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this is it three two one ladies and gentlemen welcome to the sidemen 100 000 Mystery Box challenge each of the sidemen have been given ten thousand pounds to buy whatever they want some may be good some may be bad but with seven boxes in front of them totaling one hundred thousand dollars worth the sidemen will play games to decide who gets to pick what every box looks the same so they will have no idea which one they are choosing they may pick their own they may get the best box they may get the worst box let's find out the first challenge each side man will pick a mystery box inside one mystery box is a winner card the person with the winner card will go first however there may oh I don't know I just don't know which one do you want oh you're just doing the waiting tactics design for me stand up nothing spanked no no it says spanker oh yeah oh no so you don't want to be the Spanky you could be the Spanky don't be the Spanky oh God there's more [Music] you lose you lose all right what this card allows Harry to choose a box before it's open and pick one item out of it whichever he wants steel you may choose one night to suffer from any box oh [ __ ] you win he's the first person loves box right shut up shut up we got you same time same time you lose you've got a bit of paper that says out outfit we have an outfit for the rest of the video is it the lobster I don't want to put their letter in my mouth what what letter [Music] I don't like this does anyone want to make a deal of some sort if my box is good I can guarantee you one good item from my box why but if it's bad I get to take one good item from one of you oh you're taking it you're taking that deal he secured something that's smart but what if his is bad and then yours is bad as well together we cry together bend over boy spank me how'd you how do you want me laughing touch toes I actually can't we'll get close we're close look yeah are we ready [Applause] [Laughter] they're all the same theoretically you are least likely to pick JJ's box now ah I feel like I'm getting drawn towards this box wait talk to Jesus I talked to Jesus all the time already yeah yeah which one he said this isn't the same box you usually look at my energy is going towards this box I think if you're drawn towards it you have to do will you go for that one go with the gut man I think this is oh yeah wait again again again again foreign [Music] what's the furry thing in the middle what is that Toby does love a canvas as well this is so sick this is actually hard the chair is set although matching that color with somewhere in your house so if I get a bad box do I get to choose one thing yeah you said yeah that is the difference oh my God oh my God if my box is good I can guarantee you one good item from my box I've got a throne I got a Gucci t-shirt hurry steal his box I don't know if I'd said it beforehand brother you should have been one span Consignment wearing that I enjoy that time sex cosplay neoprene puppyhood Simon you can have this one I know you like that stuff you know what I think this is a Vic Starbucks a lamp three smart projector Toby is this your box is this your box this is not my books first wishes for Christmas in the New Year from Elizabeth golf ball find the glasses it could be a Harry box it should be my box wait this ain't my box bro there's a lot of socks is this Ethan's oh it's things that you want it probably is Ethan he said he bought only but stuff he wants wishes [Applause] I think you should come in and see the Box oh my god brother look at what these guys have got me bro that goes in your ass isn't it I don't know oh yeah rotate remote control prostate massages I got you bro yeah you have that as for you well I might need to live then as well so what's in the mystery box Toby's Mystery Box oh no itty bitty kitty mug [ __ ] is this it says you sound at your fat bastard oh yeah oh yeah [Music] oh my God I'm sick can I have a go thumbs up throw backwards [Music] bro I've already stolen the golf ball finding glasses you're stealing it I've stolen it what was he gonna do who told you to touch my golf glasses yeah I've nicked him I'm sorry they've been stolen in broad daylight to decide the next box now we will watch a group of grown men play musical chairs what a bunch of weirdos oh please I've got no [Music] [Music] by the moon [Laughter] they're still playing oh okay [Laughter] yeah Harry I'm just saying I know I know I could steal from his but I feel like he beat me fair and square I know I know his luck inside the videos he's gonna pick the shitty box I formally want to apologize and whatever is going to happen to me is gonna happen to me but I know you didn't work that hard to pick kirsty's box you're manifesting it what's in there what's he doing I don't think there's Good Vibes in that one I can say you look like you're looking in there a little bit numbs hear it I'm the frequencies Bros [ __ ] this is hard well they're in the same box [ __ ] they're not giving off fire it's actually really not hard pick one I don't know what I want to go more I pick one man all right I'm going over here well you didn't even look at the other side of the room no I don't like that side I'm going here I want this one we turn around oh yeah turn around I'm very sorry about that no no no no no that's fine I've done the same thing if I just scumbag the [ __ ] game of musical chairs to get nothing I'm so sorry guys you're not though bro I sat on the floor my bum hole felt like there we go I think it's fast now before we get get into that ladies and gentlemen I have to tell you that the first ever sidemen store is opening Saturday the 15th of July yes that is next weekend so come and celebrate the store opening with us at Bluewater shopping center it is going to be amazing so come say hi and let's get back to the mystery box hi again it's me [Music] should wait wait I'm what can I steal that one what done that's a real bear by the way a real bear it's a Taxidermy yeah right you meant to mix that with the toaster [ __ ] I want all of them it's a pro version as well oh my God personally signed by Ronaldinho oh my God a Parmesan cheese wheel the sweating is that an actual piano it's a key it's a really good keyboard it's like a high quality I hide and seek Game Boy Advance oh this is such a hurry box oh my god I've actually got like four acres to drive this round yeah and also you have a yeah that's it's a 50cc so he has a license to drive already I don't know how to drive one but I will and now he's gonna be a [ __ ] and steal from someone else no he's not too often yeah I want to have a look at what I could have got oh what would I've sold it's actually a really tough question the most expensive thing is actually to Bear driver my friend the driver less than this week is about to go off this isn't Spenny there's a serious bit of Kit this is I really hope you get your box I really hope I don't if I get my button statistically the best time to knock stuff oh no no no no no no no no no there's not nothing good no no no it's all right my friend I'll let you come around and use it because I didn't even think about that I could get my own box very confused by what this is okay what's that there's a glitter bomb that is the most anticlimactic thing ever ever yeah I don't have Cactus too the worst thing that's happened is that could possibly have happened has happened yeah Ethan's taking it because he's most excited about your Bot an actual Cactus it's a Venus flytrap ah [ __ ] yeah Harry what would you have stolen I actually don't know I've seen the Bears was the most expensive thing it was more expensive than them but that was expensive it's a real bear man I know I kill it first as well oh it's kind of wrong oh you look very happy maybe maybe not the first video it's not a bad thing oh don't get that sensitive it's [ __ ] texted over there it's fine I mean it would do the same to us if it could where else yes my God all right on to the next round [Laughter] my plan has been foiled with an upcoming charity football match the rest of the sidemen will compete in a penalty shootout sudden death rules whoever wins opens the next box I'm [ __ ] buses I'm gonna get whacked in the face here I couldn't feel it already post box let's see it post box it's an air ball as well but I don't think you need to move he's gonna mail it all right let's go why was that really good send that first class how was it that good I swerved away bro I should just do it in line sure up comes Harry oh oh yeah oh my God it's not don't get too scared not too much power he's scoring no he's scoring no bro this ball is Simon does this thing [Music] death taxes and Josh being shot at football now [Music] she's nice you know what I think he might I think I think he just might the forecast honestly who cares at this point that way not that way never in my life did I think that these two would be you know where he's going to put it postage stamped [Music] I so want to pick this middle box oh [ __ ] I want to throw this thing out to you okay [ __ ] I don't know what to do either he gets his own box and it's a stinker yeah which is still great oh I take against this moment of Happiness where you get something good and then you take it cotton which is the black box look what I've just done to you do you want to listen you're obviously going to tell me when it's still open because you don't normally it's very true I'll pay you bro 1K 1K that's just one case 2K all right which box is good um what would you like anything that isn't my box tell him tell him the the statistics this is the least likely he is to get a bad box good deal send me send me your bank account details the earlier you go the more likes you are to have better items to choose from if the other boxes are good there are no yeah basically it's guaranteed the best times it is now just uh type your banking our details and it's all good yeah what wait wait wait wait wait wait now what's happening here no we're just I'm trying to decide but Jackson has taken his phone no no he doesn't he's actually trying whatever you want he's trying to enter a number you said to tell me you're going to pay him out there I was gonna say whoever does it is being fired your job is gone whoever it is I promise you I saw Jack take the phone jack hey [Music] I activate the steel familiar there's only one thing so even if he gets something good now oh he's demon that was so worth it and it's only because he tried to scumbag pineapple and two girls had a couple quid left I'm thinking about what yeah for that one but that's not your box he's gone for it yes he's committed he's gone for the one this is the walks only you would contact Jamie please God please God Jesus Christ don't come over here trying to scam a video all over again we should film that this morning [Music] you know what she sees yo that's crazy right I ain't got that I ain't got to shoot you don't have a sheep oh come on if it's a stinker it's great if it's great it's great well no just think I'll be a few minutes yeah no then that's one stinks are gone okay like yeah yeah good point yeah yeah yeah open the box oh no that looks like a decent one oh bro's got a globe no wait what's behind that curtain oh my God it's his box it's his Cat's Eyes marks what's behind the curtains no way tell us man this is the greatest box I've ever seen in my life [Music] what the [ __ ] is this how do you write this give it a go look at the sizes remote control plane ah this isn't my balls yes yes I don't know what I want from that oh he's off post box is delivering mail what do you want then I'm gonna take the telescope [Music] it was the bike in the tunnel now straight from a tick tock game we have Russian roulette with a water balloon each member will take it in turns to take a layer off the balloon hoping they don't pop the balloon because whoever gets wet wins the game go on Josh I'm getting wet one layer oh yeah he doesn't he doesn't I'm not sending it now there's levels on this is how he this is how he cuts his food trying to get for a bit of bacon okay someone take this knife off of me take the blade off there you go there you go brother exactly every time it's gonna be Liars for days splash wait [Music] oh yeah [Music] Josh I hope you get something good man you don't know I hope you get mine I hope you get my box the middle one is like leave it there oh really yeah the middle one's dead looks good if I was you personally I'd go for the middle the middle was risky no I think it looks good to stay close Okay that's really sad of you what about Edge Lord yeah please [Music] [Music] please [Music] it's another good boxes wow oh no wait something in there must be mad expensive by the way [Music] no [Music] no sign Ronaldo boots wow this is this box is insane I have smashed out of the park what is that by the way I should put the middle box [ __ ] whose box is who what is this do you want me to tell you what that is what is that from a cup oh that's a Mercedes winning season oh [ __ ] what did you get out it turned into a table by the way that is expensive as hell yeah is that the wheel yes and they turn it into the table that's so cool Palace and Gucci how much Ethan for the table huh four grand look at it bro this was Hamilton's for a race winning uh it's a race win wheel and in the season that he won the championship I'm not wet for a reason there's so many schools you're missing the fat [ __ ] all right I'm over the moon I've got squashies bro how many squishies because you've got 250 pounds worth of squashes but a better person couldn't have got this it's a supreme Club I know [ __ ] I wanted that that's what I opened that I got gas Hey where's your Thief card I told you I went Jim you grew this yeah put my exercise with three remaining contestants we move on to a general knowledge quiz first to three points shall win the game all right boys trivia around general knowledge first of three okay you have to buzz first to answer we'll come to you okay okay okay are you ready for a question yeah from knowledge sure general knowledge himself general knowledge all right what is a group of rhinos called type question here okay what country is Kilimanjaro located in oh [ __ ] I thought he would know this oh I do I know where it is Kenya no is that even the continent no it is yeah it's one again pass pass uh Ethiopia or some [ __ ] Tanzania oh oh man what do all the numbers on a dartboard add up to [Music] uh 210. one new assignment oh my God pay attention I don't want to choose a box how many children did Queen Elizabeth II have five no six no four because they're not the ones they keep in the basement there is there is yeah the two in the basement yeah there's the two there's the two dodgy ones what is the currency of South Africa I should [ __ ] know this bullets okay actually it's not the South African pound no oh wait wait can we have an African dollars we'll give them a clue all right it's in the name of one of the troops the locks no first four letters is it Rand yes [Music] what is [Music] which year did YouTube announce the change from five star ratings to likes 2014. 2013. 20 I'm gonna go let's go with 2017. oh 2009. oh wow two one two Azealia Banks [ __ ] what year was the first FIFA game released 1996. 95. now 92. no I mean we will just let you keep trying to kill 96.98. 96. [Music] I was gonna say Vex box is still in by the way my box is good these boxes are huge and daunting and terrifying I don't like the look of that one it's just out of the way there's a few things in every single box so far that I would love and I'm gonna end up with poop so that one's far out that one Josh almost went for this one probably pick a box I'm going for this one I get real bad vibes from that area because all the ones around it have been taken I'd like a Josh box that's what you think I'd like the Josh box I'd like it I'd like a bit of something I would not like him this game really [ __ ] up your head yo can we get like a million thumbs up and we'll do this with 100 Grand each box be expensive please my box [Music] no it's my boss I know what is in my box I'm about to get cares out of the box I'm coming in you guys can decipher my box this is not my boss I wasn't supposed to get my box my box was for somebody else what is it get involved get stuck in what the [ __ ] gold not gold advice oh it's a toilet roll [Music] have you just got a I got 10 grand of toilet roll oh my God wait he did that I I made a joke that JJ was gonna buy that wait that's surrender us over anyway is that just visual I mean that's pretty useful honestly like you always use it eventually why don't you look through the toilet roll so Rick just [ __ ] himself there's nothing in him what do you mean oh bro actually did something oh wait wait there's got to be something good in there what there's a treasure chest there's a key in there there's a key in that one there's a key in one and a chest in the other oh that's cold I can't find the key there is the key where is it it was in here I like this it's cool mystery yeah okay in my box ears let's go watch oh is that 10 grand worth of gold oh my god oh [ __ ] like a 10 grand bar it's a 10 grand gold bar that's actually cold like real gold yeah I think there should be more more than that or maybe not no no no no no that's 10 grand of gold yeah it's quite heavy to me yeah gold is expensive yeah oh yeah no it's heavy yeah that's why it is and the coins are like nothing oh [ __ ] oh my God that's actually quite cool instead someone else would have been someone had an adventure on that hi if it goes so that means that Simon now to decide between the final two we have a good old-fashioned game of cornhole however they will be blindfolded and pick their teammates we're playing cornhole okay but we have to choose a partner each that partner will throw we're gonna be blindfolded okay our nuts are under the hull fantastic so I'm also it's an L by the way honest for that reason I'm not involved all right I'll just Josh I'll pick change okay Toby I'm expecting you to be the fair adjudicator any Foul Play means you lose your box how do we decide who goes first who's got the bigger Willy Josh you can go first oh this is horrible please just win straight away all right let's go Joshua all day yeah oh my God you're good hey hey where are you going to use the Box you don't care man oh my god I've realized I need to put my hands on my face Jesus Christ oh [ __ ] it was terrifying oh Josh can you get it man I was very close last one I'm so bad oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my God they killed him oh my God oh my god let's reduce the height no I quite like it [Music] please I don't want to catch it in case it's like getting over here oh my gosh velocity that's in your work bro my legs I felt it it skimmed my face [Music] oh this is so terrible okay swap him I I don't free try it wait is Josh's going it yeah I swear if Toby gets this I'm taking that chair [Music] wait does that does that count did it go through yes you know all right it's me and Simon left I have choice of the Box genuinely couldn't have happened to two nicer people I'll ask you is there one that you want no I said as soon as there was like two gone I want to be handed a box you've either got this one or that one you said you wanted that one the whole time I do want this one I'm gonna stick with the one that I want the whole time yeah can I choose this one [ __ ] you I am going to stick tomorrow it's like Deal or No I'm sticking with my box man yeah it's gonna be a banger it's gonna be a banger okay we ready let's get it [Music] oh oh that's Josh's man that is very exciting what is this look it's an envelope here okay okay oh this is so sick you have three minutes from when the timer starts to find the six digit code oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh no this is horrible ah nine seconds you're even fast bro [ __ ] you you can track stuff on the floor if you want four six just don't tell me the briefcase explodes at three minutes please please give me the thing quick it's fine break it it's fine Harry what are you looking for bro you're gonna pump it you got your two minutes oh seconds there was nothing on it zero four four six one minute Fifth Third what's the first you can guess it going you can find one one million fifteen this is the 10K challenge nine five zero two zero two four two so you just need to do the first one no no he needs to do this side yeah right you got it you've got it you'll kill whatever's inside it this is yours bug wow [Music] no no no no no no no no no yeah yes well you have one item from my books any item you want Angel that's pain I'd cry I think I would cry I would actually cry about it how are you feeling mate I am I'm ecstatic so if you didn't get there we got the cash Simon you wanna know that was crazy I nearly picked that box same I changed nearly picked it yeah but you didn't no we didn't I picked that one the remote and supreme Club you know even I knew that box wasn't the one I wanted I've got some [ __ ] buzzing I mean we don't really need so much of this one [Music] oh oh my God bro you got a computer from the 80s I don't know what this is 1990 bro that's a that's an Apple Macintosh oh my god oh that that's that's rubbing salt in the wind that's cool like the game's a game bro game's the game does anyone else have a cat here no no no Lucy you can have all this I will not let him have this oh we've got some shampers yes what's the 10 grand gone is it still still there it's still there I feel like it's not wow what's the pipe in the back oh the pipe the pipes are stripper pole crazy we also have what else do we have we have toe Jizzle condoms yeah extra safe we have mini mince a toilet roll oh that's pretty cool we have a mug with a pooing oh lovely a giant cockroach nice what is can we give him a yellow because his assistant definitely did this no no no no no no no no no I was in it I have Hustlers University crazy I have four tickets to Afghanistan wait wait wait wait wait what that's one ticket oh okay one ticket to Haiti oh for goodness one ticket to Iran and one ticket to Russia oh my God boys huh is that good I'm a Bulgarian homeowner oh you bought a house in Bulgaria yeah 3.75 Grand oh my God it's a bit Rusty yeah this is actually low-key now it's nice you've got a home in Bulgaria I'm a homeowner I've got this have you tried the rocking horse yet does it work it actually get in the house something's just not good about that something's not right you know what it could be worse that could have been a lot worse yeah foreign [Music] everybody
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 650,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: K3NeE_2iVbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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