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it's time for another tier list where we all argue today's tier list is sidemen trees so the tears we have are smoked 4k cup could pull on a night out that's a decent one it's it's on your head i guess it's like vic's quarantine comes and then it's its own separate one is [Music] all yeah the first one is this jj blonde oh do you know what not his work do i do i get a say yeah yeah yeah yeah okay all right well since it's my hair yeah um you know it was a mohawk maybe we can see that making it into maybe making it entirely blonde it was a bit of an l yeah but i think it's all right i think it's on your head i guess i'd back that back on your head i'd back here you know what though right in that picture it's bad when it grew out a bit more and it wasn't all blonde it was fine but when it was at that level it's [ __ ] weird look at it look at the steak hey yo hey y'all because you're on the other side of london yeah yeah watch oh that was oh yeah that was like is that the old side men kitchen there so i'm trying to think about exactly that's your family home isn't it that's your parents uh i think you might have had it at the old old side of the original house yeah that's gotta be like 20 14 14 15. all right next up is cheeto head so this one you know i don't like it it's up there bro it's one of your best trips i like it yeah i i like it i like it i could put on a night out i do see i think if you've done it blue one day it'd be [ __ ] lit i think blue might look cool um what kind of blue like dark blue will like super saiyan super saiyan blue yeah look at his face look at his face right now he's considering it i want to see him yeah like of course of course i wonder he's like these guys are gassing me up i'm doing it i want to see you hit super saiyan 3 bro i'm ready to see it's it's it sounds like i'm saying three but anyway yeah god super saiyan god i didn't just tap it no it's not it's not super saiyan god but what is this super saying saying god super saiyan too no no no it's super super saiyan was close i mean okay anyway yeah hi i'd argue that then the one below has to go down because it's not they're not that close together i know i would put because it's jj's best trim i'm happy to pull it i'll put it on the top i'll put it top tier i think it's the best yeah i think it's the best one i think there's a better one out there maybe maybe we could but for now let's put it that way we can review we can now have a speaker we'll put it here we'll put it here all right now with his only entry [Music] i'll take it over [Laughter] who cuts your hair your mother who has always cut your hair your mother most of the time yeah so it's not like you've always had the same it's the same haircut now he used to have a bit more of a bolting breaking recommendation it wasn't okay well for comedic effect for the laughs and reaction we got that's why you only had one yeah i reckon second from the top though i think it's actually awesome lego characters just come with the same haircut every year [Laughter] trim ever this is boring no no no offense it's a good health card what's wrong with that it's a good knife your whole life's head has just been boring yeah i i think i think josh could pull on a night out sorry freya but i reckon are we actually are we actually doing that yeah yeah yeah i'm about to take that unreal i'm due to go get a smoked monday in it to see what it looks like come on again shout out shout out to exactly actually shout out you're actually going to have you're going to have the same haircut with some white lines wrong about a super super smoked beard super smoked hair i might have to try it [Laughter] all right this isn't really a good picture of my of my my current trim but my current trim standard right now is that your current trip is that current trip i guess that's what it's going to do that's like that's like your reason see like when it's fresh it's quite good there's better pictures but i think i think you've got a good trip you realize forehead season is for like if you're gonna play the game like this you're gonna get violated this has to be this has to be top two yeah harry hates it did you hear harry how he goes [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] look at jj's quarantine cards he's mad that i insulted that look at it how are you back how are you you're so triggered but it was worse there were times when it was a mess like at that era of haircut i'll throw it in quarantine cuts it's on the same level looks stressed in the picture that's a screenshot of me talking he's missing his haircut you can't look at that and say you can't look at that and say it's on your head i guess because it wasn't it didn't just end up happening you did it i think it is on your head [Music] i mean all of them are on our [ __ ] headsets yeah i put it in quarantine it could be top of piracy you wouldn't put any of simon's other trims in this on your head i guess would you i think yeah yeah yeah yeah but you know what exactly so this has to be yeah this is by far all right now now to the fun bit we got now we get oh my god okay jj with the i want to be six foot what it is like there's not even a fade you know it's just a high it's just like it's a hive with a height it's a high with a high bro you know the dude from hey arnold yeah no one cared about it that much how would i know first of all this was a transition another haircut you can't count this this is not this is outrageous i'm getting violated this [Laughter] [Music] so this this was the uh oh i relaxed my hair and i styled it quite a bit of gel and i made that i didn't use the word style i wouldn't use that one and your hair was not relaxed bro it's straight your hair is stressed your hair is stressed the butt more quiet yeah yeah yeah because he's covering the forehead this is uh harry's normal trim it's a little bit more short to be fair it's a little bit shorter i think it's just it's on youtube yeah it's just on your head harry i'll tell you what it's a shame your last um your last 100k is not on there because your last 100k i really enjoyed it it was a great i appreciate it i appreciate that my favorite thing got one recently i got one a couple like a week or so ago but simon this is this is looking super ultra hd you know this might be [ __ ] sharp still this is this this is looking really nice top two top two without a doubt i'll take you i'll take you i i i is you know why i'd say not smoked i feel like the top is too long that's the [Laughter] [Laughter] i think that's quite basic that one i was going to say it's like you haven't i think you haven't done it though no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that is basically right when you do it when you're locked down one when you do it properly it's sick i know it just looks like a baby the lockdown it's painful i don't know how long did you have this for for like two weeks and then i had to take it out because it was painful it was mad painful which is it i mean if it hurt hurt the guy i don't know if it could be popped here if it caused him i think it will go i think here too tier two i'll take a tier two i'll take a tier two yeah yeah okay my frosty's my harry attempt this is a thank you for watching this is what that is that's that era of card that's what this is wait was it wasn't this the um football haircut yeah i mean we did three football matches and he had a different haircut i mean one in here as well i should have oh i really should yeah all right look this could have been this could have been like a two-hour video so i had to i had to get rid of quite a few um i think it's it's like like any others it's not my favorite but it is it's nice it's nice i think it's on instagram look my god i think this has to be just like yeah it has to be 400 seasons i would make a case for quarantine cuts because bear people just got fed up with their hair and quarantine and bun it all off like that yeah but this wasn't important i'm oh you're talking about simon right he's making jokes no no no no you're looking for that fresh simon this is i feel like this is better than the one we just ranked from you though i don't think so no this is what you tried to do here yes you turned into a mop it's a stan yeah yeah it's uh i'll accept it it's quarantined i i wouldn't accept the nonce part i would say given that how many haircuts you've got in here i'd say it's on the lower lower end of that yeah yeah which lower quarantine carts i think i don't think it's it's not it isn't a quality i'm i'm putting it's a bug wait hold on [Laughter] i think yours still might look neater than mine oh you two are so [ __ ] cute all right harry's definitely going to get jealous well done i'm not going to lie one of his better ones i think you know what now that you mentioned it i think you're right i think you're right you can pull the knife out of it yeah yeah i would drop the the first one and put that one up there i would i would i would wait let's have a vote let's have a look who prefers this one not me not me so just three of us jj you've got the deciding about josh i haven't voted no no no i prefer [Music] ethan guys i'm stuck this is hard the second round the top one was way better why don't we just put both of these no no no because one of them is like all right i'm yeah one of them is you know it said you could improve yeah or letting it candle could go smoked and we could bring the cheetos okay all right i'll back that i'll back that up we may have over jumped that one what oh you're not [ __ ] mad you know i think this excuse me it does say jj i'll give you right this one when you actually style it yeah yeah it looks sick okay but this that this is this isn't as good as you've got groot out at the front and your bandana looks noticeable it's a flaming hot cheetos sjw the no this is this means it's better that is the definition of a quarantine cut that is the quarantine this is the worst haircut in there you know if anything if anything it should be in the middle because it's the benchmark for the quarantined car that is like your default quarantine game [Laughter] oh my god that video was amazing that was incredible though i should have filmed the process you know we felt i should have filmed the process because we just realized it was getting worse and worse we're just laughing 100 sure vic brought out the shaver right he was like oh yeah we use this bro is a beard trimmer but it was a little bitter all right this is one of my it's very very sharp it's close to supporting it looks like 5 10. and you know what it's close to 4k i'm pretty sure at that time with that trim you probably did pull on the night out so no i think that's that was too early i think that was before yeah that was this is the old chaos i was i was still very naked this is still deal with it yeah like get hyped this time where he tries to those arms this is a look this is good it is this made you look cool because you were boxing yeah might have caught a nightclub if you put me yeah if you put that just day-to-day basis i think i think i think it's awful but it did look cool in the fight i'll give you that but in the fight as well your forehead was huge it was massive bro in the in the fight your forehead is huge it's massive but i've got a big forehead what can i do logan had a lot of surface areas here [Laughter] yeah but the fight trim bro his head is huge i think it might have to be an honorary far right season toby toby in the ring it's huge i just want to see him get a triple kill in the forehead is [Applause] yeah if we're counting bandana it's lovely but the ring no so this is this is the evolution distance from his eyebrows to the top of his banana allow in west hollywood they have yes men in the sidemen they have go in on your forehead men we just tear each other apart to rebuild you come back stronger oh yeah this next one's better this one this is pop this is pulling a night out this one's worse no i think it's better i think this one makes them look kind of fat that's the one this is the dream when he done the video in the hotel room right he's going like this yep on the see the one that's further down it's a bit is a bit longer and wavy this one was a little bit shorter and just sat there like that it's looking like a little comb over thing as well i see it walked up to the barbies he's like what you want he's like you know that's you know like kim jong-un guys don't finish i think it's like i think it's foreign i think no i think his hair follicles changed with him [Laughter] [Laughter] i swear me and duncan where's the where's the ksi i think i i've already explained it i'm sorry sorry forehead season all right why is it so wide you can do a video i'm in second channel for this you know yeah you have so much where are we going forehead forward season sorry there's a lot there's a lot of display there's a lot of display if you look at it i'll leave those two at the top that's the best one three of the best all right toby's toby's red hair i like it this is a cherry match one right yeah this is a cherry mexican i liked it i just didn't like the turned a little bit orange though didn't it i would say it's on your head yeah it's a spray right yeah it's right a little bit it was made you didn't dye this you sprayed it no no this is real dirt this was done that's the real one it was meant to be orange it was really red initially and then it faded out did you did you bleach your hair uh yes i think so i'm pretty sure yeah i did i did i did it's up you bleep i swear i swear i was with your newspaper i sprayed the pink one i said it's on your head like i had guys on your head i need anyone again forward yeah i don't know why but no no this is just very obvious quarantine i think oh you know no i think that i think that's a decent trim for a fat man [Laughter] for fat it's the best you can do i i think this one is better than that no no no no no no no this one is bad it's better than that one is better than that that is better that's better than one but that's the one in quarantine cuts wait which one are you not saying i think this one just right you just woke up though the bottom one simon's on right now with his mouse that's better than that this is not better yeah it is oh what's great is my cheeks because i was so fat my cheeks come out as wide as my hair like if you look look at my cheek and then i go back out i look like an hourglass this one it's all right if this is the first fight this is if it was a little bit shorter it was i think a lot of my fan base love this this is a good difference no no way this is this is actually after your fight though yeah this is the joella fight it was a bit shorter than that yeah i think that was that was the secret that was good yeah i liked it i didn't like it i think i'd pull a night out again yeah yeah this man i think it's better i think it's better than the blonde one yeah this man this is me a good color over who's had more different colors you ortania that's actually a good quiz question uh me actually tyler has had more wigs i think ah oh well i count the wigs i say more wigs as if i had cows you know the worrying thing is you put this one in quarantine and that's me now i would say that's better than the ones in there though i would i'd not you i've knocked you up on that one it's right it's fine thank you though on your head i think it's money it's not silver vic it's not still yeah i didn't mind you know i could pull up i reckon with a purple team yeah i've got a question at what age are you gonna stop dying when i stop getting id'd for red bull okay well so i think you should lay off of pink and purple now you're nearly 28. no yeah ethan i need to ask you one question yeah should i lay off red too yeah yeah yeah oh okay oh no no he can get away with it it's different [Laughter] oh my god [Applause] yeah i mean i think the pictures helps you because you look sick in the picture as well you look like you look like you've done you look like you've done a couple of push-ups in that picture as well you're doing that push-ups that's that skinny boy adventures this time yeah yeah yeah rounding around yeah you were doing push-ups look at you man i'm not gonna lie this is panoramic panoramic team rob this thing is like a curved monitor this thing is this is it's a curved so smoked [Laughter] just growing it long and letting it come down i think this one isn't as good as this one no i don't know it's foreign it looks like a [ __ ] vr headset my head right now my hair got right now his forehead season yes yeah look at the slices jj sometimes you just gotta take it you know jj the [ __ ] in the chat earlier was [ __ ] this is toby for the first 8 years it wasn't necessarily because of what was underneath yeah use a little hat feed i was like happy i am happy well even she's hold here ethan if you're chasing about the list does it [ __ ] um it might not be fun though i think simon's full blonde one in quarantine could be notched up lads i do no no no look at the pink one ladder i'm going to say the pink one we're going to stay in the pink and red one yeah but it is above that it is a couple above that it's higher up in the quarantine there's a couple above that that's the only one i would not chuck um just be happy just be happy how many monthly listeners does your hair cut on that note it's time to end the show [Music] you
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 6,953,840
Rating: 4.9607978 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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