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Not a fan of the Sidemen, but I powered through this for the sake of Sorted. xD Pleasantly surprised that both teams managed to do so well in the end... and it was so great to see Barry, a "normal" on Sorted's own channel, teaching other people how to cook! <3

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZannityZan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œ your name sorted?”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/matty928 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just watched it

Three words


and Barry got KSI drunk.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mumooshka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome to the Seidman Christmas cooker and put those down now available right who fancies themselves as a good cook no this should be a great video all you said me you you said do you think you're good then you not okay I'm good I'm just excited to cook this right he's one team captain and you're one team captain why because that's how we're doing it now go in that room because we're gonna do numbers cuz you're the captain okay you go in the room is over yeah get the toilet I'm gonna number everyone here okay and then the pig and that's the one team's gonna have four people one team's gonna have three people I reveal yourselves single men even like good timing so now I'm gonna need you two to play rock-paper-scissors to pick yourselves three numbers the winner gets this the extra amount that's the handicap so again I win between one and five okay that's two eight one in a pie I wonder five sorry two four [Music] one reveal yourself team so that is your team so welcome to the Christmas cook-off Seidman addition we've also drafted in some professional help we have been and ferry from sorted foods maybe poke a few questions fantastic fantastic food at the end of the show yes so now we've to go yeah can I have the pigs in blankets please don't mess them up that's my that's my favorite bit can I have that you can have and I do that yeah I'm doing pigs in blankets lit turkeys already been pre brined and stuff so we're sort of we're starting from the loosening the skin and right right up there there's no giblets in there I don't know what well so giblet giblets the [ __ ] that you like they're leaving the turkey usually you got to put them out [Laughter] you've got to finger that's a I should take my jewelry oh [ __ ] absolutely not t feel how I Drive our hands right on the right to the right to the right I don't know which or do we do this stuff in well I'm just gonna prep these yes I'm gonna prep I mean the turkeys gonna take the longer so I'm gonna get going this - maybe - man the turkey - what do you mean two months I got into a turkey bus it's maybe spit roast the turkey lads hi so we'll start off with the turkey in it so yeah yeah Josh got stuck in all right let's go to make the brine in a saucepan similar 1 liter of water dream what I employed yeah this is the method okay you've got five chipolatas you organized the videos can we go yeah because it's cool look the stuffing is this it's this is diet right I'm gonna make the stuffing first okay the stuffing that's not made yet to make the brine what is the bone you great the chicken with - brother q6 24 hours I think we'd what are you working on now I think that's already been done for you if you read down to instruction number three it says brine it for 24 hours we're not gonna be here that long your turkey has been brined so you can carry on from that point bribe sorry is this breadcrumb or the flour I give this flowers yes flour so I've been done dirty with the amount of chipolatas I meant to have five right do you think I can make smaller pigs in blankets if I cut them well he took a quarter of each one and they won if I or no if I just half them all I then have a trip Martin's free to eat yeah and five to serve yes exactly now wait a bit punch it don't you isn't there a way you soften by the way you put it like on a boiling pan and it like melts that's how you soften it it's gonna float that's not it's not gonna float it's not gonna burn your hand you get if you take it to Pilar no problem we do it softening the butter it's something now this is how are you gonna get the [ __ ] out are you gonna do never seen anything like ingenuous and at the same time stupid the bar I guess yes have you heard of a microwave that's what we were just trying to work out it's you guys your dinners gonna be [ __ ] you're right I'm kind why are you kind of at me no making this stuff very very subjective okay are we saying it's about a normal as that as a quad big knob it's quite a large knife buttering the turkey cool what's another step in the turkey that's really important before you cook it loosen the skin yeah and you also could have to stuff it with something also gonna have to pack that you have to fish a turkey why no that's not what I'm gana is you've got you're gonna have to stuff it I just haven't got a stuffing yet why have you give it have they got the easy bit we're we're done with this after this and then we move on to the next one watch this you ready you know that but either predictable and you could have to this stubby your fingers getting there I don't think that's how it's done and that was absolutely me and Jen you have worked hard we can have a rest yeah you have worked hard to be per peel the onions that we're cooking is hard work no guys come on man shut the [ __ ] up we finish does you guys have finished the turkey by now oh oh that's in a blanket oh yes you've now got the root end yeah you're gonna cut all the way down there once written but not all the way through so you're doing that's so satisfying to watch and then you turn it you're gonna go that way and for this this will be absolutely final you need fingers back and you'll end up with diced onion Ethan I'm sorry if we don't have cranberry sauce wait listen listen don't burn never but the gel off for the other one and now it's [ __ ] cranberry sauce way we actually need to put it on here we have to put it on this paper yo we're done again again we finished the whole thing so yeah the pigs in blankets are done here we finish that why are you working on next thing what neither brazen great slave driver oh you ain't the captain are true true I told on you whatever you want to do we do to be better they got Toby Toby messes everything up you see the jollof last time may is true mister guarantee without sleep and you always win the ball so I do I keep up old man clean he was thought if we had an audience just assisted how I think hands go watch that go watch that don't watch that you're making cranberry sauce I'm trying to make cranberry sauce it says to put in a food processor party I've never made cranberry sauce you just get a job apparently getting this voice to be honker cranberries are like really dry and normal cranberry sauce is super sweet look alright I've been left in charge of my favorite Christmas item pigs in blankets okay so not only have I seasoned everything right look look there's even a little bit of rosemary on there and just come here look just just look at the three I've made already go on look it get on those well I did that I did that I am now pigs in blankets connoisseur [Laughter] [Applause] do you like concepts yeah wait Annabeth honestly and the best thing on the plate deal well yeah you're doing them a nice sound wave I think I prefer the root vegetables and brussel sprouts to the turkey Turkey is what makes it Christmas I think Harry might be prepared for this I came prepared for the simplest thing that I stated blanket doesn't take more than 120 minutes to cook is you get the stuffing done you get this turkey stuff you get in the oven and then you've got about three hours pigs in blankets their comfort blanket right bro it's all fall over that bobbin like the strokey of the Russia this Russia has never felt like this in its life okay right you're ten minutes what we done so far this cut onion I'll pay you a garlic grated some carrots mole peel some carrots major piggy blankets turkey still there that keen on the turkey so we thought you might leave that and leave the rest you could tell you what you could do you could just tie off a breast and then cook that really means you covered breast what noble my going for Malia for this what not be going for show me or not I'm you know that's a lovely knob it was a big knob it's now half a knob and I think that's the perfect no exactly that's lovely knob oh my god well but it's all going to [ __ ] it was very swimmingly well it's going swimmingly well now he's just put out the power look you only put half synovium isn't it so just wet onions not too hot so you cook them slowly over gentle heat with the butter - I did that pigs in blankets II do you know how to crush the garlic bug I don't know how you cross a girl they want to get your knife listen to this get the knife flat and long as it's like this they might me be free over this side but see this is already the dream-team contemplate just look so happy to be how you got put in this little two weeks ago you had a championship fight no he's got championship parsnip that's a right yeah yeah I'm not looking back yeah cool I might get started on the Christmas dinner because I don't know you ever could that's hey whoa I'm gonna cut myself I'm gonna cut myself I think we our Christmas dinners gonna be impeccable how'd you say that six times so far I'm really because it with every passing minute it gets better or better like a really impressive with every passing minute yeah I think there might be I reckon this way sweating like a give me some lights could be sweating like like what in liked Oh Jill that makes the healthy food yeah exactly you really sweet today I'm not gonna listen I'll bet you a hundred balances a baby under pounds what does Blanche mean lunch yeah blue shades French it means in for winning water briefly okay if you're gonna blanch something you're gonna make these real whole minute hard boil it in boiling water I knew this French there's no Ellison who didn't say French truth there I see the zest mate this is not very vesti bro I want to just point out that there's are pigs in blankets anymore I know he cut them in half piglets some say just say you made this leaves you when they're younger raw come on now onions a lot of water and onions gonna sweat it down and basically the sweat is the steam that comes off of the onions and you're gonna cook it I mean there's no luck enough juice that's a berry one eat one try one edible but they are very very sour which is why you want to cook them and turn them into a jam with sugar and orange juice and spices and then you turn into a jam cuz on its own it's pretty sure I was gonna say but yeah vegans are like animals and stuff like what if oranges have feelings as a there's a study that says plants have feelings so realistically is just as much an animal as I I've just pissed off approximately the kitchen makes me so happy everything's just perfect sweaty make it sweat make it a sauna in there know what I'm gonna throw it back down into it and then it's ready is like half fry it in your oil and butter and half steam it in like the steam it catches and then you can turn and it'll be why would you want to avoid putting liver it because we can't be bothered with it so the great thing is there's so much flavor in that the birds giving its life we're gonna use every last bit of the bird to get the most flavor later on you're gonna use the turkey neck as well because the turkey neck is going to make amazing gravy if the birds giving its life use every bit to make the tastiest meal in colleg okay loud yell near the eyes in my eyes for dead oh I can't see my sunglasses now help what's a glasses Lee Haeri what you doing mate I'll show you I'll show in a second mate look out oh no clothes are good brussel sprout eyes and a face I think that like Gary one boy boy boy James the Christmas game James the Christmas guy you ready for this yeah just let it slip and slide into the pan how do you stop taking make you off to the wrong person I don't ask you if you would guess if I stick it guess I just you just straighten there straight in there is that wrong is that right you've looked today a few times I think I think is the only zero entry point I can see so I'm gonna I'm gonna stick it in there ah ladies and gents my challenge someone to a contest whoever can peel a potato quicker than nipple with the winner gets the chef for five minutes I volunteer as tribute basically I really want you to win this so that you have some professional help okay okay so then so we will peel these in a safe manner okay and hopefully you peel your potato first okay no he hasn't they look he's can you rescue this what do we need to do I'm looking for the Nutmeg no where's the honey maple syrup take all my good [Music] said tossing oil and honey maple syrup whatever and he just opens the oil and skirts so I'm gonna stuff their birdie Thurn I'm about to stuff this turkey if you might be a two-man job I think you might be into my job we've never looked so amateur that's just stuffing right now what we're gonna do with it is put it in the neck of the bird so up here you got all that space to stuff do you collect stop grow look at the stuff now depending on the size of the bird get in there oh my god if you spread the legs you get base it more even cooking eggs and you got it stuff lasting today smells at the top with butter no need Meg I'm gonna make something else if I can't find a nutmeg I'll make something else when you're doing the potatoes I just I gave her some water he said yeah I gave her some water okay it's got life now I'm just I'm spraying the pepper cause it's everywhere quick give us some last tips a lot of pepper although your life wonderful honestly until just ruined it is going great in our Turkey captain okay so you just start trying to [ __ ] the turkey oh my lads are putting the turkey in backsides where they put the turkey already yeah don't rush greatness though don't rush greatness if Ethan had peeled a potato quicker you'd be putting your turkey in right now listen listen Vic okay I want to hear nothing from you where's your stuffing going in the bird right always it so ye said this is what I'm what you've we [ __ ] it no no no so you tell you know don't just shove it in there I wouldn't shut it in their name feel you're making life really hot because you can over really slippery birds and you need to stuff it anatomy yeah solution the skin of the neck in with your hands you put in here so you see that skin all of this extra baggy skin yeah it becomes a pocket for all of that stuffing so you're gonna stuff in there in there all of that basically you think about that much stuffing it's gonna go in there yeah and then you're gonna pull the flap down and it's gonna bake so you're almost the breasts go this way so nothing goes in there if you want you can stick them and onion or some garlic or some citrus in there and it just kind of steams and flames it will be easier to put this on its back to do the stroke mom I mean yes right so I've been over here doing the hard graft all right so I've peeled my filmic out spilled my pasture to peel the potatoes right so I've left the turkey in the hands of Harry and now they're stuff in you and I think they [ __ ] said it's not bitching about the sin of yourselves yeah I think they thought the Sun of it I've peeled my I've killed myself than I've peeled myself as well could've been a team know I've killed myself if you wanna be out in it my darkest days you tried to [ __ ] your turkey I don't knock down there we go Brussels sprouts no we're not having sprouts we refuse hey this is really like censure who's gonna stop myself the insane ascension it's a nice this is what's up baby I don't know oh what do I do with this no no no no come on prank me Albany form a look at it oh there's some cranberries I'm honest well it's not a performance it's not no choose yeah yeah about ten minutes wait no - yeah [Music] [Applause] okay okay well we need them good shape with the lid on two slightly into the hot fat in the roasting tray in a single layer but the track is it means you just send a lot of work Jaden looks drunk I saw your last bake-off episode honestly say the improvement today is unreal [Applause] in a roasting tin so you'll tell them enough to fill up to like I've said to me here that's quite a lot isn't it yeah those are healthy what are you doing next I still see more ingredients well the mushrooms for we if you just put on your tongue there just suck it from it you know what flame you're cooking with that's probably off stick it out and you'll get me realize that kind of flavor is gonna be it's almost numbing your tongue sort of feels a bit like that yeah yeah no nicest thing to do but important to know what the flavor is was there and time if not what we're gonna do is just so if you get a knife the best place there was a potato just a bit in the middle still too starchy if it falls off and it's fast look JD is absolutely battered he doesn't know what he's seen you've been around over it okay you put in all of his juice all the kisses Suzumiya what's his name I'd ended drunk already sorted he's been mulling over wine for some time here's a viral video Hey what is that what is it it's having a great day anyway so I have no idea what you're gonna do with that so you can either boil it and mash it leave it I was enjoying making it as an instrument you can play it or you can roast it oh you can soup it or you can pure it or you can fund them that was super wasted because of creme and then down to the bread sauce really so probably is the best option of that surface happy birthday to you happy birthday dear big star happy birthday to you come here get back we need that for something do we absolutely yes okay what is that thing that he's a [ __ ] McClintock face I reckon we mash it Bob get it back over in that respect thank the story for sorry for contaminate your bread sauce but I was talking about your birthday hot what's past week what past news oh I'm either done some peas are done [Applause] come on my chopping onions you've been chopping onions Oh No get that grab some kitchen roll and wipe your ass grab some kitchen wrong wipe your eyes oh I'll say yes it was just hold just hold it you just hold it there well that was me like 10 minutes ago I feel his pain I can't even laugh at him oh nice hairy look at the far feet I'm gonna be published be armed they think I'm a bit crispy how did you do that really because that's when they go bleeding on crispy right mmm you take on the two you've already given it happy birthday so you and the team may have a bomb there but massive the cheers match the tumor I think we do mashed Salaria yeah how do I peel this is it just a case of the skin oh what fun it bad see doesn't look cooked enough for my liking you smothered in butter it's got some of that we could just give it a little bit more oil back into the things of love whoa nice way of Aruba to infuse him but I tell you what I've made a good effort I'm gonna click on a tumor that is now a healthy celeriac yes now this is when cooking it's fun delicate I saw chef today parsnips a going aid these need 40 to 50 minutes so for the turkey to better do the gravy because you want the roasting juices yeah then we're gonna go in the oven spree you're in a pretty good place you come and you can prep the sprouts if you are going for them so just take the em what is he doing what is he doing just taking he's making oh gods on you in that right now I'll do you back in this okay all right three two one three oh I'll give me three reverse all right three two one three two so I'm gonna basically if I lose this oh god I three two one two like to drink with Harry because Harry is alright you got 30 seconds boys a bird of my throat alright boys one more truth you ready for this clean that Toby let's go yes come on now is this gonna be looking good yeah is this gonna look good or is gonna try out the tasty if that touches me our drone I'm drowning I'm aah hey hey Mike the my are you wearing the make your face them down hey hey hey you're the captain you know I'll do that fun a yo-yo get get annoyed bin get annoyed now I know you know what game yeah James yeah yeah I stayed there for two minutes two minutes in Bend if anyone else is naughty by the way Ethan if you know it you end up in the nori bin why was if I was naughty right now I then you have this illness I don't want to tell him well you just took the war for me that's a minor one though that's the minor I've been sent to the naughty baby hold your weight I'm here I deal with it [Laughter] without Turkey right now I'm thinking we shoved up his ass that's right now are we putting this in that trench then Turkey and then you can make your gravy in the trays ready ready yeah so what we looking for 1666 looks like 65 and that smells like 65 let's just let me stick in the mist again it's bronze it's dry night fully this thing's wrong no is no bear in mind that's the thinnest part you get anything into the thickest part because that's something you want to make sure is oh undercooked that's a little under okay did you turn your oven down after the first half an hour yes that's it it might just overcook these bit but that's fine Romeo's gonna be amazing our meals gonna be the best I'm so good we're the best chefs so justly turn up and down ghostly turn them down [ __ ] it doesn't [ __ ] say it bog listen listen we don't we don't cave in now we don't cave in now we're team we save it with the grave you know what I like crispy turkey dough i like crispy turkey i like biscuit okay when do we eat the turkey in an hour an hour are you mad yeah how are fantasies no children our we've made the token we have to wait an hour yeah what's the [ __ ] point why have we done this guy what house is what a nice baby the plain good hostage check wait to the pigs in blankets come out [Music] okay sweeping statements you're my partner you're my postman to call wicked to know it was not high five it was not I thought my passage was good hurry may our [ __ ] mill [ __ ] our mills [ __ ] shitload sparking done I'm devastating you know the dokey I'm gonna stick out on Oh take out no no no no no we'll take out now yes I thought you'll be decimated above 61 I'm the world no it has to be above 65 residual heat will do that residual hey 6300 [ __ ] poison them then brownie above 60 365 life is what we're looking for so move fine 65 though because the rest would be [ __ ] 93 by the time this is 63 no stopping us stuffing the stuffing Spurs lover butt-ass toppings hot this is the issue here 61 we're gonna poison them we're gonna poison cooking it you DC's on you now I'm [ __ ] human I'm human each I'm too much mulled wine that's what happened the knitly drug to imagine eating out now it's drinking more I'm not I'm not sabotaging I'm just watching basically mate what's happening is I put the turkey in yes and after half an hour so supposed to turn the heat down okay I didn't turn the heat down and now our turkey is about 90 degrees well no in the wrong place the wrong places the top of it is burnt and said the top of it is about 100 degrees bug down on the middle of the Middle's rule the middle isn't in the middle 61 this [ __ ] shanira no tumor masses [ __ ] the masses the tree weighs a bit pepper tumor masses prized the truth the chena magic spot oh no bro this is a bob 62 would take three is five sixty three is fine see if you kill the bacteria I call you put the stuffing 168 mr. white here's the head chef Boston 68 okay cool let's go deeper that's the stuff let's have a quick meeting how are we serving you we're not the ones judging you I'm thinking we want to give them the majority of the stuff as much as we do the best cups the best cups yeah but like we have four sausages yeah I'll be our sausage I mean I love you guys but I'm saying if we give them - they can't do it - and they love us yeah they're getting the best cuts in this resource like it was bread sauce this man's a sauce man sorcière sorcerer sorcerer bro you do not have the necessary clearance to be near our turkey and go play dragon you have lost all privileges in this kitchen who's carving your turkey Josh what's taken using food where does this joint see this is what I'm talking about world's minds just trying to eat done know there's the ice cream in this joint well why don't we just do this in the beginning blossom inspires you man no thank you Merry Christmas sticky toffee cookies the other hot cookie no wait yeah we did yeah we go because yeah all right we'll chill with you am I going actually trying to high-pass up right great I wanted to say like name like my mom made it but it tastes so good ah pretty good do we drive been off the Restless because we just had it thicker now I think that's pretty much good I don't know a Simon Simon let it could have a little taste and then see a geologist you may know about the consistency yeah do we need the consistency that no that's good that's good to leave it like this leave it leave it and it will naturally feast your eyes on these bad boys it's official we are in Waiting season we have 10 minutes from now to plate our Christmas dishes for show for the pros let's do it let's stop eating the man be enough you ain't telling anything you know so what I'm gonna do is I'm about to taste this this pig in blanket because it's a bit [ __ ] oh yeah but you get to taste it that's the wishbone Cecilia she gonna have a bone in there so basically the breast you gonna cut breast bone so you've got a cross here and then sort of down there and that whole breast will come out like one yeah [Applause] [Music] well we welcome Turkey but the gravy is exceptional gravy gravy and even your sprouts are cooked but not mushy by then those parsnips nothing here I wanna play on this plane just letters they're a bit soggy can I yes okay why you ask the question extras are you feeling very exhausted sugar baking powder Oh [Music] straight off press horse by the pigs in blankets are more pig-shaped than piglets shaped you have to see to the size size matters toughing mm-hmm is firmer because I think it's got less breadcrumbs and less of the mushroom in it mm-hmm texture I love the mushroom in the other one I think this one has got more of the meatiness from the sausage meat so different good traditional I'm perfect makes it perfect the cranberry sauce is more Christmasy [Applause] sourcing something green on the plate I do like sprouts don't you respect staying true to your brand carrots have a crunch as well nice touch I was not expecting to come here and be picking on the tiny tiny levels of seasoning I was expecting so say more that I can't eat and that I thought I fell off the bar as well the first plate did look better so this doesn't quite this doesn't photograph in the same way so it's packing a punch in flavor the sauce is the bread the cranberry and the gravy are more Christmassy and stronger whereas I think the other plates was all round better I'll be on the right show this is a nice bribery touch but I almost don't want to include that in the judging because when you're talking about I don't want that to influence a decision on this beautiful shop because even here so often I don't think I reduce the effort make a man claim we sauce every time I wouldn't go to the effort always of doing every element from scratch and you guys have so I want to celebrate that they do the stickiness on the pigs and blankets and they don't have the same kind of attention okay [Laughter] right after a few hours in the kitchen it comes down to this sorted food have tried both dishes it's now time to reveal the winner of the sidemen Christmas cook-off over to you it was so close the blue team had some of the most exceptional elements but overall winner is red [Applause] is your turkey and your and then all of your veg boys the issues with no never I can never take an elf ever is a reason is on my body the reason is there [Music] yeah so one side note down Christmas tree down mince pies brussel sprouts down [Music]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 10,330,253
Rating: 4.9398479 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, sidemen cook off, sidemen great british bake off, sidemen christmas videos, sidemen christmas, sidemen christmas cook off, watch this christmas video, sortedfood, SORTEDfood
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 50sec (4070 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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