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we believe that we can guess any group of people and we're so sure that we're putting our own money on the line so we've gathered a group of people all claiming to be ex-convicts but the trick is only one of them's telling the truth and the rest of them are liars round by round we'll vote out one person at a time and if we vote out all the liars we win but if we guess wrong the liars win and a cash prize is split between them welcome to false identity yeah i clocked him number six still jailbop you telling me i was there pentonville did four years um yeah i mean i was in cat a life was hard at times if we say anything that annoys you please let us know we'll try to refrain from doing that um god willing you are reformed because if not then all right man all right so hold on no also one of you have already done a kill i don't know whose idea it was to do guess the convict but i'm hearing police sirens going on i'm feeling pretty paranoid number five why did he do it they commissioned to do a job because i used to be still car he's a hit man he's not hey man this guy sounds like a criminal he is a criminal you hear that accent you can't fake stuff like that i believe tony i think tony looks like a man who can steal cars just the way he's wearing his jacket right now i just don't like it man's italian play watch probably watched godfather last night before he came out and got a bit gassed what did you guys do what do you have let's start with your story breaking and entering and uh stabbing i believe that i believe her she looks like a woman that could break and break into people's houses stabbing you're out here on the right way all right what she got in my way so you have no you don't seem to have any remorse yeah how many years i only got two enough two years for breaking and entering with a weapon and also slamming someone you're coming in the yard first of all that's a bad thing yeah you got a knife on you i'll be honest this guy's waffling just get off of my screen from earlier what type of time were you facing i was supposed to be about seven years um but i've done some good deeds in my past so they sort of let let a few things what good deeds can rectify stabbing her story is falling apart and we're only 3.2 seconds into filming so i think we can automatically rule out this lady my brother in the back you look like you've never committed a crime you look like you've paid taxes on time never done that in brother badge oh that one i believe i stole 100k over five years from my brother's company yeah how could you do that to your own brother so i've got three two siblings what are the names the names are sabina and stephen what's your name what's your name what's your name myself my name is jimmy b i can tell just by looking at jimmy that he's a [ __ ] so there is no way he's done any crime i've automatically ruled him out man like jimmy b he was about to back in the day bro what's he talking about this brother looked like the most he's done he's arrived late to the shoot sometimes he forgets the shave in the morning you think this brother that crime bro it's for a crime for him to even be here bro i believe him he looks like a fraudster you look very interesting she looked like a serial killer [Laughter] what's your name carol carol and what have you done smuggling drugs right what kind of drugs daisy pan is that drug right now carol is an interesting one yeah the witch lady could be possible of doing anything see i met this guy in gibraltar and i suffer from anxiety flying okay and this guy i won't mention his name is his name jimmy b by any chance um so i told this guy that i suffered from anxiety and he said oh i should have some daisy pam yeah and he gave me a whole load um and said are you ready huh where where did the load go that sounded what kind of load are you talking about i'm just interesting so this guy's still going so then you tried to smuggle it overseas well i didn't know it was smuggling i thought it was legal how does she know so much about this drug the fact she knew so much about it she might be an addict how long did you do for that um 18 days um what's your name sam sam what did you do bro uh i was down for arson arson that's a serious that is a serious all because i'm just reading this book right now it's actually pretty interesting awesome hotel room dry service that's good no it was a long time ago i was very very drunk okay fair enough how long did you been for that well i was um sitting down for six months but i only served nine weeks sam's interesting because he seems very remorseful for his crimes so i'm looking at him right now as as high potential so you've got a bunch of ladies that what 18 days what burning down the whole hotel i believe him and uh number six yes my brother what did he do serious crime some serious uh crimes so you can't mention that just some stuff a lot of serious stuff honestly if you've done a mad thing you don't obviously want to speak about the mad thing so i reckon our vibes with him he looks like a criminal i believe him so now i'm at a situation where i believe everyone and um they all look like criminals to me tell me this brother how long did you do 17 years okay 17 right all the same for next round honestly number one you look like a lovely lady i'm sure you do a lot of community work yeah i don't think you killed it weren't exactly a machete i don't know do you know what i mean i just went down the road of breaking into people's houses this one girl unfortunately got in the way and i just grabbed anything i could to get out of there and i still got caught what did you end up with uh it was just a fork i grabbed it off the side as she was running up to me and i just stabbed her in my stomach janine it's over what was your name sorry um susan okay shelley listen i reckon you are not a convict so my vote is with you all right okay i'm with knicker i don't think you're the convict tell me why i shouldn't vote you um well that's down to you really i'm just telling you my story you asked me a question i was the name of the prison you're staying in um uh chill out you didn't go to prison you're an actor we pay you to be here shelley completely crumbled she noticed she was getting clocked so she completely abandoned her whole story sorry shelly i'm sure you're a decent actor well clearly not because we all saw straight through you shame on you shelly all right so um shelly ann we're gonna have to get rid of you thank you so much thank you goodbye [Music] [Laughter] wait listen i know you're enjoying the video and i'll let you get back to in a second after you smash the likes because we want to hit 200 000 likes on this video please and if you could subscribe to that would be great because i feel like a lot of you guys aren't subscribed all right round two it's time to find the convict listen my brother what was your brother's company name jb finances jimmy b why is his brother's finance named after him i think the only crime he's done is calling himself jimmy b so is he jason b correct yeah yeah yeah how is he agreeing with you so quick so jb finances where's actually i found it um right here where is it basically based in london hammersmith times i said it's not based in there duncan i'm gonna go into number six because i'm actually quite interested in you what's your name steven steven alright we are kind of interesting to see like what you've actually done so is it possible to i'm not trying to pressure you by the way if you don't want to say anything don't say anything serious violence violent crime he's speaking in code he's speaking the code he doesn't want to say so did you get done for gbh no stephen's not saying what he did do you know why because he doesn't know he is not a convict number four is odd stuff you're reformed right yeah so you will never do that again never that's the only thing i've ever done quickly what prison was it at women's scrubs one was grubs that's why i lived near there how was that what year were you in there was 2008. what was your cell number one two seven i was in when i was scrubbing 2008. oh my son number one i remember your [ __ ] man there's yourself on it i like if you're going to stay for a little bit i want to go back to godfather like i said let me try again so grew from despicable me um what i'm saying is i'm actually gassed we managed to get grew from despicable me on here and obviously he shows the crimes he does on that i'm guessing we got him on but it's got to go in places guys we did it yes uh do you regret the crimes that you've done i learned the car insurance yes this is a crime but it's not like killing somebody how long were you in prison for six years just six years how many times did you drop this hope oh no it can be very slippery no wait wait six years you're rubbing 100 huh that's excessive man it's not fair i say jimmy b goes now and then we figure out from ross needs to go right now um the other guy that'll stay in the sale with you what was his name what do you want his full name or just the first name this first name mark and what was the last name johnson mark johnson so you know so it's basically i've ever heard mark johnson jb susan sabrina whatever his name was this guy's crap at making up names he's horrible and his outfit is even worse obvious i'm happy to get rid of her jmb jimmy b i'm sorry though i'm sure you're a great guy you're too nice to guys to be a criminal i think it's time for you to go jimmy thank you very much thank you cool and then number four all right so you're saying you spent 17 years but you're not really telling us what you've done so can you tell us please it's a case of what i didn't do organized crime were you in a gang yes i finally got a yes out of him i want to talk to her mr fake accent um so you're from italy did you say what fake accent i said you've got a fake accent i got a fake accent yeah okay as proof speak some italian to me please that's cool that's not italian that's europe that's europe that's europa what are you talking about that's nigerian if you don't know what you're talking about just shut up i've just been told to shut up by a potential ex-convict i don't know what to do i don't know what i might do but i feel like i might become a conflict officer today because i'm not gonna have that sharky has just been cussed to his face and he's just sat down and let it happen what's that tell you boys and girls sharky's a [ __ ] and he doesn't know how to stand up for himself watch if that happened to me i would get out and probably knock him out right there and then all right so um what what cat did they put you in category catsy carol c see yeah good one here yeah same one hey i was category yeah i was you were in cat c for japan for 19 days 18 days 18 days but 13 days in the same place where no cat you you're being cat d doesn't matter how long have you been a free man huh twelve years so twelve years ago is when you invest how long you've been a free woman after 18 days sentence you are a flirt i think carol's got a crush on me i didn't want to say you know i would like being humble but called me a flu i didn't even say anything i didn't say anything just call me a flirt i'm clearly not interested you can see and she just wants me how long has it been for you it's over 25 years now how old were you when you got arrested well the particular car i was 26. i want to quickly just ask everyone same question craziest thing you've seen in prison it's the um the first time your cellmate does a sh in yourself a crazy horror movie it must be horrible to be fair that is that is a normal thing in prison is it not so why is why was that the craziest thing if you were in prison for a while surely you would have seen someone you would have seen a fight or i don't know someone dropped the soap you know how it is in prison why is that the most outrageous thing you've seen your time in prison crazy thing i suppose lots of naked women oh that sounds like a great prison i need to go there i've seen a ceiling falling down it's 17 years i was in a place and i see a ceiling falling down in the cat a prison yeah i'll be honest yeah he's he's capping now i didn't believe it i can't lie um the done that said the ceiling falling down no way in hell is he saying the truth if the scariest thing number six has seen is the ceiling falling down then imagine living as aj shabeel because his room is crumbling every single minute and second of the day all right well carol is capping do you think so yeah yeah no way i think he is what yeah yeah you're always you're out how do you think he's kind of hey someone take this one what's capping catherine is [Laughter] is that based on looks or are your eyes working he's got that bit of charisma yeah why are you picking kenny i thought we had something going on i mean i know i said i wasn't interested but i'm kind of interested now why is she picking candy he's not even said a word all right listen carol listen i'm into a bit of a you know milf action i don't mind you liking me you spell my line anytime i know the rest of the guys are jealous okay yeah so obviously i clocked um about carol that diazepam is in her system car she's not using her eyes kenny who do you vote for him so you don't know this game carol i do to keep it for the vibes this is true she's right i'll retract my vote and i'm putting it straight on mr seventeen yeah yeah yeah give steven um you're in a cat a prison and the crazy thing you saw in 17 years was a ceiling malfunction i've get him out i've been saying he's a fraud since the first round i'm done with you wasted our time he's not answering any of our questions get him out so we're changing our votes um please leave yeah thank you thank you guys for the ceiling yeah number three as you guys know we're just keeping here for the vibes um i know she's never been to prison but she's got a little funny character so i'm a keeper so yeah we're gonna go for round four um let's find the x uh god willing reform convict do you guys make any friends in prison any friends no i mean cellmate was you get along with them but you don't you're not friends he is a hundred percent the convict i could see it in his eyes i've got it he could be a choir an actor though yeah he could be a guanine and then he will be a nuts actor did you go straight to jail or did you like have a court case or anything like that unfortunately they caught me on the day i had the fake registration i got fake drive license but i did a workout i'm so happy you got caught you weren't good enough for your job that's why you got caught no because it was the beginning of the digital era you know back in the days for this early guy phone i'd have to phone to see if it was register that was digital when tony started to say that um when he used to steal cars the digital era back then was wasn't great it started to make sense that all that knowledge was because he may be the ex-convict so he said he was doing crimes for 20 years he got quite 26. so 26 minus 20. was the chance it was six was it i mean so you're obviously not great at maths because you were starting doing mad things from six years old i i understand what are you talking about bro what are you talking about you don't even know to do the ballistic mathematics just told you the first time they called me i was 26. so after you came out did you stop you stopped did you stop crying come on when you came out i haven't stopped so you're telling i have a question for captain carol apart from this baseball filming why the acting classes and streets have you been to i don't know what you mean you've been on amazon emmerdale [Laughter] oh let's get back on topic carol i'm not interested in you you're now cheating on me with my friends so i'm not interested in you anymore i want to get you out of this video but would you reckon do you change your mind or are we still on this job i think you all have qualities that are very attractive yeah you have good qualities as well you're a good actor so do you think i should be an actress yeah you should be actress and i'm going to find out after this so i'm voting for you catherine carroll [Laughter] i have to vote for you i'm sorry you're not a criminal that's a shame it's a shame no it's actually a good thing you're not a criminal yeah carol i'm so sorry um but i'm gonna look for you all right sorry listen carol if there's a party i'll shout you but it's not a party we need to find a criminal so i'm voting you out this makes me very sad caramel for [Laughter] [Music] thank you carol hey carol before you quickly go can you just pop your number in here thank you very much thank you live on vids yeah cold thank you very much she saw a black man and wrote 999. i what happened i didn't get rejected um we just found out that cara's racist yeah we just found out it's crazy um so i asked her for a number she must have not got the message saw a black man who wrote 999 oh man all right cool it's the final round time to find this convict one question um what did you do on your first day out first day out i went to eat a good meal and what did you do on your first date never i went back to my mom's place and tried not to look at her why not well i just come out of prison and felt like a dick he went home avoided his mum after we got out of prison that doesn't make any sense surely you just got your prison you'd want to spend time with your mum you know obviously your mum won't be proud of you but it's bonding time to bond again why are you why are you avoiding your own mum i think right here what we're seeing is you're clearly reformed uh you feel awful for what you did you are just completely making it up acting like you're still doing these crimes to this day yeah admitting that you would admit that he's not yeah he's got him he says he still commits crimes i recall correctly you came from my intelligence but you admitted your crimes on camera you're here bragging camera yeah camera um i could see that it was sam the way he's talking about stuff he's so remorseful of his actions it's clear as day it's him he's not a fraud like tony it's him how did he stop the fire it was a cigarette i just started oh whoa wait wait no wait wait wait wait there you know that's when you're lying you do that's what you do wait i touch myself i'm not so wait no man wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait criminal wait so cigarette yeah cigarette thrown in the bed going away there you go on the bed so that was an accident i don't know no it wasn't well i mean i didn't deliberately i didn't go in there to commit arson but his whole character changed see me yeah i've been working in fbi for ages i clocked when he did the see he was trying to lie man don't wipe your nose man that's the basics now i was convinced it was sam but then that's the thing with animals they have a sixth sense and aj clocked it he saw it and made us all realize it's clearly not sam but we've brought him to the end which means we got it wrong thank you aj i'll give you a treat after well done yeah i was trusting you the whole point until you did that just because of pure science you are not an ex-convict cool kenny who you wrote out bro the only one of donna yeah who you about you are gone okay sharky your ass cool sharky tony yeah tony take care brother thank you very much i appreciate you man thank you man all right so i'll be honest i didn't put you out remember yeah i didn't put you um yeah don't worry oh my god if you saw the signal he gave the camera he basically said i'm gonna deal with all of you just remember i didn't vote for you [Music] so um the ex-convict please step forward he touched why were you smiling all the time always smile at the end i caught you at the end i caught you oh you you can you can sleep proud tonight you you did an first incredible job win oh my gosh are you an actor yeah well half of it is that i do a role play for the police and this is what you have you can't even blame us they can't even blame us for that and then wait please tony are you italian are you italian yes indeed what do you do then i'm a counsellor of course of course i am a comedian and actress your name is sarah why not i'm an actress playing a role darling but then we have the winner the man's gone collector no one's done this yet come on five hundred pounds so yes we lost and stephen then split the money with the rest of the fake convicts and yeah we lost we were defeated i hate this game 500 pound gone can you tell us what we actually did now because it doesn't matter anymore my name's steve steven gilland i was once known as britain's most dangerous prisoners of uh of a period of 23 plus years of organized crime my last sentence was 17 years of which i spent 11 years and uh nine months as a category 8 i was released a category a i since come out i transformed my life i went on to become a globally successful entrepreneur i'm the best-selling author of the monkey puzzle tree which is an international bestseller and is in pre-production to be a major film biopic of my life to be shot right i'm also a peace ambassador and last year i was nominated for the sonic international peace prize [Applause] so we have lost absolutely devastated but guys comment down below who you think we should guess next like subscribe peace out i hope you guys enjoyed the video and i just wanted to say that we won't be uploading next saturday because we're uploading on friday guys see you on christmas day
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 4,624,909
Rating: 4.9757814 out of 5
Keywords: convict, prison, false identity, beta squad false identity, beta squad guess who, guess the black person, guess the millionaire, sharky, niko omilana, chunkz, aj shabeel, king kenny tv, beta squad
Id: 3v4iVSxOOc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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