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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ThatRedditerGuy 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] right you already feel schooling yes yeah can you hear me can you hear me yeah yeah yeah Steven on it what me what what is what is he saying say that I mean Steven could just knew me and Sylvia you should have been fellow miss mr. Skinner white man is mr. scary white man it's nice of you to join us just why why do you keep calling me judging my name is Babatunde I see you you've you've written my name wrong great you can suddenly speak a lot [ __ ] I learnt during my time away how to speak the English language today how long it took me to make this these are my materials it's not paper can we can we grow more with the paper a vote I vote sir I've got water I got equally well I'm gonna ask you some questions are you listening yes right you're gonna get 10 points this is my abacus even that's like your daddy anything oh you [ __ ] nice try though how's your mommy you're gonna get 10 points and then you can leave the car alright okay so we've got our teams aren't Babatunde and Ethan the tree gasps last time my brother Josh signing to take me hey are you all ready yeah yes yes sir this is a question for Ethan and Babatunde okay what is the largest planet in our solar system so I look up and I see like T's lighting day but I don't know that there are planets right we have or there are there other planets where people live there's no other people there's no other brothers there's there's no other people that need to hunt and build trees no trees there's no other trees being built anywhere else brother so why are there planets all right turn down just like fell on vaccines you answer them okay there's a couple of other ones out there Mars Mars yes Bob is it shaped like a mars bar no it's kind of just bigger right it is a planet big and red yes okay okay and there's no water on it not a bit no there's no water nah nah Oh anyone survived how would anyone survived eh okay are you ready I'm excited for this cheating I think they're cheating in class there was no Jesus yeah that that's my foot that's my first cat see I'm eating great from the great he sounds like he's in paradise France here is a question for everybody who you can go into your room tiny little rooms and suck each other off and then tell me the answer then you come up with it all right Stephens favorite animals they eat both plants and me are called what we don't let me go I mean that's good my brother you know we're gonna go in just tonight I've got on my whiteboard all right you're like what I call eat it let's go back to class right welcome back Vick and Josh you're the first ones back so you're gonna get oh yes what do you have any idea was it omnivore omnivore omnivore I think we're on me I think it's omnivores me unevolved yeah I think that's all why don't we say I always hear the word vegan so yes okay Jeb what I'll let you give it a fair shot with vegan me vegan oh yeah okay Babatunde what was your answer so we talk to each other and we fought very hard but we came up with we are sure is the correct answer II turned vegan winning with you think with the forehead that big you have more brains big white man you you I want to learn I knew you make fun of me Harry and Stephen yeah what was your answer Harry Harry said omnivore and I agree where's the [ __ ] camera there we go sir very nice Nick and Josh on the moor as well most so with Simon and Toby what is sham seder omnivore as well Oh Stephen yeah congratulations on reaching a million subscribers thanks maybe now you can afford that a job it looks like you're filming from a [ __ ] Travel Lodge here is our next science question this is a question for Simon and Toby Oh what animal is believed to have given Kovac 19 to bats he knows I saw I know about all of these animal things and spacious drop wait I notice I notice even turned a nose that does this count as Sciences if it's a belief is nice fact is fact is proving each I'd eaten can I quickly talk to you about teeth we can turn gay alright Chinese man I did this got the answer oh I said the animal is Chinese man oh my I've just jumped in there : first thing I hear is it was a the Chinese man I'm gonna leave this one up to Toby and not go with a Chinese manners I want to say it's a type of armadillo does it need to be more specific than that no I don't know I just think it's some kind of armadillo that's my aunts I don't know I think I think I think tonday and Ethan should have a crack at this you don't wanna hit some days on summer could you write that Ethan you said you knew this one come on huh you said yeah that's right pangolins people something sharp man you're not even wearing their uniform sex echoes echoes echoes echo III they I think I think ten day anything does have a point there keep pointing fingers okay Simon Minster keep doing this you're bullying me silent we all work together to escape this class for it because you didn't take 10 days out so seriously man Chinese pangolins Wow you can tell me what this country is here my fingers over the name I think only Siddhartha only Saddam no I'll give you a clue Sudan is next to it today today I think it's one of the ones you can say today I think it's not it's not there Western I am confused why is there so much land word Tanzania or more countries what well this will really [ __ ] blow your mind Papa Tunde this is a water so much water on land there's water there's water everywhere I don't understand let's blame your tiny little mind and you may go for I think we know it so I think we know if we know it when rich when is it when you point to it again please to the writer Sudan Stephen to the writer Dan what again is no Nexus to music if you're pure it's easy yeah hey my guy come but here's one for you Babatunde this is just rather Tim day this is just Papa Tunde I've got full faith in you brother I am ready I am ready which country has the least rainfall each year oh that means no water ah I know the equator the equator have you spent much time in in equator I only stay in jungle unless I have to school in England I bought a sideman gaming chair is equator equator might come as a surprise right Simon what's the answer to my question I'm gonna go with Angolans now Seawind you know let's go Mexico Mexico I'm panicked I'm looking for somewhere dry and on your mum's knickers oh [ __ ] the answer just hit me oh this guy my this hit me is it [Music] remember this is Julie is it chilly Arica Chile yeah the city yeah pretty got like laundry no no I just told you the city as well I got hit with the answer so hot oh hey machi was making a mockery of this class but hang on you've just gone and googled the question give me the wrong time is it Egypt whoa the answer for that was Egypt we're not on that I talked about it you said that Toby yeah I did not hear you say that Oh on my life I said it I said it it's fine let's go to the next one it's cool there you go thank you we are going onto an art lesson oh yeah I know yeah okay I'll suction master face what have you got I was told this was an arts and crafts around something busy yeah wait hang on you prepared something yeah cuz I'm not suppose to sir Stephen listen hey I'm just gonna level with you these guys have asked you on to the video yeah you're already here yeah I don't need to be so try-hard it's in my name sir look if you're telling me I'm stupid Lee the book will go to mr. Patel us bye guys sorry as well mr. Estes Optimus Prime and I don't know what to do with that Swiss peg and he's smiling whilst you do it it's reassuring in a way that is spectacular thank you sir and Harry was something else well how are you hiding out your parents in Guernsey onion um yes yeah your sister there oh no oh no oh yeah she made this ain't no good this is a good look for you this is for all of you you're all gonna draw me a picture in 90 seconds and the best picture wins a point for their team we have a so we go subject theme you use your [ __ ] amount it's in our class you use your imagination wait are we starting now yes not now good oh can I show you my drawing now please do Toby alright so I'm gonna show my main camera first I've drawn a killer well I said Free Willy breather Mendham that is not bad Ben thanks baymax alright Josh you're up I never tried putting that pointy thing out your ass oh of course yeah is that your drawing Josh oh no sorry I said I've gone a plane dreaming a plane dropping water over the jungle so they can grow the trees and there's pump to this gaming chair that's very nice are you watering notes are coming from up on the plane nearly got a plane to drop our water over forests your wood your watering Babbitt end day Wow great okay Simon let's see yours for some reason I also went with the Babatunde roof and I drew him at his well he even gave on shoes even gave me little spinny thing on the world yeah there's this bowl as well see more on eBay all right Nick let's see I drew I drew you but it was too late to fix I started fixing if I run out of time yeah I'll try not to take it personally Stephen let's see yours well I've been watching love the Michael Jordan documentaries MJ there's the book he's just he's just you know swishing now that's very accurate Ethan let's have miss have yours mine's more typography oh all right jeez or freedom of speech freedom of speech is more typography I did Bart Simpson with a penis we're just we're just ruining cartoons on this team Papa Tunde I think we're all desperate to see [ __ ] aren't we so I also draw you so this is you and this is a new word I left what does it mean but I noticed that the arrow the arrow is going to the word so you're saying I just get angry [Laughter] I think this round is gonna get cut out of the video please I wasn't thinking how is that an excuse you can't get a question wrong and then defenders sharp so I'm not having it today I'm not on your [ __ ] today sir I'm gonna ask Ethan what are the three primary colors ooh red blue green uh no sir RBG can we stand again can we steal again I just want to go home right you are home Steven the three primary colors blue and yellow halfway at halfway up there okay okay okay oh right that is it for our art class we're gonna move on in history [ __ ] which is almost what Josh's with his years your old land Lisa I'm gonna give you two questions and talk about okay okay first question which year was the Battle of Hastings all right which UK city is the Titanic built in I think it was a little poor baby or Dublin's or so hunters I was gonna say Southampton but yeah don't like it so I don't think it was built that little bit set sail from Southampton Loomis yeah I think it's a Hansen I think you might be right yeah I've know you might be right yeah I think yeah I think you're right something do you have an idea yeah 1066 I'm pretty sure no sisters okay we're all back in the classroom Harry get your leg off the desk pump sorry boom all right okay Toby you're gonna answer me in which year was the Battle of Hastings the Battle of Hastings was in the year 1066 sir over 800 double-o 1066 where nice now everybody hold up your answers to tell me what city was the tide bill in Oh cost out I crossed out some [ __ ] Southampton and Portsmouth oh oh well Simon Toby you're the only ones that got it right who donated Simon and Toby yeah captain you can all write down your answers and tell me what is scooby-doo's full name name scooby-dooby-doo you know I'm gonna scooby-dooby-doo Scooby dooby doo doo stupid poopit do ii nice goober goober goober Oh scooper do you bet you in a second well I think that's my favorite answer [Music] question for Vic because you're probably the most likely to know it being the nerd Thanks what use a stirrer okay I thought I think would notice what as well as a big question and I'm gonna Scooby 1969 too old is more recent lab just one 986 that's yeah that's right please you know that because you were there you put the cleanup loses no radio right that is it for our history round Babatunde what's going on tell us what's going on oh no water aah go to the world quick go to the well we're going on to pee yes I've got my kisser everybody run and find me a bottle of tomato juice bar sir Vick and Josh you are lazy [ __ ] Harry Harry I was here wait Harry it wasn't even first country filled even see me came back first my wife I said man chess Ayman I was gonna say I was way before that assignments point man point will they all not screaming you're up to six all right Toby Stephen straight on the ketchup you get a point right I'm out a little bit I don't have much left so I'm hoping it comes out as I said to you bum fill this is me go backwards move it can you see me no yeah I've got a two-handed all times going that's dad go check out your nuts points up points off for scouts oh no we're gonna do another another game of PE and the first person fact with a picture of themselves as a child I've got a new you in a tight I am a child go on beat come on I haven't go on yes book is me go don't you yeah yeah yeah I've got a that is that is big play oh my gosh you okay oh oh [Applause] I'm gonna give you three questions you can go away you can confer and you can come back and tell me the answers question number one who has the most number-one hits of all time question number two how many keys are on a standard piano question three what drug was John Lennon high on when he wrote the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Harry what I do the odds that one knows all the Happy Days yeah [Music] how many keys there are what was the name of the son Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds LSD that's why ah Wow who left you just let who came back and let Vic and joshed yeah yes right you're out of this round we're just gonna sit and watch your little face broke the rules boys can't be doing that even you're getting an extra point come on Dex rody you get these right hang on you get to answer first who had the most number one hits all time here's a clue it's not ksi coz how many here number one hits as he had fingers Pemberton they put Elvis Presley sir well you [ __ ] that one didn't you we am Elvis what do you put Ethan Michael Jackson you're Michael Jackson yeah Nick and Josh well you got the Beatles there you go that's the correct answer if you get the other anymore from here you can use standard getting a point how many keys are there on a standard piano Simon 88 you said that would come to know did you cheat no Toby I can have a piano in my front room Danny's I mean that is a point for you you're on eight points come on I hate to bother to de Shanna what drug was John Lennon high on when he wrote Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds ecstasy No LSB it's gonna maim even Lucy I just go on six Harry with almost out of this hell for this round each team is gonna have to sing a duet of their favourite ksi so oh geez and the best team wins this point you don't get a chance to practice you just do it live right so we're gonna start off with Simon and Toby how much do you know of what you've been on I was gonna go over little boy now put on what I'm here brick you want to go with that one yeah okay this is really cringey now come on don't know if we want to turn this video into a Christian guy but I see right you know boy trying to get going and coming in let's get involved you prick mmm push boy now one around push boy now and a scratch mmm boy but again claps right hand to the mat you gonna wish you never did that what you never hit back does he look we're gonna get when I'm hitting with a click click click clack boom that's good right and it was sample 1 it would have it would have but I didn't okay that was that that's a tough act to follow but let's here Vic and Josh the songs you Monday yeah yeah yeah I stop okay keep up can you can you keep up keep up can you keep it all sing it just that was like props to you but Vic let you down know why you got let me down like that how did you just want me to reel off Houdini Gorman if your front yeah sure when I rap uh sometimes look down but that's just part my act oh you don't want to ramp with me oh la la run up a man and squeeze screen that's my question easy peasy squeezy talking bad until you see me make math just lying in T me then I pump it with the bay a squeeze it a blow them away I think I've lost the tube I'm just saying it now bring that ting in the place where you're needed Oh big ting make you on a bus when I beat it Oh me don't even care if you're fake or the real me now my Caribbean cruise is all coming out here want to play the hard to get see me when I'm King and I kill it with the Miller yeah I can't do anymore wait was it Harry yeah Harry I already said check several times would you mean did you don't even come out I feel like going to the shops again in a can a lil no just solid someone give us a beat okay pouch in the jungle with big Babbitt I like water right I think we're gonna have we're gonna have to give that Simon and Toby eyewear free what Donna and you all oh that was one hell of a performance boys hell yeah hi Benjamin Toby's back yeah I'll take it [ __ ] pills bring up the Magnum shower Vincent van Gogh we're going on to geography this is our last round what is the most densely populated city in the world and what piece of equipment is used to measure earthquakes whose equipment oh yeah I think I might have on both you know once ate once ate once so shall I just if we get these both white we escaped i just google it yeah all right most densely populated city what are you cheating no it's just I'm telly telly hurry and Steven were cheating I looked into their room and we would have nothing so we go with Beijing and sighs on their Vic I think you answer one of them is my answers okay oh okay we'll go with that thing what have you got there Ethan I've got sighs of mirin told you I will yeah no no no I didn't everything but if you're about to tell me that Tokyo is wrong yeah yeah you're Clyde yeah you're quiet if you're about to tell me Tokyo is wrong you you're in the bin mate I will leave class [Laughter] [ __ ] hell your defense no because I said Tokyo before I double-checked myself before I double check myself I said Tokyo after this talk now is it double checking yourself I swear to God I do I googled after I'd said it to you look what did you google are people most populated city in the world which I wish or the question most populated city in the mode yeah it's not the most densely populated city no I just said the most people know what's the difference mate hang on cuz that means there's a [ __ ] in my question so what were you guys the answer go on toss I've got what is the most densely populated city in the world and the answer is Tokyo no that's wrong say there was densely populated was a densely populated me sir population per unit area eight people per unit area your own your role mine it's fine sometimes he does not always correct know what you're right you right you right will take the high ground on this one we take the moral high ground I think it's going I think it goes web cam and then it got here what is the largest desert in the world please Ethan and well where the [ __ ] is he give it to also notice what I know this is the Sahara Desert feel me no it's not it's not he's wrong he's wrong it's one it's one of the UM what did you say Ethan said the Sahara Desert name it's a horrid is it it is wrong what is it then arey dad it's these other Alaska or Antarctica like it councils a necklace I swear to God Antarctica I'm told you guys I said I'm told to go and talk to you all right Oh Stephen going into a mr. Potato Head where is Babatunde oh hi mate I'm not below mate he's probably [ __ ] up I'm gonna do same you're gonna be stuck here in a minute Eastern it's just gone this is gonna be the end of this video just gonna [ __ ] be thin spill come on just [ __ ] mate no you see I I'm taking pity on Ethan I don't wanna mate I'm going goodbye tough crowd tough crowd I say kinky on him the other want your pity you do that okay give us one last question so we can [ __ ] off do you know what's the point just [ __ ] off no give us let us leave with with honour how many US states begin with the letter A Alabama I'm done I'm gonna go with three the only three yeah well you've just lost all of your points oh no is the answers for longer then nope what do we men [ __ ] Arkansas who cares I [ __ ] it it will close enough all right boys you can go guys thank you goodbye I just want to drink in peace and you can see showing up in my chance [Music]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 7,594,994
Rating: 4.9602952 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, back to school, phil, ksi, w2s
Id: r0-PQTFpfIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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