Shaykh Hasan Ali - Illuminati in the light of Quran and Sunnah

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this is like on our human humbly later darling and I want to see you know my Ravana honey he was to all of you Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh we've come here to listen to something about Dina I'm going to go straight into the subject and the title has been you know kept us Illuminati in the light of the Quran and Sunnah and some of you are probably thinking yeah this is it bro this is it it's my day I've been waiting for this wait for someone to copy the Brunson and say it's happening you know the thing is if you know me from the toaster I'm already given on the Internet I haven't made 180 degrees so turning my beliefs about the whole matter so before I go into that because I know some people who switch off straight away and they'll say well I'm not here to hear this just listen to me out nobody is going to die or is going to suffocate or is going to have the whole wall holder sort of world blown out if somebody denies any of the beliefs that some of you might have kept till today okay this is not a session where I want to blow you know blow everything into practice smithereens of all the things that you believed so far and you've seen on YouTube I mean come on YouTube is the source of writing of knowledge yeah of course it is you know and if you ever go to the Internet then you could not go to a better place to learn and all your academics from universities all of you how many of you have been to university I started co-op we add up tomorrow adds up most of you both of you be to come on we ends up good a lot of you in university and you would know that your academics who tell you if you want to do any research you go to google go to youtube you can search over there you know right you know when you submit a paper and if you were to put as a reference Google link or Wikipedia even even Wikipedia there are many universities who will have a tough time accepting Wikipedia as a source because it's open to many people out that is changing it okay if you're not going to make you know that that would not stand listening to University and I know from what they said to us and if you go to the Internet you grab a source and you find something they will not even give you credit for what you found unless and you cannot even put that book reference in unless you've actually gone to the library you've searched for that book you found the book you found the page you found the quotation and you went to the direct source am i talking sense am i talking rubbish to me please tell me come on guys thank you all you all of you who've studied yes thank you thank you okay thank you the rest of you yeah need to go back and learn how to search for information because the first thing is I'm serious guys I'm really serious about this 90 something percent of the population of people if they're going to search for something these days is going to be straight the internet and on the Internet please remember if you were to just do me a favor if you wanna if you want to do me a favor and find out how good the Internet is in terms of finding any information then you do this go and find something you really know well yourself you know about the matter well sir I'm not talking about anything if you're an academic then go and go and search on the internet about the very thing you know for example the other day I met a biomedical scientist okay it's not easy to become and to finish a degree ba and then followed up with an MA in bio medical science it's not easy now this person sitting in front of me I was gobsmacked admah add my mouth over thinking what does that really happen I mean this is a very highly you know that's an intelligent person okay in his bio medical scientist sort of verbs science sort of field he's highly intelligent unlike you you could be anyone here sitting here if you study something which I haven't studied for four years five years six years I am no one to sit in front of you and to challenge you enough I'd say yeah you know what right whatever you studied I'm nowhere near that right now what happens is he's sitting there talking to me about Islam and he's trying to convince me about a thing about Islam which I know I can see right through it and I can see that he's given me all fallacies and most of his information if not all of his information has come from YouTube lectures and he was quoting to me this share and that share from guava - yet look he was telling me telling me said look I've listened to songs awesome so from the Middle East from from America from Britain from Australia so and I said look I know you have they're all of the same caliber and they're all saying the same thing I understand but that doesn't make it mean that that is the only truth out there you need to take the information need to take other shields information you need to then have a judgment which you don't have at the moment but you need to have a judgement that looks over all the different views and then see where you take your position then I couldn't get through to him so I said look my friend let me give you an example I said what are you instead of a biomedical scientist as a fine I said tell me this year tell me a theory that you studied when you were you know in university and he said something about quantum something I don't know what I can't even you know pronounce the thing about you know some physics something I don't know what it was in the in the universe somewhere okay anyway nobody help me it'll help me sorry quantum quantum physics yeah what otherwise I might you swore at me so anyway it's a wonderful theory I know something to do with the how can understand them with something to do with space or something something to do with out there what are these look I'm not that guy who knows this okay I'll admit now searching fine I said really it's really good that you said that then I said didn't listen to me I said no science the way the signs starting your where did he start in your learning he said in school so I said let's go back a bit just a few years back I said when you were studying in university and you were in you know you were doing your GCSEs if somebody said to you when you were in science that time or can you do double science whatever he was you looked at as someone talked about quantum physics one of a is some theory out there I said would you be able to actually a understand the theory and be be able to make a judgement on the theory he said there's no way I would have been able to do that when I was taking my GCSEs I said that's my point to you my poetry is a person who's doing a GCSE is the best the best they can do is to look at the basics of physics look at you know mass volume how things sort of you know move and how things are affected by one mother and so on so for these are basic things in science you don't get very great theories in in science at GCSE level but I said if you had to sit with a GCSE student and he said to you excuse me son so what are you talking about is quantum quantum that don't exist that don't exist no no no I'll tell you what Sciences if he wants to say that how would you react he said I probably love what I said look I'm not trying to belittle you but I want to say to you one thing you are best in your field whatever you are but when it comes to Islam just as you studied six to eight years or whatever it is in your field and you're an expert in your field I'm humbled in front of you when it comes to Islam don't put it down to a few YouTube lectures and a few shares that you can't even pass adjustment over because you can't go beyond them your the GCSE student whose learn Islam they are talking about things on a you know ma level ba degree level and all you can do is be humbled in front of them that's all you can do I'm humbled in front of you with this quantum theory I'm I don't know what to say I haven't read up on it all I can do is just accept what you say and best I can do it just agree with you right I'm no one in your field you have to admit that you are no one in the field of Islam and that's a given factor I don't care how many of you say no shake I don't more than that shake how about behind you some more credentials you know of the Facebook I'm on Twitter I got my friends I love library it doesn't do just uh I got audible wholesale English books I'm at this guy honestly I meant that I'm a local machine he's gone through many English books and he thinks his way you know studying all these are keys and other things to a good level I said listen my friend please yes you have studied but there unless you go to the actual Arabic source able to understand it and then sit through all the different ratios unless you're able to do that you cannot be stuck on a theory it's like listening to even if you listen to a kind Stein even if you listen to Einstein and a theory there's no one in the world who'll say that Einstein is the last dot on the page in physics no one will say that there are so many people come after Einstein some people before Einstein Einstein said a few good theories fine is good the whole world is indebted to him fine but beyond him there's a world of of people who are scientists who have said who come beyond or have touched on areas that he hasn't even touched on so now what's my point my point is this tell me this you come across a YouTube lecture tells you the end of times the prophet sallallaahu said and it gives a happy that is such a super yeah I'm will can compare this the quotation is that the number is then sahi Muslim it says in the book of fittin in the book of tribulations it says that's going to be tall buildings buildings are you gonna buy you thinking this is the time and it's true you look across there look at the Middle East and you look at me you look at the whole horizon you think wow skyscrapers here who never had skyscrapers before but listen my friend there are many Hadees that talk about tall buildings that's not the only one first thing and second is when their prophet alayhi salatu salam said tall buildings do you know if you look in the books of history that the scholars four hundred years ago six hundred years ago eight hundred years ago thought that the tall buildings in their time was the tall buildings of the promise of Allah was talking about do you know that there was a time nobody built a house above the Kaaba in Makka I don't know if you know that several hundred years later after a slew possible artisans demands for the first time people started to build their own buildings above there above the rooftop oh my god this was a piano literally the whole arsenal of somebody's building a house a building in makka al mukarrama that is above the kaaba in an inline un9 illusion they came up with all the hadees they come up with this hadith they said this is the hadith that talks about the end of time they said this is the end of time and we know I cover to us though we love it so much is not the tallest building on the earth in fact what they've done in makka al mukarrama right now okay he is real hey those people saw what we've done or what the people who saw would have done in Makkah they'll be turning in their graves today la la la la looks like a little thing down there when you stand on top of that buildable beat up and that's what holy biddable big been with them they try to make it look like Big Ben okay with all the little fancy is another little when the Mozilla they Avanti all these stars can inaudible the lights what do you want people to do dance what's wrong with you people I hate for a bad that I hate to look at light to go whoa yo check it out let me turn around take the phone I'd selfie selfie you wanna you wanna stop all the selfies out there you've got to stop what you're doing because you make it into Las Vegas you're making your Las Vegas then you complain people are coming they're not for worship but anyway my point is this you look at that ahadees you look all the way across what you will find is there are so many hotties I mean these scholars have been talking about about overtime and guess what it not you say no no no no but shake these buildings to take that the tallest ever the toilet ever the cogito da but how do you know this is not the beginning of a way of skyscrapers across the whole of the world how do you know that how do you know that the prophet sallallaahu wasn't actually talking about countries in their multitude comparing with one another how do you not know that it's beyond what we seek right now because even if you look 10 years ago there's a difference in the tall buildings than today if you look 20 years ago there's a difference in tall buildings and today and you can carry on anyway my point is this hadith comes up about the end of times and what they look at is they say oh you know I'm coming to Illuminati in a bit and I hope my time allows it but about the job of something else okay what they do is they make a theory oh the Prophet said okay there's gonna be the child will be around for this many days and his first is gonna be this many days the second is many days and so on and from that they've moved to a theory - I'm the seriously from the days of the when the doll is around and his power on the earth and so on they moved to a theory of the dollar the pound and something like the or something I can't even remember what is some of these some of these crazy videos sometime back just to that you know so I I watch this night the thing is okay they're talking about three different currencies and the saying the first currency lasted this long the second currency is gonna last this long and the third system and this is each is happening whoa whoa whoa stop there my friend stop there number one is rasool ullah sallallahu never talked about currencies in that hadith you be careful how you actually be something perhaps on a logarithm he you said the words about days it could be a metaphor yes but you must be at you must stop yourself in the track and say the premise of Allah Collison mentioned this we don't know what he actually meant but it could be this this is my opinion not the prophet sallallaahu lessons words when they make the theory they almost go straight into you believing that this was what the process of law has meant and then the other thing is though when you look at you know I mean theories like yeah Jewish man Jews are the Caucasians is you serious I feel like bringing up a picture of a minyan here in a minion yeah with one eye looking at thing you see this [Music] Caucasians so because you watch when I read that these are scholars on the internet seriously pumping in time the youth eternally means the hits are like 100,000 200,000 300,000 hit people are liking them yeah yeah go shake don't shake when his wife's a Caucasian did you marry you do to my Judy forgiving re open your eyes look at the extent of where they're going they're calling American Caucasians they're calling them yeah did Matthew is Nike follow the theory you gotta see this problem because if you look across the hadith is my point you go to other you see vassula lots of muharram says for every human being it's a scientist Muslim for every human being that is thrown in Hellfire there will be 999 yeah dude Matthew that will go into Hellfire my point to you is my friend if a human is a human and yajna dude is almost something different to the human you must give some credit to this hadith and say at least say let's stop maybe we haven't understood the hadith properly at least say that if not be just and say you probably misleading people because how can the prophet sallahu say insan' a human being and then sane an intelligent man dude and if those nine or 99 work occasions then are they not in sang are they not human beings oh my god if you take that literally if you take the whole path of hadith you see that one hadith says yeah dude man dude come after the job very clear sorry honey how can you say Caucasians are you man you today when the jar hasn't even come out so where's your justice to Holly they take one honey they make it sound to you that this is it you take my hadith and honestly if you got no if you're at the GCSE level what I said to you earlier GCSE level you've got no way of verifying this information you'll fall flat on your face and say yeah this is it this is the biggest city shake tell me more you'll be there Jackie Nora's online but the thing is when you come to real hadith real study look across when you know the Arabic when you know that these are in certain books which most people are not talking about when you look at them and you analyze them all across you get a total different picture that is my that is my point to you anyway let me move I had listened to this year this second point I want to make to you is the theories that people sometimes make is coming from hearsay it's not from evidence of fact let me give an example okay Here I am I'm going to Juma this is four years ago I'm off to Juma my local machine Edmonton North London I'm going to do my part my car I'm coming and there's a person waiting in another car he opened the door as I'm approaching his car he comes out and he said Salam so said said ironically so he says to me you go into coma I said it's done go to Jamaa it's a canister a minute fine go ahead he said have you heard of this theory said and he was basically he was in Seventh day Adventist Church follow-up you can check that up later on I didn't even know what me who these people were anyway he said to me have you heard this series you believe in Islam I said yes so he tried to talk to me that Islam is is actually false so I kind of was big you know gain late to Juma I said I'll see you some other time please shook his hands went for the mask of Kelly guess what next week again same place the guys there he waits for me open this door same talk okay man's waiting for me okay you weren't around - huh okay so anyway he comes out I thought this time I had a bit more time I said - I spent 25 minutes with myself - give me your theory so you know his theory was I don't let you guys believe you're not but tell me this this is absolutely true and I went to I want to do research on this and actually found that they do have these beliefs they beliefs are that our religion is an offshoot of Christianity that we Islam was an offshoot of Christian cow okay what's next he said you were originally the worshipers of moon God's moon God moon God yes he your symbol is everywhere that was simple is that you look at every minaret and top of the mirror and you see a crescent and a star I said that's true that's your God huh stop me this yeah oh yeah stop me that what you had to say he said no no he said if you're looking and this is what he's done is he's taking certain bits of history he's put them together he's made a whole theory and he's not alone in this he has a professor that started the movement a professor with white hair done PhD in ortho space a pillar who at the man go crazy in the head a seriously that guy has got a professor I he gave me you know what getting the third week he gave me a DVD he said watch this these are three oh I put the DVD on I was through it and these are another professors doing he's not giving you any he's not giving you anything that that is the second of the of the internet or anything no he's actually gone to the sources he's giving you information but it's all small piece of information put in a wrong order in a wrong and concussion to try and make you believe something that doesn't really exist so this is a failure the theory is Christian she lost its way then somehow the Arabs were already who already worship the moon and we know some I love the worship in the moon has got evidence for that he said those Arabs decided to and especially Muhammad sallallaahu assalam according to their Theory okay is that he got influenced by this and he wanted them to worship something like the Christians those Christians also joined with his Muslims they made a whole movement and from there they moved on to this massive religion called Islam and throughout the 14th centuries of Islam his peaked are certain artifacts and says this is the evidence of how they transform themselves from a Christian movement to what is now Islam and I seriously thought what in the world how does someone because tell me this anyone here who's a Muslim believes in that we end up sister was doing a hijab okay please sister please NHS just on the road here serious thing is no one you are your minds to believe is none let me tell you why I'm telling you this let me tell you why I'm doing this yeah individually the fact I'll tell you one thing about the minaret the minarets are not supposed to have stars and and em presents no one is dumb no hadith no Quran talks about putting a crescent and a star but please don't go to Eastern the Moscow start knocking it down here please here Christ I know some of you have been saying okay they're not supposed to be there seriously there's no hadith did not panic verse there's nothing there's nothing I do you can search for it you won't find anything how did it happen well some Emperor some kanaeva somewhere probably thought is a nice idea to for decoration to put the star the crescent because the crescent is the birth of the new month of Ramadan another Eid so there's probably four let's just put that as an artifact Simon act like a design and a little star why a star because maybe there's a you know Quran took somewhere about star would be new to me whom you have to do something let's just make it look nice and 1300 years like 9:30 but maybe 700 800 years later there's people who making a whole theory out of the thing now let me tell you one thing brothers and sisters there's a reason why I'm telling you this now they tell you one more little story before I tell you my will they go and tell you yeah I had some money mark this is really true yeah this is real talk now I'm not talking here somebody my family got married and then the women in the household said to me said did you hear what he did Mary said what he took his wife to a nightclub you mean that relative who praises Salah who praises a lot took his wife to a nightclub now think is the women in the household of my household were talking about this you know what I did this is what you need to do guys is why you did it I said tell me who told you this because I'm going to go to the source I'm not going to take a theory on board without actually go to the very source so they said okay someone said it to me so I ran some so I said did you say that some so went to a nightclub with his wife afterimage she says no I said they went to a place which was a club with a lot of people there okay okay who told you that who told me that sound so so I contacted her and I said what did you really say she said I said they went to a museum [Music] this is real I'll tell you real Cassatt okay who told you that back to another source what did you say she said I said they went to a wax museum okay then I went to the original source and I said what did you say he said I said they went to Madame Tussauds Madame Tussauds next person says wax museum next one says Museum next one says a place with a lot of people like a club and next one says nightclub or nightclub the cut is the cut radical team a club and the women of my household are talking about it and it's like a factual already and no one's gone to the source and this is what I'm trying to ask you brothers and sisters who are listening especially to the to the camera if you listen to this online later on please just go and sit down have a nice cup of tea and ask yourself what did you do to try and get to the source of the information now what did you do did you actually get to the source of the information the reason why I told you the storage brothers is why all of you have been you know you've heard all this Illuminati you've heard all of these this series and so on that and you know what's happened over time okay fine I'm not gonna deny that the Illuminati exist someone sheikha Thor's gonna die my whole life's research not gonna say that on this maybe they do exist maybe okay fine um you guys in on another do exist because you jumps in the handshake you not seen them do that and I say that without you don't see them it's left-hand check and I see there had a whole new you know Seema put a hand here here yeah I'm serious all these signs occupying songs of it is also did you will need that is really whoa whoa whoa whoa fine fine one thing is just accept that these people exist but another thing is to say that they are all communicating together on the one platform on the one level where you proof for that well it's assumed that they do that because they all throw the same signs okay okay stop there you have the Freemasons in and the Freemason triangles and son look don't get me wrong Freemasons exist as well fine fine have a happy day fine yeah you stop taking your pills have a happy day fine okay they exist they exist okay you can see science I'm not be serious about it you can see Masonic signs around fine they exist is that it is that what you want you don't know no I want to know further I want to know how you may defeat you how you believe in the theory that any Martin Freemason together and with many other world leaders and banks and I don't know what else this whole colossal giant you made that is a one big massive organization that is about to take over the whole of the world and consuming everyone from beneath and the Earth's gonna crack under your feet and you're suddenly gonna fall down or something or you're gonna be absolutely left with no power whatsoever because if you read all the theories and how they're painted all of that you know musicians that okay fine certain musicians are under the influence fine I'll now set the film characters are fine on some presidents I've said fine you've seen his science but where's the link where's the proof of that all of them are communicating together I don't see it I have never been presented with it this is not proof you've never gone to the actual source you can only go and sit to your to the other guy who comes and sits awake with you at 2:00 a.m. in the morning and watching this stuff and saying bro bro they're taking over they're coming yeah that's all you could do maybe online with some other people on the forum you've got the best thing going on I'll tell you one thing yeah people who come with conspiracy theories have been always around for centuries please understand this second is conspiracy theories the greatest thing is the greatest way they actually move on is when you have got no way or they haven't got the way I've actually gone to their cultural source just like the Seventh day Adventists his professor and a whole movement said Islam is an offshoot of Christianity he come he came to me a proper Muslim he came to me an imam I'm telling him pieces on rubbish I'm telling him that this is not true he's saying haha I mean he gonna say that I've got proof and he wants to show me his crescents and Stars and he wants to show me Ottoman Empire had this and I want to show me you did this in this century and so on and the low low low low stop the stop that these are small things random things you put together and you made it seem like we actually form a whole history where Islam is an offshoot from Christianity no it's not is it nanananana you are that and he's trying to give me Dawa to convert to be a seventh-day Adventist seventh-day Adventist Church fellow and I'm trying to tell you that look this is not the truth the whole DVD you make with all the references and a professor behind it giving all the references does not make it any legit but he did not want to listen to me I'm asking you brother or sister who's gone through this series the first thing you wanna ask yourself is whether you prove how far have you got done how do you really real in loominatee follower who actually came to you in his real form real skin and said to you I was part of that group I mean yeah do you still swim none of those a YouTube clip here that part that person was part of it yes they exist fine but the power that you've given to them in your mind is a serious mistake most people have made a serious mistake in this day and age especially youngsters they think that these secret organization you telling me their secret yes they are secret organizations fine just like they mi5 and mi6 a secret organization CIA is a secret organization there are many different secret organizations out there of them Illuminati Freemasons only just two they're only just two organizations fine but if I asked you look mi5 mi6 we actually agree they do exist we can verify them right within both with their sauce we can go to the headquarters in London but could you go any further in trying to find out how they mi5 even operates the answer is no unless you're an mi5 agent or an mi6 agent and would they give you the information readily no they wouldn't because the whole point of a secret society please understand what you are asking people to do for us to accept all the information you said you're asking us to infiltrate into a secret organisation and to verify all the information that they have them come back and say you know what you were right it's not going to happen that easily my friend because their secret ok fine you found a few secret things about them but you don't know the rest of what they're really about how they operate what they really do they could really be an organisation that is just dying out seriously it could be an organization has infiltrated into certain people but they don't have the influence that they really want it could be you don't know I don't know I tell you what we do know we know the Quran we know the Sunna and I'm going to give you some quotes about Quran Sunnah which I want you to go and think about in the time of I'm not saying this before if you actually searches on YouTube Illuminati and freemason put my name you find the whole story I'm not gonna put 15 minutes here right now I'm gonna tell you in about two minutes three minutes is healthy you can check it up later on and see hear the whole story one of the moments in history of the Koran when you could not do anything dare do anything except people were watching you is the time of musa alayhi salatu salam but it's trying to a slaves slaves real slaves they were tortured daily the women were raped there was pillage going on they had to work for that for the slave masters the Pharaohs okay and every day they had no rights they could not even look at the Sun rising except that there's no freedom some sets that don't freedom anytime they whisper a soldiers near them listen to them if you know him builds a whole tower tells tells a man to build a tower and he looks looks to see what they're doing are they working for him and in the midst of all of that you find Musa al-salaam that gets born and please listen to the whole information on my other YouTube clip which talks about how threatening it was Musa Alice's mother to give birth to this boy baby boy because fear I'm going to kill him now in the midst of all of that musa alehsalaam is born he is thrown into a river in a basket the basket goes to to the enemy's hands their enemy falls in love with him the enemy and his wife they pick him up and take him to the palace and the child moves allah salem doesn't take any milk except later on the sister of musa alehsalaam comes and says should I tell you a person who can milk this baby and this big baby would actually take the milk to his mouth and I said who because all the women now suffer completely completely crazy with this kid crying not taking any milk from any woman she said I'll fetch it and who did she fetch she fetches her mother moon silas and mother who comes in the palace of their own mother and baby reunited and breastfeeding the child Allah Azza WA JAL in the time when our homes wealth was magnificent in missile he controlled it with his wealth in the time when Haman due to all the structures and he was the Mason in the time when Pharaoh own had the government so he got the government you got the Masons you got the financial sort of economic banks were on us that's Karume for you all three he last year on maja man what karun I sent to all three of the Musa and when I lost seven musa alehsalaam all three were conspiring if they could to kill musab asylum guess what Allah said you want to kill him I'm gonna make you raise him you wanna kill him I'm gonna make you raise him when Allah said one Mikado warmer color la la la who how you make it in they secretly plotted and Allah plotted and Allah is the best of those who secretly plot you know where the ayah is that I is in surah al-e-imran you know where exactly it is it's when ISA ELISA Lam was in Damascus is essentially it's a suppose in Palestine he Salazar emotion for the sea and ISA al-assad solemn had a whole giant system against him the rope and Empire who could lay a finger on the Roman Empire one of the wings in an army had twenty thousand soldiers on this side twenty thousand from twenty thousand back twenty thousand middle twenty thousand that was a small army if they wanted to show you Mike they upped it to a hundred thousand hundred thousand hundred thousand each way five hundred thousand men on the ground this is the Roman Empire and that's only just one great army they had who's going to stand up to them the Jewish people some of them not all of them some of them conspire against each other some they wanted him killed so they went to the government and they said to the government of the time they said this man if you let him go on with his speeches he will ruin your kingdom you need to get rid of him he will seal preached to the poor people he'll get them on his side and then after that the taxes that you're getting you will not get any more taxes left there won't be able taxes all the poor people before him he's the Prince of these poor people you won't stop him becoming King you better do something about it they didn't want to kill him themselves they wanted their Romans to kill him so the Romans called it is how they surround and they questioned him and they you know according to biblical sources they tortured him in our sources we don't have anything about torture but nonetheless they grilled him and what does Allah say Allah says they made such a conspiracy they mace blasts me against his mother they tried to put him down because of blasphemy against his mother they tried to say that they will go for his allies and no killing they tried to do all of this and these are the very people who I gave in the book on the earth to rule the earth with I said ok oh my god Allah who did he said I said one half he had a few followers disciples a few disciples he said man I'm sorry it a lot who are going to help me for the sake of a lot a few people stood up in the history books it says maybe between 12 and 17 people stood up and they said we are going to be next to you even they will read themselves Lisa Lisa Liang was literally to himself with a large following but very weak gathering what did allah azzawajal do allah azza wajal made this a lesson imagine this they made him go with the per minute of series in this but amidst the crowd on that Friday they wanted to kill him at some point they surrounded his house they're very different of Syria I don't know which one to pick because we all have we can't give credit to and preference to anyone over another but you know what happened in the midst of all the turmoil in the midst of the dust rising and the Sun about to be set and they're all cheering to kill him and they're taking him you know the midst of a massive crowd a lot of the adult says yeah he's a meme whatever freak wore off you're okay alais he said this to him before he even got to the crowd o-hisa I'm going to what I'm gonna do I'm gonna transfer you I'm going to lift you to myself the middle of the crowd alleges lifted at least alehsalaam body and soul together to the heavens and Allah says what Allah who won our salah boohoo well I can should be hella whom they did not kill him they did not slain him they did not crucify him but it was made to sing to them or something was very clouded upon them that they thought they did something like that wah market Alleluia Tina by all certainty they never killed him but Rafa Allahu Allah but Allah lifted him to himself now you wanna you I don't care how many conspiracies theories you come with me how many secret organizations do does has any organization ever and will any organization ever groups system power governance anything on the earth no matter how many allies they make no matter how many converts Confederates they have no matter how many agreements that have between them do you ever think that on the earth of Allah Azza WA JAL that Allah will be beaten never in fact Allah plans way ahead of them unless a lies there when they're planning what they're going to do and I love cut straight through the planning let me give you another one secret societies in the purpose of Muslims time I'm just gonna give the name secret societies why because there was a lot of whispering going on about who's gonna do what who's gonna do what ok so here are the Medina people and they don't know what's going on some tribes in Medina started to go and talk in my can say look let's wipe the Muslims completely out let's have them completely out this was after the Bala for heard those people in Makkah said look look look last time we went it was tough but that was tough or would we just about skate we want the biggest organization ever greatest allied movement ever to quash the Muslims so they said ok are you with us courageous and we with you they went through try to try in Makkah they went to the outskirts of medina tried to try banu got van all these different different armies different peoples all said yes at one moment we're all march in Medina and we'll wipe them out and this was the Battle of the Azov rasool ullah sallallahu only had a few days to prepare and it built a ditch which most of you probably know about and all personal lares we could do was to sit there behind the rocks and to duck down every single day there was no way you take on ten thousand ten thousand of an army that came with many allies together and Allah says yeah you had ladina a man who oh you who believe this is in surah hazard in the in the story of the Confederates surah number 33 yeah I you Hal Lavina a man who o you who believe whose Karuna Mottola alaikum remember the gift of your Lord this is how allah plans if Jarrah undo noodle when they when the Confederates the armies came for you for our Sun Ra Allah says I said my army they came for you I said my Allah says assalam income they came from beneath you from on top of you from around who they came and you in the mid were seeing what ballarat will pull over like an agile yo your hearts came to your throats because you saw death around you and from within Medina the very people that were on the side of the Muslims they were even they even went against them people not Muslims but there were other people hypocrites and others who turned against the Muslims from both sides they were going to be beaten what was a las army at that time do you know at a time when Medina was the biggest place for the Las Olas and what was the I mean this was it this was the holiest time is going to be crushed right now Hollywood star about to crush was Allah Allah said Allison LA I sent one of my armies which is the win Halas one wind that tends blew away the big pots blew away the animals were fleeing they fled with their animals opposite a very simple very simple word army of Allah and he will finished you think in this day and age Allah cannot do that with a simple switch being switched off somewhere with a simple thing being done somewhere that the whole world cannot change again to something different to what we don't know of it now I want you to think about this there's quite a bit more that I want you to get across they've told me I've got a few minutes and let me tell you about this rasulullah sallallahu as - given as a hadith in Sahih Muslim society Hadees and I really want you to think about this Hadees I'm going to read it out to you okay this is a hadith in Muslim so bad so bad would be Allah our moon who was the servant of the purpose of the logarithm he reports and he says the messenger of allah sallallahu said this and I want you to please listen to this carefully especially those who believe okay it's a caveny he says so one of the along it says that the promise of love him said in allah azza wa ali allah o allah contracted the entire earth for me to see this is obviously from miracles of the protoplasm Allah made the whole earth come in front of him with the future of his Ummah for a to Mashhadi Baja wanna Arriba I saw all the eastern regions and what's going to happen to my Ummah in those regions basically and I saw the western regions magari Baja in those days that when they commented on this hadith the furthest they could comment on the West was Morocco because Morocco was the last land at the most ever occupied they did not know about America they did not know about Britain they did not know about Western Europe they did not know all of this I want rasool' ocellaris is mockery Baha the western regions he includes the entire West as all as well as the eastern regions why in almaty say a blue moon ha ha Mizzou zu zu Ian Amina and my Omar shall reach shall reach all of those sovereignties somehow all of those sub trees of whatever a lot contracted from me right now if you're sitting in the West right now listen this Hadees this tells you that you're part of this now listen what corty took insane al a comma as well as well and I've been given me the proper wasn't saying this I've been given two trains one red and one black now what are these two treasures nobody will be able to say for certain even the scholars have committed in the past have talked about the Persian Empire and their currency being one and they talked about the Roman Empire and their currencies being one as in their currencies and the whole empires the Muslim to take over that's what they said in the country before but you know what we don't have to say that was the last commentary because they did not know where Islam would go 1400 years later they did not see what today is about when Muslims that reach today they would have commented differently had they known what has happened today but I'm not going to make any comment to that I don't know what red and black means could mean anything I don't know honestly I don't know I know I'm not going to comment any further but maybe carry on with the hadith well in mistletoe rugby I asked my lord legume ah tea in favor of my own man Allah you liquor hardy sanity I said oh Allah don't destroy my Ummah with a plague well I use a little Allah human I do I mean see WA and Fuu see him and I said o Allah don't bring one large enemy listen carefully don't bring any one large enemy over my Ummah except that that enemy is from themselves and break break the strength that they have and the Sun Tan power dignity they have our Allah if you are ever going to make an enemy that is powerful enough to cause damage to my Ummah to such a big extent then let it not be from outside of them if you're going to do it let it be from within them you know why he made his dog it's not those prophecies Lawson is making a bad girl for us because in an earlier one he asked for no enemy to ever take over us and Allah said and he also asked for the Muslim not to fight each other and Allah said I cannot allow that the Muslim group basically will fight each other so in this one he knew that the Muslims will fight each other and there might be enemy that will come over my ummah so let it be from within the ummah not outside the home i let them fight themselves because if the muslims fight themselves at least then they will not completely wipe each other out but if an outsider comes then they would want to wipe them completely out please don't take a wrong impression of the hadith the hadith is not asked the Prophet is not saying for us to fight he's trying to stop it but he knows Allah has already decreed this so he said ok if there is an enemy they let it be from within themselves and then the prophet sallallaahu islam's says my lord said to me ya Muhammad Muhammad in me either obey Allah and find a hula you wrote when I decree something it is never turned over nobody can go against what I decree then Allah says well in the Alpha to Kali o matic and I have declared and decreed for your home man that they will never have a plague that will completely destroy the entire Ummah well Allah Allah Ta'ala Hadouken in Syria and to see him and I will never send an enemy that will be able to overpower them completely except if it's something within themselves yes to be available to whom that it will actually cause damage from within well I wish tom hollie he may be at home in bayit area even if all the different parts of the world allies got together and they all wanted to do something to your OMA I will never allow that except the biggest destruction your own mobile calls is from within itself Allah has decreed through the prophets of the mouthing words in Sahih Muslim that one blood enemy cannot come over so I want you to think about that if he loominatee had the power that it can make all these governments come together with all the signs you've seen and all the parts of the handshakes and the signs and everything else and if you think that one large one new world order will just completely swipe over this ummah then this hadith says it will never happen it says that in clear words and the biggest problem we have is between ourselves the reason why they overpower us today is not because of their power it's because of our weakness wake up the reason why they seem so strong is not because of their own strength but because of our own inability wake up Allah said now quran wa antumul a'launa in kuntum meaning you are the strongest you are the highest you are the most supreme if you are believers if you believe you practice what you believe that will be your greatest thing in the hadith where he talked about that nation's devouring us in that hadith he said what he said you be plenty number but you'll be likely like they're the dirt that the oceans bring to the seaside Lusaka was I saying they said message me of Allah how will this happen that the nations will come to devour us you know there's a famous hadith just check it up you'll find it and in that hadith the Prophet identified our problem with what he said allows he will smite your hearts with weakness in your heart and they said what is that internal weakness in our heart he said what he said dunya acaba here to note he said the love of the world and the hate of death he said well that's a very key factor of why your weaknesses in the first place wake up and in this hadith the hadith a quote from Sahih Muslim about the the east and the west is the final thing I would say and I'm Donna Shalala in that hadith you know the purpose of the laws me he said that it will not be ever a be able to be taken over by plague well if you look in the history of the Muslims you will see that plagues came and parts of the whom our wiped out to plagues even say the knocked over the alarm on whose time a plague came and wiped out a whole nation in a country but you know what the hadith means the hadith Rasulullah sallallahu me draw that one plague does not take over the entire oh man one go and destroys was all in one goal which means that small plagues can come and destroy a country here and the country Muslims there yes that can happen but we will not all be overtaking like that and their part about if there was an enemy outside of us they may be able to influence certain countries are certain times and certain points but they would not be able to influence the entire Ummah so you wake up and the final thing I will say to you please brothers and sisters if nothing has gone inside then no know that Allah Azza WA Jalla has repeated in the whole Quran in Allah Allah machine believe in who Allah coalition a whole people to shape our the these phrases he is the most powerful over everything he has a power of everything surely he has power of everything he has repeated his tens of times in the Quran you know why he wants to tell us that no matter where you are whether you find yourself as masala said I mean is time completely overpowered whether yaku bar esalaam where you don't know where Yusuf is and you just sit in a crime whether you are a use of inside the well and you don't know what's tomorrow whether you are new heloisa live in a desert building a boat and you people are laughing at you whether you are facing the Giants of a hardened thermode and you think how will these people be taken down whether you are like Ibrahim and I said I said I'm being thrown in a fire and saying that the whole nation is against me nobody wants to worship Allah in the city whether you're Muhammad sallallaahu SLM in a cave in La Roja indicating in the thought and you're hiding there for three days and the enemies are looking for your head and there's a bounty on your head for a hundred camels or whoever find you wherever that case is whatever that case is you should know that the strongest is allah azza wajal and if you win Allah nobody no matter what like rasool ullah sallallahu said to Abdullah bin our bus by final hadith of Lebanon bus is in front of sorry who's behind parcel are some pretzels and said oh abdullah Bernard bass remember these words for the vodka you be mindful of Allah Allah will be there for you tariff in Allah raha yeah because he's the that you get to know Allah a good times Allah will be there for your bad times and then he said well I'm an alumni remember that even the whole world was to come together and they came to try and get at you and caused you harm and Allah does not decide that harm comes to you then Allah will make sure that they will not be able to harm you by the least and if the whole world wanted to benefit you and Allah wanted to harm you then you will not be able to stop Allah you will have harm to you so how does your kita my brothers and sisters wanna darling
Channel: almiftaah
Views: 11,310
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Id: rphtiE-f3SM
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Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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