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should we do a different role well you want me to add another one add like 12. nah let's add just add all of them bro I don't know what I want complete confusion yeah literally at every role I just go mental all right let's go oh imposter again let's go I got murderer on my mind okay I am the engineer I am the Soffer yeah right the whole new thing here Among Us chaos mode I am a mayor my vote counts twice so when we get into his meetings all day I can get anyone out our statue is on site all right I'm in I'm the murder all right I can Shield anyone but don't do they I wonder if they see if they're shielded hey Danny Danny oh okay cypherd's gone into event no worries is it me who knows okay so I am just crew I think I've got no idea what's going on but Lord knows what's happening I am imposter it is chaos mode there is so many different roles that I don't even understand Minimates are a shielding he's got to protect Sean why is he blue why are you glowing why is he glowing nice I haven't got blue around has he been protected [Music] pretend to do these tasks I'm done well at least I'm dead so I don't need to worry about the wrong thing because I've got absolutely no idea what's going on so I could just watch the cartilage unfold I guess leave me alone he's trying to kill me fixed LOL get good having the time of my life and I never found this way before Oh God someone's gonna go into um like a sheep it was me wait wait it could be the Imposter though did we put Jester on Chester's not on yeah see you asked your heads doesn't it buddy so I ran into uh the right hand side which is what's that one like now navigate we're in navigation yeah yeah with uh and there's a body in the bottom near the vent actually is pie face he's been slaying down by some sort of dragon that's an L for the Imposter because he would have just the whole thing so you should have kept him alive [Laughter] did anything feel different that round for you nah man just chilling around some vents were you a little engineer you looked a bit different sounds like you were glowing blue yeah you were glowing from you look like eating some magic mushrooms and stuff your skin care routine dropped the Skin Care routines drop the routine I'm clear I believe Simon your skin is clear too unless you're an imposter okay okay Danny okay Danny you wanna play that game who makes the lights Hunter has never ever fixed the lights you look like an idiot now I fixed them remotely that's unreal that's unreal that's crazy chaotic that is chaos mode right there wow that's crazy who knows what could happen it was so crazy [Music] bye nerds oh hey Danny that's ridiculous the fact he can just get away with that is ridiculous but he's still kind of glowing you know how do I feel someone different or is he just shielded for life oh it's just shielded for Life he's protected he's glowing bro so I am very sleep deprived but what I was gonna say is I can't think very clearly right now but you don't actually have to play that smartly I'm just gonna let the sidemen beat themselves I'm just gonna do basically nothing look at him waffle on they just say stupid [ __ ] the more I play with them the more I realize they they will just beat themselves I don't know who to kill like a murder on my mind I sit here hiding in a corner waiting for someone to run past gone Simon fix the lights oh that one's actually me by the way I did that hey Brandy hope is this [Music] child let's go to death hurry I'm scared to death hurry well here I am in that land just chilling it's bastards it was the other one uh it's uh Vincent uh laser okay thank you no worries me [Laughter] I pretended to be dead I pretend to be dead oh well I'm confused I thought he was dead boys okay one sec why I think it is laser okay I didn't see your body I just I called a meeting why is that why is it me and I also always a visual laser it's one of them too it's one of them too I don't know what I don't think did anyone see Toby the guy who's dead no no Rick Bozo again amazing oh I don't trust them just I just I just don't trust them boys that's all I'm saying yeah okay all right cool seems a bit Prejudice Harry literally said it was him in the first round yeah what role it is maybe it is I think Harry Harry could have killed me just then unless he had cooldown he's got a run maybe Harry maybe Harry killed this and then went to college he thought I saw him I I did like some viz driving right at the end by the way so he could have I don't know where was the body bro he was hiding the body mate you look like a mushrooms boys [Applause] oh my God Harry just swapped all the votes to Simon oh my God oh my God oh my God unbelievable scenes so what happens now does that does that mean he's not imposter like I said the sidemen will beat themselves I'm sleep deprived I'm waffling on they will beat themselves I don't even have to kill really oh so Randy did it no Randy's just Randy swapped it yeah I didn't know that Simon when you watch this bag I'm so sorry I didn't know that's how it worked I thought that it swapped Simon's vote I thought I picked someone's vote Harry pick someone's vote give it Harry I was trying to confirm that Harry in case someone skipped whoever is the swapper can swap two people's positions right so all Randy just swapped me and Harry's positions oh because Harry was I thought Harry was dead and he asked me who the imposters were so I just told him what what the [ __ ] you so he that's why he said it was London yeah oh man no no no no no no no I didn't know it was a roll I was just chilling and then he spoke so I assumed he was dead so he was like oh who killed you again and I was like well it was stinky and thingy so I died yeah he's literally just cheating yeah we gotta see how that plays out man yeah yeah hey Bess you sussing me bro you suss me I'm not the killer honestly if I want to manipulate anyone it's going to be best to kill me Adam wants to kill me though foreign [Music] wait it was Ethan from last round though I think it's Ethan from last round why is Ethan not do it's Ethan it's Ethan it's Ethan it's Ethan it's Ethan do the thing it's Ethan boys yep I'm just there's something telling me and you just have to take my word for it it's Ethan and I'll give you more than that I'll give you more than that I'll give you more I'll give you more I'll give you more he's fun and Victor why why why I just I'm sorry boys I can't explain it no I can't explain it I can explain it I can explain I can explain what's your power uh first round I'ma bring you back all the way to the first round where he was chasing me I didn't chase you I believe so I I disagree if you'd like to believe that then you're entitled to Danny but I think it's even the only thing I wanted to Chase is just sweet little cheeks fella no I think you wanted to kill me later that's what I think I think he was waiting because you followed me into rooms and then like oh yeah and then big star was there no here I am I've started War I thought I'd vouch for him for a second instantly turns against me because because you you would follow me into a room and then be like oh [ __ ] Vic's in there oh [ __ ] Harry's in it because I think you want to slit my throat I can't be asked I think you want to slit my throat power have you got that makes you this [ __ ] stupid I don't like the way you spoke to me you know what and if any of you are my friends [Music] out of here out of nowhere hey how you hear that Vikkstar don't want to see his imposter voted out real friends Ethan I've got you yeah yeah oh thank you oh my God himself Harry you just asked me and I don't you were still I thought you were dead you cheat in scumbag Carrie yeah you little cheese do you like that attacked again that was great I just hopped in like oh yeah who was the other killer well you didn't even get them I felt bad I couldn't I couldn't just get him by that I just wanted to I want to instill fear in them from the get-go [Music] free win thanks super here is this idiot swapper I okay now I know how it works Simon got put his flip by mistake I've just realized the swapper doesn't swap themselves and a person now you can just swap anyone laser was supposed to go there but all of his votes went to Harry who done nothing oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm sick of this bro I don't want to be on this I don't want to be on this one I don't want to do this oh he's here it's him I knew it I [ __ ] knew it I [ __ ] knew it Lads I'll do I [ __ ] knew it but as I called it from the get-go true yeah Ethan he literally asked why who killed who the killers were foreign to look up the top interesting how is no one going to the top of Lights I don't know about my body's just rotting in there I can I can call a meeting anywhere I've seen this I didn't appreciate being locked electrical my own so I call the meeting how you would I just ha ha I just saw you in electrical oh if you're gonna try and vent into electoral to kill me or something huh no I saw your electrical and somebody called a meeting well guess what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait are you some sort of magician Randa used an electrical I wasn't electrical he was trying to get in kill me did I not just see you in Medway [Music] oh wait wait wait wait wait what just happened there that was did that say Randy I think Randy just offended yeah uh yeah oh can we all just be honest with ourselves we don't know who the [ __ ] we're voting for we don't know um guess what I run this town around here are you as well oh he's the man I run this town I can call me it's what I wanted I can double them okay it makes sense you've gotta be my friends otherwise I'll vote you out I don't like you right he was with Ethan that round no actually I know I invited before because wait I couldn't fix Lives who do you vote for doesn't matter does it mate it's Vic and Randy by the way how there's six people and he's got two wrong okay no let me just drop let me just let you know for a man who did not back my friend are you talking about me because I did vote for later it doesn't matter you didn't initially you tried to go against it what email I tried to vouch right anyway anyway all I want to say is before you guys vote um I was the reason Simon had that beautiful glow in the first round how so I am the medic why did you why did you meditate the person that was already uh calm I didn't know I didn't know what he was he you saw him then you saw him vent straight away we have to vote someone so who are we voting for um well the mayor's already decided I think Randolph um is suspicious but that's all I have counter my votes to harambe vote oh God I should have voted for myself unreal unreal is there a swapper yeah she's out in himself as an idiot recently you know the swapper thing is just of all time by the way yeah he's literally swapped everyone that's not them I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what swiper roll is insane but yeah bro I mean I've done one kill but the side manages beating themselves this swap roll is insane who's doing the swapping I'm so confused they pick they pick when they pick when does it happen that's it it's it's GG isn't it it's GG I'm gonna follow the mayor here just wait for my timer I'm gonna kill him it's the worst thing you've ever done it was funny no no no no no you are an idiot no Randy you're amazing the thing is the only one that I already swapped was the Harry One so I I swapped I thought the way it works was right so if you guys you see when Harry just went at you for no reason yeah he literally he just spoke to pie after you couldn't win who are The Killers yeah I just assumed he was dead I just assumed he was dead he was like shut Up Randy swapped the the actual right vote I was enjoying myself I got it wrong with Simon I was trying to make sure I thought that I changed people's votes individually so save someone skips I changed his vote to Harry so I was trying to double down on Harry and then [ __ ] swapping it around well all the ones that haven't subscribed I'm trying to get eight million and you'll land us down so subscribe no give me a roll yes oh it's me and Bazinga God bless right let's do it [ __ ] it's me and Danny hours you got you got much hope as anything here this is bad ah no Carnage right okay oh no oh my God I have got a roll oh [ __ ] right um right oh no I'm the Shopper oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I how do I not get any of the cool rolls bro I'm just a crewmate I'm a basic crewmate this is so lame oh I've been waiting all day for this oh you're all dang it oh should I be sussing go vent straight away I feel like that's that'll be obvious this is real bad right I've killed Toby instantly I've killed Toby real quick he's got he's dead he's dusted absolutely dusted on the map and they had honcho King of the town all right so I've got one remote emergency hearing what's Harry doing well Harry just said that I want to play the smarter you don't mind me boys ding ding ding soup Josh and my boy he sees me and we're calm and Vic starts it right I'm now calm I should have killed son no I shouldn't have killed someone in there you know what I'm gonna access and then whoever sauces me she's gonna solve a verse be like yeah you vote me yeah hold that all right I'm gonna add my own chaos mode this round I might be a crewmate I'm giving myself a new role that I've come up with um third imposter get away from my butt get the [ __ ] away from my necrophilia or someone's so dumb that they just stand over bodies because I I'm salty that I only got crewmate what is he doing I I um interesting it is isn't it interesting please use your words Josh that's it I I know how Lennon's brain is sometimes right there's there's a dead body in Med Bay doobie Toby but Landon's doing immediately standing over it you know just kind of like I think it's tea bag I think he's teabagging him yeah well I uh I'm the medic so I'm trying to revive him I was trying to resuscitate him but that's me they did 10 appear whoa whoa whoa disappeared you came into electrical you disappeared yeah I came electrical and then went up top right and with Mr face how with my legs oh you actually ran out like you were Speedy Speed Demon didn't you see him no he's twenty bugging where did you see Vic Josh I'm pretty sure bomb electric right or someone else I was in electric yeah so then you'd had to run past Vic no I had two tasks electrical top right where you do the ding ding ding and then connect a lot so I've gone so I've connect the wires and I've gone top Harry are you playing by the way no I had to go collect delivery from downstairs but I've come back and I'm imposter so all right what did you say did Harry just say he's in monster no no yeah oh [ __ ] Josh I gotta be honest you haven't left this meeting very well I don't really care to be honestly not the mayor this time I've skipped subscripts well well what if I swap the skip to somebody else then I voted for the Killer By the way just so everyone knows I've voted for the killer you keep doing this [Laughter] I got away with that scotch free boys you'd love to see that big big fan of that right now people are gonna get killed you're smart there you'd have seen that there was two votes under Vic I think Vic's the mayor was it was it pie Stars oh god dude Simon says right I'll just be here for about seven years ironically Simon's watched me do Simon says right now all right so bang bang bang bang bang bang bang I don't know what's the appropriate time for this all right I don't know what I just want I'm added I just want to add to the chaos this round that's all I want to do stand over bodies vouch for people who definitely shouldn't be vouched for I've created my own role I reckon that will do right people have seen me do Simon says I'm chilling can't lie Harry's gonna get it soon your eyes don't fade away oh I've got to clean the venting nav I'm so confused alert quality yeah while up get in there see you in a bit fella see you in a bit son well that was fun I'm just gonna hide in here for a little bit he's done for he's he's finished he's literally dead in there he's long gone that looks us foreign yes I'm an engineer I have the role of crewmates I have a role I have a role I'm medic I am the mayor I'm a civilian I'm an imposter no one else is engineer right because I've just seen anything and that's why I called it I'm engineer boss yeah no I think I I thought I saw some movement in the vent as well I thought we both saw that right like all right I'm just I'm checking when I was medic class game I was able to vent his medic yeah no there is some roles where you can vent for sure I'm mate I'm trying I'm trying to Snuff out the rat and events Lads Ethan's made a big boy play there you know he's lucky that player is dead did he know that Pi was an engineer maybe he saw a pie event and then killed him well I don't think it's Lennon that got this kill I don't think it's Vic or Josh when I jumped out of the vent I saw Randy running past weapons okay I am a weapon that's true and then and then that's when that's when that's when Simon and Laser caught me doing my snuffing out yeah I I called it just because I saw Bears jump out I said I stood there very very hands up Lance by the way I stood there I know you saw it okay I feel like Harry's been telling the truth gee that's my guy of his you know it's my guy I feel like Harry just wants to end it my life no no actually I'm impossible I want to see if I can get what I mean so I feel like blatantly obviously I'm happy to let him carry on yeah we'll let him go yeah that's good that's good enough for me do we know who this rapper was sorry this could be him is there a swapper in this one as well yeah there is 100 yeah [ __ ] me got away with that one massively you look got away with that one massively I jumped on the [ __ ] engineer roll and it's so good that there's not another engineer otherwise I would have been [ __ ] absolutely [ __ ] right that's my assistant ways I'm assistant to the mayor and I put an umbrella over his head to make sure that you know no rain hits his head he keeps that hair and and forehead dry at all times you know you can't let him get wet by now it's time to kill oh I'm sick of it someone's getting stabbed too many people here too many men too many men I'm stabbing someone I don't care a next person I see I say I was gonna stab Ethan any double kills no Harry's such a donut man I know I know it's great to watch though it's funny to watch Ethan's made a big brain play as well yeah he took my role did he see you rent or something uh I'm not sure he moved a bit sus um I actually haven't voted once so I can he seek can the Imposter see though can I see who the engineer is no so he's got very lucky then yeah yeah I didn't notice him but as soon as he turned around I thought ah this little [ __ ] why are these two just follow me around I don't get it like anything surge like a tea coffee beverage food is the temperature okay of you for you where is everybody hello boys um oh yeah I'm in the mud here um how the [ __ ] is Simon I feel like Simon's dead I don't know what to do here right you lot go yep cheers boys and I'll just go yes Vic Vic Vic what are you doing my tasks excuse me Mr wherever you are uh that's actually my mayor and I'm his assistant and I was with him the whole time oh does it tell you does it tell you that I'm that guy have you know that my mayor has not done any of these kind of things that you're trying to accuse him of crime I just steals hey buddy hey buddy you're his assistant not his lawyer go book his doctor's appointment don't defend him in court all right all right know your place I am a witness as I'm a witness as he never leaves my side you're an intern nope you never lose my side well where's the bloody Lads what other reactive thing is you don't wear the reaction I can also that's just my name is correct statement that is a true statement not being there Lads well I was watching uh Harry be an imposter at the top right and then I went down to reactor I'm getting I'm gonna get him to kill me that's that's my plan I I don't think it's higher by the way because he could have killed me so many times maybe trying to do like maybe he's trying to leave it yeah yeah yeah yeah no genuinely if you wanted to do a challenge in this Lobby of like literally not killing anyone but still winning his imposter like it's so doable anyway because it probably still Danny Aaron's on the first kill so I beg your pardon well it's not it's definitely not Harry didn't kill Simon by the way so that's he's Fair on that kill thank you no it was nor did best to only leave Danny Aaron's actually so yeah I'm Fierce wait first where were you that round uh I went to right side then left side but it has to be Danny Aaron's life enjoy that yeah I didn't like that response I think this is gonna kill me anyway he survived I think they tried to kill would they did they try and kill me there or something I don't know is it business software yeah bro he nearly out he almost got himself is this just can't it's just Carnage in it like I just have absolutely what's happening right Mr Man where are we off to today then oh look at the kitchen's room yep great excellent job sir it's off to work we go we're a shovel on a spade and hanger I'm gonna hang out with Harry it's just a funny looking [ __ ] he's a funny looking mushroom what a skin that that's the hairy skin right there I want to kill someone now can't lie someone's got I think Vic star's getting it now this is still suss so maybe leave him in uh okay I don't actually know how that swap works so I got four votes what did Danny get I don't know how swap [ __ ] works who's that I can't even I don't know uh yeah fine oh no no oh he was the one sauce oh it's fine these things happen in life why would he kill me we live to see another day it's okay [Laughter] yeah I've been watching it I've been watching it for any sort of sus activity errands right by the way everyone where's the body yeah honestly on my life I've just done my Med uh the med Bay thing you know where you gotta wait 60 seconds really implore you to you know join in with your assistant in voting for Tony Aarons why why couldn't it not like why are you I'm confused why can't it be Randolph Josh just because he was with us I thought it could be Randolph too I just I just didn't enjoy the uh I won Randy I was with him for a while yeah this phrases actually Harry can confirm can you confirm this me yeah what are you asking me was Randy with you Randy was with me for for a long period of time yes he was he won he was and Ethan who did you see that well so the lights went off right and I was like oh someone's gonna be dead in there so I run to check Randy Randy ran out of there but there was nobody yeah so is it loud yeah no Laden was with me and Josh the whole route all right Josh Victor I have heard that uh Danny's actually gunning for your Mayo title wait wait wait wait but Josh are you the small up and you're trying to do something funny here yeah he's not an assistant because there is no this is right wait here's the swapper this is melt in my head I can't do it we have to vote on seven we don't have to but we have I can't believe it again we made sure that big stars right on Josh big stars mayor campaign remains intact it's assistant even a role is assistant even a role Josh has gone in for that promotional Justice hold that Danny Aaron how has he done that so Danny was right the game's not over all right listen I've got big problems with Daddy Aaron's man daddy Aaron's is a [ __ ] idiot why would you kill this out of everyone why if it's Josh and Harry that's incredible I'm so I don't know I genuinely don't know who it could be I just went with what my assistant said but wasn't even my assistant must protect my mayor these people seem like they're trying to kill him to be fair the whole time and then someone else dies I know it's not them and then we can work together with our massive brains to figure out who it is don't kill me Randy that'll be suss on you I hate this game it might be him bro he could have just vented I think it's Randy Mr Mayor you can call meeting from anywhere and if you feel some kind of sauce you can call meeting at any point don't you worry what's up my assistant and now are still with me I got a whole gang I'm so confused oh there we go [Music] hey Randy should have seen that yeah Randy's children comes oh I think I've got away with something though lots of Mayor could be best could be if Daniel what the [ __ ] there we go I done did it what do you mean fix lights I just fixed the lights oh thank God foreign [Music] Mushroom Man was following us around like a [ __ ] fan he has to be banned your beds for the kill because you've seen Harry Motors on cam doesn't count the whole time entire time you're best done some suspicious movements and also don't forget you are the mayor you are Starcraft I would say she's right behind you running towards anyway so if you'd speak Mayo you can it's your turn to speak you can talk I think I think we've done a fantastic job thank you assistant for advising me to get rid of that Annie Darren's fella um I think yeah he was he was going in for the position and my life is pesky exactly and I think you're completely astute in the assumption that the uh the other one is I don't know how anyone watches find out why would best not turn the lights back on if your engineers Josh actually got an assistant role I think so no I said no he doesn't no no because he did say it came up on the screen so I'm like yeah yeah but it won't be like an actual right it'll just be like nominated everything so what's he gonna do is just stick with it basically I don't really know all right Randy come on come on your dog kill me off we pop let's go where are we off to today then so it's what I'm one of these is gonna [ __ ] kill in a second I don't know what to do man I don't know what to do I don't know what to do don't do it don't do it don't do it I'm all very quiet around here isn't it sir don't do it don't do it what's going on oh for [ __ ] sake oh it was him I knew it [ __ ] [ __ ] he might actually pull this off you know he might pull this off that's it now you do that lovely and he's here um this way this way this way on the trail of the Randolph oh no I'm not bad this has just come out of Med Bay oh no you see there you see that fixing it ah that is unfortunate right it's very unfortunate yeah yeah I want to say something Mr Mayor what do you think oh wait I'm allowed to speak I'm gonna let these two speaking none of the people yeah right the last the last time I saw bog I left him with Randy where top of it talking about cafeteria the last time I saw him was he was with Bez so we had the same story Vic and Vic and Josh were coming out electrical could you there's no way you guys can both vent right and kill the assistant is able to advance yes what is this number I don't like Randy I don't like this wrong either boss like I don't know what they're doing yeah Harry the entire one I was with Bez the entire time I left to come find YouTube to see what YouTube are doing and then now he died and then Harry died it's definitely not used one of you two is lying but Simon also saw best vent and I saw best vent and he's not fixing lights it'd be very smart it'd be very smart Randy he doesn't feel sorry self-report also Vic also Vic and Josh you saw me right why are you getting so Angry Birds assistant one of my assistant please do you think someone would self-report in this scenario I feel like they wouldn't I feel like they would wait for the body to be stumbled upon indeed indeed I think you're quite right sir I think because he's not fixed lights it has to be him I also believe that Minnie went to the engineer could fix lights remotely and he bragged about this and we're all very impressed see useful information leads me to think it's Dr Bazinga but I'm gonna Skip and we're gonna we're gonna run around why why quite right so quite right go to a glory hole lad why why is he dragging it out why is this going on still why is he dragging it out to face you shouldn't vote on four it doesn't they know they know it but Ethan can't do anything in a situation this is so hard Danny Danny this is so hard boss this is so hard so hard I'd really advise but you run around big start you can call a meeting remotely Josh and Vic are going to stand next to each other that's why they got to end it they just got it yeah [Laughter] do your dance it was nothing but good to me his whole career that you saw me coming out of electrical right away with you guys when I went to find a body so he killed he killed Harry while we were together then he also had the chance to turn the lights off as the engineer he didn't I saw him then so therefore he's not the engineer he's the murderer I'm gonna hit it with one last thing I could be wrong in this and I'll hold my hands up who I am um but as a man of the people I think if Ethan was innocent here and he was being accused like this he would be losing his head so as the mayor I'm gonna slap him with two votes and see what happens and if it is you Randy fair play you pulled a binder oh oh can I say Daddy happens you [ __ ] idiot why would you kill vids watch convince everyone was his name I couldn't see his name I Randy Randy the engineer cool was great yeah man bro there's something good for once Danny Danny's a [ __ ] loser by the way campaign I told you Josh is that actually a role no of course it's not a role there is an assistant role or something there's not there's no assistance yeah that's what I'm saying he just he was he was the mayor so I was like this is a great way to make sure I'm cleared he's cleared I can't believe I survived that long when Simon and Laser saw me come out then loving two best players the two best players because you um remember guys don't use the garlic no garlic that's haramas haramis oh wait guys do we need do we need a new uh Lobby code or is this one a-okay you know what I respect for an hour and a half yeah camouflage rolls so the killer can basically go invisible they blend in with everyone for like 10 seconds this is gonna be hell oh let's go imposter finally oh good Heavens all good Heavens see the joke is I've said that every round but now I actually am the Imposter wait when can I use the invisible thing when can I use the invisible thing I don't want to use the invisible thing garlic remember guys don't use the garlic what the [ __ ] have I done what's garlic I've got a garlic this garlic on my screen is very tempting but I was told not to click it so I won't someone's gonna click it though oh someone dropped Carly you're not meant to drop the garlic who dropped the garlic oh what the hell is that uh right I'm gonna not touch the oh no I'm locked oh no don't play with the button Jack don't play with the button Jack don't put on the button right stay away from that out to the garlic the [ __ ] is going on here what is going on there ah ah he is who's to hit the garlic button uh he's done the onions man they told us not to do that I don't know what the Garlic's done I don't think I don't know what's happened what the bloody hell has happened oh I'm locked I'm locked what the [ __ ] oh no Mommy it was okay Toby's car Toby would have absolutely stabbed me by now let me chop my garlic oh hello hello boys who's letting onions off dude's letting onions off them let me find something what's happening has everyone left the gate [ __ ] sake Harry man I'm enjoying that I'm enjoying the Garden Room you're not meant to drop the garlic there was a message in the chat earlier yeah I said it very loudly guys guys can I ask a question yes I went to the toilet so I don't fully understand what mod is on no I don't camouflage The Imposter so someone could be invisible and then what's their body just kills them and turns the same color no one used it so I'll do that by the way the body the body of it helps it uh was literally on the admin tape that is useful info no I've been sorry not I've been sorry the button tape apologies the button oh they bet him over the button table I've voted for skip because I have no information who did I leave that wait one of his I apologize I I take I I I take it back now who are the ones that run into electrical and the lights because I turn I'm a skip I voted for the killer I just want to run to know [ __ ] you Lana no [ __ ] you Vic bloody [ __ ] you so I entirely forgot that there is this camouflage thing but I don't I don't have it I don't I don't have it whoa whoa whoa well if everyone's dropping garlic you might make me want to drop a garlic real quick but I might do that because I was instructed not to drop a garlic my cat's actually look sick by the way look at this I'm pretty sexy for my shirt using you say okay any cams about don't mind me oh Harry go on do it stab me oh good job buddy good job geez okay I'm locked in that's fine that's fine that's fine I'll just wait I'll jump out there and get someone who keeps throwing down garlic bro am I doing badly I don't know I feel like I'm doing all right wait what [ __ ] sake man I have to shut every door to exist oh oh hey who's obsessed with shutting the doors someone's being weird bro well I was gonna suggest that whoever hasn't been imposter yet today it could be one of them because we haven't had this yet and yeah I I know that Vic and [ __ ] lays a little door shut man I just know that literally never shot a door in my life honestly that's [ __ ] I said he was the killer I did say he was the killer vote me out there the body we had no discussion time last time the body the body is On Cam so I don't know if anyone knows how long Cam's shock it was damply but I definitely knows how long that camp is not but the body is on camps um that was awesome how long they've been off the only I saw bears in there I think Randolph huh I think Randolph all right so we're looking for yourself but trying to go through yeah and then you went up into electrical and Randolph coming from lower engine and you're saying he's the only one that's coming from now I came from the cafeteria that was a long round though it's hard if laser and Vic have gone for me man I'm just that came from Deep Bears I feel like I've done nothing here I voted for the killer I just want everyone to know stop saying that I don't know what you say when you see I voted for the killer it's a long round again for any one kill that's two really long rounds trump it won't kill yeah who who's actually like a [ __ ] I was in cafeteria there I did not come from wherever so that came from shut the [ __ ] up your little rascal Ethan's vote counts for two even whoever even votes where I vote for no you clouded me now though you're gonna make me look like yeah though all rounds so like he's moving weird he's moving weird though in it am I being in India or is he just moving weird I think he's moving with I could be being in here though yeah I don't think I have like the camouflage ability is that London bro let me out these doors make these doors I think because what's happened I think Randy's partner's dead or something like that and they're just pressing bear bear the things that's what I think is happening man he's my [ __ ] and there's door shutting stop that I also do think it was Randy he was like about yummy that Randy Hillman's gone the mudder in my mind come around me oh my God it was amazing that's kind of rude I saw two go this way just quick investigation oh there we go right right um All I'm gonna say is I saw this person running with another person when the lights are off and now they're dead so is anybody caring near Randy at all no I'm Jason Derulo Riding Solo over it right around it Randy Randy where are you currently claiming to be before I was the cafeteria top left no no no no no no no he will be but basically I went into comms to do my upload and I saw out the top right as the lights are going down uh viz and Randy were running on the right hand side yeah the body is dead enough Harold and Toby because they was on the upload thing in admin because I joined them at the end of the round I never went to nav at all I was doing tests the top I saw the lights were off so I decided to do tests in that moment because what task what task uh it's putting the trash out I think Randy I don't know about this one well right now it's nailed on Randy I think it's na done I have no idea what's going on he's the Killer still think Vic's the killer he skipped bro he skipped I'm eating my baked potato leave me alone this is how we feel watching you bro yeah true true I'm taking I've had enough of being killed and voted out well not voted out I've had enough to play with a camouflage mod but I don't know if it's actually active so I've cut I don't know but yeah I've basically just been saying nothing and letting them beat themselves you know that's been my strategy so far I could have done it took an hour and a half took an hour and a half for me to drop a visitor on him but I've done all my tasks so I might have changes then I'm just gonna stay in stay in here stay in this event all right all right all right all right walk into the [ __ ] room party walk into the room all right character it's amazing oh oh oh oh um Harry I'd say that's pretty conclusive who was it who was it that was Pie Face no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no clear Vic because Vic was with me what's your excuse okay okay now before you speak are you being marinated by these two are they working together well potentially no no no no it's not no it's not marinated but I'm pretty sure let me explain I need to at least explain let's let's tell you something let me tell you something all right let me tell you something because that's right right it wasn't actually me all right [ __ ] explain then bro it wasn't me it wasn't me I came off I came off right what happened was I came off doing my last attaches wires on the outside of cams I went out then I saw Vic run in so I followed the kid and there is a dead body all right there that's awful man well that's exactly it's not me by the way but thank you it actually isn't me legitimately that looks so bad and we [ __ ] now are we are we [ __ ] till we I think we find out if we win oh no oh dude it actually isn't it actually isn't it bro yeah you you said let me explain for the first time yeah you know I had to though because I looked it looks so it looks so nailed on SARS let's go I'm just [ __ ] doors brother if it wasn't pie that's too perfect but I think it was we'll be about to lose if it wasn't okay I've dropped the garlic he's dropped that garlic I've dropped the garlic hi how did you end up there we got him sorry big start big star did you do a Bazinga no no no no no no no I saw Vixie pie and it looked like it looks like it was marinated by Harry it's actually Victor Mano apparently Harry yeah Harry did Harry actually [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 11,233,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: eQ8htMVTC8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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