Man Becomes Tennis Champion and Regrets It

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i'm gonna be the number one tennis player in the league i don't know man raphael's number one hey hey you just stepped up my brand new shoes bro i'm so sorry raphael he had to go out of his way to step on those shoes though to be fair dad doesn't have a lot of money so i can't buy new shoes yeah yeah make your own money then [ __ ] no wonder he sucks don't blame your dad just get a job idiot out of my weight bum hey hey poor boy don't tell me that's your racket yeah why are they like the same brand the good will dude but it looks like it's 100 years old or something bro well it's just it's it's actually the same brand wait wait a minute let's start with practicing serves hey coach there's a problem with roger's payment what do you mean yeah his dad's check bounce so he hasn't paid for any less well wait holy [ __ ] sounds so i don't know the lore but i'm gonna take a guess this is this kid's brother and he got him this role these two look identical i thought this was like a nutty professor situation where he was playing multiple characters but i guess not it's like a tiny bin shapiro i can't be the only one that thinks these two look extremely similar right hey hey by the way by the way you might as well just quit you broke boy well it's kind of exactly what happened he got fired from the tennis team because he couldn't pay 200 to play tennis hey that's a scam you're getting scammed thank you man i appreciate it you think i became champion because i had nice equipment and look where champion got you steve you can't even pay for your son to play tennis at the after-school club jesus christ this is gonna make him want to quit tennis forever steve don't no don't show him it clearly leads to nothing don't do it steve oh god yeah i was i hate tennis now wow it's about being willing to work hard enough yeah that's the attitude of a loser after hearing his dad's story roger gets excited about his dream again he starts practicing every single day with his dad working really hard to good so his unemployed dad is now spending every day not looking for a job it's getting really wonderful roger you're ruining everything with his old gear roger now faces that is a good t-shirt though his gear may be old but that t-shirt is fantastic oh man this one's coming down to the wire oh oh steve he's so proud that's right the high school junior league champ let's go so tell us later playing with some old shoes and an old tennis racket go on you win a championship well a wise man boogie winning isn't about what you have thanks about how hard you're willing to work pretty bad interviewer what's going on so tell me how does someone as poor and homeless as you win a tennis championship in fact don't answer you disgust me get away from me they need to fire that lady that was rude damn darmian's popping off you know i don't think i've ever read the comments to a dharman video are there people that watch it like to learn lessons i wonder yeah it looks like it fair enough trying to give sub it lol right here in your classroom just keep an eye out for anyone who looks suspicious oh i will all right i'll make sure we catch him what the [ __ ] darmian good morning class i bet it's the teacher's drugs to begin with bring me your homework i've been really busy the last couple days busy doing drugs one more day to finish it gee what no i'm giving you an f all right class so the lesson here is don't have a racist teacher oh yeah look i i didn't get much sleep last night what to come up here and solve this problem part partying though it is weird that he's wearing sunglasses in the classroom maybe he does have a hangover go ahead and remove your hood and your sunglasses was this gonna be like a daredevil thing where you got like blinded by acid your eyes are bright red wait what past couple days i've gotten like no sleep and what happened was oh i knew it was you you're on drugs that makes sense gatto i can see that being like english lessons i've never done drugs in my life uh-huh you're going to the principal's office adam uh yes miss karen come up here and solve the problem for the class he can't he's on drugs no problem at all we found out that your son is on it's it's a bit of an overstatement you you assumed based on no evidence is everything okay no it's not uh-oh you see marcus and his father have always been close oh boy wasn't the very best husband that's possible vandalism oh no he was seeing other women behind my back oh no because i didn't want marcus to grow up without a father damn get a load of this crazy person ah this is weird right so you're 18 for sure though right so you see damn she is crying a lot whoa hasn't slept like a million tears oh my goodness i'm so sorry so about those drugs then when did you two start taking drugs but it doesn't change the fact that we found drugs in the classroom there's like 18 other kids in the class what so she's you just need to fire her she's racist well if they weren't yours then who's who are they all who's he carmen san diego he doesn't know what adam he's not an investigator why are you asking him that's your job this must be a mistake i caught him red-handed what is he what are those like citrus pills let me go that's the message the messages just ask instead of assuming i mean there's also the message of don't be racist like you know these well i mean i guess that's part part of the message in that one i guess i don't know the acting is flawless that's why i want to be a beauty influencer when i grow up oh god got the looks and the personality okay it is crazy that people grow up wanting to be like influencers that's wild go next what a what a wild time oh my gosh holy [ __ ] nice job pepperoni face pepperoni face all right settle down well now that was a bit uncalled for when i grew up i actually also want to be a beauty influencer so that i can wait what you want you don't even have a tiara on where's your crown i want to show people that it's your imperfections that make you beautiful what would you do too and gam maybe you should just deliver pizzas pepperoni face that's enough so embarrassing you got her hey guys it's priscilla the pimple popper and today i wanted to talk to you guys about moisturizing your skin look what we have here priscilla the pimple popper priscilla recording a beauty tip well that's not a good why would you i can't believe it's not really a good a good name no i'm saying i know i'm worried i just haven't played it yet again what but why record this easy 10 million views oh man it's popping off on tick tock i posted it on tick tock nice i already have 7 000 views oh christ the whole world's seen it i can't it's your imperfections that make you beautiful that's outrageous what do you mean i mean your skin's not so perfect either oh she spotted a weakness she's going in now spit on her oh my god take away her crown stands there devastated find herself having a complete break holy [ __ ] can't believe what's happening it's over at school she tries to hide it but she can't the whole class starts to make fun of her when they see her face you have a real problem with the the students here avery jesus christ besides acne is totally normal no it's not it's a curse means your family's been cursed it's your imperfection make you beautiful impossible exactly you can also just edit the pictures like sorry forever we don't need to overthink things just edit the pictures thank you for helping me to see that i'm beautiful no matter what well that was easy hey guys it's priscilla the pimple popper and today oh it's still going with me i thought this was like the epilogue hey it's avery the acne assassin what are these names all right but wait aren't you missing something i don't think so she's gonna get pizza oh i thought she's gonna slap her with pizza that's better the ultimate revenge you're too nice priscilla i'm a little disappointed i wish starman would stop writing such nice characters she should have been priscilla the pizza popper and just blaster with pizza and then roll credits shame
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,487,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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