Miniminter Reacts To SIDEMEN FAMILY FEUD 2

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sidemen family feud i had covered so i wasn't there i'm we're going straight into it because it's an hour long so uh yeah ain't no intro on this one we're going straight into it it's a banger i am excited to see this i have not watched any of it i know what it is are you gonna stand it's an hour it's an hour long iron standard it's mayor not gonna lie well we'll we'll make our own decision you're gonna make guesses too yeah of course here we go guess who's back back again fight live b go tell a friend hey big dongs ladies and gentlemen here we go we are playing family fuel yeah how sick by the way sorry i'm going to end up pausing a lot but you see this bit at the top how sick is this that like that graphic that's a graphic chip fat the goat family feud now the last time we played family fueled oh no jj and deji went back and forth it was uh dangerous so this time let's uh let's keep it calm okay which team would i've been on i can actually tell you that i can actually tell you that we actually were gonna have this we're actually gonna we were actually he did actually i would have been on big dongs i would have been on team big dongs damn man i could have had a big dong but instead i'd covered nobody doing the the dead youtube channel thing okay we keep eating nice be careful [ __ ] off okay well there was gonna be five on each team not four with that people on the left down under let's a round up applause for down under down under so thank you can't read properly or something like it's like unbelievable down under yeah that makes sense like down down under yeah down under yeah yeah no specifically oh so oh you're forming it's like a hand though the f but below yeah yeah yeah yeah so we're not pulling on would have been five on each team and i'd have been on the other side your name's upside down no good joke good bands uh comedians how are you i'm good life's good still ginger yes what's your name uh can you read uh yes that is it just for you okay so what what are you oh what the hell are you [ __ ] you're the guy from foreign i played it for it yeah i crank a lot of 90s yes that's lennon yeah yeah yeah so why do you look like a hillbilly uh from down under well it's called a bargain yeah a bulgarian just like my identity that's what i like you look stupid look i like to subvert expectations look homeless have a lot of money that's great wow whoa you flexing on me yes 100 wait he literally did a whole intro a full intro before they started recording so this is the second time what do you mean wait what do you mean smga yeah it was harry's video but jj got half a video for it because he was he had to do this the whole time oh and side plus what he in character or not and bts he was in character before they started to film oh my god that's a long day for him you know expectations look homeless have a lot of money that's great wow wow you flexing on me yes 100 my family also loves me i have no money he said my family also love me okay next we have oh my god big dongs what does that mean actually no no let's let's clip our big donks before we figure yes yes well we will see huh we'll see we have the big brain so josh yeah long time no see beastie boss stay with the prime minister you still got the beard surprisingly have you gone to chevy tough are you going to grow yours [Laughter] i'll come back to you harry hello what so what do you do now uh i i've been waiting for a youtube video from you i got them don't give it to me i've got a brando coming soon on the main channel the main channel no not the main channel what's the point then huh good to see you brother what is going on brother you look not like my butter what do you mean you're white i'm not no no you're red now you're ready i don't you can't say that's the worst what's going on huh oh [ __ ] why do you look so different right you're [ __ ] red veggies meant to be here by the way this was supposed to be dead g oh it was supposed to be deadly but we had a last minute substitution so i'm ditching okay uh we have beeb over here gabe was dead she's supposed to be there he was yes uh i'll tell you what the teams originally were though a little insight you have a little insight here it was going to be lachlan lannon vic ethan toby so that team was going to be the same with vic then this team was going to be gibb harry josh and then me and deji and then deji obviously deji couldn't make it so theo stepped in shout out theo legend hilarious guy and then i would have been the fifth vic would have been the fifth but then we both couldn't go so they just went cool we'll just have four on each team because ultimately like it doesn't you know you can just go with four it doesn't really make a difference this video is so funny especially genji's for lobby you can't it can't fail thank you oh wow not a seven figure gibber anymore i'm trying uh you now four figure figures has things gone bad better they were too much shot as well like who are you trying to impress i want to be smart random applause for everyone ladies and gentlemen i love lennon i love lachlan i love theo and i love you so i'm i'm really excited for this video that was such a long interest that was five minutes and we haven't even got into the game okay mr beast would be fuming right now mr bees would hate this video why did rob not get involved uh because we had the amount we had literally we had 5v5 then me and vic couldn't go so it was 4v4 do you hate the simon boys no i love the simon boys but that goes without saying the others no one sees me with them that much yeah so it went down to 44 and we were like okay well if you do add rob then it's 5v4 so then you'd have to find someone else again and we're already having theo come in last minute as well so yeah yeah when you have an answer okay so here we go and they figure out what they want to answer for this and then you have to try and pick the the highest answer top players at prison fc and what etsy are you used to oh god it's too soon for this oh there's so many players just like too soon oh it's [ __ ] wrapped it's a football question oh yeah i'm gonna go for for benjamin mendy oh benjamin mendy yes benjamin mendy number two wow the second highest come on the second highest obviously he uh ready thank you for the prime yeah he got accused of rape so i don't know if you want to put your hand in the air for that i know lachlan has no idea what the question even means you should guess now i mean i i would have why are you clapping no that's not what i'm doing i was clapping for the answer i mean i'd go with you you know who i'd go with as my guess um adam johnson fights free chances don't mess up i will start with you josh uh there is our prison fc play safe josh uh sigurdsson oh good one that's a good one you know uh what did he do don't talk about it okay uh our survey says [Laughter] what mad prison fc what do you mean yeah i mean he's not he's just emily gave it a five he's in the starting line it's the top eight and harry obviously you guys they're not 10 earlier second highest so what are you going to do for this one you've already got one strike fix jacks and we swap to the other side i'm gonna go for i'm gonna go for adam johnson a classic a classic man said a classic so what did he get accused of i think it was something with a child but i don't know okay i saw being announced okay i didn't say it i didn't say yeah what that's a servant sir number one oh yeah uh what did he do he used a fake passport why would you steal my answer why would you steal my answer top three coming your way don't worry i don't know anyone else apart from one more and i don't want to say his name why do you want to say his name it's prison fc for the team why would you do that well why would you do daniel so do they want to try do we have a bowl do we okay do we have a can i don't know everyone is tequila tequila does uh does someone want to practice yes yes for three months smj harry knows his article what i can't do it okay let us see digi do the flip flop here we go the flip flop that was beautiful okay okay okay nice [Music] oh for [ __ ] sake boys tell me uh quincy proms oh there's a cheese that's ball knowledge that is quincy probably um i believe he said he stabbed someone you stabbed yeah well they just shockingly very good what what what's the tequila i'm gonna deal with this broker right you want something [Laughter] what does the survey say so i don't know but i am so convinced that there wasn't a um there wasn't a a board so the reason you hear jj every time go is to tell everyone that it was wrong because jj has the lists on his phone go on to the other side in 10 months are you out of isolation yesterday i'm led to believe no i know but as in like they literally just had to but you're saying they said mason greenless the graphics don't always record one jj says okay okay um i actually can't beat this uh so with that i guess i can tell you the rest of the other people yeah let's see who was the rest i mean so at number four we have jerome bellwethang oh why i assaulted the ex-girlfriend oh yeah okay uh number five we have joey bataan oh that's a classic assault yes uh number six we have it wasn't in there could have got away with it it wasn't it wasn't on that yeah you see that do i cheat congratulations okay um i actually can't be in this uh so with that i guess i can tell you the rest of the other people yeah let's see who was the rest i'm interested no do not hate chip fat jerome has no time whatsoever for this girlfriend oh yeah number five we have oh no joey button oh that's a classic yeah a sort yes uh there and it's a mistake nah chip fat you realize chipfat did this in like a day six weeks don't understand how how sick could have got away with it uh webster davis not the same without you again convicted of rape and number eight every cantona so down under our winning we've well we can just take twenty we'll take one point [Laughter] oh okay okay i need two people again come up yo we are 25k away from another 12 hour stream really not 25k something you rob a bank youtube and tick tock fighters [Applause] i feel like you didn't get the laughs that you want to die is oh no brother he said rob you don't rob a bank if you really to a bank like i said oh my god it's rob oh youtubers no no no no no no no no no you're touching youtube a grocery store you don't write youtube oh you want to go i don't know you want to care well let us let us see what this server says oh my god oh no surprise there rob no surprise do i get to anything else you get to answer uh can i say my penis you know peanuts yeah penis yeah solid answer about that if i'm going to rub anything that's probably number one okay quite frequently what does this say [Music] there was no need there was absolutely no need smj who came up to questions and responses i don't know i actually don't know fan of you just be one of the funniest times in a while shame he wasn't there wow thanks farrell thanks good thank you thank you how are you feeling today here we go i'm a little bit nervous why do i feel like hey you everyone drink prime i feel like this is an answer you uh you you do try with some juice we are boys yeah i've seen you in the club harry the questions traded adults [Laughter] why is he still going well the name's tommy rob yeah should we yeah yeah we're gonna go with it's not a we it's a you i'm gonna go with no i don't know clitoris nice little top answer nice top hands 100 that is a good one what does this ever say number one [Applause] unbelievable very good right very good so you wanna keep them in check that's why thank you awesome jay you can rob a nipple as well can't you oh yeah i would have gotten feet you stroke a nipple i don't know you think you're rubbing it off do you rub an arsenal you eat the ass but you can eat it you can rub the arse i've never had the proposal of please rub my ass but that's what i'm saying you've got to think about the verbage here it seems like he's a real stickler yeah do you rub a dog do you need trouble no say awesome man hillary they got two months we just said he's going down the sexual part of your brother i don't know what you're saying you're better you're rubbing your breath your belly that's a good one they're not even meant to be that's one strike i really thought wait was that two what the server is saying [Applause] got that nice ah i wish someone loved my back are you going to rub my [Laughter] see i'm still stuck thinking about penis so smj thank you very much charles thank you so much get busy with the feet disgusting what is it saying back rubs on it that was only the second right interesting so we go back to you to be i wanna say okay you can pass it over if i pass it over they only have to get one no you can't why would he pass it over now without having a guess it's gonna get passed over anyway why why would he pass over now the rules are made up as they go i can tell i can tell this is so jokes diamond is the only side many knows the rules of family fortunes yeah but at the same time everyone would just call me a sweat if i if i was like no no no the rules of this well i would have explained it before because ultimately like yeah it yeah but i feel like it's just funny you're in it you let jj just have free reign it's funny okay you were class in this vid thank you very much i thought i i played quite a quiet part you know i thought i'd not stand out suspicion that harry knows all the answers i don't know the answer i don't know what do we do if i pass it over do they have to get all of them or just one i don't really know i want to say a lamp love yeah because of the rules it's true they can follow the rules even if they tried because they didn't know okay well love is [ __ ] wraps [Laughter] we were going to say lampbot we're going to say all right we pass it on to you a whiteboard your wife whiteboard though you rub your hands together you rub your hands you do rub your hands i think they should have got nipple if i'm honest you've got your back on there rub no that's a good differential there what does the survey says [Music] obviously with number one we have clitoris yeah wave number two we have a pussycat grave number three we have a dog number four i said you would rub a dog he said stroke number five we have a tie big mouth over 14 months hi or how do you rub a tie no no t-h-i-g-h yeah die i die rub a dog like a dog's belly rub it's belly you're dying yeah you're tired yeah okay uh number six we have us number seven we have [ __ ] uncles balls and we have basketball so there you go oh man why i know run away you rub a cat you stroke a cat you can rub its belly dude i think i i also think he's just saying a pussycat as in really very busy okay are you ready yeah i just got that lego hair nevermind that's dd chlamydia easy are you sure yeah are you sure you've had it [Laughter] i cannot confirm all day now but i swear everyone's getting the clear media no it's the cool thing on these streets yeah ah i got the wrong nanny thank you for the prime ah i thought i thought chlamydia was the thing everyone was easy mistake okay anyway uh where is chlamydia on december nice [Applause] well done wow we should get this you know okay if you get four right on the server i will give you a point four okay yes okay is that okay can you do four yeah of course we can do four okay give me an std [Laughter] give me an std huh uh gonorrhea gonorrhea okay wow you guys are on a roll okay three more go on how are you give me an std he's an expert aides aides aides heads are you ready yeah it's instead i got my three you guys are smashing the stds big joshua game for lobby gonorrhoea mad herpes [Laughter] [Applause] oh my god you know what you guys are doing so well if you get this wrong you will lose every team he said if you get four they got four please ali please one std that's all you need there's actually a screen above no point instantly i believe the last answer is yes thrush is no it's an answer it's an answer i don't know i wouldn't put that top five selected does anyone know what flashy's i don't know bro i knew it that's not one it's like a yeast infection it's like a red rash it sounds like a pokemon let me release my thoughts [Laughter] [Laughter] ah you have two points at the moment one answer that's all i need here we go syphilis i say you say it team vote syphilis syphilis this big one that one yeah huge i'll watch you out for it it's not a competition [Applause] can i move up the road yeah can i move you guys are smashing it you guys are [ __ ] we should have had four strikes oh yeah they didn't wait a second they didn't even get three strikes yeah he said he would lose it oh i know i know but just it's just such a random rule in it he just goes if you get this wrong you get nothing just for no reason all right did you come on confidence name a dead youtube channel oh [ __ ] okay now willie i'm not even a prime minister careful with your answers or not yes this is your time it's your chance to get revenge um w2s oh good answer ah are you still going to watch what are we talking about in two years he still gets more views than name it did youtube channel you know what you named it china you know what how many views is he doing right now let me look pull up the social blade how much is ro to shore harry rosa rothershaw is still doing eight million views eight million views a month just everyone knows um that's more views than almost everyone in the sidemen that is outrageous oh my god harry a goat harry a goat he's undefeated that's kind of sad it's kind of sad not jj no no no no some of the sidemen smj two million subs in two years without uploading ridiculous yeah ridiculous charlie no you uh no my main does no no my no well that doesn't upload but there's more views but you still get more views i panicked let's let's see what they say i would have said it i would have i would have i would have said i would have said it don't worry it's a good shout out e10 oh here we go who's he thinking dude youtube channel i like deji so uh i would i would like to to say a dead youtube channel is uh caspar lee oh that's not very nice [Laughter] irish tone is so jokes harry sounded so genuine that's not very nice channel is uh casper lee oh that's not very nice oh my god i mean it is it's not looking great but it's still harsh is are you not friends no the game's a game oh my you know what that might have to be a sound alert well that's not very nice i know this is this is i have to know now when he says that caspar lee [Music] the game's over she passed it today pause it to them fellas you take this one away okay i'm smart that was smart we didn't need it name i did youtube channel [ __ ] um name a dead youtube channel okay uh i'm gonna back my boy deji uh and seek revenge upon uh randolph randolph yo uh randall's channel's all banging obviously when randolph was here he said did she and then a huge fiasco happened now josh has said randolph for a dead youtube channel yo wait hang on hang on hang on hang on i wanna i'm a voice note randolph right now my voice night round off yeah i don't know if you've watched the uh sidemen family feud video but i'm just saying you should do a diss track just throwing it out there i'm just saying easy easy clout easy clout josh has said randolph easy video how to play sandals comments down below have you seen his child announcement videos i've got it i've got it there's so many views wow why is he not there josh you're just that's true you're just a meme i've got it i was back in deja vu i believe so and yes with talia why nah i understand the question so the question was for deji would name a dead youtube channel yes his opponent alex wasabi 11 million subs 30k views that's dead that is dead deji am i wait wait randolph says on who wait wait wait randolph said on who you ain't watched it can you watch my stream right now if randolph can watch my stream right now you're snitching hey i'm trying to get them both views i'm trying to get them both views you lot why would you not take the views you lot it's content neither of them are going to care randolph randolph i back that okay so it's your time we didn't need it name i did youtube channel [ __ ] um name a dead youtube channel okay uh i'm gonna back my boy deji uh and seek revenge upon uh randolph randolph i back that back saul randolph getting the views milk it he said did she and then milk it randolph now josh has said randolph for a dead youtube channel milk milk it's randolph i've got it i've got it gets your views why is he not there josh you're just hush random favorite of 27 what well he doesn't even live with this [ __ ] deji rainbow's channel is doing well and why why nah i understand the question so the question was for deji what name a day easy easy video randolph hannah for two months alex wasabi 11 million subs 30k views that's dead that is dead deji damn am i on the right yeah no that's the right answer that's the right track that's the right thing you play a lot better in second the survey shows number one [Applause] very good very good okay can we just take the points now please number two we have leafy number three we have tabasco okay oh number four we have fred oh this is actually number five we have way william johnson oh okay number six we have maka butler what was that clapping noise what do you think it was it was me spanking myself what do you think it is it sounded dodgy it sounded like i was having a wank is that what it was i did not say that natalia thought i was having a wank on stream chat you could have just watched my stream i what was that clapping sound what do you think it was clapping because i'm watching because they got a correct answer is she all right she came here she was like clapping noise i'm like clapping what we have buzzfeed we own buzzfeed number eight we have caspar lee wow that was actually quite a respectful list you are on one point yeah you were on that was the chat there was really three yeah nice you are listening what i was trying to help you out but smj just said there was a there was a guy that was recently demonstrating the value of manscaped on stream fully out and shaving he got banned i mean i'm not surprised obviously matt i mean manscaped is sick he actually is sick good ad look i ain't being paid for this they are genuinely good i know i know i normally do get sponsored by them but this is a free shout out they're good you you even said see the idiot okay two people come on are you ready here we go i am name jamie thank you you shouldn't do with your parents have sex i'm very interested to hear these answers or this answer uh something you shouldn't do with your parents you shouldn't do with your parents i'm going to say drugs okay drugs drugs thank you so much i feel like it might be on there interesting i feel like i might be on there what does this say ding ding ding at number seven we take that don't mess with me i am the leader i am the captain wait what did randy say two one [ __ ] loser somebody did he hear that if he said that's risky you know that's risky if he if he had heard that they lost another point can he go to sleep yes randolph but make a make a video make a reaction video can you spit that randolph go to bed make a reaction video make a diss track whatever just make a video and make it soon get your views king because someone in here slap that josh bit on my reddit oh my god there you go guys someone put that on his reddit you shouldn't do with your parents you shouldn't uh watch porn with your parents yeah fair enough um that's uh why why why why why don't you change that three two educational two months thank you so much or the sexual acts they shouldn't know no if i said be in prison after you too so what okay what would you say is your favorite porn category mine yeah tell the kind of day it is so okay it's sunny it's sunny that's your name sun is like uh sounds like a threesome kind of day maybe december minnie i want to do anything like all right what if it's a cloudy day cloudy day it's just free guys uh let's see what the survey is saying ah porn is not on there oh i told you bro this guy's surveys gibb hello bib what all right so two i'm gonna go with crime climb crime so i'm gonna go down the crime route okay okay don't do that you shouldn't if fogger said you shouldn't do drugs you shouldn't do a drug deal with your parents no this man this man he's so bad say something wrong [Music] oh that was funny yeah they said penis they got your uncle's penis okay so deji it's on you one more chance uh you shouldn't you shouldn't have sex with your parents or threesome not that yeah let's get gymnastics you shouldn't i was thinking about respect in some places hey thank you molly i mean i i swear the royal family that's true it's the whole incest cousins how about down south down there down under maybe ask what's his name down under don't you uh don't you do the things with the parents no only in one state tasmania they're a bit weird down there that's i mean it's different preference yeah yeah okay what is this oh my god we're finished how we're finished that way no do you say you should some people like to do oh my god [ __ ] on this house oh my god so we've lost on wait hang on no you've got one more strike no no no no no no you we have white doggy like you have no no no no doggies wait where's where's where was doggy life from what game was that from headers and volleys no is that a card game it is headers and volleys right headers and volleys but what did it mean how do you get an extra life i was first person out that's what it was oh i don't even know what i don't know i don't actually i'll give you one chance yeah i lied next we would say you shouldn't fight with your you shouldn't fight yes specifically at christmas specifically it's not healthy you know it's very true yeah yeah [Laughter] [Music] wait why do they have to get one back it has to be the strangest answer there is doesn't film a porno now because what you would have said that you said commit a crime kick a ball if you want to kick a ball you know i'm not saying finish saving the primer no he said you subject maybe be specific you shouldn't like suck your dad off that's not expensive please he's too thick he's that one none of this is not gonna give you goodness i think it is no no it's not bro he's just laughing it's not happening it's not it it's not it's uh big dogs please i want an answer you shouldn't go down on your parents oh my god i don't want this i don't know aca is even a prime he already said that well you know he didn't he said drug deal but a lot of people commit crimes to their parents oh you shouldn't but you shouldn't [ __ ] them and that's not on the list you shouldn't raw bank with your parents but sucking your dad sticks a little bit more [Music] okay next the focus is on the cloud this guy's down for anything you should kidnap with your parents no no no no no no no oh my god where's your parents you shouldn't oh survey says sir send one lord i'm mercy what is uh what he sees shouldn't steal things with your parents uh our survey says people i mean what film porn finally a good answer is it survey what the ah this list is [ __ ] up please the list is [ __ ] nice [Laughter] oh [Laughter] huge okay no we have to think outside the box then because it's all the [ __ ] shit's gone you should what about like have a loving relationship or something all right you you have one more chance left [ __ ] one more chance go for it go for it go for it you probably shouldn't have a baby with your parents bikes they're very different facts facts number one masturbates oh i was thinking about that you shouldn't masturbate with your parents how is that there but none of the others are literally number two be a nonce oh he literally said that oh my god he literally said wow wow number four where is gibb only fans you said hey we said make porn though number [Music] eat five you shouldn't eat us oh i think you could have accepted number six fat you shouldn't fat with your pants farts but you should suck them off you shouldn't give rage you kill it yourself together obviously number seven do drugs and then number eight you shouldn't punch a baby now this this is a very big one right all right well that's just okay what was that ancestors calm farting is out at this point who knows are you ready yes you shouldn't do a lot of things with anyone even on youtube dead or alive just say it oh okay wait who's dead [ __ ] prince phillip wait dead or alive wait wait yeah you wouldn't want at your kids birthday parties he was convicted gary glitter is he on the list ding oh my god number five gary glitter are we are we continuing on this side or are we passing it out we need the points until you pass it on them getting the free right it's so obvious yeah i'm trying to think i'm trying to make sure i've got multiple things i've got yeah you've already named one i mean i've got one i've got i've got this boys come on give me someone you wouldn't want at your kids birthday party uh a little kid playing the games and then this person comes through like hey i've i've arrived no no no no no jimmy saddle yeah jimmy why are you clapping that's not for jimmy answered for what does it say on a7 number four [Applause] number four one figure zero figure you wouldn't want o.j simpson with your kids o.j simpson you wouldn't want o.j he could be murderer he wasn't a knight he didn't say nonsense do you want a murderer he's on there named four nonsense by the way because he's hanging on no i yeah yeah he said that but he also said to us if you name your nonsense you'll get a point yeah oh yeah sorry maybe i'll see you too much there so yeah it's uh what does it say yeah i guess there's the people one oh jay seems time at the end we have three lives still a lot you have two lives left oh okay cool deji is your dad you you wouldn't want jeffrey epstein jeffrey what is sir jeffrey epstein is not on the list what emcee needs to give the tournament i personally would want it mother kids birthday party what because i think the music makes up for it but i'm going to say michael jackson michael jackson yes that's a bit of a shame to put him on the list huh i'm just i don't i mean i don't know it's what the cloud is i'm thinking i don't know he'll be a good party though yeah you're saying that do any of you know how to do this camera work you know gibb does you come i got it i can't do it i can't i can't move for michael that's not doing a good job for a non-slip come on oh [Laughter] i'm not bad at it you know but it's a lot easier on like a actual surface rather than like carpet impossible give and you have to go for it that was so bad i can't do it probably do it probably true i've got a really good that's me doing the arms you're running very well come on [Laughter] that's the point that's not a point i gave it that was so bad you made me do it you made me do it that's the thing is that frame rate oh this is very scarce who finished it [Laughter] [ __ ] [ __ ] finish the prize that some other random black guy came with nice nice enjoy thank you wait go back jj's shoes look too big for him harry in the background trying to moonwalk oh oh i'm gonna put this in the chat and put this in the chat jj got real estate at the back of his shoes that it's that's outrageous hannah they were the conversions thank you very much who finished it [Laughter] nice nice enjoy thank you did we get the point i said it says uh that's all good one more life one more life come on why would you say dead or wrong what about the moore's murderers what are you doing abraham was good though prime was good could potentially be in the cloud oh the cloud is crazy crazy crazy you have personal contact with the club i don't i i i stay away from the cat yeah no the clown's fine so apparently they want to [ __ ] their parents yeah it's chris they're pretty mad kill themselves with their parents what's on your friend oh it's just uh just some things huh can i say yeah the teams i want to see your teams you show me yourself i see your instagram followers instagram followers so many things wish i had a little bit of some of the things that you have oh my god just a script a script of the things any specifics no miguel huh name again [Music] already come what i look and i can everywhere what though is that your answer wait did you not say one thing you're wrong for that one though see your answer just say it just say you say it but you wouldn't want him at your birthday no it could be an interesting wait what just happened you missed toby's face it's can i come everywhere um hitler ah it was only nonsense so who's the dead nonce who was the dead nonce i think i think who was the dead what actually before we talk about the steel i won't explain give me a girl that will maybe come come everywhere all right we got over here you want to say it you say it we've gone for anne-marie [Laughter] oh now you want to get your nizzy out no no nothing oh i'm awesome who huh harry's mom mary's mom she's great she's a teacher [Music] [Applause] harry is your mum that makes him come oh my god is it a team effort is it team effort um yes team um bill cobsley or coleman andrew on the list survey what are you saying ding ding oh my gosh yeah okay and with that they still already points we we're on zeros you're on zero at number one we have edp for [Music] shane dawson what's he doing wrong keep it away from your cat it's not a cat yeah those are my cats okay number four oh my god we have jimmy saval yeah number five we have gary glitter number six we have some pepper sam pepper is on the list um oh [Applause] number seven princess angel and then number eight wolf harris what's the score it's 2-1 oh so this will be worth 500 points i like the scale oh this is a good one 500 points from where uh this is okay you didn't appreciate the joke bill cosby bill constantly told me you told me that [ __ ] bill how many rounds have we had huh what's the score it's 2-1 oh wait before that point 500 points okay [ __ ] yeah i like the scale oh this is a good one ah you guys should do very well here we go i always say this bro name something you sniff what do you say what do i sniff what do you sniff tob jizan if i was like someone you also pick random amounts of points true eventually sniff certain substances just say it say that say this cocaine he needs visibility yeah i'm not going to said it i said it bro i said it i always certain substance [Music] cocaine let's see if it is on the server oh my god our survey says ding ding ding hey hey geez why do i feel like you do that at the end of the challenge i do i do that normally but this this video is like normally it should be you know how many points you get with the answers this is just so random but it's jokes um why do i feel like an [ __ ] is going to be on here glue glue our survey says ding ding ding flowers no it's quite a nice thing to do yeah it's cute oh sorry it says oh [ __ ] okay we fall apart now got one right here it's your turn come on he's definitely there right you sniff did you no um ketamine fair enough fair enough what is ketamine what's [ __ ] horse tranquilizer how did humans go so low fake faker not me have any of you sniffed cats no i mean isn't it like an injection you inject horse tranquilizer i think you would i think you would i think the horse you don't give a horse a key you know you inject the horse who said anything about it you said anything about it [Laughter] 500 points to win the game oh here we go to win the game this is on you brother i think i think your clad would tend to sniff ass i think they would respectfully 100 cents yeah midwinter maybe the three months yeah 100 gotta be up there let's go easy points go get leaving the nine months ditch baby there we go man banged it oh ass is not there oh big is it andy server oh it's not oh what happened yeah some men not name and names some men and women and women i suppose uh tend to sniff underwear female panties underwear yeah sniff the underwear very good so yeah yeah some men have been caught rummaging through drawers and stuff wow it's like a mountain experience over there i don't have any underwear we can sniff any james raised his hand anyone cursed about you raise his hand i mean like you can sniff mine on me yeah i'm not taking him off okay yeah does anyone want to uh volunteer can we sniff yours can we sniff yours i don't care about this video enough 500 points you want to [Laughter] so casually no one no one see it's just like oh shock i'll sniff a stop 500 kills i don't care about it look at theo 500 points no possible surprise if you sniff his stock can we get five okay well let me let me get changed then all right awesome aria it's not you said that everyone eats why would you say everything you do oh it was [ __ ] we have to sneeze yeah yeah ladies and gentlemen my underwear is here oh my underwear is here what's inside it what's this here so i've turned it inside out can you make sure you sniff my balls aren't bomb all right okay okay so for 500 points and to win the game would you win how do you have to sniff it talk to us i'll give it a sniff harry's gonna need a never seen on the face are we making contact i made contact oh no i like coconuts i can't do the [ __ ] contacts the win in the game professionally yeah best of luck yet and this simon is why you must never miss simon sunday's again hey i i need to miss every sidemen sunday if this is a thing [ __ ] mess let's go ethan we can't lose though because either we don't want to participate in this yeah why not how he wants us there all right rock paper scissors shoot i don't know okay are you ready i will say it i will say it rock paper scissors shoot okay why am i nervous vessel three rock paper scissors shoot oh paper scissors shoot yeah we win the video i'm sorry but harry wanted to do it to win the video now he's gonna lose why are they wet right there right there are you ready to be fast don't mean anything it could be one point it doesn't mean anything oh [Laughter] we won the video though yeah we win we're winners right hold on oh you're done i know what would be funny if that didn't mean anything bro right now okay what's your answer oh my god sniff wait wait it's nothing what do you mean i just wanted [Laughter] [Applause] okay thank you very much for watching and i will share your songs we will see your song this will be [Applause] i'm not gonna lie a lot you you know didn't you didn't gass it up more you know the chat gassed up way more than i thought the the final punishment i thought it was going to have to be like a big sniff if you know what i mean you know i did gas up a lot you know you were like this is this is the most die you ain't ready you ain't great i was ready jd did push it in his face but that's why he didn't get that's why he didn't sniff it really you know he had his face in it it's grim it's grim there they are the panty boys that is yeah no it's grim instagram i thought that was a sick video i thought that was sick surely they can't be as boxers no i i mean i wasn't there but i'm very confident they were that was a very sick video what were we right now out of ten out of ten we'll be writing it chat give me your answer i'm seeing a lot of eights seeing a bunch of sevens a bunch of eights all right i think we i think i think the chat has basically decided on about an eight i saw some nines i saw some sevens i think the majority are eight sidemen well done well done me and uh me and vic were obviously not there but i like this like i actually got to watch a sidemen video from the perspective of as a fan effectively which was sick i'm very ah that was sick are you able to check what number is that are 10 yes it is it is 4 out of 10. 4 out of 10 we take that i think it was three yesterday it would have been better if you and vic were there i feel like you both would balance the madness i think that video i think that madness worked though for that oh yeah mad
Channel: MiniminterClips
Views: 1,821,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, miniminterclips, simon, sidemen, mm7
Id: BFtBn7PvIlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 18sec (4338 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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