hellcat one sig 2 and then Glock 3 of course alright I got all the mags loaded up back there at 7 yards I'm gonna try to give you I think it's four or five shots on each gun into the head ok Springfield SiC [Applause] you guys got mad at my Springfield video because I was like got three yards seven yards if I miss a three I'm missing at seven and most concealed stuff happens between three and seven so it's good to practice all so price is gonna be a big thing too and these guns are all gonna fall within depending on where you find them probably a hundred dollars of each other I saw the hellcat listed for $4.99 I think I bought my 43 for maybe the low fours and then the cig I think I saw a hit palmetto for $4.99 so like I said they're all gonna be probably within a hundred and I don't really think at least for me and probably most people that hundred dollars really isn't gonna sway you between one of the other so in this comparison I think that they all get a one or they all get a three because I don't think there's enough discrepancy in price that's gonna make you pick one over the other just based on price because what my buddy gave me is 365 in I feel like Wyatt Earp [Applause] that holster is sticky garbage here's a perfect example of why a good holster matters look at the purchase area on this leather thing you can't even get your hand on it the gun needs to be like up here pay attention to that you got to be able to get to it just so you guys know I don't normally shoot with sunglasses on but I do it when I film because if I don't look here I'll look here and I do this so you just see my eyes darting between the screen and the lens and it's a little weird so if I put these on you can't see me do it I'll try to learn how to not do that so I don't have to wear these all the time but that is why I wear them okay reliability obviously the Gen 1 SIG's had issues at the beginning I have had to failure to feeds with my Hellcat when I switched from the flat mag cap on the low capacity one to the pinky extension I had to so I don't know if it's something maybe I did or the follower the item not sure but I did have two failure two feeds I've run lots around through my 43 I've never had an issue so just from the brief time I've had with these weapons I would have to give the 43 the one the Hellcat the two and the Sigma 3 but I'm really only giving the Sigma 3 because I don't have as much time behind it and because of the issues they had at the beginning I know that those issues are fixed now so that's totally up to you and how you feel about those ones I would only carry right now the 43 because I trust it I don't trust the other two and the Hellcat is mine and I would like to carry it someday but because of those failure to feeds and because I only have 300 rounds through it it's just not a gun I'd trust yet so Safety's was one that people said and you know all these guns have safeties they just don't have the cigs the only one with an actual like safety so that's another one that's kind of relative so if you're scoring based off just having a safety which is kind of an unfair scoring I guess because they all do have safeties obviously this would get the one and then it b23 whichever way you'd want to throw it on those so I'll just give this a 1 and both of those twos because it doesn't have safeties I do not believe you can get a safety on the hellcat or the 43 I could be wrong there but I don't think you can an actual see they all have saved another one that I thought was a really good one that I don't think a lot of people think about when they go to actually buy it is upgrades and aftermarket support so this one's really easy to do the Glock is always gonna have the most aftermarket support holsters magazines extension sights just because Glock is the biggest so Glock easily is the one I would put the sig obviously at the to the SIG's been around a long time sig has a lot of aftermarket support and then the Hellcats gonna be the three because the Hellcat just came out I haven't even seen holsters for yet my buddy Roger at qvo is gonna have one I think next week but I don't have even like a holster company a bigger company that's working for it obviously it came with that crossbreed holster but I'm saying like an actual Kydex holster they don't even have those yet so Glock one sig - okay three there's two on that list that I'm just gonna knock out really quick just from my opinion caliber and accuracy so I run nine-millimeter on almost everything I think you can study ballistics and you understand having capacity and things like that nine-millimeter is just the best way to go I also think that most of the rounds I shoot are a target rounds full metal jackets so it's a lot easier for me to run my gun you know I shoot maybe 15 20 thousand rounds a year so it's easier and cheaper for me to run nine mil and its accuracy I don't think it's fair to really like judge a pistol on accuracy I think if you're doing like long guns with like really tight groups maybe you could talk about barrels and things like that but handgun accuracy is shooter accuracy for the most part so the accuracy you're getting out of your gun is how good of a shooter you are especially at close distance especially with the pistol it's all your sight picture trigger press things like that so I am NOT going to attest to any of their accuracy because their accuracy is how I shoot them and how well or or inefficiently I shoot them so I'm not gonna touch I'm not gonna judge their accuracy because if I'm accurate they're accurate if I'm inaccurate they're inaccurate I mean I don't think there's there's not that much debate to that especially short-barrel close distance okay not that you ever would but we're at fifty yards now and shoot the hellcat shoot this ADAP see if we can hit it from fifty this could be embarrassing okay so it was three four five with the Hellcat the Glock 43 now my target fell down damn it's 50 yards okay I'm back heart rates up a little bit I think I was one for two i think i got three shot flow clock 43 so it's 2 for 3 so 3 for 5 with that and now sig 365 50 yards that's 4 5 so that is 10 out of 15 right so like 66% so that distance shooting that's a perfect example of why I say accuracy is subjective the guns can do it I just can't do is as frequently as I I should be able to you know 10 out of 15 for 3-inch barrels and that sight radius like 50 yards it's pretty good especially if you could do 15 for 15 okay so serrations another pretty easy one Glock doesn't come with front serrations the sig and the Hellcat do so they all have back serrations the sig and the Hellcat have frustrations I would give the advantage to the sig I liked it there their frustrations are a little bit more aggressive I would say then hellcat I think the way that they do them is a little bit better so sig one hellcat two o'clock three frustrations are kind of another thing where if you rack from the front or you're a press checker they're great to have if you're a power stroke guy you don't really press track or you do your press checks from back here you don't really care about frustrations but I like to have them okay full disclosure I I kept score as I was recording this my writing is terrible but basically what you got here is the Springfield got a fifteen and the other two got nineteen I want to say my like bias isn't coming out because honestly between the three I'm taking the Glock all day so it did lose but I also think that not having as much time behind the sig probably plays into this a little bit um and I wouldn't carry the Hellcat right now you know I carry the 43 I trust the 43 I wouldn't carry the Hellcat but I just think that if Glock made a gun that fit in this category you could you could argue the 43 X or you could argue the 26 but them not they're not really in that category because you have a longer grip or you have a fatter gun but I think if they did better sites and add it a 10 or an 11 plus one it'd be Glock easy but I just think Glocks just a little bit behind so in this comparison I the Springfield wins but the Glock is my gun that I would carry so that's really like I said these reviews are really subjective I think people that have the sig love the sig if you have the Glock you love the Glock and I think eventually if you have the Hellcat you'll love the Hellcat but if you're here and you're looking to pick one I'm not going to tell you which one to pick because it's gonna be what you decide and the personal preference is for you I will say if you're getting this gun to be able to carry a gun where you normally wouldn't carry a gun just pick one and run with it learn it shoot it and carry it because you know like I got a comment of you know I carry a the ankle holster sometimes someone's like just leave that thing at home it'll get you killed know whatever gun like I said at the beginning whatever gun you gotta take to be able to carry that gun as much as you can buy it learn it take it I hope you guys liked this review please subscribe see you next week
Channel: Embrace the Recoil
Views: 743,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sig p365, sig 365, sig 365 vs hellcat, sig 365 versus hellcat, hellcat sig g43, sig hellcat glock, hellcat comparison, sig comparison, springfield hellcat, glock versus sig, glock vs sig, hellcat to sig comparison, hellcat vs sig, hellcat vs glock, sig vs glock, embrace the recoil, embracetherecoil, sig glock springfield, should i buy a hellcat, glock 43 vs Hellcat, what micro subcompact should i buy, best micro subcompact
Id: HCLsKEkq0vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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