SIG P365 Chapter 2

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the aqaq 45 here P 365 the cig here we are we thought we'd jump right on a chapter 2 we have not yet done a chapter 2 with it and I guess is has been needed for a while probably right well we're doing it right now and we're happy to be shooting it some more for your pleasure how's that we want to thank buds gun shop calm because that's where it came from probably well no that's where the first one came from but we appreciate everything Bud's gun shop dot-com does for us check them out and then also the Sonoran Desert Institute STI dot e-d-u take you some distance learning courses farms technology gunsmithing checkering a stock all kinds of things you can learn there okay and then also we're going to fire we appreciate the Federal Premium for their help we have a bowl of dog food dog food with premium ammo and we have some mags loaded okay so we appreciate that we appreciate sig for furnishing these magazines in this gun no we don't actually I bought those magazines and we bought these guys so I'm gonna shoot a little bit and then we'll talk to you about it how's that I'll shoot this thing put around the chamber chapter 2p 365 let's see if it works don't you dare tell anybody I missed a two-litre at that range I know what it was I shoot better with a little grip tape on the grips like telling grips like this one oh I have another P 365 I'll be darned so you didn't know I'd have to did you I bet you know I have three hey this is fun you're shooting could become addictive don't you all let me get addicted to it alright I'll want to do it all the time alright yeah three of these babies okay so this really is a chapter 2 we have John's ok and we have mine and we have mine and I think John didn't know ahead to her this is that what are you to him he asks me asked me that question was a serious question like he doesn't know me why would you have two of them dead he knows better than that cuz I like it it's a farm I really like I might have to okay it has been known to happen alright one way you can tell if I am fairly committed to a firearm have tested it they decided evaluated and liked it too as I might have two of them and I also might have more than just a couple of magazines couple of clues right so anyway here we are chapter two and you know we just quick background we did the first video gosh year and a half ago or whatever most have you've seen it good pity a great video oh man the the person doing our videos a genius buddy at the time we didn't realize that there were some people having some problems with them here when they first came out because we really didn't have any I think in that video one time I think the slide didn't go back in the battery and I just put him back went on I what's right a honey thing I just happens sometimes with a semi-automatic I think you just happened once in a video so I didn't think much about little I know other people had been having that problem some of them really seriously it was one of the big problems a few people were having with that firearm and I we just didn't know it and so I liked it you can tell from that video and still liked it of course but as I got to looking around saw some of your all's comments and then start looking at other videos where people are having issues and around the forums that's where the truth comes out eventually doesn't it a lot of stupid stuff comes out of the Internet and the forums and the baby goes right as well we know that but also if you have you can sort of tell right if there's something really going on people really having a problem real people not just virtual trolls or something so there were some issues primer dragged I don't four or five different things it's kind of history now old history almost so I was ready to buy one that was one we got from buds I was going to order one and get one or whatever and after that and fighting that out I think don't wait a while I like this gun a lot and I did I waited nine ten months maybe a year almost and I've lost track of the time the calendar and all that but I think now I've had both of these four months several months and been shooting both of them John has shot his I probably shot mine more than he has don't know but we shot all three and so that's kind of what we're doing we're giving you an update and then we're going to shoot them in this video yeah like we did already and just see how they do okay they're all the same firearm and we've not had a malfunction with these with these three okay I don't think we really had him with that first one okay except for that thing I was telling you about so we might have malfunctions today donar I'm starting out with the 10-round magazines and we'll shoot down I got some 15 round mags and you know it's kind of the same same deal so let's put a 10 round in each one this year alright so they seem to be doing okay and I'd say we might have trouble today but who knows they're fun to shoot they're just good little shooters how about let's go across the hill don't you see that that pig did a turnaround on me he wanted me to shoot the other side of him unless I'm seeing things I think he actually spun around there we go it could be that pot I smoked earlier right or you saw those three pots of smoke I don't know yeah it's like paradise man and I've only had floating magazine Oh so let's do that let's get a way I've got some more chance but let's put some 12 rounders in all right I was gonna try to shoot them all about the same Oh how important that is but yeah kind of important so yeah let's do that I'll flip troll her happen each one okay let's shoot some more ass put a couple on this paper get over here we roll shoot the three [Music] you know I really miss that I was holding a little high what was i shooting recently where you needed to hold almost of twelve O'Clock hold he was shooting just a little bit too low I think that's what I was doing there if I can't think of a better excuse that was it two litre off there what's holding it nice little farms I think they'll be successful all right I got you John's what I ain't grips on it so there you go so far again no problem there's not a torture test or anything like I say we've been shooting these and I'm not had a malfunction you know they just tend to work let's just good try a 15-round mag now one of the things that you know I never think the check I was going to try to remember it's gonna something's his brass out here that people talk about primer drags so I don't know if that's is that primer dragged my main concern is the gun now functioning yeah so maybe there's a little primer drag on those so for those who are really worried about primer dragged there you go some brass there okay so there might be a little primer dragged as long as it's working I don't get malfunctions and drag away is kind of my thing now once I have a malfunction especially a second one and boy and don't trust it right so here we go now this is a okay I've got different now yeah these are 15 round mags and I don't have the sleeve on them like I do on these if I have a malfunction with these you know I mean it's more believable because you know it's just sort of hanging there and with some firearms that can be more of a problem than with others because you're changing the angle maybe of the magazine up here and the lips because you don't have the full sleeve and it doesn't fit snugly and everything with blocks I it seemed like they tend to work regardless I fired 33 round mags and a Glock 26 and everything else and I never have issues but some guns they're a little pickier about that will give it a little break if it has a problem maybe with this one I think that mags lines accurate you know sad I couldn't hit the gong sometimes you just did an inaccurate magazine and you know close everything all right okay same deal with this one am i shooting too much not talking enough all right that's a complaint I want to hear shoot you're shooting too much talk more we want to hear more meaningless gab all gotten that one no let's put a 15 rounder and jobs you gotta get his nice and dirty let me try pig down there well they seem to want a function but you know I'm determined to shoot all the same other is that okay for these two feel better please prove jobs works okay miss shoot these two [Music] this is a lot of fun you know all right I got a holster this again if I have a farm I really like I may have several holster options this one I have a kind of a cross straw yeah it was an MC SC or whatever it's got off Amazon and then I've got the Alabama pocket holster I'd normally use in there in the pocket you know so you know carry it different ways this holster adjust where we get Karen strong side or cross draw so I have a lot of options for these things I could pull it out my holster in my pocket so I told mentioned before I really like these little guns but the the grip without some kind of chafe is just too small for me I need some something on that's one reason this looks a little bit Frankenstein sorry Talyn grips I've got two layers on this and they've been on air while looking a little bit ragged and I've got two layers on both of these so that's why the fit might not be perfect because I know this will be a news flash and you expect me being from Kentucky not to know this but if you have the same wrap that fits perfectly the first wrap you put on here guess what the second one is probably not going to be quite big enough okay you're smart huh that's close closing works it's okay close enough for government work right so anyway let me see it one more time the yeah there's a mag well I got to shoot that they'll shoot the one that tends to pass this one just they all feel safe if they have the grips okay I'll shoot one more time all right let's close out of the holster cross straw all right they'd be for a concealment of course let's just shoot that bucket how about that I could shoot these things all day again as a small firearm they're really suitable you know and this is a big secret a lot of people are buying these and like them and everything we just never had gotten around to the chapter 2 I've been owning two of them for a long time months and months so it was John fact didn't I get you this for Christmas John yeah but oh straw purchase I'm in trouble no that guy's gave me the money to buy right so I've had these been you know around carrying them and everything for a good while we just had and gotten to it didn't mean to do it and and had a lot of requests to do it and that first video I know it gets a lot of use it's a very popular gun and we just hadn't done a follow up so to answer the question I still like them they're proving to be reliable I asked around about him a lot because I carry it quite a lot good friend of mine has one I bought it and a couple three four months ago he loves it and he'd never island might being the first sig he's ever owned you know and he's kind of old school and he likes it and he says I touched him this morning he said he has not had any problems with his and you just don't find people that have problems with them anymore seems I'm sure they're out there you're we'll hear from some of them in comments right I mean there's people have problems with oxygen you know it's just the way life is and but but it seems that the sink address the issues and they're they're safe to buy I think okay you might get a lemon but I think they're safe to bond so that that's been my discovery all right and one to let you all know and that's one reason we didn't get in a hurry to do the chapter two because of those early issues I wanted to have it and shoot them a while and confirm it for myself and experiment yeah make sure that we have a reliable you know pistol now and that seems to be the case both of my and John's or later you know born on dates okay so then you know I waited that whatever it was nine or ten months and for a long time I got told you the month seemed like it was October November of last year something that was but there it was enough months have passed that they had addressed those issues okay so now you still might think they haven't from looking at those primers but they're working and ones they don't malfunction and the bullet ghosts where it's the place to go like where it's pointed when you pull the trigger I'm I'm happy I'm good alright so again we appreciate everybody helps us and don't hate me because I'm beautiful or because I have so many magazines okay I just have an obsession you know or they don't have so many guns like I have an obsession people have obsessions you know I'm weird in my own ways you're weird in your own ways okay so like I say it kind of tells you you know I like the firearm and I'm a real fan of it I'm a real fan of some other small firearms to like 43 Glock 43 X Smith Wesson 642 I can name several other great little pocket guns 50 and heed Desert Eagle is a great little you know pocket gun you know there's lots of great pocket guns and and I guess that's all I've got to do yeah we've not had problems with them they're going great and you know share what you know what your experience is okay as long as you're not from the competition trying to bash them and you want I'm not gonna let you leave while I have a 15-round magazine right here know what it'd be like the Python with problems on the last mag that's good that's fine I want to know I want to know if we're gonna have problems they're just one of my carry guns and I see a pink 2-liter that has not been addressed it might take all 15 to hit it ended on a plate why did I shoot the place woman I don't know the sights are right on and they all seem to have the same trigger the same point of impact based on the sights and you know you could put the same grip wrap on each one and I I wouldn't know the difference I wouldn't pick them all up and shooting there was no change in allowing for sights or anything other than the grip on John's just skinny for my big hands so the Sig p3 65 that means to do a chapter to wanted enough time has passed we've shot them enough and we feel like at least for the ones we've shot it's kind of a call The Ballad test but it's kind of a test you know we've been testing them for a while and have had successful no problems with it because if I have problems at all with a carry pistol I don't carry it I don't keep it I'll let you know - so anyway glad you came by we really appreciate your support and your support of the people that that support us and glad you came out this nice evening life is good oh yeah that's better this is a great job for the fence oh hey didn't see you guys there oh I got here I want to remind you of our friends over at Talon grips and bowel stall Talon grips makes grips can you believe it for all different types of firearms you can get rough texture or more of a rubberized texture just sticks right on there you know really affordable really cool options and improve the grip for your handguns or or rifles so please check them out at Talon gun grips calm you'll be glad you did and also balanced all dad has been using balanced all for many years it's a cleaner and a lubricant and it's non-toxic it works really great and we're happy to have them on board since it's been a part of our shooting endeavor for a very long time so good ballast allcom towel and gun grips comm and also while you're out there I'm juggling all these things here also while you're on the Internet please do check out our other social media like Hickok 45 on Facebook there's also Hickox 45 on twitter being real Hickok 45 on Instagram there's a John underscore Hickok 45 on Instagram where I do some things there's Hickok 45 calm you can find us also on gun streamer so check out all that stuff and then watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 471,918
Rating: 4.9558344 out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, APMEX, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips, SIG P365, 9mm
Id: w9hgxpQsnSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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