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ha ha ha ha ha hey Toby where can you never take an orphan to dinner I don't know where can you never take anything to dinner a family restaurant [Laughter] it's crazy because my granddad said your generation relies too much on technology I replied no yours does and unplugged his life support down Savage all right cool what's the next one bro come on Nathan oh that is already what do you throw a racist when he's drowning I don't like where this is going I don't know what do you throw races why for kids what they were drowned to oh yeah oh it's fun yeah oh yeah that was nice actually a bit of justice that was a lot that's not fair no this is a cheat code it's a cheat code he'll laugh as well bro's not even gonna read the joke whose time is it what was my time yeah oh I just went poor Stephen Hawking it couldn't pass the I'm not a robot test that was crazy oh God it's supposed to Stephen Hawking I'm really bad at this he's got this yeah knock him out be the first YouTuber to knock him out he got lucky him though boss look at yourself laughing look at me brother tell your joke what did Jade what did Jay-Z call his girlfriend probably got married I don't know tell me Beyonce is that here so painful he struggled to deliver that the nostrils why are uncles like Corey's okay because bad ones hurt your [ __ ] oh my God spicy curry spicy uncle [Laughter] did you hit a McDonald's Jackson Burger nope is that it oh that was it oh wow you sure there's not a little line under it no okay it just says did you hear McDonald's is coming out of the mcjackson burger that's [ __ ] Irish that it's a thriller oh oh no that was worse yeah beat it what the hell should I even be okay anyway what has more brains than Kurt Cobain keep them all behind him [Applause] what do you call a nun in a wheelchair I don't know Virgin Mobile [Laughter] I don't know yeah I think you can all right cool this is a clash of time knock knock who's there interrupting cow Josh you're not laughing oh my God Elton John is pretty good on the piano but he's sick oh and John is pretty good on a piano but he sucks on an organ that's a [ __ ] a male one laughs okay this guy just doesn't like to lose does it what do you call a fish with no eyes what if what did the necrophiliac say to his partner I don't know you're dead to me probably not necrophiliac is no no no yeah I'll go to a fish with no eyes what's red and bad for your teeth but a brick this is Riven I love this this is class man my girlfriend called me a pedophile that's a big word for a seven-year-old it's a great age thank you thank you great answers because he don't understand the jokes [Laughter] what did that [Music] [Laughter] um a new car in Portugal it actually has extra space it's uh gonna be called the uh oh my God thank you everybody of course it's not funny what did the police find when they dusted Chris Rock's face oh no one did they find Fresh Prince it's good that was actually good that's a bit smart though did you get that one yes I'm just making sure Diamond why can't Michael Jackson go within 500 meters of a school why what do you think because he's dead [Laughter] here [Applause] I'm singing lessons bro I just sit at the corner of my eyes that was nuts why can't Stephen Hawking do Stan yo listen I [ __ ] it well even Stephen Hawking a line for now yeah what's an orphan's favorite kind of flower I don't know tell me self-raising we went to Vegas to celebrate Alex's 30th birthday he got really upset when we sang hip hip hooray foreign how many emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb I'm not sure what none they sit in the dark and cry stink I'm not laughing [Laughter] is a oh it's not a single original that one I promise I'll grinding down the street right see the thing with jokes about Isis they're all about the execution you have to execute them correctly just think about this person [Laughter] well he's back in though no we'll get him we'll get him so uh I got fired for my job at the bank today an old lady came in and asked me to check her balance I pushed her over I think you working at the bank was a better joke than that to be honest okay um why does Stephen Hawking only do one line why again was Stephen man that's the joke on my phone okay why does he only do one-liners why because he can't do stand up lower because he's just in the wheelchair yep maybe the legs don't work he got that one isn't he dead he did yeah technically if he's in a coffee he stood up but sideways stood in the mud truck yard space unless you flat pack it and put it in there with him you look shots only people who go to IKEA know that one so I've got yellow calyx in my house are you think of jokes that are like simple for him all right wow I didn't start down oh [ __ ] what Rumor Has It that your forehead is so big you dream in 4k oh my god oh wow that's it Ultra wide HDR here okay what do you call a fake noodle what an impasta okay after death what is the only organ in the female body that remains warm no the [ __ ] Ethan's penis okay I'd actually say I'm quiet look warm penis uh what did one play whisper to the other play and it's on me [Laughter] I like that one what is even worse than waking up after a party and finding a penis was drawn on your face um [ __ ] dick finding out it was traced oh yeah oh you don't go did you hear about the famous pickle it was a big deal wow nice good workplace the locks are loaded that document he's got there sideman communist moments so who is it now then it's Vicky's look look at him he's ready I'll see you again yeah Simon that's our top 10 creepy moments downstairs did you hear about the uh the cannibal in general yeah [Laughter] um tell me about the cannibal yeah so um what did he do after he he dumped his girlfriend he wiped his bum no no that's not that we call me come on remember the Isis joke it's all about execution brother where did Lucy go after the bombing oh where did she go everywhere [Applause] what's the difference between Talia and an umbrella no no oh no what she wants what only one of them ever gets wet what can you just do that oh come on damn those work my words I just like to say what do you call a little boy with no arms or legs don't they names potato [Laughter] how do stars die how usually by overdose dark damn the star is dead what's the difference between oral and anal sex what oral sex makes your day anal sex makes your whole week oh play on words double entender oh that is actually unreal he's writing that down in the notes right now ready yeah feminism wow wow what do you call an I.T teacher that touches his students PDF file you did smile to be fair Lads floppy disk yeah he smiled why can't Stevie Wonder read because he's blind no because he's black do not laugh at that he's holding it so really good on that what does a black man do after sex what does a black man do have to say run away well done four he is that's well I'm sorry this is Jesus Christ I laughed well that means I'm back in all right this is for the win okay we're gonna tell you jokes please and whoever Lost first loses okay okay what is the difference between Paul Walker and a computer what bus I give a [ __ ] my computer crashes bet you got these I really like but yeah I really like football because I can't tell it your mama's so important the dog's doing better where's that come from you like fish jokes right funniest bit is using the your mama joke in 2022 that's funny 2021 what 2022. oh but it's fine what's the hardest thing about eating a vegetable s it's a wheelchair oh my God what do you call a classy fish well sophisticated what's the hardest part about being a PewDiePie fitting in oh my god oh yeah remember the videos of the day what a true true [ __ ] off what did me and Jeffrey Darwin have in common oh Jesus we both like to eat young boys what did me and Jeffrey Dahmer have in common both like to eat young boys it's hard to worry now does he actually like two young boys like a box of chocolates doesn't last long for fat people laughs laugh so we can go home just laugh what a big fat dick in your phone oh all right knock knock who's there quiet horse he's gone he's gone whatever you say it quiet horseshoot [Laughter] sorry gonna [Music] [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 13,259,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: c4Ra1DTjSJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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